Hello everyone,
some of you may be aware of the recent decision to axe Fleet Marks as a reward for
'Investigate Officer Reports' - whilst Dan Stahl has stated that alternate ways of earning Fleet Marks will be implemented at some point in the future, that's of little comfort to small (or even large) KDF and Federation fleets right now.
Many in the community are still unsettled by the depth of the cutbacks to Dilithium rewards and the increased emphasis on grind that was introduced with Season 7 and this latest move is seen by myself and others as a further step towards taking freedom of choice as to how to enjoy this game out of the hands of the players.
These issues aside, the KDF as a whole is still in dire need of more content and Dev attention - I won't go into specifics here since we're all aware of where Cryptic/PWE has failed the KDF.
So I have a simple request - Cryptic has inadvertently given the KDF a means to peacefully protest when the Federation has none - the
'Disenchanted' title that's given as a reward for completing the Fek'lhri missions.
I'll be changing the title on both of my KDF characters to Disenchanted until such a time as Cryptic/PWE shows itself to be addressing the concerns of not just the KDF, but the player-base in general and I appeal to all of you that feel the KDF and the game deserves better to do the same.
Thank you for your time

My draft proposal from us to Cryptic - feedback much appreciated -
@aegisprime or kdfkaz 'at' gmail.com
Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
The doors, Mister Scott!
Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine? [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
Thank you!! *hugs!!*
Not at all. It's kinda' fun. It's like playing an underdog faction where you need to be creative as hell and put all the braincells to work so you can counter all the new toys thrown at the face of the Feds.
Thank you so much!!
Al Rivera hates Klingons
Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
All cloaks should be canon.
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
'This Far, No Further' (does require blowing all 10 unimatrix ships from red alert though...)
'Fallen' Receive 500,000 Tetryon Damage with your Ship
There are others but they dont feel right, or might be a tad aggressive
(just some ideas, not suggestions ^^;)
Just refer them back to this thread - I'm going to concentrate my time on the KDF since I spend more time there anyway and honestly, the KDF have had a much harder time of things than the Feds have.
That's not to say that the issues we're discussing don't affect both factions but the removal of the Fleet Marks reward isn't the whole issue, it's just a symptom of Cryptic ignoring what its players want in favour of 'metrics'.
If we're going to appeal to Cryptic for a meaningful dialogue and transparency in its handling of issues that affect the player-base, I think the KDF is the obvious place to start
I'm going to be writing to a number of the big KDF fleets to try and get them to support us - wish me luck!
"Unlimited In-Game Mail Access" must mean something different to Cryptic than it does to English.
"Unlimited In-Game Mail Access" must mean something different to Cryptic than it does to English.
@aegisprime - if I'm not on feel free to send me an email
I've read many of your posts and they've always communicated so well your frustration with Cryptic and the state of the KDF, but also the hopes you have for things to get better - thank you so much for your support!!
And thank you too nassiris!!
tlhIngan maH!
Elite Defense Stovokor
I'm going to post some more thoughts here tomorrow (it's getting late) but in the meantime, please point this thread out to your friends and fleet-mates to help spread the word!!
Aha, so that's what I got for completing that! Changed my fed main's title in support!
Oh yeah, and dont let the lack of a complete faction keep you from trying kdf side... there's *some* unique content there, and it's definitely worth playing. 8)
The doors, Mister Scott!
Get a KDF character if you don't already have one.
Recruit Fed-only players to the KDF.
Add something to your forum sig.
*Queues Klingon drinking song*