It didn't start in S9. It just got a whole lot worse as it began to affect more people. Apart from a tacit recognition here and there, there's not been much said.
STO never had a good game engine, and we always suffered of lag spikes, fps issues and all that, but AFTER S9 as you said, the symptomps increased 300%. Because, as commented in millions of posts, the devs obviously did something that affected the general performance way more than before season 9, but it has nothing to do with more people playing. Obviously more people, more the game engine will suffer but that was not the real reason the performance broke.
Its not about more people. As i said, the devs did something because all the problems raised just the day season 9 was launched. And i dont think new players were so "lucky" to start playing just in that very moment... people who had spent the past 5 years playing this game agreed, because it was really obvious. I still cant believe that we cant even play a 5 years old game in decent conditions in some places even with more than a decent computer. But as commented a lot of times, the only solution to these problems are a) revert changes prior season 9 b) build a revamped game engine.
Since b will never happen, im afraid we will have these performance issues forever. Its better to just get used to em , of course im talking about the lack of performance. Invisible weapons is another big problem as well, and it will be probably the cause for me to leave the game for good (because i dont see they fixing this problem, and people doesnt care anyways, so..).
lol every season the game utilizes more GPU/CPU. Its quite interesting as its all wrapped around the same game engine. I wonder how long till the game literally becomes unplayable.
For me, it is already unplayable in some places, like undine battlezone. Im not talking about big issues, but the moment i start NOT seeing my weapons, or a lot of people are in the screen and i start feeling fps delays, it becomes totally unplayable. Add to that the bubbles, rifts and you have the complete set.
But people is ok playing without seeing their weapons or with fps spikes here and there...:(
STO never had a good game engine, and we always suffered of lag spikes, fps issues and all that, but AFTER S9 as you said, the symptomps increased 300%. Because, as commented in millions of posts, the devs obviously did something that affected the general performance way more than before season 9, but it has nothing to do with more people playing. Obviously more people, more the game engine will suffer but that was not the real reason the performance broke.
Its not about more people. As i said, the devs did something because all the problems raised just the day season 9 was launched. And i dont think new players were so "lucky" to start playing just in that very moment... people who had spent the past 5 years playing this game agreed, because it was really obvious. I still cant believe that we cant even play a 5 years old game in decent conditions in some places even with more than a decent computer. But as commented a lot of times, the only solution to these problems are a) revert changes prior season 9 b) build a revamped game engine.
Since b will never happen, im afraid we will have these performance issues forever. Its better to just get used to em , of course im talking about the lack of performance. Invisible weapons is another big problem as well, and it will be probably the cause for me to leave the game for good (because i dont see they fixing this problem, and people doesnt care anyways, so..).
For me, it is already unplayable in some places, like undine battlezone. Im not talking about big issues, but the moment i start NOT seeing my weapons, or a lot of people are in the screen and i start feeling fps delays, it becomes totally unplayable. Add to that the bubbles, rifts and you have the complete set.
But people is ok playing without seeing their weapons or with fps spikes here and there...:(