I suspect we'll have to do some fairly extensive testing and re-learning of the game, come Season 8. Until that point, I'd suggest shelving balance concerns (including the one that I posted regarding suppressing fire) and focusing on issues that negatively impact the game now and will continue to do so in the same ways Season 8 if not changed, such as chain-disables, ineffective control resistance, pathing issues, invisible walls / missing walls, mismatches between power description and effect, kit cycling, etc.
We were informed that the immunities might not prevent additional knockbacks, but rather reduce the timeframe of the next knockback. Currently immunities are not functioning in such a way either: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPYBzC2tM7Q
There are a few more examples of this. Furthermore willpower is not consistent in its counter to different effects. It either works or does not work at all.
We have also tested pounce and have found that it knockbacks 100% of the time, instead of the 80% listed in the tooltip.
Okay. I will admit the Temporal Stun guns are an issue. Whether in STF, or a story mission, the Temporal Stun guns cause the stunned enemy to be entirely immune to damage. Quite obviously, this has been used for trolling to Academy Event. Freeze the holograms, and that person is now unable to kill them. :rolleyes:
The Alien power Psionic push could use a buff, willpower all but negates it totally. The damage could be buffed to match pounce and up the knockdown to 100%. Also could be 80% through shields and have cooldown reduced to match that of pounce. Of course, some people will complain, but that is what pounce has.
I just noticed again how underpowered and useless psionic push still is. It used to be a pretty good trait before willpower and unpushable borg.
Which brings up the idea of C-store traits? Let us pay for more powerful traits without having to play a race we don't like or all be the same race.
I purchased the Catian race but do not like them, so pay to win mentality says let me put pounce and feline instincts on my alien or get upgrades psionic push to match it?
Also PBKB shields were nice before willpower made their effect non existent.
The Alien power Psionic push could use a buff, willpower all but negates it totally. The damage could be buffed to match pounce and up the knockdown to 100%. Also could be 80% through shields and have cooldown reduced to match that of pounce. Of course, some people will complain, but that is what pounce has.
I just noticed again how underpowered and useless psionic push still is. It used to be a pretty good trait before willpower and unpushable borg.
Are you referring to Telekinesis? If so, I have to say that I duel quite often with a science officer in my fleet with that power and it knocks me back consistently and for a very long distance, disabling me for enough seconds to put me in disadvantage. As the one in the receiving end, and with 6 points in Willpower, I don't think it's underpowered at all.
Are you referring to Telekinesis? If so, I have to say that I duel quite often with a science officer in my fleet with that power and it knocks me back consistently and for a very long distance, disabling me for enough seconds to put me in disadvantage. As the one in the receiving end, and with 6 points in Willpower, I don't think it's underpowered at all.
More tongue-in-cheek response to Catian traits that are supposedly balanced.
And if racial traits are 'pay for an advantage' as some are saying about Catians then we could have more options and purchasable traits for all species. Why should P2W be restricted to just cats on ground?
More tongue-in-cheek response to Catian traits that are supposedly balanced.
And if racial traits are 'pay for an advantage' as some are saying about Catians then we could have more options and purchasable traits for all species. Why should P2W be restricted to just cats on ground?
Just throwing out thoughts and ideas.
"I've never trusted Caitians, and I never will. I've never forgiven them, for the death of my ground PvP." :P
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
"I've never trusted Caitians, and I never will. I've never forgiven them, for the death of my ground PvP." :P
This is as comical as pug passing off the bs that engy is the weakest class on ground. Ground pvp is dead cause of broken chain knockbacks and up until very recently other issues that kept q's from popping left and right. And even with all this space pvp is far worse off as the QQ on these forums demostrates.
Ground pvp you don't need a cat to do your job. In the whole scheme of things cats do very little to upset ground balance but provide ever so small dodge advantages with jump height allowing for a few less deaths potentially. Ground pvp currently only has one op lobi store weapon. The rest of it is garbage besides the gambling device which simply replaces all tribbles and actually brings more balance to firepower between the classes. How much op p2w TRIBBLE does space have? Space pvp is either lockbox or higher tier 5 tact console fleet system escort or bust.
The fact that space pvp boot camp hasn't been cancelled and ground has is due to choices of it's organizers and does not reflect the state of balance in space or ground. Maybe you should learn how to play ground mimey before you blame your inadequacies on cats. MMMkay cupcake! And yes I have cats and have rolled non cats in ground pvp before them. Just saying!
To explain why ground PvP is dead we would need to ask those who left why, not ask those still playing.
Flavor of the month OP abilities spammed by immature players lacking sportsmanship, manners, dignity, and respect.
Perfect cloaking...this kind of mechanic should be based on skill not a trait and kit that work every time. Other games have cloaking, but if you know where they are you can just kill them easily.
No real sniping, just a 5 meter range bonus and a long shooting animation coupled with a visible targeting laser, lol.
A variety of kits, but not useful ones.
The same emphasis on pet spam that has plagued space PvP.
Giving all players healing nanites, fast recool hypos, set bonus shield heals, and dodge favors the offensive kits.
Giving science like toys to all players that work better than the actual science kits for science captains.
Doffs...on a ship maybe, but on ground?
There are other well done, free to play, balanced PvP games.
STO just lacks the polish in PvP to act as a competitive environment that rewards skill over gear and artificial advantages. Not because it can't, it just doesn't want to.
I'll be removing this, after a few matches with the Grenade Launcher it doesn't seem to be a problem, you have around 2 or 3 seconds to react and move away from the grenade once it's on you feet, it doesn't explode upon impact like normal grenades.
16. Ability: Ambush Issue: Ambush is not consumed on use of grenades. While this wasn't that much of an issue yet and changing this will put tacticals on fireteam kit on serious disadvantage as they won't be able to bite through a good healers healing anymore without this spike damage it may now (while looking at tribble) become an issue. The separating of the adapted maco/KHG pulsewaves grenade launcher's cooldown from the grenade cooldown system means tacticals will be able to chain 3 fully ambush buffed hits in a row: weapon grenade-launcher + fire teams kit grenade + normal shotgun hit
Although i'll keep this one, it's related and it's an issue, minor, but issue at least.
17. Weapon Ability: Photon Grenade Launcher Issue: The KHG and Adapted MACO weapons secondary fire "Photon Grenade Launcher" draws no impact circle on the floor, thus when making fully buffed shots from range in a crowded pvp provide an easy way to deal severe area effect dame (up to even one shots) without giving the victims of this tactic much chance to dodge it
Weapon malfunction when fully specced is lasting way too long, it should top out at like 10 seconds since there is no skill to spec into to resist it.
Cover shield spam is pretty bad when a team has multiple engineers spamming it, last match it was almost impossible for either side to shoot anywhere because each team had 3-5 eng with it. Make the shield a little smaller, decrease its hitpoints, increase the cooldown, and decrease the duration it lasts before despawning please. Buff support drone a little to compensate engs.
Weapon malfunction when fully specced is lasting way too long, it should top out at like 10 seconds since there is no skill to spec into to resist it.
Cover shield spam is pretty bad when a team has multiple engineers spamming it, last match it was almost impossible for either side to shoot anywhere because each team had 3-5 eng with it. Make the shield a little smaller, decrease its hitpoints, increase the cooldown, and decrease the duration it lasts before despawning please. Buff support drone a little to compensate engs.
I am having trouble deciding if this is a joke or not You don't need skills to resist weapons malfunction. A power cell clears the whole freaking thing. Don't forget about the dmg debuff weapons malfunction leaves on up to 30 seconds after the weapons disable clears off.
As far as cover shield spam. LOL I won't even bother responding to this as it just cracks me up. I mean nevermind the fact that the opposing team can't shoot through cover shields as well!
Now if you want a real joke to run wild with let's get some doffs for cover shield :P Hmm what could they do?
If you are reading this bort please I implore you totally disregard what this guy says.
Umm no. Weapon malfunction can very well save your life when faced with an Elite Tactical Drone or two or three, or when you are looking at a team of 20+ Drones. As for the duration, the weapon malfunction lasts only just long enough for you to either find a hiding spot where you can use your heals, or to finish off the Drones (IF you are lucky), so the duration of the Malfunction very well will save your life if timed well enough. Or when you are facing Manus or Armek, both of whom can and WILL one-hit kill you, so the Malfunction can very prevent this if you time it correctly.
The same is true of the cover shield. When you are looking at AN ENTIRE PLATOON of Drones, but you only have a total of maybe 10 hit points left, the Cover Shield is what will give you at least a second or two to use your healing abilities before the Shield gets destroyed. And again with the Elite Tactical Drones, the life of the Shield actually becomes quite short. You may only get 4-5 seconds before even just a single Elite Tactical Drone just destroys the Shield outright, so you need to be very fast in deploying said heals.
To make matters worse, you will often encounter Tactical Drones (and not even the Elite ones) who can just simply deliver their fully-charged shot THROUGH THE WALLS (*looks at Defera*), so the Cover Shield actually becomes quite useless.
I am having trouble deciding if this is a joke or not You don't need skills to resist weapons malfunction. A power cell clears the whole freaking thing. Don't forget about the dmg debuff weapons malfunction leaves on up to 30 seconds after the weapons disable clears off.
As far as cover shield spam. LOL I won't even bother responding to this as it just cracks me up. I mean nevermind the fact that the opposing team can't shoot through cover shields as well!
Now if you want a real joke to run wild with let's get some doffs for cover shield :P Hmm what could they do?
If you are reading this bort please I implore you totally disregard what this guy says.
Not everyone always plays cats like you and can jump over shields all the time, its really bad when you have 4 idiots on your team all spamming it in the way and you cant kill the shields because its your teams. I had that happen to me today.
Also when you have that many engs on a team you constantly get weapon malfunction spammed then you can never use hypo because you always using a cell. Either make a skill give some resistance to it or lower duration.
Not everyone always plays cats like you and can jump over shields all the time, its really bad when you have 4 idiots on your team all spamming it in the way and you cant kill the shields because its your teams. I had that happen to me today.
Also when you have that many engs on a team you constantly get weapon malfunction spammed then you can never use hypo because you always using a cell. Either make a skill give some resistance to it or lower duration.
Last time I checked enough of the ground pvp population are cats anyway. But spamming weapon malfunction wouldn't be something Hammer does.
If by some chance we ran a 4 engy team which frankly we don't even have 4 engys that I can remember, we sure as heck wouldn't all run equip tech or enemy neut kits. Odds are one of us would run turrets mortars maybe even a bunker for shield gens and dome.
Also your logic about spamming weapons malfunction leads to another argument of anything that can be spammed by teams of the same class will get spammed forget about engys.
What if a team of sci all just stayed back and spammed physics and burned you guys to death. What if a team of 5 sci's just tanked you all to death? Better yet what if a team of 5 tacts simply chain sup fire you to death? Honestly I would rather be chained by weapons malfunction before any of these alternatives. And also if you haven't cleared the weapons malfunction with a power cell you do get an immunity to it for 30 seconds if I recall right.
The point is of all classes and things to cry nerf about it seems like you picked the most underpowered things to be chosen for the nerf bat. To the poster above you Marc is speaking in terms of pvp play. Pve is well let's just say I eat dinner in one hand while playing the game with my second hand while i run stf's :P
Chain knockback is officially here to stay; The "Knockdown Immunity" buff you get when someone knocks you over is now gone on Tribble. And no, Surefooted does not make people immune to knockback like it is (was?) supposed to.
And Ground PvP was starting to get better. Oh well. Time to move onto a game that isn't intentionally broken.
Joined: January 2010
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Chain knockback is officially here to stay; The "Knockdown Immunity" buff you get when someone knocks you over is now gone on Tribble. And no, Surefooted does not make people immune to knockback like it is (was?) supposed to.
And Ground PvP was starting to get better. Oh well. Time to move onto a game that isn't intentionally broken.
From what I've seen on tribble, willpower got nerfed a bit and that's a good thing IMO. Stun pistols actually do something! Chain knockback isn't staying. According to mrkollins, Bort has said this will be addressed after LoR goes live. Get a [pbkb] shield to at least help deal with people exploiting it with swords for now.
As for the post about WM. that's what power cells are for. That's what taking cover is for. It hardly lasts long enough to even be an issue and is cleared and countered easily. Should dampening field be nerfed because more then one sci can use it? As for cover shields. One tachyon harmonic will destroy it no matter how much HPs it has. If you don't have a sci to do that it can be annoying but no reason to cry nerf. Engineer options have become increasingly limited and that shield has a variety of uses. Most use it to protect themselves while they deploy pets and that's kinda the idea behind a COVER shield! :P
Weapon malfunction when fully specced is lasting way too long, it should top out at like 10 seconds since there is no skill to spec into to resist it.
Say whaaaaaat? As an Engineer, I find that using weapons malfunction on a Tactical leaves much to be desired. There are many Tactical officers out there who can blissfully ignore weapons malfunction - which is bad, because they're the ones it's most needed on.
When it's used on me, sure, it's annoying, but hopefully I can survive long enough for it to clear (or use my own debuff clearing powers). WM is fine as is (and if anything could use a super boost where it works completely no matter what, but only if your main is an engineer and your @handle is mine).
As for shields, they're useful as is. If you have people on your own team completely blocking the line of fire, then... I don't know what to tell you. You should probably move to a different location that isn't a dead-end.
The best thing about Weapons Malfunction is that most Tacs are bad and use it while they behind cover,, using the three second immunity buff up while they're moving out into view or using their other buffs.
Chain knockback isn't staying. According to mrkollins, Bort has said this will be addressed after LoR goes live.
Yeah, but it's easy to just say something though. Granted, Borticus is one of the few developers who don't throw empty promises out like garbage, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.
Joined: January 2010
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
If willpower got nerfed, does that mean that you just get knocked down, slowed, and stunlocked at random while walking around on ESD? It already does nothing, so if it got nerfed it must now do less than nothing... :rolleyes:
Willpower does nothing? Curious what makes you say that. The difference between a 0 willpower toon and one with 6 is quite large. Stun phasers/grenades don't work. Cane doesn't stun/lift them. Fuse armor hold is reduced to almost nothing. Kit stasis does nothing. I don't think the chain knock back is a result of willpower not working. If you're right and willpower does do nothing then it was the stun that was buffed. All I know is stun phasers/grenades work on tribble. Even toons with 6 WP , STF armor and resistance traits still get stunned, still get lifted by the cane and on holodeck they don't. .
Well, should we add the Tholian Elite stasis drones now or wait a couple weeks? :rolleyes: For those not in the know, the Nukara rep unlocks Tholian reprogrammed drone consumable with a stasis drone that holds you in place. Cannot move. Cannot fire. Take full damage. Stubborn clickie does break you out but the drone puts you right back in and you can't use stubborn again to break out as it goes on 4 min CD. My question is why bother to fix stasis WM bug when these ridiculous things were coming. Ok everybody, who can spawn the most pets?? While all of our pets "PvP" I'ma go make a sammich.
Well, should we add the Tholian Elite stasis drones now or wait a couple weeks? :rolleyes: For those not in the know, the Nukara rep unlocks Tholian reprogrammed drone consumable with a stasis drone that holds you in place. Cannot move. Cannot fire. Take full damage. Stubborn clickie does break you out but the drone puts you right back in and you can't use stubborn again to break out as it goes on 4 min CD. My question is why bother to fix stasis WM bug when these ridiculous things were coming. Ok everybody, who can spawn the most pets?? While all of our pets "PvP" I'ma go make a sammich.
This makes me sad, all the fighting we did to get that bug fixed and then cryptic decides
"OH you didnt like being able to kill someone that couldnt fight back while they were in stasis? you want that gun fixed? Ok here we fix it for you...but you can take these drones that do the same thing but now are working as intended!"
This makes me sad, all the fighting we did to get that bug fixed and then cryptic decides
"OH you didnt like being able to kill someone that couldnt fight back while they were in stasis? you want that gun fixed? Ok here we fix it for you...but you can take these drones that do the same thing but now are working as intended!"
This post suggests that immunities might function in such a manner: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=8844011&postcount=7
We were informed that the immunities might not prevent additional knockbacks, but rather reduce the timeframe of the next knockback. Currently immunities are not functioning in such a way either:
The same goes for hold resistance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UDSbY60j-Q
The Stun Pistol's secondary does however proc a true immunity to additional stuns.
There are a few more examples of this. Furthermore willpower is not consistent in its counter to different effects. It either works or does not work at all.
We have also tested pounce and have found that it knockbacks 100% of the time, instead of the 80% listed in the tooltip.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
I just noticed again how underpowered and useless psionic push still is. It used to be a pretty good trait before willpower and unpushable borg.
Which brings up the idea of C-store traits? Let us pay for more powerful traits without having to play a race we don't like or all be the same race.
I purchased the Catian race but do not like them, so pay to win mentality says let me put pounce and feline instincts on my alien or get upgrades psionic push to match it?
Also PBKB shields were nice before willpower made their effect non existent.
Are you referring to Telekinesis? If so, I have to say that I duel quite often with a science officer in my fleet with that power and it knocks me back consistently and for a very long distance, disabling me for enough seconds to put me in disadvantage. As the one in the receiving end, and with 6 points in Willpower, I don't think it's underpowered at all.
STO Screenshot Archive
More tongue-in-cheek response to Catian traits that are supposedly balanced.
And if racial traits are 'pay for an advantage' as some are saying about Catians then we could have more options and purchasable traits for all species. Why should P2W be restricted to just cats on ground?
Just throwing out thoughts and ideas.
"I've never trusted Caitians, and I never will. I've never forgiven them, for the death of my ground PvP." :P
This is as comical as pug passing off the bs that engy is the weakest class on ground. Ground pvp is dead cause of broken chain knockbacks and up until very recently other issues that kept q's from popping left and right. And even with all this space pvp is far worse off as the QQ on these forums demostrates.
Ground pvp you don't need a cat to do your job. In the whole scheme of things cats do very little to upset ground balance but provide ever so small dodge advantages with jump height allowing for a few less deaths potentially. Ground pvp currently only has one op lobi store weapon. The rest of it is garbage besides the gambling device which simply replaces all tribbles and actually brings more balance to firepower between the classes. How much op p2w TRIBBLE does space have? Space pvp is either lockbox or higher tier 5 tact console fleet system escort or bust.
The fact that space pvp boot camp hasn't been cancelled and ground has is due to choices of it's organizers and does not reflect the state of balance in space or ground. Maybe you should learn how to play ground mimey before you blame your inadequacies on cats. MMMkay cupcake! And yes I have cats and have rolled non cats in ground pvp before them. Just saying!
Flavor of the month OP abilities spammed by immature players lacking sportsmanship, manners, dignity, and respect.
Perfect cloaking...this kind of mechanic should be based on skill not a trait and kit that work every time. Other games have cloaking, but if you know where they are you can just kill them easily.
No real sniping, just a 5 meter range bonus and a long shooting animation coupled with a visible targeting laser, lol.
A variety of kits, but not useful ones.
The same emphasis on pet spam that has plagued space PvP.
Giving all players healing nanites, fast recool hypos, set bonus shield heals, and dodge favors the offensive kits.
Giving science like toys to all players that work better than the actual science kits for science captains.
Doffs...on a ship maybe, but on ground?
There are other well done, free to play, balanced PvP games.
STO just lacks the polish in PvP to act as a competitive environment that rewards skill over gear and artificial advantages. Not because it can't, it just doesn't want to.
Although i'll keep this one, it's related and it's an issue, minor, but issue at least.
Cover shield spam is pretty bad when a team has multiple engineers spamming it, last match it was almost impossible for either side to shoot anywhere because each team had 3-5 eng with it. Make the shield a little smaller, decrease its hitpoints, increase the cooldown, and decrease the duration it lasts before despawning please. Buff support drone a little to compensate engs.
I am having trouble deciding if this is a joke or not
As far as cover shield spam. LOL I won't even bother responding to this as it just cracks me up. I mean nevermind the fact that the opposing team can't shoot through cover shields as well!
Now if you want a real joke to run wild with let's get some doffs for cover shield :P Hmm what could they do?
If you are reading this bort please I implore you totally disregard what this guy says.
The same is true of the cover shield. When you are looking at AN ENTIRE PLATOON of Drones, but you only have a total of maybe 10 hit points left, the Cover Shield is what will give you at least a second or two to use your healing abilities before the Shield gets destroyed. And again with the Elite Tactical Drones, the life of the Shield actually becomes quite short. You may only get 4-5 seconds before even just a single Elite Tactical Drone just destroys the Shield outright, so you need to be very fast in deploying said heals.
To make matters worse, you will often encounter Tactical Drones (and not even the Elite ones) who can just simply deliver their fully-charged shot THROUGH THE WALLS (*looks at Defera*), so the Cover Shield actually becomes quite useless.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
Not everyone always plays cats like you and can jump over shields all the time, its really bad when you have 4 idiots on your team all spamming it in the way and you cant kill the shields because its your teams. I had that happen to me today.
Also when you have that many engs on a team you constantly get weapon malfunction spammed then you can never use hypo because you always using a cell. Either make a skill give some resistance to it or lower duration.
Last time I checked enough of the ground pvp population are cats anyway. But spamming weapon malfunction wouldn't be something Hammer does.
If by some chance we ran a 4 engy team which frankly we don't even have 4 engys that I can remember, we sure as heck wouldn't all run equip tech or enemy neut kits. Odds are one of us would run turrets mortars maybe even a bunker for shield gens and dome.
Also your logic about spamming weapons malfunction leads to another argument of anything that can be spammed by teams of the same class will get spammed forget about engys.
What if a team of sci all just stayed back and spammed physics and burned you guys to death. What if a team of 5 sci's just tanked you all to death? Better yet what if a team of 5 tacts simply chain sup fire you to death? Honestly I would rather be chained by weapons malfunction before any of these alternatives. And also if you haven't cleared the weapons malfunction with a power cell you do get an immunity to it for 30 seconds if I recall right.
The point is of all classes and things to cry nerf about it seems like you picked the most underpowered things to be chosen for the nerf bat. To the poster above you Marc is speaking in terms of pvp play. Pve is well let's just say I eat dinner in one hand while playing the game with my second hand while i run stf's :P
And Ground PvP was starting to get better. Oh well. Time to move onto a game that isn't intentionally broken.
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
From what I've seen on tribble, willpower got nerfed a bit and that's a good thing IMO. Stun pistols actually do something! Chain knockback isn't staying. According to mrkollins, Bort has said this will be addressed after LoR goes live. Get a [pbkb] shield to at least help deal with people exploiting it with swords for now.
As for the post about WM. that's what power cells are for. That's what taking cover is for. It hardly lasts long enough to even be an issue and is cleared and countered easily. Should dampening field be nerfed because more then one sci can use it? As for cover shields. One tachyon harmonic will destroy it no matter how much HPs it has. If you don't have a sci to do that it can be annoying but no reason to cry nerf. Engineer options have become increasingly limited and that shield has a variety of uses. Most use it to protect themselves while they deploy pets and that's kinda the idea behind a COVER shield! :P
Vanilla Ground PvP information
Say whaaaaaat? As an Engineer, I find that using weapons malfunction on a Tactical leaves much to be desired. There are many Tactical officers out there who can blissfully ignore weapons malfunction - which is bad, because they're the ones it's most needed on.
When it's used on me, sure, it's annoying, but hopefully I can survive long enough for it to clear (or use my own debuff clearing powers). WM is fine as is (and if anything could use a super boost where it works completely no matter what, but only if your main is an engineer and your @handle is mine).
As for shields, they're useful as is. If you have people on your own team completely blocking the line of fire, then... I don't know what to tell you. You should probably move to a different location that isn't a dead-end.
Yeah, but it's easy to just say something though. Granted, Borticus is one of the few developers who don't throw empty promises out like garbage, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
Vanilla Ground PvP information
Vanilla Ground PvP information
This makes me sad, all the fighting we did to get that bug fixed and then cryptic decides
"OH you didnt like being able to kill someone that couldnt fight back while they were in stasis? you want that gun fixed? Ok here we fix it for you...but you can take these drones that do the same thing but now are working as intended!"
Enjoy your last few months of borderline playability while you can, lolspace. Cryptic is coming for you next.
"working as designed"
Most of the unfortunate problems with the launch of LoR have been resolved so I can assume that the team is not longer under complete pressure :P.
We have a new brand of bugs to fix and the older ones as well.