Also want to confirm it's possible to outrun the Rupture projectile - if you run far enough, it won't hit. The key is being aware and be quick.
In addition, I was hit by the rupture for the 1st time today in Kerrat, not one but two back to back. One from T'ommo and another Klink, Driz...something (Cant' remember exactly), back to back. Those who know T'ommo, he is a specialist in BO ambushes and pretty much have all the broken toys out there. I can say I easily survived both attempts and T'ommo went kaboom at the hands of other Feds nearby. I suspect that T'ommo and Driz teamed up and targeted me specifically without consideration that while I was farming, there were other Feds nearby - maybe my ship name pissed them off or something. Driz managed to flee though.
What I can say from being hit is that your tray greys out except Science Team. Some reported Eng Team also isn't greyed out. Those two powers are designed to work while disabled. You are slowed for sure but it doesn't impede you power transfer so you can technically transfer full power to engines and try to get out asap. It happened so fast, I don't know if the other pre-existing buffs are still there or not. But I don't think it subnuke you, so if you have, for example, Polarize Hull on at the time, the PH should still be there and therefore, prevent you from being tractored. And if you are alert enough, you should be able to see the rupture projectile coming at you and should have 1 sec or 2 to buff up & react.
I say the best thing to hit when you got that 1-2 sec of window :
And if you do get hit, I will activate Science Team, then manually distribute shields no matter what. Remember, TT will be disabled but you will still need to balance your shields somehow since the likelihood that BO would be coming is high. ST also provides you 5 sec of immunity against Subnuke, which is a likely combo that some will attempt. After you get hit by rupture, ST prevents your Polarize Hull or EptE to be stripped away. It will give you 5 sec to get out of it.
That said, I have since removed the rupture from my ship. I refuse to use this broken console after I did what I would call an "atomic bomb test" yesterday. Don't need this to win and hopefully, others will refrain from using it as well.
Also reported in-game, and I pm'd jhening who promised to tell adjudicatorhawk.
So here's the deal:
The DPT (Destabilized Plasma Torpedo -or- Red Beachball) is supposed to have a 2 min cd. Then you add in the T'Varo's set reduction and it's at like 96 seconds or something which would be 24 seconds faster or 20%. When you launch it, it reduces the cd on everything. The weird thing is that I think it's chopping 24 seconds off of any cd that's running when you launch it no matter cd's base.
But wait, there's more! Slot a photon (or bio-molecular for the fashion minded) and the set bonus will take their launch down to 4.8 seconds. Slot PWO doffs to roll for torp cd reduction with every launch.
But why would I bother with PWO's just to shave 3.8 seconds off? Glad you asked. Every PWO proc reduces the 96 seconds on the DPT. And every DPT launch reduces everything else by 24 seconds (-ish, I think). Everything includes the baseball, although most other clicky consoles are not affected.
To be honest, it sounds bad, but the state of torps is so awful right now that a build running this is pretty gimped. It may very well be my lack of skills but I can't get an escort model T'Varo to perform with torps, which is how you have to fly it to keep the PWO's rolling.
Also reported in-game, and I pm'd jhening who promised to tell adjudicatorhawk.
So here's the deal:
The DPT (Destabilized Plasma Torpedo -or- Red Beachball) is supposed to have a 2 min cd. Then you add in the T'Varo's set reduction and it's at like 96 seconds or something which would be 24 seconds faster or 20%. When you launch it, it reduces the cd on everything. The weird thing is that I think it's chopping 24 seconds off of any cd that's running when you launch it no matter cd's base.
But wait, there's more! Slot a photon (or bio-molecular for the fashion minded) and the set bonus will take their launch down to 4.8 seconds. Slot PWO doffs to roll for torp cd reduction with every launch.
But why would I bother with PWO's just to shave 3.8 seconds off? Glad you asked. Every PWO proc reduces the 96 seconds on the DPT. And every DPT launch reduces everything else by 24 seconds (-ish, I think). Everything includes the baseball, although most other clicky consoles are not affected.
To be honest, it sounds bad, but the state of torps is so awful right now that a build running this is pretty gimped. It may very well be my lack of skills but I can't get an escort model T'Varo to perform with torps, which is how you have to fly it to keep the PWO's rolling.
Furthermore, Projectile DOffs reduce the CD of that torp, too. At least, last time I checked.
Escape using Omega eh? Thats funny, my Omegas are greyed out when this thing hits.
So many people using it already, PvP isnt about skill anymore, its about whos got the deepest pockets.
Then add the miraculous 7 minute BOff countdowns again from SNB stacking, then the further miraculous skills that pass through all and every shield and hull buff going.
It makes for a very very sh*t experience.
Oh and Nukura mines are still killing faster than you can react.
Tbh, Im sure the 'Priviledged' few are loving it, you know, the ones who hit the queues in their premades only to do one thing, stomp pugs as hard as they can with the sole purpose of removing what little fun there is left in this crappy game.
I agree with these 2 posters, logging out in pvp is usually cheesy, but not anymore if you get hit by this, I encourage everyone to do this and maybe jerks will stop using stuff like this in pvp. Soon the consensus will be logging out is ok if people are using this console only. Maybe all the logouts will show Cryptic what a complete disaster this console is.
Im constantly warping out now.
Tonight, 20 matches only 2 semi decent ones. All the others full of OP T-varos, this console on multiple builds, cheese, spam in absolute TRIBBLE levels, so much that even keybinds and BOffs were lagging on activation.
Its beyond a joke, yet its the same people using it all the time knowing full well its a cheap easy win. No skill required. I also think they genuinely know it utterly ruins any match, especially if its pugs.
I agree with these 2 posters, logging out in pvp is usually cheesy, but not anymore if you get hit by this, I encourage everyone to do this and maybe jerks will stop using stuff like this in pvp. Soon the consensus will be logging out is ok if people are using this console only. Maybe all the logouts will show Cryptic what a complete disaster this console is.
people are not jerks for using the items cryptic adds in game .They will keep adding stuffs like that and then wonder why people dont pvp.
Ignoring a crime makes you just as bad as the criminal.
Or just because its there, doesn't mean you should use or have to use it.
i have it and dont use it .Same with TIF.If I dont use it because its badly broken that doesnt mean others are jerks .People use what they paid.THing is they are allowed to buy/have/use that thing .
The console is under review. Please continue to submit constructive feedback on the ability and I will forward it along to the systems team.
Brandon =/\=
First and foremost, Captain and console abilities shouldn't be disabled by this console.
It says that it affects BOFF powers.
Either fix the text, or fix the console to affect what it's supposed to.
Also, anti-hold abilities should not be disabled. They are there for a reason, and they work on anything else that holds a target. Polarized Hull and Attack Pattern: Omega should be allowed to work.
i thought it was said that only BO powers couldnt be used while stunned by the big black ball?
everything is blacked out.
it takes me back to the old days when snb/vm would do this....
so wheres our counter to it?
EVERYTHING is supposed to have a counter right?
TIF aside...
If TIF does not have an effective counter then why should they add a counter to this?
I know that this thing can be annoying - so can TIF - big problem now is once they put things out there that cost lots - nerfing them just pisses people off.
It's a nasty situation all around - they make PvP lame - but you nerf stuff people just bought and the 98% of games pop(PvE) is going to have a cow.
Puts Cryptic in a tough position. To bad there was not a way to disable all P2W cheese on a PvP map.
how about, you CAN use station powers, but NOT captain powers. stuff like evasive, brace for impact, miracle worker or scatering field cant be used. the helplessness is the issue. if you cant use station powers when you need to, you are dead.
PSW does not counter it anymore? Now that's scary.
PS: I know that it did not actually counter the effect on you ship, just "knocked" it off, literally.
And regarding the Subspace Integration Circuit... it would certainly be nice to have some counter to it. How about having Sci Team cleanse the perception "debuff" (that's putting it very mildly) and having Eng Team cleanse the movement debuff? And allowing all three Teams to stay available even after you're hit with that... thing.
Either that, or adjust it, so that it does not disable captain abilities.
Science for the win. / Czechoslovak Fleet 1st Division
The console is under review. Please continue to submit constructive feedback on the ability and I will forward it along to the systems team.
Brandon =/\=
1) Subspace Torpedo w/ Torp Spread (so it doesn't miss)
2) High-Aux Grav Well
3) Subspace Integrity
4) Sensor Scan
5) Destabilized Torpedo
6) Breen Cluster
7) HY/TS Torps, er - whatever, if needed.
That's one guy.
That's not PvP.
That's PvE.
That's making a joke out of the PvE content.
That's the 15 Minute Reward Guidelines out the window (and backed over a few times).
There's four other guys.
NPCs aren't going to try to prebuff knowing it's out there. They're not going to try to keep their speed up. They're not going to have friends tossing them heals or boosting their resistances. They're not going to have friends dropping out various toys of their own to deal with any incoming whoopass.
NPCs don't have the various things that one might suggest one could do against it, a player using it, or even a team using it.
The NPCs...well, the Content Guys need to thwap the Systems Guys for this one...stand up for their NPCs.
console is good as it is, so leave it the way it is..
its a once in 3 minute abbility, and the whole pvp community needs to fall over it again....
dont remember some of you are responseble for the disruptor nerf aswell???
easy, dont like it, make a premade that exclude's it.
you go to kerrat or the normal qeue's?
then youre asking to get it by the new console/abillity of the moment.
fix the elachi torpedo, i dont know if its a tooltip bug or not, but hy and ts remove the 10% to disable a ship for the small 2,4 seconds. so fixx it pls so it works with ts and hy aswell.
The console is not very impressive if the victim can keep moving at normal speeds, but it becomes deadly if it's combined with movement debuffs like tractor beam and that keep the victim under the effect of the black nebula.
At the very least, movement abilities like evasive and engine batteries should remain available.
The console is not very impressive if the victim can keep moving at normal speeds, but it becomes deadly if it's combined with movement debuffs like tractor beam and that keep the victim under the effect of the black nebula.
At the very least, movement abilities like evasive and engine batteries should remain available.
Have you been hit by it?
If you have, did you not notice the complete lack of abilities to stay alive?
Did you also not notice the fact you cant see anything other than your own ship?
Two of the most vital things removed, doesnt matter if you are moving or not.
If you have, did you not notice the complete lack of abilities to stay alive?
Did you also not notice the fact you cant see anything other than your own ship?
Two of the most vital things removed, doesnt matter if you are moving or not.
yes i have been hit by it.yes i know you cant see anyhting, and yeah i know that boff skills become greyed out.
and yeah its a painfull debuff, i give you that, but, why are people alwasy complaiing the game is to easy and bla bla bla, and when there is something they cant win from, that right then it needs to be nerfed, or removed?
its aviable to everyone, it costs around 2 million ec on the exchange, so its not a p2w itme now.
also, i have find a way to get out of it, without damage.
when you are a romulan, wait for the green orb thing to come close, until it almost hits you, when its close to impact ( you proberly need to be shot at with it a few time's, befre you kno when its gonna explode/become active) you use singularity jump and evasive's, that way the bolt will explode in empty spacem, with you and youre ship a save 5/8 km away.
yes i know, this only work on a rommie, but other then that, its a start.
ps, i wasnt talking about you in the "people complain"part, thats just in general
Im with virus on this. We all knew that disruptors were broken, yet so many used them because of that fact. Quick, easy, cheap kills.
Do realise that using known broken stuff is tantamount to cheating dont you?
i didnt know it was broken, until some people start complaining that it was according to there story's, filled with tears and qq. and yes you read it right, i find those people pathetic.
the only real "bug"was that the proc did count twice for disruptor damage, that the proc got boosted by tac skills is oke.
console is good as it is, so leave it the way it is..
its a once in 3 minute abbility, and the whole pvp community needs to fall over it again....
dont remember some of you are responseble for the disruptor nerf aswell???
easy, dont like it, make a premade that exclude's it.
you go to kerrat or the normal qeue's?
then youre asking to get it by the new console/abillity of the moment.
fix the elachi torpedo, i dont know if its a tooltip bug or not, but hy and ts remove the 10% to disable a ship for the small 2,4 seconds. so fixx it pls so it works with ts and hy aswell.
Fact the first: Disruptors were FIXED, not nerfed. They were giving a larger bonus than was intended. PvP had pretty much nothing to do with it other than noticing and reporting the bug. I'm guessing you will also cry when the Monbosh gets fixed as well.
Fact the second: The console, as it is now, is likely OP in PvP, and is massively unnecessary for any PvE content in the game. NPC's are mostly passive sacks of HP anyway, so the reward for disabling them is pretty minor. In fact, the console could be super-buffed to turn off the target's Boff powers forever, and in PVE, you probably wouldn't notice. In PvP, though, shutting down powers like this can be a death sentence, and with coordination, it's easy to functionally remove players from the game. It's not even so much that it's OP as it is un-fun to be beaten without even having the ability to fight back. It greatly reminds me of old-old school VM/Subnuke combo, and that's not a good thing.
Fact the Third: Three minute cd is really not that long, especially for something that can be fitted to an entire team. Turns out that with coordination, they can be throwing these things out every 40ish seconds, and I suspect that with Aux power and skill buffs the 30 second duration claim is no exaggeration. So, yeah, basically a team with these can basically have one ship locked down for 30 out of every 40 seconds. That SUCKS, especially if you are that target.
i didnt know it was broken, until some people start complaining that it was according to there story's, filled with tears and qq. and yes you read it right, i find those people pathetic.
the only real "bug"was that the proc did count twice for disruptor damage, that the proc got boosted by tac skills is oke.
but thats another discussion.
For 3 years disruptors provided a value of 10... no matter who ran them and what buffs they choose to run.
At some point a patch of something broke them and put the resist on a sliding value for some odd reason that obviously favored tactical captains.
I will say that I believe they worked the broken way since F2P launched... so I could very easily see how many newer players wouldn't have considered them broken as they never saw them working as intended.
However I Know I did bug report them not to long after F2P when I noticed the new and improved behavior.
For 3 years disruptors where seen as the red headed step kid weapon... they where in general seen as weaker then phasers.
In addition, I was hit by the rupture for the 1st time today in Kerrat, not one but two back to back. One from T'ommo and another Klink, Driz...something (Cant' remember exactly), back to back. Those who know T'ommo, he is a specialist in BO ambushes and pretty much have all the broken toys out there. I can say I easily survived both attempts and T'ommo went kaboom at the hands of other Feds nearby. I suspect that T'ommo and Driz teamed up and targeted me specifically without consideration that while I was farming, there were other Feds nearby - maybe my ship name pissed them off or something.
What I can say from being hit is that your tray greys out except Science Team. Some reported Eng Team also isn't greyed out. Those two powers are designed to work while disabled. You are slowed for sure but it doesn't impede you power transfer so you can technically transfer full power to engines and try to get out asap. It happened so fast, I don't know if the other pre-existing buffs are still there or not. But I don't think it subnuke you, so if you have, for example, Polarize Hull on at the time, the PH should still be there and therefore, prevent you from being tractored. And if you are alert enough, you should be able to see the rupture projectile coming at you and should have 1 sec or 2 to buff up & react.
I say the best thing to hit when you got that 1-2 sec of window :
- Evasive
- EptE
- Polarize Hull
- Hazard Emitters
And if you do get hit, I will activate Science Team, then manually distribute shields no matter what. Remember, TT will be disabled but you will still need to balance your shields somehow since the likelihood that BO would be coming is high. ST also provides you 5 sec of immunity against Subnuke, which is a likely combo that some will attempt. After you get hit by rupture, ST prevents your Polarize Hull or EptE to be stripped away. It will give you 5 sec to get out of it.
That said, I have since removed the rupture from my ship. I refuse to use this broken console after I did what I would call an "atomic bomb test" yesterday. Don't need this to win and hopefully, others will refrain from using it as well.
Also reported in-game, and I pm'd jhening who promised to tell adjudicatorhawk.
So here's the deal:
The DPT (Destabilized Plasma Torpedo -or- Red Beachball) is supposed to have a 2 min cd. Then you add in the T'Varo's set reduction and it's at like 96 seconds or something which would be 24 seconds faster or 20%. When you launch it, it reduces the cd on everything. The weird thing is that I think it's chopping 24 seconds off of any cd that's running when you launch it no matter cd's base.
But wait, there's more! Slot a photon (or bio-molecular for the fashion minded) and the set bonus will take their launch down to 4.8 seconds. Slot PWO doffs to roll for torp cd reduction with every launch.
But why would I bother with PWO's just to shave 3.8 seconds off? Glad you asked. Every PWO proc reduces the 96 seconds on the DPT. And every DPT launch reduces everything else by 24 seconds (-ish, I think). Everything includes the baseball, although most other clicky consoles are not affected.
To be honest, it sounds bad, but the state of torps is so awful right now that a build running this is pretty gimped. It may very well be my lack of skills but I can't get an escort model T'Varo to perform with torps, which is how you have to fly it to keep the PWO's rolling.
Furthermore, Projectile DOffs reduce the CD of that torp, too. At least, last time I checked.
everything is blacked out.
it takes me back to the old days when snb/vm would do this....
so wheres our counter to it?
EVERYTHING is supposed to have a counter right?
TIF aside...
Do you even Science Bro?
So many people using it already, PvP isnt about skill anymore, its about whos got the deepest pockets.
Then add the miraculous 7 minute BOff countdowns again from SNB stacking, then the further miraculous skills that pass through all and every shield and hull buff going.
It makes for a very very sh*t experience.
Oh and Nukura mines are still killing faster than you can react.
Tbh, Im sure the 'Priviledged' few are loving it, you know, the ones who hit the queues in their premades only to do one thing, stomp pugs as hard as they can with the sole purpose of removing what little fun there is left in this crappy game.
I agree with these 2 posters, logging out in pvp is usually cheesy, but not anymore if you get hit by this, I encourage everyone to do this and maybe jerks will stop using stuff like this in pvp. Soon the consensus will be logging out is ok if people are using this console only. Maybe all the logouts will show Cryptic what a complete disaster this console is.
Tonight, 20 matches only 2 semi decent ones. All the others full of OP T-varos, this console on multiple builds, cheese, spam in absolute TRIBBLE levels, so much that even keybinds and BOffs were lagging on activation.
Its beyond a joke, yet its the same people using it all the time knowing full well its a cheap easy win. No skill required. I also think they genuinely know it utterly ruins any match, especially if its pugs.
people are not jerks for using the items cryptic adds in game .They will keep adding stuffs like that and then wonder why people dont pvp.
how could they launch something like this ? didnt they test it ?
Ignoring a crime makes you just as bad as the criminal.
Or just because its there, doesn't mean you should use or have to use it.
Brandon =/\=
the only thing you can use is eng team, just for the heal, but nothing brakes the disable
i have it and dont use it .Same with TIF.If I dont use it because its badly broken that doesnt mean others are jerks .People use what they paid.THing is they are allowed to buy/have/use that thing .
It says that it affects BOFF powers.
Either fix the text, or fix the console to affect what it's supposed to.
Also, anti-hold abilities should not be disabled. They are there for a reason, and they work on anything else that holds a target. Polarized Hull and Attack Pattern: Omega should be allowed to work.
If TIF does not have an effective counter then why should they add a counter to this?
I know that this thing can be annoying - so can TIF - big problem now is once they put things out there that cost lots - nerfing them just pisses people off.
It's a nasty situation all around - they make PvP lame - but you nerf stuff people just bought and the 98% of games pop(PvE) is going to have a cow.
Puts Cryptic in a tough position. To bad there was not a way to disable all P2W cheese on a PvP map.
PSW does not counter it anymore? Now that's scary.
PS: I know that it did not actually counter the effect on you ship, just "knocked" it off, literally.
And regarding the Subspace Integration Circuit... it would certainly be nice to have some counter to it. How about having Sci Team cleanse the perception "debuff" (that's putting it very mildly) and having Eng Team cleanse the movement debuff? And allowing all three Teams to stay available even after you're hit with that... thing.
Either that, or adjust it, so that it does not disable captain abilities.
1) Subspace Torpedo w/ Torp Spread (so it doesn't miss)
2) High-Aux Grav Well
3) Subspace Integrity
4) Sensor Scan
5) Destabilized Torpedo
6) Breen Cluster
7) HY/TS Torps, er - whatever, if needed.
That's one guy.
That's not PvP.
That's PvE.
That's making a joke out of the PvE content.
That's the 15 Minute Reward Guidelines out the window (and backed over a few times).
There's four other guys.
NPCs aren't going to try to prebuff knowing it's out there. They're not going to try to keep their speed up. They're not going to have friends tossing them heals or boosting their resistances. They're not going to have friends dropping out various toys of their own to deal with any incoming whoopass.
NPCs don't have the various things that one might suggest one could do against it, a player using it, or even a team using it.
The NPCs...well, the Content Guys need to thwap the Systems Guys for this one...stand up for their NPCs.
Just saying...
its a once in 3 minute abbility, and the whole pvp community needs to fall over it again....
dont remember some of you are responseble for the disruptor nerf aswell???
easy, dont like it, make a premade that exclude's it.
you go to kerrat or the normal qeue's?
then youre asking to get it by the new console/abillity of the moment.
fix the elachi torpedo, i dont know if its a tooltip bug or not, but hy and ts remove the 10% to disable a ship for the small 2,4 seconds. so fixx it pls so it works with ts and hy aswell.
At the very least, movement abilities like evasive and engine batteries should remain available.
Have you been hit by it?
If you have, did you not notice the complete lack of abilities to stay alive?
Did you also not notice the fact you cant see anything other than your own ship?
Two of the most vital things removed, doesnt matter if you are moving or not.
Bug fixing...while some may see it as a nerf (those exploiting the bug), is generally just bug fixing.
Can't compare the bug fixing with the Disruptor procs and the issues some folks (and NPCs) are having with this console.
Do realise that using known broken stuff is tantamount to cheating dont you?
yes i have been hit by it.yes i know you cant see anyhting, and yeah i know that boff skills become greyed out.
and yeah its a painfull debuff, i give you that, but, why are people alwasy complaiing the game is to easy and bla bla bla, and when there is something they cant win from, that right then it needs to be nerfed, or removed?
its aviable to everyone, it costs around 2 million ec on the exchange, so its not a p2w itme now.
also, i have find a way to get out of it, without damage.
when you are a romulan, wait for the green orb thing to come close, until it almost hits you, when its close to impact ( you proberly need to be shot at with it a few time's, befre you kno when its gonna explode/become active) you use singularity jump and evasive's, that way the bolt will explode in empty spacem, with you and youre ship a save 5/8 km away.
yes i know, this only work on a rommie, but other then that, its a start.
ps, i wasnt talking about you in the "people complain"part, thats just in general
i didnt know it was broken, until some people start complaining that it was according to there story's, filled with tears and qq. and yes you read it right, i find those people pathetic.
the only real "bug"was that the proc did count twice for disruptor damage, that the proc got boosted by tac skills is oke.
but thats another discussion.
Fact the first: Disruptors were FIXED, not nerfed. They were giving a larger bonus than was intended. PvP had pretty much nothing to do with it other than noticing and reporting the bug. I'm guessing you will also cry when the Monbosh gets fixed as well.
Fact the second: The console, as it is now, is likely OP in PvP, and is massively unnecessary for any PvE content in the game. NPC's are mostly passive sacks of HP anyway, so the reward for disabling them is pretty minor. In fact, the console could be super-buffed to turn off the target's Boff powers forever, and in PVE, you probably wouldn't notice. In PvP, though, shutting down powers like this can be a death sentence, and with coordination, it's easy to functionally remove players from the game. It's not even so much that it's OP as it is un-fun to be beaten without even having the ability to fight back. It greatly reminds me of old-old school VM/Subnuke combo, and that's not a good thing.
Fact the Third: Three minute cd is really not that long, especially for something that can be fitted to an entire team. Turns out that with coordination, they can be throwing these things out every 40ish seconds, and I suspect that with Aux power and skill buffs the 30 second duration claim is no exaggeration. So, yeah, basically a team with these can basically have one ship locked down for 30 out of every 40 seconds. That SUCKS, especially if you are that target.
Anything out of a lockbox cost some one either $ or where paid for thee grind time by Cryptic.
Just because they choose to sell it to you afterwards for fake money doesn't mean it hasn't made Cryptic real $.
Anyway just saying.
For 3 years disruptors provided a value of 10... no matter who ran them and what buffs they choose to run.
At some point a patch of something broke them and put the resist on a sliding value for some odd reason that obviously favored tactical captains.
I will say that I believe they worked the broken way since F2P launched... so I could very easily see how many newer players wouldn't have considered them broken as they never saw them working as intended.
However I Know I did bug report them not to long after F2P when I noticed the new and improved behavior.
For 3 years disruptors where seen as the red headed step kid weapon... they where in general seen as weaker then phasers.