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Re: Ship Management System mentioned in Season 8.5 overview blog



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    royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, today if I want to swap ships before I do a mission, I can...
    1) Lay in a course for the nearest star base, maybe causing me to change sector maps. With liberal use of slipstream drive I can probably make the change and get back in 8-10 minutes.
    2) Transwarp to ESD/NewRom/Qo'nos, run to the console and switch ships, then use the mission transwarp for a few ECs. Elapsed time, maybe 2 minutes on a slow server day.

    Quite frankly I don't see how either of these options is much more damaging to immersion/IP/Trek-ness.
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
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    eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    May I remind everyone that "realism" and "trek simulation" was already non-existant at the game's launch and was never STO's goal. When you "beam down" to a planet or star base your ship magically goes POOF. It does not stay in orbit or at a docking port like it should be if you want ultra-realism.

    I see this upcoming feature as nothing but a continuation of this. Game-Play over Simul-Play. Plus the added convenience (even necessity to some) of being able to instantly change ships anywhere with the build and layout you customized and saved.

    If you want more immersion, realism and simulation. It will have to be in Star Trek Online II - hopefully developed by a different company. One where you can be that engineer way down in some jeffries tube using a hyperspanner to fix something for XP. I'd play it and who's to say there aren't a lot of trekkies who would love this type of realism. But in STO - nope it aint gonna happen. Just accept it and try to have fun instead of complaining.
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    roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited January 2014
    eagledraco wrote: »
    Just accept it and try to have fun instead of complaining.

    Those are not mutually exclusive options. I can play, have fun. and still complain. Although, I'd prefer the term "providing feedback".
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    brenatevibrenatevi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The way I look at it, if you're going to make it convenient to swap, you might as well make it truly convenient. If you're about to jump in a queue, why make people go back to a starbase?

    As for immersion, I saw a character named Ron Jeremy in this game. Need I say more?
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    sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    eagledraco wrote: »
    May I remind everyone that "realism" and "trek simulation" was already non-existant at the game's launch and was never STO's goal. When you "beam down" to a planet or star base your ship magically goes POOF. It does not stay in orbit or at a docking port like it should be if you want ultra-realism.

    I see this upcoming feature as nothing but a continuation of this. Game-Play over Simul-Play. Plus the added convenience (even necessity to some) of being able to instantly change ships anywhere with the build and layout you customized and saved.

    If you want more immersion, realism and simulation. It will have to be in Star Trek Online II - hopefully developed by a different company. One where you can be that engineer way down in some jeffries tube using a hyperspanner to fix something for XP. I'd play it and who's to say there aren't a lot of trekkies who would love this type of realism. But in STO - nope it aint gonna happen. Just accept it and try to have fun instead of complaining.

    There was in reality no ship in orbit in the TV series either. Even if the STO engine is incapable of true simulation, or the special effects in the shows was rather questionable, you still approach such entertainment with certain expectations. Like consistence, coherency, continuity, and dare I say, tradition.

    Turning away from such appearances might seem trivial to you, but in the end this offering will turn into something so alien and strange, that you will find it hard to have a debate with those that disagree with you. For they will just disappear, one by one. And at that point you have won. But also lost. For that means you have entered the endgame. For the game.

    But it will no doubt be a very convenient place to hang out in. With all sorts of shortcuts and space magic inspired by the need to not lift a finger to do anything.

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    brenatevibrenatevi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There was in reality no ship in orbit in the TV series either. Even if the STO engine is incapable of true simulation, or the special effects in the shows was rather questionable, you still approach such entertainment with certain expectations. Like consistence, coherency, continuity, and dare I say, tradition.

    Turning away from such appearances might seem trivial to you, but in the end this offering will turn into something so alien and strange, that you will find it hard to have a debate with those that disagree with you. For they will just disappear, one by one. And at that point you have won. But also lost. For that means you have entered the endgame. For the game.

    But it will no doubt be a very convenient place to hang out in. With all sorts of shortcuts and space magic inspired by the need to not lift a finger to do anything.


    Really? You do realize that some (or maybe a lot of) people don't have a lot of time to play. A few minutes can be the difference between me getting into a STF and me having to do something else for my wife or the baby (and sometimes I have to quit in the middle, unfortunately.)

    So convenience is not necessarily going to be the death of the game like you make it out to be.
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    sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    brenatevi wrote: »
    Really? You do realize that some (or maybe a lot of) people don't have a lot of time to play. A few minutes can be the difference between me getting into a STF and me having to do something else for my wife or the baby (and sometimes I have to quit in the middle, unfortunately.)

    So convenience is not necessarily going to be the death of the game like you make it out to be.

    That argument was compelling enough 5 to 10 years ago. Now it is just an excuse to transform the genre itself, turn the whole thing into isolated and incoherent action sequences, like an arcade quickie. Different kind of game.

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    darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Whilst I sympathise with the people who aren't time rich, the game shouldn't be truncated to enable people to shave minutes off. This game should not be turned in to an arcade quickie, as sernonserculion suggested. My argument is that changing ships willy nilly in space is another step on the road to STO becoming aforementioned arcade quickie.
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    eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Turning away from such appearances might seem trivial to you, but in the end this offering will turn into something so alien and strange, that you will find it hard to have a debate with those that disagree with you. For they will just disappear, one by one. And at that point you have won. But also lost. For that means you have entered the endgame. For the game.

    But it will no doubt be a very convenient place to hang out in. With all sorts of shortcuts and space magic inspired by the need to not lift a finger to do anything.


    No it's not trivial to me. I just understand the need for game play convenience over that of simulating the shows.

    We still cannot say "Engage!" from our bridges and travel in space inside our ships. Many want this realism (me included). You may be right that some people left the game because of this. But STO is doing well without this staple feature from the shows.

    It will be the same with switching ships. If you REALLY want to return to space dock to switch ships and builds why don't you just do that? Everyone else who enjoys the convenience of the new feature can simply do it on the fly anywhere they want.
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    brenatevibrenatevi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    That argument was compelling enough 5 to 10 years ago. Now it is just an excuse to transform the genre itself, turn the whole thing into isolated and incoherent action sequences, like an arcade quickie. Different kind of game.


    I disagree. If done right, you can tell coherent stories without slogging through hours of useless, unstreamlined actions. And I'm only half-exaggerating. Having played MMOs for 14 years now, there have been many moments where I've thought "Why are they making me do this?"
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    jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    And another example of someone that doesn't understand how day to day things operate in a military fleet that is underway. :rolleyes:

    I'm sorry, I thought I was playing a video game, not a military simulation.
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So it seems that season 8.5 will give us the opportunity to change our starships in sector space. Good or bad? I say bad.

    Being able to change your ship out of spacedock is bad for a number of reasons.

    1) It further diminishes the believability of the game.
    That ship has sailed my friend.......
    Yes, games require a person to suspend disbelief, but if something becomes more and more and more unbelievable it becomes a farce.

    2) It's lazy and a form of instant gratification.
    With sector travel speeds the way they are, and all the availability to transwarp inherently on each ship, it's already inherently lazy. I could see if the Excelsiors were the only ship that got them, and for the others, you had to either buy the coils, or go to a transwarp gate. But as it is, it's easy travel no matter how you look at it, especially when you've hit L50, with the current sector sizes, slipstream drives, and transwarp availability.
    What is it with the need for instant gratification? I want my other ship NOW, DAMN IT!!! Didn't people get taught patience when they were younger? What's the next instant gratification, being able to call the Azura with no countdown? Then what? No cooldown on transwarp? Then what? Press a button to level up? Every time the game gets its challenges removed the less rewarding it becomes and the less people will play it. What's the point if there's nothing to work through/overcome/spend time doing?
    When even through just doffing, I got my last KDF from like L8ish or so, to Lvl 50 in a month, (Not a single mission, FA, patrol, or anything else done besides the winter race and a few snowfights), leveling is far too easy in general.

    3) It focuses more people in the areas that are deemed useful.

    DS9 was a useful location as it was the only place where you could do STF stuff. Now it's a lot more quiet as there's no real need to be there. The need to go to spacedock will be greatly diminished, pushing more people in to other areas. What's next, putting a dabo table and latinum trader on ESD? That would make it so much more easier for those lazy people who want everything now but it would deaden Drozana and DS9 a little bit more. The less and less we need to travel to certain places to do things the lazier this game feels.
    I don't care if it deadens areas, sometimes the peace & quiet is a useful quality all to itself, lol. But I can see if you genuinely like a particular zone, and wish it were a bit more lively. (As in, more players inhabiting it. Even though I hate DS9, it might be a nice place to park my characters, if it's indeed all that quiet, as it has all the amenities of ESD, excepting the Academy access. KDF side, of course, no issues with parking in First City, as even when there's tons of people there, most times, it's so quiet, if you cough, you scare people, lol)


    Don't allow players to change ships in sector space. Make people travel to spacedock to do it. Whilst you're at it, start giving more importance to places that the player has to travel to. Give us reasons to actually go somewhere instead of giving us instant access to this mission or that resource. We need something for a mission or for crafting something? Make us work to get it. Product X can only be obtained from K7, item Y can only be crafted at DS9, task Z can only be initiated from Vulcan. After all, the easier the game gets the less interesting it becomes.

    I know there will be people who disagree with my opinion but can we please have constructive responses instead of insults?
    No doubt. While I don't agree much with you, I didn't feel it necessary to resort to 6 year old behaviour, just merely my opinions and notes on those points, lol(Yes, I laugh a lot in general:D) But even though I didn't agree with much of what you said, don't let that stop you from posting YOUR opinions & thoughts, as it may lead to some decent new ideas to mull over.

    (*Bows*) :):cool: Oh, and have fun in the game!!!!
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    eagledraco wrote: »
    If you REALLY want to return to space dock to switch ships and builds why don't you just do that? Everyone else who enjoys the convenience of the new feature can simply do it on the fly anywhere they want.

    It's not about choosing whether to change ships in space or at ESD. It's the path changes like this represent to the game. You need to look at the bigger picture, not just a single detail.
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    I have to agree.

    The whole point of Voyager, for instance, was that if you're not at a starbase, you're stuck with whats fitted on your ship or what you can salvage out there.

    This decision is more about game and less about star trek.......which, in my view, is not a good sign of things moving forward.

    This game stands or falls on how well it reflects the IP.

    Well, to be honest, when you can swap out every component of your ship, as long as you're not in combat, ship-swapping was honestly the next logical step to take in making things more convenient. (Not that I agree with this, or even the level of convenience we have)
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Some people seem to be a bit confused where most of the criticism of this new mechanism is coming from.

    It's not about realism. Realism would first entail all of us living to be several hundred years old to get the technology.

    It's not strictly speaking immersion, either. Although for some it will be immersion breaking.

    The thing about immersion, to stretch the metaphor, is we all have a favourite depth of bath water. No need for them to be the same.

    However, the game should allow all of us to select the level of immersion we desire.

    This means that ship swapping, as an absolute concept, is inevitable.

    However, the red line as it were, is the IP.

    I know some have argued against this in this thread, suggesting that the Star Trek bit of Star Trek Online is basically optional.

    It is this perception I think that divides some of us.

    All I'm asking for, and what a number of others are also asking for, is for the ship swapping mechanism be turned off in sectors where it doesn't make some sort of sense.

    The reason is a whole series of the TV show is based around the idea that when you're out of range you're really out of range.

    Also, I'm not sure how much sense it makes for a friendly ship to just come to you in enemy sector space.

    Thus, the suggestion that in sectors where you have no friendly starbase you cant ship swap.

    I'm not arguing against the ship build swaps. Voyager retooled itself several times during its voyages. Essentially, build swaps is canon.

    Ship swaps, however, are really not. And there has to be, in a Star Trek game, a point where you say 'thats just not Trekky enough'
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    kiriseekirisee Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Personally i'm looking forward to this change.....to OP...you do know your not watching a weekly tv series??? this is a game...an mmo......really...make up any excuse you want in your mind for swapping ships.....Jelico took over the Ent D from Riker at a heartbeat notice....not really getting your complaint here
    "If everyone used Macs, we'd be working on how to get to Alpha Centauri rather than how to get to Mars."
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    sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    eagledraco wrote: »
    No it's not trivial to me. I just understand the need for game play convenience over that of simulating the shows.

    We still cannot say "Engage!" from our bridges and travel in space inside our ships. Many want this realism (me included). You may be right that some people left the game because of this. But STO is doing well without this staple feature from the shows.

    It will be the same with switching ships. If you REALLY want to return to space dock to switch ships and builds why don't you just do that? Everyone else who enjoys the convenience of the new feature can simply do it on the fly anywhere they want.

    Format limitations is part of the digital domain. Gameplay mechanics not limited by the engine, should try to emulate the shows as best they can, or else there are other games out there with plenty of convenience and zero commitment to any form of source material. The setting is the meat that cover these bones. I for one prefer the meat!

    You know as well as I, that this feature will be used by everyone to the fullest the moment it is there. And if it was removed after that point in time, there would be a noise so great it would disturb those poor Martians in their slumber. If this only was about personal pain and suffering! Nay, this is about the direction of the game. And how visible those bones really should be. I want them to feed that beast more. ;)

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    eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It's not about choosing whether to change ships in space or at ESD. It's the path changes like this represent to the game. You need to look at the bigger picture, not just a single detail.

    Like I said the intent (or bigger picture) of Cryptic for STO was not to be a simulator. The devs themselves have stated this. They always had a philosophy of game play over realism when the choice was to be made.

    And Honestly, when you have a zone where you have to fight a friggin T-Rex that shoots laser beams from its mouth you are worried about how convenient they make it to switch ships? Too funny!
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Shouldn't it take time for the ship to arrive at least? And shouldn't it take time for the ship to get back to starbase? I'm not a fan of the instant nature.

    Well, to be fair, you can resolve that by saying you radioed ahead of time, to have a ship fly out to point x (which happens to be where you're currently at when you actually swap ships. Be kinda nice if you could see your ship at least warp in next to you, but seeing as how you don't get any kind of scene from transferring from your main ship, to your shuttle or vice versa, it's at least consistent. Only thing I'm not sure of, with my suggestion, is if a huge number of people were to have their "new" ship come in, at roughly the same time, as each other, if it would bog down the "average" users' PCs, or not.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    jack24bau3rjack24bau3r Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    @ the op, I still don't see you asking for how it really should be if it were truly accurate. You know the 6 weeks real time to change ships.
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    greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Curious how this is hugely different from being able to summon a civilian transport to your location in sector space, no matter which sector you are in. Same thing really, except that instead of you selling things, etc, you're switching to a new ship.
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    sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    greyhame3 wrote: »
    Curious how this is hugely different from being able to summon a civilian transport to your location in sector space, no matter which sector you are in. Same thing really, except that instead of you selling things, etc, you're switching to a new ship.

    Emptying a Starship completely, while filling up another with the same crew, and all their belongings, would logistically not be in the same league as loading up some cargo containers.

    One of those would be a routine delivery, the other would constitute a grand event.

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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Two issues here Branflakes.

    I dont think anyone has an issue with ship build swapping and setting up.

    It's the actual ship swapping in sector space that is giving some of us pause.

    Actually, I'm the reverse, the ship-swapping doesna bother me, heck, call it "I radioed earlier, and point x is where we rondevouzed".
    The instant ship swapping is good. Ship template saves to me, are bad. I don't necessarily mind the ability to have them, as in, you can prepare whatever build(s) you want, to have you x number of ship setup cookie cutters you want. But being able to instantly swap to differing builds, is bad. Then again, the only time it takes to manually swap stuff, is only limited to the speed at which you can click-drag stuff around, and the responsiveness of the UI. I kinda wish it took a certain amount of time to represent the "work" that's being done. Like, throwing in a new warp core? Takes 10 minutes. (As one person earlier said, this game's space & time are highly compressed) Swapping all 4 front weapons? Maybe 20 minutes per weapon, for a total of 1 hour & 20 minutes. And yes, time spent logged out, on another character, or on a different ship DOES count towards the time needed to elapse, before the changes need to be made. Maybe have a "quick-change" token, get like 1-3 of them per day, to represent your crew's ability to perform miracle-like work in a hurry. Also, when you first get a particular ship, those delays are voided, since you could have technically asked for these items to be set up on your new ship, ahead of you getting it. (So it doesn't penalize a character that's just levelled up and gotten a new ship, for example).

    Anyway, there's my take on both of the upcoming & proposed changes. As well as one existing one.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Emptying a Starship completely, while filling up another with the same crew, and all their belongings, would logistically not be in the same league as loading up some cargo containers.

    One of those would be a routine delivery, the other would constitute a grand event.

    Still not really seeing the difference when it comes to believability. Especially since you can do more than sell things with said transport.
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    sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    greyhame3 wrote: »
    Still not really seeing the difference when it comes to believability. Especially since you can do more than sell things with said transport.

    Even if they were exactly the same thing, at some point you should be wary enough to avoid an overdose. More of the same is not always good for you. ;)

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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    phadren wrote: »
    Its a game and what or who made you the protector of immersion in a video game? If you don't like it simply don't use it and as far as dumbing down mechanics how is switching ships anywhere near this. It just saves time games are meant to be fun not a chore when you want do something as simple as switching ships.

    Worry about how you play the game. Not how others want to play.

    Well, to be fair, the same could be said of your post as well. "Worry about how you play, not other."
    As in, I didn't see this guy as making anything in his post insulting or demeaning, that you replied to.He (and others on his side), are merely putting forth their opinion on the new mechanics, that are being talked about.
    Just as you, have been putting forth yours, that you like the proposed changes. Each to their own. If you like something, and it honestly isn't a "game-breaker", that's cool. If player x hates it, that's cool as well. Best thing to do is realize everyone's going to have their take on this, and they're not all going to be the same.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Even if they were exactly the same thing, at some point you should be wary enough to avoid an overdose. More of the same is not always good for you. ;)

    I'm honestly not likely to use this anyway because I rarely switch ships. Not because it's annoying to do so now (it's really not IMO), but because I just like flying one ship usually.

    I just don't really see what the problem is, for believability, immersion or gameplay.
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    darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    @ the op, I still don't see you asking for how it really should be if it were truly accurate. You know the 6 weeks real time to change ships.

    Quite frankly I think you're holding on to this changeout thing too dearly, but if you want an answer, here's a very quick one for you.

    It would take a ship years to cross the entire Federation yet we can do it in 10 or so minutes. Based on that kind of time compression I'm pretty sure that the time it takes to actually change our ship at the shipyards would balance out the realism. Then there's the argument that with that sort of time compression you should be able to instantaneously change ships. Well, no, the time to change ships should be equal to the amount of time a player can fly from ESD to your location.

    greyhame3 wrote: »
    I'm honestly not likely to use this anyway because I rarely switch ships. Not because it's annoying to do so now (it's really not IMO), but because I just like flying one ship usually.

    I just don't really see what the problem is, for believability, immersion or gameplay.

    Well, when Leyton took command of the Enterprise he didn't change out the entire crew. That's the realism part there. More important than the realism is the shift of the game to "convenience". The relevance of parts of the game are being eroded by convenience. As was mentioned earlier, there have been posts that have suggested that sector space be removed for convenience.

    Convenience is a slippery slope that, once you're on it, it's hard to get off. Convenience could kill the game in the death from a thousand cuts method. Expand the usage of the game areas we have, not reduce it!!
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    jack24bau3rjack24bau3r Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So a little bit of scaling that doesn't meet your precious approval completely breaks the immersion of the game while as the nature of scaling is fine just how you want it done. Interesting.
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    roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited January 2014
    So a little bit of scaling that doesn't meet your precious approval completely breaks the immersion of the game while as the nature of scaling is fine just how you want it done. Interesting.

    lol Like what, not posting feedback on existing immersion breaking content is to forfeit the right to post about announced immersion breaking content?

    Or is it that the immersion is already so broken that it should no longer be given any consideration?

    And seriously... :) ... why should you care? Nothing anyone posts here will have any effect on what the devs do with this game. These changes aren't being made for player convenience. They're being implemented to increase the revenue stream from ship, ship slot, and bank slot sales.
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