Just an idea and I could be way off the mark, are they enabled in the options menu?
I noticed that when I went to play today for the first time since season 9 deployed, that many options were changed or new in general so I went through re setting things up.
I did notice options for joysticks and gamepads etc...
You're way off. Even tried turning them off and back on. They broke it.
And seriously, how could they break something so straightforward that worked fine for so many years? Do they test nothing?
Oh and by the way, Mouse and Keyboard is much better anyway! (well in 9 situations out of 10)
Mouse flight control means you always have to be looking in the direction you are turning. Keyboard flight control means you are limited to only 8 hard directions.
Joystick is smooth flight control leaving the mouse for where you want to be looking.
Best of all worlds: Mouse + Keypad w/Thumbstick (like the Logitech G13 or similar)
I have been playing with a Joystick and this game for a long time. Even when I had to use a third party program to map my joystick to work for STO. I just dont enjoy the game without it.:mad:
I for one could car less if the costume(s) look right or if tool tips aren't spelled correctly, it's about the joystick control not working. I have a Logitech pad with the 'switch' and that does allow some control and a G13 (for space) that I also use, mostly for weapons and heals and I also use the keyboard for space control with my mouse. But for the ground missions the Logitech F310 is about all I use, it's so much easier, before I got the F310 I used to use just the keyboard, I find the joy stick much preferred to the keyboard.
I would think they would at least put one programmer on this general issue to try to unbreak what use to work.
Okay, So after several hours of trying combos to get my mini-joy on the G13 to work, here's what I got to work
1-In options, turn off both controller and Xbox controller settings in STO
2-Unassign the mini joy to be a joy(the pull down on the joy says, "unassign joystick"-so now u can program it to be much like the G-keys)
3-Now program each axis(up/down/left/right) to the default W.A.S.D keys for ground/space movement. Much like any G-key setup, choose assign new command/keystroke.
4-Seems simple right? Wrong. that what took me the several hours part. For some reason, the game wasn't recognizing the joy commands at all. At first, just backwards, then turning left. Even using the Test keys from the profile pulldown, nothing was working.
Here's what fixed it for me. I got out of STO(usually I can set keys on the fly, with stow in Window mode) and when I tested it like that, STILL didn't work.
The Fix???? = go in the taskbar, in the lower right of ur comp, right click on the Logitech Gaming Software Icon(its a big G nowadays) and hit EXIT. Then restart the program from you Start/All Programs/Logitech gaming software, or from your quickstart, where I have it. Once I did that, and tested my M1 profile(ground play), it registered in the Test profile keys, and in STO.
Here's the kicker, when I went in to play a new Fluidic space mission, and tried my Space profile, M3, I had the initial problem, of it not registering. So exited STO/Gaming experience/restarted experience, set M3 same as M1, with WASD keys, and poof, back in Sol System, Im flying around jusssst fine.
So, until there is a actual fix, this is my workaround
Okay, So after several hours of trying combos to get my mini-joy on the G13 to work, here's what I got to work
1-In options, turn off both controller and Xbox controller settings in STO
2-Unassign the mini joy to be a joy(the pull down on the joy says, "unassign joystick"-so now u can program it to be much like the G-keys)
3-Now program each axis(up/down/left/right) to the default W.A.S.D keys for ground/space movement. Much like any G-key setup, choose assign new command/keystroke.
4-Seems simple right? Wrong. that what took me the several hours part. For some reason, the game wasn't recognizing the joy commands at all. At first, just backwards, then turning left. Even using the Test keys from the profile pulldown, nothing was working.
Here's what fixed it for me. I got out of STO(usually I can set keys on the fly, with stow in Window mode) and when I tested it like that, STILL didn't work.
The Fix???? = go in the taskbar, in the lower right of ur comp, right click on the Logitech Gaming Software Icon(its a big G nowadays) and hit EXIT. Then restart the program from you Start/All Programs/Logitech gaming software, or from your quickstart, where I have it. Once I did that, and tested my M1 profile(ground play), it registered in the Test profile keys, and in STO.
Here's the kicker, when I went in to play a new Fluidic space mission, and tried my Space profile, M3, I had the initial problem, of it not registering. So exited STO/Gaming experience/restarted experience, set M3 same as M1, with WASD keys, and poof, back in Sol System, Im flying around jusssst fine.
So, until there is a actual fix, this is my workaround
World, Your Welcome, Stay Classy.
BlueWolf 07
that' may be a workaround for those that use the G13, but there are those of us that use other controllers such as the Logitech dual action that have no such workaround, and I refuse to use outside mapping programs, not even the logitech profiler.
Okay, So after several hours of trying combos to get my mini-joy on the G13 to work, here's what I got to work
1-In options, turn off both controller and Xbox controller settings in STO
2-Unassign the mini joy to be a joy(the pull down on the joy says, "unassign joystick"-so now u can program it to be much like the G-keys)
3-Now program each axis(up/down/left/right) to the default W.A.S.D keys for ground/space movement. Much like any G-key setup, choose assign new command/keystroke.
4-Seems simple right? Wrong. that what took me the several hours part. For some reason, the game wasn't recognizing the joy commands at all. At first, just backwards, then turning left. Even using the Test keys from the profile pulldown, nothing was working.
Here's what fixed it for me. I got out of STO(usually I can set keys on the fly, with stow in Window mode) and when I tested it like that, STILL didn't work.
The Fix???? = go in the taskbar, in the lower right of ur comp, right click on the Logitech Gaming Software Icon(its a big G nowadays) and hit EXIT. Then restart the program from you Start/All Programs/Logitech gaming software, or from your quickstart, where I have it. Once I did that, and tested my M1 profile(ground play), it registered in the Test profile keys, and in STO.
Here's the kicker, when I went in to play a new Fluidic space mission, and tried my Space profile, M3, I had the initial problem, of it not registering. So exited STO/Gaming experience/restarted experience, set M3 same as M1, with WASD keys, and poof, back in Sol System, Im flying around jusssst fine.
So, until there is a actual fix, this is my workaround
World, Your Welcome, Stay Classy.
BlueWolf 07
That isn't a workaround at all. You've just programmed your thumbstick to use W,A,S,D. That means you are stuck only turning eight directions and only full-on or full-off. Rather than smoothly flying, you're left with a clunky garbage.
(And, really, you didn't need to do any of that. I tried switching my thumbstick keys to that in G13 last night. It functioned, but was no replacement for the real joystick. Might as well be a keyboard-turner, in fact, that's exactly what it is.)
That isn't a workaround at all. You've just programmed your thumbstick to use W,A,S,D. That means you are stuck only turning eight directions and only full-on or full-off. Rather than smoothly flying, you're left with a clunky garbage.
(And, really, you didn't need to do any of that. I tried switching my thumbstick keys to that in G13 last night. It functioned, but was no replacement for the real joystick. Might as well be a keyboard-turner, in fact, that's exactly what it is.)
This is the exact reason I prefer using a controller to the keyboard, especially in space and setting it to "chase" mode I can turn my ship as slowly or as fast as I like pitch it as much or as little as I like all with the left stick of a controller, something you can't do with wasd. it only takes my left thumb for all movement leaving my other fingers and thumb free to press the various button combos to activate tray powers. that has now been taken away.
I have set the stick to emulate keys as suggested, but it's not the same.
I find myself sometimes stuck or rolling about when I wanted to walk. I expect this is down to my shakey hands, which the analogue stick smoothed out for me.
Strangely my xbox 360 pad sticks work, but not my G13 or my old Logitech Attack 3. All these devices worked fine before the season 9 patch.
I'm not sure I could really play on the 360 pad, not enough buttons.
I did mention this on the tribble bugs forum a while back. I guess whoever is in charge of QA for Input or Accessibility options missed it.
The joystick function of my Logitech G13 Keypad does not work as a joystick. I can remap the joystick functions to keyboard keys, that works. I would like to be able to the joystick as I did before the Season 9 patch.
This is the exact reason I prefer using a controller to the keyboard, especially in space and setting it to "chase" mode I can turn my ship as slowly or as fast as I like pitch it as much or as little as I like all with the left stick of a controller, something you can't do with wasd. it only takes my left thumb for all movement leaving my other fingers and thumb free to press the various button combos to activate tray powers. that has now been taken away.
I dont get this. What do you mean with "pitch"? to go up?? lol, why cant do that with the keyboard? as for the speed, i just use the extra left mouse buttons, 1 to speed up, the other one to speed down. Its hyper comfortable and really practical. And again, there is called "shorcuts" to assing to the keyboard. Some people just need to discover what a keyboard can do, seriously lol. And with a good mouse with extra buttons, you dont even need to use extra keyboard keys to do a lot of things.
Because using a controler to do everything, its hyper mega tedious. But well, if you can do it, good job. Its impossible to play better using a controler than using keyboard+mouse. Its a fact.
The other day i tried the xbox controller (btw i dont have any issues), god, i discarded it after 5 minutes. Let the gamepads and joysticks to the arcades of the video consoles lol, STO is not fited to use a controller, period. If you dont feel comfortable using keyboard, is because you are not used to it and you dont play too many pc games.
I dont get this. What do you mean with "pitch"? to go up?? lol, why cant do that with the keyboard? as for the speed, i just use the extra left mouse buttons, 1 to speed up, the other one to speed down. Its hyper comfortable and really practical. And again, there is called "shorcuts" to assing to the keyboard. Some people just need to discover what a keyboard can do, seriously lol. And with a good mouse with extra buttons, you dont even need to use extra keyboard keys to do a lot of things.
Because using a controler to do everything, its hyper mega tedious. But well, if you can do it, good job. Its impossible to play better using a controler than using keyboard+mouse. Its a fact.
The other day i tried the xbox controller (btw i dont have any issues), god, i discarded it after 5 minutes. Let the gamepads and joysticks to the arcades of the video consoles lol, STO is not fited to use a controller, period. If you dont feel comfortable using keyboard, is because you are not used to it and you dont play too many pc games.
By "pitch" I mean the up/down angle/movement of the ship, with the keyboard you're locked into the standard 45 degree angle when you press W or S, with my analog stick I can adjust that angle to anything I want.
I don't use the controller for everything, thing like the inventory, doffing etc I still use the keyboard and mouse for, but in combat and moving around the controller just feels more natural.
I will agree with you on one point, when I first started using a controller with this game I thought it was clumsy too. but that was with the default controller settings. Turns out for some reason by default turning the camera is set to the right joystick. but a simple change in the joystick settings can swap camera rotation and strafing so one stick controls forward/back movement and camera rotation the same way WASD movement does but much more precise because of the analog control.
In space I guarantee, that with my controller, with the camera look set to chase mode I have far more control than you do with a keyboard and mouse.
Trying to update everyone with some light at the end of this tunnel, but for the time being I am waiting on a response from our team, so the best I can do is gather more info from you all right now.
I have seen a lot of reports from all 3 of our media sources that players using controllers/joysticks are having a lot of trouble getting their devices to function after the patch, but haven't seen a lot of details to help identify exactly what is being affected.
It would help speed things up a lot if I can get those of you in this thread who want to identify the issue to provide me with some stats on your gear.
If I can report what devices are borked, that may help with a fix. Reply to this post with the following info:
What Device are you using? Make & Model please
What OS/Platform are you running it on? PC? Mac?
Keep it short and sweet so no one's response gets lost in the thread, and I can build a better picture for the Dev team to address.
I cannot guarantee anything, but I will work with you all to get this taken care of as soon as we are able. For those of you dependent on this system setup, my main goal is to get you back in game so you can enjoy the new content.
Saitek Cyborg 3D Gold USB
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Using Windows built-in drivers, no OEM software (it's an older device, but Windows 7 still recognises all four axis and 14 buttons).
PS2 controller using a PS2 to USB adapter. Nothing works in game. All 12 buttons and 4 axis work fine in Windows joystick CPL. Worked great b4 season 9. Running on Windows 8.1.
Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard on Win7
Gameboard works fine apart from the joystick. Enable Joypad and Joystick is selected in settings. The pad will work fine if I map it to WASD keys but not when mapped to Joystick.
My Saitek X-52Pro HOTAS flight stick and Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, with the latest driver/control software updates are not working either, I have tried them both on 2 different computers, it seems like somehow the patch disabled/blocked all of the games X,Y,Z, etc;"Axis" controls/movements, as I get no ship movement or control activitation from any axis on my joysticks but all of the assigned Button Maps are working perfectly! Digital Storm PC/Windows 7 Ultimate, ASUS G75 Laptop PC/Windows 7 Home and I hope this gets resolved soon!!!!!
You'll notice the button and joystick names are changed to hex addresses of some type, which I don't think the STO software recognizes as being buttons etc on a controller.
I use the logitech profiler to bind controls to that of the keybinds ingame, except for the camera movement and character movement. I left them as defaults as they worked fine before the s9 patch. Meaning, i was able to walk forward,back,left & right. And was able to rotate camera 360x180 no problem.
Now, I only have use of all my triggers and buttons and the " D " pad.
The joysticks have stopped responding. For some reason though, i can only rotate the camera 360, but it has swapped itself to the left stick, whereas before, it was on the right stick.
Hope it is fixed soon.
What i am disappointed with, is they knew there were problems, but released it on us in holodeck anyway. They done the same thing with s8.5 and s8. Released patches knowing too well there were problems. I would rather them be a month late in releasing the patch and have it bug free, opposed to releasing it on due date WITH problems. Releasing broken patches like this patch, has to stop!
But, i do hope they have this fixed quick. as i am hopeless in third person/first person games or away missions on sto on my keyboard and mouse.
I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
And seriously, how could they break something so straightforward that worked fine for so many years? Do they test nothing?
Mouse flight control means you always have to be looking in the direction you are turning. Keyboard flight control means you are limited to only 8 hard directions.
Joystick is smooth flight control leaving the mouse for where you want to be looking.
Best of all worlds: Mouse + Keypad w/Thumbstick (like the Logitech G13 or similar)
FOR ME is useful... and it's a very very annoying bug.
I hope in a rapid fix, i need it for playing.
I've remapped it to QWES for now, but it's not as smooth.
I would think they would at least put one programmer on this general issue to try to unbreak what use to work.
1-In options, turn off both controller and Xbox controller settings in STO
2-Unassign the mini joy to be a joy(the pull down on the joy says, "unassign joystick"-so now u can program it to be much like the G-keys)
3-Now program each axis(up/down/left/right) to the default W.A.S.D keys for ground/space movement. Much like any G-key setup, choose assign new command/keystroke.
4-Seems simple right? Wrong. that what took me the several hours part. For some reason, the game wasn't recognizing the joy commands at all. At first, just backwards, then turning left. Even using the Test keys from the profile pulldown, nothing was working.
Here's what fixed it for me. I got out of STO(usually I can set keys on the fly, with stow in Window mode) and when I tested it like that, STILL didn't work.
The Fix???? = go in the taskbar, in the lower right of ur comp, right click on the Logitech Gaming Software Icon(its a big G nowadays) and hit EXIT. Then restart the program from you Start/All Programs/Logitech gaming software, or from your quickstart, where I have it. Once I did that, and tested my M1 profile(ground play), it registered in the Test profile keys, and in STO.
Here's the kicker, when I went in to play a new Fluidic space mission, and tried my Space profile, M3, I had the initial problem, of it not registering. So exited STO/Gaming experience/restarted experience, set M3 same as M1, with WASD keys, and poof, back in Sol System, Im flying around jusssst fine.
So, until there is a actual fix, this is my workaround
World, Your Welcome, Stay Classy.
BlueWolf 07
that' may be a workaround for those that use the G13, but there are those of us that use other controllers such as the Logitech dual action that have no such workaround, and I refuse to use outside mapping programs, not even the logitech profiler.
That isn't a workaround at all. You've just programmed your thumbstick to use W,A,S,D. That means you are stuck only turning eight directions and only full-on or full-off. Rather than smoothly flying, you're left with a clunky garbage.
(And, really, you didn't need to do any of that. I tried switching my thumbstick keys to that in G13 last night. It functioned, but was no replacement for the real joystick. Might as well be a keyboard-turner, in fact, that's exactly what it is.)
This is the exact reason I prefer using a controller to the keyboard, especially in space and setting it to "chase" mode I can turn my ship as slowly or as fast as I like pitch it as much or as little as I like all with the left stick of a controller, something you can't do with wasd. it only takes my left thumb for all movement leaving my other fingers and thumb free to press the various button combos to activate tray powers. that has now been taken away.
I find myself sometimes stuck or rolling about when I wanted to walk. I expect this is down to my shakey hands, which the analogue stick smoothed out for me.
Strangely my xbox 360 pad sticks work, but not my G13 or my old Logitech Attack 3. All these devices worked fine before the season 9 patch.
I'm not sure I could really play on the 360 pad, not enough buttons.
I did mention this on the tribble bugs forum a while back. I guess whoever is in charge of QA for Input or Accessibility options missed it.
I dont get this. What do you mean with "pitch"? to go up?? lol, why cant do that with the keyboard? as for the speed, i just use the extra left mouse buttons, 1 to speed up, the other one to speed down. Its hyper comfortable and really practical. And again, there is called "shorcuts" to assing to the keyboard. Some people just need to discover what a keyboard can do, seriously lol. And with a good mouse with extra buttons, you dont even need to use extra keyboard keys to do a lot of things.
Because using a controler to do everything, its hyper mega tedious. But well, if you can do it, good job. Its impossible to play better using a controler than using keyboard+mouse. Its a fact.
The other day i tried the xbox controller (btw i dont have any issues), god, i discarded it after 5 minutes. Let the gamepads and joysticks to the arcades of the video consoles lol, STO is not fited to use a controller, period. If you dont feel comfortable using keyboard, is because you are not used to it and you dont play too many pc games.
By "pitch" I mean the up/down angle/movement of the ship, with the keyboard you're locked into the standard 45 degree angle when you press W or S, with my analog stick I can adjust that angle to anything I want.
I don't use the controller for everything, thing like the inventory, doffing etc I still use the keyboard and mouse for, but in combat and moving around the controller just feels more natural.
I will agree with you on one point, when I first started using a controller with this game I thought it was clumsy too. but that was with the default controller settings. Turns out for some reason by default turning the camera is set to the right joystick. but a simple change in the joystick settings can swap camera rotation and strafing so one stick controls forward/back movement and camera rotation the same way WASD movement does but much more precise because of the analog control.
In space I guarantee, that with my controller, with the camera look set to chase mode I have far more control than you do with a keyboard and mouse.
I have seen a lot of reports from all 3 of our media sources that players using controllers/joysticks are having a lot of trouble getting their devices to function after the patch, but haven't seen a lot of details to help identify exactly what is being affected.
It would help speed things up a lot if I can get those of you in this thread who want to identify the issue to provide me with some stats on your gear.
If I can report what devices are borked, that may help with a fix. Reply to this post with the following info:
What Device are you using? Make & Model please
What OS/Platform are you running it on? PC? Mac?
Keep it short and sweet so no one's response gets lost in the thread, and I can build a better picture for the Dev team to address.
I cannot guarantee anything, but I will work with you all to get this taken care of as soon as we are able. For those of you dependent on this system setup, my main goal is to get you back in game so you can enjoy the new content.
Thanks for your patience everyone!
Logitech Extreme3DPro Joystick.
PC - Win 7 Ultimate (64bit)
Win 8.1
All but banking the starship works
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Using Windows built-in drivers, no OEM software (it's an older device, but Windows 7 still recognises all four axis and 14 buttons).
Gameboard works fine apart from the joystick. Enable Joypad and Joystick is selected in settings. The pad will work fine if I map it to WASD keys but not when mapped to Joystick.
Note: When mapped to WASD the movement is awful
The keys on the G13 are mapped to keyboard controls, so they work, but the analogue stick isn't recognised.
G13 firmware version 0x0203 and Logitech Gaming Software version 8.35.18.
Do you need any more info?
(Which, I understand, presents as a fairly standard USB Joystick with lots of controls)
None of the axes or buttons get a response in STO any more.
Here is how my STO (Cryptic) space bind file normally looks:
Joystick2_Left "+left"
Joystick2_Right "+right"
Joypad_Up "throttleadjust .25"
Joypad_Down "throttleadjust -.25"
Joypad_Left "GenSendMessage Throttle_FullImpulse_Button FullThrottle"
Joy1 "Interactwindow"
Joy2 "ScanForClickies"
Joy4 "UseTrayslot0 4"
Joy11 "UseTraySlot0 2"
Joy12 "UseTraySlot0 3"
Bb "UseTraySlot0 1"
Ab "UseTraySlot0 0"
Joy11+joy7 "UseTraySlot1 2"
Joy12+joy7 "UseTraySlot1 3"
Bb+joy7 "UseTraySlot1 1"
Ab+joy7 "UseTraySlot1 0"
Joy7+joy4 "UseTrayslot1 4"
Joy11+joy5 "UseTraySlot2 2"
Joy12+joy5 "UseTraySlot2 3"
Bb+joy5 "UseTraySlot2 1"
Ab+joy5 "UseTraySlot2 0"
Joy5+joy4 "UseTrayslot2 4"
Joy8+joy4 "UseTrayslot1 9"
Joy11+joy8 "UseTraySlot1 7"
Joy12+joy8 "UseTraySlot1 8"
Bb+joy8 "UseTraySlot1 6"
Ab+joy8 "UseTraySlot1 5"
Joy11+joy6 "UseTraySlot2 7"
Joy12+joy6 "UseTraySlot2 8"
Bb+joy6 "UseTraySlot2 6"
Ab+joy6 "UseTraySlot2 5"
Joy6 "(null)"
Joy6+joy4 "UseTrayslot2 9"
Joy4+joy3 "UseTrayslot0 9"
Joy11+joy3 "UseTraySlot0 7"
Joy12+joy3 "UseTraySlot0 8"
Bb+joy3 "UseTraySlot0 6"
Ab+joy3 "UseTraySlot0 5"
Joypad_Right+joy11 "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FirePhasers"
Joypad_Right+joy12 "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireTorps"
Joypad_Right+bb "(null)"
Joypad_Right+ab "(null)"
Joy7+joy7 "(null)"
Joy8+joy7 "+power_exec Distribute_Shields"
Joy8 "(null)"
Lbutton "(null)"
Joypad_Up+joy7 "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Forward"
Joypad_Left+joy7 "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Left"
Joypad_Right+joy7 "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_right"
Joy7 "(null)"
Joypad_Down+joy7 "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Rear"
Down "(null)"
Joypad_Right "throttletoggle"
Joy5 "(null)"
Joy6+joy5 "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireAll"
Joypad_Left+joy8 "StatsPreset_Load Preset_1"
Joypad_Up+joy8 "StatsPreset_Load Preset_2"
Joypad_Right+joy8 "StatsPreset_Load Preset_3"
Joypad_Down+joy8 "StatsPreset_Load Preset_4"
Multiply ""
Joy5+joy2 "Map"
Joy5+joy1 "Inventory"
Joy7+joy2 "Missions"
Joy7+joy1 "CharacterStatus"
Joy6+joy1 "Skills"
Rtrigger+start "Dutyofficer"
It looked like this even after saving the file with /bind_save_file filename.txt before season 9
now after what I get is this:
0x60 "(null)"
0xa7 "+left"
0xa8 "+right"
0xb9 "throttleadjust .25"
0xba "throttleadjust -.25"
0xbb "GenSendMessage Throttle_FullImpulse_Button FullThrottle"
0x5a "Interactwindow"
0x5b "ScanForClickies"
0x5d "+STOTrayexecByTray 0 4"
0x7f "UseTraySlot0 2"
0x80 "UseTraySlot0 3"
0x63 "UseTraySlot0 1"
0x62 "UseTraySlot0 0"
0x7f+0x60 "UseTraySlot1 2"
0x80+0x60 "UseTraySlot1 3"
0x63+0x60 "UseTraySlot1 1"
0x62+0x60 "UseTraySlot1 0"
0x60+0x5d "UseTrayslot1 4"
0x7f+0x5e "UseTraySlot2 2"
0x80+0x5e "UseTraySlot2 3"
0x63+0x5e "UseTraySlot2 1"
0x62+0x5e "UseTraySlot2 0"
0x5e+0x5d "UseTrayslot2 4"
0x61+0x5d "UseTrayslot1 9"
0x7f+0x61 "UseTraySlot1 7"
0x80+0x61 "UseTraySlot1 8"
0x63+0x61 "UseTraySlot1 6"
0x62+0x61 "UseTraySlot1 5"
0x7f+0x5f "UseTraySlot2 7"
0x80+0x5f "UseTraySlot2 8"
0x63+0x5f "UseTraySlot2 6"
0x62+0x5f "UseTraySlot2 5"
0x5f "(null)"
0x5f+0x5d "UseTrayslot2 9"
0x5d+0x5c "UseTrayslot0 9"
0x7f+0x5c "UseTraySlot0 7"
0x80+0x5c "UseTraySlot0 8"
0x63+0x5c "UseTraySlot0 6"
0x62+0x5c "UseTraySlot0 5"
0xbc+0x7f "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FirePhasers"
0xbc+0x80 "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireTorps"
0xbc+0x63 "(null)"
0xbc+0x62 "(null)"
0x60+0x60 "(null)"
0x61+0x60 "+power_exec Distribute_Shields"
0x61 "(null)"
0xee "(null)"
0xb9+0x60 "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Forward"
0xbb+0x60 "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Left"
0xbc+0x60 "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_right"
0xba+0x60 "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Rear"
0xd0 "(null)"
0xbc "throttletoggle"
0x5e "(null)"
0x5f+0x5e "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireAll"
0xbb+0x61 "StatsPreset_Load Preset_1"
0xb9+0x61 "StatsPreset_Load Preset_2"
0xbc+0x61 "StatsPreset_Load Preset_3"
0xba+0x61 "StatsPreset_Load Preset_4"
0x37 "(null)"
0x5e+0x5b "Map"
0x5e+0x5a "Inventory"
0x60+0x5b "Missions"
0x60+0x5a "(null)"
0x5f+0x5a "Skills"
0x61+0x5a "Dutyofficer"
0x62+0x5b "Usetrayslot3 0"
0x63+0x5b "Usetrayslot3 1"
0x7f+0x5b "Usetrayslot3 2"
0x80+0x5b "Usetrayslot3 3"
0x5d+0x5b "Usetrayslot3 4"
0x5d+0x5a "Usetrayslot3 9"
0x62+0x5a "Usetrayslot3 5"
0x63+0x5a "Usetrayslot3 6"
0x7f+0x5a "Usetrayslot3 7"
0x80+0x5a "Usetrayslot3 8"
0xcf "CamCycleDist"
0x61+0x5f "Target_Friend_Next"
0x60+0x5e "Target_Clear"
You'll notice the button and joystick names are changed to hex addresses of some type, which I don't think the STO software recognizes as being buttons etc on a controller.
IM USING LOGITECH DUAL ACTION. MODEL NO: G-UF13A. CAN SEE IT HERE : http://www.logitech.com/en-us/support/288?osid=14&bit=64
I use the logitech profiler to bind controls to that of the keybinds ingame, except for the camera movement and character movement. I left them as defaults as they worked fine before the s9 patch. Meaning, i was able to walk forward,back,left & right. And was able to rotate camera 360x180 no problem.
Now, I only have use of all my triggers and buttons and the " D " pad.
The joysticks have stopped responding. For some reason though, i can only rotate the camera 360, but it has swapped itself to the left stick, whereas before, it was on the right stick.
Hope it is fixed soon.
What i am disappointed with, is they knew there were problems, but released it on us in holodeck anyway. They done the same thing with s8.5 and s8. Released patches knowing too well there were problems. I would rather them be a month late in releasing the patch and have it bug free, opposed to releasing it on due date WITH problems. Releasing broken patches like this patch, has to stop!
But, i do hope they have this fixed quick. as i am hopeless in third person/first person games or away missions on sto on my keyboard and mouse.
Mad Katz Cyborg V.1 Stick (007-303)
I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
and my keybind files saved after Season 9 are full of hex code too.
I hope in good news soon.