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Stipends (5/9/13 Update and Information Regarding Extra Stipends Received)



  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ticket ID #1,798,613 - No stipend this month. I skipped last month because of the doubling issue.

    Can we please get this sorted?
  • jake477jake477 Member Posts: 527 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    See Brandon....look below my post....I'm NOT crazy. I fully agree by the way WE MUST sort this out!!!!!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This planet smells, it must be the Klingons"
  • laportejlaportej Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Same issue as those already posted. I haven't seen mine in two months. It would be nice to have the ability to check this over and verify. I am not 100% certain about last month's, but I know I haven't gotten mine this month. It always comes in on the 15th and I haven't seen it yet.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited June 2013
    jake477 wrote: »
    See Brandon....look below my post....I'm NOT crazy. I fully agree by the way WE MUST sort this out!!!!!

    I asked the team to look into your stipend as a test to ensure things were still working correctly, and they are, as I expected and posted about. I'll send you a forum PM with information explaining why you think you might be missing it, but are not -- if you choose to make that public, it's up to you.

    Best rest assured, stipends are being granted and if you are "missing" one, it is due to the reason I posted in the OP -- if you have further questions, see my post one page back for the Billing Team's contact details.


    Brandon =/\=
  • jake477jake477 Member Posts: 527 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I asked the team to look into your stipend as a test to ensure things were still working correctly, and they are, as I expected and posted about. I'll send you a forum PM with information explaining why you think you might be missing it, but are not -- if you choose to make that public, it's up to you.

    Best rest assured, stipends are being granted and if you are "missing" one, it is due to the reason I posted in the OP -- if you have further questions, see my post one page back for contact details.


    Brandon =/\=

    Thanks bud sorry for the harsh words....it's that we'll I'm very protective against such things thanks for the quick response this is the only MMO I Ever play. It's not so much you I'm getting mad at its the situation, I was out of town when my stipend was scheduled I.e out of the country maybe that may be the cause either way thanks for the info.

    As promised above I'm sorry.

    Cheers (or whatever sounds cool, I'm not trying to steal your sig) :)

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This planet smells, it must be the Klingons"
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I keep very careful track of my stipend as I am saving twords something. I was hit with the doubling bug previously, got nothing last month and it looks like I am getting nothing this month again?
  • zardonfarzardonfar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I open a ticket with Support and they gave me the dates that my Zen dropped. They said I dropped on the 12th normally and then on 24th, supposedly. I have made no Zen changes since opening the ticket. I'm still at 1,094 zen I was when I opened my ticket. So it didn't drop on the 12th like it use to. I will wait until the 24th to see if I get any Zen. If not.. Then I will open a ticket. If they tell me I got it again, then there is a major problem in the display or in what they are looking at.

  • lisslelissle Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    just wondering, I should have gotten my June's around this time... I recall getting 2 in April (April and May), so should I expect my June's in the next few days?

  • jasricjasric Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lissle wrote: »
    just wondering, I should have gotten my June's around this time... I recall getting 2 in April (April and May), so should I expect my June's in the next few days?


    Don't hold your breath. My stipend is supposed to come on the 17th, as of this time, 9:45pm central, I have not gotten it.
  • bootybootsbootyboots Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    why not just give a sto-zen log? that way we can track this stuff easily ourselves rather than have to make our own transaction log like its a 1990's checkbook
    House of Sigma (channel KDFdefera for PvE requiring only KDF teams) List of KDF issues [my in-game handle @bootymcboots] (channel KDF Empire for KDF orientated discussion - still in development/growing)
  • darkhorse281darkhorse281 Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    LOL I got a response they didn't even read it and gave me a general response referring to the error in April.

    Nevermind I'm tired of this TRIBBLE Ive spent more than 5$ of my time working on this stupid issue, its no longer worth it. If I don't receive July stipend then the BBB will be receiving a complaint from me. I wouldn't delay it from my original due date if I was you Crytpic because that's the day I report you.
  • bootybootsbootyboots Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    LOL I got a response they didn't even read it and gave me a general response referring to the error in April.

    Nevermind I'm tired of this TRIBBLE Ive spent more than 5$ of my time working on this stupid issue, its no longer worth it. If I don't receive July stipend then the BBB will be receiving a complaint from me. I wouldn't delay it from my original due date if I was you Crytpic because that's the day I report you.

    be careful about reporting it, cryptic is known to suspend accounts if disputed through a 3rd party
    House of Sigma (channel KDFdefera for PvE requiring only KDF teams) List of KDF issues [my in-game handle @bootymcboots] (channel KDF Empire for KDF orientated discussion - still in development/growing)
  • bootybootsbootyboots Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    That's not true at all. If anything, suspending an account because someone reported them to the BBB makes Cryptic look even worse.

    I have no first hand experience with it, but there are plenty of reports of that by other players and former players that their accounts were suspended when Cryptic didn't credit their accounts and those players finally took it up with their payment service (mostly Paypal if I remember correctly)

    V. Termination of Account

    Cryptic Studios has the right to terminate or suspend, and you have the right to cancel, your Account(s) at any time. You understand and agree that, except as expressly provided by law, the cancellation of your Account is your sole right and remedy with respect to any dispute with Cryptic Studios. This includes, but is not limited to, any dispute related to, or arising out of: (1) these Terms of Service or our enforcement or application of these Terms of Service; (2) the Content or Services available through the Cryptic Studios Sites or any change in such Content; (3) your ability to access and/or use the Services; or (4) the amount or type of fees, surcharges, applicable taxes, billing methods, or any change to the fees, applicable taxes, surcharges or billing methods.

    EDIT: sorry, this is from the old ToS; the new terms are even less-ridged; "PWE MAY SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY, BLOCK ACCESS TO OR DELETE THE SERVICE OR ANY ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME WITH OR WITHOUT REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE." Their CAPS, not mine. I'll leave the old ToS up since it gives insight about justifiable reasons to suspend an account in this case.

    as for the BBB, they are a joke. They bully small companies and take money for higher BBB ratings, they used to be a credible company but since they were finally called out on it in 2010 their credibility is basically nil.
    House of Sigma (channel KDFdefera for PvE requiring only KDF teams) List of KDF issues [my in-game handle @bootymcboots] (channel KDF Empire for KDF orientated discussion - still in development/growing)
  • tyranthraxisiityranthraxisii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I received the same generic response when I requested a log showing that I did receive an extra stipendTHOUGH I am 99% surI didn't even receiveanything extra) I am hoping they will resolve this, because this is fraudulent. All I ask is proof(a log) showing that I received extra(though I did not) and I will feel better about this, but June is approaching it's end and I am 100% sure I did not.receive 2 bonus stipends. It really sucks even more thatI had been stocking up before April, and then started spending in may. I am going to have to start making logs of my owni
    I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.:confused:
  • tvenus67tvenus67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Don't hold your breath for missing stipends. I have not received any since April. Never received double, usually I get it on the 15th....now it's May & June I am missing.

    I put in a ticket with billing and was told I got the zen, but I didn't ....I know I did not. Basically they said yes I did and if I put in another ticket my account will be suspended.

    So the moral of the story is if you spend your $ expect to be disappointed, threatened and called a liar? I purchased an LTS and a Legacy pack. I do not expect to be getting zen at all anymore, since now it is the 18th of June and all of the zen in my account (which has been 271 for a month) I purchased myself.
    I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going, and hook up with them later.
  • darkhorse281darkhorse281 Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    LOL if they suspend me Ill just find another game to play, they have no leverage over me with that threat, their not costing me anything since I'm not receiving my stipend anyways. I done expect that filing a complaint with the BBB has any real impact on Crytpic/PWE either. I'm beginning to think the LTS was not such a great deal even at $199. This is a fun game and their was a point in time I would have recommended playing it to others, and have freely opened my wallet, but that time has passed. I replied to the ticket and informed them I didn't receive any extra stipend in April but we all know how that will go. Crytpic/PWE has without a doubt the worst customer service I have ever experienced.
  • hornyrhinohornyrhino Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    well i've given up now.

    i have had 2 replies

    1..one generic stating there was error and that i received 2 in april and one in may which i know i didn't since i had 500 zen in the account for most of may and nothing this month so even if i had the supposed 500 from may i am still 1000 short from April lol.

    they must have been mega busy as that was over a week of waiting

    while the 2nd mail the reply was same day so backlog must be cleared now.

    2..was a reply stating the apparent logs of my stipends.

    well since im not after any account banning and this wont be resolved i am unfortunately just going to have to quit while im ahead and wait for Julys stipend :( not happy but nothing i can do.

    so much for paying for a premium life subscription.
  • captwcaptw Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    if this is the way we're going to be treated by Cryptic, I might as well just pull my CO sub from them. Unfortunately I can't pull my LTS from STO, enjoy the $199 Cryptic.
    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
  • dkshadow9498dkshadow9498 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ok, so since this is SUPPOSED to be fixed now, how come I am still short my June stipend, which is now 4 days overdue?

    Before anyone says I got TWO last month, regardless of what your "log" might show, I know for a fact that I only received 500.
    VADM William "Darkshadow" Shadow | Join Date: Apr 2009 |
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    VADM Rogueshadow IRW Kirino Kosaka (Valdore Retrofit)
    LT General Morbo IKS Karac (Bortasqu War Cruiser)
    LT General Posu IKS Saya Takagi (Chel Grett Warship)
  • antep01antep01 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Have the Same Prob that i miss my Free Zen from May and June.
  • vizhoniavizhonia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If this isn't fixed, and reasonably soon, this will be the second time I walk on Cryptic and this time it will extend to all of Perfect World too... I won't spend another dime and I won't play for my 50 cents a day worth of revenue I'm generating from trading Dilithium for Zen or picking up Keys off the exchange.

    I way hold grudges and as minor an issue as this may seem like, this is crossing the ingame/out of game line as far as I am concerned and is a breech of contract... not ingame, but in real life.

    If they really care about revenue like all the evidence points to, they will address for fear of losing revenue, and handing out extra STO locked Zen as a compensation would hurt them far less than losing dozens or hundreds of users because they feel ripped off.
  • starwheelerstarwheeler Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wel 2 mounth 1/2 later stil avent seen my stipends now am 1000 zen short
  • vizhoniavizhonia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My Own Personal Update: My 500 missing Zen showed up today, with no 'reply' on the ticket I filed about it.
  • darkhorse281darkhorse281 Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vizhonia wrote: »
    My Own Personal Update: My 500 missing Zen showed up today, with no 'reply' on the ticket I filed about it.

    Same here no email for the ticket but I have my June stipend.
  • jptvjptv Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My first post ,I purchase zen after I receive my stipend so as to support the game,
    this year I have only received one stipend in May and none since last October so this year they are making very little money off of my account.I will purchase 4x the stipend in zen when received. I am a Star Trek fan since 1966 and I enjoy the game bugs and all, I am not very good at the gaming part but I do try.
  • cpspielercpspieler Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My Support ticket on this got deleted without Information and I'm still missing my stipend.

    So for now I stopped spending money until this is fixed.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have my june stipend.

    what it looks like is it now takes the date of the last extra stipend people got in april (assuming you only got 2 and not 3).

    edit - after checking out the OP, seems there was a delay. hopefully next month back to normal.
  • starwheelerstarwheeler Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ha finally I finally received my 500 zen for the month of May I still miss my 500 zen for June do...

    P.S. No, I have never received my zen in double or for the month of April or in March and May, either, just in case!
  • pedrobobpedrobob Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    same for me...

    i want all my zen come back !
    NO to ARC
  • scaroth5scaroth5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My June stipend showed up on my account yesterday as well. :)
This discussion has been closed.