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Nebula Saucer Seperation



  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    aethon3050 wrote: »
    STO is not canon; I don't see why it's such a big deal, as long as we stick to content that originates from licensed works, and logical conclusions based on what we know about Star Trek.

    Capt-obvious is Obvious.
    xigbarg wrote: »
    Its easy. If you couldn't tell, I don't take this debate(or thread) with the up most seriousness.

    I didn notice you before, and probably wont in the future... But hey... at least put an efford into it.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    anazonda wrote: »
    Actually, I was trying to teach him the difference between Canon, and concept... Two very different things.

    I thought that was rather obvious actually... I tried to figure out how you missed that part, but I simply could'n.

    It's canon because it was designed that way. jeeze. the Sovie only got 3 movies so we only say some of her abilites. And again from the guy you designed it. You should give him as much respect ad matt jefferies.
  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    anazonda wrote: »
    Capt-obvious is Obvious.

    My opinions on canon were already obvious to you? Are you telepathic? :)
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    anazonda wrote: »
    Sigh... You're a lost cause...

    Well not point in trying to make it anymore obvious to you... Enjoy your fantasy.

    Some people just refuse to understand that simple canon rule....
    I've given up explaining it to them a while ago and usually simply ignore their posts. Far to frustrating.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well, here some contradictions from the first 2 pages of this thread...
    Fan designs, but it shows it is POSSIBLE with the model.
    anazonda wrote: »
    Interesting theory...?

    All images I have seen, seem to indicated that the Nebula is designed much in the same way the Galaxy is, with the nacelles attached to the engineering hull, like the saucer, just without the neck?

    Yes but if you look at the two, the secondary hull really isn't built around the saucer as it is in the Nebula. The nebula is honestly built a lot more like the Miranda where it's apart of the saucer. I mean it is built in to be there, the saucer is really what gives a soild foundation for the rest of the ship as far as the Nebula is concerned.

    As far as the galaxy goes, the saucer is just merely THERE, i mean the rest of the ship can deal without having the saucer section.

    In the nebula the saucer section IS the ship. Everything attached to it is built with that in mind.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    artan42 wrote: »
    Why the hell do people constantly want to split their ships up!?
    It's a stupid tactic that didn't make any sense in TNG.

    This, this, a thousand times over.

    It was trumpeted to the heavens in onscreen separation's first appearance that it wasn't done to attack from two angles with one ship, but to get all the non-combat personnel (including the scads of children aboard the Carnival Cruises Enterprise) onto the saucer and keep them out of the way during combat.

    Separated saucer should not equal "Biggest Carrier Pet Evar." :rolleyes:
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    talonxv wrote: »
    Yes but if you look at the two, the secondary hull really isn't built around the saucer as it is in the Nebula. The nebula is honestly built a lot more like the Miranda where it's apart of the saucer. I mean it is built in to be there, the saucer is really what gives a soild foundation for the rest of the ship as far as the Nebula is concerned.

    As far as the galaxy goes, the saucer is just merely THERE, i mean the rest of the ship can deal without having the saucer section.

    In the nebula the saucer section IS the ship. Everything attached to it is built with that in mind.

    I'll put it this wayh. the only signs of nebula doing saucer sep is the componets that it is made out of and that other bridge. show me a desinger's drawing it dioin it and you have a stronger arguement. Nebula was ment as a cheaper Galxy and likely among the cost cutting was saucer sep. but I'll say saucer sep possible but not liklely.
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This, this, a thousand times over.

    It was trumpeted to the heavens in onscreen separation's first appearance that it wasn't done to attack from two angles with one ship, but to get all the non-combat personnel (including the scads of children aboard the Carnival Cruises Enterprise) onto the saucer and keep them out of the way during combat.

    Separated saucer should not equal "Biggest Carrier Pet Evar." :rolleyes:

    Well not in the first appearance, there it was a lifeboat only, but the Prometheus showed that they adapted the concept for tactical use later.

    talonxv wrote: »
    Yes but if you look at the two, the secondary hull really isn't built around the saucer as it is in the Nebula. The nebula is honestly built a lot more like the Miranda where it's apart of the saucer. I mean it is built in to be there, the saucer is really what gives a soild foundation for the rest of the ship as far as the Nebula is concerned.

    As far as the galaxy goes, the saucer is just merely THERE, i mean the rest of the ship can deal without having the saucer section.

    In the nebula the saucer section IS the ship. Everything attached to it is built with that in mind.

    Well thats not how I see it...
  • xigbargxigbarg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    aethon3050 wrote: »
    My opinions on canon were already obvious to you? Are you telepathic? :)

    My concern for the canon rule was that the game is on the edge of being canon at all. This is why I can hardly take debates seriously. Do I think its cool? Yes. Would I want it in the game? Sure, why not? Is it necessary? No, I can live without it.

    If people want the game to stay as canon as possible, I can respect that but your struggles are in vain. You should redirect that energy for a realism(Trek) mode/difficulty. You will only see other people in space who use this mode, you can only uses Trek like set ups, ect. This way both sides win.
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