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KDF Needs More End Game Tier 5 Ships Thread



  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is a joke post:

    How about a truly OP ship that supersedes the Scimitar?

    Baluar Siege Warbarge
    Hull: 50k
    Boff Slotting: Com Tac, Com Sci, Com Eng, Com Universal
    Enhanced Red October Battle Cloak
    Console Slotting: 5 Eng/5 Tac/5 Sci
    3 Hanger Slots with 3 Uber Rare Orion Slavers
    5 Forward Weapons Slots equipped with Guramba Javelins with 10 second CD
    5 Aft Weapon Slots with Ultra Rare 360 Gorn Rock Throwing Weapons

    This way you get all three of the ships you want in one nice, powerful ship. You can farm contraband, unleash 5 Javelins in an Alpha Strike and should you miss it plays the Russian National Anthem....

    OP enough for the KDF?

    I really like how your mind works. Really, really do. :D
    Yeah but October of what year?

    Silly zeuxidemus001. October 2410, ofcourse.
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    I want the following plox: neghvar refit, raptor with 5 forward weapons, beefier k'tinga, and a fleet guramba. Make it so!

    And I want a Phlox, plox! A.K.A. > Denobulans. Seems I'm SOL.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    z3ndor99 wrote: »
    If you trust geko then October!!!! I want new kdf ships to play with! Oh yes the guramba ( with 5 tac consoles ) and... a... 5 forward weapon raptor!!! Please can we haz next month!? Please.

    I trust that Geko will come out with another 5 Fore weapon Fed Escort in October... follow by a 5 Fore Weapon Raptor 4-5 months later.

    Any1 remembers that Geko says that they had a KDF Battle Cruiser under the works than few weeks after the interview without even a mention... the Avenger pops out of nowhere which turn out to be a Battle Cruiser in terms of stats that Cryptic suppose to be worked on for the KDF, and like 2-3 months later the Mogh finally came out after being halted and delayed for a full year.

  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ddemlong wrote: »
    I love how he "unapologetically" focuses on Feds, TRIBBLE poor mentality for any MMO maker for focus on a single faction. Then essentially says if they are not pissing off the KDf "you are doing it wrong" sounds like intentional neglect beyond what we already know.

    If you can not atrtact players to a certain faction you are doing something wrong.

    I highly agree...

    There's a reason games like W-o-W been popular and have near population equality on both Alliance and Horde Factions...

    Thier Dev's don't focus mostly only on a single faction... lets take an example, how many ppl u think will play the Horde if their Dev's only put race's like only Orc's and Troll's and, add a single major city for them and give them only 2 faction specific mounts compare what the Alliance got now?
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I hope that five tac console five forward weapon Raptor also comes with a hangar.

    That can have frigate pets.

    So that I can have my raptor with 2 bird-of-prey 'wing mates'.

    Call the hangar something else, 'squadron leader' instead of hangar. Or make it a console slot like the Prometheus MV or the saucer/chevron separation thing. But how batman would it be?

    EDIT Although my preference would be to have that with a C-store Hegh'ta retrofit.
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Looks like Geko forgot about the Fleet Guramba and Negh'Var refit he promissed...


    But rest assured we'll get dozens more FED ships, with confirmed Dauntless on the list...

    ******nit, it's not even funny at this point.
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,748 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    overlapo wrote: »
    Link to the part about the Fleet Garumba and why it didn't show up at the same time as the Fleet GalX.

    Gah that explanation was painful to listen to.

    Allow me to paraphrase "It was too hard, we didn't have the time."
  • ddemlongddemlong Member Posts: 294
    edited July 2014
    Gah that explanation was painful to listen to.

    Allow me to paraphrase "It was too hard, we didn't have the time."

    They haven't had time in 2 years? Yet they found time for the Avenger, and Patrol Escort.
    I use to do 100K DPS, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

    Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    stofsk wrote: »
    I hope that five tac console five forward weapon Raptor also comes with a hangar.

    That can have frigate pets.

    So that I can have my raptor with 2 bird-of-prey 'wing mates'.

    Call the hangar something else, 'squadron leader' instead of hangar. Or make it a console slot like the Prometheus MV or the saucer/chevron separation thing. But how batman would it be?

    EDIT Although my preference would be to have that with a C-store Hegh'ta retrofit.

    All he said though was that it was a 5 fore raptor lol.

    Feds would cry too much if we got 5 tact console ship since they want the monopoly on that.

    They do need to either have a c-store/fleet hegh'ta too or atleast let use the hegh'ta costumes on the hoh'sus. Although they tried that with the b'rel but the c-store costume available to the c-store brel doesn't work on the fleet b'rel. So with the b'rel I have to down grade myself to get the better costume lol.

    Eh we won't get a hangar on anything ever again lol. That is now a selling point to feds now if you won't buy it we will add a hangar to it rofl.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I want a Bird of Prey with a hangar so it can launch up to 2 Birds of Prey.

    Which also have hangars :D
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Why would you want a Fleet Grumba, its already out of date! ;p

    What you want is a tier 6 equivilant, lets call it the MegaDeltaGrumba for now or MDG for short.
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