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Omega Conversion crates rates



  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    On 5 different characters pretty much on par with everyone else...

    I'm not quite sure if its working as its supposed to... I was under an impression that we might get some sort of faction standing for what we had allready done. Well, won't be the first time I've ever gotten that impression in this game.

    My existing anti borg gear was entirely retained, as were both Omega gear, KHG gear, and MACO gear sets and pieces (the notes led me to be belive those would either get locked up or converted. I was rather surprised to see them to tell you the truth)

    More bothersome was absolutly no faction standing for the several 100 STF's runs on my Kui character. (Klingon Medal of honor recipient eh.. sure you are...) At this point the only incentive really for getting Omega faction will be the additional captains skills unlocks.

    (I do note that I have damd little room left in my power trays as it is to be adding new active abilities from either Omega or Romulan standing.. I haven't really looked at which are actives and which are passives)

    The Omega Task force gear I would be wanting to get will not become availible I'm assuming untill I hit tier 4 or 5 as I have several entire sets of Mk XI anti borg gear. The few elite missions I ever ran never got me anything 'cept EDC's. I never was able to get any of the protype borg salvage at all.

    What it all boils down to is this tells me I'm going to be running one hell of a lot more borg missions once again, (which I'm really not sure I want to bother with) and that all of the previous STF's I'd run don't seem to really count for anything else, other then a now obsolete accolades which grant me some titles and some passives.... which may or may not be retained... Again I haven't checked this mostly due to a certain perhapes justified but none the less irrational irritation. (by some folks POV...

    I really do not understand Cryptic reticence on being a bit more generous on these conversions to tell you the truth. It really doesn't cost them anything but the time to set it up, and the employee pay costs, and frankly they could use some good will.. especialy from us KDF oriented types are have a long standing gripe with them after 3 years. If this is the final form of the conversion frankly I can predict most players are going to be decidedly unhappy about it. I've noted what a great many have shown to be tucked away in the Omega stash box and apparently diminishing returns is once again the flavor of the day.

    I think I better use simple words for the critiqe on this.

    Conversion rate bad! Conversion rate stingy! Conversion not reflect previous player efforts. Players not getting credit where credit most important.. FACTION REPUTATION!
    Situation? Unsatifactory! Fail! Go sit in corner! Players NOT Cryptic or PWI employee's. Do not treat customer incentives like employee incentives. Treat better! Customers revenue stream. Customer opinions impact how product recieved and percieved. PWI, Cryptic appear too stingy, greedy.

    Current process violate orginal intent STO, which say "Casual MMO".. mean entertaining content. easy strait forward play. Attaractive to new gamers, approchable. Not need be math expert!

    *sigh* Ok, back to real sentences.

    I'm not happy with this "conversion" at all.. which apperently doesn't really convert much of anything. What I do have in the conversion I can't get at untill I hit Omega faction tier 3, and I have recieved ZERO faction standing for the several hundred STF's and related anti borg content all ready done.

    Did someone at cryptic not realize that the Faction standing is the part that we would players find most important? Good lord! I am NOT interested in running Defera invasion content and several hundred STF missions all over again.

    Reward us with Faction standing for what we've allready done, instead of simply taking all of the time we have spent on this content and other then the gear we allready have rendering it moot. Anyone with the Medal of Honor accolade and title should allready be at Omega Force tier 3 or 4 standing, if not tier 5 in some cases for those that have recieved Mk-XII set unlocks.

    Seriously my fellow gamers.. This is not anywhere near what I would term acceptable..

    I declare this conversion NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME untill some accomadation is made to credit players with some faction standing for what they've allready done. I really unhappy with this.. sure conversion of "unspent" edc's and salvage to the new currency is all well and good (even if it is more then a tad stingy and apparently yet more untradable "currency") but it still does not give any recognition for what players have all ready accomplished. Not good, not good at all.

    Khemaraa sends.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Read most but not all posts.

    The results reported are about what I expected. It matches what was done when Cryptic converted Champions Online from the old crafting materials system to the current Mod and questionite system. Most players ended up with much less in quantity and comparative value.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • rajathomasrajathomas Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    "The goal of the conversion is to make it fair and equitable for everyone and especially reward those that have been playing STFs for many months so that you will have a leg up in the new system."

    Why lie to us Cryptic? This was obviously never your goal.
  • vorga113vorga113 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Said it before a couple of times but Cryptic\PW are taking the TRIBBLE.

    And I think the best way to demonstrate this would be for everyone to send them a full sample bottle, anyone have the company addresses?
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I call it the 2nd STO robbery. First one happened when emblems were converted to dilithium.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Im just gonna say it.... W...T..F... is going on... What is wrong with conversion "X" equals "XY".

    This is not acceptable.

    It could have been alot less aggravating if they just said "All STF related stuff is converted into dilithium" end of story, than this TRIBBLE.

    Doing this R.I.P off is not healthy for the game.

    In a early stage they said something like,,, You can logg in to tribble server and see your conversion rate and then decide if you like to convert into dilithium or have the crate...

    There is no conversion "rate"!!! x+xy+xz= "what we like you to have" is not a rate

    The conversion rate what they have made is. Hard work=NOTHING

    What about all the people that doesn't know/care about Tribble server? they have no other choice than to accept the rip off. Totally FUBAR

    But they expect us to be Borg........."They will adapt"
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    vorga113 wrote: »
    Said it before a couple of times but Cryptic\PW are taking the TRIBBLE.

    And I think the best way to demonstrate this would be for everyone to send them a full sample bottle, anyone have the company addresses?

    Maybe a black rose or a dead fish.....
  • pardusian141pardusian141 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The moment I saw the original dev blog for removing the omega store and thus destroying my borg salvage stuff, I decided i would cash in my stuf for dilithium. I only had 3 rare borg salvage on one character but I got a decent amount of dilithium. I would rather have the dilithium then the omega marks I got on my trible characters (and I can't even USE them until I get to tier three!) One more grind might just push me over the edge. I've already decided that I have to spend around a week to grind evenly to make me feel like I'm getting progress (it takes only a day of grinding in New Romulus and i've got the marks needed for two assignments and then some). So my pattern goes something like this:
    New Romulus, Fleet, Fleet, Dilithium, New Romulus, Omega, Dilithium. A little tweaking once in a while but orriginally I had: Fleet, dilithium, dilithium, fleet, fleet (a little omega once in a while as the reward drops wern't consistent), diltihium, fleet.
    How many more grinding things are we going to get? I barely have time for this.
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I barely have time for this.
    How's your wallet then? Because that's the only thing Cryptic/PWE is interested. It's only going to get worse down the road.
  • tachyonharmonictachyonharmonic Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well it seems like pretty much everyone has responded negatively towards these conversion rates.

    I wonder what the devs will do with this feedback?
  • verlaine11verlaine11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well it seems like pretty much everyone has responded negatively towards these conversion rates.

    I wonder what the devs will do with this feedback?

    Press the ignore button
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    verlaine11 wrote: »
    Press the ignore button

    As usual....
  • madmax025madmax025 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    heres my conversion

    95 EDC


    2000 MARKS
    9 BNP
    2000 DIL


    2000 MARKS
    10 BNP
    2000 DIL

    i know it aint much but im totally confused as to what i should do, i play maybe 1 or 2 hrs a nite on longer at wkends but hate the grinding. i dont mind progressing at the rate im grinding but all the new stuff making me think im going to have to either accept that its going to take me forever to get the good stuff or i need to invest more time into this game
  • iamnotxdevnulliamnotxdevnull Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Thanks for the conversion tool. It looks like I'm at tier 8, and this is born out on tribble. However, using the tool I noticed something. I have about 264 EDCs along with several XI,XII salvages and techs. When I drop all the salvages and techs to 0, the tier stays the same and hasn't changed.

    Does that seem right? If so, I may trade all my techs and salvages in for dilithium and just keep the EDCs (much quicker to convert).

    Any feedback from people about this plan?

  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'd say trade in, however if you aren't allready fully converted could you convert all but the EDC's and then re-test. I've got a theorey based on some data from my own toons that EDC will convert well.

    EDIT: this was at the post from madmax
  • iamnotxdevnulliamnotxdevnull Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My remarks were based only on the conversion tool, not a real life conversion. It was more a question about the conversion tool accuracy and what people were seeing. I haven't traded anything in yet. Still waiting for some more feedback - guess I'm chicken :).

    I'm not sure how to get rid of stuff and then convert w/o it being permanent.

    BTW - that conversion might make some sense - They are seeking to reward players for playing a certain number of STF's rather than the drops, so in the abstract more EDC's = more play throughs, though that is hardly true in reality as there are plenty of things to spend a couple of hundred EDC's on. It would seem to be significantly easier to simply count the number of successful STFs (elite/regular) and base reward boxes on that. It's pretty clear at this point that 1. Cryptic is cutting people off at the knees to make them grind some more and 2. The devs aren't interested in the intense negative feedback they've been getting.
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What's a good number of EDC to leave behind? I was planning on leaving my techs to be converted and am trying to figure out a good number of EDC to cash in as I've seen others with considerably less EDC get the same amount of Omega Marks and Neural Processors.

    I have ~612 EDC, 9 proto tech and 11 rare tech. I cashed in all of my salvages as they didn't seem to impact results at all. If I leave it all as it is now to be converted, it gets me only 4000 OM, 18 BNPs and 16K dil.
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Test 1: 597 EDC, 150 Rare Salvage, 93 Prototype Salvage, 33 Rare Tech, 7 Proto Tech = 5000 Omega Marks, 22 BNP,32000 dilithium (Tier 11)

    Test 2: 338 EDC, 68 Rare Salvage, 49 Prototype Salvage, 1 Common Tech, 17 Rare Tech, 8 Proto Tech, 1 Mk X Requisition = 3500 Omega Marks, 16 BNP, 8000 dilithium (Tier 8)

    Additional tests results in format:

    edc;rare salvage;proto salvage;common tech;rare tech;proto tech; ;OM;BNP;Dilithium
    338;68;49;1;17;8; ;3500;16;8000 (Tier 8)
    298;20;20;1;7;5; ;3500;16;8000 (Tier 8)
    288;20;20;1;7;5; ;3000;14;4000 (Tier 7)
    98;20;20;1;7;5; ;3000;14;4000 (Tier 7)
    88;20;20;1;7;5; ;2500;12;3000 (Tier 6)
    38;15;20;1;7;5; ;2500;12;3000 (Tier 6)
    28;15;20;1;7;5; ;2000;10;2000 (Tier 5)
    28;10;15;1;7;3; ;2000;10;2000 (Tier 5)
    18;2;7;1;7;3; ;2000;10;2000 (Tier 5)
    18;2;5;1;7;3; ;1500;8;1000 (Tier 4)
    8;2;0;1;0;1; ;1500;8;1000 (Tier 4)
    8;1;0;1;0;1; ;1000;6;0 (Tier 3)
    9;1;0;1;0;1; ;1500;8;1000 (Tier 4)
    10;2;0;0;0;1; ;1500;8;1000 (Tier 4)
    10;1;0;0;0;1; ;1000;6;0 (Tier 3)
    0;1;0;0;0;1; ;500;4;0 (Tier 2)

    Courtesy of AdmiralKirk1701:
    346;64;9;0;0;0; ;3500;16;8000 (Tier 8)
    336;54;9;0;0;0; ;3000;14;4000 (Tier 7)
    196;20;9;0;0;0; ;3000;14;4000 (Tier 7)
    146;15;9;0;0;0; ;2500;12;3000 (Tier 6)
    56;9;9;0;0;0; ;2500;12;3000 (Tier 6)
    56;4;9;0;0;0; ;2000;10;2000 (Tier 5)
    16;4;9;0;0;0; ;1500;8;1000 (Tier 4)
    16;0;9;0;0;0; ;1500;8;1000 (Tier 4)
    6;0;9;0;0;0; ;1000;6;0 (Tier 3)
    6;0;4;0;0;0; ;1000;6;0 (Tier 3)
    6;0;3;0;0;0; ;500;4;0 (Tier 2)

    Will update as I get more data points.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
  • eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    brigadooom wrote: »
    What's a good number of EDC to leave behind? I was planning on leaving my techs to be converted and am trying to figure out a good number of EDC to cash in as I've seen others with considerably less EDC get the same amount of Omega Marks and Neural Processors.

    I have ~612 EDC, 9 proto tech and 11 rare tech. I cashed in all of my salvages as they didn't seem to impact results at all. If I leave it all as it is now to be converted, it gets me only 4000 OM, 18 BNPs and 16K dil.

    Based on my observations 350-400 EDC is the best peak conversion rate for them. Any more and there seems to be a wall.

    Last night I traded in most of my STF loot. Now have 13 ships/fighters in ship yard with full MKXII stf sets and weapons.

    Then went on to sell the rest of my stuff. Got about 200k ore from it all.
    Have about 350EDC left, 20 proto and rare salvage each, and 4 proto tech in the hope they decide to do the conversion properly. At the least it should get me about a Tier 8 conversion. Which is about 80% of the Tier 10 rate I was going to get.
  • xiaoxiaonxiaoxiaon Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1169 EDC, 161 Rare Salvage, 120 Proto Salvage, 29 Rare Tech, 15 Proto Tech = 5000 Omega Marks, 22 BNP, 32000 Dilithium

    Just did the conversion with all I have straight to dilithium. With the current rates, I'd get 634,176 dilithium. 600K dilithium probably isn't worth the 5K Omega Marks and 22 BNPs.

    I guess I'll have to start converting all my junk in the next couple days. I'm loosing out big time since there's a limit on crate conversion. Honestly, it'd be nice if they just gave us a straight up dilithium conversion with a bonus
    Have any questions about the game? Send me a message and I'll be happy to help!
  • bitovabitova Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I, and most players in our fleet sold up .. Conversion rates sucked :mad:
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    xiaoxiaon wrote: »
    1169 EDC, 161 Rare Salvage, 120 Proto Salvage, 29 Rare Tech, 15 Proto Tech = 5000 Omega Marks, 22 BNP, 32000 Dilithium

    Just did the conversion with all I have straight to dilithium. With the current rates, I'd get 634,176 dilithium. 600K dilithium probably isn't worth the 5K Omega Marks and 22 BNPs.

    I guess I'll have to start converting all my junk in the next couple days. I'm loosing out big time since there's a limit on crate conversion. Honestly, it'd be nice if they just gave us a straight up dilithium conversion with a bonus
    Better do it today because s7 is coming tomorrow, and if you don't realize it sooner than today it's going to really suck TRIBBLE to be you soon.
  • tontokowalski22tontokowalski22 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was able to transfer over 2 of my characters.

    292 EDC
    4 Rare Armor
    2 Rare PSG
    1 Rare Shield
    1 Prototype Shield
    4 Rare Engines
    41 Rare Salvage
    36 Prototype Salvage

    =3500 Omega Marks, 16 Borg Neural Processors, and 8000 Dilithium
    The Dilithium equivalent is 168,480

    366 EDC
    16 Rare Salvage
    61 Prototype Salvage
    5 Rare Weapons
    1 Prototype Engine
    1 Rare Shield

    =3500 Omega Marks, 16 Borg Neural Processors, and 8000 Dilithium
    The Dilithium equivalent is 204,096

    Do the number of tech have any impact on conversion at all?
    I don't always feel like endlessly grinding for hours with little to gain from it. But when I do, I choose Star Trek Online
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have to send thanks to my friend Dukedom. I've been away from STO for months, but I have been playing CO and he caught me online last night. Duke warned me of S7's impending doom and cruddy conversion rates. Wow, I'm totally flashing back to last year's S5 dilithium conversion rates...

    Fortunately, I never ran that many STFs. I got off the RNG-Mk XII Gear Hunt Hamster Wheel after my main character Havelock got enough Mk XI gear, and my favorite alts got Retro Borg sets. That was fine with me. All said and told I've run less than 300 STFs (169 of those on Havelock). Had pretty good times with some good friends in many of those too, BTW. :)

    Anyway, I don't have much stockpile left to convert. Havelock only has 50x EDC, 23x Rare Salvage, 13x Proto Salvage, 2x Rare Tech, 1x Proto Tech in his banks. I'll check on Tribble when I get home from work, tonight, but from browsing through this thread, it does sound like it'll be better to convert to Dil. I'll post my results later.

    1) Is there a Break Point where it's worth keeping a few EDC (or ??), to get something from the conversion box that's worth keeping?
    2) Do we get any conversion value out of Deferi Borg Invasion items (I can't remember the names of those mish-mash of things)?
    3) I think I still have a few alts that have that STF-intro mission to visit DS9 and get a free Mk X Borg item. Is that requisition worth anything pre/post conversion?

    Thanks in advance.

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    zdenka1970 wrote: »
    they also got converted now

    i had 91x Reman Datalogs and i got 455 Romulan Marks for it

    Thanks for the info.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • pwecanbitemepwecanbiteme Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) Is there a Break Point where it's worth keeping a few EDC (or ??), to get something from the conversion box that's worth keeping?
    2) Do we get any conversion value out of Deferi Borg Invasion items (I can't remember the names of those mish-mash of things)?
    3) I think I still have a few alts that have that STF-intro mission to visit DS9 and get a free Mk X Borg item. Is that requisition worth anything pre/post conversion?

    Thanks in advance.

    1) I just left 1 edc in the bank. the next tier up, iirc is 10edc
    2) no clue
    3) I'd cash that in ASAP. If anything it's a free weapon. And after S7 you're going to pay for damn near everything.
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Char 1:

    77 EDC
    1 Common Deflector Tech
    1 Common Engine Tech
    1 Prototype Shield Tech
    22 Rare Salvage

    2000 OMM 10 BNP 2000 Dil

    Char 2:
    44 EDC
    5 Prototype salvage
    1 Rare Shield Tech
    1 Common Shield Tech
    10 Rare salvage

    1500 OMM 8 BNP 1000 Dil

    Sold most of it .. this is what is left.
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have cracked the conversion rates and painstakingly found the first ten tier min/max amounts.

    Thanks everyone for the data!
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
  • penclrtistpenclrtist Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I cashed all mine out for the following reasons:
    1) gear supposedly easier to come by in s7 and dilithium is less
    2) stuff I have will be locked so I will have to grind to get it back... (need an excuse to keep playing this game anyway)
    3) exchange rate sucks bawls

    +1/2 mil dilithium to me tyvm...
  • joenatljoenatl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Glad I cashed out most of my gear. I kept all my EDC b/c I could not justify 10/1000 dilithium so I thought I'd roll the dice on those. I did convert some into a dozen borg engines for the energy credit when selling them off. But the EDC turn out to be the bulk of my points. However I am ticked that RBS and PBS carry the same weight. Even in the dilithium conversion they were on the same tier as the tech equivalent they matched.

    So looks like I am tier 9 from what I recall I left in the bank last night.

    Now comes the flood of posts from people ticked off they are being ripped off even though they did have some warning.

    Thanks for all the math work. As Malibu Stacey said on the Simpsons, "Math is hard".
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