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Season 9 Dev Blog #5: Changes to Reputation Powers



  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Omega didnt work. Havent tried aux to damp, but I dont think it would work either. I think you are confusing grav well with Tractor beam.

    You dont seem to even get it. The problem is that there are no counters for this super "undine rift" grav well. That is the problem.

    Unless its a special rift... Aux to Damp makes you immune to all repeles and GWs are normaly reverse repel.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • shandypandyshandypandy Member Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Than give romulans access to warp cores too, instead of the crappy singularity cores and their gimmick powers lol.

    Honestly, you are thinking in the communist way. Equality in poverty.

    Er, for a start you're getting socialism and communism confused. And you're also asking for a socialist-type access to power cores. Everyone get's the same treatment: understand it?
    tpalelena wrote: »
    They did not want to make reputation easier for new players, which would worked just as well and achieved the same results.

    Probably not, because they want progression gated. Don't know why. Probably an equal playing field scenario in a f2p environment. Just a guess though.
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Nerfing is bad, mkay. It makes people like me not wanting to give Cryptic any money at all. But if they boosted something else rather than nerfing what we had, that would have gone over much smoother.

    Again: YOU THINK NERFING IS BAD. Not everyone thinks it's bad. Some want it. Do you see?
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ok so i have play a litile with it on trible and it is clear its on alpha state.
    How ever i like it.

    Have some points to point.

    For start i am a science captain, i play most on space (and i test the rep traits on it).
    I use the Fleet avanger, my setup is not as most have.
    I use 3 Antiproton Dual Beams, the Dyson torpedo and the Romulan Hyper torpedo on foward.
    On Aft, I use the Cutting beam, the 360 antiproton beam and the dyson experimental weapon (to complete the torpedo set).

    I use the adapted maco engine and deflector, the dyson shield from the rep and the 360 antiproton beam warp core for the 10% bonus.

    For consoles, 2x Neutorium alloy with +turn mk12, 1 Turn console with +rest all mk12 and the Omega borg console on eng slots.
    At sci, i use the dyson console for the torpedo set and the leech.
    Tact, 4x antiproton with crtH mk12 consoles.

    Bofs, on lt universal i use a tact with HY1 and Patern Beta. On lt.com tact, Tact Team 1, HY2 and FaW3.
    On the ensign tact i use a Tact Team 1.
    For the Com eng, Emergency power to Auxiliary 1, Eng team 2, Emergency power to Weapon 3 and Auxiliary to sif 3. On lt science, Science team 1 with Hazard emmiters 2.

    MY dofs are 3x torpedo reload purple, 2x fire at will cool down purple and 1x fire at will cooldown blue.

    My power are 125 for weapons, 15 for shield, 15 for engines and the rest for aux.

    I test it on a 1v1 pvp match with a guy who also have an avanger, but he uses 8 beams, aux2batt setup and he pick (even tho i dont know what exact) 2 deffencive and 2 attack rep traits. He is also a tact captain

    I pick 4 attack traits, the Nukara t4 offencive, the Omega who give torpedos a chance of bypass shield, the dyson t4 offencive and another omega who add +all energy and kinect dgm/skill.

    BEfore this change, on pvp i could never drop his hull under 85%, never.. my ship is pve build tho..
    Now with the change, the same ship but with the rep traits drop him to 30% hull.. then i die :P

    His ship (on holodeck) does on ise dps benchmark 20k or more dps. My ship only does 13.5k at a perfect run. My ship is a full front assault, aft and board side are bad...but thats my play style.

    All in all, it wont be balanced as i fear with recent level 50 players. But it change the aspect abit. The new re-thot abilities do add an extra mille for both deffencive or attack.

    How ever i think it lost the balance in a way.
    At first a player could pick many attack and deffence, so he can tank and attack.
    Now you have three routs.
    One is only attack, other is only deffence...and the third...is only help abit in both, but wont make you a tank or a killer...so this third should be choosen only if you already do well in both so you are only boosting abit.

    I like it! How ever i see that it will bring a couple of problems.
    As i had to leave many abilities out, the more they will add, exept if i expect to lose in my current build with the 4 i pick, i wont botter and many wont for do new reputation...exept if it bring something to the table that is very seducing.
    What is also an issue, at first by read the undine cryptic is doing right, only a diferent abilitie but not something that make everything older bad...but if people wont botter with new rep anymore...eventualy they will go the rout of new rep make old ones bad to make you grind...

    As it is i like, good job.

    Let me understand. You are happy you can now bring your down that much courtesy of Cryptic limiting what he earned. You fall in that category of not learning.

    I pvp with friends. At first I was blown up literally in 5 seconds. Afterward I chatted with pro's including heated debates about builds, read forums about builds, watched YouTube videos, and read Star Trek Online wiki pages. Now I am at there level.

    It seems you want the easy route and would be a complainer about power creep. Do more work and you could be balance but you have to earn it.
  • dathranselanedathranselane Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    I think it went summat like: this game isn't just played by you and I (I can't remember who I was replying too, sorry), the max-level, one main toon with a few alts, none-pvp'rs. I'll readily take a nerf to the noggin if it gets (and keeps) more people playing, be they pvp'rs, new players, whatever. Let's face it, us vets will be screwed if there's not enough people playing to keep the game going. Everyone moans about the money-grubbing devs, PWE are in it for the money, blah blah: it is a business, of course they're in it to make money. I don't go to work just because I love being shouted at by randoms on the phone: I have a mortgage, and I need to put food on the table. C'est la vie.

    I know it's a nerf. They're nerfing me too. I ground my toons just as much as you peeps. I'm not ecstatic about the loss in 4 passives. It's not game breaking though.

    I can see their argument and I think that outweighs my annoyance at it. I've still got all the passives i ground: I just can't slot them all at once. I have to think about what I need/want, in a given situation. I might even pvp more than once a month now, actually.

    Very well said, sir. I am in 100% agreement. Your perception, foresight, and good-natured tolerance are commendable.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Er, for a start you're getting socialism and communism confused. And you're also asking for a socialist-type access to power cores. Everyone get's the same treatment: understand it?

    Probably not, because they want progression gated. Don't know why. Probably an equal playing field scenario in a f2p environment. Just a guess though.

    Again: YOU THINK NERFING IS BAD. Not everyone thinks it's bad. Some want it. Do you see?

    Time gating does not add an equal footing in a f2p environment. It actually gives longer playing people an advantage, but you are super clueless so I have to point out the obvious.

    And yes, I think its a special "fludiic rift" that just works like a grav well. It also fires globes of snot at you that work like Eject warp plasma. Just chase you around by the dozen, instead of a single fixed line.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • o0kami87o0kami87 Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Nerfing is bad, mkay. It makes people like me not wanting to give Cryptic any money at all. But if they boosted something else rather than nerfing what we had, that would have gone over much smoother.

    I'm preferable to singularity cores actually, those "gimmicks" have saved my rump several times over but that's another topic
    As for buffing other content rather than nerfing going over smoother, not from my experience. Both get criticized quite a bit.
    Do I like the change? No, hate it as it makes one more aspect that if utilized I'd have to keep track of.
    Is it game breaking... well to each there own, it's not for me. I'll just avoid the rep system now as it doesn't serve as a supplemental level system anymore.
    First, Vice Admiral, U.S.S. Wolf Pack-F, NX-101687-FFirst., Vice Admiral, A.R.W. Moon WolfWolf, I.K.S. Frost Bite
  • jack24bau3rjack24bau3r Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    People have brought up some really good points here, having 8 passive abilities, either ground or space is better than just having 4 ground and 4 space.

    The entire way the skill points and traits are currently mapped, force you to be good at one or the other, or mediocre at both. Yes skill levels will obviously come into play on these situations, but the point is, dedicated builds for space/ground > some mixed up half specced build.

    I think a viable solution to this is to allow 8 passive abilities at one time, either ground/space or a mix of both.

    This would appease both people who only play dedicated builds, and people who want to keep all of their exisitng passives as all they would have to do is equip a ground passive spec for ground missions, and a space passive spec for space missions.

    I think this meets some good middle ground since it accomplishes a hard cap on the abilities that you can gain from the rep systems, without giving players the impression that you are taking away hard earned abilities that some of which will never be used again, simply because some abilities are better than others.

    Personally this would make me feel more comfortable with this situation and make the transition between the existing system and the future system much more easy to accept.

    I would like to see comments from other people on this proposed compromise, in particular, the ongoing participants from both sides of the debate, as well as Hawk.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    o0kami87 wrote: »
    I'm preferable to singularity cores actually, those "gimmicks" have saved my rump several times over but that's another topic
    As for buffing other content rather than nerfing going over smoother, not from my experience. Both get criticized quite a bit.
    Do I like the change? No, hate it as it makes one more aspect that if utilized I'd have to keep track of.
    Is it game breaking... well to each there own, it's not for me. I'll just avoid the rep system now as it doesn't serve as a supplemental level system anymore.

    There's a problem also with singularity cores because they give Roms something that Feds and Klingons don't have an answer for so that's a whole other imbalance all it's own they've completely ignored.

    But now they are making it worse by taking out essential skills. I was helping a friend level through the borg content the other night and It was great because I didn't have to resequence once. Not once the whole time we were fighting. It was so nice, and now that's gone too without any replacement!

    Who over there is in charge of balance because they have some serious answering to do about what they are going to do to replace these holes in builds, about what they are going to do for the feds and klinks about singularity imbalance, and what are they going to do about certain other items.

    Even if they made a Doff that gave the sensor placate ability to Feedback Pulse for example at the and extended it's duration or reduced it's cooldown that would be perfect because then when science ships have 100% threat from 5-10 ships at once we could use that to make them not see us for a certain duration which would be perfect!
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There's a problem also with singularity cores because they give Roms something that Feds and Klingons don't have an answer for so that's a whole other imbalance all it's own they've completely ignored.

    But now they are making it worse by taking out essential skills. I was helping a friend level through the borg content the other night and It was great because I didn't have to resequence once. Not once the whole time we were fighting. It was so nice, and now that's gone too without any replacement!

    Who over there is in charge of balance because they have some serious answering to do about what they are going to do to replace these holes in builds, about what they are going to do for the feds and klinks about singularity imbalance, and what are they going to do about certain other items.

    Even if they made a Doff that gave the sensor placate ability to Feedback Pulse for example at the and extended it's duration or reduced it's cooldown that would be perfect because then when science ships have 100% threat from 5-10 ships at once we could use that to make them not see us for a certain duration which would be perfect!

    Think you overestimate those gimmick powers that Fed and Klinks dont really need. They got +40 shield power to show for it.

    You need a fleet elite core on fully charged Singularity and a plasmonic leech just to get back to that power level. And that requires you to keep the core fully charged.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • kitsune424kitsune424 Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    matrix0 wrote: »
    I really don't understand why ppl complain about A2B when everyone can use it? So far the only ship that can truly benefit from A2B is cruisers. Using A2B on other ship types is kinda pointless.

    BS absolute BS, try Escorts -.- quite often -.-
    We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Think you overestimate those gimmick powers that Fed and Klinks dont really need. They got +40 shield power to show for it.

    You need a fleet elite core on fully charged Singularity and a plasmonic leech just to get back to that power level. And that requires you to keep the core fully charged.

    No they have +10 shield power

    You loose -10 per system not -40 from one.

    Yes playing a warbird is more about finesse. To be honest thought they shine more in PvP, it seems clear you are more playing PvE.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    The Romulan imbalance is a mess-but it's a separate mess. It is a mess now, it was a mess when they were released, it'll probably be a mess to-morrow or when these changes to rep get implemented-it's a mess.

    as for "holes in your builds" everyone's going to have teh same change, not just you.

    As for your Borg thing-sounds like you just want it to be easy-mode at all times-resequencing in ground STF is part of ground STF even with full KHG 3P ground set I still had to do it, (not as often, but still had to), even with the passive I've still had to (though even less often). It's part-and-parcel of running BORG GROUND-you resequence occasionally because they do adapt.

    If you didn't have to, either you were leaning heavily on kit powers (they don't seem to adapt to turrets, probes, mines, fire, etc.) or someone else in your group was doing a lot more shooting than you were, and resequencing frequently...or, you had a bug on that instance.

    The big change I see, is that for new Alts and players, one may in effect be able to elect NOT to do Borg Rep, and will still be able to compete in nukara/Dyson/Romulan runs. For long-standing toons, you end up with the same comparative level of ability as anyone else with two or more reps complete-but across a wider range than the new guys.

    basically very close to what we've got now, but it lets the developers have a break in designing new content-they don't have to bother with creating 'nightmare mode' STF type grinds every three months, they can go back to designing FE's, and it limits stacking of mechanics beyond the developer's intended outcome.

    Makes the game more robust, which is better.

    That makes no sense. The more they increase the reputation there will be more holes in builds Cryptic is enforcing.

    If Cryptic did a 8/8/5 or 8 universal/5 cap. It would keep everyone mostly happy. Cryptic, Vets, and non vets.

    As to nightmare content. If a 2 players can do a STF. The content needs to be harder. Cryptic could be doing that instead of pissing people off.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Just to take the argument off the table, the devs have decided to roll in the old borg refrequencing boost with the new passive.

    You'll get a two-fer, if the change survives going live on Tribble in a future build.

    Yah, yah, source... Look in Dev Tracker or Twitter. You'll find it.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »

    Just to take the argument off the table, the devs have decided to roll in the old borg refrequencing boost with the new passive.

    You'll get a two-fer, if the change survives going live on Tribble in a future build.

    Yah, yah, source... Look in Dev Tracker or Twitter. You'll find it.

    It helps to check that once in a while~
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    That makes no sense. The more they increase the reputation there will be more holes in builds Cryptic is enforcing.

    If Cryptic did a 8/8/5 or 8 universal/5 cap. It would keep everyone mostly happy. Cryptic, Vets, and non vets.

    As to nightmare content. If a 2 players can do a STF. The content needs to be harder. Cryptic could be doing that instead of pissing people off.

    So you are saying you will not complain... when they implement a new Auto Difficulty system... and you find you can't complete an infected run in under 9 min any more... because the better you are the more tac cubes spawn ?

    I'm serious as well I think this is a very likely happening in the not to distant future.

    Just being clear now when that happens I won't see you complaining right.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »

    Just to take the argument off the table, the devs have decided to roll in the old borg refrequencing boost with the new passive.

    You'll get a two-fer, if the change survives going live on Tribble in a future build.

    Yah, yah, source... Look in Dev Tracker or Twitter. You'll find it.
    Yep, Tacofangs or Hawk mentioned it earlier today that they're going to add the remodulation to the Graviton Pulse proc on the Tier 3 (I think) ability for the ground. That should make that particular ability very intriguing to some players.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    People have brought up some really good points here, having 8 passive abilities, either ground or space is better than just having 4 ground and 4 space.

    The entire way the skill points and traits are currently mapped, force you to be good at one or the other, or mediocre at both. Yes skill levels will obviously come into play on these situations, but the point is, dedicated builds for space/ground > some mixed up half specced build.

    I think a viable solution to this is to allow 8 passive abilities at one time, either ground/space or a mix of both.

    This would appease both people who only play dedicated builds, and people who want to keep all of their exisitng passives as all they would have to do is equip a ground passive spec for ground missions, and a space passive spec for space missions.

    I think this meets some good middle ground since it accomplishes a hard cap on the abilities that you can gain from the rep systems, without giving players the impression that you are taking away hard earned abilities that some of which will never be used again, simply because some abilities are better than others.

    Personally this would make me feel more comfortable with this situation and make the transition between the existing system and the future system much more easy to accept.

    I would like to see comments from other people on this proposed compromise, in particular, the ongoing participants from both sides of the debate, as well as Hawk.

    I guess it's good you missed the part where Hawk commented that they may split the Captain Traits up again into Space/Ground like before so that a player can't pick all space or all ground traits.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So you are saying you will not complain... when they implement a new Auto Difficulty system... and you find you can't complete an infected run in under 9 min any more... because the better you are the more tac cubes spawn ?

    I'm serious as well I think this is a very likely happening in the not to distant future.

    Just being clear now when that happens I won't see you complaining right.

    If we had a 8/8/5 or 8universal/5 Rep no I wouldn't. If I can't beat it in 10 mins. Ill work till I can get it down to 5 mins. The find two other people likewise. Then beat the hell out of it.

    Oh. Someone going complains that's a power creep.
  • anna0picard0anna0picard0 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Let me understand. You are happy you can now bring your down that much courtesy of Cryptic limiting what he earned. You fall in that category of not learning.

    I pvp with friends. At first I was blown up literally in 5 seconds. Afterward I chatted with pro's including heated debates about builds, read forums about builds, watched YouTube videos, and read Star Trek Online wiki pages. Now I am at there level.

    It seems you want the easy route and would be a complainer about power creep. Do more work and you could be balance but you have to earn it.

    So you need to mimic other builds instead of do your own?
    I never complain about power creeps, i wonder where you see the complaim.

    Also after see it by my self i realise it is a tone down in one way. How ever it also is a tone up.

    Why you ask? Simple, most of the abilities arent the same. Now a torpedo boat can be competitive if well build. Now if you want resistence with antiproton (that will be good aguinst the undine not just pvp) it will.

    So... my point is how it is is a tone down, but as you say, just rebuild around the changes and i bet you will be even stronger.

    Also i cant care less for pvp, not every one pvp in fact. So only cos you feel its a tone down to you every one else is a noob cos dont build a lame aux2bat build?
    So yea, maybe you took a hit with the change, but who didnt isnt a noob as you claim cos want to build ships as on the show, with...torpedos...
  • jack24bau3rjack24bau3r Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I guess it's good you missed the part where Hawk commented that they may split the Captain Traits up again into Space/Ground like before so that a player can't pick all space or all ground traits.

    I didn't miss it, I just hope they won't make that decision. Especially if it costs trait slots that are currently on my ships used for space.
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »

    Just to take the argument off the table, the devs have decided to roll in the old borg refrequencing boost with the new passive.

    You'll get a two-fer, if the change survives going live on Tribble in a future build.

    Yah, yah, source... Look in Dev Tracker or Twitter. You'll find it.
    Well, that is an immense relief for anyone who's trying to build up Omega rep via ground STFs... getting that refrequencing ability makes the difference between actually pulling your weight in a ground, or spending 1/3rd of your time going "aaargh, got to remodulate.... beep... beep... beep... beep."

    However, in general, the more I think about this issue (I grant you, I'm probably thinking about it more than I should), the more I think Cryptic is making a category mistake over the whole thing.

    You are looking at people developing their characters' abilities past the level 50 cap, and thinking "oh no, this is power creep, this is bad, we must stop it".

    What you should, in my opinion, be thinking is more along the lines of "this is people continuing to engage with the game and develop their characters past our arbitrary limit; this is good, we should find ways to encourage them".

    I don't see any way of doing this, I'm afraid, without some serious effort at developing end-game content - adding more reputations, and/or raising the existing level cap, would help, but at best it would be a stopgap measure. And... umm... there's no polite way to say this... I'm not very confident, on the current showing, about your plans for development of end-game content. From where I'm sitting, it looks awfully like your thoughts run "create another rep grind, create another battlezone for players to grind in, bung in ten minutes' worth of cut scenes so it looks like there's a story, hire an ex-Trek actor to do some voice work in a featured ep, there we are, bish-bash-bosh, next season done". I would love to be wrong about this. Please, prove me wrong....
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If we had a 8/8/5 or 8universal/5 Rep no I wouldn't. If I can't beat it in 10 mins. Ill work till I can get it down to 5 mins. The find two other people likewise. Then beat the hell out of it.

    Oh. Someone going complains that's a power creep.

    Thats the point the system they are likely to implement won't ever let you get to 5min... if you get it under 7 min they will just bump you up a difficulty level and add more cubes / harder gates what ever to make sure there design goal of 7-10 min per run is met.

    So your not going to complain when they add that right.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thats the point the system they are likely to implement won't ever let you get to 5min... if you get it under 7 min they will just bump you up a difficulty level and add more cubes / harder gates what ever to make sure there design goal of 7-10 min per run is met.

    So your not going to complain when they add that right.

    I will state it again. Keep the new reputation system 8/8/5 or 8universal/5 and will bust my chops to get it down to 7 mins to end quick or 5 mins with additional difficulty. My fleet mates probably will push themselves.

    If we can tackle a Borg Fleet Alert to protect a starbase in that time throw in Borg Unimatrix or two. In the spirit of Dislocation. bring it on.

    So no I would not complain.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »

    Just to take the argument off the table, the devs have decided to roll in the old borg refrequencing boost with the new passive.

    You'll get a two-fer, if the change survives going live on Tribble in a future build.

    Yah, yah, source... Look in Dev Tracker or Twitter. You'll find it.

    Glad to hear it, the removal of that ability was one of my biggest issues.

    Though I still feel 4/4/4 is too few.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • architect13architect13 Member Posts: 1,076 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Glad to hear it, the removal of that ability was one of my biggest issues.

    Though I still feel 4/4/4 is too few.
    Forgot that trait was there, never thought it was useful.
    Have you tried the new forum on your phone?
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    lol....so no point of charging more then 1 reputation well done guys u just made all other reputations useless....
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    warpet wrote: »
    lol....so no point of charging more then 1 reputation well done guys u just made all other reputations useless....

    Hrmm, sounds like something that somebody that has not even done a single Rep to T5 might say...
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    warpet wrote: »
    lol....so no point of charging more then 1 reputation well done guys u just made all other reputations useless....

    So in this new system you get 4 activated traits (along with 4 ground and 4 space). Which means if you want to slot 4 activated traits you need to get to T5 in at least 4 reps.

    Remember the activated traits are the T5 trait unlocks from each reputation.

    If you do like you suggest and just do 1 rep, you'll have 3 empty slots. That's kind of a waste.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thats the point the system they are likely to implement won't ever let you get to 5min... if you get it under 7 min they will just bump you up a difficulty level and add more cubes / harder gates what ever to make sure there design goal of 7-10 min per run is met.

    So your not going to complain when they add that right.

    Adding more cubes? Eeeexcelent! More loot for the loot god!

    Seriously though, romulans have -40 power. That is a -10 drain on all subsystems. Which I could be putting onto shields. SO yeah, it can be 40 shield power.

    So a romulan must either sacrifice damage for shields, or must sacrifice survivability for damage.

    "Glass cannon", with the glass part being the -40 power, the cannon part being the extra critical chance.

    If we take away the cannon part....what remains? Glass.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    It's not a hole unless you don't bother managing your setup!

    Maybe I've been playing too long-I recall a time when we'd keep separate loadouts for different mission types-you know, deflector, engine and shields to handle different types of play against (gasp!) different types of opponents. It's a modular system, man.

    Hell, they went so far with recent changes as to implement that so that you don't have to manually click/drag when you were setting up different builds (PvP vs. PvE, for instance, or changing energy and weapons types...)

    This change is basically the same thing-you're running Borg runs this week? you pick the borg and romulan or borg and nukara setups. no single rep is floating around out there with all four tiers being all ground or all space. it's two and two, so at max for this, you're still drawing on two rep chains for that, and the way it looks, if you're running against Tholians, well...Nukara and maybe Borg, or Nukara and Romulan, or Romulan and Borg, or maybe even Dyson and "whatever".

    the direction is toward diversity of loadout with this, whereas currently the direction has been "The Won Tru Build".

    I see that as a genuine improvement. Yeah, you can't stack all the space passives for four (or more) Rep systems simultaneously-but so what? it just means boring goes back to being challenging. One minute runs in ESTF's represent a PROBLEM. They're not the entire problem, they're a symptom of a bigger problem.

    what this looks to be, is Cryptic actually starting to address their core mechanical problem-that is, dumping TRIBBLE untested, which then gets abused in ways they did not intend, resulting in less diverse and rewarding gameplay and an overreliance on extrinsic, as opposed to intrinsic rewards for gameplay.

    There is something fundamentally satisfying about "I made a choice, and sacrificed one ability for another, and kicked TRIBBLE by doing it." as opposed to "I grind this game so much that everything, regardless of listed difficulty, is sooper-eezy and boring, I want a nitemare mode!!"

    in a way, this is the start of reintroducing the concept of "Player skill" over "grinder skill".

    I think you are incorrect. Once they introduce more reputation you'll be able to stack 8 space or 8 ground. All people want is a increase that doesn't say TRIBBLE you veterans which 8/8/5 or 8/5 would do. Cryptic can save face and make some people happy.

    My build is a Romulan Ha'feh which is built as a ambush tactical support ship. Blow things up off other fleet ships, while ships are trying to blow me up.Since its not a Federation my passive is built half Hull and shield increase, and critical damage. Its more balance. This change would drop my build by 60% until at least 3 more reputation systems are made about a year and a half. I busted my behind God knows how many hours for competitive. Eighty percent of my gameplay is PVP then STF. I rarely do PVE because there is no challenge.

    I do not mess with load outs, muiltiple ships, or any quick switch gimmick. I only play in elite mode. iWith the new build I have to choose defense or offense. Its a offense ship so I have to build that making the ship more dangerous.

    All the new Rep stuff seems like water down TRIBBLE. So Ill stick with base stuff and counter this Rep TRIBBLE with a fleet version of my ship and a universal output from a Rep chain
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