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Season 7 Dev Blog #12



  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited November 2012
    I wouldn't mind the vesta having what it has in the forms its been laid out like... I would just want something for the KDF along the same lines as this vesta pack except a new class of Negh'Var that is smaller than the bortasqu' but has more tactical power being the free Negh'var just isn't what I would view as a Heavy Battle Cruiser.

    The fleet vor'cha was done excellently but some of us prefer the look of the negh'var over the vor'cha look and we haven't got anything viable from the starbase system nor anything for it from the c-store.

    Overall though the vesta models look nice if you are heavily invested or just getting started in the federation side but for us KDF players it would be nice to fill the void like the vesta did for the fed side except with a Negh'Var.

    couldnt agree more , a bundle pack of ships for the kdf would go some way to filling gaps in the fleet. they'd have to make it nice and manoeuvrable though , unlike the bortas'qu , which turns like a blue whale with heavy shopping
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have to agree, unlimited Aux cannons is a bit crazy. Although on the other hand, ships other than sci barely need Aux power at the moment, so making a sci that barely needs weapons power isn't all that far out of line. The problem is that it would be too easy to transfer them to other ships, because the fact is that turrets really don't count for much compared to DHCs. Exactly how bad that is is debatable, but it's probably not good.
  • phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2012
    Think about it though, you weapons scale in damage based on weapon power. Meaning you would need full Aux to get the same damage output.... Not enough power to go around... All weapons would suffer. The power depletion of cannons is not that much so if you managed to get both Weapon and Aux at 80, I don't think the gains of spreading power depletion around would be worth more than having weapon power at 125 with all depletion.

    Cant wait to test it out.... It may be interesting to see what a Sci captain and a Chimera can get away with though... Wait would you do with the 3 weapons in the back...
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Using them on my Dreadnought is one of the few comforts I could afford....

    Definite benefit from the Aux abilities like Aux to SIF and Aux to Dampeners (which nicely increases the turn rate by a ton).
    rrincy wrote: »
    that raises a good point , cloaked dreadnought with 4 aux cannons
    that could be nasty , im not familiar with the dread , but the lance comes from weapon power right ?

    Can't remember, havn't flown my Dreadnaught in a while, but think it was tied to power. Then again, nothing a Weapon Battery couldn't fix.
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited November 2012
    Definite benefit from the Aux abilities like Aux to SIF and Aux to Dampeners (which nicely increases the turn rate by a ton).

    Can't remember, havn't flown my Dreadnaught in a while, but think it was tied to power. Then again, nothing a Weapon Battery couldn't fix.

    no , im just thinking how deadly it could potentially be , not sure if it'd work , but have all power to aux , pop a weapons battery or red matter with the exocomp doff equipped , lance and cannon alpha strike on decloak
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So feds get a sci version of a Fleet Corsair flight deck cruiser. Nice. Finally catching up to KDF.
    Of course more toys and abilities so feds feel good about themselves.
    The Aux powered cannons are a nice idea though.

    An interesting ship release for sure. If I played Fed any more I'd probably go for this, but I don't.
    Until the next KDF c-store ship, no money from me, sorry cryptic.

    zerobang wrote: »
    i know all Sci ships only have 6 weapon slots... and that is one of the reasons i DO NOT LIKE sci ships...

    the SCI commander slot is another thing i don't like and it looks to me like all 3 versions come with the same BOff layout?

    with only 6 weapons and probably a low amount of TAC console slots, where is the DPS supposed to be coming from?

    lol. When you're a hammer everything looks like a nail.
    Sci ships require a different play style. If you can't adapt to it then this and other sci ships are not for you.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Definite benefit from the Aux abilities like Aux to SIF and Aux to Dampeners (which nicely increases the turn rate by a ton).

    That's what I was thinking.
    Can't remember, havn't flown my Dreadnaught in a while, but think it was tied to power.

    It is.
    rrincy wrote: »
    no , im just thinking how deadly it could potentially be , not sure if it'd work , but have all power to aux , pop a weapons battery or red matter with the exocomp doff equipped , lance and cannon alpha strike on decloak

    Exocomp Doff/Phaser Consoles + All power to Aux + Emergency Power to Aux + Aux to Battery + Weapons Battery.

    EDIT: Throw in Tactical Team for the hell of it.
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    They really need to up the hull to 33k at least - 27.8 is just insanely low for a ship this size. i mean the escorts have as much as 25% more hull!!

    What gives guys??

    It's a science vessel. Science vessel hulls are an alloy of tin foil and tracing paper, but they have very good shields to make up for it, and this ship will be able to sport and even better than better shield.

    I am very much looking forward to this ship. I am a science captain with an unapologetic love for science vessels, and this will be genius for me. My current primary ships are a Luna and an Armitage, this ship might just be able to take the place of BOTH (being able to switch between science heavy for probe catching and tac heavy for smashing will be great, and fighters are nice to have. To think i was thinking of getting a Nova for the ltc tac). I feel sorry for my power tray, though. Both of the aforementioned ships max out my power tray due to the extra commands available and this one will have subsystem targeting and carrier commands plus up to four console based powers alone. I think I might need more hotkeys.

    of secondary concern: will we be seeing more aux based weaponry? One gun that uses aux power is an intriguing device, but not ultimately very useful, having a full set of weaponry that uses aux, on the other hand, would be awesome for science vessels even if they cause a power draw.
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited November 2012
    that could work quite nicely for a dread :)if you are indeed able to use multiples of the aux cannons , could make using the lance and rapid firing a lot more effective
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • allmyteeallmytee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Soooo the ADHC utilize Aux power, is their damage based on aux, or does it just drain from aux?

    also what is the quality of these ADHC? Are they just gonna be plane ole white without any modifiers?
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It's a science vessel. Science vessel hulls are an alloy of tin foil and tracing paper, but they have very good shields to make up for it, and this ship will be able to sport and even better than better shield.

    I am very much looking forward to this ship. I am a science captain with an unapologetic love for science vessels, and this will be genius for me. My current primary ships are a Luna and an Armitage, this ship might just be able to take the place of BOTH (being able to switch between science heavy for probe catching and tac heavy for smashing will be great, and fighters are nice to have. To think i was thinking of getting a Nova for the ltc tac). I feel sorry for my power tray, though. Both of the aforementioned ships max out my power tray due to the extra commands available and this one will have subsystem targeting and carrier commands plus up to four console based powers alone. I think I might need more hotkeys.

    of secondary concern: will we be seeing more aux based weaponry? One gun that uses aux power is an intriguing device, but not ultimately very useful, having a full set of weaponry that uses aux, on the other hand, would be awesome for science vessels even if they cause a power draw.

    Well they can't limit it to just 1 Using Aux or the others will be useless - it you have Aux maxed and weapons low you would get good results from 1 and crappy from the other 2.

    If you max weapons you would get good results from 2 and crappy results from 1. They either have to leave it as it is and have 3 Aux cannons all using Aux or get rid of the thing all together. So I certainly hope the Dev's understand that if they make changes to make it only 1 per ship - it might as well not be there - and that just killed the whole idea - which would not be a good move.
  • chrisanslerchrisansler Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well its a neat ship. I'm still laughing a bit though at the Sympathetic Fermion Transceiver though. marcfalcone said it best so I'll just quote him.
    I can't believe you guys. You have all of Paramount to fall back on and you can't figure out the Fermion device? It's in the series. And it's because they are a long-range exploration ship. The fermion vibration matches a fermion vibration at Starfleet's labs (it's an experimental system) so that they can instantaniously contact Starfleet and vice versa from just about anywhere. THAT is what impressed LaForge. *sigh* Oh well. At least you used it in some other way.

    Which essentially makes it a quantum entanglement communication device linking the Fermion particles on the Vesta with the ones at Starfleet so they're never out of contact no matter the range. That's it, its a fancy 2-way radio not some healing field.
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    allmytee wrote: »
    Soooo the ADHC utilize Aux power, is their damage based on aux, or does it just drain from aux?
    Dev blog says utilizes axillary power. it doesn't specify what that means, but I think it's safe to assume that means DPS is based off how high your aux level is. I would be willing to bet this also means that multiple aux based weapons (assuming they let you mount multiples) drain aux power like regular weapons drain weapon power.

    I do kind of wonder how regular weapons and aux weapons will mix with regards to power drain. If aux based weaponry doesn;t affect weapons power drain and vice versa, it could help mitigate DPS loss from running low weapon power with multiple energy weapons firing, which is good for science vessels since they don't have power to spare if you want to maximize your aux abilites.
    also what is the quality of these ADHC? Are they just gonna be plane ole white without any modifiers?
    3 mods would seem to indicate very rare (purple) quality, though that can't be counted on since there are some special weapons with a rarity one higher than the number of affixes would indicate.
    levi3 wrote: »
    Well they can't limit it to just 1 Using Aux or the others will be useless - it you have Aux maxed and weapons low you would get good results from 1 and crappy from the other 2.

    If you max weapons you would get good results from 2 and crappy results from 1. They either have to leave it as it is and have 3 Aux cannons all using Aux or get rid of the thing all together. So I certainly hope the Dev's understand that if they make changes to make it only 1 per ship - it might as well not be there - and that just killed the whole idea - which would not be a good move.

    Exactly my point. If you have weapons whose DPS is determined by different power levels, you won't be able to maximize damage. if you can't fit a (mostly) full set of aux based weapons, you might as well just ditch them and keep doing what good science captains do already: either run a power agnostic torpedo build or have a high weapons DPS power setting and a high aux caster power setting and swap between them as needed.
    On a side note, I am a bit miffed that the deflector dish phaser beam thing is a console locked to this one ship. I was sort of hoping for the future they would just add that as a new science power (or generic universal console at the least) to give science a bit of a boost. it isn't really something unique to the Vesta since we say the Enterprise do the same thing in the Best of Both Worlds.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    khayuung wrote: »
    That as much so be an obvious YES!

    Defiants cloaked with full aux power, decloaking and suffering minimal DPS loss when they do.

    Right now I cope by using Tech doffs and Aux2batt to quickly turn all that Aux power into firepower. Imagine not needing to do that and just go straight up 3 subnuc doffs and 2 BFI doffs.

    Scary thought.

    You would lose out on your turrets as a trade off unless they introduce Aux Turrets.
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well its a neat ship. I'm still laughing a bit though at the Sympathetic Fermion Transceiver though. marcfalcone said it best so I'll just quote him.

    Which essentially makes it a quantum entanglement communication device linking the Fermion particles on the Vesta with the ones at Starfleet so they're never out of contact no matter the range. That's it, its a fancy 2-way radio not some healing field.

    Hell, the transceiver part should have clued everyone into it being some sort of communication device.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rrincy wrote: »
    well christ , colour me shocked :eek:
    thought for sure it'd be one a ship like the other weapons

    My calculating business self says that each of the three ships should have a unique Aux DHC.


    Aux DHC Dmgx2 Acc (Unique) - Avantine
    Aux DHC Dmg CritD Acc (Unique) - Vesta
    Aux DHC Dmg CritH Acc (Unique) - Rademaker

    That way to fully deck out a Vesta, you'd need to buy all three. And if you tried on an escort, you'd need to settle for less than 4 or toss a torpedo or something in the 4th slot.

    Yes, what I'm suggesting is not really in players' interests but it would strike me as the balanced route.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    is it just me or does it look like the shuttle is bigger than the bay doors in the pic ?

  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have to agree, unlimited Aux cannons is a bit crazy. Although on the other hand, ships other than sci barely need Aux power at the moment, so making a sci that barely needs weapons power isn't all that far out of line. The problem is that it would be too easy to transfer them to other ships, because the fact is that turrets really don't count for much compared to DHCs. Exactly how bad that is is debatable, but it's probably not good.

    It might be interesting if the balance solution there was to buff turrets.
  • allmyteeallmytee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ooops didn't see the modifiers on the weapons on the blog page duh but if damage is indeed based on aux lvls i feel they would benefit escorts more..... escorts running full aux for even better heals, dumping the remaining power into shields or engines, not needing so much in weapons..... should lock these weapons into the vesta line me thinks
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My calculating business self says that each of the three ships should have a unique Aux DHC.


    Aux DHC Dmgx2 Acc (Unique) - Avantine
    Aux DHC Dmg CritD Acc (Unique) - Vesta
    Aux DHC Dmg CritH Acc (Unique) - Rademaker

    That way to fully deck out a Vesta, you'd need to buy all three. And if you tried on an escort, you'd need to settle for less than 4 or toss a torpedo or something in the 4th slot.

    Yes, what I'm suggesting is not really in players' interests but it would strike me as the balanced route.

    Well, assuming each ship comes with one set of ADHCs (which I am guessing they will) and you can mount multiples to a ship, you already have to buy more than one vesta to fully deck out one ship in these guns.

    I don't really see why they would need or want to give each one different affixes, though.
    meh, whatever. Let me know when I can get some aux based beams.
  • allmyteeallmytee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You could still buy just one, take out weapon, dump and reclaim. rinse and repeat
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    trek21 wrote: »
    Okay, why call the hanger bay excessive and pointless? The original Vesta from the novel had it; why not now?

    Because almost all Federation starships, like the Galaxy and Sovereign-class for example, had huge main shuttle bays. Even Voyager could spew out, and store, vast amounts of shuttles out of its shuttle bay. So the logical question is: why don't all ships have a hanger? They could bump up Klingon side carriers to one more hanger to compensate.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    amosov78 wrote: »
    Because almost all Federation starships, like the Galaxy and Sovereign-class for example, had huge main shuttle bays. Even Voyager could spew out, and store, vast amounts of shuttles out of its shuttle bay. So the logical question is: why don't all ships have a hanger? They could bump up Klingon side carriers to one more hanger to compensate.

    All starfleet ships have reasonable shuttle bays (defiant excepted), but I don't think that means hangar bays. You have to be able to perform combat launches and recoveries as well as be able to repair and replace combat losses. Only the Akira has been said (off screen) to have a hangar bay large enough for that sort of capability and that is actually dedicated to that function

    The Vesta was said to have a runabout pad an a bit larger bay space, but the latter is a trait shared with Galaxy and Sovereign (and the Odyssey in STO) class vessels due to their size, so I agree, it shouldn't be grounds to grant a hangar bay. Rather, I would prefer the Vesta were given a console ability similar to that of the Odyssey's worker pods that only launches one or two runabouts (for reference, the hangar bay lets you launch 2 pairs of runabouts, and can be swapped for another type of small craft).
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All starfleet ships have reasonable shuttle bays (defiant excepted), but I don't think that means hangar bays. You have to be able to perform combat launches and recoveries as well as be able to repair and replace combat losses. Only the Akira has been said (off screen) to have a hangar bay large enough for that sort of capability and that is actually dedicated to that function

    The Vesta was said to have a runabout pad an a bit larger bay space, but the latter is a trait shared with Galaxy and Sovereign (and the Odyssey in STO) class vessels due to their size, so I agree, it shouldn't be grounds to grant a hangar bay. Rather, I would prefer the Vesta were given a console ability similar to that of the Odyssey's worker pods that only launches one or two runabouts (for reference, the hangar bay lets you launch 2 pairs of runabouts, and can be swapped for another type of small craft).

    the vesta in no way deserves to have a hanger. if it deserves one, basically every larger ship deserves one too.

    please explain why a hanger this large on the galaxy does not grant it a hanger, or 2.

    the door on the ody's main hanger is about 50% larger too.

    the vesta having a runabout elevator is nothing special. this has nothing to do with command and recovery, thats a guy or 2 at a multi purpose computer station, and extra staff scheduling to service launch vehicles.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    the vesta in no way deserves to have a hanger. if it deserves one, basically every larger ship deserves one too.

    please explain why a hanger this large on the galaxy does not grant it a hanger, or 2.

    the door on the ody's main hanger is about 50% larger too.

    the vesta having a runabout elevator is nothing special. this has nothing to do with command and recovery, thats a guy or 2 at a multi purpose computer station, and extra staff scheduling to service launch vehicles.

    John Eaves also did concept art for the Sovereign-class Enterprise-E shuttle bay.

    Main article here: http://ottens.co.uk/forgottentrek/john-eaves-enterprise-e-main-shuttlebay/
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    the vesta in no way deserves to have a hanger. if it deserves one, basically every larger ship deserves one too.

    please explain why a hanger this large on the galaxy does not grant it a hanger, or 2.
    Reread my post. I agree with you. The shuttle bay on the vesta is nothing special, hence it doesn't really deserve a hangar slot. Interesting picture, though, I didn't realize shuttle bay 1 was quite so large with a ramp down, and the shuttles add some scale (even if I have my doubts as the sizes being 100% accurate/ Also I believe that would be non-canon, but I'll give it a pass since I mentioned the Akira's bay). Again the only Starfleet ship I believe should have a hangar slot is the Akira since it was fluffed by the designer as being specifically set up for the launch and recovery of fighter craft under combat conditions with expanded Command and Control for the fighters. The Galaxy and Sovereign certainly have a sizeable complement of small craft in a cavernous shuttle bay, but lack the latter part. That said, I wouldn't be against them having hangar slots, but I do believe that would require a total re-balance of fighter craft, and alteration in the number of hangars dedicated carriers (including the Armitage) have
    the vesta having a runabout elevator is nothing special. this has nothing to do with command and recovery, thats a guy or 2 at a multi purpose computer station, and extra staff scheduling to service launch vehicles.
    I disagree here, other ships don't have runabout pads, so this is something somewhat special, even if it is just a way to fit runabout or other large small craft (heh, that's like saying jumbo shrimp) into a smaller bay. Once again, that doesn't equate to hanger slot, but I think it could merit something (again I suggest a console like the Odyssey's worker bees)
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Branflakes replied that one ship can mount multiple copies of DHCs, and other ships can use said cannons, but also qualified that all are subject to change.

    So yes if you cry hard enough maybe it might not make Holodeck. I don't think its necessary since most science ships can't mount DHCs, but having it around gives ships that do mount it have more options.

    Interestingly, mounting it on a dreadnought means you get to heal better without needing to switch power that often! DNCs might fail less.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If Cryptic is going to continue to make older ships useless, they might as well establish a Tier 6 already.

    I really don't see them backing down from this. The only time they ever backed down was when the Nebula was introduced (is it me or isn't this the same BO configuration they originally offered with the Nebula?). The Galaxy-X Phaser lance, the Intrepid Ablative Generator (but as a 100% effective shield, which is better), Hull Regeneration, and a super slipstream.

    So did they intentionally forget the Kitchen Sink? :rolleyes:

    Right now, given all this, it's a good deal. No need to buy the Nebula, D'Kyr, Interpid Refit, the other Sci Ships, and while at it, add the Regent and the Galaxy-X to the plate. (The Odyssey killed the Galaxy-R, and the Vet Destroyers killed the Escorts).

    So no use putting in the other canonical ships, because they obviously not going to be as good.
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Looks like every other Cruiser style ship made the past year's time.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well, so much for the current Federation flagship being the most advanced vessel and exemplar of the fleet, like her predecessor was. Maybe they should make the Enterprise-F a Vesta-class after all. :P
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
This discussion has been closed.