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New BoP - Raider Buff



  • sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You know what I'd love?

    A Klingon College Frat Comedy...


    "What we need is a 40 lightyear Feddy-Raid Ladder"
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    "I can't believe I threw up in front of Chancellor J'mpok..."

    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    only if its the double secret probation edition. The horse in the Deans office alone would be worth it to me.

    " You rigged the Disruptor right?"

    "Yeah. It only fires on stun"

    " excellent."

    <disruptor blast>
    <heavy thump>
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    "Was it over when the Vulcans bombed Khitomer? No! And it's not over now."
    "The Vulcans...?"
    "Quiet, he's rolling..."

    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Im looking forward to the Bop flanking when it comes out its going to be fun in my hoh'sus i do think there will break there word n bring out a fed raider. I hope there bring out a new kdf Bop but dont think there will. Dev's i will buy a new Bop just like i will upgrade my kar'fi when my fleet hits tier 3 in the mine.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think the Flanking bonus is useless for quite a bit of the game, esp. in PVP. The real movers and shakers of this game are fast and quite maneuverable. I mean, players are complaining when a ship has a turn rate of 14 (Looks squarely at the Romulan playerbase). Hell, a Sci ship or Cruiser with turn rate of 9 will move well enough, and that's not factoring in good Starship Impulse Engines Skill and the RCS Consoles / +Turn Rate ENG Consoles.

    The Fed Avenger BC, which has set the new standard for Cruisers in general (even superior to KDF Battlecruisers), will be problematic. The hordes of Escorts will ensure getting good lineups on their rear facing will be even more problematic. The faster nature of this game today makes this mechanic less useful in general. Only space whales like Galaxies that sit conveniently still will have to worry about this.

    The only place where it's useful in general is PVE, and that's because the AI is stupid and doesn't act properly in reply to what players do.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited December 2013
    So who thinks the new freebie BoP is going to get a refit and retrofit version. *raises hands* me me me:D
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • serevnserevn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    So who thinks the new freebie BoP is going to get a refit and retrofit version. *raises hands* me me me:D

    I'm certainly hope so, I want a new end game BoP. And it better be darn sexy, like the Hegh'ta... With 5 fore weapons!
    In fact Hegh'ta should just get a refit with 5 fore weapons. With a bunch of cannons pointed forward and described as the ship that bring everlasting death to enemies of the Empire, its description and appearance warrant such an upgrade.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I see no reason why the feds would.get or need a raider class vessel. They already have the better escorts in the game. A specific fed raider would be pointless and out of character for them.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I see no reason why the feds would.get or need a raider class vessel. They already have the better escorts in the game. A specific fed raider would be pointless and out of character for them.

    The Feds need a raider! How else are they gonna steal KDF supplies! Or Capture Prisoner doffs! Or get a Marauding Level 4 outfit before the KDF!
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    timezarg wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, what would you have suggested? Be realistic.

    Any specific buff they give to the class is going to 'pigeonhole' it into a type of role. Maybe these additional improvements they mentioned will help keep the role expanded, who knows.

    In all honesty, the majority of people use BoPs for three things: decloak-attacking, sniping with the B'rel, or decloak sci-attacking. The first two are improved by this flanking stuff. Maybe they'll throw in an improvement for sci builds?

    He/she/ze was responding to me actually, where I said the same thing you are. They're acknowleding that while saying that it isn't enough. I'm glad for it, but I've been told that I think the BOP is only an attack ship before, when talking about it vs a T'Varo. Yet nothing in this update says, flexibility, which is the "advantage" of the B'Rel over the T'varo, but "attack" ship, in which this is a much needed buff. However, it remains to be seen how it plays out. I'm not good enough for PvP, but I'd imagine this might be mitigated somewhat by the fact that people know which direction a BOP might strike now.
  • serevnserevn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    He/she/ze was responding to me actually, where I said the same thing you are. They're acknowleding that while saying that it isn't enough. I'm glad for it, but I've been told that I think the BOP is only an attack ship before, when talking about it vs a T'Varo. Yet nothing in this update says, flexibility, which is the "advantage" of the B'Rel over the T'varo, but "attack" ship, in which this is a much needed buff. However, it remains to be seen how it plays out. I'm not good enough for PvP, but I'd imagine this might be mitigated somewhat by the fact that people know which direction a BOP might strike now.

    This is kind of why Fed players focus on beam builds that spin in circles or speed builds where they can zip around. The flank damage wont have all to much effect in pvp outside the immediate decloaking alpha strike which i guess is the point.
    Which is why I'm more interested in the other minor improvements that they say their making with the flank damage upgrade.
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Agreed, I love my Hegh'ta too much to leave it. I just PVE, and tried a Raptor to that end, but that iconic look jus pulls me back. Haven't tried fighting the Voth with it yet, but given what the amount my Oddy has to heal, and all the GW etc, I will be folding up like a piece of paper without someone else around to tank. Might have to jump back in that Mirror Qin.
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    Exactly. They screwed KDF again by making the damage boost be negligible against other players. Congrats Cryptic for pandering to the fed wallet warriors.

    Oh, but the KDF wallet warriors are so much more superior? Please, that's just nonsensical bs. And it's this type of attitude (among others), why I have no more sympathy for all the TRIBBLE-poor KDF whiners, anymore. Go take your fail-whine somewhere else, I have no more patience for it.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    sunseahl wrote: »
    What would I have done?

    1. The flanking bonus extended to the port and starboard shields(Flanking does apply to side damage on ground too). Setting up an attack run on any craft is tedious enough without having to position yourself to shoot something's TRIBBLE for a damage boost

    2. The level 40(free), all refit, and the retro B'Rel all gain an extra fore weapon slot

    3. Because of the fragile nature of the Raider class, cloaking in combat provides and extra hull-healing buff this buff is canceled when a BoP uncloaks. The hull heal would not negate torpedoes launched before the BoP cloaked... that damage will still take full impact.

    Just a few suggestions....

    Lol, here's my proposed change to BoP's (just for the whiners out there). Halve the hull and shields of all BoP's!!!! Let the whining commence!
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    madmopar wrote: »
    That's the story of STO's life, fed crying for everything. Even still I'm looking forward to any BoP buffs and the (hopefully soon) release of that thing we aren't allowed to talk about.

    Lol, for every one "Fed whine" I see or hear about, I see & hear at least 100 KDF whines. Get off your high horse.
    BTW, I TRIED suggesting some REAL improvements for the KDF, all the whiners just screamed for more shinies. So I don't really care, and actively hope the KDF is left to languish because of that. I'm sick of it.
    I play both (or technically all 3). I have fun with them all. Regardless of the "shinies". But every time I turn around, I hear KDF-primes screaming for MORE MORE MORE, and POOR US, WE'RE SO IGNORED. I could have seen that type of thing about when the Rihan faction came out, with every Rihan ship getting b/c. But no, the KDF-Primes still scream about how the Feds get everything, KDF gets nothing.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    Exactly. They screwed KDF again by making the damage boost be negligible against other players. Congrats Cryptic for pandering to the fed wallet warriors.

    Fah. There are ways to make even the 8% versus players Flanking bonus worth it using it in concord with the decloak buff, a Rom Boff, APA, some consoles and a AP loadout.
    Listen not to the fed propoganda.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Fah. There are ways to make even the 8% versus players Flanking bonus worth it using it in concord with the decloak buff, a Rom Boff, APA, some consoles and a AP loadout.
    Listen not to the fed propoganda.

    I think you are mistaken. I think the devs are going to have to do a bit better than the 8% they are proposing. Granted it is something, but not really. Considering a Mogia has a battlecloak, and the regular weapons buffs you can get on a Kamari, flanking is a joke.
    I bet the peeps at CCP are getting a good laugh at Crytpic trying to get something into the game.

    Well, I get a good laugh out of too.

    If they were serious, then:
    1. Flanking would be higher than 15% for BoP.
    2. Raptor would have battlecloaks.
    3. At least one species would have something similar to Superior Operative, and it would stack.

    Until then, Cryptic wants the KDF to stop playing Klingon faction and start playing Romulan.

    I thank them for nothing.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ...Cryptic wants the KDF to stop playing Klingon faction and start playing Romulan.

    I thank them for nothing.

    of this i have no doubt. other than gross incompetence, its the only logical explaination.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Fah. There are ways to make even the 8% versus players Flanking bonus worth it using it in concord with the decloak buff, a Rom Boff, APA, some consoles and a AP loadout.
    Listen not to the fed propoganda.

    De-cloaking Alpha Strike + Flanking + All Nausicaan BO = Dead or Dying Target ;)

    Even in the BOP slotting all Nausicaans will give you an extra 6% (yes it stacks) all damage buff, add that to the Flanking buff and what ever damage boosting skills the pilot has and you got lots of one pass one kill potential.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Maybe the Feds should learn that this so-called buff which is only a 8% dmg increase could be used in PvP not 25% increase which could be used in PvE.

    Fed players should shut up and stop crying over ths limited buff since BoP themselfs are fragile and lack firepower when compared to Fed/Rom Escorts/Warbirds which alot/all of them have 4-5 tactical consoles while only 1 BoP have 4 tac consoles... the Hoh'sus, which itself is statistically inferior to Romulan Escort like Warbirds.

    If or when the Feds players finally realized that it's not the BoP class that is kicking their rears, but it's the superior piloting of veteran KDF PvP players with most/all superior very rare space tech that is kicking Fed TRIBBLE$3$ is something Fed players needs to understand.

    Lesson of the day... Don't cry, learn how to fight, get good ship tech and pilot ur ship better.
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Maybe the Feds should learn that this so-called buff which is only a 8% dmg increase could be used in PvP not 25% increase which could be used in PvE.

    Fed players should shut up and stop crying over ths limited buff since BoP themselfs are fragile and lack firepower when compared to Fed/Rom Escorts/Warbirds which alot/all of them have 4-5 tactical consoles while only 1 BoP have 4 tac consoles... the Hoh'sus, which itself is statistically inferior to Romulan Escort like Warbirds.

    If or when the Feds players finally realized that it's not the BoP class that is kicking their rears, but it's the superior piloting of veteran KDF PvP players with most/all superior very rare space tech that is kicking Fed TRIBBLE$3$ is something Fed players needs to understand.

    Lesson of the day... Don't cry, learn how to fight, get good ship tech and pilot ur ship better.

    Ummm, you do realize the same thing could be said to all the KDF people that happen to whine about them not getting stuff (particularly science ships)? Learn to fly what you have better, and stop crying about it.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    errab wrote: »
    De-cloaking Alpha Strike + Flanking + All Nausicaan BO = Dead or Dying Target ;)

    Even in the BOP slotting all Nausicaans will give you an extra 6% (yes it stacks) all damage buff, add that to the Flanking buff and what ever damage boosting skills the pilot has and you got lots of one pass one kill potential.

    Rommies have Crit % and Crit Sev % with faster recloak CD and Defense % increase Boff Space Trait buffs

    Feds have Hull Repair and Subsystem Repair % Boff Space Trait buff

    Guess what... They Stack!!!

    While the Feds and Rommies have thier indigenous boff space traits for their factions it's fine and not op, but when the KDF finally have a useful indigenous boff space trait, it's all of the sudden op. (*Feds/Fedmulans crying*)

    even with all these so-called buff increase u speak of it's still not as capable romulan tac warbird or newer fed escorts in terms of firepower. (in terms of stats)
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ummm, you do realize the same thing could be said to all the KDF people that happen to whine about them not getting stuff (particularly science ships)? Learn to fly what you have better, and stop crying about it.

    Thanks but no thanks, since i already know what i fly and how to fly better... and my Brel Retro/Fleet B'rel did more than enough when it comes to killing lil Feddies and Fedmulans over the years ^_^

    I can't stop crying about how Feds suck in PvP :(

  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Thanks but no thanks, since i already know what i fly and how to fly better... and my Brel Retro/Fleet B'rel did more than enough when it comes to killing lil Feddies and Fedmulans over the years ^_^

    I can't stop crying about how Feds suck in PvP :(


    Lol, I actually wasn't speaking to you directly, most of your comments seem to at least have some balance and thought put behind them. It was aimed more at the general "KDF whiner", that tends to completely de-rail any efforts at players discussing what they'd like to see as a good balance for the various factions. And one of the biggest screams (besides how BoP's seem to get the short end of the stick), is how the KDF lacks a "good" sci vessel. Ignoring of course, the fact that just about every one of their carriers is a good sci vessel, on top of the fact that their prime carrier is a free L40, whereas the Fed has to pay zen for theirs.....
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • dpsloss88dpsloss88 Member Posts: 765 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    KDF are the TRIBBLE sons of this game. Devs repeatedly state that since few players play KDF there is no incentive for them to develop anything for KDF. Simple economics.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Where the TRIBBLE child is more correct. The KDF has had several good additions added to the factions in the last half year.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited December 2013
    I think the old saying "if you build it ..." holds. I am seeing a definite pickup in activity although obviously that is anecdotal. Let's not forget that for years the Klingons had almost 0 PvE content. Then for a good while they could only start at 25 because there was so little content (this is when I made my first Klingon toon). Then for LoR they added a tutorial which is when I made my 2nd toon. And now (3rd toon), with voice overs from Mr. Dorn, which I must add are superb, the faction is finally starting to feel like a real thing.

    Now if they would replace some of the Fed copy cat missions like "Specters" with a few more Klingon missions, add a few more ships and customs you would see Klingon numbers increase.

    Improving the raiders is a another good step since raiders are definitely something that is unique to Klingons, apart from the breen one. Let's help Cryptic take a few more steps shall we?
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    dpsloss88 wrote: »
    KDF are the TRIBBLE sons of this game. Devs repeatedly state that since few players play KDF there is no incentive for them to develop anything for KDF. Simple economics.

    Apparently Cryptic Dev's repeatedly states their own fictions of why they did not do anything for the KDF, simple reason why... Dev's too busy making content for their Fed toons since they have no KDF toons and they were also making massive amounts of Foreign Alien lock box ships to play with.
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Lol, I actually wasn't speaking to you directly, most of your comments seem to at least have some balance and thought put behind them. It was aimed more at the general "KDF whiner", that tends to completely de-rail any efforts at players discussing what they'd like to see as a good balance for the various factions. And one of the biggest screams (besides how BoP's seem to get the short end of the stick), is how the KDF lacks a "good" sci vessel. Ignoring of course, the fact that just about every one of their carriers is a good sci vessel, on top of the fact that their prime carrier is a free L40, whereas the Fed has to pay zen for theirs.....

    The KDF also has to pay zen for their Gorn Sci vessel though. There's also no carrier three pack to the Vesta, and counting KDF exclusive ships alone, theres only the Voquv, Gorn sci vessel, and Karfi, vs the number of sci vessels the Feds have.
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