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S9: Graphic max settings now making my GPU/CPU struggle



  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    My CPU usage after enabling HPET on BIOS and OS in IDLE has dropped by 50%, sometimes it gets as low as 2% usage now.

    YES my cores are UNPARKED
    YES my CPU is liquid cooled...

    but that doesn't matter as my lowest IDLE from before this setup was 15% usage. that is 13% just used by Windows to calculate timings... can you imagine how much more it requires when you're gaming? For certain, this will affect your FPS, as the fastest part of the PC is the GPU, and it basically is waiting on the CPU for data, with the CPU putting it out faster the GPU can process it faster with less of a waiting buffer to fill to make up for the bottle neck.

    oh, you may want to increase the PCIe Frequency, especially if you overclock... a volt bump to the NB would be nice too.

    Nah, people are just kids or they just dont read.


    And that is what we are talking about, the cpu % usage is not the issue here. A game like STO, even if the ui is a resource eater, will take resources from the videocard mostly, not the cpu. AND AGAIN, the FPS is not the issue here, just the heat. And of course i dont use overclock, its a stupid thing to do, with any cpu / videocard. Specially if you need to do so for playing STO.. LOOOOL.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You're done troll, go home.

    I just dont like people that start talking about things that has nothing to do with the issue we are talking, sorry. Specially when we already said that the issue is not the cpu, or fps problems, etc.

    And BTW, do you know that the HPET mode is really old, right???? that nowadays it is installed by default in any computer? and it is activated by default???? its not like back in the days, when you had to do it manually and put it on 64bits mode.. you dont need to do that now, since A LONG time ago.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    First LMAO to your Sig, awesome!

    AA is a tricky little sucker, some games let you use the GPU adjustments to adaptively sample for AA meaning only certain spots are Anti-Aliased, where as most games would artifact and get weird with adaptive mutlisampling, STO included. Adaptive is similar to what intel is doing with Thunderbolt, dynamically throttling the GPU in accordance with demand, when the demand is low the AA will climb to 8x, when the demand is high it will throttle down to 2x but never off.

    The trick with AA is to find the best setting for your GPU, most mid grade GPU's will handle 2x easily on most modern games, a couple years back i had a VisionTek 5670 1GB which handled 2x decently in STO. Then i upgraded to a HIS Radeion HD 6950 IceQ X Turbo 2GB and the new card handled 4x well... but had problems with 6x or 8x... don't even ask about Edge Detects 24x AA, idk of a card yet that can do that and still keep sync with the refresh rate of the monitor.

    now on to Refresh rate...
    Some AA settings for video games can only do so much depending on the refresh rate of the display and the demanded resolution. A 1080p 60hz monitor won't function well if your game is 1024x768 at 120fps. This will induce frame slicing as the card is putting out frames faster than the monitor can refresh them. and the resolution reduction will just get a nasty distortion. and any AA rendered into that frame would be lost on the Monitor when it is displayed in fullscreen.

    The ideal here is to adjust your game settings for details first, THEN beauty, the beauty being AA. Since all cards can effectively cut and stamp textures with ease, and Anisotropic Filtering is a cake walk, first set up those options with your AA OFF, force application to NOT use it by telling the GPU to disable it.

    Now that you have the textures looking good, its time to decide whether or not you really need the edges re-rendered. Play the game some, i noticed that AA only affected things like the holo-displays in the shipyard areas that displayed the different ships... i never noticed much AA elsewhere, so use that to your advantage! Enable "Use Application Setting" for AA and then go into the game, change the settings one by one, DO NOT let STO fool you into thinking AA is an active change! after you change from NONE to 2x exit the game and reload it, this is necessary for the GPU to update the new setting. After trial and error you will find your butter zone. I recommend you do this in a location with a LOW population so if you accidentally load into a bad settng you can fix it with less headache. Your target frame rate in a low to non poplated area with AA intervals would be 70 to 90 FPS in LOW POPULATED zones, this will give you the lowest FPS of 30 in extreme action scenes like Federation Fleet Alert, or the Romulan Mission when you defend against the Elachi Invasion Fleet. 30 FPS is low, but it is in my opinion the lowest PLAYABLE frame rate, where you can feel the lower rate, but its still good enough to enjoy. and with this setting you'll be able to enjoy the rest of the game even more so with higher rates.

    AA and STO are not the best of friends, like Post Processing it forces the GPU to work harder on EVERYTHING it had already rendered. With Post Processing AND AA, you're just going for extensive over kill for not that great of a look either. PP and AA are both actions performed after the frame has been rendered, AA happens BEFORE PP, and FXAA injection, god forbid you use that, happens after all that and basically sends the frame right back through the process it just finished.

    Sometimes it looks nice, but you must weigh what you can do with what you want to see and do. Every card is different, which is why i cannot tell you exactly what to do for AA, all i can say is, find your sweet spot.

    First of all thank you for speaking to me as someone who has no clue what he's doing with this, because I don't. I'm traditionally a console gamer, and STO is my first and only MMO and indeed my primary PC game. But I want to look and play well. This a new computer and Asus M11BB series. I've got a AMD10-6700 APU and AMD Radeon HD 8670 GPU. 3.7Ghz CPU and 7.2 gigs of useable RAM. I should be able to play this game at max settings and let my computer run a marathon at the same time.

    Thanks for the tip. About exiting the game as that's a mistake I've been making.

    My textures look fine, though not quite as good as some of the videos I've seen on Youtube, but I believe that the graphics look much better when you're watching the demo replay when the engine doesn't have to worry about input...or am I wrong?

    I noticed the anti-aliasing problem when I started seeing the mesh on the hairstyles like the new elegant and punk, and a HUGE one is the fact that the Crystalline Entity now looks like it's behind a screen door, when it used to be a beautiful snowflake. I'll get back in the game and try to work it out and do a little tinkering though.

    Thanks again, to both of you.

    Nice explanations, i agree.

    But we need to be aware that this game has a really old engine and it is 4 years old. ANy computer with no more than 2-3 years old should be able to run the game with no problems at all. Really smoothly, and its not the case. I really think the postprocessing option improves the visual quality a lot, but cryptic just broke it, and now the postprocessing option is just a resource eater and it really produces worst results in the quality, not the opposite.

    It is supossed that using DX11 you will be able to select another mode of AA, that offers more quality at lower requirements, but its useless as well, as so many other graphic options in STO. You only need to look at how horrible is the ambien oclusion implemented or the depth of field thing. Terrible.

    And now, they mess up the engine and make things worst. I honeslty dont have a clue wth cryptic is doing.

    I agree with this actually. In fact it was my assumption. This is a new computer, I purchased it the week before Season 8.5 came out back in January. My old computer was a laptop with integrated graphics and while I could only run medium settings, overall it looked good.

    I bought the new one with this expectation that I could run max settings, and I do. I wasn't able to play the aforementioned Starbase Defense on any setting on the old rig.

    But when Season 8.5 came out, I noticed on my new computer that I was having issues with the AA. And right before Season 9 started pre-patching Kelvani belt became very slow. I find it strange.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • kamikazi2142kamikazi2142 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I just dont like people that start talking about things that has nothing to do with the issue we are talking, sorry. Specially when we already said that the issue is not the cpu, or fps problems, etc.

    And BTW, do you know that the HPET mode is really old, right???? that nowadays it is installed by default in any computer? and it is activated by default???? its not like back in the days, when you had to do it manually and put it on 64bits mode.. you dont need to do that now, since A LONG time ago.

    actually Windows 7 by default uses the CPU... but i'm sure you knew that already... now please, its called research, do some.
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Ok~! About the temp issues, something that I bet none of you have realized is that IF your GPU is at 80c, then what are your Mossfets at ? I guarantee you that there be about 15-20c Hotter then the GPU *maybe more*, mind you these are the components on the PCB that control the power going into your card, and regulate how much power at that. If they get too hot there literally burst into flames. An then no-ones happy >.<' lol.

    80c as a Normal temp ? Donno what your smoking but 80c for Any component is Bad, don't care how you split the pea, that's way too hot, it also shortens the lifespan of the card ALOT. So stop posting misleading info regarding temps. Most ppl do not upgrade on an annual basis.

    An about the current issue with the game since S9, its completely Engine based, there engine is basically at its limits in terms of what it is actually capable of doing at a performance standpoint. When you take a 4 year old game engine and keep piling in new content and GFX updates with out recoding the engine to compensate, your going to have problems later down the road, that's all there is to it. Look at Wargaming.Net, *they made World of Tanks FYI* they have remade there rendering engine at lease twice that I know of to compensate for there new content, which makes complete sense to do so with what they have done recently. The same can be said about CCP *EVE Online* there Constantly updating the engine when they release new content.

    As I have said before, we shouldn't be forced to tweak or rebuild our PCs just to play a game where before S9 they played the game just fine. It all boils down to the fact that Cryptic needs to do something about there own engine, they need to Stop releasing new content and start Fixing problems that They created.
  • kamikazi2142kamikazi2142 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »
    First of all thank you for speaking to me as someone who has no clue what he's doing with this, because I don't. I'm traditionally a console gamer, and STO is my first and only MMO and indeed my primary PC game. But I want to look and play well. This a new computer and Asus M11BB series. I've got a AMD10-6700 APU and AMD Radeon HD 8670 GPU. 3.7Ghz CPU and 7.2 gigs of useable RAM. I should be able to play this game at max settings and let my computer run a marathon at the same time.

    Thanks for the tip. About exiting the game as that's a mistake I've been making.

    My textures look fine, though not quite as good as some of the videos I've seen on Youtube, but I believe that the graphics look much better when you're watching the demo replay when the engine doesn't have to worry about input...or am I wrong?

    I noticed the anti-aliasing problem when I started seeing the mesh on the hairstyles like the new elegant and punk, and a HUGE one is the fact that the Crystalline Entity now looks like it's behind a screen door, when it used to be a beautiful snowflake. I'll get back in the game and try to work it out and do a little tinkering though.

    Thanks again, to both of you.

    I agree with this actually. In fact it was my assumption. This is a new computer, I purchased it the week before Season 8.5 came out back in January. My old computer was a laptop with integrated graphics and while I could only run medium settings, overall it looked good.

    I bought the new one with this expectation that I could run max settings, and I do. I wasn't able to play the aforementioned Starbase Defense on any setting on the old rig.

    But when Season 8.5 came out, I noticed on my new computer that I was having issues with the AA. And right before Season 9 started pre-patching Kelvani belt became very slow. I find it strange.

    I want to point out that the iGPU you have in the APU the A10-6700 is practically the same as the 5670 I had a while back, 2x AA may end up being all you can do, i know that the 8000 series has a higher clock, but the #670 part is roughly the same across all the different AMD generations Legacy cards exempt.

    To get a really high end experience you will need to upgrade to a discrete GPU, This is much easier to do with AMD than it is with nVidia as AMD tends to be cheaper, and just works better with older graphics engines. I recommend though nothing lower than a 7770 otherwise you will NOT notices an improvement. And with how cheap 7790's are, you could easily do what my friend in Canada did and CrossfireX two 7790's ...room and PSU permitting that is. You can even play Crysis 2 on High with two 7790's not max, but still looks pretty good... maybe medium with Crysis 3. But you will run hot contrary to edgecrysger's opinion, the 7790 will run a peak of 82C if you are demanding on it... This is why i prefer companies with some pedigree in GPU cooling on their belts. HIS, i highly recommend buying HIS products, they are the coolest a GPU will ever run, even on extreme load. The hottest i got with overclock in Furmark was 76C, volt boosted, OC, the fan hardly spooled over 50%

    The reason why i am taking whatever edgecrysger so lightly, is simply due to his elaborate claims of what is fact, when it isn't fact... and then his quick to the defensive... don't worry, i'll get you the right info.
  • kamikazi2142kamikazi2142 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    aureleus wrote: »
    Ok~! About the temp issues, something that I bet none of you have realized is that IF your GPU is at 80c, then what are your Mossfets at ? I guarantee you that there be about 15-20c Hotter then the GPU *maybe more*, mind you these are the components on the PCB that control the power going into your card, and regulate how much power at that. If they get too hot there literally burst into flames. An then no-ones happy >.<' lol.

    80c as a Normal temp ? Donno what your smoking but 80c for Any component is Bad, don't care how you split the pea, that's way too hot, it also shortens the lifespan of the card ALOT. So stop posting misleading info regarding temps. Most ppl do not upgrade on an annual basis.

    ah geez another troll joins the fight, bring it, i'll scuttle you with fact!
    aureleus wrote: »
    An about the current issue with the game since S9, its completely Engine based, there engine is basically at its limits in terms of what it is actually capable of doing at a performance standpoint. When you take a 4 year old game engine and keep piling in new content and GFX updates with out recoding the engine to compensate, your going to have problems later down the road, that's all there is to it. Look at Wargaming.Net, *they made World of Tanks FYI* they have remade there rendering engine at lease twice that I know of to compensate for there new content, which makes complete sense to do so with what they have done recently. The same can be said about CCP *EVE Online* there Constantly updating the engine when they release new content.

    Fact: Redshirt is the test server for CODE CHANGES
    Fact: Wargaming.net produced all the tools the hackers used during Beta, and still use.
    Fact: Wargaming.net recoded the core code, but not the graphics code... this was done to prevent players from accessing the Ratten by exploiting the game, yes Wargaming made Hitlers Ratten part of the game, don't ask me why, heck don't ask them cuz they'll ban you for asking... they think its still soviet russian up there in russia.
    aureleus wrote: »
    As I have said before, we shouldn't be forced to tweak or rebuild our PCs just to play a game where before S9 they played the game just fine. It all boils down to the fact that Cryptic needs to do something about there own engine, they need to Stop releasing new content and start Fixing problems that They created.

    Fact: If the Engine was NOT altered at all... then you wouldn't have to alter your hardware... AT ALL... think about that one for a moment.

    Oh forgot to add...
    Since one of you claim the engine has not been changed since it launched or whatever...
    if that were true, please explain to me then, how there is now when there wasn't before, DX10 and DX11 rendering devices listed???

    I thought this would have been one hell of a screaming alteration to the graphics engine, to utilize the DX10 and DX11 pipelines is quite nice... and i can understand if you don't see them and are having these "Performance" issues... i mean, hardware that cannot support DX10 or DX11 will not show you the option for anything other than DX9
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    Fact: Wargaming.net recoded the core code, but not the graphics code... this was done to prevent players from accessing the Ratten by exploiting the game, yes Wargaming made Hitlers Ratten part of the game, don't ask me why, heck don't ask them cuz they'll ban you for asking... they think its still soviet russian up there in russia.

    Ok Then Explain this smart TRIBBLE :P.


    Apparently You Don't have all the facts ? So who's the troll now ? Think before you act, your look smarter that way. And when I say they haven't done anything to STO's engine its in regards to optimization of there engine. yes I know about DX11 you nutter lolz I have a 270X *I'm Pretty sure that's DX11 lol*.

    If you have been following this thread from the beginning maybe you'd know what all I was talking about, but it seems you just like to spew out post after post, to me and several others I bet. Your the Troll :P.
  • ussprometheus79ussprometheus79 Member Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Damn, this descended into a troll fight didn't it?

    Some who know this, some who know that....get a room guys. :D

    On topic, I'm still hopeful for a resolution. My graphics temps don't appear to have changed from what I can recall.

    Something happened with S9. Whether they just overloaded part of the system or borked something completely.
    If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Damn, this descended into a troll fight didn't it?

    Some who know this, some who know that....get a room guys. :D

    On topic, I'm still hopeful for a resolution. My graphics temps don't appear to have changed from what I can recall.

    Something happened with S9. Whether they just overloaded part of the system or borked something completely.

    Its not about knowing or not lol, if i see the only game that makes my videocard take a not usual ammount of heat, is STO, well, then something is wrong for sure with it. You dont need to be an smart asxs.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    actually Windows 7 by default uses the CPU... but i'm sure you knew that already... now please, its called research, do some.

    ¿? lol? windows 7 uses the cpu for what exactly?? to run videogames?? are you high? looolz. I dont need to do research to answer that.. lol, its not worthy anyways xD. Obviously i am arquing with someone that dont have any idea at all about anything.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ah geez another troll joins the fight, bring it, i'll scuttle you with fact!

    Fact: Redshirt is the test server for CODE CHANGES
    Fact: Wargaming.net produced all the tools the hackers used during Beta, and still use.
    Fact: Wargaming.net recoded the core code, but not the graphics code... this was done to prevent players from accessing the Ratten by exploiting the game, yes Wargaming made Hitlers Ratten part of the game, don't ask me why, heck don't ask them cuz they'll ban you for asking... they think its still soviet russian up there in russia.

    Fact: If the Engine was NOT altered at all... then you wouldn't have to alter your hardware... AT ALL... think about that one for a moment.

    Oh forgot to add...
    Since one of you claim the engine has not been changed since it launched or whatever...
    if that were true, please explain to me then, how there is now when there wasn't before, DX10 and DX11 rendering devices listed???

    I thought this would have been one hell of a screaming alteration to the graphics engine, to utilize the DX10 and DX11 pipelines is quite nice... and i can understand if you don't see them and are having these "Performance" issues... i mean, hardware that cannot support DX10 or DX11 will not show you the option for anything other than DX9

    I was about to quote all your comments in once, but its enough with this. Seriously, everything you wrote is pure TRIBBLE lol, its everything ridiculous. You obviously dont have any idea at all.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    aureleus wrote: »
    they need to Stop releasing new content and start Fixing problems that They created.

    You cant imagine how happy i am to see at least another person who thinks in a reasonable way. I wish the other members of these forums will think this way, and the rest of the players. But i think its too late now, unfortunately. I said this tons of times in the past, but people seem to not care at all. They only want new content, so, that is what cryptic is doing, since ages ago.
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Damn, this descended into a troll fight didn't it?

    Some who know this, some who know that....get a room guys. :D

    On topic, I'm still hopeful for a resolution. My graphics temps don't appear to have changed from what I can recall.

    Something happened with S9. Whether they just overloaded part of the system or borked something completely.

    lolz I'm not Trying to be a *Troll*, just proving a point/fact, I also wont keep going on and on and on with a troll. it just ultimately derails the topic.

    You cant imagine how happy i am to see at least another person who thinks in a reasonable way. I wish the other members of these forums will think this way, and the rest of the players. But i think its too late now, unfortunately. I said this tons of times in the past, but people seem to not care at all. They only want new content, so, that is what cryptic is doing, since ages ago.

    I agree with that statement, I think that Cryptic only cares about there profits based on there newly released content. Otherwise we'd be seeing more major fixes then what we are getting atm. It's actually quite ridiculous that they let there game stay this buggy, I mean seriously some of these issues have been around since the game released :O, an some from even beta.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Not sure if this is the right place for me to be posting, but since Season 9 hit, I've been having random crashes with STO. It could very well be that my computer just isn't able to handle STO anymore.

    I'm beginning to think that they did indeed tweak the graphics to force people to start upgrading. All I know is that I've been getting my client randomly flashing black and saying not responding. Slow loading too in many places.

  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Not sure if this is the right place for me to be posting, but since Season 9 hit, I've been having random crashes with STO. It could very well be that my computer just isn't able to handle STO anymore.

    I'm beginning to think that they did indeed tweak the graphics to force people to start upgrading. All I know is that I've been getting my client randomly flashing black and saying not responding. Slow loading too in many places.

    It could be the very same sympton my videocard is suffering, an overheat excess, you should chekc your videocard temp. Anyways, in my case is not dangerous, but if your videocard is in the limit of 85-100c, that could be the problem.

    About upgrading, lol, i dont think so. In any case THEY should upgrade the game engine. I dont think people will upgrade their computer to play a game 4 years old. Its stupid. If i can play any videogame released until 2 months ago, why the hell i am not going to be able to play STO in proper conditions?? lol, its ridiculous. They just messed up the game engine, thats all. In every patch they do, they break something, this time was , they touched the game engine for unkown reason, probably to allow players to play missoins like the undine battlezon without problems (but we all know thats not true, since the undine playable battlezone is unplayable anyways lol :P) and they just broke it. As they break something every time a new patch comes. The worst thing is, we talking about cryptic, that means, its probably that they will never do anything about it.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It could be the very same sympton my videocard is suffering, an overheat excess, you should chekc your videocard temp. Anyways, in my case is not dangerous, but if your videocard is in the limit of 85-100c, that could be the problem.

    About upgrading, lol, i dont think so. In any case THEY should upgrade the game engine. I dont think people will upgrade their computer to play a game 4 years old. Its stupid. If i can play any videogame released until 2 months ago, why the hell i am not going to be able to play STO in proper conditions?? lol, its ridiculous. They just messed up the game engine, thats all. In every patch they do, they break something, this time was , they touched the game engine for unkown reason, probably to allow players to play missoins like the undine battlezon without problems (but we all know thats not true, since the undine playable battlezone is unplayable anyways lol :P) and they just broke it. As they break something every time a new patch comes. The worst thing is, we talking about cryptic, that means, its probably that they will never do anything about it.

    How do I check how hot my video card is getting?

  • cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    GPU-Z and use the sensors tab. Best if used with dual monitors with the game on one and the tool on the other, if you cant then theres some other tools that has overlay info in the game through tools like afterburner or somit iirc.
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    How do I check how hot my video card is getting?

    You can use an App called MSI Afterburner, it has an ingame OSD *On Screen Display* that will show you everything from Fan speed to how much ram your GPU is using, including temps and GPU load.


    In that screen, from left to right. Top to Bottom.

    Top Section
    GPU Temp, GPU Load in %, Speed % of the Fans on the GPU, RPM of the Fans, and GPU Core Clock in MHz

    Bottom Section.
    Speed of the Vram in MHz, An how much Vram is currently in use in MBs.
    Direct X Version currently in use, your current FPS.

    Hope that helps a bit :).
  • ussprometheus79ussprometheus79 Member Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Its not about knowing or not lol, if i see the only game that makes my videocard take a not usual ammount of heat, is STO, well, then something is wrong for sure with it. You dont need to be an smart asxs.

    Whoa there, no need for insults without cause. Please be civil and on topic.

    @aureleus A few good points.
    If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I want to point out that the iGPU you have in the APU the A10-6700 is practically the same as the 5670 I had a while back, 2x AA may end up being all you can do, i know that the 8000 series has a higher clock, but the #670 part is roughly the same across all the different AMD generations Legacy cards exempt.

    To get a really high end experience you will need to upgrade to a discrete GPU, This is much easier to do with AMD than it is with nVidia as AMD tends to be cheaper, and just works better with older graphics engines. I recommend though nothing lower than a 7770 otherwise you will NOT notices an improvement. And with how cheap 7790's are, you could easily do what my friend in Canada did and CrossfireX two 7790's ...room and PSU permitting that is. You can even play Crysis 2 on High with two 7790's not max, but still looks pretty good... maybe medium with Crysis 3. But you will run hot contrary to edgecrysger's opinion, the 7790 will run a peak of 82C if you are demanding on it... This is why i prefer companies with some pedigree in GPU cooling on their belts. HIS, i highly recommend buying HIS products, they are the coolest a GPU will ever run, even on extreme load. The hottest i got with overclock in Furmark was 76C, volt boosted, OC, the fan hardly spooled over 50%

    The reason why i am taking whatever edgecrysger so lightly, is simply due to his elaborate claims of what is fact, when it isn't fact... and then his quick to the defensive... don't worry, i'll get you the right info.

    No opinion on the Radeon HD 8670 graphics card?

    I am planning on upgrading to a more powerful graphics card at a later date as the computer has the space easy, it's just money matters. Can't grind dilithium for a graphics card :rolleyes:.

    I've actually wanted a liquid cooled system since I first knew what it was...but time and money.

    Another thing I'm Running Windows 8.1 if that makes a difference.

    You two are having an interesting conversation. I don't understand a word of it but it's interesting to read.

    I guess I'll check out the MSI Afterburner too.
    You cant imagine how happy i am to see at least another person who thinks in a reasonable way. I wish the other members of these forums will think this way, and the rest of the players. But i think its too late now, unfortunately. I said this tons of times in the past, but people seem to not care at all. They only want new content, so, that is what cryptic is doing, since ages ago.

    Would them rebuilding the engine and crushing the bugs actually be something that could be accomplished while the game is actually up and running? Sounds like the kind of shakedown where they'd need to shut down for six months or something.

    Since you and Kamikazi are of such...divergent opinions did you have any tips?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »

    Would them rebuilding the engine and crushing the bugs actually be something that could be accomplished while the game is actually up and running? Sounds like the kind of shakedown where they'd need to shut down for six months or something.

    No actually, when Wargaming.Net introduced the new rendering engine in the 8.0 update for WoT they were actually working on it in house while there servers were still up and players using them. All they did was implement a huge patch, which was around 4GBs or so.

    So it is Very possible for Cryptic to redesign, recode and optimize there current engine and at the same time fix major bugs as well, then when they think it is ready for the public, to then release it to the live server as a giant patch. It wouldn't be too different then the season 9 update, since that itself was 2.7GBs alone :P.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Whoa there, no need for insults without cause. Please be civil and on topic.

    @aureleus A few good points.

    I didnt mean to insult anyone, it was a way of speaking ;)

    About how to know the temp, there are a few apps out there. I specifically use the one that comes with the asus nvidia cards, the asus nvidia tweak (that is amazing, by the way) or speed-fan. There are others as gpu-z (another great app). You can choose a lot of em, but i would recommend one of the named.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »

    Would them rebuilding the engine and crushing the bugs actually be something that could be accomplished while the game is actually up and running? Sounds like the kind of shakedown where they'd need to shut down for six months or something.

    Since you and Kamikazi are of such...divergent opinions did you have any tips?

    Erm... they only need to revert the changes they did on S9 lol. As simple as that. And if they cant, they definitely screwed up STO for good, unfortunately. Because this is going to get worst if people want more content and more things.. but its their fault in first place, a) for releasing too much stuff that the engine cant handle b) for make changes in the engine that obviously didnt improve anything, the opposite.

    Now, since knowing the way cryptic works will be almost impossible to imagine em upgrading the engine (that can be done, as aureleus mentioned, its done in a few games in "real-time"), we only can hope that enough people will have issues to make em change their minds... lol (what a crazy idea..).
  • zero1alphazero1alpha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I started having a driver stall 2 days ago, now no matter where I go the game is unplayable and chugging. I have a aging system but ran this game fine at max settings before season 9. Actually this just started chugging or driver stalling it appears the last couple days. The new content areas were always horrible on the fps. I think there is a higher power at work thats telling me to quit gaming all together cause all these developers do is publish bad games or break good ones. Get a clue Cryptic and the rest. NOBODY is going to spend money on a broken game....I was planning to buy the new escort ship cause I don't mind supporting the game I like to play...BUT THIS GAME IS BROKE!

    ZeroOne, 57th Squadron, Veteran and lifetime subscriber to a now broken game....Cheers!
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »
    This a new computer and Asus M11BB series. I've got a AMD10-6700 APU and AMD Radeon HD 8670 GPU. 3.7Ghz CPU and 7.2 gigs of useable RAM. I should be able to play this game at max settings and let my computer run a marathon at the same time.

    I looked up that Asus M11BB, which there are several variants of. How ever every one of them uses a 350Watt PSU or 300Watt *Power Supply Unit*. Which limits what you can actually put into the system, because of the lack of power. Also Not sure if you know this, but your using what is called an APU or Accelerated Processing Unit.

    This is Actually your CPU, but it also has a built in GPU in the CPU, kind of like Intel's HD graphics, except the APU versions are a lot better lols. Also the reason your not able to max out the game very well on that APU isn't entirely the games fault :/. The core config of that GPU your using is the equivalent to an R7 250 *None X version*, which has a core config of 384:24:8, the higher the better.

    I myself am using an R9 270X *Discrete GPU card* with a core config of 1280:80:32, so you can imagine the different in performance. Also note that your HD 8670 is using some of your System memory as Vram *Video Ram*. Which would also explain why some of your 8GBs of ram is missing :P.

    If your willing to put a little into that system, then a good upgrade for that system would be a new PSU, preferably a 550Watt or greater. An then slap a R7 260X or even a R9 270X into that system if you really waned to :P.

    Now with the APU you can actually use it with a discrete AMD graphics card in Crossfire, which is essentially where you take say 2 graphics cards in the same system and configure them to work as 1 big card. How ever in this case once you got a discrete card I'd actually disable the HD 8670 via the systems Bios. I suggest this cause your actually get better performance when using a good discrete GPU rather then combining the 2, since the APUs GPU is limited to the speed that the system ram is running at.

    lolz I hope some of this helps :D.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    aureleus wrote: »
    I looked up that Asus M11BB, which there are several variants of. How ever every one of them uses a 350Watt PSU or 300Watt *Power Supply Unit*. Which limits what you can actually put into the system, because of the lack of power. Also Not sure if you know this, but your using what is called an APU or Accelerated Processing Unit.

    This is Actually your CPU, but it also has a built in GPU in the CPU, kind of like Intel's HD graphics, except the APU versions are a lot better lols. Also the reason your not able to max out the game very well on that APU isn't entirely the games fault :/. The core config of that GPU your using is the equivalent to an R7 250 *None X version*, which has a core config of 384:24:8, the higher the better.
    Mine is the M11BB-B06 sorry about that.

    So you're saying that I have a CPU with a built in GPU but my graphics card doesn't have a separate GPU? That bites, I wanted an actual separate GPU. That does explain why I only see one CPU in the task manager though. Oh well, at least it still works well, the only place I have any severe choppiness...really any at all is the Kelvani belt for some reason. My sympathies to everyone who is suffering from unplayability.

    I myself am using an R9 270X *Discrete GPU card* with a core config of 1280:80:32, so you can imagine the different in performance. Also note that your HD 8670 is using some of your System memory as Vram *Video Ram*. Which would also explain why some of your 8GBs of ram is missing.
    No I can't it's mostly Greek to me. :P

    Though looking at the math difference I get what you're saying.

    So .8 gigs of RAM is VRAM, got it.
    If your willing to put a little into that system, then a good upgrade for that system would be a new PSU, preferably a 550Watt or greater. An then slap a R7 260X or even a R9 270X into that system if you really waned to :P.

    Now with the APU you can actually use it with a discrete AMD graphics card in Crossfire, which is essentially where you take say 2 graphics cards in the same system and configure them to work as 1 big card. How ever in this case once you got a discrete card I'd actually disable the HD 8670 via the systems Bios. I suggest this cause your actually get better performance when using a good discrete GPU rather then combining the 2, since the APUs GPU is limited to the speed that the system ram is running at.

    lolz I hope some of this helps :D.

    As I said earlier I'm a rookie at all this, but I'm getting some of the gist of what you're saying. I know it's not a top of the line rig, but again, four year old game. :rolleyes:

    What do you mean by "Discrete" graphics card?

    I'm planning on upgrading it, but that requires spare money. I was hoping this one would carry me well for a while before I'd need to upgrade it...it appears STO is a bit more complex than that.

    Another question, what is Morphological Filtering?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »
    Mine is the M11BB-B06 sorry about that.

    So you're saying that I have a CPU with a built in GPU but my graphics card doesn't have a separate GPU? That bites, I wanted an actual separate GPU. That does explain why I only see one CPU in the task manager though. Oh well, at least it still works well, the only place I have any severe choppiness...really any at all is the Kelvani belt for some reason. My sympathies to everyone who is suffering from unplayability.

    No I can't it's mostly Greek to me. :P

    Though looking at the math difference I get what you're saying.

    So .8 gigs of RAM is VRAM, got it.

    As I said earlier I'm a rookie at all this, but I'm getting some of the gist of what you're saying. I know it's not a top of the line rig, but again, four year old game. :rolleyes:

    What do you mean by "Discrete" graphics card?

    I'm planning on upgrading it, but that requires spare money. I was hoping this one would carry me well for a while before I'd need to upgrade it...it appears STO is a bit more complex than that.

    Another question, what is Morphological Filtering?

    An about *So .8 gigs of RAM is VRAM, got it.* No actually :P you have 8Gigs of system ram, however. The built in HD 8670 is using some of that 8Gigs of ram as video memory :P.

    Also my 270X is roughly 3.3 times stronger, If you were to base it off the math lolz, 1280 / 384 = 3.3+. But in reality it's probably a bit more :/ lolz.

    *What do you mean by "Discrete" graphics card?*

    It means that it is a Separate component from the main.

    Now Dats a Video Card! *I wantz!* lolz
    That's a R9 290X from MSI and the BIG Brother to my R9 270X lolz.

    Morphological Filtering.

    Hope that helps to clear a few things up.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    aureleus wrote: »
    An about *So .8 gigs of RAM is VRAM, got it.* No actually :P you have 8Gigs of system ram, however. The built in HD 8670 is using some of that 8Gigs of ram as video memory :P.

    Also my 270X is roughly 3.3 times stronger, If you were to base it off the math lolz, 1280 / 384 = 3.3+. But in reality it's probably a bit more :/ lolz.

    *What do you mean by "Discrete" graphics card?*

    It means that it is a Separate component from the main.
    I was a afraid you were gonna confirm that.
    Now Dats a Video Card! *I wantz!* lolz
    That's a R9 290X from MSI and the BIG Brother to my R9 270X lolz.
    The only response I have for that is in here.
    Morphological Filtering.

    Hope that helps to clear a few things up.

    Well a last input for now...should I turn it on?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I was a afraid you were gonna confirm that.

    The only response I have for that is in here.

    Well a last input for now...should I turn it on?

    lolz that vid :D. An no I'd leave that filter off actually.

    In your Catalyst Control Center, in the *Gaming* tab in the sub category 3D App settings, for your current HD 8670 I'd use these settings.

    In the Anti-Aliasing area *Top*

    *Top to bottom*

    Use Application Settings

    Use Application Settings




    Next Section.

    Texture Filtering.

    Use Application Settings


    High Quality


    Next Section.

    Frame Rate Control.

    On, Unless Application Specifies


    Next Section.


    Use Application Settings

    Use Application Settings

    Remember this is Going from Top of the list to the Bottom of the list. Based on each section within the Catalyst Control Center.

    Hope this helps in game some :P These are Basically what settings I use for my 270X, I then just change the settings in game an go from there lolz.
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