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Re: Ship Management System mentioned in Season 8.5 overview blog

darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
So it seems that season 8.5 will give us the opportunity to change our starships in sector space. Good or bad? I say bad.

Being able to change your ship out of spacedock is bad for a number of reasons.

1) It further diminishes the believability of the game.

Yes, games require a person to suspend disbelief, but if something becomes more and more and more unbelievable it becomes a farce.

2) It's lazy and a form of instant gratification.

What is it with the need for instant gratification? I want my other ship NOW, DAMN IT!!! Didn't people get taught patience when they were younger? What's the next instant gratification, being able to call the Azura with no countdown? Then what? No cooldown on transwarp? Then what? Press a button to level up? Every time the game gets its challenges removed the less rewarding it becomes and the less people will play it. What's the point if there's nothing to work through/overcome/spend time doing?

3) It focuses more people in the areas that are deemed useful.

DS9 was a useful location as it was the only place where you could do STF stuff. Now it's a lot more quiet as there's no real need to be there. The need to go to spacedock will be greatly diminished, pushing more people in to other areas. What's next, putting a dabo table and latinum trader on ESD? That would make it so much more easier for those lazy people who want everything now but it would deaden Drozana and DS9 a little bit more. The less and less we need to travel to certain places to do things the lazier this game feels.


Don't allow players to change ships in sector space. Make people travel to spacedock to do it. Whilst you're at it, start giving more importance to places that the player has to travel to. Give us reasons to actually go somewhere instead of giving us instant access to this mission or that resource. We need something for a mission or for crafting something? Make us work to get it. Product X can only be obtained from K7, item Y can only be crafted at DS9, task Z can only be initiated from Vulcan. After all, the easier the game gets the less interesting it becomes.

I know there will be people who disagree with my opinion but can we please have constructive responses instead of insults?
Post edited by darramouss1 on


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    edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Switching ships/layouts is what a large proportion of players want; if you give the players what they want, more people will play the game; the more people that play the game, more people will spend money on the game; if more people spend money on the game, the game will get better; if the game gets better, it will last longer; if the game lasts longer, I can play it more. End result: I put up with things that don't affect me so that I can play the game.
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    darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Switching ships/layouts is what a large proportion of players want; if you give the players what they want, more people will play the game; the more people that play the game, more people will spend money on the game; if more people spend money on the game, the game will get better; if the game gets better, it will last longer; if the game lasts longer, I can play it more. End result: I put up with things that don't affect me so that I can play the game.

    You make a very valid point, however popular opinion doesn't always make the best decision. I'm sure that if everyone had the ability to choose to not pay taxes then the country would shut down in days.

    I just wish that ease and convenience wasn't one of the more important things that people seek in games these days.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You make a very valid point, however popular opinion doesn't always make the best decision. I'm sure that if everyone had the ability to choose to not pay taxes then the country would shut down in days.

    I just wish that ease and convenience wasn't one of the more important things that people seek in games these days.

    I have to agree.

    The whole point of Voyager, for instance, was that if you're not at a starbase, you're stuck with whats fitted on your ship or what you can salvage out there.

    This decision is more about game and less about star trek.......which, in my view, is not a good sign of things moving forward.

    This game stands or falls on how well it reflects the IP.
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    darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    This game stands or falls on how well it reflects the IP.

    The funny thing is that I have seen people say that it should be more about the game, not the IP. I agree with you, however, as different companies can make all the space combat games they want but they'll never be able to make a Trek game. That's something that needs to be preserved as it guarantees this game's uniqueness.

    Oh, and what you mentioned about Voyager? That was one of the best bits about the show. Awesome example.
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Yeah if this was an RPG/space exploration sim, then costume changes in space would be pretty much the exact wrong thing. But its not an RPG/sim, and if you look at how things work on the ground with costume swaps and inventory management, then this is kind of normalization around that model.
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    edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ...however popular opinion doesn't always make the best decision.

    That is very true, and if this were a more important matter it would be far better to assess the potential repercussions of any developer or playerbase decision. However, as it stands giving the people their instant gratification won't negatively affect those who will continue to prefer to work for their rewards; and whereas it may be bad for the character integrity of the impatient players who herald this decision, I don't feel that it is my place to enforce my methods of building moral fortitude on others. Especially in a casual gaming environment.

    (For the record, I like immersion, and will probably continue to use Starbases for most refitting)
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Yeah if this was an RPG/space exploration sim, then costume changes in space would be pretty much the exact wrong thing. But its not an RPG/sim, and if you look at how things work on the ground with costume swaps and inventory management, then this is kind of normalization around that model.

    Agreed also, i do see how this change is arrived at.

    However, there's a line to be drawn and it can be crossed.

    The balance between faithfulness to the IP and good gaming is a tricky one to draw. Not least because it lies in radically different places for different people.

    However, there has to be a point where the IP doesn't compromise, or else it dissipates.

    This sort of change, while it may not be the tipping point, is a step towards it.
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    sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, it does at least fit logically with everyone being Admirals at least. </snark>
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    rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    My counterarguments.
    1) It further diminishes the believability of the game.

    Yes, games require a person to suspend disbelief, but if something becomes more and more and more unbelievable it becomes a farce.

    Actually not. It is quite logical that an Admiral ranked player can arrange for an RV in the middle of sector space. I don't see how I cannot arrange for a ship to transwarp to my location, so I can shift my command in the front lines, instead of being out of the fight for a period of time. So really, its only logical.

    2) It's lazy and a form of instant gratification.

    What is it with the need for instant gratification? I want my other ship NOW, DAMN IT!!! Didn't people get taught patience when they were younger? What's the next instant gratification, being able to call the Azura with no countdown? Then what? No cooldown on transwarp? Then what? Press a button to level up? Every time the game gets its challenges removed the less rewarding it becomes and the less people will play it. What's the point if there's nothing to work through/overcome/spend time doing?

    Yes, it might be called lazy. It might also be called boring to visit a specific locatiom just if you need your Ambassador instead of your Excelsior. As for the rest of the argument, this is a huge overreaction and does not serve to strenghten your point, so no feedback there.
    3) It focuses more people in the areas that are deemed useful.

    DS9 was a useful location as it was the only place where you could do STF stuff. Now it's a lot more quiet as there's no real need to be there. The need to go to spacedock will be greatly diminished, pushing more people in to other areas. What's next, putting a dabo table and latinum trader on ESD? That would make it so much more easier for those lazy people who want everything now but it would deaden Drozana and DS9 a little bit more. The less and less we need to travel to certain places to do things the lazier this game feels.

    So? Less people in ESD. Can't say I'm crying. Maybe, for once, we finally will be able to actually have a conversation in zone chat now. And the less time you see people just hurling by for their ship, the more time you will see them in missions. They will be filling queues and enjoying content instead of dashing through ESD where they aren't doing anything in which you are involved anyway.

    In short, I support the idea. Next to that, its gonna happen. The devs would shoot themselves in the foot by aborting this idea after this kind of announcement.

    As for your style of argumentation, you often exaggerate (misspelled, I know, but its 1 am at my place and i'm typing on my tablet) and you see similarities where there are none. I'd try to avoid those.

    Hoping this was a constructive reply.
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The game is a holodeck, changing ships when you want kind of makes sense using that logic.

    Instant gratification? Do you even know what that means?
    Instantly getting the newest ship for no effort. That is instant gratification.
    Switching ships on the fly is eliminating an inconvenience.
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    rybaksixrybaksix Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Maybe they should limit that to the space dock/star-base orbit. Something like that. Besides if U wanna swap the ship ask for an invite to board tuff or suli and that is it.

    I would say no to the instant swap. If there would be like an auxiliary ship that you can board / transwarp to, to do that, makes much more sense.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    My counterarguments.


    So really, its only logical.


    Hoping this was a constructive reply.

    Not meaning to be rude, but essentially your position boils down to, 'its logical'.

    I cant wholly disagree, as if we simply look at this as a game you're absolutely correct.

    I'd further concede that, one can make an argument that, at least, doesn't contradict canon.

    However, I'd suggest a sort of compromise.

    Allow us to change ships, as suggested, but only in sectors where we have a friendly starbase.

    So, if I'm wandering through Beta Ursae and want to switch ships....no problem.

    However, if as a Fed, I take my Galaxy in Omega Leonis and want to switch to my Defiant, I'm SOL......because I'm way out of range.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I completely agree with the points you made OP. To me, frankly, this is starting to get a bit ridiculous.

    Like I said in that other thread - we already have an useless sector space in a Star Trek game of all the places, the way this is going we might as well nuke the social zones and group the players in a single room in which there'll be everything and we'll just sit there and join queues.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    In fact, I think convenience trumps "believability" easily when talking about an online game that is supposed to attract a general customer base, not a niche group of "immersion" or canon purists. No offense to the groups mentioned, but they do make up a much smaller portion of the STO playerbase than the general, casual player. Additionally, it is the general casual player that Cryptic needs to retain if it wants the game to succeed in bringing in more revenue.

    Your numbers may be wrong, but the groups you identify clearly exist.

    As stated before, it is a difficult task to find the correct balancing point between the two.

    However, I do think you underestimate the group you characterise as 'canon purists'.

    While they may be a minority in terms of number of players, if you were to look at just LTSs I think you'd see a wholly different picture.

    Indeed, I'd suggest the probability of someone being a canon purist correlates strongly with how much money they spend on the game.

    Thus, while there do have to be compromises of the canon to make the game work, there also have to be parts of the game that do not compromise, lest those canon purists with their wallets leave.

    It's not an easy line to draw, its worth repeating that.

    The compromise I've suggested earlier would satisfy me though.
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    darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Allow us to change ships, as suggested, but only in sectors where we have a friendly starbase.

    So, if I'm wandering through Beta Ursae and want to switch ships....no problem.

    However, if as a Fed, I take my Galaxy in Omega Leonis and want to switch to my Defiant, I'm SOL......because I'm way out of range.

    This is an awesome compromise. It retains believability whilst making ship changing more accessible. This idea has my vote.

    shpoks wrote: »
    ...the way this is going we might as well nuke the social zones and group the players in a single room in which there'll be everything and we'll just sit there and join queues.

    This is what I don't want the game to be. Whilst I like the reputation system, Omega reputation did exactly that to STFs. Players have no need to go to the DS9 STF area now and that was a great social place.

    Reading through the comments I have to say that every person thus far has made valid points and seem to be covering most of the playing population. Here's another suggestion for the game.

    The lower levels of ESD are unused and dormant. Wasted, really. Why not use that space as an area that initiates missions that involve us to travel and actually do things instead of sitting in a social zone, waiting for a queue to fill. Give the missions a small cooldown, say an hour, and have the missions involve travel to particular sectors (with no missions transwarp for X number of EC), battle a little, collect items (bound to prevent people from circumventing this system through the exchange) and then craft these things in to new items and/or consumables. In fact, use it to populate the woefully under-represented ship device category. We want more than batteries, red matter and subspace field modulator.

    This system would be optional. You only do it if you want to do it. The missions would need to have an element of randomness. They would have to be VERY challenging, with the possibility of failure. People who like to sit in queues and be relatively sedentary would have no change to their game. People who want to go out and actually do stuff would have something to do. Combine that with rinkster's ship changing idea and the game would be stronger.
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Switching ships/layouts is what a large proportion of players want; if you give the players what they want, more people will play the game; the more people that play the game, more people will spend money on the game; if more people spend money on the game, the game will get better; if the game gets better, it will last longer; if the game lasts longer, I can play it more. End result: I put up with things that don't affect me so that I can play the game.
    Why do you assume that players will commit to a game that does not require any commitment from them?

    I try to treat the game the same way the devs do. When I take it more seriously than them I end up trolling myself. They treat it like ez game with no real strategy requirements (no penalty for losing, instant equipment swaps, etc), so thats how I treat it. Its basically a web game with better graphics. Do you commit to a lot of those?
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    sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sudoku7 wrote: »
    Well, it does at least fit logically with everyone being Admirals at least. </snark>

    Non-snarky answer: I role-play as the commander of a large task force comprised of my various ships and I love the idea of having the ability to "transfer my flag" on the fly, as it were.

    What's immersion-breaking for some may enhance immersion for others, and in this case Cryptic is leaning towards the needs of the many. If changing ships in sector space breaks immersion for you, don't do it. Return to Starbase and do it there like you're "supposed" to. It should in no way impact you if I'm sitting around at New Romulus and my Army HEC suddenly becomes a Galor.

    At any rate, it's a good idea for most of us, and a non-issue for the rest. Nobody can make you take advantage of this new feature.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
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    roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited January 2014
    Switching ships/layouts is what a large proportion of players want; if you give the players what they want, more people will play the game;

    Not necessarily. Having is not the same as wanting. The idea and the reality are different things. Having gotten this new bit of convenience, players may find that the game has lost something in the process.
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    nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    See? This is why we can't have nice things - Trolls.:P
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    sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sander233 wrote: »
    Non-snarky answer: I role-play as the commander of a large task force comprised of my various ships and I love the idea of having the ability to "transfer my flag" on the fly, as it were.

    What's immersion-breaking for some may enhance immersion for others, and in this case Cryptic is leaning towards the needs of the many. If changing ships in sector space breaks immersion for you, don't do it. Return to Starbase and do it there like you're "supposed" to. It should in no way impact you if I'm sitting around at New Romulus and my Army HEC suddenly becomes a Galor.

    At any rate, it's a good idea for most of us, and a non-issue for the rest. Nobody can make you take advantage of this new feature.

    Quite. I do actually like this change, I was just being snarky with my remark [too good of an opportunity to be 'Hey we are actually Admirals!'].

    There's not a whole lot gained by forcing players to go to New Rom/ESD/DS9/BGO/S39-S/K9 etc. And if you restrict it to zones with an allied starbase, it makes KDF have more frustration.
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    tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I fail to see what is wrong with this feature.... if you like it, you'll use it. If you feel it breaks your RP immersion then you won't.
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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I see it good and bad. It depends on how you look at it. Good you can swap up real quick if your doing a STF and swap back again for your mission or farming run. I used to play a game where you could swap your gear like this so you could do solo or go into a group. This way you wasn't stuck or had to visit a city to do it. Bad many players won't go to Dock to swap their ships.

    Me I will still visit the Dock to swap ships. Since I do Role Play, so I won't use that option. Unless the need shows up to "Transfer my Command" for some odd reason.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So it seems that season 8.5 will give us the opportunity to change our starships in sector space. Good or bad? I say bad.

    Being able to change your ship out of spacedock is bad for a number of reasons.

    1) It further diminishes the believability of the game.

    Yes, games require a person to suspend disbelief, but if something becomes more and more and more unbelievable it becomes a farce.

    2) It's lazy and a form of instant gratification.

    What is it with the need for instant gratification? I want my other ship NOW, DAMN IT!!! Didn't people get taught patience when they were younger? What's the next instant gratification, being able to call the Azura with no countdown? Then what? No cooldown on transwarp? Then what? Press a button to level up? Every time the game gets its challenges removed the less rewarding it becomes and the less people will play it. What's the point if there's nothing to work through/overcome/spend time doing?

    3) It focuses more people in the areas that are deemed useful.

    DS9 was a useful location as it was the only place where you could do STF stuff. Now it's a lot more quiet as there's no real need to be there. The need to go to spacedock will be greatly diminished, pushing more people in to other areas. What's next, putting a dabo table and latinum trader on ESD? That would make it so much more easier for those lazy people who want everything now but it would deaden Drozana and DS9 a little bit more. The less and less we need to travel to certain places to do things the lazier this game feels.


    Don't allow players to change ships in sector space. Make people travel to spacedock to do it. Whilst you're at it, start giving more importance to places that the player has to travel to. Give us reasons to actually go somewhere instead of giving us instant access to this mission or that resource. We need something for a mission or for crafting something? Make us work to get it. Product X can only be obtained from K7, item Y can only be crafted at DS9, task Z can only be initiated from Vulcan. After all, the easier the game gets the less interesting it becomes.

    I know there will be people who disagree with my opinion but can we please have constructive responses instead of insults?

    believability like beauty and truth as well as reason is in the eye of the beholder. people want to loose game value for quick swapping, thats the end of it no matter what your point maybe after the fact.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    People are still going to be running to starbases to change, refit/refine builds, and change appearance/bridge/etc. People will still be going to homeworlds for doff and boff related things.

    I don't see the changing of your flagship as being a huge immersion-breaking deal either. It's just as plausible to say your other ships are current dispatched on other missions and as Admiral, you transfer to them for specific assignments. Also, Voyager did a ton of adjustments to their ship while in transit, it wouldn't be hard to rationalize that a ship is packing some modified equipment that they can hook up when a situation arises(swapping builds).

    Conversely, this change cuts down on the tedium and inventory clutter of having different ships designed for specific things, I know I personally went through and built several anti-voth ships when the season launched. I'd love the ability to hotswap to one of my more traditional builds whenever I want to run a queue or what-have-you.
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    tekehd wrote: »
    I fail to see what is wrong with this feature....
    Committing to a build is part of the gameplay (strategy), and being able to swap anything and everything diminishes that aspect of the gameplay. But then again, being able to swap weapons and armor on-the-fly, or make "critical" repairs without visiting space dock, or many other things that have already diminished the gameplay, it doesnt really matter at this point. I gave up on the gameplay elements within a month of starting. Its a carebear game, play dress up and fly around in Star Trek models, its not a space sim or RPG.
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    darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    tekehd wrote: »
    I fail to see what is wrong with this feature.... if you like it, you'll use it. If you feel it breaks your RP immersion then you won't.

    You're correct in saying this to a point. Yes, people can choose not use this feature. But the people who pushed for this will most likely push for another convenience and then another. How can I be sure of this? Because it already happens in other parts of the game. Power creep, anyone?

    The line must be drawn here, no further!!
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    jack24bau3rjack24bau3r Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The game will be shut down due to ship changes in sector space. That is how serious business this is.

    More like they're making stupid things you have to do easier, be thankful.

    Any metaphor to voyager is sheer lol cause voyager was sheer lol. Watchers beware, you're in for a scare.
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    omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You do realize your switching to and from something that is not stationary right? I mean these ships have warp drive they can come to you, so immersion wise I have no problem with that, I send for a different ship, which warps out to me using a skeleton crew which then warps my other ship back to dock or aways away if I won't be long. We talking about vessels that can come to you.

    Btw where are you getting this information from?
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    bladewolf5bladewolf5 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    wow...come on...is not that they going to remove the space dock from the game, they just add something that other players want it, a feature u can simple do not have to use it. If they remove the dock area, it will be not cool. .:cool:
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