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Ground PVP Concerns Directory 1.0



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    buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    radkip wrote: »
    I'm actually happy that this is one of the few MMOs where crowd control spam isn't king. Every other MMO out there I press an ability and I get an error "can't do that while stunned", and then the respawn button appears.

    The issue with willpower is that it's required to deal with the ridiculous amounts of knockback and control a Fire Team Tac can put out, but you don't really need it to deal with much else besides pulsewave crits. Even with 9 willpower you're often rooted or slowed to a crawl by strong suppressing fires, but even at 3 willpower most other CC abilities are more often than not negated.

    I agree and also hate all the cc. But notice that the sci cc is easily resisted with 3 points in willpower yet the tac cc is not. The point is that many sci kits are cc only and thus useless for PvP yet the damage dealers (tacs) actually can realistically do more cc than sci, while also puting out tons more damage.

    My post was to address the Xeno kit that Sci gets to supposedly compete with Fire Team/Motion Accelerater. I am testing still to see its usefulness, but so far not even close to the other 2 professions' new kits.
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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    But notice that the sci cc is easily resisted with 3 points in willpower yet the tac cc is not.

    I see your point and agree that only 3 points in Willpower should not be able to almost negate science cc skills. At the same time something should be done to Suppressing Fire being able to root characters with 9 points in Willpower.

    The issue with Suppressing Fire might be the stacking, as majortiraomega pointed out. As a suggestion I'd place a max count on how many times the debuff can stack. Many skills in the game already have such a restriction in place so it seems logical to me. Additionally, the debuff itself needs to be properly resisted by root/slow resistance provided by Willpower/skills/gear.

    About the amount of KB a tac can put out, KB seems to be augmented by damage buffs. For reference, I have Willpower + Sure Footed + MACO armor. From personal experience a superbuffed Lunge will KB me much more often than a normal one, and if I'm crouched and take double damage from a NORMAL Lunge, I'll also get KB'ed consistently. This feels wrong considering how much KB resistance I have.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

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    mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Any news Borticus?
    Division Hispana
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    guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Suppression fire

    When suppression fire is paired with a weapon with continuous fire, such as the omega autocarbine, it creates a paralysis effect on the target. This paralysis effect makes it impossible for the target to turn to face the attacker while under fire from the ability in addition to the intended run speed reduction.

    I am not aware of this issue. I would like to test it with you at some point, if possible. Can you look me up ingame @guriphu?
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    majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    guriphu wrote: »
    I am not aware of this issue. I would like to test it with you at some point, if possible. Can you look me up ingame @guriphu?

    Sure, I would be happy to run some tests with you. I believe the problem with suppression fire is better explained by tk79 above. Suppression fire roots the target rather than simply reducing runspeed when suppression fire is paired with a weapon like the Omega Autocarbine. Willpower does nothing to reduce this problem. The repeated reapplication of the debuff may be unintentionally creating a root on the target.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
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    borgresearcherborgresearcher Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i agree so much with the cryo launcher in need of a nerf =X even if you get yourself well buffed, without a ev suit you will get only 20 or 30% cold resis, nothing compared to the energy type 50% resis i get myself without buffs
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    buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Omega carbine has its own root built in. Especially the Mk XII edition.
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2013
    The following changes have now been checked in, and (provided QA gives the OK) should appear on Tribble soon:

    - Lunge and Pounce now share a 6.0sec Category cooldown.

    - Activating Tactical Initiative (Ground) will no longer allow the Ophidian Cane to be infinitely recast without a cooldown.

    - Dampening Field now reduces Environmental Damage (Cold, Fire, Radiation, etc) in addition to Energy Damage.

    - Weapons Malfunction no longer removes the Damage Immunity effect of the Stasis Pistol's secondary attack.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Very nice Borticus, but can you provide us with an ETA on the Cryo Launcher fix? or can we expect that in May?
    Division Hispana
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The following changes have now been checked in, and (provided QA gives the OK) should appear on Tribble soon:

    - Lunge and Pounce now share a 6.0sec Category cooldown.

    - Activating Tactical Initiative (Ground) will no longer allow the Ophidian Cane to be infinitely recast without a cooldown.

    - Dampening Field now reduces Environmental Damage (Cold, Fire, Radiation, etc) in addition to Energy Damage.

    - Weapons Malfunction no longer removes the Damage Immunity effect of the Stasis Pistol's secondary attack.

    I do have a question... That can relate to ground pvp is the Jem Hadar XII set from the lobi store working as intended? I just get the feeling it is going to get nerfed on how well its working with the non-borg related ground combat.

    The other issue is with the liberated borg from the perk of having the LTS. One typo thing I've noticed is that the KDF side it says Traits from the Liberated Borg Human Trait Pool. I know they are the same on both sides but one thing that might go some ways is redoing one of the required traits that automatically comes with it is adding some of the traits abilities that a human or klingon have so it doesn't feel like you are no longer Human or no longer a warrior LOL. Especially with the Klingon ones they feel weaker than playing a run of the mill Klingon which I feel shouldn't be the case when it comes to playing them but to the point that they are not a pay to win/over powering issue.

    The only other gripe I have with ground combat is that the way swords work needs to be less robotic and whenever the schedule is going to permit for programming time a possible revamp on how the melee combinations work and such/would be interesting to be able to have the stf kdf weapons work kind of like the 1000 day veteran ships work where they have moving parts so the shotgun or battle rifle can change into an actual full fledged melee weapon and maybe the feds could get theres to turn into a food replicator or something just for balance purposes :).
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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I do have a question... That can relate to ground pvp is the Jem Hadar XII set from the lobi store working as intended? I just get the feeling it is going to get nerfed on how well its working with the non-borg related ground combat.

    The Jem'Hadar Armor has zero Physical resistance. Its good regen doesn't make up for the fact that a superbuffed Lunge/Pounce might one-shot you out of crouch. I don't see it being a good set for pvp.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

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    radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My brand new 50 babby engineer doesn't have STF armour yet, and I've only got about 14% physical resistance due to the [Phys] tag on my Energy Dampening armour. I get ripped to shreds by the following:

    Superbuffed lunge, takes about 90% of my health out with full shields
    Nonbuffed but melee-doff sword wielding tac, cuts me in half pretty quickly
    Borg in STFs like to pistolwhip me with their megaman arms while I set up bombs/mines
    Klingons (specifically sword and dahar masters) in elite ground exploration missions poke a few holes in me if I let them get close

    Hell, I even got tag teamed by an engineer using fuse armour on me and a tac using the close combat kit to finish me off. How embarrassing!

    Without physical resistance, your goose is cooked in PvP against most Tacs as they're all gravitating towards covert operative, and they all like using Lunge to get into pulsewave range. I have a feeling that the Jem'Hadar XII set is garbage for PvP and the only good thing about it is the miini stealth thing.
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2013
    mrkollins wrote: »
    Very nice Borticus, but can you provide us with an ETA on the Cryo Launcher fix? or can we expect that in May?

    Simply put, I cannot provide an ETA. Scheduling is tight, and the May update takes priority right now.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The following changes have now been checked in, and (provided QA gives the OK) should appear on Tribble soon:

    - Lunge and Pounce now share a 6.0sec Category cooldown.

    - Activating Tactical Initiative (Ground) will no longer allow the Ophidian Cane to be infinitely recast without a cooldown.

    - Dampening Field now reduces Environmental Damage (Cold, Fire, Radiation, etc) in addition to Energy Damage.

    - Weapons Malfunction no longer removes the Damage Immunity effect of the Stasis Pistol's secondary attack.

    Awesome :) I'll keep an eye on the tribble notes and try to get in to test that. If I notice an error with one of these fixes, should I post it here, or..?
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    radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    No fix in sight for the cold weapons makes me a sad individual. It gets disheartening to bunker up and then get oneshot by a guy who just came out of cloak from 8m away.

    Hopefully May fixes it, until then, I'm done.
    Joined: January 2010

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    felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    radkip wrote: »
    It gets disheartening to bunker up and then get oneshot by a guy who just came out of cloak from 8m away.

    I'll say. It seems to me that an engineer running with reroute power to shields, shield recharge, and equipment diagnostics, while crouched, shouldn't be killed in one shot, or even one shot and a rifle butt.
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    buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The Cryo Pulsewave can one-shot a player at quite the range with a critical hit.
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    mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Simply put, I cannot provide an ETA. Scheduling is tight, and the May update takes priority right now.

    Ok, i understand.
    felderburg wrote: »
    I'll say. It seems to me that an engineer running with reroute power to shields, shield recharge, and equipment diagnostics, while crouched, shouldn't be killed in one shot, or even one shot and a rifle butt.

    The problem with that is that you need several seconds, 2 or 3 to run all those buffs, the tact can buff himself while in cloak, so he needs to step out of if and just shoot, practically you have no time to react.
    Division Hispana
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    radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That's my main concern really. When I'm on my Tac and I know there's a cloaker around, I hang around back and wait for them to uncloak and get ready. That's when I suppressing fire and blast them with a quick attack.

    From my own past experiences with the operative kit, I've needed Target Optics and Fire On My Mark to overcome defenses people had due to their armour, even with a crit flank shot. When I had to apply these two, that gave the defending team ample time to shut me down.

    With the cryo, you don't even need Fire On My Mark or Target Optics. You just need to prebuff and then derp all over your 2 key and your opponent is dead. I can't suppressing fire that, or prebuff on my science or engineer. I can at least do that for people who have standard energy pulsewaves or who run any other kit/energy pulsewave.
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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I went into the queues last night with my new sci and could see the root effect of the Autocarbine in action for the first time. It prevented me to move and turn for about 2 seconds at most, and all I could do was crouch. Although the root duration was small, it was plenty for the enemies to flank me to death.

    My sci is still away from omega sets with root resistance but he does have Willpower. I noticed the effect mostly when two or three enemies were attacking me at once, but I was not able to tell at that time if more than one had the Autocarbine and/or Suppressing Fire active.

    On the other hand I've rarely (if at all, I honestly don't remember) seen that root effect on my Engineer. I guess it comes with willpower + omega sets with root resistance (and maybe traits, he has Sure Footed as well), and I'm hoping it will be the case with my sci when he gets them.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

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    nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The following changes have now been checked in, and (provided QA gives the OK) should appear on Tribble soon:

    - Lunge and Pounce now share a 6.0sec Category cooldown.

    - Activating Tactical Initiative (Ground) will no longer allow the Ophidian Cane to be infinitely recast without a cooldown.

    - Dampening Field now reduces Environmental Damage (Cold, Fire, Radiation, etc) in addition to Energy Damage.

    - Weapons Malfunction no longer removes the Damage Immunity effect of the Stasis Pistol's secondary attack.

    Ahhh awesome, the cane fix is long overdue. Now how about engineer deployables despawning when the player who fielded them is defeated? :P
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    guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Item: Omega PSG
    Issue: The expose proc is bugged and currently affects the shield wearer, not the damage owner.
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    radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Item: Omega PSG
    Issue: The expose proc is bugged and currently affects the shield wearer, not the damage owner.

    Relevant bug report thread with further explanation.
    Joined: January 2010

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    mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wow that's new?

    Thread updated.
    Division Hispana
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    mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I wonder if we will ever get an update on all the other issues we've put forward in this posting. Its rather sad to see that fixing pvp for real - by addressing the bugs and balancing issues first - seems to be still no priority.
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    mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Lunge and Pounce now share a 6.0sec Category Cooldown on Tribble
    Division Hispana
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    radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    mikiiy wrote: »
    I wonder if we will ever get an update on all the other issues we've put forward in this posting. Its rather sad to see that fixing pvp for real - by addressing the bugs and balancing issues first - seems to be still no priority.
    Well, they do have a huge, huge content update (so they say) coming, so I can see why it's not a priority at the moment. It's disheartening, but they're looking at balance in general over at the offices of Cryptic, which is also a good thing.

    I'm not sure if it's a pressing balance issue, but does anyone else think that melee weapons making you fly is a bit ridiculous? I can see why it's needed so that melee is viable in even PvE, but if I can jump over a barrier with it, it seems silly. The "z-axis abuse" could probably get "fixed".

    Yay, nay?
    Joined: January 2010

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    zeratkzeratk Member Posts: 409
    edited February 2013
    Concerning Shanty Town / Caitian & Ferasan
    This is Crypticverse... :mad:
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    mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    radkip wrote: »
    Well, they do have a huge, huge content update (so they say) coming, so I can see why it's not a priority at the moment. It's disheartening, but they're looking at balance in general over at the offices of Cryptic, which is also a good thing.

    I'm not sure if it's a pressing balance issue, but does anyone else think that melee weapons making you fly is a bit ridiculous? I can see why it's needed so that melee is viable in even PvE, but if I can jump over a barrier with it, it seems silly. The "z-axis abuse" could probably get "fixed".

    Yay, nay?

    Yes, is completely ridiculous, but i think it's not one of the main corcerns regarding PvP right now.
    Division Hispana
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    zeratkzeratk Member Posts: 409
    edited February 2013
    Concerning this issue, to prevent a discussion in this thread here:
    mrkollins wrote: »
    08. Level Design: Running Virus in Shanty Town
    Issue: The virus in shanty town is like the flag in capture the flag games, yet most people don't even notice whats going on there because the virus can be moved while under perfect cloak (covert trait + stealth module) and can be captured while under cloak (omega cloak+covert trait).. thus the virus carrier is never ever showing up on the minimap, the base turrets will never see anything either, making this totally unintuitive and hard to handle

    This is Crypticverse... :mad:
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