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Nerf the Valdore console it's unbalancing [Thread closed since y'all can't play nice]



  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    thezoo69 wrote: »
    No, you won't drop your main character just for a decent console, but you will insist that if it's half decent and you can't have it, NERF NERF NERF! lol

    I think this sums up your position *cough* bias *cough* quite nicely.

    Zoo (D'Zoo)

    Tsc, Tsc.

    When they are done pandering for Romulan sales and hey want to have another fundraiser maybe they could release a fed console that adds a proc to increase damage by 200%? Surely it would be just as balanced?

    Heck, lets make it for non Romulans only, so it can be fielded by both regular feds and regular KDF, that way it can match up evenly against the Rom console.

    I wonder what you'd say then, or when they nerf this console bonus.
  • carrowcanarycarrowcanary Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cidstorm wrote: »
    Ended up dueling a klingon bop the other day, he spanked me even while using a 100% energy build with this console, he didn't even have to do an alpha decloak.
    You can't put it on a BoP.

    More likely, it was someone with a rack of [ShH] embassy consoles.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    1)Al Rivera has said he does not want to nerf new paid for ships/consoles - he does not want to get into a big player ragefest - and a big one at that with all the legacy packs sold + all the extra sold as news of this spreads around the PvE community.

    In talking about AA, a few days ago he said the following:
    INote, we will never intentionally (and I and very particular when I say ?never?) nerf an item/power that was paid for with money without very good reason and without letting you know (believe me, there are plenty I would love to take a wack at beside the Aceton Assimilators).

    The question that presents itself then, is whether there is a very good reason to tweak the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator...

    Some believe there is, and they have stated their various cases for it.

    With S9/S10 looking to improve endgame, which may or may not include PvP; then one should look at how this console affects endgame. Whether one is talking about non-competitive PvE, competitive PvE, or even PvP...how does this console affect endgame?

    What advantage does it give to a group of players in a non-competitive PvE event over a group that does not have it?

    What advantage does it give to various players in a competitive PvE event over various players that do not have it?

    What advantage does it give to a Premade running it in PvP over the Premade not running it or against a PUG? What advantage does it give to various players in PUG vs. PUG over various players not running it?

    All gear gives some form of advantage...does this particular console go above and beyond the advantages presented by other forms of gear? Does this console when paired with other forms of gear take it to a level beyond design goals (can't just look at things individually either)...?

    That's going to be up to Cryptic to decide.

    All players can do, those that are in favor of tweaking and those that are not in favor of tweaking, is make their respective cases for why they believe it does or it does not require some form of adjustment.

    Much like a bug report, the more information one can provide - actual data - means to recreate - etc, etc, etc...the better one will be able to state their case, imho.

    I think the people arguing for some sort of adjustment will be able to make a far better case than those that do not believe it requires an adjustment...it's simply the nature of the console.

    It will allow folks to complete non-competitive PvE faster than without it.
    It will allow folks to rank higher in competitive PvE than without it.
    It has the various advantages that have been outlined for PvP over not having it.

    The second two present good and fair reasons, in my humble opinion...it is the first one though, that presents a very good reason...again in my humble opinion.

    Cryptic has design goals for how long content should take - which ties into the rewards for that content. They understand that content not lasting long enough for the rewards received can throw the game out of whack. Whether one is talking about the amount of EC or Dil floating around in the game, such a console can upset any form of balanced liquidity they would hope to maintain. This could easily lead to them losing more money in the long run than from upsetting the players that purchased the ship.

    If there is going to be an adjustment made to the console, I believe that would likely be the cause of it...
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You can't put it on a BoP.

    More likely, it was someone with a rack of [ShH] embassy consoles.
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    You were in what?

    You know what, since I own the damn thing I can just check ... it lists Warbird.

    So here the thing, either you are lying or you are very gullible and he was lying, either way you cannot fight a KDF BoP with it because it cannot equip it, I was even fishing to see if you were going to say it was a Hegh'ta or a B'rel or you were going to say it was a lower Tier BoP but either way ...


    Someone is lying, its either you (and you are the ones making this claim) or whoever mysterious Klingon player you fought with, regardless you never fought a KDF BoP with that console.

    Uh reading comprehension? I never said the bop had the console I was in my Fleet Mogai. I had a full energy weapon set up constantly aimed at the bop and he beat the console healing without a third turret, without even using a decloak alpha, just a normal alpha. The point is that the console isn't an I win button for any noob to win with.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    In talking about AA, a few days ago he said the following:

    The question that presents itself then, is whether there is a very good reason to tweak the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator...

    Some believe there is, and they have stated their various cases for it.

    With S9/S10 looking to improve endgame, which may or may not include PvP; then one should look at how this console affects endgame. Whether one is talking about non-competitive PvE, competitive PvE, or even PvP...how does this console affect endgame?

    What advantage does it give to a group of players in a non-competitive PvE event over a group that does not have it?

    What advantage does it give to various players in a competitive PvE event over various players that do not have it?

    What advantage does it give to a Premade running it in PvP over the Premade not running it or against a PUG? What advantage does it give to various players in PUG vs. PUG over various players not running it?

    All gear gives some form of advantage...does this particular console go above and beyond the advantages presented by other forms of gear? Does this console when paired with other forms of gear take it to a level beyond design goals (can't just look at things individually either)...?

    That's going to be up to Cryptic to decide.

    All players can do, those that are in favor of tweaking and those that are not in favor of tweaking, is make their respective cases for why they believe it does or it does not require some form of adjustment.

    Much like a bug report, the more information one can provide - actual data - means to recreate - etc, etc, etc...the better one will be able to state their case, imho.

    I think the people arguing for some sort of adjustment will be able to make a far better case than those that do not believe it requires an adjustment...it's simply the nature of the console.

    It will allow folks to complete non-competitive PvE faster than without it.
    It will allow folks to rank higher in competitive PvE than without it.
    It has the various advantages that have been outlined for PvP over not having it.

    The second two present good and fair reasons, in my humble opinion...it is the first one though, that presents a very good reason...again in my humble opinion.

    Cryptic has design goals for how long content should take - which ties into the rewards for that content. They understand that content not lasting long enough for the rewards received can throw the game out of whack. Whether one is talking about the amount of EC or Dil floating around in the game, such a console can upset any form of balanced liquidity they would hope to maintain. This could easily lead to them losing more money in the long run than from upsetting the players that purchased the ship.

    If there is going to be an adjustment made to the console, I believe that would likely be the cause of it...

    I have no doubt that this console will see some kind of adjustment - as I stated I just don`t think it will be any time soon. Unlike most people in this thread I have not taken a strong position for or against the console - just that I believe it won`t be changed soon.

    As far as how long it takes people to complete PvE content - because of all the new players - lack of skill and decent builds - times to complete are taking just as long if not longer than before - despite the use of this console. Again it will take time for this to work itself through.

    As far a PvP goes - it`s probably less than 5% of the playerbase on any regular basis - it`s just not a significant aspect of the game - I don`t think it will ever be - season 9 or 10 - yeah talk is cheap for them - and that`s a long time away.

    Which come back to my thoughts on the issue: it will be some time before adjustments are made.

    For me - I ignore shields - last C and H - I did 18 kills and 1.1 million in dmg -I eat ship hulls up like candy - yumm - full shields - bring them on!!

    (also there is a very vicious power creep cycle going on in the game - new rep passives/gear + fleet gear + embassy gear + new consoles make ships more and more powerful - what does Cryptic do - they make the NPC`s hit harder - strip more and more of your shields - so where does it end - do they remove all the dilithium generated gear - so they can lower the npc power - no it goes on and on)
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have posted a screenshot on page one of this thread yesterday showing someone with the Valdore console in a CE event. His DPS was way below average, only at 2500. Still the Valdore console translated it into ~4000 healing per second.

    4000. Healing. Per. Second.

    And now try to imagine what a good escort pilot can achieve with this console. I don't consider myself to be best of the best in this game. I'm more like an average PvPer. Still whenever I'm in spacecombat and use this console in conjunction with DHC/Turrets and Rapid Fire I see a constant line of whitecoloured healing numbers flying over my screen, ranging from 500 (turrets) to over 50.000 (DHCs) for each shield facing. I only need seconds to outheal a dedicated healboat.
    Can someone please tell me how this is not overpowered?
  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You can't put it on a BoP.

    More likely, it was someone with a rack of [ShH] embassy consoles.

    I thought he was saying that he got spanked while using the console by a klingon bop.
  • schneemann83schneemann83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Inflated fake healing numbers are the only part Cryptic should change in the short term about this console. If only the actual healing was shown and logged, 99% of the omgheals would just vanish, and it would actually be possible to observe the real effects of this console.
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    eisenw0lf wrote: »
    I have posted a screenshot on page one of this thread yesterday showing someone with the Valdore console in a CE event. His DPS was way below average, only at 2500. Still the Valdore console translated it into ~4000 healing per second.

    4000. Healing. Per. Second.

    And now try to imagine what a good escort pilot can achieve with this console. I don't consider myself to be best of the best in this game. I'm more like an average PvPer. Still whenever I'm in spacecombat and use this console in conjunction with DHC/Turrets and Rapid Fire I see a constant line of whitecoloured healing numbers flying over my screen, ranging from 500 (turrets) to over 50.000 (DHCs) for each shield facing. I only need seconds to outheal a dedicated healboat.
    Can someone please tell me how this is not overpowered?

    It's not overpowered cause it's romulan warbird only thats my reason! /logic + out the door = weeeeeeeeeeeee.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Team pvp preamde :

    3 healers +2 escort valdore

    maximum damage on leaderboard at the end on the match : escorts
    maximum healing on the leaderboard at the end of the match : escorts

    that is normal lol
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    People are reading WAY Too much into 1 time critical hit heals (that can only heal 5-6k depending on shield maximum strenght anyway ) and they now whine to take our shiny away!


    Personal feelings aside, its a really chance based random thing that only affects the already squishier warbirds.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Nerf the Bugship then?
  • otisnobleotisnoble Member Posts: 1,290 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I know I am showing my age but as a non-techie speaker could I have a definition of NERF please that a nube can understand?
    Fleet Admiral Stephen
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    doubt they will nerf it ..... in the future I see kdf and feds getting it thru a lockbox chaching $$
  • bootybootsbootyboots Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Having bought and tested the console because of this thread.

    The console is not OP. You are basically trading a console slot for 1 large shield heal that you can't control.

    CE and other PvE that account for healing need to be reevaluted still though
    House of Sigma (channel KDFdefera for PvE requiring only KDF teams) List of KDF issues [my in-game handle @bootymcboots] (channel KDF Empire for KDF orientated discussion - still in development/growing)
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    PvP schmvP, things don't get tweaked/adjusted for PvP. They get adjusted because of issues in PvE. .

    Patently FALSE.

    Like I said in an earlier post, the PvP forum is where Borticus lurks more than his other areas of responsibility (e.g. the Doff forum). He tends to hang out there more because he uses the PvPers as a kind of measure or ad-hoc QA team for the rest of the game. Hence, the PvPers have disproportionate sway as far as game mechanics are concerned.
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What follows is Patently FALSE.

    Like I said in an earlier post, the PvP forum is where Borticus lurks more than his other areas of responsibility (e.g. the Doff forum). He tends to hang out there more because he uses the PvPers as a kind of measure or ad-hoc QA team for the rest of the game. Hence, the PvPers have disproportionate sway as far as game mechanics are concerned.
    Fixed that for you.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • seitei1seitei1 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's the Shield Inversion Beam circa Armada/Armada 2, but better, as it's a passive now, but worse, as it's not inherent to a ship, but better, as it doesn't have any cooldown to worry about.

    Hmm. I'm glad it exists at all.

    You CAN justify cutting it simply to 150/125/100% of damage dealt, bearing in mind it would still be every shot, which is a lot of shots even with Beams.
  • graytiegraytie Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Maybe I am missing something, but just looking at the numbers:

    A 2.5% chance to heal 200% means that on average the console heals 5% of damage dealt. So, if a given ship is equipped with a Valdore console, then for a ship with roughly equivalent DPS a passive counter is simply to deal 5% extra damage. This is about what you get from a fourth or fifth tactical console, with diminishing returns.

    Anyway, it seems like a variety of counters to this console already exist: anything that boosts your damage by 5% or more.

    If some of the massive healing claims in this thread are true, then maybe the console is bugged and that should be fixed, but a bug fix is different from a nerf. The console description, as it is, is anything but OP.
  • ztempestztempest Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have not read the entire thread...but I am sort of puzzled...

    2.5% chance...

    How often does this thing actually proc? Is there a different console or ability that is boosting the chance of this happening?

    I mean...maybe I am wrong...but doesn't 2.5 percent basically mean that 97.5 percent of the time this console is a paperweight?

    Now..if it is activating too often...I would be looking at the percentages.

    Also...this is supposed to proc on energy weapons, right? Isn't that limited to just beams, and not cannons?
  • graytiegraytie Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ztempest wrote: »
    I have not read the entire thread...but I am sort of puzzled...

    2.5% chance...

    How often does this thing actually proc? Is there a different console or ability that is boosting the chance of this happening?

    I mean...maybe I am wrong...but doesn't 2.5 percent basically mean that 97.5 percent of the time this console is a paperweight?

    Now..if it is activating too often...I would be looking at the percentages.

    Also...this is supposed to proc on energy weapons, right? Isn't that limited to just beams, and not cannons?

    Any time you deal damage there is a 2.5% chance for a heal. It works with cannons and beams. Abilities like rapid fire increase your rate of fire and, therefore, increase the chance of a proc. However, no matter how you slice up your DPS, the console on average will heal 5% of the damage that you deal.

    The low proc chance just means that the healing comes in random bursts instead of operating like a continuous heal-over-time.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    all energy weapons.. ie beams and cannon of any type..including turrets.

    Humm. I want the console to mount (noting the proc mechanic) on a Rom ship mounting the quad disruptor or phaser cannons (depending on which side of the fence I'm on) definatly want to use Dual Cannon not dual heavy cannon (They fire more often, there for improving the proc chance)

    Though honestly I mostly find myself amused with the whole "OMG they can do something I can't" whine whine whine...

    As a primarily KDF player I have heard this so many times before that I don't even keep score any more.

    Don't worry fed players.. the dev's will prolly create a ship for you so you can have the shiney too. Of course.. they'll be limitations on where you can use it...

    Also, for the record. .. It comes off the Tier-3 Valdore Heavy Warbird, costs a mear 1000 Zen, and the console is called the "Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator".

    And now Romulan players get to experience the exculsive items for THIER faction getting scooped by the fed while getting nothing back.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    all energy weapons.. ie beams and cannon of any type..including turrets.

    Humm. I want the console to mount (noting the proc mechanic) on a Rom ship mounting the quad disruptor or phaser cannons (depending on which side of the fence I'm on) definatly want to use Dual Cannon not dual heavy cannon (They fire more often, there for improving the proc chance)

    Though honestly I mostly find myself amused with the whole "OMG they can do something I can't" whine whine whine...

    As a primarily KDF player I have heard this so many times before that I don't even keep score any more.

    Don't worry fed players.. the dev's will prolly create a ship for you so you can have the shiney too. Of course.. they'll be limitations on where you can use it...

    Also, for the record. .. It comes off the Tier-3 Valdore Heavy Warbird, costs a mear 1000 Zen, and the console is called the "Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator".

    And now Romulan players get to experience the exculsive items for THIER faction getting scooped by the fed while getting nothing back.

    This has nothing to do with factions, it has to do with balance. People trying to make it look like something it isn't are just trying to muddy the issue with strawmans and red herrings to reinforce the console as is. They do this because they have personal bias towards wanting to keep it buffing their shields at uber levels.

    You really believe all the people here are commenting against the console, because it is romulan only? Please... give me a break read the console description, read the statistics. Because you don't know what you are talking about.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    redricky wrote: »
    Fixed that for you.

    Creative. Not.

    Back it up. It's a known issue that the PvPers have disproportionate influence in terms of game mechanic adjustments. Some are bugs that are caught (good) some are overnerfs (bad).
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Creative. Not.

    Back it up. It's a known issue that the PvPers have disproportionate influence in terms of game mechanic adjustments. Some are bugs that are caught (good) some are overnerfs (bad).

    I've personally reported several bugs related to pvp balance, and they were announced to be nerfed almost the next day. Maybe that is just coincidence but most of them were bugs that were around for months, it definitely has a good track record with Borticus.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • fataiityx3fataiityx3 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I currently run the Fleet Mogai with 2 console bonus. When the console proc's it is totally random, if it hits from a Turret or DHC. I've seen tiny shield heals and large ones, but nowhere near as often as a lot of the people on this thread are saying.

    While doing 1v1 pvp with it I found it only hitting a proc once in a blue moon. If everyone is no nerf happy, lets "Fix" the bug ship, it shouldn't move like a BoP with the tankability of a Steamrunner, and Damage output of a Fleet Defiant.
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Creative. Not.

    Back it up. It's a known issue that the PvPers have disproportionate influence in terms of game mechanic adjustments. Some are bugs that are caught (good) some are overnerfs (bad).
    Let me ask you one simple question with a blindingly obvious answer: which player population is STO balanced for, casual PvE'ers or hardcore bleeding edge min/maxxing PvP'ers?

    If PvP'ers had "disproportionate influence" it would be the latter. It is not.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    fataiityx3 wrote: »
    I currently run the Fleet Mogai with 2 console bonus. When the console proc's it is totally random, if it hits from a Turret or DHC. I've seen tiny shield heals and large ones, but nowhere near as often as a lot of the people on this thread are saying.

    While doing 1v1 pvp with it I found it only hitting a proc once in a blue moon. If everyone is no nerf happy, lets "Fix" the bug ship, it shouldn't move like a BoP with the tankability of a Steamrunner, and Damage output of a Fleet Defiant.

    The strawman argument EVERYONE makes is point to the bug ship as their scape goat for GAME BREAKING console. The bug ship isn't game breaking, this console IS. There is a difference between balance and god mode. The bug ship is far from invulnerable.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    fataiityx3 wrote: »
    I currently run the Fleet Mogai with 2 console bonus. When the console proc's it is totally random, if it hits from a Turret or DHC. I've seen tiny shield heals and large ones, but nowhere near as often as a lot of the people on this thread are saying.

    While doing 1v1 pvp with it I found it only hitting a proc once in a blue moon. If everyone is no nerf happy, lets "Fix" the bug ship, it shouldn't move like a BoP with the tankability of a Steamrunner, and Damage output of a Fleet Defiant.

    fighting the Tactical cube in stfs is not considered 1 vs 1 :rolleyes:

    they will "fix" the bug ship when they will remove all op romulan ships...not a day after ,it will be in the same patch ,you wont miss it.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Enuf allready with this nerf TRIBBLE, to any1 who claims its op, did u even test it ???
    The statistics are all wrong, becouse the numbers on the combat logs are wrong. It shows false healing becouse it reports healing on allready full shields. And of course the PvPers know this but they still use the over inflated numbers as an argument, even if its a false one.
    Today got this console and i put it on a fleet mogai with full canon build, 4 dhcs and 3 turrets and ran allmost every content: some pvps, some stfs, even a few CE and SB 24.
    The console is helpfull in a limited way cuz most of the times procs when shields are full. But is for sure not op or even game breaking. It didnt break my game at all, really. :rolleyes:
This discussion has been closed.