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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



  • vexashenvexashen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Agreed. The saucer separation console has its uses and I do love using it. From a simple love of seeing the ship use it in the show down to the fact it is a dps and movement boost. I would love to see this ship gain a tac console even at the cost of an engineering or science one. I love to see it lose one of its plethora of engineering boffs slots in favor of even just another ensign tac.

    Regardless of changes or not I will continue to fly it. I love the ship and theres nothing in pve it cant pull off, solo or team play. Its not the strongest cruiser by far but its still capable.

    Last night I picked up my fleet sovereign. I did gain about 60% more damage over the galaxy. So yes I think the galaxy could be better. But I still say its more than capable of anything the devs can throw at it in pve.

    As for pvp I ran it last night in my premade group. I normally fly a bug ship in pvp so for sure I lost most of my burst ability. How ever I was able to blow away other ships with stacked beam overloads. Its probably not the most powerful set up but it was fun. Id love to have seen the look on the guys face when I doubled tapped him with beam overloads and watched him evaporate (single beams btw)
    The ORIGINAL SERIES VETERANS www.Tosfleet.com
    Cruisers with mk x common in infected elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q82PqoFFxjc
    Cruisers with good gear in infected elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMnFljZD9m8
    Soloing Infected Elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaEFICFx4E8&feature=youtu.be
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    oh yeah i don;t think any of us said it's not capable of doing PVE. it's just meh. if engineering boff powers where not as passive that would even be a welcomed change.

    i mainly fly it for the looks even though the fleet ambassador has more or less become my main ship wish i could put the galaxy skin on it

    the saucer sep changes though wile are good and might actually have me using that console more if i can re-spawn with out automatically recombining after a HY 56 plasma of ROFLSTOMP
  • gr8captaingr8captain Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You guys have to remember that when the Galaxy class was first pitched to be a part of Star Trek it was pitched to Gene Roddenberry. Most of these guys that are running the game now were still in diapers when Gene died so they have no clue what Star Trek really is. Or what it was meant to be.
    You Klingon TRIBBLE You Killed My Son.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    vexashen wrote: »
    Regardless of changes or not I will continue to fly it. I love the ship and theres nothing in pve it cant pull off, solo or team play. Its not the strongest cruiser by far but its still capable.

    i feel the same way about my galaxy x... for the pve part for sure, and still, for the pvp part but here i am force to, i can't enjoy this game in an other ship anymore.

    As for pvp I ran it last night in my premade group. I normally fly a bug ship in pvp so for sure I lost most of my burst ability. How ever I was able to blow away other ships with stacked beam overloads. Its probably not the most powerful set up but it was fun. Id love to have seen the look on the guys face when I doubled tapped him with beam overloads and watched him evaporate (single beams btw)

    many things here, first:
    introduce in your sentence " i was using a free sovereign/ free odyssey/ cstore odyssey/ exelsior/regent/ fleet heavy cruiser retrofit/ ambassador/ fleet sovy/ fleet exelsior/ fleet ambassador "( just pick one )....
    and no one will noticed any incoherence.
    why? because a stack beam overload or a double beam overload build is not a specificity of that ship and can be done much more efficiently with the ship i previously mentioned.
    so if anything, what you said could only back up the fact that the ship is not a total complet TRIBBLE... yes, this ship is, only, just a complet TRIBBLE.

    furthemore, althought when we read you it just sound magic, it dasn't show all the drawback that this tactic carry in that particular ship, and i can tell flying myself a double beam overload build in a galaxy x.

    staking beam overload mean that your not firing at the enemi for a minimum of 10 second ( that is the time of an alpha strike btw ) not very helpfull to your team if you want my opinion.

    then in order to make the second BO to have any effect you would have to use a batterie, because BO will suck you -50 weapons power no matter what virtual weapon power level your were at before ( and also provide that you don't use an auxtobat build with dem marion), so it make this tactic usefull every 2 minute only...and once again, provide that you don't just miss the target...so not very efficient to your team...

    but let said you use an double aux to bat build with marion doff ( no more power drain you will point me out)
    that is simply suicidary, first the doff required for that buils will leave no place for the tact team doff.
    having tact team only available every 30 second on a 6base turn rate and 25 inertia ship is NOT a brilliant idea.
    furthemore this build will give you only 2 epts1 and at best 2 tss to heal your shields ( no tractor beam to help you with beam accuracy or use it as a defense tanking, no brace for impact doff, no auxtosif doff), 1 engi team 1 ( no auxtosif 3 it share cooldown with auxtobat ) as your main hull heal.
    if you use engi team you will not be able to use tact team, if you use hazard emitter as hull heal you will lost shield tanking long term survivability.
    with that fantastic build you will be force to use RSP3 at the first pass of an alpha debuffing strike of 1 bugscort of pandas, when your green diaper fade out it will just be a matter of second before you respawn.
    and that is still valid in your biase test of benchmarking a ship capabilitie in a premade vs a pug.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tt is at its global because of tech doffs. theres no need for conn doffs, damage control, any of those with tech doffs
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tt is at its global because of tech doffs. theres no need for conn doffs, damage control, any of those with tech doffs

    Ho yes! It completely get out of my mind that auxtobat reduce cooldown on ALL bo abilities, my bad on that one however on the rest it stand correct... I think;)
  • spockout1spockout1 Member Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'll jump on the band-wagon here on both items - at least, both items in the last few pages (I'm not reading the entire 69 pages to get the idea).

    1) I'd love to see the Galaxy-class improved. Growing up on TNG, as I'm sure many did, it's classic and it should at least be "good enough" to hang in fights like the other top-end cruisers. Right now I'm happy plugging along in mine, sticking to PvE, knowing my limits, tweaking and fussing and trying to get an extra little bit out of it. But, I am one of the "won't give it up out of pride" types who knows full well that other cruisers out there are better - the first time I took the T5 Excelsior out for a spin and got a LtCdr. Tac BOFF slot, I knew it blew the doors off the T5 Galaxy.

    It needs love. It is lacking in performance. Most notably, it needs that Tac BOFF boost. Being Engineering-heavy is fine, but the way the game is set up now, there's no real benefit to that setup. I understand the argument that those three iconic Trek ships (Galaxy, Defiant, Intrepid) are the pure forms of Tac, Eng, and Sci ships. But, the fact is that there needs to be a little more balance - in either the ships, the game, or both. Personally, I'd rather see it get a LtCdr Tac BOFF station and a third tac console slot. I think those would be minor changes and we'd see a relatively big bump in performance.

    2) I'm all for a T5 Constitution and/or Enterprise-class. The original icon of Star Trek can certainly get a "balanced" end-game ship (by balanced I mean, it should probably fall in the below-average side of T5 cruiser performance - like a step above where the current Galaxy-class is). I tried, twice, to keep my T2 Cruiser Refit as long as possible in the game as I leveled-up. Only got to half-way to Captain rank before I threw in the towel as just "too hard." There just aren't enough weapons or BOFF slots to keep it a viable design in end-game. If you fly the current T1/T2 ships in end-game, it's a curiosity and if you're trying to STF, you need someone's help (probably several someones).

    The Galaxy could be addressed as an update to the game. Like I said, I think a couple simple changes could see a big gain. Maybe I'm not as savvy as some other cruiser skippers and it really does need a major overhaul, but that's just my opinion.

    The T5 Connie/Enterprise could be a paid add-on, like the numerous ships that are out there already. People would pay for it. Hell, I would. Same money-making opportunity could apply to a revamped Galaxy, but I don't think it *has* to come to that.

    P.S. Why doesn't the veteran ship material for the Galaxy-class, the one that looks completely badass with the sweet nacelles, have the TNG deflector look? Instead we get a solid blue deflector dish? WTF.
    "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. Except for a T5 Connie. That would be f*%#ing awesome." - Mr. Spock
  • vexashenvexashen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    neo1nx wrote: »
    i feel the same way about my galaxy x... for the pve part for sure, and still, for the pvp part but here i am force to, i can't enjoy this game in an other ship anymore.

    many things here, first:
    introduce in your sentence " i was using a free sovereign/ free odyssey/ cstore odyssey/ exelsior/regent/ fleet heavy cruiser retrofit/ ambassador/ fleet sovy/ fleet exelsior/ fleet ambassador "( just pick one )....
    and no one will noticed any incoherence.
    why? because a stack beam overload or a double beam overload build is not a specificity of that ship and can be done much more efficiently with the ship i previously mentioned.
    so if anything, what you said could only back up the fact that the ship is not a total complet TRIBBLE... yes, this ship is, only, just a complet TRIBBLE.

    furthemore, althought when we read you it just sound magic, it dasn't show all the drawback that this tactic carry in that particular ship, and i can tell flying myself a double beam overload build in a galaxy x.

    staking beam overload mean that your not firing at the enemi for a minimum of 10 second ( that is the time of an alpha strike btw ) not very helpfull to your team if you want my opinion.

    then in order to make the second BO to have any effect you would have to use a batterie, because BO will suck you -50 weapons power no matter what virtual weapon power level your were at before ( and also provide that you don't use an auxtobat build with dem marion), so it make this tactic usefull every 2 minute only...and once again, provide that you don't just miss the target...so not very efficient to your team...

    but let said you use an double aux to bat build with marion doff ( no more power drain you will point me out)
    that is simply suicidary, first the doff required for that buils will leave no place for the tact team doff.
    having tact team only available every 30 second on a 6base turn rate and 25 inertia ship is NOT a brilliant idea.
    furthemore this build will give you only 2 epts1 and at best 2 tss to heal your shields ( no tractor beam to help you with beam accuracy or use it as a defense tanking, no brace for impact doff, no auxtosif doff), 1 engi team 1 ( no auxtosif 3 it share cooldown with auxtobat ) as your main hull heal.
    if you use engi team you will not be able to use tact team, if you use hazard emitter as hull heal you will lost shield tanking long term survivability.
    with that fantastic build you will be force to use RSP3 at the first pass of an alpha debuffing strike of 1 bugscort of pandas, when your green diaper fade out it will just be a matter of second before you respawn.
    and that is still valid in your biase test of benchmarking a ship capabilitie in a premade vs a pug.

    First off you can stack a beam overload with the 3 peice romulan weapon set beam overload attack and not stop shooting for the 10 seconds you talked about. Also on top of this combining dem with the dem doff and the fact that the romulan experimental beam only suffers a -35 to power instead of -50 from a normal beam overloaded beam.

    Also since I dont run the aux to bat build Im not limited by many of the other things you talked about.

    I run dual emergency to shields1 and dual emergency to weapons3. Aux to sif 3, eng team 1, 2 dems, hazard 1, and transfer shields 2. for my tac i run 2 beam overloads in pvp or 2 fire at wills in pve.

    For doffs this lets me run shield distro doffs, dem doffs or many other great doffs out there.

    In the end I really dont think the galaxy is a great pvp ship. But if you fly it well and take advantage of its assets you can do some scary things. This ship isnt for the average player to feel like a badass in. You need high end gear and high end doffs to really pull off some of the scarier things Ive done with it... But honestly with TRIBBLE gear I was pulling 5k easily.
    The ORIGINAL SERIES VETERANS www.Tosfleet.com
    Cruisers with mk x common in infected elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q82PqoFFxjc
    Cruisers with good gear in infected elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMnFljZD9m8
    Soloing Infected Elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaEFICFx4E8&feature=youtu.be
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    gr8captain wrote: »
    You guys have to remember that when the Galaxy class was first pitched to be a part of Star Trek it was pitched to Gene Roddenberry. Most of these guys that are running the game now were still in diapers when Gene died so they have no clue what Star Trek really is. Or what it was meant to be.

    Your implication is that Gene did? Star Trek would've died in TNG if Gene had stayed around and in charge of anything.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    vexashen wrote: »
    First off you can stack a beam overload with the 3 peice romulan weapon set beam overload attack and not stop shooting for the 10 seconds you talked about. Also on top of this combining dem with the dem doff and the fact that the romulan experimental beam only suffers a -35 to power instead of -50 from a normal beam overloaded beam.

    Also since I dont run the aux to bat build Im not limited by many of the other things you talked about.

    I run dual emergency to shields1 and dual emergency to weapons3. Aux to sif 3, eng team 1, 2 dems, hazard 1, and transfer shields 2. for my tac i run 2 beam overloads in pvp or 2 fire at wills in pve.

    For doffs this lets me run shield distro doffs, dem doffs or many other great doffs out there.

    In the end I really dont think the galaxy is a great pvp ship. But if you fly it well and take advantage of its assets you can do some scary things. This ship isnt for the average player to feel like a badass in. You need high end gear and high end doffs to really pull off some of the scarier things Ive done with it... But honestly with TRIBBLE gear I was pulling 5k easily.

    i wasn't aware you were running the romulan experimental set, so yeah, with it all what you said make sense now ( the fact that you were speaking about single beam too).
    you got neo1nx stamp aproval qualitie:D:cool:
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    if the fleet galaxy had the boff layout as the fleet ambassador it would have been great. the 2 tac consoles still would have been a downer but at least with the boff layout would could do something with it and is more in line with what the ship was a a jack of all trades master of none
  • croesusxcroesusx Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've said it once and i'll say it again. I love the Galaxy that much that i'd even pay for a premium model/setup. Can't we even have a TNG pack... one with proper uniforms, phasers, transporter effect, interiors and a kick TRIBBLE Galaxy model/Setup?
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    at this point i would pay just to use the galaxy's skin on the fleet ambassador even if it meant the turn rate would be that of the galaxy
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    at this point i would pay just to use the galaxy's skin on the fleet ambassador even if it meant the turn rate would be that of the galaxy

    I agree,
    but the "Nay" sayers certainly will find a reason why something like it would be completely impossible and Cryptics devs will willingly agree IMO.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    tt is at its global because of tech doffs. theres no need for conn doffs, damage control, any of those with tech doffs
    How? Technician caps at 10% cdr; that's only 30% reduced cooldown, which leaves it quite a bit off the shared cooldown. Also, Aux2Batt uptime appears to be an issue; I'm sure there are plenty of windows where you'll need to use something like TT, but are still waiting on Aux2Batt cooldowns.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    While it may be a minor token towards the Galaxy-class ship, this appeared in the last set of Tribble notes:

    [*]Updated all separating ships, like the Galaxy, Odyssey, Bortsaqu', D'kyr, and Prometheus.
    • If you launch your separated craft, and then your ship is destroyed, your separated craft will no longer re-dock/despawn.
      • It will continue to fight until it is disabled.
    • When you respawn, it will be ready to follow you, fight with you, or redock with you if you choose to.
    • This also ensures that if your ship is destroyed while one of your separated craft is deployed, your toggle ability wont deactivate and go into cooldown.

    This should be interesting.
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
  • preechrsapreechrsa Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    They really need to give the suicide ram ability of the bugship pets an additional effect: +300% damage to Exploration Cruisers, their retrofits, and their fleet variants.
    Shutup Wesley: First In Everything
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    How? Technician caps at 10% cdr; that's only 30% reduced cooldown, which leaves it quite a bit off the shared cooldown. Also, Aux2Batt uptime appears to be an issue; I'm sure there are plenty of windows where you'll need to use something like TT, but are still waiting on Aux2Batt cooldowns.

    not with 2 copies. 1 copy is not better then just having 2 of the same skill on most things, but you can keep EPtX skills at their global with 1 AtB. with 2 AtB, you use it every 10 seconds, at its own global. the extra 5 seconds 1 AtB does not clear gets cleared then, so you can use every other station power you have at a sloppy global
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    While it may be a minor token towards the Galaxy-class ship, this appeared in the last set of Tribble notes:


    This should be interesting.

    While that change is most welcome i still find the base turnrate on galaxy and any ship with under 7 sad. Last i checked most of us who love the galaxy didnt want to fight as a stardrive to be able to turn around in under a min.

    Giving the consoles for sauser sep etc all +40% base turn rate would atleast negate some of the pain. Basicly a free mk12 RCS for the oddy/Galaxy/Bort IF you use the console. Makes it more of an option to not have to use the seperation to turn.

    ATM even with ton of RCS/Aux to damp etc Galaxy will still not hit 18 degrees per second easily. Considering the effort put into that for such a poor return eh...

    Why cruisers needed such drasticly low turnrate on the fed side is beyond me, if they wanted kdf to turn better still just increas everythings turnrate by 2. Escorts maintain their lead etc but you decrease the pain for lower turnrate ships a lot.

    Cryptic just needs to scrap this ships boff layout/console layout and try again like the ambassador.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not to nay-say most of the arguers in this thread, but after two weeks of continuous testing in PVP scenarios, I think I have hit on a legitimate successful build for the Exploration Cruiser Retrofit. I will post once I have further thoroughly tested it.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Updated all separating ships, like the Galaxy, Odyssey, Bortsaqu', D'kyr, and Prometheus.
    • If you launch your separated craft, and then your ship is destroyed, your separated craft will no longer re-dock/despawn.
      • It will continue to fight until it is disabled.
    • When you respawn, it will be ready to follow you, fight with you, or redock with you if you choose to.
    • This also ensures that if your ship is destroyed while one of your separated craft is deployed, your toggle ability wont deactivate and go into cooldown.

    While this might be nice for ships like the Prometheus or the Odyssey, the main problem of the Glalaxy class is still the same.
    There is no change in its BOFF or Console Layout.
    Just making its useless saucer section continue fighting sounds like a bad joke, since it is going to be destroyed long before the Stardrive section, not to say that its offensive power isn't even noticeable.
    The point of seperating the Galaxy is to save the Saucer section (Which acts as lifeboat for the civilians), which is the complete opposite of the seperation function of the prometheus.

    As always the devs have found a way to enhance some ships but keep the Galaxy the most useless.

    Why is it so hard to just rework its BOFF and Console Layout?
    They already did that with the Sovereign as they released the Regent.
    I just don't get why they can't make something similar with the Galaxy Class, which is much more needed than a update of the sovereign was.

    I think they just hate that ship and everything related to TNG, but thats just my personal opinion.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think the main benefit of the change is, that if you are destroyed you will remain in separated state. Or at least that how I understand the change.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    I think the main benefit of the change is, that if you are destroyed you will remain in separated state. Or at least that how I understand the change.
    Obviously the devs seem to think that the seperation gimmick would be enough to solve the Galaxys uselesness. :rolleyes:
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    yreodred wrote: »
    Obviously the devs seem to think that the seperation gimmick would be enough to solve the Galaxys uselesness. :rolleyes:

    The fact it also affects Galaxy is just side-effect. The main point was obviously for Prometheus and Obessey. But hey, at least something.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    yreodred wrote: »
    Obviously the devs seem to think that the seperation gimmick would be enough to solve the Galaxys uselesness. :rolleyes:

    Hey now, extra turning is never something to scoff at! Admittedly I think that a ship without its saucer looks terribad the stat boost IS significant and best of all it now persists through death!
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    yreodred wrote: »
    While this might be nice for ships like the Prometheus or the Odyssey, the main problem of the Glalaxy class is still the same.
    There is no change in its BOFF or Console Layout.
    Just making its useless saucer section continue fighting sounds like a bad joke, since it is going to be destroyed long before the Stardrive section, not to say that its offensive power isn't even noticeable.
    The point of seperating the Galaxy is to save the Saucer section (Which acts as lifeboat for the civilians), which is the complete opposite of the seperation function of the prometheus.

    As always the devs have found a way to enhance some ships but keep the Galaxy the most useless.

    Why is it so hard to just rework its BOFF and Console Layout?
    They already did that with the Sovereign as they released the Regent.
    I just don't get why they can't make something similar with the Galaxy Class, which is much more needed than a update of the sovereign was.

    I think they just hate that ship and everything related to TNG, but thats just my personal opinion.

    They got away with it in the case of the Regent because the Sovereign is a free ship; the Galaxy-R isn't. That would be a paid upgrade of a paid ship; in fact, to really get the full package, you'd need the Venture too. You can't honestly think that would be a popular move...

    The Galaxy-R has its niche to fill, which was determined before all these other c-store ships came out. It works the exact same way as the Defiant-R, and the Intrepid-R; it is an ultra specialized class ship. This made sense at the time, because the only really alternatives were the free ships, which branch out into other areas rather than maintain their focus. We got these ships because Cryptic doesn't hate them, and acknowledged that players wanted endgame versions of the 'hero ships' from the shows.

    When the Retrofits came out, the were considered OP by the standards of the game at the time; they were better than the regular ships, and had special super powers which set them in a league of their own. Events have overtaken them since; but, so long as new ships kept coming out, this was inevitable.

    Gear in other games doesn't keep getting upgraded so that it stays top of the line forever; it just gets replaced by new top of the line gear as new content is added. This is the exact same thing.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not to nay-say most of the arguers in this thread, but after two weeks of continuous testing in PVP scenarios, I think I have hit on a legitimate successful build for the Exploration Cruiser Retrofit. I will post once I have further thoroughly tested it.

    Yeah... You do that!
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    capnmanx wrote: »
    They got away with it in the case of the Regent because the Sovereign is a free ship; the Galaxy-R isn't. That would be a paid upgrade of a paid ship; in fact, to really get the full package, you'd need the Venture too. You can't honestly think that would be a popular move...
    You mean improving a ship that i have already paid for wouldn't be a popular move?
    I think it would be quite the contrary, most people would be very happy about it and it would be a nice move from cryptics devs.
    At least they could finally release a different BOFF & Console Layout forthe Galaxy-R as a unlock.

    capnmanx wrote: »
    The Galaxy-R has its niche to fill, which was determined before all these other c-store ships came out. It works the exact same way as the Defiant-R, and the Intrepid-R; it is an ultra specialized class ship. This made sense at the time, because the only really alternatives were the free ships, which branch out into other areas rather than maintain their focus. We got these ships because Cryptic doesn't hate them, and acknowledged that players wanted endgame versions of the 'hero ships' from the shows.
    the problem is that Cryptics devs deliberately made the Galaxy Class the most passive ship. They exactly knew that it would be just a static brick in Space Combat with the least firepower of all ships in their game.
    They deliberately made engineering BOFF powers the most passive ones, while making Tacitical (and Science) much more offensive or at least versatile.
    They deliberately gave the Galaxy Class the lowest turn rate of all cruisers.
    In my eyes they did almost everything to make the Galaxy Class the most unattractive and most boring ship in the game.

    The only reason that we even have it in STO is its popularity outside STO and the fact that Cryptic can put it on some promo shots to attract people to their game.

    capnmanx wrote: »
    When the Retrofits came out, the were considered OP by the standards of the game at the time; they were better than the regular ships, and had special super powers which set them in a league of their own. Events have overtaken them since; but, so long as new ships kept coming out, this was inevitable.

    Gear in other games doesn't keep getting upgraded so that it stays top of the line forever; it just gets replaced by new top of the line gear as new content is added. This is the exact same thing.
    So does this justify making the one of the most popular ship the most boring one by far?

    By giving it such a BOFF and Console Layout (and a turnrate like that) they clearly showed that they didn't care about how ships in Trek work, they just needed some ship to put the most extreme passive BOFF and Console layout on.

    Compared to the Galaxy, the regent is without doubt one of the best cruisers in Starfleet, heck they even made the Excelsior a much better ship.
    They obviously know exactly what makes a ship boring and what doesn't or they wouldn't have given the Excelsior its BOFF and Consolr layout. So you can't justify the Galaxys BOFF layout with a lack of knowledge about their own game, in my opinion they exactly know what they are doing. (at least in terms of making a ship fun to fly or not.)

    So in my opinion, it is NOT a issue of game evolution in STO, they made the Galaxy deliberately the most boring ship, but the worst thing is they don't seem to think that this is a problem at all.

    On the other hand they made Escorts (a type of ship almost not existant in Trek) the kings of their game and almost disgusting OP just because of some personal preferences.
    To be honest, i find that just unprofessional.
    The more those ships (escorts) are put in the focus of the game the more i hate them.

    Don't get me wrong here initially i wasn't a big fan of the Galaxy Class, but to see how bad Cryptics designers made that ship is just unacepptable and plainly unfair for its fans.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Good things romulans are comming. In the dev block they said Romulan DD turns even slower and has same firepower as Galaxy. So when this 5 turn rate, 2 tac console DHC using ship hits live, all the moans from romulan fanboys will explode the forums and maybe perhaps then will Cryptic realize that low turn is no fun and serves no purpose :P
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    Good things romulans are comming. In the dev block they said Romulan DD turns even slower and has same firepower as Galaxy. So when this 5 turn rate, 2 tac console DHC using ship hits live, all the moans from romulan fanboys will explode the forums and maybe perhaps then will Cryptic realize that low turn is no fun and serves no purpose :P

    hehehe, well knowning cryptic for a while now, and knowning gecko, this is how it is more likely going to happen:
    romulan fanboys explode the forum, geko realize that low turn is really a bad idea, he then bump all turning rate of cruiser by2, exept for the galaxy class ship variant ( wad ), and then he bump the exelsior class by +5.
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