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Re: Romulan Alliances and the Romulan Republic Faction



  • thefastone21thefastone21 Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Think I saw some answers to a few of these but anyway...

    Will Romulan Republic players get their own STF gear? or will we be grinding for Maco/KHG depending on our faction alligence?

    If I alley with the Feds. Will I be able to go to Earth? likewise Qu;nos if im a Klink?

    Will our starbases have a Romulan theme added to one of the rooms? (ie 200k dilithium for a Romulan Embassey on the tarbase.. where we all complain about the chairs... or for the klingons.. a brig or their romulans.)

    Why was Alien turned into a subscriber/lifetime rewrad for the Roms? Surely you would have attracted more people with races like.. Hirogen?
  • squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    atomictiki wrote: »
    Here is the primary reason: "New Romulus" and the "new" Romulans suck. They're weak, patethic, simpering fools that have no relation to what makes Romulans compelling: the trickery, the plotting, the scheming. Essentially Cryptic took the Romulans to the vet and had them neutered.

    And yes, I absolutely hated Season 7 and that stupid planet.

    Yeah, their lack of agency in the New Romulus 'content' seems to flow right into their dependency on bellying up to Starfleet or the KDF in their storyline. As someone else's sig decries, it's not the Raptor's wings they're going to be marching under.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited March 2013
    Yes, I am aware that their F2P model sucks..however, i am a subscriber there and I do not buy their "cartel packs" as they call them.

    But their end game content is far superior. Their PVP is superior. More people play, short q times for both PVE and PVP.

    I pay 14.99 per month and have access to everything. I have no need to buy anything from their Cartel Store, as I can get anything from that store on their exchange sold by other players. Nothing is bound. And there are NO P2W items in their store atm. Ive played it since launch, I left prior to the F2P conversion, but I think its gone in a good direction for subs post F2P.

    So I am 100% simpatico with the frustration other players have that the Romulans are not being made into a separate faction. However please don't mention TOR. That game is the worst f2p piece of TRIBBLE ever.

    Numerous restrictions on f2p and preferred players
    Death penalty ... You die 5 times in total ... And then you pay to unlock respawns
    charging subscribers for Makeb
    Ugly looking armor ... All good stuff is in cartel market
    P2w gear
    Lied to APAC customers and now killing their servers
    No winter event ... Except for selling life day TRIBBLE in cm
    No anniversary event

    Anyways let's get back to STO. I am looking forward to playing the new content. I think we should give Cryptic the chance. The best part ... It is totally free. If you hate it you don't need to give them another cent.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will Romulan Republic players get their own STF gear? or will we be grinding for Maco/KHG depending on our faction alligence?
    This could go either way, it depends just how much FED/KDF tech they allow the Romulans to use, or whether they give them their own unique stuff.

    They should at least get access to the Omega Stuff, as that is more universal than it is specific.
    If I alley with the Feds. Will I be able to go to Earth? likewise Qu;nos if im a Klink?
    I would say yes. There is no proof, but if (as a Romulan) you're allowing them on your home turf, I'd expect you to be allowed on Federation/Q'onos soil.

    That being said, it depends if New Romulus becomes more of a social zone for Romulan players. You can get RP or DI from KDF/FED, yet you can't travel to Earth or Qo'nos with that.
    Will our starbases have a Romulan theme added to one of the rooms?
    I highly doubt it as such would become irrelevant should the Romulans later get their own fleet system.
    Why was Alien turned into a subscriber/lifetime rewrad for the Roms? Surely you would have attracted more people with races like.. Hirogen?
    The Hirogen are a mere species with a selection of traits. Aliens can be more heavily customized, and as Romulans alone will likely be limited, they'll probably get a fair bit of money out of dedicated players who want a good trait build for their characters.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    puttenham wrote: »
    ill say it now, if this game wasnt a star trek game, it would never have made it this far..
    I agree completely. STAR TREK is why they come here, and if it werent for that "pull" the game would be one of the thousands of F2P roadkill titles out there. Cryptic owes everything to the franchise.

    People stay for the game play (or not), but Star Trek is what brings them in the door
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    geoff484 wrote: »
    Now I've been trying wrap my head around not only the Ask Cryptic itself, but the backlash that it has received regarding the Romulans being a mini-faction. .....<SNIP>

    That's my view of everything anyways.

    In short you kinda summed up my feelings on this matter to a "T".

    You know, Vreenak is brought up often to describe peoples' sentiments relating to this; not only is he poignant insofar as he's a surly Romulan, his titular phrase "It's a FAAAAKE!" describes this situation so aptly. However, it's more than that.

    My feelings are similar to Vreenak's insofar as I am Vreenak and Cryptic is Starfleet. And like Vreenak, my feelings about Cryptic was so low that it would indeed be difficult to disappoint me.

    But hope springs eternal, right?

    What makes it so much more frustrating is that this pseudofaction nonsense will be the copypasta template for the Cardies, the Dominion, The Jesuits, The Nerfherders, etc etc that what we get here is what were are going to get for now on; don't expect the Greenies to get their own exploration Doffs, their own territory that requires diplomatic immunity to enter, etc. It just kinda seems like the path-of-least-resistance methodology to adding content at times.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What makes it so much more frustrating is that this pseudofaction nonsense will be the copypasta template for the Cardies, the Dominion, The Jesuits, The Nerfherders, etc etc that what we get here is what were are going to get for now on; don't expect the Greenies to get their own exploration Doffs, their own territory that requires diplomatic immunity to enter, etc. It just kinda seems like the path-of-least-resistance methodology to adding content at times.
    It would be an alright model for most of them. I'd love to see the Gorn put into a semi-faction, for example. But not for Romulans, not for Borg, not for Cardassians or Dominion
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The only harsh reality we need to face is that we can expect to see an endless stream of Romulan related threads on the forums because people don't like to post their opinion in the existing ones.

    I probably should have posted this in a new thread :cool:
  • cyberglum11cyberglum11 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    To be honest it was the players who speculated that there would be a full-blown Romulan Faction. The fact of the matter is Cryptic have taken the same path as Blizz did in "that" game with the Pandarian race. Of all the complains about that race being introduced into the game the fact that they were not a "3rd faction" was pretty non-existent.

    None of us as players yet know the reasoning in-game for the Romulan PC's faction choice. I'm being positive and hoping it will be a well thought-out and interesting reason.

    Basically, we as players need to wrap our heads around the fact that the Romulans will be a RACE you can play in STO, as opposed to a FACTION.

    While I can understand Romulan fans being disappointed with Cryptics choice in the matter I'm seeing it as a half-full glass rather than a half-empty one. Perhaps its a bold move on their part, maybe we'll see Cardassians/Jem'Hadar/Hirogens being introduced as playable races in the same way..? Who knows.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This is yet another example of Cryptic's biggest disconnect with their audience: They want the game to be played one way, and the audience wants to play it a different way. But they don't seem to care what the players want. It's their way or the highway.

    If you rely on someone to pay the money that makes your paycheck possible, you find out what they want out of the product you hope they will pay money for.

    I suspect they sincerely believe that their customer base wants a low-contact game that can be played casually. It is the most carebear game I have ever played in that regard: quick ranking, no item loss on death, point-and-click combat, replicatable commodities, etc. I havent seen the numbers, but I suspect they view a long-play immersive RPG as counter to their business interests.
  • alarikunalarikun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    As near as I can tell, the only thing they're really missing from being "True Factions" are the Starbase and the Embassy, the latter of which would make no sense whatsoever to have.

    And, again, as near as I can tell, the only reason they make an alliance is to actually gain access to a Starbase and Embassy (of that faction). I believe they'll have some less ships starting (but they're a new faction, it'd be hard for Cryptic to put them up to FED standards that fast), so I guess that could hurt.

    Either way, I'm confident that they'll be fun, and have the content they need to be a full, pre-starbase faction.
    Original Join Date: January 2010
    Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
    Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    alarikun wrote: »
    As near as I can tell, the only thing they're really missing from being "True Factions" are the Starbase and the Embassy
    and a storyline that made sense for the history of Romulans, and three-way PVP
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well, it's certainly not an accident that it's coming out around the same time as Makeb for TOR.

    TOR comes out April 9th, or 14th if it wasn't pre-ordered.

    LoR comes out May 21.

    I wouldn't say they are coming out around the same time at all.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Wow, someone has an itchy "merge" finger today...
  • alarikunalarikun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    and a storyline that made sense for the history of Romulans, and three-way PVP

    Okay, valid point, they don't have 3-way PvP. I'll give you that. I personally don't feel the need for a 3rd PvP faction, when I have enough trouble finding a Klingon group to team up with in PvP. Splitting the people even more is just going to end badly in regards to PvP.

    However, I disagree with the Storyline thing. They have a storyline that leads up to the creation of the New Romulus colony.

    Yes, they're not getting the "Romulan Star Empire" story, but they are no longer the Romulan Star Empire.

    Also, I would have to reserve the right to judge AFTER the actual story is released. We don't know all of the details yet.
    Original Join Date: January 2010
    Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
    Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    To be honest it was the players who speculated that there would be a full-blown Romulan Faction. The fact of the matter is Cryptic have taken the same path as Blizz did in "that" game with the Pandarian race. Of all the complains about that race being introduced into the game the fact that they were not a "3rd faction" was pretty non-existent.

    None of us as players yet know the reasoning in-game for the Romulan PC's faction choice. I'm being positive and hoping it will be a well thought-out and interesting reason.

    Basically, we as players need to wrap our heads around the fact that the Romulans will be a RACE you can play in STO, as opposed to a FACTION.

    While I can understand Romulan fans being disappointed with Cryptics choice in the matter I'm seeing it as a half-full glass rather than a half-empty one. Perhaps its a bold move on their part, maybe we'll see Cardassians/Jem'Hadar/Hirogens being introduced as playable races in the same way..? Who knows.

    Well, it's more than a race, less than a classical MMO faction. And the skinny on that is basically that it is a full faction except for:

    Level 40-50 missions
    The OPTION to use Fed or KDF gear and ships, which isn't one you have to take

    Personally, I think they should give Romulan Embassy Starbase functionality for Romulan players. That way, purists just focus on the embassy. Just make the shipyard projects 40% more expensive but unlock more ships and gear to a lot for there being fewer tiers.

    As for PvP, a long term solution I see is to focus on developing all future PvP as free for all or team free for all rather than faction based. Perhaps also with matches that are side v. side but people choose which side to queue for.

    So you have things like 5 teams of 5 duking it out. If faction ceases to be what drives PvP, it becomes less relevant for new factions to be faction aligned in PvP.

    And if you make the Embassy the Romulan starbase and have another shared holding for new factions later that offers extras for Fed/KDF but primary starbase functionality for the faction most tied to it, you have an option for new faction purists.
  • alarikunalarikun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level 40-50 missions

    Where did you get this? I heard they have to ally with a faction, but I also heard they continue to get story missions of their own, even afterward.
    Original Join Date: January 2010
    Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
    Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    alarikun wrote: »
    Where did you get this? I heard they have to ally with a faction, but I also heard they continue to get story missions of their own, even afterward.

    It's in the ask Cryptic and dastahl's posts.

    They choose an ally at level 10. They continue to play unique Romulan missions until 40. Then they get the faction agnostic Featured Episodes after 40.
  • alarikunalarikun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It's in the ask Cryptic and dastahl's posts.

    They choose an ally at level 10. They continue to play unique Romulan missions until 40. Then they get the faction agnostic Featured Episodes after 40.

    Hmm, well... I don't mind this too much actually. It's almost a full faction as far as I'm concerned. Several of the end episodes for the Federation (Around level 45-50-ISH, intermixed) are Featured-Episodes that are faction-agnostic.

    But, I suppose I can see how, with all of these things adding up, it'd seem like a cop-out. But for me, I've been looking forward to the ROM faction for a long time, and this, for me, seems good enough.
    Original Join Date: January 2010
    Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
    Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i still don't understand why anyone would choose kdf if there isn't lots of missions or ships.
    i am floored by this decision.

    Makes about as much sense as releasing a game with a half faction and 3 years later that is all everyone is talking about but they still decide to release a whole new mmo thinking that nobody remembers.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • alarikunalarikun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    i still don't understand why anyone would choose kdf if there isn't lots of missions or ships.
    i am floored by this decision.

    Makes about as much sense as releasing a game with a half faction and 3 years later that is all everyone is talking about but they still decide to release a whole new mmo thinking that nobody remembers.

    Missions don't matter in that case, because you don't get any additional missions for joining a faction (unless I'm wrong). Now you do get ships. But I have no intention of using a Fed/Klink ship with my Romulan... there'd be no point in being a Romulan otherwise. Definitely going to use Rom-Only ships when I make my Romulan.
    Original Join Date: January 2010
    Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
    Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Actually, I know you want to believe that PVP is a big deal in this game and I know you want to think that KDF is a big deal...but their not. The problem with our endgame is not, by any means PVP lol. This game LACKS pve content..badly. the same boring, low reward STF's we have been doing for years now, with the exception of Hive, is old.

    This micro faction we are getting soon is a joke..sorry that is just what I think of it. Ive started playing TOR and im liking it more and more everyday...it may just pull me away from Lockboxes Online..oops i mean Star Trek Online soon enough.

    I hope You realize that the only rational response to your post is...

    ...' BYE '...

    ... don't let the server door hit ya on the way out.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    alarikun wrote: »
    Missions don't matter in that case, because you don't get any additional missions for joining a faction (unless I'm wrong). Now you do get ships. But I have no intention of using a Fed/Klink ship with my Romulan... there'd be no point in being a Romulan otherwise. Definitely going to use Rom-Only ships when I make my Romulan.

    Cryptic will not release as many rom ships and there are kdf ships. They just won't. And the entire point of the way ships are designed in this game is to make it feel "almost right" so you keep on buying new ships and get bored with your present ones.
    So the more the ships, the better.

    Missions. Yes the romulans will get the faction they chooses missions. You don't like a story? A purpose for your faction? Because playing a fed gives you that. You have so many unanswered questions for the kdf.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You know I'm tired of it, tired of it all. The lies, the misleading by the companies and the devs. I came into the game eager to play and have fun with my friends and over the time I have see blunder after blunder by the team in many good ideas. The Starbases system sounded nice, the implementation was TRIBBLE and has killed or damaged small fleets. Then S7 which messed with something the people in general had no problem with it and add 2 new grindings and now what you have done to the Romulan faction or not faction as it is. Any wonder why people are either unsubscribing, not payout real cash anymore (like me) or leaving all together. You seemed to not get this as you repeat the mistakes that cause this reaction. I and many others would have waited longer if there was assured that we would have a nearly fully functional Faction. Trust is important but with action like these WHY SHOULD WE TRUST YOU!?

    With the Romulans you had a perfect setup. The choice should not be Fed KDF but Empire or Republic. If money was a problem then do an in game option and find modders. that would free up your people for this while the modders could fix the bugs or the other way. The sad fact is the guys behind Star Trek Excalibur game our able to get better quality game. THEY TAKE THE TIME TO GET IT RIGHT. CRYPTIC LEARN.
  • alarikunalarikun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    Cryptic will not release as many rom ships and there are kdf ships. They just won't. And the entire point of the way ships are designed in this game is to make it feel "almost right" so you keep on buying new ships and get bored with your present ones.
    So the more the ships, the better.

    Missions. Yes the romulans will get the faction they chooses missions. You don't like a story? A purpose for your faction? Because playing a fed gives you that. You have so many unanswered questions for the kdf.

    Err, I do care about the story. I'm saying that I doubt Romulans get Fed or Klink missions by allying with that faction. You might get related-Romulan-specific missions in regards to the alliance, but they aren't just giving you the standard Fed/Klink missions. That was my point.

    Nonetheless, I believe the Romulan-Faction is going to be rather booming. A lot of people have been waiting for it, and want to play it. And my guess is that Cryptic will infact release ships and whatnot for it. They'd be crazy not to; people will buy those ships off the market really quick-like.
    Original Join Date: January 2010
    Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
    Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You know I'm tired of it, tired of it all. The lies, the misleading by the companies and the devs. I came into the game eager to play and have fun with my friends and over the time I have see blunder after blunder by the team in many good ideas. The Starbases system sounded nice, the implementation was TRIBBLE and has killed or damaged small fleets. Then S7 which messed with something the people in general had no problem with it and add 2 new grindings and now what you have done to the Romulan faction or not faction as it is. Any wonder why people are either unsubscribing, not payout real cash anymore (like me) or leaving all together. You seemed to not get this as you repeat the mistakes that cause this reaction. I and many others would have waited longer if there was assured that we would have a nearly fully functional Faction. Trust is important but with action like these WHY SHOULD WE TRUST YOU!?

    With the Romulans you had a perfect setup. The choice should not be Fed KDF but Empire or Republic. If money was a problem then do an in game option and find modders. that would free up your people for this while the modders could fix the bugs or the other way. The sad fact is the guys behind Star Trek Excalibur game our able to get better quality game. THEY TAKE THE TIME TO GET IT RIGHT. CRYPTIC LEARN.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    In before the lock..I could of sworn I saw this exact thread get merge. :confused:
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Welcome to STO under PWE rule.

    What you are going through right now, is what I went through, during Season 5.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well, it's more than a race, less than a classical MMO faction. And the skinny on that is basically that it is a full faction except for:

    Level 40-50 missions
    The OPTION to use Fed or KDF gear and ships, which isn't one you have to take

    There's a lot of stuff you missed as well, such as new Doff missions, new exploration zone Doffs, Faction specific Social Zone staff and their lore/Vocabulary strings, etc. I think it was too much for them to do even with a copypasta, which in this particular case I would have been ok with. So what we got was in effect, a pseaduofacion that must in the end, become an ersatz KDF or FED character, albeit with different skins and perhaps ships.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    I do think that Cryptic has dropped the ball on this one. Not as bad as it's been before, but the whole JOIN SIDES IN TEH WAR, is....... silly.
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