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Third Faction Proposal

flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User

Before anyone actually submits their vote on the above poll, I'd ask you to actually read everything written here. Long term, if this gets support, it will likely effect the future of Star Trek Online factions (one way or the other) thus if you're ignorant to the cause and jump the gun you could end up an unwilling and un-favoring participant in future updates.

Give me the benefit of the doubt here and allow me to explain my desires, and for the love of god don't mention the Klingon faction. For the purpose of this topic, I don't care, nor do I wish to hear about the status of either the Federation or Klingon factions. I would hope that is understood.


Many gamers desire a third faction to complete this game. Most MMO's are launched with three factions, and most of those are content with that number; just as STO players should be (opinion). With the exception of the Borg, the main three species/governments within the Trek universe that are a main focus are the Federation, Klingon and Romulan empires. This has been the case since TOS. TNG and DS9 introduced the Cardassians, and if there ever was going to be a 4th power, it was going to be them; for a time, it was them.


My proposal is that a third faction be created that combines the Romulan and Cardassian into a single, fully playable faction.

In my opinion neither a full Romulan or Cardassian faction would be practical at this stage. The Romulan Empire is scattered, and the (now former) Cardassian Union is without an actual Military (conditions of their surrender during the Dominion War). The only two segments of both governments that would still (or do still) hold any sort of power and influence are the Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order.

By fulfilling such a request, you (Cryptic) do a number of very important things:

1) You give this MMO the third faction that it deserves. The game has come such a long way since launch, and although some people complain (I've done so myself in the past) you are actually doing a wonderful job with it. I'd hate to see that job stop with only two factions.

2) By combining the remnants of these two species, you'd be keeping both Romulan and Cardassian fans happy. I know there are those playing the game that would rather see these two factions split, but realistically... Launch gave the game two factions, then with F2P (or maybe earlier) the Klingon faction was reduced.

It's taken this long (at least) to get a third faction, so how long would we be waiting for a fourth? That is a question that goes out to those who wouldn't wish a hybrid faction. I would personally rather play a combined third faction than to wait another 4+ years for another two factions.

I would rather play a Cardassian than a Romulan, though I recognize the importance of both.

3) You'd be cutting your workload allowing for focus on other things. Should you desire four factions from this point on, that would be another two tutorials, another two academy zones, another two Starbase/First City zones, another bunch of species for not one, but two factions, another two Starbases (inc Embassies) and a whole bunch of changes to already existing sectors.

By combining these two factions (and maybe giving them a new sector above Orellius and to the left of Iota Pavonis) you'd cut the workload in two, thus freeing up time for your staff to work on other projects that the community desires.


Included Species:
* Romulan
* Cardassian
* Reman
* Jem Hadar (Alpha) ~ Tactical and Engineering only
* Hirogen ~ Zen Purchase
* Vorta ~ Zen Purchase, Engineering and Science only

The Romulan, Cardassian and Reman are obvious candidates here. You wouldn't get a Science-orientated Jem Hadar soldier, nor would you get a Tactical-orientated Vorta. It is shown and stated throughout Cardassian-focused arcs that there are freelance Jem Hadar mercenaries within the Alpha Quadrant following the fallout of the Dominion War, a few of those worked for the True Way.

The Hirogen and Vorta (as seen above) I've got as Zen items. The reason being I'd believe them to be rare. The Vorta serve the Founders (I know the Jem Hadar do too, but that's more to do with their drug and blind faith). The Vorta are practically their main children, thus I feel less Vorta would change allegiances than Jem hadar (especially if Jem Hadar manage to create their own White). The Hirogen principle is simple, they're scattered through the entire galaxy, thus I'd not expect a crew full of them working for the Romulans.

Other Species:
* Suliban
* Vaudwaar
* Son'a ~ Zen Purchase

The reason for the Suliban is somewhat simple, I've no doubt certain elements of the Kabal remain, and I can easily see those descendants working for a force such as the Tal Shiar or Obsidian Order. I'd ease off their ability to walk on walls, but they've got a similar ability to the Jem Hadar as far as cloaking goes. Their system (or a system bearing their name) has recently shown up too, so it's safe to assume they're still about.

The Vaudwaar (from VOY if not recognized) I think would make another excellent candidate. They have suffered mass destruction thus could sympathize with the Tal Shiar and state of the Romulan Empire in addition to the Cardassian people for their losses in a war. We know the Vaudwaar have those subspace tunnels; nothing to say they didn't pop up in the Alpha Quadrant somewhere and align themselves with the above powers.

The Son'a, they produced White for the Dominion. It wouldn't be too farfetched to believe that these Jem Hadar mercenaries still have some form of contract with the Son'a for the production of this drug. Wouldn't hurt to throw one or two of them in somewhere? Again, I wouldn't see them as allies, but contributors, thus a few select members of their society may choose to join the hybrid-faction cause.


I know everyone would love to see several different designs per tier, but that hasn't happened with the Klingons (they're limited) and it doesn't need to happen with a Rom/Card Hybrid faction (at least not initially). A single Cardassian and a single Romulan ship per class, per tier is all that is needed (a material or two can allow for variation).

I read somewhere that there was some regret about releasing the Galor as a lock box ship. That's fine. With the Obsidian Order involved, we can use a Keldon instead of the Galor; they can always be unlocked via Master Key anyway (as would all lock box releases; though the Temporal rewards may have to be altered slightly).

You can include a bunch of, if not all the Jem Hadar / Dominion ships as Zen purchases in addition to (potentially) the Son'a and Breen.


Featured Episodes:
The Dividian and Breen stories can still be told (though a few changes would be needed on Defera, inc their dialogues). The 2800 missions may also require a slight tweak, though could still work (maybe this is where you'd acquire your Vorta instead of a Jem Hadar Boff). The only series you'd really struggle with is the Reman/Vault bunch. This can either be edited, or excluded (seeing as you'd get Reman Boff's anyway, you'd not be missing much). I suppose you could always change the Reman Boff to a unique 'reunification' Vulcan Boff?


Campaign / Story Mode:
Primarily could / would focus on the fallout of the Romulan Supernova, and then more toward internal affairs. You could battle the True Way, Terran Empire and Romulans filling up slots in already ongoing missions. Conflicts between the Federation and Klingon are a given, and zones such as Eta Erandi (Tholian Ground) would still be open and available. Heck, even the reputation system can still work.

As a Tal Shiar / Obsidian Order agent, you should still be able to go to New Romulus and aid them (they're not going to know you're a spy, or it might be that you're a different section of Tal Shiar?). Hell, if the Klingons are helping the Romulans rebuild, then anything is possible.


Yes, this would take some work on the part of Cryptic, and it would take support on our part too. I never said it would be a 5-minute job, nor would I expect it to be. I do think though that long-term, this is the best viable solution to the contemporary problem of a third faction.

I will be posting a link to this thread on the January Ask Cryptic with a simple question. Hopefully by then there will be enough feedback giving them something to go on. If it turns out the votes are highly more in favor of this not happening, then fine, the community will have spoken and I'll drop the matter (once and for all). If this gets support though, I'm willing to push it all the way to the top best I can.


Edit: Apparently I forgot to add, and now can't add a Poll. Thus, if a Moderator wouldn't mind? Quite simply a title of "Would you support this, or a similar proposal?" followed by the options of "Yes, I'd support it" and "No, I wouldn't support it" that would be great. Thanks!
Post edited by flash525 on


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    zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 2,382 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I like your suggestion. I would support three full factions. We'd need to reach two full factions first.

    I'd also like a starship that looks like a giant space pony, and the option to have a centauroid alien race as my captain, while we're wishing for impossible things.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
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    ussweatherlightussweatherlight Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I could go for this, but include the Galore and Bug ships as just free ships. The people who have the ships are fine, but stop disseminating the ships once this sort of faction is out.

    "Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."

    U.S.S. Weatherlight
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    alarcontealarconte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Is the most common sense idea, put a "Rogue" faction that have all the trekier wanna-have races that doesn't have the other two factions.

    But iit would be "extraordinarily" non-canon from cryptic, so I don't think ever gonna happen.

    Romulans are homeless and Cardassians with not much diversity.

    I see sooner Cardassians and Romulans being a zen-purchasable fed AND Kdf races, (Look, another reason for unlocking cardassian lockboxes... :S), with the final appareance of the Romulan lockbox to make a deal.

    but YES, of course I support this post. But simply I don't see it realistic, it's a shame.

    About a 3rd faction, I think they maybe have to create something really new (like a Delta quadrant coalition or the Dominion Faction), easier than touching in his creative way two very copyrighted empires (Part of the soul of ST like feds and klingons) as Romulans and cardassians. But well... They sure have take his creative licenses with New Romulus... or it was created for books or something? :S
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    crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Aren't you jumping the gun a bit? Don't you need a second faction before you get a third?
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
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    zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 2,382 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I would love a rogue/mercenary third faction for all the people who just want to TRIBBLE around doing missions and doing their own things. It'd let Fleets pick a different theme -- maybe you are Ferengi mercenaries, or the space force for a small backwater world, or traders, or...
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    crusty8mac wrote: »
    Aren't you jumping the gun a bit? Don't you need a second faction before you get a third?

    Shhhhh! He said not to mention the KDF!

    You're absolutely right of course..... :P

    But he said not to mention the KDF!!! :eek:
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    zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 2,382 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    He didn't mention KDF, did he now? Nope.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
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    galactic3073galactic3073 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    A time stream message from universal date 307212.25 IGFA Inter Galactic Fleet HQ Alpha Centauri Prime. In the next six earth months, a new federation starship will launch named The Valiant 2 Odssey class starship from space dry dock, Millennia Star Base, Alpha Centauri Prime.
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    eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    In this present proposal, I vote no. Very simple, those two factions are miles apart in philosophy and direction.

    At this present time, the Cardassian Union is fighting a guerilla war against the True Way and receives the majority of its support from the UFP.

    The Romulans are splintered and cannot even decide on a capital system. Apparently, they are getting support from whomever. Besides, its the Imperial Fleet rather than the Tal Shiar would be the star navy equivalent to other two.

    I love to have anew faction either Romulan or Cardassian, but with the present modus operandi of Cryptic, we will not get a full, half, or even a partial third faction, we got a adventure zone and eventually purchasable playable Romulan and Cardassian species.
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Tal Shiar are Iconian's puppet. Which mean playing Tal Shiar would be playing the ultimate evil of STO. And you'll probably get wiped first when the Iconian return, because I seriously doubt they'll honor their deal.
    Also, according to the Tial Shiar in New Romulus, the organization is in the same state than the old Romulan Star Empire. They lost their planets, their fleets, theirr armies, and their leaders. They fight the Reman, the Romulan, the Feds and the Klingons.
    Just like the Borg, the Tholians or the Undines, they are the ones everybody hates. But even worse, they embody the arch enemy of the game. While Borg and cie are just plain evil.Yet, we know for sure Undines and Borg don't work for Iconian, and thus, may end up as some kind of allies against this arch enemy.

    What does it mean ingame ? It means you can be attacked by any players. NPC will attack you on sight on the star map. You don't have planet of your own, or shipyard on the same map than others. Simply because if other faction hear about it, you'll be hunted. Also, because Tal Shiar work as cells.
    You can't share the same missions. Your missions involves destroying the galaxy, not saving it.
    Don't expect any exploration, or diplomacy. It's all about pew pewing and pulling the strings behind.
    You can't be part of any STF encounter with others faction, while the Klingons and the Feds can play together. It would be logical you don't even have STF at all, since you don't give a *** about borg invasion.

    At the very least, a PvP only faction, but they already tried that with the Klingons...

    Honestly, everyone knows the next faction is Romulan, if there is any 3rd faction. And yet, with D'Tan and New Romulus, I'm pretty sure they will have 1-2season of their own, they choose being either Feds or Klingons. IE you work for D'Tan, prove your worth, and D'Tan ask you to choose which faction you'll help.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    zahinder wrote: »
    I would support three full factions. We'd need to reach two full factions first.
    I never disputed this.
    I could go for this, but include the Galore and Bug ships as just free ships.
    Wouldn't this... enrage (somewhat) the people that have spent x amount of zen/dilithium/energy credits on master keys so that they could already fly the Attack Ship or Galor?
    alarconte wrote: »
    Is the most common sense idea, put a "Rogue" faction that have all the trekier wanna-have races that doesn't have the other two factions.
    Well, it wouldn't quite be all of them, only those that would (or have previously) fit together.
    alarconte wrote: »
    But iit would be "extraordinarily" non-canon from cryptic, so I don't think ever gonna happen.
    Because having the Klingon Empire actively helping a civilized Romulan colony is canon? Because having Breen and Tholian Duty officers is canon? Because having Federation crew fly around in a Galor or D'Kora is canon? Need I say more? ;)
    alarconte wrote: »
    I see sooner Cardassians and Romulans being a zen-purchasable fed AND Kdf races.
    You're probably right, but that is something I personally do not want to see. Cardassians joining the Klingon Empire is something else that wouldn't happen, especially not for a long-while yet it at all.
    crusty8mac wrote: »
    Aren't you jumping the gun a bit? Don't you need a second faction before you get a third?
    Oh look, we've got a comedian in the house. :rolleyes:
    zahinder wrote: »
    He didn't mention KDF, did he now? Nope.
    He implied.
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    In this present proposal, I vote no. Very simple, those two factions are miles apart in philosophy and direction.
    That's where Cryptic's writers can get creative. ;)
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    At this present time, the Cardassian Union is fighting a guerilla war against the True Way and receives the majority of its support from the UFP.
    You're right. The Cardassian Union is fighting the True Way, though I'd think the Obsidian Order as more a breakaway faction. Maybe I'm clutching st straws, but hell. :)
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    The Romulans are splintered and cannot even decide on a capital system. Apparently, they are getting support from whomever. Besides, its the Imperial Fleet rather than the Tal Shiar would be the star navy equivalent to other two.
    Isn't the Imperial Fleet splintered though? Who even controls that anymore?
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    foschiadanzantefoschiadanzante Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Forgive me but I do believe the Dominion would make more sense for a third faction as they do still have a power base, a centralized government, and aren't dependant on humanitarian aid to build themselves a home. It is also easier to explain to have Romulans, Remans, and Hirogen allied with the dominion (as the Romulans are currently split into many different factions) as well as Cardassians than to have the Dominion as part of an alliance between Cardassian and Romulan rogue elements. And given the Dominion does have both territory and sovereignty they could secure their services by offering the True Way and a Romulan warlord some worlds to colonize and use as their base of operations.
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    stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Forgive me but I do believe the Dominion would make more sense for a third faction...

    Except that the Dominion is not part of the Big Three, who are the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant.

    In gaming, traditionally you have a trinity faction setup, meaning for maximum efficency in regards to the game mechanics and the spirit of competition you must have 3 Factions.

    This brings balance in scenerios that have to do with controlling territories, as well as not cluttering the game.

    Most MMO's have them, even space sim type games have them - which are typically a Pirate/Free Faction, a Fed type Faction, and a Confed or a main opposing Faction.

    In Star Trek it should have been the following from the getgo:

    Federation / Klingons / Romulans
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    foschiadanzantefoschiadanzante Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I do know.

    In this case was mostly talking about the set up described in the original post. If we do want a faction with Romulan elements, Cardassian elements, and Dominion elements it does make more sense to focus on the Dominion than to focus on the Romulans.

    The Romulans do have no central government. The Romulans allied to the Federation are shameful and very little 'Romulan.' We would probably end with a Romulan warlord of some kind. What does he have to offer the Dominion? Why would the True Way ally with him when the Romulans are part of the reason Cardassia is on its current state? Why would the new Cardassian government ally with him when they are pretty much the Federation's pet?

    If we do want it to be the Romulans a different setup is needed. One that does actually make sense in the current situation. Maybe make it Romulan, Reman, Hirogen, and several other 'mercenary' races instead. The kind of army a warlord would lead.

    The Cardassian do not make much sense. The Dominion does make none at all. :S
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    defalusdefalus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Cryptic already had a poll ages ago, the Romulans won. Only thing stoping them is that they said they would flesh out the KDF first.

    In other words, we may never see the Romulans as playabe before this game runs its course.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    defalus wrote: »
    Cryptic already had a poll ages ago, the Romulans won. Only thing stoping them is that they said they would flesh out the KDF first.
    If I remember correctly, they did, though their poll never covered hybrid factions.
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    phalanx01phalanx01 Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'd vote against a third faction altogether for the simple fact that Cryptic can barely handle 2 factions, let alone a third faction. Imagine if for example the Romulan faction launches in the same state as the KDF was on launch of STO. It'd drive people away from the faction before it's even out of the starting blocks so to speak which will further unbalance the numbers in each of the factions. Reason there's so many Fed players is because the KDF still isn't finished (after 3 years).

    A simple solution would be to add Romulan ships to the Embassy or Romulan rep so the players at least get the impression of being a Romulan. But honestly, I don't really see this ever becoming a full faction. A full faction takes a LOT of time to make, add storyline missions, planets, ships, ...

    It's too much work for a studio that has proven over and over again they can't cope with it. Sure STO right now is in a cozy "position" so to speak but it took em 3 years to get there.
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    squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    defalus wrote: »
    Cryptic already had a poll ages ago, the Romulans won. Only thing stoping them is that they said they would flesh out the KDF first.

    In other words, we may never see the Romulans as playabe before this game runs its course.

    The only thing stopping them is that adding the Romulan faction would require some actual work. Getting them even up to par with the current KDF would be close to as much total new development as the game has seen over its entire three years of launch time.
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    shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Here's an off-the-wall idea...

    How about a third faction with its own goals, its own agenda, and its own powers and abilities, that isn't exactly in conflict with the existing two... but is not above using both to serve its own ends?

    Both the existing sides already deal with them. Neither side trusts them.

    They have their own canonical territory, power base, unique equipment. They have room for a whole range of different playable species. They can plug in to some of the existing story content, but offer the possibility of a completely different approach... because they have a wholly different philosophy of life, neither utopian Federation nor militaristic Klingon.

    You know who fits the bill, here? Down to a T? Not the Romulans, not the Dominion, not the Delta Quadrant races....


    Just a thought.
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    squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    shevet wrote: »
    You know who fits the bill, here? Down to a T? Not the Romulans, not the Dominion, not the Delta Quadrant races....


    Just a thought.

    That's actually a pretty good point. It'd also be a way to make the neutral/trader faction a lot of people have asked for without implementing them as doing nothing but running around in Tufflis.

    As far as a joint Romulan/Cardie faction, I say Nay, a thousand times Nay. The True Way wouldn't want to play ball with anyone else, and the Cardassian Union proper is basically post-WWII Japan. On the other hand, the reorganizing Romulan state - absolutely not the Tal Shiar, being just Iconian puppets - is pretty much a cipher. Obviously it couldn't be the New Romulus faction, since they've basically rolled over and begged for help from both other sides. If Sela returns as not an Iconian puppet, then something she calls up around herself might be workable as a full 3rd faction.
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    certoxcertox Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    How about a pirate or trader faction geting rid of lock box ships ( Which are way over powered for lock box ships in my view) and putting them in this faction where they belong any older cannon ships like the connie, b'rel enterpise b and C,also play as almost any race.now that's your 4th faction
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The True Way wouldn't want to play ball with anyone else, and the Cardassian Union proper is basically post-WWII Japan. On the other hand, the reorganizing Romulan state - absolutely not the Tal Shiar, being just Iconian puppets - is pretty much a cipher.
    You obviously missed the part where I said Obsidian Order instead of True Way. :rolleyes:

    I would expect the Tal Shiar to work similarly to other organizations; there are bound to be different groups within. I'd think it odd that the entirety of the Tal Shiar know about, and are working for the Iconian.
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    squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flash525 wrote: »
    You obviously missed the part where I said Obsidian Order instead of True Way. :rolleyes:

    I would expect the Tal Shiar to work similarly to other organizations; there are bound to be different groups within. I'd think it odd that the entirety of the Tal Shiar know about, and are working for the Iconian.

    The True Way was founded by the surviving elements of the Obsidian Order. Obsidian Order + Alpha quadrant Dominion vestiges = True Way.

    The Tal Shiar probably consists mostly of agents that aren't 'in the know', being the intelligence agency/secret police, but unless the Tal Shiar itself fragmented (and because even less of a viable power), the leadership, and thus the organizaion, are still Iconian stooges.

    And anyway, I just don't think theres a unifying theme there. The Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar worked together, uneasily, exactly once - and it turned out badly.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The True Way was founded by the surviving elements of the Obsidian Order. Obsidian Order + Alpha quadrant Dominion vestiges = True Way.
    This is the first I have ever heard of this. Where did you get that information from? Can you provide a source? If it's true, I wouldn't mind reading up on it.
    The Tal Shiar probably consists mostly of agents that aren't 'in the know', being the intelligence agency/secret police, but unless the Tal Shiar itself fragmented (and because even less of a viable power), the leadership, and thus the organizaion, are still Iconian stooges.
    Except, it was Hakeev that was directly supporting the Iconian. Now that he is dead, who knows what direction the Tal Shiar will go.
    And anyway, I just don't think theres a unifying theme there. The Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar worked together, uneasily, exactly once - and it turned out badly.
    It turned out bad cause it was a setup. ;)
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    eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The only reason they worked together was because they were manipulated into working together. Tain was fooled by COL Lovok, who was a changeling.

    I don't see the Tal Shiar first working with the Obsidian Order and secondly, I don't see them as the main arm of the Romulans to be used. Also, in the Path to 2409, the Tal Shiar has been discredited and due their attempted coup of Sela, they are a non-player and they are trying to get back into business.

    Secondly, the Obsidian Order ceased to exist after the civilian uprising and the reforming of the Cardassian government. Former members went to the True Way and other splinter factions. The Order's role became the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau.

    Finally, no fusion of the RSE and the CU, they are too different to start aligning with each other, just because their two respective intelligence/secret police worked together once, doesn't mean the two nations will work together.

    Third Faction = Romulans, no blood Cardassians, no bloody Son'a, no bloody Suliban, no bloody Vaadwaur.
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    squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flash525 wrote: »
    This is the first I have ever heard of this. Where did you get that information from? Can you provide a source? If it's true, I wouldn't mind reading up on it.

    Hmm. I could have sworn it was somewhere in the path to 2409 bits, but apparently not. I'd always* figured Gul Madred for an Obsidian Order guy, though.

    *For a certain value of 'always', of course, given that he was introduced before the Order was, but the whole operation 'Chain of Command' was built around seemed to fit their later style.
    flash525 wrote: »
    Except, it was Hakeev that was directly supporting the Iconian. Now that he is dead, who knows what direction the Tal Shiar will go.

    It turned out bad cause it was a setup. ;)

    Hakeev was working directly for them, yes, but he was operating with a lot of infrasructure, and we know the Romulan establishment has been compromised for a long time.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    Third Faction = Romulans, no blood Cardassians, no bloody Son'a, no bloody Suliban, no bloody Vaadwaur.
    Short of Romulan and Reman, who else would you put into a Romulan faction then? It's going to be a little bit boring running around with just Romulan and Reman characters. I can appreciate the no Son'a (from my initial post, they were more connected to the Cardassians) and I suppose the Vaudwaar are a stretch, but the Suliban I'd think ideal candidates.
    Hmm. I could have sworn it was somewhere in the path to 2409 bits, but apparently not. I'd always figured Gul Madred for an Obsidian Order guy, though.
    Speculation only then? The ideals of the True Way and the ideals of the Obsidian Order (if you do your research) are quite different. I have no doubt that they are not connected. They're completely different groups. What gave you the impression that Madred was former Order?
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    lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The Romulans and Cardassians are too damaged to function as a third faction, even with glueing them together with mismatched elements added.

    I'd rather the third faction be the Dominion, the Dominion is still powerful and has many possible races on offer, Jem'hadar, Vorta, Wadi, Dosi, ect... I'd maybe have the Dominion come in and take over the dregs of Romulan and Cardassian society adding them to the Dominion as conquests. This would provide a powerful and exciting third faction.
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    recksracerrecksracer Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    This is either a joke thread or the OP is so out of touch with reality that it hurts.

    Theyve only half finished (being generous) the KDF.

    There is no purpose to factions in an almost pure pve game anyway.
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    squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lordgyor wrote: »
    The Romulans and Cardassians are too damaged to function as a third faction, even with glueing them together with mismatched elements added.

    I'd rather the third faction be the Dominion, the Dominion is still powerful and has many possible races on offer, Jem'hadar, Vorta, Wadi, Dosi, ect... I'd maybe have the Dominion come in and take over the dregs of Romulan and Cardassian society adding them to the Dominion as conquests. This would provide a powerful and exciting third faction.

    It could be interesting to see the Dominion from an internal perspective, but Idunno.

    Make Loriss the primary mission-giver contact, though, and I'd sign right up.
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