No need. Your post is your opinion and all opinions stem from a personel and emotional judgemeng of thd giver, hence like certain orrifices everyone has one.
Just because you didnt name call does not mean your opinion was not emotional in nature.
Dislike is an emotion and its obviuos you dislike certain aspects of the KDF as you see them in the forums.
Since honesty about your emotions was not your first choice, I got to go with youu are trolling.
While I appreciate the general intent of the thread, and by wearing the "Disenchanted" title. The fact of the matter is, by signing in at all, negates your intended purpose. Since the company really doesn't look at what "title" you are wearing, they look at summarized metrics of number of players signing in... and for how long.
I am not backing any side here, but if you are truly disenchanted, you best bet is to not sign in at all. Sudden changes to play volume will speak more than anything that has ever been said in these forums.
While I appreciate the general intent of the thread, and by wearing the "Disenchanted" title. The fact of the matter is, by signing in at all, negates your intended purpose. Since the company really doesn't look at what "title" you are wearing, they look at summarized metrics of number of players signing in... and for how long.
I am not backing any side here, but if you are truly disenchanted, you best bet is to not sign in at all. Sudden changes to play volume will speak more than anything that has ever been said in these forums.
Honestly, if that was the case, that might end up hurting things more. Instead they might see it more along the lines of 'well now nobody at all is playing KDF, so why bother even less'.
I've never seen 'mass log-outs' EVER work to convince any gaming company of anything.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
1: Are you suggesting the Federation playerbase is always happy, content, reasonable and entirely civil? And, if not, should the Federation be removed from the game as well, to remove the concerns of those players too?
2: What is it exactly you are trying to do here? Assuming good faith here, you obviously wouldn't be trolling, so you think your comments are a valuable contribution to the debate. I can't help but think you would've realised that your proposal would neither be well-received amongst the players, nor interesting for Cryptic, as it would be scrapping content that has already been made and therefore generates free income. As I said, I can't imagine you'd be trolling*, so, this far, your presence in this thread mystifies me ever so slightly and makes me want to compliment you on your successful use of sentences, grammar and punctuation.
*See also forum rules: "Flaming and/or Trolling:
You may not post content which contains insults to other users or Perfect World Entertainment Staff, are specifically made to create undue discontent on the forums, disturbances in forum threads, pick fights or otherwise promote unfriendly conversation."
To prove that this thread is not a whine-fest... (try to imagine this in Prof. Farnsworth's voice)
"Good news, everyone. In season 8 the Nausicaan PIRATE space trait will now work properly and adds a bonus to final damage. If, for argument, it adds 15 damage to total, and you previously did 10,000DPS you will now do 10,015DPS. They stack. Pirate is a mandatory space trait for Nausicaans so whites and purples alike will do. This damage apparently affects all damage types, from Grav Well's kinetic to Anti-Proton, from Photon torpedoes to Nukara Mines."
We have a space trait which is going to be of some great value very soon.
Word is, it will even stack the stealth part of the PIRATE trait with other stealth traits, like Romulan Operative. BoPs just got a whole lot more stealth...
My ships, which already have a number of Nozzies on them, are about to get better simply by logging on in season 8.
We can even mix-and-match the new Voth Armour with all existing costumes (probably going to be some clippage, but it's a great start).
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
I've only ever seen one instance of "mass-logouts" hitting a company hard and making them do anything and that was when EVE thought they'd introduce P2W on top of P2P through the AUR currency and "noble exchange" clothes....
Those mass logouts were also met with mass unsubscribing. As part of StarfleetGoonswarm err Dental, I mean Dental. Nabreeki should have colleagues with first hand knowledge of this. so when he says they don't work... they have been known to...
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
Considerinv his first troll post was a call to the Devs to remove thd KDF entirely ( and for the Devs to thank him for it) his newest "idea" is just another troll.
Honestly, if we KDF feel we are really ignored then why would quittjng the game even work, especially if thd Devs say we do not bring a profit to begin with?
Stahl promised us that he cared about getting Leveling content in the game so we could have KDF characters from Level 1. He talked about how it was important to him.
He endured mountains of TRIBBLE and smack talk from the community for a long time, and when they both had the time and money to get it done. They did. It's pretty well known that the EP (Stahl) worked overtime hours just to get it done.
Was that before or after he jumped ship to work for Zynga?
Actually, don't answer that. Because seriously? He earned the criticism. He definitely earned it. I'm a little unsure of how you don't realize he earned it, but just because they FINALLY restored a levelling arc for the Klingon faction doesn't mean people still can't feel disenchanted by the development of the KDF moving past the Legacy of Romulus launch. It's still been spotty and overall meh. Disenchanted is a fine adjective.
Hippiejon is right though, Dan did eventually deliver, so I have less angst against him as I used to and hope he continues to work for the KDF.
Disenchanted may still hold true but I no longer see a need to burn Dan in effigy.
First of all I'd like to make a shout out to my lvl20 tier5 fleet Tlhap Jen whose countless hours of work made us the fleet we are today. That being said I am only a 1 year vet on the KDF side my previous few years plus were on the FED side. To put it bluntly I was sort of FED up you could say with the FED side. Those wonderful ships so aptly stated in a few posts lets be honest folks really don't hold a candle to some of our KDF'ers actually most of ours lol.
In fact I had a few Dev convo's on Tribble on if they would ever up the kill power of any of the cruiser classes. I finally broke down and got a Jem Dread and gave up my crusade a year ago. As for the ships on the Fed side I have a Defiant but lets be honest KDF captains raise your hands on how many of you dread to see one enter an elite STF come on now lets see them? Or better yet my glass hull Armitage now with the assimilated set both ships are at least playable with the right setup but strike more fear of those in the Elite STF's of what they can't do (stay alive for one lol) that what they bring to the table.
I do concur to the part of the thread that we need more variety I think bringing on the fleet Karfi is a great step in that direction but yes we should have a Sci ship and maybe an Escort Carrier but PLEASE nothing to rival the Armitage lol.
As for the content they have made steps towards adding I know I started a Reman toon and its taken a whole lot longer to get through it then it did my initial Klingon. I think thats why I liked the KDF side so much I got to 50 in record time lol I may be a warrior but I am just as lazy as the next guy lol.
My disenchanted moment has been with the dilth reduction and the officer reports not giving fleet marks as they once did. But here is something to think about the FED side for most of us who play it takes about 30s during award events or less to play most of what gives us marks. I don't think I have ever been in a queue on the KDF side that it wasn't at least a minute or more. There are a few and correct me please if there is something wrong with some of the content or what but never have I seen anyone in this STF for fleet marks that gives the most marks. Granted I know from the other side it does take the longest of the other fleet mark events of course I am talking about the dreaded Starbase Fleet Defense.
Since I've rambled on as some of us Klingons do and I could be all wet though Klingons aren't much into water (see episode of Worf walking the plank SNG). I wonder if our lack of numbers in these queue's leads to those in charge thinking that the numbers don't justify the need for more money and manpower for development. And not saying none of us haven't spent our due on the KDf side but I know of at least a dozen players from my FED side that have KDf characters that barely play them. So the toon numbers may be adequate for adding on content, ships etc. But who knows how they do they're logistics and the numbers for something Faction based just aren't there.
Sorry for keeping everyone captive onto the new season but its something to think about I'm Morod and I approved this message lol
Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam
The biggest thing about people not playing KDF, isn't that some view it as a 'whiner faction', it isn't the lack of ships, or lack or other attention, or that Feds have so much stuff, or that Romulans simply outclass everyone else, or any other kind of 'faction inequality' we may talk about, or people simply being too 'Fed-lover', or that KDF starbases tend to not be as further along as Fed ones, or anything else I might've forgotten.
No...the biggest thing that keeps people from playing KDF isn't any of the above:
It's that there's no real good enough reason or incentive, to make another character, AT ALL.
Even if you only love Feds, only care about Feds, hate any other faction (both KDF and Romulans), only want more stuff for Feds, BUT...only have a single character...What reason is there for you to even make another Fed character? I mean, look at what you have to do:
Tutorial (though it can be skipped if you've done it on a faction already, but on the plus side, the new Fed tutorial was really needed, the old one was quite dated)
Leveling missions (each faction as a good amount of unique ones, but eventually they all do merge together)
Possible mirror runs (if you choose to)
Level 50 grind (rep and fleet stuff)
For fleet stuff, we have the Starbase, Embassy, Dil mine, and Spire. Yes it is a group thing, but it IS there. For Reps, we've now got 4 as well, Omega, Romulan, Nukara, and Dyson rep. Sure you can cut the time in half for completed reps on other toons, but you need account bank slots to do it. Still doesn't change that it's a long and boring process.
So why should someone want to even make any new characters, let alone a KDF?
Don't misunderstand. I'm not dismissing the issues people have with the KDF faction. I HAVE them as well. I WANT new KDF ships, I WANT some kind of attention for us, all I am saying is that I just looked at it not as a 'faction' thing, but as a 'character' thing. Why, at this point in the game (and heck, even in the future) would anyone want to make new characters past their original?
And don't even get me STARTED on the double-standard of 'character unlocks' vs 'account unlocks'.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
So why should someone want to even make any new characters, let alone a KDF?
And don't even get me STARTED on the double-standard of 'character unlocks' vs 'account unlocks'.
This is actually a very good point. Up until now, making new alts has been actively discouraged since I joined STO, back at S5. It has become a really big hurdle to get your alt to a level remotely close to your main, if you've been playing a while.
The measures to ease the rep grind for alts that are just introduced are a step in the right direction (though the thought of 4 rep grinds to complete from scratch is still frightening), as were the discounts to fleet ships for C-store equivalent owners, but the best ships still tend to be account unlocks only. Same for all the Lobi stuff (gear, uniforms, etc). And really, same for all event awards and the like - those really make it hard to turn away from your main, as well.
I've been wondering about that myself. And resent it. I have a whole bunch of characters, most of whom KDF. I much prefer account-unlocks, over character-unlocks.
This is actually a very good point. Up until now, making new alts has been actively discouraged since I joined STO, back at S5. It has become a really big hurdle to get your alt to a level remotely close to your main, if you've been playing a while.
The measures to ease the rep grind for alts that are just introduced are a step in the right direction (though the thought of 4 rep grinds to complete from scratch is still frightening), as were the discounts to fleet ships for C-store equivalent owners, but the best ships still tend to be account unlocks only. Same for all the Lobi stuff (gear, uniforms, etc). And really, same for all event awards and the like - those really make it hard to turn away from your main, as well.
I've been wondering about that myself. And resent it. I have a whole bunch of characters, most of whom KDF. I much prefer account-unlocks, over character-unlocks.
To be fair, the 'golden age' for alts was back when we had the first STF revamp. It was said back then that you could level a toon in a weekend with a case of Redbull, due to being able to easily tear through most story missions, the Mirror event was quite often, which helped a lot.
You could gear a toon decently enough in a week under the old Task Force Omega system as well. Even ignoring the sets for the moment, you'd still easily earn enough EDCs and generic drops to gear yourself out. Get a set of whatever Anti-Borg specific weapons you wanted, and go to town.
Heck, even without top of the line gear, it was a great time to get into PvP, because you could so easily get good enough gear to do quite well.
Don't misunderstand, the game wasn't perfect, far from it. But it was an excellent time to be interested in trying out alts. It was for me. During that point in the game's history, that is when I chose to make more KDF toons. I had originally made a Klingon tac, because I wanted to enjoy the story of the other side of the game, but didn't really do anything else with him.
But when the STF revamp happened, I had a reason to look at making more alts. When that first went through, I had 3 characters:
Fed engineer (first toon, and main character overall)
Fed tac
Klingon tac (first and main KDF toon)
Once it got into full swing, I made:
Fed sci
Klingon Engineer
Orion sci
And for a long time, those were the only characters I had. In fact, ever since rep was released, and putting aside my Romulans (though they are both KDF-aligned) for the moment, I've only made one character: A Lethean tac (thus a KDF toon), who's ground-specced.
Now, how this all applies to the game in modern times is that...I rarely play most of my characters anymore. I look at all the rep grind, how boring and tedious it all is, how much I really don't want to do it (just the level grind aspect, not even the gear from it), and that they keep adding MORE every few months.
If long-time players really don't want to make new characters, because of knowing all the grind, why would any new, or newer players want to at all, especially if they want to make a KDF toon and all the issues that has.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
I rolled 4 new chars during the double xp bonus time, unless you have a need to get them all to 50 right now I've never had an issue with Alts but then again I have 40+ at present. Alts can be a nice break from constantly doing stfs for marks.
PS - between the summer event and CE Event I've only had to do maybe 20 stfs since July as most of my chars have maxed at least 2 reps.
Just because you didnt name call does not mean your opinion was not emotional in nature.
Dislike is an emotion and its obviuos you dislike certain aspects of the KDF as you see them in the forums.
Since honesty about your emotions was not your first choice, I got to go with youu are trolling.
funny read tho.
Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
I am not backing any side here, but if you are truly disenchanted, you best bet is to not sign in at all. Sudden changes to play volume will speak more than anything that has ever been said in these forums.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Honestly, if that was the case, that might end up hurting things more. Instead they might see it more along the lines of 'well now nobody at all is playing KDF, so why bother even less'.
I've never seen 'mass log-outs' EVER work to convince any gaming company of anything.
Popcorn, Peanuts, Hotdogs!!!! 10 Lobi each.:D Gonna make some killer cash off this thread
1: Are you suggesting the Federation playerbase is always happy, content, reasonable and entirely civil? And, if not, should the Federation be removed from the game as well, to remove the concerns of those players too?
2: What is it exactly you are trying to do here? Assuming good faith here, you obviously wouldn't be trolling, so you think your comments are a valuable contribution to the debate. I can't help but think you would've realised that your proposal would neither be well-received amongst the players, nor interesting for Cryptic, as it would be scrapping content that has already been made and therefore generates free income. As I said, I can't imagine you'd be trolling*, so, this far, your presence in this thread mystifies me ever so slightly and makes me want to compliment you on your successful use of sentences, grammar and punctuation.
*See also forum rules: "Flaming and/or Trolling:
You may not post content which contains insults to other users or Perfect World Entertainment Staff, are specifically made to create undue discontent on the forums, disturbances in forum threads, pick fights or otherwise promote unfriendly conversation."
"Good news, everyone. In season 8 the Nausicaan PIRATE space trait will now work properly and adds a bonus to final damage. If, for argument, it adds 15 damage to total, and you previously did 10,000DPS you will now do 10,015DPS. They stack. Pirate is a mandatory space trait for Nausicaans so whites and purples alike will do. This damage apparently affects all damage types, from Grav Well's kinetic to Anti-Proton, from Photon torpedoes to Nukara Mines."
We have a space trait which is going to be of some great value very soon.
Word is, it will even stack the stealth part of the PIRATE trait with other stealth traits, like Romulan Operative. BoPs just got a whole lot more stealth...
My ships, which already have a number of Nozzies on them, are about to get better simply by logging on in season 8.
We can even mix-and-match the new Voth Armour with all existing costumes (probably going to be some clippage, but it's a great start).
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
See how well you are recieved.
Those mass logouts were also met with mass unsubscribing. As part of StarfleetGoonswarm err Dental, I mean Dental. Nabreeki should have colleagues with first hand knowledge of this. so when he says they don't work... they have been known to...
Just wanted to point that out.
Honestly, if we KDF feel we are really ignored then why would quittjng the game even work, especially if thd Devs say we do not bring a profit to begin with?
Was that before or after he jumped ship to work for Zynga?
Actually, don't answer that. Because seriously? He earned the criticism. He definitely earned it. I'm a little unsure of how you don't realize he earned it, but just because they FINALLY restored a levelling arc for the Klingon faction doesn't mean people still can't feel disenchanted by the development of the KDF moving past the Legacy of Romulus launch. It's still been spotty and overall meh. Disenchanted is a fine adjective.
Disenchanted may still hold true but I no longer see a need to burn Dan in effigy.
In fact I had a few Dev convo's on Tribble on if they would ever up the kill power of any of the cruiser classes. I finally broke down and got a Jem Dread and gave up my crusade a year ago. As for the ships on the Fed side I have a Defiant but lets be honest KDF captains raise your hands on how many of you dread to see one enter an elite STF come on now lets see them? Or better yet my glass hull Armitage now with the assimilated set both ships are at least playable with the right setup but strike more fear of those in the Elite STF's of what they can't do (stay alive for one lol) that what they bring to the table.
I do concur to the part of the thread that we need more variety I think bringing on the fleet Karfi is a great step in that direction but yes we should have a Sci ship and maybe an Escort Carrier but PLEASE nothing to rival the Armitage lol.
As for the content they have made steps towards adding I know I started a Reman toon and its taken a whole lot longer to get through it then it did my initial Klingon. I think thats why I liked the KDF side so much I got to 50 in record time lol I may be a warrior but I am just as lazy as the next guy lol.
My disenchanted moment has been with the dilth reduction and the officer reports not giving fleet marks as they once did. But here is something to think about the FED side for most of us who play it takes about 30s during award events or less to play most of what gives us marks. I don't think I have ever been in a queue on the KDF side that it wasn't at least a minute or more. There are a few and correct me please if there is something wrong with some of the content or what but never have I seen anyone in this STF for fleet marks that gives the most marks. Granted I know from the other side it does take the longest of the other fleet mark events of course I am talking about the dreaded Starbase Fleet Defense.
Since I've rambled on as some of us Klingons do and I could be all wet though Klingons aren't much into water (see episode of Worf walking the plank SNG). I wonder if our lack of numbers in these queue's leads to those in charge thinking that the numbers don't justify the need for more money and manpower for development. And not saying none of us haven't spent our due on the KDf side but I know of at least a dozen players from my FED side that have KDf characters that barely play them. So the toon numbers may be adequate for adding on content, ships etc. But who knows how they do they're logistics and the numbers for something Faction based just aren't there.
Sorry for keeping everyone captive onto the new season but its something to think about I'm Morod and I approved this message lol
Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam
The biggest thing about people not playing KDF, isn't that some view it as a 'whiner faction', it isn't the lack of ships, or lack or other attention, or that Feds have so much stuff, or that Romulans simply outclass everyone else, or any other kind of 'faction inequality' we may talk about, or people simply being too 'Fed-lover', or that KDF starbases tend to not be as further along as Fed ones, or anything else I might've forgotten.
No...the biggest thing that keeps people from playing KDF isn't any of the above:
It's that there's no real good enough reason or incentive, to make another character, AT ALL.
Even if you only love Feds, only care about Feds, hate any other faction (both KDF and Romulans), only want more stuff for Feds, BUT...only have a single character...What reason is there for you to even make another Fed character? I mean, look at what you have to do:
Tutorial (though it can be skipped if you've done it on a faction already, but on the plus side, the new Fed tutorial was really needed, the old one was quite dated)
Leveling missions (each faction as a good amount of unique ones, but eventually they all do merge together)
Possible mirror runs (if you choose to)
Level 50 grind (rep and fleet stuff)
For fleet stuff, we have the Starbase, Embassy, Dil mine, and Spire. Yes it is a group thing, but it IS there. For Reps, we've now got 4 as well, Omega, Romulan, Nukara, and Dyson rep. Sure you can cut the time in half for completed reps on other toons, but you need account bank slots to do it. Still doesn't change that it's a long and boring process.
So why should someone want to even make any new characters, let alone a KDF?
Don't misunderstand. I'm not dismissing the issues people have with the KDF faction. I HAVE them as well. I WANT new KDF ships, I WANT some kind of attention for us, all I am saying is that I just looked at it not as a 'faction' thing, but as a 'character' thing. Why, at this point in the game (and heck, even in the future) would anyone want to make new characters past their original?
And don't even get me STARTED on the double-standard of 'character unlocks' vs 'account unlocks'.
This is actually a very good point. Up until now, making new alts has been actively discouraged since I joined STO, back at S5. It has become a really big hurdle to get your alt to a level remotely close to your main, if you've been playing a while.
The measures to ease the rep grind for alts that are just introduced are a step in the right direction (though the thought of 4 rep grinds to complete from scratch is still frightening), as were the discounts to fleet ships for C-store equivalent owners, but the best ships still tend to be account unlocks only. Same for all the Lobi stuff (gear, uniforms, etc). And really, same for all event awards and the like - those really make it hard to turn away from your main, as well.
I've been wondering about that myself. And resent it. I have a whole bunch of characters, most of whom KDF. I much prefer account-unlocks, over character-unlocks.
To be fair, the 'golden age' for alts was back when we had the first STF revamp. It was said back then that you could level a toon in a weekend with a case of Redbull, due to being able to easily tear through most story missions, the Mirror event was quite often, which helped a lot.
You could gear a toon decently enough in a week under the old Task Force Omega system as well. Even ignoring the sets for the moment, you'd still easily earn enough EDCs and generic drops to gear yourself out. Get a set of whatever Anti-Borg specific weapons you wanted, and go to town.
Heck, even without top of the line gear, it was a great time to get into PvP, because you could so easily get good enough gear to do quite well.
Don't misunderstand, the game wasn't perfect, far from it. But it was an excellent time to be interested in trying out alts. It was for me. During that point in the game's history, that is when I chose to make more KDF toons. I had originally made a Klingon tac, because I wanted to enjoy the story of the other side of the game, but didn't really do anything else with him.
But when the STF revamp happened, I had a reason to look at making more alts. When that first went through, I had 3 characters:
Fed engineer (first toon, and main character overall)
Fed tac
Klingon tac (first and main KDF toon)
Once it got into full swing, I made:
Fed sci
Klingon Engineer
Orion sci
And for a long time, those were the only characters I had. In fact, ever since rep was released, and putting aside my Romulans (though they are both KDF-aligned) for the moment, I've only made one character: A Lethean tac (thus a KDF toon), who's ground-specced.
Now, how this all applies to the game in modern times is that...I rarely play most of my characters anymore. I look at all the rep grind, how boring and tedious it all is, how much I really don't want to do it (just the level grind aspect, not even the gear from it), and that they keep adding MORE every few months.
If long-time players really don't want to make new characters, because of knowing all the grind, why would any new, or newer players want to at all, especially if they want to make a KDF toon and all the issues that has.
-- Smoov
PS - between the summer event and CE Event I've only had to do maybe 20 stfs since July as most of my chars have maxed at least 2 reps.