Yay, a new ship...for one of my 7 Romulans/Remans...... nah, I?ll just make another one to fly the D?'deridex and use it on my "Main" Romulan ! :eek::D:)
But still -40 power and whats more important it CANT use awesome XII warpcores. I would take Jem Dread everyday agaist this one<with full ROM crew ofc:D>
But still -40 power and whats more important it CANT use awesome XII warpcores. I would take Jem Dread everyday agaist this one<with full ROM crew ofc:D>
But it can use awesome MK XII Singularity Cores....
Same here. I was really hoping the Scimitar would be a full fledged Reman carrier, but at the same time, I'd rather wait for Cryptic to create a unique one.
Still, it is pretty impressive-7 turn-rate plus a hangar, plus everything else it has. Time to NERF THE OPNESS :P
Shut up and take my money... As long as you take it in GBP. To be honest that's about my only defence at the moment.
I wonder, can I stick the consoles of the C-store D'Derdix's on it?
I do have this image of the end of KASE, with two Scimitars sitting there taking it in turn to fire the Energy shotgun at each other.
Same here. I was really hoping the Scimitar would be a full fledged Reman carrier, but at the same time, I'd rather wait for Cryptic to create a unique one.
Be sure what you wish for, the Ha'***** line of ships is ugly as sin. Okay, well, I can live with the Ha'apax, but the rest is oversized and abominable.
1 hangar bay? Perfect, right on the money. Two would have been stupid.
Now we could still get an original design full fledged carrier for Romulans. Something wide and stubby with large, thick, graceful wings with thru-decks for fighters ala Atrox... mmm...
We seriously need some Science ships first, though. Now that we've hit basically every canon Romulan ship of importance (the scout/sci ship is in the same place as the New Orleans or K'vort of "nice to have but not enough people care about it to make it worth doing"), they can start on a few new ships to fill in the obvious gaps - Science first, then a full carrier.
You forgot to add in there - Flagship and Vet ship.
Shut up and take my money... As long as you take it in GBP. To be honest that's about my only defence at the moment.
I wonder, can I stick the consoles of the C-store D'Derdix's on it?
I do have this image of the end of KASE, with two Scimitars sitting there taking it in turn to fire the Energy shotgun at each other.
The T5 consoles are limited to the particular ship they come with.
The T1-T4 consoles can be used on any Warbird...should be able to be used even on the Dreadnought Warbird.
I haven't read thread yet. This is my reaction to the ship now that's it's finally revealed.
I've done this with any thing lore-wise in the game that Cryptic has done. Somethings I I really disagree with but I can't see Cryptic's take on it as plausible. But the Scimitar is something that I vehemently disagree with. So I'm gonna play a trum, er canon card.
Thalaron weapons are biogenic weapons that are banned in the Alpha Quadrant by all major powers. For those no know the content, it's like using a uncurable plague that has a slow, agonizing death. All of the content in STO takes that convention about Thalaron weapons. Even Slamek proved he's not totally a lost cause He dumped the Thalaron weapons his ship was carrying into the Nopada atmosphere before it crashed. To paraphrase Q Jr., "Thaloraon weapons bad. People who use Thalaron as bad."
But now you are selling the Scimitar which is usable by the Romulan Republic which has Tharlaron reactor and weapon system. Let me repeat that, the Romulan Republic using Tharlaron weapons. I just can't by that at all. I can buy Sela and the RSE using Tharalon weapons. I can buy the Tal Shiar using Thalaron weapons. I can't buy the Romulan Republic using galactically banned weapons. The Federation would immediately break all ties with New Romulus. All ships that Republic forces were suing woudl be recalled. The Klingons would probably not even call their ships to be recalled. They would just blow them of the sky.
No amount of hand waving can reconcile this contradiction. I not calling for thing drastic to be done to the Scimular. I'm not asking for any alterations to any game effects. Just don't called it a Thalaron Weapon. Invention some new treknobabel to explain that it is.
Impressive ships. Those that like the Scimitar will love these, I'm sure.
Personally, I haven't decided. As a Trekkie who still hasn't got around to seeing Nemesis, I don't have any attachment to the ship. And frankly, from what I've seen in the pictures, it's ugly. >shrug<
A base turn rate of 7
+ Rapid Maneuvering Thrusters further improving the turn rate
Scimitar: 7
Galaxy: 6
You've got to be kidding Crytic. Where is the logic? I believe now I have every right to DEMAND an addition of +3 to the turn rate of all the other cruisers in the game.
By all appearances, the Scimitar looks and sounds like it is the flagship...
Considering the last time we saw Empress Sela, she was Commanding one, I'd say that's a fair assessment.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I think at least one of them should get two in exchange for less weapon slots, the falchion perhaps. That way the romulans would at least have one proper carrier.
That's an errr...pretty bloody accurate Scimitar right there. I was like, what? No enhanced battle cloak? Then they hit me with Cloak barrage. And then they dropped the Second layer shield. I would kill to get that on my Fed Cruiser. Cross faction console? Please? And finally the completed nightmare...it's shields are up while cloaked. There's a new dark heart in the Romulan fleet and it is the Scimitar.
The only question is what's the turn rate bonus for the Advanced Scimitar Systems set?
40k hull though...oddly accurate. It's hull doesn't seem all that tough...it's just that the thing is freaking huge.
And love the redesign and texture upgrades, she's beautiful, you guys did an excellent job with the ship variants too. And Falchion and Tulwar...excellent names for the other classes, I love when thematic naming is continued.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
A base turn rate of 7
+ Rapid Maneuvering Thrusters further improving the turn rate
Scimitar: 7
Galaxy: 6
You've got to be kidding Crytic. Where is the logic? I believe now I have every right to DEMAND an addition of +3 to the turn rate of all the other cruisers in the game.
Yeah I have to agree. D'deridex base turn rate of 5 and the carrier get 7 !?!?!?
Galaxy turn rate of 6?!? These turn rates are making no sense. Many cruiser would benefit from a turn rate pass. Many look like they need +2 on what they currently are.
Cruisers should have better base turn rates than carriers!
Yeah I have agree. D'deridex base turn rate of 5 and the carrier get 7 !?!?!?
Galaxy turn rate of 6?!? These turn rates are making no sense. Many cruiser would benefit from a turn rate pass. Many look like they need +2 on what they currently are.
Cruisers should have better base turn rates than carriers!
On a more positive note. They look cool.
It's not a Carrier. It is a Tactical Oriented Cruiser with a hangar.
interesting, its not so OP or UP. 40k hull is totally reasonable, it had strong shields not necessarily strong hull. vet ship station setup with 7 turn and a hanger, hmm its still gonna be sorta a hassle to get it to perform with escort weapons super well, with only room for 2 turn consoles on the 5 tac console ship. the 2 console bonus will only buff turn a flat amount, not increase the base. i might just have enough zen and dil to afford this actually, im quite tempted. id be less tempted if it was more powerful actually.
is that -50 wile firing wile cloaked gone? didn't see that downside listed. just that afterward your power would be drained. but that wouldn't mater much, your still cloaked.
maybe the sci version should have had 4/3 weapons, and a second hanger. im not one of them, but i think a lot of people want a 2 hanger romulan ship, and the other 2 versions give a good selection of consoles and have 5 weapons as it is. a bit more diversity there would not be a bad thing.
How does 5 fore and 3 aft weapon slots translate into 52 pulse*disruptor*cannons and 27*photon torpedo*launchers? Is this a joke? Its nothing like the movie!
How does 5 fore and 3 aft weapon slots translate into 52 pulse*disruptor*cannons and 27*photon torpedo*launchers? Is this a joke? Its nothing like the movie!
Simple, you round the disruptors down and round the photons up and divide both by 10.
How does 5 fore and 3 aft weapon slots translate into 52 pulse*disruptor*cannons and 27*photon torpedo*launchers? Is this a joke? Its nothing like the movie!
Funny thing about the movie...do you ever see it firing 52 disruptors and 27 torps?
Yeah I have agree. D'deridex base turn rate of 5 and the carrier get 7 !?!?!?
Galaxy turn rate of 6?!? These turn rates are making no sense. Many cruiser would benefit from a turn rate pass. Many look like they need +2 on what they currently are.
Cruisers should have better base turn rates than carriers!
On a more positive note. They look cool.
One viable explanation might be that the Galaxy and D'Deridex are "older" models of ship designs. By the time the Scimitar is introduced in Nemesis, the other two ships are at least 10 years old.
Plus we've seen the way the Scimitar maneuvered in battle with the Enterprise. Those two ships were at least on equal footing there, so turn rate 7 fits.
Also, while the "perfect" cloak, the immense firepower and the massive shielding were way ahead of both Romulan and Federation designs, the Scimitars hull wasn't that advanced. In fact, the Enterprise had a slight advantage there - seeing how much damage Picard's ramming maneuver did to Shinzon's vessel. So, 40k hull also fits.
About the hangar.... well, fighters were displayed aboard, quite a considerable amount, but overall the Scimitar was mainly built around it's thalaron generator. The fighter bay seemed to me like an addition, but not a main feature. So 1 hangar bay hits the spot.
interesting, its not so OP or UP. 40k hull is totally reasonable, it had strong shields not necessarily strong hull. vet ship station setup with 7 turn and a hanger, hmm its still gonna be sorta a hassle to get it to perform with escort weapons super well, with only room for 2 turn consoles on the 5 tac console ship. the 2 console bonus will only buff turn a flat amount, not increase the base. i might just have enough zen and dil to afford this actually, im quite tempted. id be less tempted if it was more powerful actually.
is that -50 wile firing wile cloaked gone? didn't see that downside listed. just that afterward your power would be drained. but that wouldn't mater much, your still cloaked.
maybe the sci version should have had 4/3 weapons, and a second hanger. im not one of them, but i think a lot of people want a 2 hanger romulan ship, and the other 2 versions give a good selection of consoles and have 5 weapons as it is. a bit more diversity there would not be a bad thing.
43k hull would not be unreasonable would it??
I am telling you - day 1 and 2 of sales - casual players will start popping by doing tanky stuff !!
I see inbound FORUM rant - "I want my money back" - "too weak" etc etc - could put a slight damper on sales.
(Sorry, a little bit more to that: It can keep being shielded while cloaked, all the time? And at times fire weapons while cloaked? And it lets Rom republic characters use Thalaron weaponry? Seriously, you're crazy. FEDs using Bio-neural warheads, the same people who in the story are against Thalaron weaponry-as well as the rest of the galaxy-will now use it but you still won't let players wear swimsuits.)
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Probably not for at least 6 months -_-. It should have really been a post launch priority.
But it can use awesome MK XII Singularity Cores....
Same here. I was really hoping the Scimitar would be a full fledged Reman carrier, but at the same time, I'd rather wait for Cryptic to create a unique one.
Still, it is pretty impressive-7 turn-rate plus a hangar, plus everything else it has. Time to NERF THE OPNESS :P
I wonder, can I stick the consoles of the C-store D'Derdix's on it?
I do have this image of the end of KASE, with two Scimitars sitting there taking it in turn to fire the Energy shotgun at each other.
Be sure what you wish for, the Ha'***** line of ships is ugly as sin. Okay, well, I can live with the Ha'apax, but the rest is oversized and abominable.
You forgot to add in there - Flagship and Vet ship.
The T5 consoles are limited to the particular ship they come with.
The T1-T4 consoles can be used on any Warbird...should be able to be used even on the Dreadnought Warbird.
By all appearances, the Scimitar looks and sounds like it is the flagship...
I've done this with any thing lore-wise in the game that Cryptic has done. Somethings I I really disagree with but I can't see Cryptic's take on it as plausible. But the Scimitar is something that I vehemently disagree with. So I'm gonna play a trum, er canon card.
Thalaron weapons are biogenic weapons that are banned in the Alpha Quadrant by all major powers. For those no know the content, it's like using a uncurable plague that has a slow, agonizing death. All of the content in STO takes that convention about Thalaron weapons. Even Slamek proved he's not totally a lost cause He dumped the Thalaron weapons his ship was carrying into the Nopada atmosphere before it crashed. To paraphrase Q Jr., "Thaloraon weapons bad. People who use Thalaron as bad."
But now you are selling the Scimitar which is usable by the Romulan Republic which has Tharlaron reactor and weapon system. Let me repeat that, the Romulan Republic using Tharlaron weapons. I just can't by that at all. I can buy Sela and the RSE using Tharalon weapons. I can buy the Tal Shiar using Thalaron weapons. I can't buy the Romulan Republic using galactically banned weapons. The Federation would immediately break all ties with New Romulus. All ships that Republic forces were suing woudl be recalled. The Klingons would probably not even call their ships to be recalled. They would just blow them of the sky.
No amount of hand waving can reconcile this contradiction. I not calling for thing drastic to be done to the Scimular. I'm not asking for any alterations to any game effects. Just don't called it a Thalaron Weapon. Invention some new treknobabel to explain that it is.
Impressive ships. Those that like the Scimitar will love these, I'm sure.
Personally, I haven't decided. As a Trekkie who still hasn't got around to seeing Nemesis, I don't have any attachment to the ship. And frankly, from what I've seen in the pictures, it's ugly. >shrug<
Maybe I'll get it. Maybe not. I haven't decided.
/signed +1
/signed +1
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Considering the last time we saw Empress Sela, she was Commanding one, I'd say that's a fair assessment.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Was worth the wait.
Just one?
I think at least one of them should get two in exchange for less weapon slots, the falchion perhaps. That way the romulans would at least have one proper carrier.
I've been looking for a ship to help define my Romulan captain; looks like I might have found it.
Sela isn't part of the Romulan Republic......
Mother of God.
They did it. The crazy sons of ****** did it.
That's an errr...pretty bloody accurate Scimitar right there. I was like, what? No enhanced battle cloak? Then they hit me with Cloak barrage. And then they dropped the Second layer shield. I would kill to get that on my Fed Cruiser. Cross faction console? Please? And finally the completed nightmare...it's shields are up while cloaked. There's a new dark heart in the Romulan fleet and it is the Scimitar.
The only question is what's the turn rate bonus for the Advanced Scimitar Systems set?
40k hull though...oddly accurate. It's hull doesn't seem all that tough...it's just that the thing is freaking huge.
And love the redesign and texture upgrades, she's beautiful, you guys did an excellent job with the ship variants too. And Falchion and Tulwar...excellent names for the other classes, I love when thematic naming is continued.
Yeah I have to agree. D'deridex base turn rate of 5 and the carrier get 7 !?!?!?
Galaxy turn rate of 6?!? These turn rates are making no sense. Many cruiser would benefit from a turn rate pass. Many look like they need +2 on what they currently are.
Cruisers should have better base turn rates than carriers!
On a more positive note. They look cool.
Excellent work, an absolutely awesome vessel.
It's not a Carrier. It is a Tactical Oriented Cruiser with a hangar.
is that -50 wile firing wile cloaked gone? didn't see that downside listed. just that afterward your power would be drained. but that wouldn't mater much, your still cloaked.
maybe the sci version should have had 4/3 weapons, and a second hanger. im not one of them, but i think a lot of people want a 2 hanger romulan ship, and the other 2 versions give a good selection of consoles and have 5 weapons as it is. a bit more diversity there would not be a bad thing.
Simple, you round the disruptors down and round the photons up and divide both by 10.
Funny thing about the movie...do you ever see it firing 52 disruptors and 27 torps?
Just saying...
One viable explanation might be that the Galaxy and D'Deridex are "older" models of ship designs. By the time the Scimitar is introduced in Nemesis, the other two ships are at least 10 years old.
Plus we've seen the way the Scimitar maneuvered in battle with the Enterprise. Those two ships were at least on equal footing there, so turn rate 7 fits.
Also, while the "perfect" cloak, the immense firepower and the massive shielding were way ahead of both Romulan and Federation designs, the Scimitars hull wasn't that advanced. In fact, the Enterprise had a slight advantage there - seeing how much damage Picard's ramming maneuver did to Shinzon's vessel. So, 40k hull also fits.
About the hangar.... well, fighters were displayed aboard, quite a considerable amount, but overall the Scimitar was mainly built around it's thalaron generator. The fighter bay seemed to me like an addition, but not a main feature. So 1 hangar bay hits the spot.
She truely is a predator, like in the movie.
43k hull would not be unreasonable would it??
I am telling you - day 1 and 2 of sales - casual players will start popping by doing tanky stuff !!
I see inbound FORUM rant - "I want my money back" - "too weak" etc etc - could put a slight damper on sales.
But we shall see.
(Sorry, a little bit more to that: It can keep being shielded while cloaked, all the time? And at times fire weapons while cloaked? And it lets Rom republic characters use Thalaron weaponry? Seriously, you're crazy. FEDs using Bio-neural warheads, the same people who in the story are against Thalaron weaponry-as well as the rest of the galaxy-will now use it but you still won't let players wear swimsuits.)
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!