1 Commander Eng / 1 Ltd. Com Universal
5 Eng consoles
45k Hull
1.2 Shield modifier
Indistructible Repair ships that fully restore you
and a battle cloak if that's still not enough to survive
And now imagine that ship on an a2b Engineer incl. miracle worker and grace under fire.
EDIT: Before the merge this thread was originally called "OP bulwark ship".
I don't see the Voth Bulwark Dreadnought Cruiser being particularly OP, really. In fact, with only 2x Tact consoles, I'm not even sure I'll be getting one (for the price of a BUG ship, no less).
With the new CrtH Spire exploiter Tact consoles a-coming, I'll ere be re-evaluating older ships with many Tact consoles. Mmmm, 5x 1.6% extra CrtH, yummie!
what are drops odd, opened like 30 duty survivor packs
I don't think the odds have ever been posted by Cryptic. They never would. I will say this though: GOOD lockbox ships (which the Bulwark is despite coming off a DOFF pack) have bad odds against you. You will hear stories of guys opening 1-3 packs and getting the ship. You will also hear of guys spending hundreds, possibly $1k and not getting the ship.
You can play the lockbox ship game, but usually, the game plays you.
It is probably very low, I'm guessing somewhere below 3% most likely closer to 1%.
To add to this, people should do searches for JHAS lockbox drops. That will tell the whole story there with all the vivid language and drama the threads entails... and all the heartbreak and resentment
I don't see the Voth Bulwark Dreadnought Cruiser being particularly OP, really. In fact, with only 2x Tact consoles, I'm not even sure I'll be getting one (for the price of a BUG ship, no less).
With the new CrtH Spire exploiter Tact consoles a-coming, I'll ere be re-evaluating older ships with many Tact consoles. Mmmm, 5x 1.6% extra CrtH, yummie!
I don't think the odds have ever been posted by Cryptic. They never would. I will say this though: GOOD lockbox ships (which the Bulwark is despite coming off a DOFF pack) have bad odds against you. You will hear stories of guys opening 1-3 packs and getting the ship. You will also hear of guys spending hundreds, possibly $1k and not getting the ship.
You can play the lockbox ship game, but usually, the game plays you.
To add to this, people should do searches for JHAS lockbox drops. That will tell the whole story there with all the vivid language and drama the threads entails... and all the heartbreak and resentment