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Stipends (5/9/13 Update and Information Regarding Extra Stipends Received)



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    hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Nice that they gave you that at least.

    I got a response today. They told me my account is balanced. They apologized that they double payed me in April (which I got 0 Zen in April, not double) and said they took one month (May) off to even it out.

    Well Cryptic, Why do I still have no stipend for April-July? How is that a balanced account?

    After their explanation and apology the want to close my ticket. IT IS NOT RESOLVED, PWE!!!!!

    Last year a had an accounting error with Zen but I figured it was my mistake because I took some time off from the game and hadn't kept up on it. But now I have to revisit that as well because PWE clearly can't count or be trusted.

    Why is this so hard to deal with?

    Update:I got my 500 Zen for July today. Still waiting on a balance sheet. That one simple thing will put this issue to rest for all involved. As I am still missing Zen and was never paid double, but had Zen held back anyway.
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    tansloidtansloid Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I started my mission to get my stipend back in April when I became a lifer my crew were ready and phasers were set to stun.... Feels like a 5 year mission already.

    Five tickets submitted four closed and stipend still not balanced

    1st Ticket May
    I was told i had received triple stipend so they were balancing... I had only just become a lifer and had nothing!!! TICKET CLOSED :(

    2nd Ticket June the apologized and were aware of the problem....by then I had gotten 500 whoop! TICKET CLOSED :'(

    3rd Ticket July I was told the logs showed I had gotten paid on time every month? Even though everyone had issues!!! And er nope still only 500 in three months TICKET CLOSED :mad:

    4th Ticket July Closed as duplicate, problem wasn't resolved TICKET CLOSED :(

    5th Ticket July Please please please sort this out before I go banana's :eek:

    (P.S. I spending real money for ZEN so it's more of the principle of the thing now)

    (P.P.S Who thought it was a good idea to let a Ferengi sort the account balance?)

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    url1kurl1k Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's now been 2 months since my last stipend. Their own accounting showed I did not get a double or triple. I will NEVER spend another penny on this game until there is a proper zen ledger for transparency.
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    itsrobitsrob Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Anniversary date is the 17th, payment cleared bank on the 18th, no longer in pending. It's the 22nd. Where is my stipend. Where is the proof that you ever overpaid me? You people can't get color palettes right for Romulan clothing and I'm supposed to take your word for it that your accounting department is any better than your programmers?

    It pains me that an IP as great as Star Trek was allowed to be sold to PWE. I can't believe CBS frowns on non cannon ships being easy to get but allows lock boxes and this sort of lying cheating stealing behavior.

    You got my f-ing money now give me what I paid for.

    Christ on a pony I hate you people.
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    zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    after receiving an email apollogizing for the delay in receiving my june stipend I'm here again to complain about the "unlimited customer service" we should receive as subscribers... My july stipend its late (was dued the 18th). I've opened a ticket to let them know and I fear I've to star my fight against automated mail all over again.. My ticket got closed with the usual automated mail stating that i've received 1500 in april... I DID NOT AND I'VE GOT AND E MAIL FROM YOU THAT PROVES JUST THAT. After asking (in june) for a refound on my monthly subscription because of the zen problem you "carefully reviewed my account" (your own words) and corrected the problem and you have accedited to my account the missing 500 zen therefore you were not able to refound my subscription.
    Do I have to ask for a refound again?

    please sort out you customer support service...
    I've updated the ticked you closed in the support page, I hope that works..... I'll wait a few more days then i'll try to ask for a refound again...
    I've appreciated d'sthal thanks to the subscribers but if this keep on being the standard of your customer support i think i will not renew my subscription in september!
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    armbrust11armbrust11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Is there any update or official word on this issue? namely people not getting july stipends? I've been away for a while so IDK about june or earlier but I'm 99.9% sure I didn't get a july stipend. I am a collector-lifer since day 1 and have the legacy pack plus have spent $100s more. PWE can't complain that I haven't given enough money.
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    section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I too suffer from the closed ticket syndrome...

    1. I haven't recieved a requested ledger... much less one that shows what I spent Zen on.

    2. The 500 zen stipend I recieved yesterday is this for March? April? May? June? or July? The still owe me 2,000 Zen by my reckoning and yes I kept records because I wanted to buy a pack of ships. I also know that I spent $70.00 additional dollars on Zen while not realizing you intended to stiff me.

    3. It would sure be nice to have a 1-800-800 Cryptic number to call and speak to a live person rather than be left on permanent hold. Oh and that person should be absolutely fluent in English.

    4. What is to stop this non-sense from happening again? Is there a liason to the customer service where we can get information as to what "REALLY" happened?
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    meeheemeehee Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    I haven't received a stipend since march - april..... I was thinking of putting in a ticket but judging from this thread that will be a complete waste of time....

    Maybe in order to get this rather large problem fixed we should petition to have branflakes removed as community manager, as he is clearly not doing his job properly since as community manager he should have been all over this problem like a rash instead ignoring it to focus more on the fluff PR stuff. Maybe a threat to his job will get some action going on getting this problem fixed.
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    seannewboyseannewboy Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    meehee wrote: »
    I haven't received a stipend since march - april..... I was thinking of putting in a ticket but judging from this thread that will be a complete waste of time....

    Maybe in order to get this rather large problem fixed we should petition to have branflakes removed as community manager, as he is clearly not doing his job properly since as community manager he should have been all over this problem like a rash instead ignoring it to focus more on the fluff PR stuff. Maybe a threat to his job will get some action going on getting this problem fixed.

    This is a Cryptic problem, he works for PWE, it would not help. He is a facilitator, he makes sure the 3 entities communicate. The 3 i am talking about would be PWE, Cryptic, and the players.
    New home of the Romulan Republic.
    I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
    I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
    I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
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    section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Even still communication with a Liason on a DAILY BASIS during an ongoing problem would help to alleviate the stress that many players have felt over the last 180 days. After all being a "Manager" of the forum it would seem plausible to tell the players something if nothing else to say have guys be patient we are making progress. Instead we recieved the "Obsidian Order Of Silence" unless we strayed over the line and got warnings or infractions. We the players have no one else to turn to in a crisis like this.
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    askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    arnthebard wrote: »
    Even still communication with a Liason on a DAILY BASIS during an ongoing problem would help to alleviate the stress that many players have felt over the last 180 days. After all being a "Manager" of the forum it would seem plausible to tell the players something if nothing else to say have guys be patient we are making progress. Instead we recieved the "Obsidian Order Of Silence" unless we strayed over the line and got warnings or infractions. We the players have no one else to turn to in a crisis like this.

    Actually, Brandon has commented on this thread many times and said almost the same thing every time. There isn't much else he can say :(
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

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    zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    askray wrote: »
    Actually, Brandon has commented on this thread many times and said almost the same thing every time. There isn't much else he can say :(

    So we get automated mails from customer support and automated answer from Brandon (bran i do know that you are just doing what you are told to)!
    why should i keep paying a subscription?
    i regret that my subscription its paid up untill september....
    I was so happy the 29th of june when I received my june stipend and an appology (ref 130629-002539) that i spent some extra cash (REAL MONEY) on the (still bugged) scimitar bundle! STUPID ME
    how do you say? "fool me once shame on you fool me twice........."
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    maendormaendor Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For the record it is not only those who have been subscribing since April or before who are not receiving their stipend.

    I resumed playing the game in June of this year after a break of at least a year. When I started playing again I commenced a subscription (Gold membership).

    My monthly subscription has renewed, the payment made, but no stipend. A ticket has been submitted and now in the third day after submitting the ticket I am still awaiting a response of any kind. A friend of mine who joined at the same time is having similar issues too.

    Now whilst I'm aware of the issue back in April that has apparently been resolved, however, 62 pages of this thread is too much to go through, is there any official explanation as to what people are having to endure at the moment?

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    amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    maendor wrote: »
    For the record it is not only those who have been subscribing since April or before who are not receiving their stipend.

    I resumed playing the game in June of this year after a break of at least a year. When I started playing again I commenced a subscription (Gold membership).

    My monthly subscription has renewed, the payment made, but no stipend. A ticket has been submitted and now in the third day after submitting the ticket I am still awaiting a response of any kind. A friend of mine who joined at the same time is having similar issues too.

    Now whilst I'm aware of the issue back in April that has apparently been resolved, however, 62 pages of this thread is too much to go through, is there any official explanation as to what people are having to endure at the moment?


    To give you a brief synopsis, back in April or May, Cryptic made an error in their internal bookkeeping. As far as I know, nobody TRIBBLE them, nobody externally made the error and being cheap, petty, and mean (traditional meaning), they chose to allow their company's reputation (such as it is) to take another hit to offset the "lost income" (they didn't lose anything since it isn't real money) and recoup the 'not-money' by recovering every non-cent of the not-money from the paying subscribers and lifetime subscribers.

    I know for my part, I had intended to purchase the Andorian set as well as the new Romulan set over the next couple of months but that changed when the announcement was made and I didn't get my stipend for the next three months. I am certain that I was not one of the people that received the extra stipend but since I had also purchased a fair amount of zen during a sale at about that time, it was difficult for me to research and "prove" it to Cryptic. My wife's account was also hit by the error on Cryptic's part and she hasn't gotten her stipend even for July yet but we hadn't checked on when hers was due.

    In the end, company makes mistake, further damages reputation by recouping the lost non-money, loses $100.00 from at least one customer (pretty sure I ain't the only one), and still insists that they're "in the right". Being in the right is fine unless you're being petty about income that doesn't exist and losing more money than you could possibly have ever saved. In my case, they recovered fifteen dollars of not-money and lost one hundred dollars of real money making a net loss of eighty-five dollars and that's not even counting damaging their already well earned and sullied reputation as liars and grifters.
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    maendormaendor Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thank you for the explanation; I had thought that given I was not subscribing when this issue occurred it was something else.

    It seems that anyone who now takes out a subscription is being deprived of their monthly stipend. Unless of course someone from PWE can clarify the matter?
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    amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    maendor wrote: »
    Thank you for the explanation; I had thought that given I was not subscribing when this issue occurred it was something else.

    It seems that anyone who now takes out a subscription is being deprived of their monthly stipend. Unless of course someone from PWE can clarify the matter?

    It shouldn't be affecting new subscribers, only those who were subscribed when they screwed up, and not all of them. The hardest hit seems to actually be lifetime subscribers and though I got my stipend for July a day late and 1500zen short, I am still out those three months.
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    zoezanezoezane Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am Lifetime membership subscriber and have not received any monthly stipend yet except for the first month when I Bought my lifetime membership. Please advise. Thank you.
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    hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It shouldn't be affecting new subscribers, only those who were subscribed when they screwed up, and not all of them. The hardest hit seems to actually be lifetime subscribers and though I got my stipend for July a day late and 1500zen short, I am still out those three months.

    This is very broken for all, new and old subscribers alike. It is sad because my correspondence with PWE has been very discouraging that they want to even fix it.

    They told me I was up to date. Even though I am still 1000 zen shy from this summer and 1500 from last year. They have so far refused to show me any kind of ledger of accounting for my Zen transactions in both stipends and what I spent it on if I did indeed receive it.

    I did get a 500 zen stipend a day late this month (July). But only after heavy complaining.

    I can't express the anger I feel towards PWE at the moment. They are basically trying to tell us that all is good and to trust that they paid us. That is not going to fly with me. If this continues, legal action will be taken. If even to just expose PWE tactics and ineptitude to the world.
    Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.

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    section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can't express the anger I feel towards PWE at the moment. They are basically trying to tell us that all is good

    It is like being in a personal relationship with a spouse who you have personal knowledge that they cheated and they say "It wasn't me". The anguish and frustration and heartache should be enough to end the relationship. You want to believe they can change for the better but your heart of hearts knows it is another lie. So what lie will we be fed next from our overlords?
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    lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lan451 wrote: »
    Well, looks like I got hit with the missing stipend thingy now.

    On April 17 I received 1500 Zen. 500 of that was my normal stipend for April. Now, I didn't get my stipend in May or in June which is acceptable since I got a forward on those two stipends. I should have started seeing my stipend again on July 17. It's now July 19 and I have not received my stipend for this month. I'm going to wait a few more days to see if it's another bug in the system before sending out a ticket, but something is still wrong with the stipend grants.

    Looks like I can stand down Red Alert now. It was several days late, but I did get my stipend finally. Looks like everything is in order for me now. Best of luck to those of you still missing your Zen.
    Mine Trap Supporter
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    zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    no answer yet... when my subscription runs out in september I WILL NOT RENEW IT and half of my fleet mates will do the same.. some of them have already gone F2P... I have been a loyal subscriber since nov 2011... you stole my 500 zen and you give me nothing as a prove.. this game its FULL of bugs (from annoying to game breaking) get your act straight..
    the customer support doesn't even read my mail.... they appollogize in june for the delay in receiving my june stipend (i've got the mail) and now its all over again--- this has become untollerable.... i can't spend 2 week every month for the so called "unlimited customer support" deficency.......

    hey what do you know... after yet another complain i've received my july stipend ..
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    url1kurl1k Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I finally got my July stipend, it was 3 days late. Still no June stipend and they already told me in one ticket that I did not get multiple payments. I personally think they missed 3 payments and not 1 but as we've all come to find out, they think we're all wrong. My sub is cancelled and no more cash going to this game until there is a zen ledger I can look at whenever I want.
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    seannewboyseannewboy Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Got my july stipend after i sent an email to customerservice@perfectworld.com, asking about the status of it.
    New home of the Romulan Republic.
    I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
    I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
    I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
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    hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    seannewboy wrote: »
    Got my july stipend after i sent an email to customerservice@perfectworld.com, asking about the status of it.

    Good news!

    Now that July is coming in for folks, how about PWE gives us the rest of the Zen they owe us?
    Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.

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    section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Good news!

    Now that July is coming in for folks, how about PWE gives us the rest of the Zen they owe us?

    Now you know the first rule of acquisition.... Once you have the money never give it back. I just don't see anyone making them act with anything remotely resembling honor. They have stolen from us and they know that the only thing that can touch them is criminal court. It wouldtake a class action lawsuit to bring any real change.
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    tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    askray wrote: »
    Actually, Brandon has commented on this thread many times and said almost the same thing every time. There isn't much else he can say :(

    Billing support have told me in no uncertain terms that what Brandon has posted is "categorically wrong and a poor interpretation of the current system" "we are sorry that you are upset by your own misunderstanding, but there is nothing further we can do."

    So someone is not telling the truth here but I'm not pointing fingers. So yeah... the phrase Chocolate Teapot comes to mind. Spouting an official (read: BS) line ad nauseam isn't commenting anyway, nor is it being helpful.

    I got my official Reply from the BBB today. Full of apologies but no Zen. Needless to say I made a rebuttal.
    They tried to palm it off (like the "customer service assistant" did) by saying that because I have a balance on my account, it must be my stipend.
    Umm no, I bought that. Try again.

    I am now a proud Silver player and have informed my entire fleet of this debacle.
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    hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    I have a fleetmate who contacted the BBB about this very same issue and received the very same response as you from PWE ... "You have Zen on your account, so it must be from your stipend." The Zen that she does have is what's left over from a zen purchase she made because she didn't receive a stipend for 3 months.

    I too have just been told I also was over paid in April. They even give dates this supposedly occurred. But I do not have the Zen in my account and i have replied to have the tell me what I either spent it on or where it went.

    Strange how the one time frame I decided to purchase Zen, separate from stipends, is the same time they claim they over paid me. I know what I paid for and what I bought from the zen store. I am still missing Zen.

    Funny how their research can come up with an over payment date. They can't or won't show why I don't have it in my account or at least what it was spent on if it is my accounting error.

    PWE word that they paid us is not good enough. A full accounting history is needed.
    Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.

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    alexstoryalexstory Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have not received my 500 zen stipend for 3 months. I've sent out tickets, contacted billing/support. Still waiting for a response. My next step is contacting the BBB.


This discussion has been closed.