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Nerf the Valdore console it's unbalancing [Thread closed since y'all can't play nice]



  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mosul33 wrote: »
    Enuf allready with this nerf TRIBBLE, to any1 who claims its op, did u even test it ???
    The statistics are all wrong, becouse the numbers on the combat logs are wrong. It shows false healing becouse it reports healing on allready full shields. And of course the PvPers know this but they still use the over inflated numbers as an argument, even if its a false one.
    Today got this console and i put it on a fleet mogai with full canon build, 4 dhcs and 3 turrets and ran allmost every content: some pvps, some stfs, even a few CE and SB 24.
    The console is helpfull in a limited way cuz most of the times procs when shields are full. But is for sure not op or even game breaking. It didnt break my game at all, really. :rolleyes:

    Uh the argument that "oh it means nothing because most of it was on a user with full shields" is a very irrelevant and illogical argument. That is massive POTENTIAL shield restoration for a single target.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    If ANYONE thinks they are going to Nerf a console only 2+ weeks after selling 100k+ of the ship both individually and through the thousands of Legacy packs - and to many new players to the game - knock off the sauce - your loosing it.

    There is no way with all those new players + millions in sales and still more sales to come that they will start nerfing consoles.

    Can you imagine the bad feedback from the majority of the player base?? No nerf will happen for awhile. It's just too risky after such a shaky LoR launch that already upset lots of players.

    Nerf stuff at this point? Get outta here - won't happen. Check back in 3 months or so.
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If ANYONE thinks they are going to Nerf a console only 2+ weeks after selling 100k+ of the ship both individually and through the thousands of Legacy packs - and to many new players to the game - knock off the sauce - your loosing it.

    There is no way with all those new players + millions in sales and still more sales to come that they will start nerfing consoles.

    Can you imagine the bad feedback from the majority of the player base?? No nerf will happen for awhile. It's just too risky after such a shaky LoR launch that already upset lots of players.

    Nerf stuff at this point? Get outta here - won't happen. Check back in 3 months or so.

    YEAH so we shouldn't report or talk about the god mode console at all! Because it is new and Cryptic needs to make more cash!


    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    YEAH so we shouldn't report or talk about the god mode console at all! Because it is new and Cryptic needs to make more cash!



    Sure just don't expect anything to come out of it for several months - that's just reality. Nerfing something after this big a sales win would be a major finanical/publicity bomb for Cryptic - especially after the problems with the launch.

    it won't happen - just want everyone to realize the facts - regardless if it OP in some situation and builds.
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sure just don't expect anything to come out of it for several months - that's just reality. Nerfing something after this big a sales win would be a major finanical/publicity bomb for Cryptic - especially after the problems with the launch.

    it won't happen - just want everyone to realize the facts - regardless if it OP in some situation and builds.

    Cryptic is far too inconsistent to predict.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • graytiegraytie Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    The strawman argument EVERYONE makes is point to the bug ship as their scape goat for GAME BREAKING console. The bug ship isn't game breaking, this console IS. There is a difference between balance and god mode. The bug ship is far from invulnerable.

    Sorry, but I still don't see how anyone can genuinely argue that the console is OP:

    2.5% of 200% means the console heals 5% of a warbird's DPS, on average. This means it is countered by an opponent doing 5% more DPS than that warbird. This is not an OP heal. Calling it a game-breaking god mode is really hyperbolic.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    Cryptic is far too inconsistent to predict.

    Not when big money is involved. money makes things much more predictable.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sales of Legacy packs mean nothing.

    Last I checked that sale was for pretty much all the romulan ships/consoles.

    They can tweak this one and anyone worried about the "value" of there pack are just being dishonest with themselves and everyone else.

    The other consoles are just as Over powered frankly... but this one is way over the top and everyone knows it.

    The only question right now is if there is some unintended interactions that are causing larger heals then intended.

    My own feeling is even if it is operating exactly as the tool tip states it is still terribly balanced.

    I would honestly expect to see changes on this one in the next patch or two. Cryptic has always been quick to react to stuff that trivilizes there pve game this much.

    This console can easily be tweaked to be useful with out being the bad joke it is now.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • fataiityx3fataiityx3 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    The bug ship isn't game breaking,

    Escort vs Escort in PVP it is. You have one and are trying to defend it, or you don't know what you are talking about.

    A bad pilot will make any ship suck. The bug is the most game breaking ship possible, its stats are so high above every other ship in its class it is a joke.

    If they nerf the mogai console, no biggy, opens up a slot for a Tachio. Still a good ship, not to worried about a console that only procs maybe one time in a firefight.
  • galenewgalenew Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    This console can easily be tweaked to be useful with out being the bad joke it is now.

    Due to its randomness its barely usefull now, reduce the chance for that one in a thousand Big shield heal at just the right time and there is no reason to slot it at all.
  • ztempestztempest Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    After thinking about it...I am beginning to think that what is happening here is the same old chorus that pops up whenever a pretty cool console comes along and the other side does not have it.

    That what history would suggest. Just look at the outcry over plasmatic leech, or a few of the other KDF consoles...it started with "nerf" threads just like this one...and it ends with the console being put into a lockbox....
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mosul33 wrote: »
    Enuf allready with this nerf TRIBBLE, to any1 who claims its op, did u even test it ???
    The statistics are all wrong, becouse the numbers on the combat logs are wrong. It shows false healing becouse it reports healing on allready full shields. And of course the PvPers know this but they still use the over inflated numbers as an argument, even if its a false one.
    Today got this console and i put it on a fleet mogai with full canon build, 4 dhcs and 3 turrets and ran allmost every content: some pvps, some stfs, even a few CE and SB 24.
    The console is helpfull in a limited way cuz most of the times procs when shields are full. But is for sure not op or even game breaking. It didnt break my game at all, really. :rolleyes:

    Yes I tested it.

    I'll ask you what I've asked others: So because it over heals so much that the healing is wasted it's not OP?

    The combat logs are not wrong, a 50K+ heal per facing is what it is. Shields being full or empty at the time is irrelevant. It's OP. But, I don't think it's operating as intended. I think it's being ramped up by something.

    You say the logs are wrong and that the numbers are inflated. I'm assuming this means you are parsing your logs. Check the number and time of the heal, then go to your damage out and try to pair it up. Start with the biggest heal numbers, that should be easiest.

    I'm seeing some that pair up (as in there's an attack that's half of what I'm getting healed) and some heals that are way more than 200% of any single attack.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    Sales of Legacy packs mean nothing.

    Last I checked that sale was for pretty much all the romulan ships/consoles.

    They can tweak this one and anyone worried about the "value" of there pack are just being dishonest with themselves and everyone else.

    The other consoles are just as Over powered frankly... but this one is way over the top and everyone knows it.

    The only question right now is if there is some unintended interactions that are causing larger heals then intended.

    My own feeling is even if it is operating exactly as the tool tip states it is still terribly balanced.

    I would honestly expect to see changes on this one in the next patch or two. Cryptic has always been quick to react to stuff that trivilizes there pve game this much.

    This console can easily be tweaked to be useful with out being the bad joke it is now.

    I know what you are saying - and yes - in an escort in PvP - running multiple copies of CRF - makes the shield heal super OP ridiculous - but that's it - it's almost useless for someone running beams or torps.

    In chat and everywhere I go in game - I hear no-one complaining that there are people getting the MX - yes purple mark x gear from CE etc etc

    Most people just want to get though that grind TRIBBLE as quickly as possible.

    You know and I know that this IS primarily something that has a negative impact on PvP - for most casual players who die every 2 min in ESTF - and will never learn - it is a great help.

    Bottom line most people in the game benefit from this - they would rather things be easier/faster than learn to play better - truth!
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Since when is PvP designed around groups that need multiple classes to counter just one player?

    Funny, I though a team is supposed to be designed to work together using their strenghts towards a common goal.
  • thezoo69thezoo69 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ztempest wrote: »
    After thinking about it...I am beginning to think that what is happening here is the same old chorus that pops up whenever a pretty cool console comes along and the other side does not have it.

    That what history would suggest. Just look at the outcry over plasmatic leech, or a few of the other KDF consoles...it started with "nerf" threads just like this one...and it ends with the console being put into a lockbox....

    That's basically what it comes down to. You will notice the same few people calling for nerf over and over and using term's like 'god console', because they cannot equip it on their ship and believe it to confer a decent advantage they cannot have on their main character.

    Having tested through ACT and multiple PVE & PVP games now there are a couple of facts people ignore or bend to suit their argument... All of which point to the console being anything but OP.

    The proc, regardless if you are blasting away with cannons and turrets, is a very random application of shield heal and most often will apply when you already have near full shields.

    Many times when you want it/need it, it's not there. Now numbers do not win out over experience in this case. Experience has show me and a number of others I have asked about it in game, that the random proc even with cannons etc, is hardly OP.

    In terms of numbers, yes ACT or your tracker of choice will show large heals for players using the console even if the heal is while they have 100% shields. But this does not make the console "OP god mode" lol. I could see the Dev's adjusting encounters to limit tracking of heals up to 100% of a players hull or shields. Meaning no change to the console, just code gameplay to recognize heals to max of any players total shield capacity.

    Everything else is a lot of bias. You can see if from certain folks offering strategies on how to get the Dev's attention to obtain a Nerf by trying to find some way, anyway, to abuse the console. Sad, and pretty obvious to any Dev or Forum Mod who reads the thread in the first place lol.

    Zoo (D'Zoo)
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    fataiityx3 wrote: »
    Escort vs Escort in PVP it is. You have one and are trying to defend it, or you don't know what you are talking about.

    A bad pilot will make any ship suck. The bug is the most game breaking ship possible, its stats are so high above every other ship in its class it is a joke.

    If they nerf the mogai console, no biggy, opens up a slot for a Tachio. Still a good ship, not to worried about a console that only procs maybe one time in a firefight.

    As the devs said and all pvp'ers (as in not roleplayers like you) the game is not and will never be for 1 vs 1 .Defiant has cloak and can do alpha strikes,Steamrunner is very tanky and you dont know what you are talking about.
    galenew wrote: »
    Due to its randomness its barely usefull now, reduce the chance for that one in a thousand Big shield heal at just the right time and there is no reason to slot it at all.

    you get more heals (alot more) than a dedicated healer....yep thats random for you *facepalm*
  • aevlomaevlom Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This console is NOT game breaking.
    The fact that you need to fly an escort to top the list and get rewards in certain STF's IS.
    If you're so upset about the Valdore console, buy one, stuff it in your ship and stop whining.
    This is almost as pathetic as people whining that they're "forced" to fly a D'Deridex during Romulan progression.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    aevlom wrote: »
    This console is NOT game breaking.
    The fact that you need to fly an escort to top the list and get rewards in certain STF's IS.
    If you're so upset about the Valdore console, buy one, stuff it in your ship and stop whining.
    This is almost as pathetic as people whining that they're "forced" to fly a D'Deridex during Romulan progression.

    I think they would all stop blathering about it if they got one for free.

    But no, they want to damage what people bought with their hard earned money.

    Which is very rude of them.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    aevlom wrote: »
    This console is NOT game breaking.
    The fact that you need to fly an escort to top the list and get rewards in certain STF's IS.
    If you're so upset about the Valdore console, buy one, stuff it in your ship and stop whining.
    This is almost as pathetic as people whining that they're "forced" to fly a D'Deridex during Romulan progression.

    STFs are not competitive PvE missions. There is no 'top list' in them. Try again.

    Also many people where who argue for a nerf in fact own this console, including myself. It is so blatently obvious that this console is overpowered, I can't believe people are actually defending it so furiously. Are you really so bad at this game that you must rely on a console like this one? It's an 'I WIN' button for competitive Fleet actions and makes players ridiculously powerful in PvP. The Valdore console generates more shieldheals than a dedicated group of healers could ever dream of. It even puts the old Omega shield regen trait bug to shame in terms of its healvolume. There is something seriously wrong with your ship builds if you guys really need this console to survive in PvE.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Funny how some people that only pilot bugs can say that the bug isn't OP but the Valdore console is. I own both and can say for sure I feel like a lot more in god mode with my bugship then my Romulan using Valdore console. Bug is way more OP then the console is.
    Its so gamebreaking it pretty much drove most other escorts out from premade pvp, clear proof its op. So is the Recluse and Wells, they also pretty much drove other cruisers and sci ships out of pvp. Thatis what needs balancing, not something that makes ships other then those 3 op ships somewhat competitive.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • fataiityx3fataiityx3 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adrianm63 wrote: »
    As the devs said and all pvp'ers (as in not roleplayers like you) the game is not and will never be for 1 vs 1 .Defiant has cloak and can do alpha strikes,Steamrunner is very tanky and you dont know what you are talking about.

    You must be a bug owner who doesn't pvp. I'm not just talking about Escort Vs Escort 1v1's If you are going a pre-made route and had to fill my 2 Escort slots (rest of slots for Sci) I would choose a bug every damn time, assuming the skill levels are the same.

    Alpha strike doesn't mean crud if your target lives. Steamrunner is very tanky, almost as much a bug, but without the damage, Speed, Maneuverability, and Boff options. Go back to flying your crutch kid, it is oblivious.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Originally Posted by mosul33 View Post
    Enuf allready with this nerf TRIBBLE, to any1 who claims its op, did u even test it ???
    The statistics are all wrong, becouse the numbers on the combat logs are wrong. It shows false healing becouse it reports healing on allready full shields. And of course the PvPers know this but they still use the over inflated numbers as an argument, even if its a false one.
    Today got this console and i put it on a fleet mogai with full canon build, 4 dhcs and 3 turrets and ran allmost every content: some pvps, some stfs, even a few CE and SB 24.
    The console is helpfull in a limited way cuz most of the times procs when shields are full. But is for sure not op or even game breaking. It didnt break my game at all, really.
    Uh the argument that "oh it means nothing because most of it was on a user with full shields" is a very irrelevant and illogical argument. That is massive POTENTIAL shield restoration for a single target.

    Criticizing other ppls posts wont make you right u know, or typing in pink either for that matter.
    You have the right to your opinion and so do I and no matter how many times someone is posting, it wont change the FACT that this console is not overpowered.
    Also since this nerf is cleary only a demand from the PvP "crowd", i wonder why it wasnt asked a tweak/adjustment for PvP only, like the ground phasers have or the new nerf on the cryo gun? It could be added another line under the console's description: Half amount against other players, or 75% or whatever floats your boat.
    But the thing is that a bit on this thread is not even about this console anymore, is about a handfull of players wich will TRIBBLE over the majority of players like it happened before in the past with other nerfs:(.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mosul33 wrote: »
    Criticizing other ppls posts wont make you right u know, or typing in pink either for that matter.
    You have the right to your opinion and so do I and no matter how many times someone is posting, it wont change the FACT that this console is not overpowered.
    Also since this nerf is cleary only a demand from the PvP "crowd", i wonder why it wasnt asked a tweak/adjustment for PvP only, like the ground phasers have or the new nerf on the cryo gun? It could be added another line under the console's description: Half amount against other players, or 75% or whatever floats your boat.
    But the thing is that a bit on this thread is not even about this console anymore, is about a handfull of players wich will TRIBBLE over the majority of players like it happened before in the past with other nerfs:(.

    You are arguing with a person who admits to only using a bugship and nothing else and won't admit its OP, so take that persons comments with a grain of salt. I own it also so can say from experience it is ridiculously OP, and this console doesn't upset pvp or pve balance anywhere near what a bugship does. Its so powerful it doesn't even need consoles like that and still tanks tac cubes on elite or multiple players in pvp without even trying, all while dishing out highest escort dps.

    Pink alien rat person thing is just trying to get everything that isn't a bugship nerfed.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    fataiityx3 wrote: »
    You must be a bug owner who doesn't pvp. I'm not just talking about Escort Vs Escort 1v1's If you are going a pre-made route and had to fill my 2 Escort slots (rest of slots for Sci) I would choose a bug every damn time, assuming the skill levels are the same.

    Alpha strike doesn't mean crud if your target lives. Steamrunner is very tanky, almost as much a bug, but without the damage, Speed, Maneuverability, and Boff options. Go back to flying your crutch kid, it is oblivious.

    defiant 3 romulan tac boffs for more crtH = more dps
    andorian escorts = more dps

    yep you are a pro *facepalm*

    btw when (probably next patch ) this console will get nerfed Ill laugh at you KirK roleplayers who need broken stuffs because you dont know how to heal your ships .
    marc8219 wrote: »
    You are arguing with a person who admits to only using a bugship and nothing else and won't admit its OP, so take that persons comments with a grain of salt. I own it also so can say from experience it is ridiculously OP, and this console doesn't upset pvp or pve balance anywhere near what a bugship does. Its so powerful it doesn't even need consoles like that and still tanks tac cubes on elite or multiple players in pvp without even trying, all while dishing out highest escort dps.

    Pink alien rat person thing is just trying to get everything that isn't a bugship nerfed.

    I d start with science ships .They need a nerf since you will always see 3 science ships in a premade not 3 escorts and buff the bug ship or give it a universal console like all lockbox ships have or c store ships have.

    you drozana roleplayers are funny.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Perhaps a better show of whether its OP or not would be for someone with a parse to work out its average per six seconds shield heal during combat. That way it can be compared to existing shield regen items in the game and a more clear comparison can be made?

    I realize its hard to get an average of the heals during "combat time" but a good test can be Starbse 234 over at Tau Dewa. You can take the first time stamp from when you first attack it and the last one from hen the timer runs out or the base concedes defeat. Since its just a sit there and fire away full guns blazing type of scenario its perfect for figuring out how mcuh healing per six seconds this console does because it easy to measure it over an extended period of time that is itself easily definable in the timestamps because the target will say Starbase 234.
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Perhaps a better show of whether its OP or not would be for someone with a parse to work out its average per six seconds shield heal during combat. That way it can be compared to existing shield regen items in the game and a more clear comparison can be made?

    I realize its hard to get an average of the heals during "combat time" but a good test can be Starbse 234 over at Tau Dewa. You can take the first time stamp from when you first attack it and the last one from hen the timer runs out or the base concedes defeat. Since its just a sit there and fire away full guns blazing type of scenario its perfect for figuring out how mcuh healing per six seconds this console does because it easy to measure it over an extended period of time that is itself easily definable in the timestamps because the target will say Starbase 234.


    you cant get that even with a dedicated healer.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adrianm63 wrote: »

    you cant get that even with a dedicated healer.

    So every six second you are getting over 18K shield back? Lets say its 18K for the sake of simplicity.That is merely 60 times a shield regen of 300 every six seconds (Please someone correct me if I'm wrong here?) surely that is not OP? :D

    To me its clear, this is classic Cryptic bungling. Who wants to bet they just forgot to put in the internal CD on the proc, or that the CD has a few decimal points off?

    Even Cryptic tends to fix these types of mistakes right away instead of letting them fester for weeks. I can only assume they putting this as a lower priority compared to other bugs that prevent gameplay instead of merely borking PvP and PvE competitive events.
  • aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Those arguing for a change due to the "competitive" fleet actions are misdirecting their energy. Focus it on getting the "competitive" fleet actions changed instead, the DPS/HPS scoreboard was and still is a stupid idea for something which should be corporative, especially the Crystaline Entity.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    aexrael wrote: »
    Those arguing for a change due to the "competitive" fleet actions are misdirecting their energy. Focus it on getting the "competitive" fleet actions changed instead, the DPS/HPS scoreboard was and still is a stupid idea for something which should be corporative, especially the Crystaline Entity.

    They are just bad players who want to ruin what people bought for hard earned money.

    Its so laughable because the only event where you NEED shield healing are elite stfs. Even there, team mates being alive more should not be a problem. But I guess some people have so big egos that they need to whine on forums if they are not the ones who single handedly win every stf with all of the other 4 team members dead.
    If your shields drop in any other event while you are using 100 weapon power base setting, you are doing it wrong.
    No amount of tailored excel statistics will change that.

    I would make it banned to nerf something people actually bought. It is a very bad business decision for a free to play game to take away things people payed for.

    Nerf the console? Offer a refund or dont do it.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    To me its clear, this is classic Cryptic bungling. Who wants to bet they just forgot to put in the internal CD on the proc, or that the CD has a few decimal points off?

    Im pretty sure they imagine numbers and put them in game with no idea why.Ive yet to see why its 200% and not 100% or 50 or 400....its 200% just because you have to heal twice your damage.They should put 10,000% .
This discussion has been closed.