I am not new to STO anymore...I'm a Rear Admiral now! Although I am still confused as to why my Bridge Officer's default Ground and Space Abilities keep on resetting themselves. Does anyone have an idea how to lock them in place or prevent said abilities from resetting?
As mentioned, it's a bug... I haven't experienced it in a while, personally, but here's a workaround...
Set up your ship as you'd prefer it (in terms of BOffs, including their set abilities; gear; etc.) and save it as a Loadout. Whenever your BOffs go out of whack, load in the loadout. It's annoying and it's not a "solution," but it's quicker than selecting everything all over again. Just keep your loadout up to date.
As mentioned, it's a bug... I haven't experienced it in a while, personally, but here's a workaround...
Set up your ship as you'd prefer it (in terms of BOffs, including their set abilities; gear; etc.) and save it as a Loadout. Whenever your BOffs go out of whack, load in the loadout. It's annoying and it's not a "solution," but it's quicker than selecting everything all over again. Just keep your loadout up to date.
Thanks. I'll give the above workaround a try and see if it works or makes things easier.
i'm wondering wether i have do something to gain the acholade stalwart, 100 day veteran .
been playing sine end of december 2014 and have played everyday . so in my reckoning i'm over the 100 days of playing. its not a problem but i would like the respec token cus i messed my skills up not realizing you only had a certain amount of points to spend. thankyou
Sorry, dirtshifter - it's not just for playing; you have to be a 'Gold' player, in other words pay for a monthly or lifetime subscription before you can start accruing the days for membership reward. It's one of those things that isn't clearly explained in the accolade text.
Now, I've got a question of my own for anybody that knows - if the player using it doesn't collapse it themselves, just how long do the Xindi Subspace Vortices from the Xindi-T Lockbox stay there? I'm in the Undine Battlezone and it seems like those blasted things are everywhere, even when the players that deployed them have move on to somewhere else...
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Do weapon modifiers conflict with the activation and/or cooldown of tactical abilities? For instance, would the beam overload tactical ability cancel a proc on the [over] mod or would the [over] proc activate for a double, back-to-back overload. For the life of me I cannot find an answer to this in the forums. I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere, just can't find it.
Update: I decided to test this out myself and they may not conflict with one another. I had a few double, back-to-back overloads and even a triple overload chain. I'm still unsure though, because that triple overload could be the [over] mod proc'cing 3 times and cancelling the overload tac ability, or it could be the overload tac ability with a 2x [over] mod proc.
So I've reached Level 50 and later 51 in Star Trek Online. I successfully completed not one but actually two quests, both giving over 10,000 skill points in each one. Unfortunately, those 20,000 some-odd skill points were not added onto my total skill points to spend. Instead I am stuck with only 1000 skill points. Is this a glitch or have I reached a 'cap' of some sort?
Note: I am not a paying player, I am free to play, although I have bought Zen twice before.
Guys,I'm really sorry if this is the wrong section but I don't know where to ask this,since I can't create new threads or contact someone provately.
How can I have a custom avatar in this forum?
This is the right place to ask. The thread was specifically created because new people can't make new ones, so come here and ask.
To fix your avatar, on the mobile version look in the top left corner just under the guy with the phaser, click on the words "edit your avatar". On the PC version, go to your control panel and in the settings upload one.
Do weapon modifiers conflict with the activation and/or cooldown of tactical abilities? For instance, would the beam overload tactical ability cancel a proc on the [over] mod or would the [over] proc activate for a double, back-to-back overload. For the life of me I cannot find an answer to this in the forums. I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere, just can't find it.
Update: I decided to test this out myself and they may not conflict with one another. I had a few double, back-to-back overloads and even a triple overload chain. I'm still unsure though, because that triple overload could be the [over] mod proc'cing 3 times and cancelling the overload tac ability, or it could be the overload tac ability with a 2x [over] mod proc.
Only one weapon mod applies at a time. However the over procs pile up and go off as soon as they can. Fire at will + eight weapons with the over procs = normal fire at will followed by 3 or 4 rapid overload shots. Its very fun. Not hugely powerful, but definitely fun.
Using the boff overload can trigger the procs, but the procs will not happen at the same time, it happens right afterward.
This is the right place to ask. The thread was specifically created because new people can't make new ones, so come here and ask.
To fix your avatar, on the mobile version look in the top left corner just under the guy with the phaser, click on the words "edit your avatar". On the PC version, go to your control panel and in the settings upload one.
Thank you for the reply!
On the pc version I go to "User CP" on the top left corner of the screen and under "yout profile" I click "edit Avatar" but there are only pre-defined images to use as your avatar and I can't upload one from my desktop.......I don't understand why.
Thank you for the reply!
On the pc version I go to "User CP" on the top left corner of the screen and under "yout profile" I click "edit Avatar" but there are only pre-defined images to use as your avatar and I can't upload one from my desktop.......I don't understand why.
Its a little confusing,but there are two ways to get to that window only one has the custom avatar option. From "user CP" do not click "edit your avatar" on the top left. Instead look down a little bit, right below the blue words that say "your profile" and below the white words that say edit your details" click "edit avatar".
So " edit avatar" not "edit YOUR avatar". Stupid design, but that's how it works.
Its a little confusing,but there are two ways to get to that window only one has the custom avatar option. From "user CP" do not click "edit your avatar" on the top left. Instead look down a little bit, right below the blue words that say "your profile" and below the white words that say edit your details" click "edit avatar".
So " edit avatar" not "edit YOUR avatar". Stupid design, but that's how it works.
strange because I clicked exactly that "edit avatar" in "user CP" and it doesn't allow me to upload a pic.....
I'm currently level 26 in the federation. Stated about a year or so ago and then stopped. I'm just wondering what things I should prioritize now that I started up again. Like are there daily events that really help those climbing the ranks?
For example I recently started GW2 and found their daily system to help alot. You do 3 assigned quests a day, each one gives you a random chest with loot, and achievement points if you do all 3. Plus they have events where you can fight world bosses every 3 hours and get a nice piece of loot and another random loot chest. Helps newer players a ton, anything like this I should be looking to complete every day in STO?
-also, I'd make my own thread but after probably 2 years it still says I can't open a new thread on the forums (just reply to existing ones). I remember it being like that when I first started as well...
I'm currently level 26 in the federation. Stated about a year or so ago and then stopped. I'm just wondering what things I should prioritize now that I started up again. Like are there daily events that really help those climbing the ranks?
For example I recently started GW2 and found their daily system to help alot. You do 3 assigned quests a day, each one gives you a random chest with loot, and achievement points if you do all 3. Plus they have events where you can fight world bosses every 3 hours and get a nice piece of loot and another random loot chest. Helps newer players a ton, anything like this I should be looking to complete every day in STO?
-also, I'd make my own thread but after probably 2 years it still says I can't open a new thread on the forums (just reply to existing ones). I remember it being like that when I first started as well...
Sto's design philosophy is opposite guild wars. Instead of "do the same thing over and over" the sto devs aim for "do whatever you want". They didn't fully succeed but that was the goal. There are a few dailies but they mostly kick in at level 50. The idea is not everyone enjoys the same experience so play however you want and still get rewarded for it.
At 26 you should just play the story. The story missions give huge amounts of exp (roughly one level per mission) plus excellent gear awards so you don't need to rely on random loot drops. Many missions give unique awards available nowhere else, like the level 11 missions that deal with the devidians that starts with spectres and skirmish.
That said, the duty officer system is a really big system that you should really put some time into learning. Duty officers are your crew and support staff and you can assign them up to 23 tasks at once (three of those are unlocked after joining a fleet and developing the right fleet holdings) which they do in the background even while you are logged out.
Also, there is a story arc called "wasteland" where you go to a planet named nimbus. That unlocks some early daily missions that reward dilithium. The chain itself has excellent gear rewards, especially a purple duty officer and unique device that lets you call in a squadron of pirates to help you out.
A bit later you'll find the cardassian arc, nothing daily here however it is important for new players. This one gives your first free gear sets and both the space and ground versions are very good.
Finally another daily is the foundry. These are missions created by other players. But the first "spotlight" mission you play each day awards a huge dilithium bonus. Spotlights were approved by the devs.
So overall, learn doffing and otherwise enjoy the story.
-also, I'd make my own thread but after probably 2 years it still says I can't open a new thread on the forums (just reply to existing ones). I remember it being like that when I first started as well...
Only been playing since a couple of days ago, and have been perusing the forums and I have come upon a couple of terms that I am unfamiliar with. Help with these would be appreciated.
How does the captain train BOffs these days? I don't see an option to make a training manual.
Note that I'm not talking about manuals I can get from NPCs. I'm talking about skills that should be available from my captain, due to putting points in the captain's skills.
Instead, you can program blank training PADDs with those same skills (the availability of skills should be the same skills), under the "Officer Training" tab in your R&D menu. You will of course need to craft or purchase blank PADDs first (they are craftable in the same tab).
As mentioned, it's a bug... I haven't experienced it in a while, personally, but here's a workaround...
Set up your ship as you'd prefer it (in terms of BOffs, including their set abilities; gear; etc.) and save it as a Loadout. Whenever your BOffs go out of whack, load in the loadout. It's annoying and it's not a "solution," but it's quicker than selecting everything all over again. Just keep your loadout up to date.
Thanks. I'll give the above workaround a try and see if it works or makes things easier.
been playing sine end of december 2014 and have played everyday . so in my reckoning i'm over the 100 days of playing. its not a problem but i would like the respec token cus i messed my skills up not realizing you only had a certain amount of points to spend. thankyou
Now, I've got a question of my own for anybody that knows - if the player using it doesn't collapse it themselves, just how long do the Xindi Subspace Vortices from the Xindi-T Lockbox stay there? I'm in the Undine Battlezone and it seems like those blasted things are everywhere, even when the players that deployed them have move on to somewhere else...
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Update: I decided to test this out myself and they may not conflict with one another. I had a few double, back-to-back overloads and even a triple overload chain. I'm still unsure though, because that triple overload could be the [over] mod proc'cing 3 times and cancelling the overload tac ability, or it could be the overload tac ability with a 2x [over] mod proc.
So I've reached Level 50 and later 51 in Star Trek Online. I successfully completed not one but actually two quests, both giving over 10,000 skill points in each one. Unfortunately, those 20,000 some-odd skill points were not added onto my total skill points to spend. Instead I am stuck with only 1000 skill points. Is this a glitch or have I reached a 'cap' of some sort?
Note: I am not a paying player, I am free to play, although I have bought Zen twice before.
How can I have a custom avatar in this forum?
This is the right place to ask. The thread was specifically created because new people can't make new ones, so come here and ask.
To fix your avatar, on the mobile version look in the top left corner just under the guy with the phaser, click on the words "edit your avatar". On the PC version, go to your control panel and in the settings upload one.
Only one weapon mod applies at a time. However the over procs pile up and go off as soon as they can. Fire at will + eight weapons with the over procs = normal fire at will followed by 3 or 4 rapid overload shots. Its very fun. Not hugely powerful, but definitely fun.
Using the boff overload can trigger the procs, but the procs will not happen at the same time, it happens right afterward.
Thank you for the reply!
On the pc version I go to "User CP" on the top left corner of the screen and under "yout profile" I click "edit Avatar" but there are only pre-defined images to use as your avatar and I can't upload one from my desktop.......I don't understand why.
Its a little confusing,but there are two ways to get to that window only one has the custom avatar option. From "user CP" do not click "edit your avatar" on the top left. Instead look down a little bit, right below the blue words that say "your profile" and below the white words that say edit your details" click "edit avatar".
So " edit avatar" not "edit YOUR avatar". Stupid design, but that's how it works.
strange because I clicked exactly that "edit avatar" in "user CP" and it doesn't allow me to upload a pic.....
First. in the User CP, click the link with the arrow. Not the link that is xed out:
Next, scroll DOWN until you see this:
that's where you upload a custom image.
yeah got it,that is where a clicked!
But I have this instead:
I'm currently level 26 in the federation. Stated about a year or so ago and then stopped. I'm just wondering what things I should prioritize now that I started up again. Like are there daily events that really help those climbing the ranks?
For example I recently started GW2 and found their daily system to help alot. You do 3 assigned quests a day, each one gives you a random chest with loot, and achievement points if you do all 3. Plus they have events where you can fight world bosses every 3 hours and get a nice piece of loot and another random loot chest. Helps newer players a ton, anything like this I should be looking to complete every day in STO?
-also, I'd make my own thread but after probably 2 years it still says I can't open a new thread on the forums (just reply to existing ones). I remember it being like that when I first started as well...
Sto's design philosophy is opposite guild wars. Instead of "do the same thing over and over" the sto devs aim for "do whatever you want". They didn't fully succeed but that was the goal. There are a few dailies but they mostly kick in at level 50. The idea is not everyone enjoys the same experience so play however you want and still get rewarded for it.
At 26 you should just play the story. The story missions give huge amounts of exp (roughly one level per mission) plus excellent gear awards so you don't need to rely on random loot drops. Many missions give unique awards available nowhere else, like the level 11 missions that deal with the devidians that starts with spectres and skirmish.
That said, the duty officer system is a really big system that you should really put some time into learning. Duty officers are your crew and support staff and you can assign them up to 23 tasks at once (three of those are unlocked after joining a fleet and developing the right fleet holdings) which they do in the background even while you are logged out.
Some people level completely via duty officer missions. They give lots of experience, and crafting materials, dilithium, and even gear. Once you know how they work they are a great source of money too. A few places to start:
Also, there is a story arc called "wasteland" where you go to a planet named nimbus. That unlocks some early daily missions that reward dilithium. The chain itself has excellent gear rewards, especially a purple duty officer and unique device that lets you call in a squadron of pirates to help you out.
A bit later you'll find the cardassian arc, nothing daily here however it is important for new players. This one gives your first free gear sets and both the space and ground versions are very good.
Finally another daily is the foundry. These are missions created by other players. But the first "spotlight" mission you play each day awards a huge dilithium bonus. Spotlights were approved by the devs.
So overall, learn doffing and otherwise enjoy the story.
Send a mail to customerservice@perfectworld.com
When I contacted them,not only they let me change my avatar but I also noticed that I can make new threads now...
Cheers to that! Glad you got taken care of.
Note that I'm not talking about manuals I can get from NPCs. I'm talking about skills that should be available from my captain, due to putting points in the captain's skills.
Thanks for the info.l
Sounds annoyingly complicated.