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    starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thank you for your review helixfungus! Good idea on removing the 'no combat' disclaimer in the description. I suppose it was obvious that a lot of the tension will evaporate if the player already has a good idea on what to expect.

    I'll try addressing some of the other things that you have pointed out, such as adding in more stuff to explore (something that I now know how to do well after making Escalation.)

    Edit: I have added more things to find in the space segments of the mission.
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    tridentkillatridentkilla Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm a first time mission builder and would love to get some reviews on my first mission.

    Tyranny of the Tal Shiar

    Author: Blucher
    ID: ST-HE2SNQF50
    Faction: Federation
    Level Requirement: 16+
    Length: 20 minutes or so.
    -story(limited),-space combat,-ground combat.

    You are called to rid Archer of a Tal Shiar occupying force.

    It's a pretty simple mission, designed to introduce a character that you'll see on the second part, so as to open the door to more missions.

    My primary concern was working with triggers for the second map, would love to get feed back on what you guys think.
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    zorbanezorbane Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    heya starfarertheta I added all your missions to the list, thanks for playing the other ones.

    tridentkilla to get your mission on the list please play a mission that's currently on the list

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    Check out my Foundry missions:
    Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
    Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
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    tridentkillatridentkilla Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    (I'm keeping note of them as I come to them, In no way am I attempting to only point out issues. I will summarize at the end.)

    Issues in order; ship name in the sign in does U.S.S. R.R.W. for my ship.
    You may want to smooth out the explanation, it reads very quickly feels like it's just blurted out.
    Several minor typos, in the initial meeting dialogue.

    The battle scenes between are fantastic. However, upon reaching the primary battle, everything bugged out, the enemies were killed before the dialogue caught up and told me to join the fight.

    The Wells Class dialogue is very confusing, you may want to rethink how he explains the situation.

    After that, everything runs pretty smoothly, there was the occasional dialogue typo, but it's understandable given the amount of dialogue.

    Summary: Very enjoyable mission, work out the bug in the Earth encounter and clean up some of the dialogue and it will be darn near perfect in my opinion.
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    logitech007logitech007 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey tridentkilla, thank you for playing part 4. I hope the story was good for you understanding wise, I do hope you can and will take the time to play the other 3 parts, it should begin the story.

    I will take a look at the spelling and the way the earth scene is set up I believe that battle u are given a choice to either fight for go to the rift.

    But I will take another look thank you.

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    zorbanezorbane Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    FYI added your mission "Tyranny of the Tal Shiar"
    StarbaseUGC Discord Chat
    Foundry Mission Database
    Check out my Foundry missions:
    Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
    Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
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    prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey all

    I know I am supposed to be working on pt 2 of the Red Eclipse series but I am having a little issue with the storyline, so I decided to take a break with it. During so, I came up with a new story idea and will be creating the mission soon(ish).

    “Where Angels Fear to Tread” will be a Federation mission, approximately lvl 45 (I am assuming due to the use of Borg)

    The basic storyline is this:

    After delivering relief supplies to a newly-established Federation colony you receive an emergency hail from the USS Icarus under attack by Borg spheres. You respond and save the Captain and her crew. Before you can celebrate, however, you suddenly find yourself an a different timeline where the Borg have all but brought mankind to the brink of extinction and have spread their influence throughout the four quadrants. Even more frightening, the Borg have developed advanced stealth tactics, abandoned their drive towards assimilation and are intent on the complete and utter massacre of and any all non-Borg life forms.

    There will be multiple dialogue options and outcomes and, if I can swing it, multiple mission endings depending on the choices of the Player.
    Potential banner below:
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    zorbanezorbane Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The Unexpected Return Part Two by Logitech007

    Really good mission by Logitech! Might be my favourite one of his. The story is quite intruiging and the maps are great as usual. There’s also a nice plot twist at the end which turns into another cliffhanger.

    However there’s a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes and characters lack individual personalities (i.e. they all speak the same way). There’s also some technical problems regarding some puzzles and several things that jarr me out of my immersion (including the characters). I list them in the details.

    Overall it gets a 3 out of 5. Minuses mainly for for some textual things, tech issues and immersion, big plus for the very interesting story.


    I don’t understand the use of reach markers before using an interact. For example “Talk to bob” You have a reach marker at the guy, and when you reach him a “Talk to Bob” objective appears where you talk to him. You don’t need the reach marker.

    The first sentence you say “the Tzenkethi are back” twice. Probably an editing error I do this a lot.
    Starting location doesn’t make sense in regards to the story.

    Map - Tzenkethi Mine
    You need to move your spawn point, one of my boffs spawned inside something and got stuck
    I feel like the fight doesn’t make sense. We have all our weapons on us… I know there’s no way to force a melee fight but it was a “wtf this makes no sense”
    I like this investigation part
    IMO the starfleet officers shouldn’t have been in teh same room...it felt silly asking everyone where they were when they’re literally right next to the naausicans
    Good map

    Map - USS Drug
    Really cool flashback scene
    Maybe give the player something to do, as if they were one of the officers (maybe the captain himself)

    Map - Tzenkethi
    I never talked to the Romulans or Nausicaans but the dialogue says I did (and they declined to help)
    Why did the Tzenkethi help me? I hope this gets explained!
    The distraction objective didn’t fire at first, I had to walk around in order for it to work. Probably the reach marker is too big
    Holy TRIBBLE how did I move the rock???

    Map - Restricted Area
    I recommend not using Hirogen as they spawn other hirogens via the holo emitter
    Puzzle doesn’t make sense, would be weird for a console to ask you to input a prime number just to open a forcefield. Something like “we can hack this but I need you to help me captain! a bunch of numbers will appear and when they do hit the prime number button!”
    You did this in the next console puzzle. It has the same numbers though, you should use a different set to make it more interesting.
    You left both consoles there too, make the puzzle console disappear and bring in one that has no default text with it.
    You have a whole string of consoles to do this puzzle in objectives however they are all active already. You need to bring them in one by one when their objective comes up. I did them all in teh wrong order
    Cool map again

    Map - Ghoma System
    Nice Map
    THe mines were placesd very 2 dimensionally so they blew up in a line. In space I could have just flown above or below them!
    Same issue iwth Hirogen ships, they spawn other hirogen ships (photonic)

    Map - Next map (forgot name)
    Can skip this map, just pretend to warp to this location from the previous map and have the ships appear. Then you can beam onto the Odyssey skipping a map transition

    Map - U.S.S. Odyssey
    Lt. Zorbaneq...that name sounds familiar
    Uh starfleet made a clone of me? I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules
    Wait we’re leaving? Did that cool Tzenkethi guy get rescued? Maybe I missed somethign

    Map - Unknown Location
    Interesting map design. Kind of dangerously prone to failure though (like if someone lags they might fall off and they’re screwed)
    Kris Mento guy is interesting

    Map - Next Map (forgot name)
    omg it was diversion! You did it before Cryptic
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    Check out my Foundry missions:
    Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
    Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
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    zorbanezorbane Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The Unexpected Return Part Three By Logitech007

    A more confusing mission than Part Two, and feeling a lot less polished. I felt like there was more “huh this doesn’t make sense” moments for me than in Part two. The story is still pretty interesting though, I’m assuming it will end up with a big battle in part four. Final score three out of five.


    Lots of typos and spelling and grammar mistakes
    Felt really long
    Needed to really suspend my disbelief to take some of the mission seriously

    Starting location makes no sense
    The mission says it starts at DS9, so why doesn’t it start at DS9

    Map - Deep Space
    Quick Map but kinda understandable, had to fight your way to DS9. Would have liked to see the DS9 object there though especially since I got into transporter range somehow

    Map - Conference Room
    The Tzenekthi wasn’t a trojan horse he just helped me for some reason
    I’m goign to a Hirogen facility? I looked over the dialogue twice and it never says I’m going to one until the Fleet Admiral tells me its a good idea
    Very quick map, walk in talk and leave
    Exit dialogue doesn’t make sense, I beamed on DS9 and then suddenly I’m arriving at the B’lii system.

    Map - B’lii System
    This Hirogen just yelled at me but I don’t see him
    Ok I flew around and saw him but he’s sitting at Satellite #2 even though I scanned #3 and it says he appeared in front of me.
    Seems kind of silly I’m running around a hirogen base, even had a guy yell at me to go away and I’m doing whatever I want (scanning stuff, beaming over stuff)

    Map - Hirogen Monitor Station
    Interesting decorations
    Didn’t realize there was a 2nd floor, I ran around wondering where teh bad guys were.
    The scan cargo containers can be put into one objective (Scan Containers (x/y))
    Again the exit dialogue doesn’t make sense, I’m on the Hirogen base but my officer says we’re dropping out of warp into the battle

    Map - Starbase 375
    Unnamed costumes
    I need to bring down a field? What field? I feel like there is important things in the story that I am missing, all I know is that I’m killing a bunch of Tzenkethi to take the starbase back.

    Map - Tzenkethi Dreadnought Vessel
    Great detailed map
    Boffs didn’t follow me through the opening and closing door. What if they are playing multiplayer, the other guys will get locked out
    Floating comm panel?
    These open/close door objectives seem pointless they don’t really add anything…
    So I basically helped them set up a super weapon? That was kind of dumb we should have figured out what it did before giving it to them
    Planet conquering took like 10 seconds, doesn’t make sense

    Map - Tzenketh
    Interesting map but the middle area is kinda empty
    Why are two objectives sending me to places where im not supposed to go. If the player wants to explore you should give them the choice but not force them to do it
    I get picked up by a fleet but they’re at the Tzkenth homeworld, seems kind of unlikely they could do that
    StarbaseUGC Discord Chat
    Foundry Mission Database
    Check out my Foundry missions:
    Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
    Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
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    zorbanezorbane Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Rise of the Red Eclipse by prierin

    Excellent mission by prierin, he’s really improved from his first one. There are still a few polish issues remaining but they are few and far between. The tech is quite nice as well as there is a lot of branching things the player can do. The story is very strong as well which kept my interest throughout the mission. One criticism I have is that the boffs and player are forced to be a certain character. It’s a tough line to straddle and I’ve gotten into this problem before.

    Overall though this gets a very well deserved 5 out of 5.

    I like how the objectives are guided by dialogue
    Common mis-spelling Deligate should be delegate. I recommend typing your dialogue in a word processor first for spell checking
    Lots of branching objectives
    This could make a good Romulan Fed mission
    Boffs speak with a lot of colloquialisms which wouldn’t fit with an alien boff

    Mission Grant Dialogue uses the wrong tag. You put [MissionText] instead of [MissionInfo]

    Map - Private Room
    Hehe Jameson is standing on a chair, looks kinda silly not sure if you meant to do that
    Woot I got all the questions right the first time
    Short map

    Map - Delta Sector #3581-AA
    Pretty map
    The end animation looked pretty neat
    Another quick map though

    Map - Station Delta VI
    Map is well decorated
    the “meet ambassadors” objectives could have been a complete all (just a note)
    Typo: ferengi says holio vid instead of holo vid/ferengi says friendhsips (friendships)
    :( the Klingon didn’t like the fact I’m an engineer
    Hmm the Vulcan calls me young, I may or may not be young. More RP prone people may take issue with this (I had no problem)
    The Cardassian Ambassador Gen Dummond is still hanging out after the crazy stuff happened
    Whoa the override console is pretty well placed, I didn’t notice it when I was running around
    The second override console sticks into the next room
    I thought the way to get to the maintenance console was to do a jumping puzzle, did not realize a reach marker was next to it and got confused for a bit

    Map - Forgot name
    Scan the bomb interact animation uses a Klingon tricorder

    Map - Station Delta VI - Engineering Level
    Wrong boff talking to me on the exit map dialogue
    I also wanted to explore more :(

    Map - Delta Sector #3581-AA
    Wasn’t really given direction on map load
    A visual indication of the objective components in “Search for energy signature” would make it less annoying

    Map - Warp Space
    quick map but interesting idea

    Map - The Scion - Personnel Level
    After you scan the forcefield “he grins from ear to ear”. My boff is female
    Well done iwth the turbolift

    Map - The Scion - Sublevel
    Argh the minimap is not very good with maps with different levels, got lost (not your fault)
    In my opinion the “lock the bad guys behind doors” should be an optional thing. if i wanted to blow their heads off I should be allowed to
    Aeron the Gray showing up appears too close to the reach marker. When I got in there the pop up came and i wa reading but then I got into a fight. An invisible wall that drops after the dialogue finished would solve this
    Oh god I vaporized jameson

    Map - Kasse Space
    Quick map but understandable
    StarbaseUGC Discord Chat
    Foundry Mission Database
    Check out my Foundry missions:
    Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
    Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
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    prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    zorbane wrote: »
    Rise of the Red Eclipse by prierin

    Excellent mission by prierin, he’s really improved from his first one. There are still a few polish issues remaining but they are few and far between. The tech is quite nice as well as there is a lot of branching things the player can do. The story is very strong as well which kept my interest throughout the mission. One criticism I have is that the boffs and player are forced to be a certain character. It’s a tough line to straddle and I’ve gotten into this problem before.

    Overall though this gets a very well deserved 5 out of 5.

    I like how the objectives are guided by dialogue
    Common mis-spelling Deligate should be delegate. I recommend typing your dialogue in a word processor first for spell checking
    Lots of branching objectives
    This could make a good Romulan Fed mission
    Boffs speak with a lot of colloquialisms which wouldn’t fit with an alien boff

    Mission Grant Dialogue uses the wrong tag. You put [MissionText] instead of [MissionInfo]

    Map - Private Room
    Hehe Jameson is standing on a chair, looks kinda silly not sure if you meant to do that
    Woot I got all the questions right the first time
    Short map

    Map - Delta Sector #3581-AA
    Pretty map
    The end animation looked pretty neat
    Another quick map though

    Map - Station Delta VI
    Map is well decorated
    the “meet ambassadors” objectives could have been a complete all (just a note)
    Typo: ferengi says holio vid instead of holo vid/ferengi says friendhsips (friendships)
    :( the Klingon didn’t like the fact I’m an engineer
    Hmm the Vulcan calls me young, I may or may not be young. More RP prone people may take issue with this (I had no problem)
    The Cardassian Ambassador Gen Dummond is still hanging out after the crazy stuff happened
    Whoa the override console is pretty well placed, I didn’t notice it when I was running around
    The second override console sticks into the next room
    I thought the way to get to the maintenance console was to do a jumping puzzle, did not realize a reach marker was next to it and got confused for a bit

    Map - Forgot name
    Scan the bomb interact animation uses a Klingon tricorder

    Map - Station Delta VI - Engineering Level
    Wrong boff talking to me on the exit map dialogue
    I also wanted to explore more :(

    Map - Delta Sector #3581-AA
    Wasn’t really given direction on map load
    A visual indication of the objective components in “Search for energy signature” would make it less annoying

    Map - Warp Space
    quick map but interesting idea

    Map - The Scion - Personnel Level
    After you scan the forcefield “he grins from ear to ear”. My boff is female
    Well done iwth the turbolift

    Map - The Scion - Sublevel
    Argh the minimap is not very good with maps with different levels, got lost (not your fault)
    In my opinion the “lock the bad guys behind doors” should be an optional thing. if i wanted to blow their heads off I should be allowed to
    Aeron the Gray showing up appears too close to the reach marker. When I got in there the pop up came and i wa reading but then I got into a fight. An invisible wall that drops after the dialogue finished would solve this
    Oh god I vaporized jameson

    Map - Kasse Space
    Quick map but understandable

    AH, thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it. Jameson on a chair... that's new due to the new ESD.... I'll have to move him.

    Thanks for your notes... I will get in there and fix them WHEN I CAN... the foundry button on my log-in is greyed out... I can't access it at all atm.

    An invisible wall that drops after the dialogue finished would solve this - GREAT idea! I'll implement that.

    Oh god I vaporized jameson - LOL so did I a few times...

    Again, glad you liked it... had a lit of fun with triggers on this one....
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    prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'll try to make those edits as soon as I can... thanks again for the revie
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    helixfungushelixfungus Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Nice initial map, with the tiny space facility concealed in that asteroid. Nothing too fancy... nice backdrop of choice too.

    You are the first to pick "facility 4098" prison map and use it in a foundry mission, at least among the missions I've played so far.
    The chronoton protected database its really a brilliant trek concept... this could build a solid base for the Starfleet of the far future, the one that uses "Timeships". Good branching dialogue here, btw
    Nice customisation of the "facility" too. Ha ! That's a BIG nod to Q.Leap !!!

    Nice trail of TOS Gideon story... I like this kind of follow up.

    1701 enterprise map... Nooo... Riley me not, please !
    Nice blind effect...

    Enginering deck
    It's only by chance that I could nerve pinch that engineer... about the coincidence factor... my fed main character is a Vulcan... so it fitted in perfectly...

    Gideon first ground map
    pretty much crowded, as it should be I guess... Nice custom maps, albeit I almost choking watching my character literally swimming through people...

    Good rooftop scene... but that damned Memoschwackels pulled me off...

    And...about Section 31 being involved in any fithy thing happening in ST.. stop it... there must be some other foul souls in Federation that do evil...

    in kirk shoes map
    there's a typo in the first dialog here.

    what...where map
    disorienting indeed... good job on the BoP remnant

    Good solution to show up the exploding station (the reverse thrust).

    You nicely tied up threads on Kirk's part. A nice piece, building greatly on TOS shoulders.

    5 stars, and please, DO MORE

    Ehm... I just realized that the mission is not on the list at the beginning of this thread... let me know if I have to remove it. However, that mission is way too cool...
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    helixfungushelixfungus Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    clear tal shiar from...orbit map
    There is a phrase going like this"you will need to neutralize the
    those weapons before you can procede..." to correct.

    Peeling off the enemy warbird was nothing special, and the map
    scenery of this space map is quite dull, including the backdrop.

    Romulan Orbital station Interior
    Very unusual. There is little story,almost no dialog. I have to
    defuse some bombs...and to clear it from Tal Shiar troops ? Yes I
    had got it from the space map before, but I'll put in some dialog
    at the very beginning. Up to you though. And I strongly suggest
    proofreading on all the dialogs... good use of a premade map
    though, and you manage triggers the right way.
    I'm not a great fan of ground combat... however I suggest to put
    a respawn point outside the mess hall, coming from the starting
    point... died several times and having to reach the hall from the
    initial spawning is frustrating to tell the least... more spawn
    points please....

    Liberate the colony map
    Nice map, with some action against tal shiar goons...

    There no story within it, I simply fought against some tal shiar
    troops, slightly better than a straight shoot em up...

    2 stars...

    I exchange my newest mission:

    The Claws of Stovokor by helixfungus

    It's my first Klingon sided mission...

    Any level
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Ghost in the machine by Helixfungus

    Whelp, I lost all of my review notes while playing the mission, but I can list the main things here.

    Your biggest strength was your superb map-making skills. You are very good with the tool. I was not sure however, if this was intended to be a serious or comedic mission if not both. This is mainly due in part to dialogue like "OMG" in the middle of it. I also found many typos throughout the story. I suggest going back or having a friend take notes on them for you in a review. In addition, some npcs had default foundry names, I suggest fixing those.

    Well done.

    4/5 stars.

    My new mission.

    Scars of the Pride, Part 3:Toxin
    Synopsis: It has been two days since the attack on the U.S.S. Simba. With Admiral Taka in a coma, your only hope of catching the raiders was a tracking device planted on the stolen Borg technology by Commander M'Kiara. Now the technology has surfaced on a world deep within Klingon Space. On this forgotten world you will discover the inner-workings of a plot to destroy the federation itself. Report to Deep Space K-7 in the Eta Eridani sector block to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Simba and stop a hidden evil from rising. Level 50+ Fed mission.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    chepetico2chepetico2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    - - - - Prologue - - - -

    This short, combat-less, anyone-can-play mission is the appetizer to the trilogy, and sets up some story elements for The Unsung Mission trilogy. It features some of the features that are in the trilogy, such as branching dialogue and exploration. It also has a small (very) bonus quest at the end that can be played if you wish to get a little more story that ties into the the main-line series. If you like what is presented in this mission, then you should enjoy the rest of the series as well.

    A Routine Mission

    Author: starfarertheta
    Faction: Federation
    Level Requirement: Anyone can play.
    Length: 25 - 45 minutes.
    - Story, - Branching Dialogue, - Exploration.

    Memory Alpha has been detecting some unusual readings from a nebula located somewhere in the Delta Volanis Cluster. They have requested a Starfleet vessel to investigate, and Stafleet has chosen you.

    From the outset, this seems like a routine, single-ship mission. A nice break from the constant struggles that currently plague the Federation. That is, until you begin unlocking the nebula's secrets...

    Hi starfarertheta!

    A very interesting mission! I noted no grammatical or plot errors. For my own style of play I chose the more serious dialogue options, I appreciated the dialogue choices. Nice custom map work though bright lights within the nebula were a little distracting. However, please note that the directions were easy to understand and the lighting did not take away from the mission. Some may find that it adds to the challenge so I did not mark down for it.

    Five Out of Five Stars!



    Hi Zorbane!

    Thanks for the recommendation to submit my mission to this thread! Please see the above review of "A Routine Mission" I left on starfarertheta's thread. It was a very good mission which I highly recommend!

    I'd like to submit "Homage to Galris" for review, for everyone's consideration I would like to submit the following:

    As the war with the Klingons wages on, you and your gallant crew are called to Risa to investigate an incident aboard the U.S.S. Missouri. The Missouri was escorting the Andorian and Galrisian ambassadors to a trade conference between member and non-member worlds.

    All is not as it seems and the future of the Federation depends on your actions. Can you solve the mystery and save the Federation from a threat within its borders?

    Mission Name: Homage to Galris
    Author: Joe_King
    Language: English
    Allegiance: Starfleet
    Level: Any
    Please leave comments or suggestions on the main thread for Homage to Galris at the following link.
    Also feel free to check out some of my other projects at the following link.
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    starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hey Zorbane, could you please change the mission named "Malestrom" under @Starfarertheta to "Inferno." I changed the name recently.
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