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    vahdovahdo Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I dont want Arc, nor do I need it to "improve" my STO experience!
    You selling this sh** as if it was chocolate truffles, but then if you look a bit closer you're starting to barf.
    Well as many said before, if this is going to be mandatory, I'm done. This would be an impertinence against all players who invested their money and - even more important - their time into thier characters.
    But well, the past has shown us, PWE doesnt give a sh** about their players opinions.
    Join Date: December 2009
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    pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I use steam. I am happy with steam. Anything arc might do for me steam already does for me. Arc is surplus to requirements.

    I am a lifer. I don't pay anything any more, and I wont until a certain accolade bug is fixed, for which I am not holding my breath.

    But I promise this, I am going to keep playing until the day the STO servers shut down, even if they do make me install arc. Of course when that happens the 'not paying' thing becomes permanent. I'll just keep playing, eating my small part of the server resources pie for free.

    Not that my paying or not paying makes the slightest bit of difference to what ever the future may hold, just giving my feedback.
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    wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We are excited to announce the next testing phase for Arc, our incredible, easy-to-use platform that has been created for you! Read more for details.

    Click here to read more.

    I'm not even remotely interested in ARC or any other MMO from PWE, will there be an opportunity to opt out of using this unnecessary, useless (at least to me) thing. Sorry if this question has already been asked, but I can't be bothered to leaf through all posts to find out
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    xbalankexbalanke Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I currently use the normal launcher for STO, but I already have Steam to manage most my games library.. don't want or need uplay, origin, arc or any other extra layer.. the point is having one app which manages & updates all games (steam), not one per publisher (uplay, origin, arc) - I don' t buy games forcing those on me..

    If the regular launcher is being retired, will STO continue to be launch-able directly from within Steam or will that too require Arc?

    My laptop died recently and I will probably have to reinstall STO when I get it back.. as I understand the download on the STO website will now link to Arc, however if I take a small backup of the launcher - should only be a few MB - and start it, it should download and install STO as it always has right..?
    So basically, for now, can those of us who prefer to use the launcher take a backup copy of it and continue to use that to update and even fresh install STO on new systems...?
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    ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    so if I use steam. will I have to launch steam to launch arc to launch sto launcher to launch sto?

    yo dawg, I heard you like launching... so I made a launcher for your launcher to launch the launcher

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
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    mikearoomikearoo Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah, nope, I'd rather get STO running through steam than downloading let another piece of software. We are constantly force fed this stuff, I personally take extreme measures to get stuff like this off my computers, and its amazing how much better they run without downloading all the unneeded so called non-resource consuming software applications.

    I keep a steam account for the first person shooters I play, I don't want to install Steam No.2 or Steam No.3 just to play one more game.

    So, no. Count me out of Arc, there is nothing else PWE have that I want.

    IT was NEVER wanted and NEVER needed. PWE, do yourself a favour, put resources on making your games better instead please.
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    wjeremy16wjeremy16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am beginning to regret my LTS.

    if Arc becomes mandatory, I too will be leaving. at that point I'll find a different game to play thank you very much. The Galaxies Emu is shaping up extremely nice, and No adverts at all/

    I hope if this becomes mandatory. PWE's profits drop like an anvil. maybe they'll learn then.
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,540 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I do not want or need anything like this on my computer. I spend a great deal of time ruthlessly purging bloatware from my 'puter as it is. Further, this will the give the online criminal element yet another way to access personal information about me and others. Hello? Do none of you at either PWE or Cryptic remember what happened to Sony? So, you guys get ARC up and running and then someone like Lulsec hacks into it? Based on your track record with keeping STO up and running, there is no frakkin' way you'll be able to keep player's personal information safe with ARC. Might as well hand my bank account and credit card numbers to the first stranger I pass on my way to work today. The potential for damage will be far less.

    I am a life long Star Trek fan. I watched first run TOS episodes on NBC as a small boy. And now I have STO. Which I would like very much to be a lifelong fan of as well. But if the only way I can play STO is to install some unsecure buggy, resource hogging PWE/Cryptic Adware platform on my computer, then no thanks, I'll pass. I have other ways of getting my Star Trek fix.

    I have already been a victim of identity theft once. It cost me hundreds of dollars to get my life back. I swore then I would do whatever it took to prevent such a thing from happening ever again. If this means I no longer play STO, then so be it. I'm not married to this game after all. It's just a game. Not a lifestyle choice. The only way this will stop is if the metrics indicate the player numbers for STO drop into an unrecoverable free fall.

    I'm guessing my STO experience is by far in the majority. I am currently F2P. I have spent a little money in the Z Store buying a few things I wanted. There are a few more there I am thinking about as well. I was debating acquiring a LTS. Up until this announcement, I thought an LTS was a pretty good value. Not any more. And I'm just one of the more vocal ones about it.

    How many are there who will simply walk away and never say anything at all to PWE/Cryptic about why they left?
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is truly amazing. We're 14 pages in and not a single positive remark about ARC.

    Bran, you're the community manager here. If you don't at least try to argue with PWE on our behalf regarding this, you don't really deserve that title. We have over a hundred and thirty posts to prove it.

    I think you don't get his job. He is an employee of PWE. His job is telling us what PWE is going to do to us with a positive spin, and in case the community starts rioting, managing it with the banhammer.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
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    darius259audarius259au Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No ,just no and especially not if it's got pando built in! ,there's no need for something like this, which realistically only adds another unneeded layer to starting your game and brings nothing ,despite all the bogus "this is really cool" advertising slogans and hype with the announcement of arc!
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    ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    after skimming through the posts, the end result will be:
    they remove pando
    they force us to use arc, and whoever whines, they will show how they removed pando, so they did listen...

    we were forced to change our accounts, when we did not want to. so whether or not we want arc, we will be forced on it. and the best case scenario involves pando removal :S

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can guarantee Cryptic if you make us use Arc to load the game I will be just uninstalling STO . I have enough with steam I don;t need another useless client taking up memory
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    make sure people like it

    Branflakes the people don't want it hence we don't like it
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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    kokushibyokokushibyo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    after skimming through the posts, the end result will be:
    they remove pando
    they force us to use arc, and whoever whines, they will show how they removed pando, so they did listen...

    we were forced to change our accounts, when we did not want to. so whether or not we want arc, we will be forced on it. and the best case scenario involves pando removal :S

    The crucial difference is that we weren't forced to install a piece of malware like PMB with the account change. For those of us with a data cap this is simply not an option. That thing will constantly be running in the background sucking up my data. I can't afford that.

    My only hope is that the Steam version remains unchanged. I can always switch to that one if needed. If ARC is integrated into the Steam version as well it would mean the end of STO for me. Not because I want to stop but because I simply won't have any other option.
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    theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,507 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We are excited to announce the next testing phase for Arc, our incredible, easy-to-use platform that has been created for you! Read more for details.

    Click here to read more.

    ... *shrug*
    Sounds like something that adds nothing but inconvenience to my STO experience. But since you created it for me *puts Arc on Ebay at 1 $ starter bid*
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    joeykoricjoeykoric Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Adding my voice of dissent. I do not want ARC. As pointed out, I do not want nor need software that is going to eat up data while running in the background. As spock would say, that would be illogical. Also, why fix or change that which is not broken or a problem? Again, illogical.
    Fleet Admiral Zach Caldwell
    Commanding Officer, Strategic Starfleet Operations
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Seriously.... What the petaq?

    So I will have to download a useless steam-copy that will take up space and give me no benefits whatever. I already got Skype to chat with my friends, and I dont want to chat with them if they play lets say CO.

    PWE games dont interest me. Non-western anything does not interest me, and never will. I dont like their style. It is a personal preference.. And if people like these types of games, they can go to the PWE website and dowload them easily all ready. Redundant much?

    I dont want this. This at best, takes up space from my computer.
    At worst, it spams me with useless notifications for games I dont like , and lags the old computer.

    Needless, pointless softwear. Dont want it. Why would I?

    I would not install this program on my computer unless it gave me ONE THOUSAND zen each time I played STO.

    This Arc belongs in the trashcan. Like all bloatware platforms
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    grylakgrylak Member Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So.... download something to play STO?

    You know, I'm here for Star Trek. That's it. If I wanted to play any of the other games, which I have seen advertised when pottering around, I would already go and play them. I don't want to. I just want to play Trek.

    More importantly, if, as a new player, I saw I had to download something before I could download the game, I just wouldn't bother and go elsewhere.

    And if I have to download this, then there's a good chance I simply will go start playing DC Online that a friend is trying to get me into. It's bad enough you guys took out the ability to buy zen from the c store on teh launcher, by using paypal, as I always used that, and it was a good reliable means I trusted that allowed me to use paypal. That has been removed and now it has to be done via some daft system. Which means no Romulan purchases. Same princible applies here.

    By removing ease of access, making us install new TRIBBLE and loading our machines down with more apps that are not needed, you're just going to alienate the playerbase, not encourage it. Hell, my machine has enough laggy trouble trying to play sto without more ontop.

    A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Will players who play Steam will be free from ARC?
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I really don't want Arc or PMB being forced upon us, but I'm not going to quit the game over it.
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    tikonovtikonov Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is full of fail :D

    I recently got a friend to try STO and he wouldnt even install it seeing as the official direct downloader from this website (http://sto.perfectworld.com/download), now comes with pando media booster as part of the install, just seeing that ( and knowing he could easily remove it ) made him decide on the spot : to never install or play STO ever and added it to his mental trash pile...

    Try convince other people to come play when they know they need a whole new gaming client (Arc) and that Arc will try install stuff like pando ? yeah lol Cryptic
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    captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We all know forced publicity like this works well ...check how well worked Bing for Microsoft :D

    guess we will have to start sto from main exe or find ways around it /facepalm
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    zombiedeadheadedzombiedeadheaded Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Have no interest in this, and since I run STO through Steam (at least this way I get fast downloads and patching), I see no reason to inflict this on myself.
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    bluewafflemungbluewafflemung Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    PMB. If this is with it than let me know all just quit today. arc was already making me lean to the never play again this just cements it in.
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    hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We all knew this was coming.

    And when you get down to it, we all know there's really nothing we can do to stop it.
    PWE will force this on us, no matter how much we hate it.
    The only choice we have left is whether or not to quit over that.
    Join Date: January 2011
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is truly amazing. We're 14 pages in and not a single positive remark about ARC.

    Bran, you're the community manager here. If you don't at least try to argue with PWE on our behalf regarding this, you don't really deserve that title. We have over a hundred and thirty posts to prove it.

    I was against it before I downloaded it. After it destroyed the client I had been using it fueled my anger towards it even more when I had to fully re-install it. So even though I tried to keep an open mind and find something positive about it nothing can convince me that any player would need this piece of garbage bloatware.
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    collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Reminds me of the problems I had with The Sims taking up more bandwidth with all the possible internet connections turned off than non-Arc STO. Where is my copy of The Sims now? In a landfill somewhere.

    Porthos is not amused.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    we'd love to eventually evolve Arc to the point where it is fully integrated in all of our games, but we're simply not ready to do that yet, as we're still in the experimental, early development phase.

    Meaning that once again the STO crowd has been chosen to beta test their stuff , just like we beta tested the Foundry , the Gateway , F2P under PW , and whatever else they then chose to implement in other places ... .

    So far I'm seeing 18 pages of "positive" responses .

    I wonder if they are also dropping this onto their new golden egg -- Neverwinter ?
    At least then I could stop feeling oh-so "privileged" to be the beta tester ... . :rolleyes:
    Arc is here.

    I hope it's a short stay .
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    collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I really don't want Arc or PMB being forced upon us, but I'm not going to quit the game over it.

    Hey, to each his own. If you want to use Arc, great. But I don't think we should be forced to use adware to launch STO or any other program.

    Just to be clear, I have a relatively high end PC and a blazing fast broadband connection so I COULD run ARC and STO. However, I have no interest in effectively receiving postage-due adverts.

    Porthos is not amused.
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    askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tikonov wrote: »
    This is full of fail :D

    I recently got a friend to try STO and he wouldnt even install it seeing as the official direct downloader from this website (http://sto.perfectworld.com/download), now comes with pando media booster as part of the install, just seeing that ( and knowing he could easily remove it ) made him decide on the spot : to never install or play STO ever and added it to his mental trash pile...

    Try convince other people to come play when they know they need a whole new gaming client (Arc) and that Arc will try install stuff like pando ? yeah lol Cryptic

    Um pando media booster has been in the install for STO for years now. Nothing new ;)

    As for ARC itself, I've tried it and it's okay. Will I use it constantly? Probably not unless it becomes a requirement then I suppose I'd have no choice hehe.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

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