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'Disenchanted' - a polite appeal to KDF players



  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thank you for all the support everyone!

    I've posted my draft proposal here on Wordpress - I wanted you all to take a look and give me your feedback so I could make some changes if necessary before I put it 'live' here on the STO forums.

    If you want to discuss it, feel free to contact me in-game @aegisprime or email me at kdfkaz 'at' gmail.com

    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    but the interesting thing is since S7 KDF has the better dil grind. Empire defense, do all 4 and you easily get near the 8 K limit. and with zen exchange prices a great exploit
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    but the interesting thing is since S7 KDF has the better dil grind. Empire defense, do all 4 and you easily get near the 8 K limit. and with zen exchange prices a great exploit

    Hardly an exploit - these missions and rewards were deliberately introduced to STO by the Devs - the same way that Explore Strange New Worlds and Explore the B'tran Cluster were introduced by the Devs.

    Likewise, I refuse to consider the clickies or the grinder missions that followed them in the Foundry an 'Exploit' because it was blatantly obvious when these tools were introduced that they could be used for such things.

    What's more worrying to me is that Cryptic sets a precedent for earning in this game (Dilithium/Contraband/Fleet Marks/whatever) then arbitrarily removes it without any consideration to the impact that will have on the enjoyment of its customers.

    We 'get' that they have to make money and we want them to be profitable but we don't want our fun or enjoyment of the game diminished just to boost their profit margins.
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm really amazed and thankful at the same time to see so many Fed players signing on with this. I'm used to the old days when the Feds would see this as an opportunity to troll us and tell us to shut up and be thankful for what we got. To you guys who favor the Blue side but backed the KDF in this endeavor I'm truly thankful you guys chose to show solidarity with your red side brethren.

    Sorry if this is off topic but I thought those people deserved some recognition. With blue side support something may get done.
  • capntrippscapntripps Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Great idea... I'm in and thanks for thinking this up! Only wish I had a something similar for my Feddies!
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    capntripps wrote: »
    Great idea... I'm in and thanks for thinking this up! Only wish I had a something similar for my Feddies!

    Hey capntripps and thank you!! It's been suggested that Feddies use 'Warrior of the Empire' as a suitable sign of solidarity (we'll overlook the fact that you have to off 100 Klingons to get it though *ahem*) :)

    Please spread the word!!
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • smallrougesmallrouge Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have not logged in since the Valentine's Day disaster, but if I do I will be representing with these titles on Fed and KDF. Great idea!
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    smallrouge wrote: »
    I have not logged in since the Valentine's Day disaster, but if I do I will be representing with these titles on Fed and KDF. Great idea!

    Ditto. I feel the best way to get their attention is not to log-in at all which I haven't done since the 02-14 patch. If you guys feel it's more effective to get this title to protest the patch and state of the game, all the more power to you.
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The comment on Malformed Childern is disgusting and lacking in compassion.

    Disable kids deserve to be loved and cherished like other kids. Don't be so shallow.

    I'm having plenty of fun playing as KDF, but I'll show solidarity and wear the disenchanted title if someone tells me how to do so.
  • husserehussere Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hey Kaz, I dunno if this has been brought to the table yet but why not extending the title to fed side as well.
    Even if they dont have the title at disposal, it could be a forum sig or something

    Not only would that be even more supportive for Kdf but also show as a unity people agaisnt the recent counter measures cryptic has done lately.

    A Disenchanted player
  • smallrougesmallrouge Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordgyor wrote: »
    Disable kids deserve to be loved and cherished like other kids.


    I am not going into the game at the moment... but you should be able to bring up your character screen and there is an Edit Record button or something similar to that under your portrait. That should bring up a little screen where you can see your list of available titles and change out which one you want displayed.
  • vitzhvitzh Member Posts: 519
    edited February 2013
    Sorry, some of us can't take part as we don't have disenchanted title and probably never will. We only PvP to rank up and won't stray from our doctrine, no exceptions.

    This also has a whiff of Feds after being literally a-holes to KDF playerbase all this time having to eat humble pie and beg for our help.
  • smallrougesmallrouge Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    vitzh wrote: »
    Sorry, some of us can't take part as we don't have disenchanted title and probably never will. We only PvP to rank up and won't stray from our doctrine, no exceptions.

    This also has a whiff of Feds after being literally a-holes to KDF playerbase all this time having to eat humble pie and beg for our help.

    All I can do is speak for myself here but I am definitely not getting the sense that this is the intent here. I play Fed and I am starting to play KDF more now (or WAS starting to) but I had zero negative emotion toward the KDF side even before beginning to shift over. This game absolutely needs both sides and I have always felt that way. Regardless, ALL players are suffering right now. According to a lot of people ALL players have been suffering the grind at least since Season 7. This is not some single change that is forcing Fed to beg KDF help because it seems to me that KDF suffers more from this change than Fed does. Which is a shame because I am beginning to see what KDF players have been talking about in terms of being a less-developed faction.

    Well... I can't know your experiences within the game and I am sorry if that has been your experience. It doesn't take a Trekkie to know you need two sides to a coin. Feds need KDF and so it shouldn't be that way. I am sorry if you have been mistreated by Fed players. All I can say is that both my Feds and my KDF will be wearing the titles in game and it will be in solidarity with ALL players.
  • krell83stokrell83sto Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Done... a dozen or so times...

    I rarely log in, but I'll log in for this.....

    "...just look at my track record for making the improvements that I said we would with the KDF and judge by that." - Dan Stahl
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    vitzh wrote: »
    Sorry, some of us can't take part as we don't have disenchanted title and probably never will. We only PvP to rank up and won't stray from our doctrine, no exceptions.

    This also has a whiff of Feds after being literally a-holes to KDF playerbase all this time having to eat humble pie and beg for our help.

    Hi vitzh! I respect that you play the game solely for PvP and also the fact that you stopped by to see if you can help - perhaps you could help in other ways by mentioning the campaign to you PvP'ing friends and fleet-mates?

    Also, I'd point out that my requests for increased transparency from the Devs include a dedicated community manager for the PvP'ers and a Dev assigned specifically to deal with PvP issues - as a lapsed PvP'er myself I'm aware only too well of the issues there.

    Lastly, whilst its true, for the first two years of playing STO, I played solely Fed-side with a single character, I'm rarely seen there this days - my KDF Sci and Engineer are far more fun to play and as I mentioned earlier in this thread, the KDF bring contrast and character to a game that would be sterile and bland without them.

    Thank you for commenting!
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordgyor wrote: »
    The comment on Malformed Childern is disgusting and lacking in compassion.

    Disable kids deserve to be loved and cherished like other kids. Don't be so shallow.

    I'm having plenty of fun playing as KDF, but I'll show solidarity and wear the disenchanted title if someone tells me how to do so.

    Olivia's comment was unfortunate but I suspect (hope) that she's not really that lacking in compassion (tact perhaps). If she reads these comments, perhaps she'll edit her post so as not to upset or offend anyone else.

    And as someone that used to work with autistic children, I agree completely - all children deserve to be loved :)

    Thank you for joining us in showing Cryptic our disenchantment! To get the title you have to complete all the Fek'lhri missions (which is well worth it since it shows how good dedicated KDF content *could be*)
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I wrote this for the fleet leader of one of the larger KDF fleets, but please feel free to forward it on to any fleet leaders you might know :)

    Dear Fleet Leader,

    I'm writing to you out of concern for the path STO has taken since this game went F2P. Revenues are up, the player-base is up and more Devs than ever before are working on STO - myself and my associates are glad of this and wouldn't wish any differently.

    But as Cryptic's fortunes have risen, so have they become less accountable to the players - long-standing issues continue to go unresolved (for both the KDF and the Federation) and far-reaching decisions regarding the in-game economy are made without consultation or regard to the impact upon the player-base.

    The latest of these ill-considered changes, the removal of Fleet Marks from the IOR mission has created considerable outrage amongst the community (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=552391) but this in itself is merely a symptom of a greater issue - a lack of direct communication and transparency with the players.

    In response to this, in the hope that we can reverse this worrying trend, myself and others have taken to using the 'Disenchanted' title awarded by the Fek'lhri mission chain. It is our hope that if we can show Cryptic just how many of their KDF players are 'disenchanted' that we can engage in direct and productive discussions with the Executive Producer and the developers.

    So, I appeal to you to consider our cause - if you think that an honest and frank discourse between the community as a whole and Cryptic Studios can only benefit this game, its players and its owners then I'd ask you to bring this matter to the attention of your fleet-mates.

    Not as an official position or mandate, but simply as a choice - their choice - as to whether they wish to be counted amongst the disenchanted KDF of STO.

    Faithfully yours,

    Kazra Lex.

    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • bolter25bolter25 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordgyor wrote: »
    The comment on Malformed Childern is disgusting and lacking in compassion.

    I agree with this comment whole-heartedly.

    As for my one and only Klingon toon, it too is "Disenchanted".

    Great idea...signed!
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bolter25 wrote: »
    I agree with this comment whole-heartedly.

    As for my one and only Klingon toon, it too is "Disenchanted".

    Great idea...signed!

    Thank you bolter!! Much appreciated!
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • dma1986dma1986 Member Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordgyor wrote: »
    The comment on Malformed Childern is disgusting and lacking in compassion.

    Disable kids deserve to be loved and cherished like other kids. Don't be so shallow..
    Apparently Brandon agreed, that part of Olivia's post's been deleted.

    It would seem you're no longer allowed an opinion that differs from others on these forums.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I find it hilarious you guys think changing a game title will mean anything to a company that has stated very clearly the KDF is a non-factor because they are a small portion of the characters as per their metrics.

    Better way? Delete your federation characters.

    Their fed metrics drop.
  • sachang67sachang67 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have been a KDF player since the release of the game.

    I do agree that the Klingon faction does need serious help in content and I have been trying to get the developers to get the KDF up to speed or equal to the Federation side or at least balanced with ships and missions. I also realize it will take time to get the Klingon Faction up to speed with the Federation side; providing the developers are willing to put forth time to work on KDF Content.

    I have also been instrumental in getting a lot of improvements done to the KDF side in the past. Some of you might remember a group called KDFA where different fleets and independent players joined once a week to discuss idea's for KDF content and discuss bugs that needed to be fixed.:)

    If your just starting your KDF character now count your blessings that grinding now is a whole lot easier than when the game was first released. To be honest the KDF side was just a PVP faction with little or no content at all when the game was first released 3 years ago.

    I also still feel that the Klingon Faction needs whole lot more work on content for the KDF player base. I understand your frustration with the lack of content. I know it all too well. But I am proud that Cryptic was willing to put in most of or the majority of the idea's that we submitted in the past into the game when the group KDFA was still in session. Now today present time the KDFA has been dissolved for quite sometime. But I am and my fleet is still keeping the fight for the Klingon Faction to improve.:)


    Sa'Chang ( Fleet leader of the House of Blood Dragon's )
  • vitzhvitzh Member Posts: 519
    edited February 2013
    How about we all get "War Hero" Title. That way we can definitely say without doubt Cryptic doesn't respect our heros! ;)
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I find it hilarious you guys think changing a game title will mean anything to a company that has stated very clearly the KDF is a non-factor because they are a small portion of the characters as per their metrics.

    Better way? Delete your federation characters.

    Their fed metrics drop.

    Hey cmdrskyfaller :)

    If I write to a bunch of gaming websites and say 'hey, the KDF aren't happy and they're complaining on the forums in STO' that's not a story.

    If I write and show them a pic of 100 of Qo'noS finest all proudly wearing their 'disenchanted' titles in solidarity in the grand hall then that's something they can cover.

    Media is visual - people get hooked into the imagery and that pulls them into the story.

    And all revolutions start small :)

    I can but try - will you help?
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I find it hilarious you guys think changing a game title will mean anything to a company that has stated very clearly the KDF is a non-factor because they are a small portion of the characters as per their metrics.

    Better way? Delete your federation characters.

    Their fed metrics drop.

    Metrics-schmetirics. :D
    Of may play time in STO around 10% is on the Fed. side anyway and I'm being generous in the estimate.
    sachang67 wrote: »
    I have been a KDF player since the release of the game.

    I do agree that the Klingon faction does need serious help in content and I have been trying to get the developers to get the KDF up to speed or equal to the Federation side or at least balanced with ships and missions. I also realize it will take time to get the Klingon Faction up to speed with the Federation side; providing the developers are willing to put forth time to work on KDF Content.

    I have also been instrumental in getting a lot of improvements done to the KDF side in the past. Some of you might remember a group called KDFA where different fleets and independent players joined once a week to discuss idea's for KDF content and discuss bugs that needed to be fixed.:)

    If your just starting your KDF character now count your blessings that grinding now is a whole lot easier than when the game was first released. To be honest the KDF side was just a PVP faction with little or no content at all when the game was first released 3 years ago.

    I also still feel that the Klingon Faction needs whole lot more work on content for the KDF player base. I understand your frustration with the lack of content. I know it all too well. But I am proud that Cryptic was willing to put in most of or the majority of the idea's that we submitted in the past into the game when the group KDFA was still in session. Now today present time the KDFA has been dissolved for quite sometime. But I am and my fleet is still keeping the fight for the Klingon Faction to improve.:)


    Sa'Chang ( Fleet leader of the House of Blood Dragon's )

    I'm glad to hear this, the KDF needs more people like you!

    Anyway, I'm leveling a KDF char. that has not gone through that story arc yet, but with the pace of leveling in STO it'll be soon enough.
    I'll change the title on my other KDF for all the good that will do, because if Cryptic haven't realised themselves by now just how disenchanted the KDF are we're beyond help. :(
  • bubblygumsworthbubblygumsworth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Olivia's comment was unfortunate but I suspect (hope) that she's not really that lacking in compassion (tact perhaps). If she reads these comments, perhaps she'll edit her post so as not to upset or offend anyone else.

    And as someone that used to work with autistic children, I agree completely - all children deserve to be loved :)

    Thank you for joining us in showing Cryptic our disenchantment! To get the title you have to complete all the Fek'lhri missions (which is well worth it since it shows how good dedicated KDF content *could be*)

    If I'm correct, she's a writer or editor of sorts. Us artistic types have a way with words and we dont mean to offend :P
    I drink, I vote, and I PvP!
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If I'm correct, she's a writer or editor of sorts. Us artistic types have a way with words and we dont mean to offend :P

    Well, Brandon's edited away the offending comment now so best to let it lie.

    Thank you so much everyone that's posted and shown their support! I'm writing to several fleets today and making a few suggested changes to our letter to Cryptic - I'll keep you all updated and please, if you're in a KDF fleet, speak to your fleet leaders and your friends and try to recruit them to our cause - it can't hurt to try :)
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • warbird001warbird001 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Done, put it on my facebook page for more publicity. 100% support this.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm working on the accolade right now. I will join the protest. What about a peaceful march? :)
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    I'm working on the accolade right now. I will join the protest. What about a peaceful march? :)

    I'm lazy, how about a sit-in? :)
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
This discussion has been closed.