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Stipends (5/9/13 Update and Information Regarding Extra Stipends Received)



  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    maerdyn wrote: »
    so I made a ticket and they told me I got double ZEN in April (they also wrote me, when I get ZEN and when I got my first ZEn) - one for April and another for May - and another zen in May which was for June. So now I am waiting till July when I get my ZEN for July (I hope so) and my problem should be solved

    The problem is there is no way to review it. I dion't think this has ever been a problem in the past, but I was always a little worried that there is not a statement or online tracking of all zen earned. Maybe its just the accountant in me.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • edelstahl77edelstahl77 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    I have noticed that I am getting my 500 ZEN Bonus-Points very irregular and since a few month I did not get them at all.

    Unfortunately I am now missing around 1500 - 2000 ZEN. Does anybody else have the same problem?
  • ricardoreevesricardoreeves Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have the same Problem.
    I usually get my 500 Bonus ZEN the 22nd of the month.

    06-22-2013 NO 500 ZEN
    05-22-2013 NO 500 ZEN
    04-22-2013 Not really sure
    03-22-2013 Not really sure
    02-22-2013 Did get my 500 ZEN
    01-22-2013 Did get my 500 ZEN

    So I could be missing 1000, uo to 2000 ZEN.

    Hope it will be fixed soon.

    I will definitly write back on July, 22nd...

    until then...
    GERMAN - speaking
  • vawlkusvawlkus Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I can't even submit a ticket, the support link doesn't resolve
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I got to wonder if CBS studios knows about the lack of customer service and the bad handling of the franchise?
  • zarxidejackozarxidejacko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Contact billing support, they got answers not the bloody forum on weekend.
    2010 is my join date.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    errab wrote: »
    This is getting tiring now and the thread that these post keep getting thrown into is not IMO providing satisfactory answers.
    Forum Moderators on a Power Trip. :rolleyes:

    The thread in question (that everything, along, quite possibly with this thread) is getting moved too doesn't do anything. It's just dumping all the complaints in one place. I don't recall anyone ever coming by to address the issues, or answer concerns. It's a joke.
    linkjoy wrote: »
    It seems NO ONE's tickets are getting resolved.
    Ain't this the truth. :(
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    arnthebard wrote: »
    I got to wonder if CBS studios knows about the lack of customer service and the bad handling of the franchise?

    Probably... But as long as they get their share of the money, there is no reason for them to react.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    EU customer protection laws could bite them in the TRIBBLE for this.

    For those in the EU, feel free to register a complaint with the European Trade Commission.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    guilli88 wrote: »
    For those in the EU, feel free to register a complaint with the European Trade Commission.
    To extend upon this.

    Some useful resources for those sick and tired of Cryptic Support and are thinking about doing something about it:


    I've had a skim through these sites, they appear to be useful.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Contact billing support, they got answers not the bloody forum on weekend.

    They don't have answers either ... you're just getting "Some of you got x-stipends back then yadda yadda" (same as the stuff in the forums = "Problem Solved") .... no answer on how many stipends I supposedly got back then, or when my next one should arrive, or that it doesn't make much sense that after being away from the game for ~4 months I only had 2500 Zen in April, which doesn't make any sense if I got anything more than a double stipend ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    linkjoy wrote: »
    It seems NO ONE's tickets are getting resolved.

    My ticket was "resolved" alright, just not to my satisfaction. If they have done this you can legitimately add to the ticket, and they should come back and say something.

    All support do is try and fob you off with stories about how you got 100 stipends at the same time, that you didn't notice and that as a result you will never again see a stipend.

    I was going to upgrade to LTS from Gold during the sale, and I'm glad I decided not to and until I get a backpay in terms of my stipend. I refuse to spend any more money on Zen that I already have.

    I've made my whole fleet fully aware of this issue, so that's another couple of hundred subscribers they've lost out on. Which is the reason they bury these threads.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited June 2013
    Quoting myself. Please see yellow text.
    I've posted the updates to this and other threads that I have -- if you have not received your stipend, it is most likely because you received a duplicate (or triple) in April or May. Please re-read the OP for information.

    Unfortunately, no one on the forums is able to look into your account; only the billing team can do that.

    If there are any outstanding questions or concerns, please reach out to our billing team at http://support.perfectworld.com ('Contact Us' tab, 'Billing' for the category drop down). If you are not able to reach the support site, please email directly to customerservice@perfectworld.com and put "billing" in the subject line and as many details in the message as possible. Filing a ticket is always the preferred method to contact us as you can ensure your ticket is in the right queue via the category dropdown.

    Please note that tickets are answered in the order received, and as fast as possible.

    Also, please note this thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=770891

    If you have not been charged for your subscription (check to make sure your bank has hard posted the charge and it's not in "pending"), that could be a reason for your stipend not being given.


    Brandon =/\=
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you guys are suspecting you did not get your zen, i encourage you to put in a ticket. I put one in got the standard response yesterday. I replied requesting them to look into my account and confirm i was double credited a couple months ago.

    Today I got 500 zen put in my account. My anniversary date is the 28th.

    If the automated payments are running a couple days late systematically then you guys might just keep monitoring your accounts to see if it posts late. If you get yours late post here too so we can track this and provide some calm to the forums.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Quoting myself. Please see yellow text.

    Also, please note this thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=770891

    If you have not been charged for your subscription (check to make sure your bank has hard posted the charge and it's not in "pending"), that could be a reason for your stipend not being given.


    Brandon =/\=

    Hey Brandon now that I know you read this thread...., I have filed tickets on everything from missing items to missing mail to now missing Zen. All I get is the standard reply and the closed resolution but nothing has been resolved. My toon is still missing bound Purple Doff officers my Zen is missing and so is my mail. To further compound the problem the launcher is broken again so I can't get in to see if anything has been done about it.

    Do you understand how incredibly frustrating this is?
  • sirannataan3sirannataan3 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just to say that I still haven't had any Zen since April, and have another issue.

    Star Trek Online website says that my account is inactive and my progress has been frozen at 650 days for weeks, even though I paid June 5 and have been able to play without any problem. So not only have I not received any Zen, but I've lost about a month's credit to my veteran rewards. I'd been keeping track of my milestones, and I should hit 700 around my birthday in one month, not 50 days.
  • xsi1exsi1e Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I never received a double stipend, and so far I have not received my June stipend. Things seem to not be running as normal. the last stipend I received was my may stipend of 500 zen.
  • flatmattflatmatt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    To provide a bit of a counterpoint to most of this thread, I submitted a ticket through the support system last night saying I thought I had missed my stipend, and exactly half an hour later I got a reply apologizing for the delay and telling me it had been corrected. Logged in to find indeed it had been.

    ...and I didn't even expect the support website to work in the first place, hehehe.
    Ann Manistee Traverse - Human Science ~~ Oken Miquat - Saurian Tactical
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  • url1kurl1k Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    flatmatt wrote: »
    To provide a bit of a counterpoint to most of this thread, I submitted a ticket through the support system last night saying I thought I had missed my stipend, and exactly half an hour later I got a reply apologizing for the delay and telling me it had been corrected. Logged in to find indeed it had been.

    ...and I didn't even expect the support website to work in the first place, hehehe.

    Yet with me it took 10 days to get a reply that I've gotten all my stipends and the list even showed I still hadn't been paid June's a week after it was due. As of this morning (now July) still no June stipend.
  • zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    finally after 14 days 4 copies of the same automated mail and a request for a refund my stipend got paid and I did get an apollogy.
    I hope this doesn't happen again when my next stipend its dued (2 weeks btw)

    there is still hope.......
  • ulkeskulkesk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Coming up on almost a week since the generic reply and my response to it with no more word from support.

    Additionally I unsubbed today (was always my plan to just sub for a month or two) and my number of days subscribed instantly reset back to 332 from 342 so I'm left thinking something is seriously screwed up with either my account or Cryptic's systems and therefore I really can't see myself ever paying them for a subscription again.

    Luckily the zen purchasing stuff seems to be on a different system as it seems a lot more reliable.

    Cryptic really needs to get on top of its support systems issues, it's not doing the companies reputation any favours.
  • cheche71nlcheche71nl Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Still nothing! The total disregard is pretty annoying! *** Just for the record; I saved the entire thread so it can't be gone at some point all of a sudden.. :confused:
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Here it is July....I am unable to play this morning because the site is down again. My Zen is at "0" and my interest in the game is going that way too... So much so, I just went and purchased the new X-Box 360 game Star Trek based on the Movie Into Darkness. In the very least I can play this when I want.

    I have been here for a very long time I have supported the game with my money. I used to enjoy the game....Kerrat being my favorite. Content went away and the grinds set in. That is not fun to run these same missions over ad nauseum to get some trinket. Stop nerffing all the skill sets because you want to hawk some uber new weapon or sell a damn lock box with a .4% chance of getting something. I prefer to spend $50.00 in the C-store and KNOW that my money is going to earn me a ship.

    Instead of lock boxes make these fools go to DS9 and gamble for latinum to purchase ships at the DABO tables. At least that would be cannon. I personally hate the direction you guys have taken the game. Next thing you know the Klingons will want back into the Federation too...

    So to recap...

    Mail lost in a trasnporter beam
    Purple Doffs AWOL [Absent With Out Leave]
    Zen stipends with held for a still unknown reason over 120 days now
    Contact with Starfleet lost.... [complaint tickets ignored or robo responsed]
    game launcher down again....has been for a week now for me

    **Captains Log Supplemental** -McCallister Out-
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ...should get my july (may in comp of my june-one?!...) stipend 1am today, or more probably 1am tomorrow. i'll post if i'll get anything.
  • originalkylieoriginalkylie Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I still have not had my stipend since April.

    I still cannot contact support due to the website having too many redirects.

    No response to the tickets i raised in-game.

  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    500 zen there. so i surely missed it had been 1500 zen in may?! ^^... if so sry for complaining bout nothing! i though will note it from now on ;)...
  • hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So not to let this thread die. I still have not received my stipends for a couple of moths at least. I also cannot purchase things in game with Lobi.

    I have submitted in game tickets and no response. Not even that they received my tickets.

    I have a couple weeks of patience left before I have to turn away from this game. Cryptic already has my money so I guess it doesn't matter to them anymore.

    I waited years for Romulans and now they make it impossible to for me to buy anything in game. Such a shame.
    Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.

  • trekkietravistrekkietravis Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Also still no stipend since at least April. When are we going to get a fix to this?
  • gdman199012gdman199012 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I haven't received any of my stipends I have an open ticket is
    there someone I can call?
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wast33 wrote: »
    500 zen there. so i surely missed it had been 1500 zen in may ^^. if so sry for complaining bout nothing! i though will note it from now on ;)...

    Just because you got 500 zen doesn't mean that you didn't miss the last couple of months.

    Imagine if I was your boss and only paid you one month's wages and then claimed I overpaid you the previous couple of months. You'd want evidence. So far they have not provided any.

    My anniversary date is coming around again. I know I've not received any "extra" stipend because I've been complaining about it. I fully expect not to receive anything and if I don't I will be glad that my sub was cancelled.
This discussion has been closed.