All in all though, this thread is kind of depressing - causing me to think about a variety of things.
I consider myself an average player. The combination of experience and a mix of some decent gear helps offset some of just what a crappy pilot I am....working out to about average. I tend to fly things that are more fun than they are optimized...and well, that doesn't help me be more than average - but that's my choice, it's fun, so I can deal with that.
When folks show up for an ISE run doing 1-2k DPS, I have to wonder why they're there instead of ISN. Is it some ego thing? Lol, yeah doing 4-6k DPS is an ego thing when there are folks doing 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k+ DPS. Like I said, I'm average at best. The requirements for ISE aren't that much. 1-2k DPS, however, would be below the requirements. The requirements are pretty damn low, though.
Which gets into isn't exactly "Elite" content then, is it? I'm certainly not "Elite" by any means. Hell, it wouldn't even be "Advanced" content. It would be "Normal" or "Average" content. Normal would be "Casual" content, right?
Thus the discussions about changing how things are, eh?
Casual = Normal
Normal = Elite
Advanced =
Elite =
Nightmare =
Looking at the Advanced, you know - it may not be needed, right? With the mix of the Elite and Nightmare there, not really a need for Advanced. Well, actually - there probably is. Folks wouldn't like a level called Casual. So you'd have to have Casual labeled as Normal. Then you'd be left with what to call the current Elite, so it would probably be a case of going with Advanced...even though it's just Normal...calling it that to avoid the complaints about calling something Casual.
Normal = Casual
Advanced = Elite
Elite =
Nightmare =
So what would Elite and Nightmare be? Well, think about all the ways in which the content and NPCs have been nerfed over the years, eh? Unnerf it...and you'd probably have a decent starting point for the Elite. Nightmare would be some sort of private queue difficulty level that could be whatever...I'm an average player, I'm never going to see it. Let the Elite folks discuss what that would be, am I right?
But that's all "team" stuff...what about "solo" stuff? Match up the effort/difficulty to the team stuff. If something solo is as difficult or requires as much effort as a "Normal" team thing...then it would reward the same. If something requires as much effort as an "Advanced" thing...etc, etc, etc.
If it didn't even require the effort or have the difficulty of the "Normal" team stuff, then obviously it is going to reward less...
If a solo player is up to a greater challenge, they should be able to earn a greater reward.
There's room for all sorts of things in the game...but the folks that feel entitled to things, there's no room for that garbage.
I am a solo player for the most part, that goes for all the MMO's I have ever played. I am not an uber elite player so I can't solo STF's but its no big deal queuing for a group like you can in a lot of MMO's these days. to be honest I think some revamped versions of the full original STF's should come back and have even better gear for the players that do them.
If you choose not to do harder group content then you should not expect to be able to get the same gear as the players that do. Its up to you to pull your finger out and work as a team. And I am speaking as someone who never gets the top end gear, I don't raid but that's my choice, better players need a challenge to keep them entertained. Its an MMO, its not MY game.... its a shared game.
Of course the hard endgame content has to gives exklusive rewards thats the point. And those have to be good. Otherwise there is nompoint in teamimg up. And thats the point of an mmo.
If you dont want to do it, fine, don't do it. You won't need it outside of the hard instances anyway.
Also the exclusive rewards could become tradable. Then pure solo players can buy them from exchange.
People who come to an mmo and want to do what an mmo is for, which is teaming up and doing that kind if content should be able to do that. And they should have a reason. And that can only be exclusive high end rewards.
Sorry, you don't get to define the proper way to play an MMO.
And all the drivel you just spouted is the standard raider screed about how only they should get the best rewards.
This simply isn't true in the least. Games that have high end raid content do not have "second class citizens" in my experience. They're just players who haven't completed the grouped raid content yet. If those players don't want to do the group content, that's their choice. If they want to whine about raid content gear not being obtainable solo, then that's just plain stupid.
STO could use a whole lot more team oriented content IMO. There isn't much of a need for anything other than pew pew in this game. It would be nice to see some "traditional" team content IMO.
I don't know what games you've been playing but any mainstream MMO the non-raiders are second class citizens (and no, I'm not just talking about WoW)
That doesn't excuse them being there. They're basically just leeching. There should be requirements to do any of the content. Again, with the requirements being so low - it wouldn't take much to get to the point of being there other than as a leech.
edit: When I've got a new toon, knowing that I'm going to be doing little to help out the team - I uh, run the normal content - do other things...until I can at least contribute rather than just leech.
Should: yes, reasonably. MUST, no. At best you're arguing for a failsafe, not a critical component of the game.
You're perhaps fixating on a MINOR (and might I say offhand) point I was trying to make. The chat box is simply non-essential. You CAN do without it IF you do not want to interact with other players (see. point of this thread). However as with any tool that might cause some inconvenience down the line. I will not however put the issue as being any more imperative than that.
Not using the chat window is simply an inconvenience that will (from direct experience) only affect a small minority of the games you play. While not EVERY player is observant, chances are you will be matched with at least one other person who isn't going to take it on blind faith that the important tasks are performed. And often that's all you need, which while not in the interests of the niche audience seeking "hardcore" group content does provide quite a lot more stability to the greater bulk of public PVE matches.
I disagree, and from personal experience, the implications of "simply closing down the chat box" run far deeper than just "some inconvenience". It's a method of thinking which I am opposed to; the method of thinking where players believe the team is there to support them, and not the other way around.
I see this all the time, in both PvE and PvP content. You get the rare player who blatantly tries to take command of the fleet, but in most cases players don't say anything and assume, or expect, players to follow their lead or know what they are doing. They don't view team communication as an essential part of any teamed event, and they don't realize that as part of a team they should contribute to the team - NOT "the team is supposed to serve them".
This method of thinking can't be fixed by a patch or by a nerf. However, having the option to close down the chat box doesn't help the situation at all. In fact, I would go one step further and ask Cryptic to write a code so the button which closes down chat isn't available when in a teamed event (such as PvE queues or PvP).
You talk of stability in PvE matches. Stability which you claim will only be attained by one person on a team who is observant and diligent in picking up the slack. This isn't stability, this is irresponsibility on the other members of the team.
Stability in PvE teamed events would be maximum communication between each and every team member. I've seen this work; a full team of undergeared Connies could finish an ISE, where I have seen a few ISEs fail due to a lack of any type of communication. In teamed events, communication is key.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
imo sto should just have every thing a solo version and team version this count all stf's all fleet mission every thing should have this option again my opinion
reason i say this sto is beyond the point of being one or the other even at end game
Being able to SOLO pretty much the entire game and if and when needed to queue into a groups to do pve missions is the MAIN reason why I will never stop playing and supporting this game.
imo sto should just have every thing a solo version and team version this count all stf's all fleet mission every thing should have this option again my opinion
reason i say this sto is beyond the point of being one or the other even at end game
I don't have a problem with this.
My only hard spot is when on one playstyle is rewarded at end. Right now this is the one game where Lone Wolves can advance as far as everyone else. I would just prefer it remain that way.
To use a very overused phrase. There are many many many games that cater to raiders. Many are also F2P, why not play one of them.
Can we please have one game that doesn't cater to that group?
Can we please have one game that doesn't cater to that group?
The better rewards that folks ask for - would simply be better rewards of currencies. This game does not have the typical loot drop angle common to many MMOs. So what would be wrong with having more difficult content that rewarded more of a currency? How would that be catering to "that" group?
Having soloable content is important for MMO's. I know they're multiplayer, and they should be, but sometimes you don't have anyone you want to team with. Or you simply don't feel like interacting with people. :P
The better rewards that folks ask for - would simply be better rewards of currencies. This game does not have the typical loot drop angle common to many MMOs. So what would be wrong with having more difficult content that rewarded more of a currency? How would that be catering to "that" group?
I'm OK with that...EXCEPT.
They like to slip in special currencies; BNPs, Voth Implants, Dyson Commendations, etc...
If they just keep the same currencies but give more I would have no issue. As long as soloers can get the same amount in a REASONABLE amount of time.
I've played WoW too and never felt like I was a second class citizen. If that's your experience in other MMOs, you weren't in the right guild or didn't team with the right people.
If you're OK with everyone getting their uber raid gear and then using it to faceroll all of the single player content too so they can get whatever rewards it offers (like reps) that's you.
Because if you ever want to see raiders flip out...Just after they say they need uber gear for raid content because it's harder....suggest that that uber gear not function outside of raid zones.
They like to slip in special currencies; BNPs, Voth Implants, Dyson Commendations, etc...
If they just keep the same currencies but give more I would have no issue. As long as soloers can get the same amount in a REASONABLE amount of time.
Funny because at one point they admitted there were too many currencies in this game. They did a decent job at consolidating them and then...they released more currencies. lol
Take out BNPs, Voth Implants, etc and replace them with a global 'Starfleet Commendation' or something of that nature and STO would be far more enjoyable and much less grindy.
Read about half the thread and there's a lot of nonsense going on so I'm just going to drop my opinion here and wonder if it'll turn some heads about anything;
Am I the only one that's had enough of getting a static group together for the same time each week to smash my head against raid content? Am I the only one who thinks 10 years of it is enough?
Star Trek Online has a few primary differences over its MMO kin in that its possible to get extreme high end ships and gear by playing with PUGs. Most of it completely solo if you get your marks through adventure zones and the like. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; the only difference in this respect between other MMO's is that you aren't held back by bad teammates when going for the pieces you need for top end content. You get your daily grinding done, no fuss, no pain, and that can only be a good thing in comparison to the suggested alternative.
The primary difference here is not that the endgame content doesn't require a static, it's that the "heroic raid" equivalent content in STO simply does not exist in the first place, No Win Scenario nonwithstanding. You do the grind, get the gear, then you're done and waiting till the next patch unless you're contributing to a fleet starbase.
If anything, it's not the current endgame that needs changing, it's the addition of the next platform of play that is needed. C'est la vie, the hinted at rank increase and the introduction of the Iconians as the primary endgame antagonist. Then you simultaneously have an avenue to release the next level of gear beyond what we're grinding reputations for now, and the addition of that top level platform in which to flex our well earned endgame muscles and do things like make that Attract Fire command and Sci subsystem power drains relevant in PvE play.
The foundation is already in place; unique game modes are coming out all of the time and all can serve as exploratory ideas for the release of this new platform of play, which will in turn make them mini tutorial sessions for these new endgame scenario versions. There is room for both solo and group play at this tier; hell, you could do seperate reputations for solo and group content. For solo you can do Elite difficulty "episode" setups and adventure zone style play with instances that add the next step of difficulty to things like the New Romulus instances that will put our ground gear for not only the player but their bridge officers to the test. Group play is more obvious; we already have plenty of examples of STFs you can pull from for ideas. Classic endgame instance style like the Borg STFs, gauntlets like the No Win Scenario, all offer ideas to have a sufficiently varied and yet still challenging endgame experience for group play.
I know Cryptic's been talking about a PvP reputation as well. There's all of the potential in the world for STO to be a game that all sorts of players can enjoy. It's just up to Cryptic not to TRIBBLE it up like they did the first iteration of the Rep system and the Dil-cost style of Starbase building.
If you're OK with everyone getting their uber raid gear and then using it to faceroll all of the single player content too so they can get whatever rewards it offers (like reps) that's you.
Because if you ever want to see raiders flip out...Just after they say they need uber gear for raid content because it's harder....suggest that that uber gear not function outside of raid zones.
What about games that reward PvP'ers with uber gear too? PvP/Raids gear at level cap are just a mechanism of keeping players interested in the game once they have achieved that cap. Once you cap, you have essentially 'beat' the game.
They like to slip in special currencies; BNPs, Voth Implants, Dyson Commendations, etc...
If they just keep the same currencies but give more I would have no issue. As long as soloers can get the same amount in a REASONABLE amount of time.
Again, the reasonable part is going to be subject to debate. What one person feels reasonable may not be reasonable to another. It's not just about reasonable time. It's about the combination of reasonable time and effort.
You've said reasonable a few times without saying what you'd actually find to be reasonable.
Funny because at one point they admitted there were too many currencies in this game. They did a decent job at consolidating them and then...they released more currencies. lol
Take out BNPs, Voth Implants, etc and replace them with a global 'Starfleet Commendation' or something of that nature and STO would be far more enjoyable and much less grindy.
Thing is, if you're doing something for somebody - you'd expect them to be the one rewarding you and you'd use that reward to get stuff from them.
You wouldn't show up at Dunkin' Donuts with your reward card from Krispy Kreme, would you?
Thing is, if you're doing something for somebody - you'd expect them to be the one rewarding you and you'd use that reward to get stuff from them.
You wouldn't show up at Dunkin' Donuts with your reward card from Krispy Kreme, would you?
No, I would just make a coupon for donuts and call it good. Also, the Voth are rewarding me with cybernetic implants and the Borg with neural probes? Oh my. In that case I better get to Dunkin' Donuts and give them my parietal lobe for a box of donut holes.
Yes... I did NOT read every post apart from the OP...
My friend the OP: If you open a dictionary and look up the word "Solo-able" you will find a description of STO, along with an image and a USB with a STO install.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
doing group missions is fine as long as you can que for a random team mission like with the current pve stuff and don't have to be in a group before you can select to play it.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
What about games that reward PvP'ers with uber gear too? PvP/Raids gear at level cap are just a mechanism of keeping players interested in the game once they have achieved that cap. Once you cap, you have essentially 'beat' the game.
What PvP gear I've seen has special PvP stats and otherwise isn't much better than regular gear.
If raids had some mythical stat needed on raid gear, I wouldn't mind that. But raid gear is always just better normal PvE gear. So once you get that you are face rolling all of the non-raid content. So while they may "need" that gear once or twice a week for those raids, they are still using it everywhere else.
What PvP gear I've seen has special PvP stats and otherwise isn't much better than regular gear.
their was pvp gear back in year one maybe 2 of the game you even went to K7 to get it not sure for KDF then it got removed i think when the game went F2P
Again, the reasonable part is going to be subject to debate. What one person feels reasonable may not be reasonable to another. It's not just about reasonable time. It's about the combination of reasonable time and effort.
You've said reasonable a few times without saying what you'd actually find to be reasonable.
Because reasonable is a long painful debate that would ultimately be up to cryptic. I personally would like to see solo content take from 2 to 4 times as long to get the same reward as raids.
Raiders are going to want it to take 200 to 400 times as long.
I've never found the "Required to Team" that's supposedly hidden in MMORPG or MMO according to some people.
Then you weren't playing them and gearing up. In pretty much all MMOs except STO you will hit a gear cap fairly quickly for solo content. Then you will have to group up dungeons until you cap out your dungeon gear, then you move on to raids, and if you're WoW, proceed through like 16 tiers of gear (though that has been flattened).
Because reasonable is a long painful debate that would ultimately be up to cryptic. I personally would like to see solo content take from 2 to 4 times as long to get the same reward as raids.
Raiders are going to want it to take 200 to 400 times as long.
2 to 4, eh? Hrmmm, see - I was thinking more like maybe 5 to 8 or so...with the option for there to be harder solo content that would reduce that time because of increased effort requirements.
Where are these mythical raiders suggesting it take 200 to 400 times as long?
Then you weren't playing them and gearing up. In pretty much all MMOs except STO you will hit a gear cap fairly quickly for solo content. Then you will have to group up dungeons until you cap out your dungeon gear, then you move on to raids, and if you're WoW, proceed through like 16 tiers of gear (though that has been flattened).
Why do you need that gear if you're not running that content?
Those games have a pretty simple gear check progression system in place.
You do Dungeon A to get gear to do Dungeon B to get gear to do Dungeon C to get gear to do Raid A to get gear to do Raid B to get gear to do Raid C...
If you're not doing Dungeon A-C, Raid A-C...why care about the gear?
It's kind of along the lines of what STO does.
You do Content X to get gear to help you grind Content X faster to get gear to help you grind Content X faster...over and over.
It's the gearing without the content progression...all you do is speed up doing what you're doing, which if you're worried about the speed of doing it, well - you're basically just going around in circles.
Been forever since I played a MMO with split gear types, but in general it was the following:
PvP reduced incoming player damage and increased health/survival.
Raid increased accuracy, damage, and healing.
Both would be overkill for world/quest/mission PvE. Even world/quest/mission drops/rewards were overkill for world/quest/mission PvE.
2 to 4, eh? Hrmmm, see - I was thinking more like maybe 5 to 8 or so...with the option for there to be harder solo content that would reduce that time because of increased effort requirements.
Where are these mythical raiders suggesting it take 200 to 400 times as long?
To use WoW PvP gear as an example, the gear has the resiliance stat, the stat is useless in PvE.
Raid gear has the exact same stats as PvE gear, just bigger numbers. Most "raid" gear is far more often outside of raids than in them. So effectively the people with this gear have a huge advantage of those without it. That's why I've suggested making raid gear only useable in raid zones because that's where it is needed. I've been flamed to a little pile of ash over that suggestion. I've also suggested the "raid stat" that only gives it an advantage in raid zones, I'm sure it will be equally well accepted.
I consider myself an average player. The combination of experience and a mix of some decent gear helps offset some of just what a crappy pilot I am....working out to about average. I tend to fly things that are more fun than they are optimized...and well, that doesn't help me be more than average - but that's my choice, it's fun, so I can deal with that.
When folks show up for an ISE run doing 1-2k DPS, I have to wonder why they're there instead of ISN. Is it some ego thing? Lol, yeah doing 4-6k DPS is an ego thing when there are folks doing 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k+ DPS. Like I said, I'm average at best. The requirements for ISE aren't that much. 1-2k DPS, however, would be below the requirements. The requirements are pretty damn low, though.
Which gets into isn't exactly "Elite" content then, is it? I'm certainly not "Elite" by any means. Hell, it wouldn't even be "Advanced" content. It would be "Normal" or "Average" content. Normal would be "Casual" content, right?
Thus the discussions about changing how things are, eh?
Casual = Normal
Normal = Elite
Advanced =
Elite =
Nightmare =
Looking at the Advanced, you know - it may not be needed, right? With the mix of the Elite and Nightmare there, not really a need for Advanced. Well, actually - there probably is. Folks wouldn't like a level called Casual. So you'd have to have Casual labeled as Normal. Then you'd be left with what to call the current Elite, so it would probably be a case of going with Advanced...even though it's just Normal...calling it that to avoid the complaints about calling something Casual.
Normal = Casual
Advanced = Elite
Elite =
Nightmare =
So what would Elite and Nightmare be? Well, think about all the ways in which the content and NPCs have been nerfed over the years, eh? Unnerf it...and you'd probably have a decent starting point for the Elite. Nightmare would be some sort of private queue difficulty level that could be whatever...I'm an average player, I'm never going to see it. Let the Elite folks discuss what that would be, am I right?
But that's all "team" stuff...what about "solo" stuff? Match up the effort/difficulty to the team stuff. If something solo is as difficult or requires as much effort as a "Normal" team thing...then it would reward the same. If something requires as much effort as an "Advanced" thing...etc, etc, etc.
If it didn't even require the effort or have the difficulty of the "Normal" team stuff, then obviously it is going to reward less...
If a solo player is up to a greater challenge, they should be able to earn a greater reward.
There's room for all sorts of things in the game...but the folks that feel entitled to things, there's no room for that garbage.
If you choose not to do harder group content then you should not expect to be able to get the same gear as the players that do. Its up to you to pull your finger out and work as a team. And I am speaking as someone who never gets the top end gear, I don't raid but that's my choice, better players need a challenge to keep them entertained. Its an MMO, its not MY game.... its a shared game.
Sorry, you don't get to define the proper way to play an MMO.
And all the drivel you just spouted is the standard raider screed about how only they should get the best rewards.
I don't know what games you've been playing but any mainstream MMO the non-raiders are second class citizens (and no, I'm not just talking about WoW)
ISN doesn't give BNP nor nearly as many marks.
That doesn't excuse them being there. They're basically just leeching. There should be requirements to do any of the content. Again, with the requirements being so low - it wouldn't take much to get to the point of being there other than as a leech.
edit: When I've got a new toon, knowing that I'm going to be doing little to help out the team - I uh, run the normal content - do other things...until I can at least contribute rather than just leech.
I see this all the time, in both PvE and PvP content. You get the rare player who blatantly tries to take command of the fleet, but in most cases players don't say anything and assume, or expect, players to follow their lead or know what they are doing. They don't view team communication as an essential part of any teamed event, and they don't realize that as part of a team they should contribute to the team - NOT "the team is supposed to serve them".
This method of thinking can't be fixed by a patch or by a nerf. However, having the option to close down the chat box doesn't help the situation at all. In fact, I would go one step further and ask Cryptic to write a code so the button which closes down chat isn't available when in a teamed event (such as PvE queues or PvP).
You talk of stability in PvE matches. Stability which you claim will only be attained by one person on a team who is observant and diligent in picking up the slack. This isn't stability, this is irresponsibility on the other members of the team.
Stability in PvE teamed events would be maximum communication between each and every team member. I've seen this work; a full team of undergeared Connies could finish an ISE, where I have seen a few ISEs fail due to a lack of any type of communication. In teamed events, communication is key.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
reason i say this sto is beyond the point of being one or the other even at end game
system Lord Baal is dead
Pretty much this.
I don't have a problem with this.
My only hard spot is when on one playstyle is rewarded at end. Right now this is the one game where Lone Wolves can advance as far as everyone else. I would just prefer it remain that way.
To use a very overused phrase. There are many many many games that cater to raiders. Many are also F2P, why not play one of them.
Can we please have one game that doesn't cater to that group?
The better rewards that folks ask for - would simply be better rewards of currencies. This game does not have the typical loot drop angle common to many MMOs. So what would be wrong with having more difficult content that rewarded more of a currency? How would that be catering to "that" group?
I'm OK with that...EXCEPT.
They like to slip in special currencies; BNPs, Voth Implants, Dyson Commendations, etc...
If they just keep the same currencies but give more I would have no issue. As long as soloers can get the same amount in a REASONABLE amount of time.
If you're OK with everyone getting their uber raid gear and then using it to faceroll all of the single player content too so they can get whatever rewards it offers (like reps) that's you.
Because if you ever want to see raiders flip out...Just after they say they need uber gear for raid content because it's harder....suggest that that uber gear not function outside of raid zones.
Funny because at one point they admitted there were too many currencies in this game. They did a decent job at consolidating them and then...they released more currencies. lol
Take out BNPs, Voth Implants, etc and replace them with a global 'Starfleet Commendation' or something of that nature and STO would be far more enjoyable and much less grindy.
Am I the only one that's had enough of getting a static group together for the same time each week to smash my head against raid content? Am I the only one who thinks 10 years of it is enough?
Star Trek Online has a few primary differences over its MMO kin in that its possible to get extreme high end ships and gear by playing with PUGs. Most of it completely solo if you get your marks through adventure zones and the like. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; the only difference in this respect between other MMO's is that you aren't held back by bad teammates when going for the pieces you need for top end content. You get your daily grinding done, no fuss, no pain, and that can only be a good thing in comparison to the suggested alternative.
The primary difference here is not that the endgame content doesn't require a static, it's that the "heroic raid" equivalent content in STO simply does not exist in the first place, No Win Scenario nonwithstanding. You do the grind, get the gear, then you're done and waiting till the next patch unless you're contributing to a fleet starbase.
If anything, it's not the current endgame that needs changing, it's the addition of the next platform of play that is needed. C'est la vie, the hinted at rank increase and the introduction of the Iconians as the primary endgame antagonist. Then you simultaneously have an avenue to release the next level of gear beyond what we're grinding reputations for now, and the addition of that top level platform in which to flex our well earned endgame muscles and do things like make that Attract Fire command and Sci subsystem power drains relevant in PvE play.
The foundation is already in place; unique game modes are coming out all of the time and all can serve as exploratory ideas for the release of this new platform of play, which will in turn make them mini tutorial sessions for these new endgame scenario versions. There is room for both solo and group play at this tier; hell, you could do seperate reputations for solo and group content. For solo you can do Elite difficulty "episode" setups and adventure zone style play with instances that add the next step of difficulty to things like the New Romulus instances that will put our ground gear for not only the player but their bridge officers to the test. Group play is more obvious; we already have plenty of examples of STFs you can pull from for ideas. Classic endgame instance style like the Borg STFs, gauntlets like the No Win Scenario, all offer ideas to have a sufficiently varied and yet still challenging endgame experience for group play.
I know Cryptic's been talking about a PvP reputation as well. There's all of the potential in the world for STO to be a game that all sorts of players can enjoy. It's just up to Cryptic not to TRIBBLE it up like they did the first iteration of the Rep system and the Dil-cost style of Starbase building.
What about games that reward PvP'ers with uber gear too? PvP/Raids gear at level cap are just a mechanism of keeping players interested in the game once they have achieved that cap. Once you cap, you have essentially 'beat' the game.
Again, the reasonable part is going to be subject to debate. What one person feels reasonable may not be reasonable to another. It's not just about reasonable time. It's about the combination of reasonable time and effort.
You've said reasonable a few times without saying what you'd actually find to be reasonable.
Thing is, if you're doing something for somebody - you'd expect them to be the one rewarding you and you'd use that reward to get stuff from them.
You wouldn't show up at Dunkin' Donuts with your reward card from Krispy Kreme, would you?
No, I would just make a coupon for donuts and call it good. Also, the Voth are rewarding me with cybernetic implants and the Borg with neural probes? Oh my. In that case I better get to Dunkin' Donuts and give them my parietal lobe for a box of donut holes.
My friend the OP: If you open a dictionary and look up the word "Solo-able" you will find a description of STO, along with an image and a USB with a STO install.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
What PvP gear I've seen has special PvP stats and otherwise isn't much better than regular gear.
If raids had some mythical stat needed on raid gear, I wouldn't mind that. But raid gear is always just better normal PvE gear. So once you get that you are face rolling all of the non-raid content. So while they may "need" that gear once or twice a week for those raids, they are still using it everywhere else.
their was pvp gear back in year one maybe 2 of the game you even went to K7 to get it not sure for KDF then it got removed i think when the game went F2P
system Lord Baal is dead
Because reasonable is a long painful debate that would ultimately be up to cryptic. I personally would like to see solo content take from 2 to 4 times as long to get the same reward as raids.
Raiders are going to want it to take 200 to 400 times as long.
Then you weren't playing them and gearing up. In pretty much all MMOs except STO you will hit a gear cap fairly quickly for solo content. Then you will have to group up dungeons until you cap out your dungeon gear, then you move on to raids, and if you're WoW, proceed through like 16 tiers of gear (though that has been flattened).
Been forever since I played a MMO with split gear types, but in general it was the following:
PvP reduced incoming player damage and increased health/survival.
Raid increased accuracy, damage, and healing.
Both would be overkill for world/quest/mission PvE. Even world/quest/mission drops/rewards were overkill for world/quest/mission PvE.
2 to 4, eh? Hrmmm, see - I was thinking more like maybe 5 to 8 or so...with the option for there to be harder solo content that would reduce that time because of increased effort requirements.
Where are these mythical raiders suggesting it take 200 to 400 times as long?
Why do you need that gear if you're not running that content?
Those games have a pretty simple gear check progression system in place.
You do Dungeon A to get gear to do Dungeon B to get gear to do Dungeon C to get gear to do Raid A to get gear to do Raid B to get gear to do Raid C...
If you're not doing Dungeon A-C, Raid A-C...why care about the gear?
It's kind of along the lines of what STO does.
You do Content X to get gear to help you grind Content X faster to get gear to help you grind Content X faster...over and over.
It's the gearing without the content progression...all you do is speed up doing what you're doing, which if you're worried about the speed of doing it, well - you're basically just going around in circles.
To use WoW PvP gear as an example, the gear has the resiliance stat, the stat is useless in PvE.
Raid gear has the exact same stats as PvE gear, just bigger numbers. Most "raid" gear is far more often outside of raids than in them. So effectively the people with this gear have a huge advantage of those without it. That's why I've suggested making raid gear only useable in raid zones because that's where it is needed. I've been flamed to a little pile of ash over that suggestion. I've also suggested the "raid stat" that only gives it an advantage in raid zones, I'm sure it will be equally well accepted.