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Season 7 Dev Blog #8



  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    The old system had a reward table with a small percentage chance of the mk xii prototype tech dropping, and even then it required a specific STF for each gear. Since this is considered the best gear in the game, we wanted to keep it challenging to obtain while drastically reducing the amount of STFs needed to get the gear sets. We calculated a 60% reduction in the number of STFs needed to get gear when making the new system. Also, we wanted to give credit to players who had already been hunting for these items by giving them a conversion crate that allows for a further reduction beyond that.

    Since the Reputation system is similar to the Fleet System, projects have a set time limit to completion. We calculate that even if you have all the items necessary as inputs for all the projects, the time needed to complete all projects is going to be around 2 months.

    When we say "casual" play - we calculate that a player can earn all inputs necessary to complete the Rep system by playing three 1-hour session per week. That is very casual when compared to the greater amount of time most players actually play. We do not anticiapte anyone needing to trade for any Dilithium in order to complete this system as they should be able to easily earn enough in three 1-hour sessions per week given the amount of Dilithium players earn on average per session.

    When you crunched the numbers on this,did you factor in all the other things that cost Dilithium?
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    While one of the designers did the math and gave me the 60% reduction, this is similar to the logic used.

    We looked at how many runs a player would need to have a statistical chance of getting the drop, then reduced the total number of runs needed to max out and get it in the new system.

    So in essence it is similar to a significant improvement in the drop rate of the item, but as part of the new Reputation System. The reason why we we didn't just change the drop rate is because it was still random and still hooked up to specific STFs. Now you can do any Borg content and get items needed to get your gear and don't have some people getting "lucky" and others "unlucky". Plus it is now structurally similar to how other Reputations work in the game such as the Romulan reputation and others that are coming down the road.

    i can see your avoiding to answer this question but i will ask it again.

    Are you saying that no matter how much i play no matter how much i grind it will always take 2 months game time to get a full MK XII set ?

    please this is very important question here.
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    For the most part, I'm happy that the random chance nonsense is going away. I'm more encouraged to play Elite STFs to finally get some MKXII items and for it to actually be achievable within a reasonable time frame. (After the reputation grind)

    It took me about 2-3 months of grinding to earn MkXI Omega and MACO space and ground sets and anti-Borg weaponry with the old system. Since I'm already geared and ready to go, I won't have much to gain from the system until hitting Tier 5 when I can actually start upgrading my MkXI items to MkXII, and when my locked converted currencies become available to use. That long wait is what has me a bit upset about the new system. I say "a bit upset" because I'm content with the MkXI items I have now. It's more than enough to deal with the Borg in STFs. It just sucks having to wait about two months grinding through projects before I can unlock permission to purchase MkXII shinies.

    All I really want is helmets for my MACO and Omega outfits (and gloves for MACO). But, I have to go through all THIS just to get them. :rolleyes:
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    Perhaps i should not have said this was not a big issue - I actually have no idea how many people purchase these doff's with their edc's.

    I am actually interested to know - I like the Borg security duty officers.
  • husnock1husnock1 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I am actually interested to know - I like the Borg security duty officers.

    And I was always hoping to save up to get one, so I'd like to know too.

    P.S. No one has asked yet, to my knowledge, so I will: When can we expect a Test Weekend?
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husnock1 wrote: »
    And I was always hoping to save up to get one, so I'd like to know too.

    P.S. No one has asked yet, to my knowledge, so I will: When can we expect a Test Weekend?

    I am running a lot of infected today for the 4 edc's so I can get a few.
  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Stahl, here's one I think you should have no trouble answering, since I'm not going to ask for exact numbers. Those would be fairly meaningless without knowing all the exact costs also. It's a yes or no question, and I expect the answer will be "No."

    Will whatever quantity of Omega Marks and/or Borg Neural Processors and/or dilithium you get out of one Prototype Borg Salvage being converted, be sufficient to, once we earn our Omega Force Lockbox' master key at Tier 5, pay for a single mk XII weapon?

    In the dev blog screenshots we can already see (or in my case, could, the PWE site won't let Chrome display any image more than once) that the dilithium cost of standard issue borg gear will be greater than what we'd get for them now, if we exchanged them. So unless it does, indeed, as you said, preserve our buying power, which I very much doubt, I'd tell people gamble with your EDC and Rare Salvage if you want - I probably will - but it's time to pimp out the shuttles. :rolleyes:
  • overthetopsighoverthetopsigh Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So, I've been patiently waiting for more and more information on the new stf system. And I can't seem to figure out what they are fixing with the new system. The old saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it, should apply here. The only two things that I can come up with are to remove random drops from stfs, and to make people pay dilithium for the stf gear which we pretty much get for free.

    On the point of random elite stf gear drops, I have 7 toons all of which have full sets for both space and ground and they did not take me that long to get, I can post actual numbers once I log in later to do some dailies. But to those of you who are unlucky enough to get full sets, are there enough of you to create such a big change in the system? How much people need to complain about this? 10%? 30%? 50%? And once you get your full set, will you still be complaining afterwards?

    As for the dilithium part, the devs have decided they want less dilithium in the game, and this is how they want to do it. They remove a good chunk of dilithium you recieve from doing a stf, while at the same time making you use dilthium to get the equipment.

    Cryptic seems to be fixing a problem that is not really there, with all this negativity against this new system. Maybe they should hold off implementing it for season 7. What I propose is to have both systems in place. Leave the old random system in place and use the new system for the romulan stfs. A lot of effort has been used to force this new system down our throat; effort which could have been better spent on fixing other things which could've used this attention (pvp, balancing, end game content, bug fixing, new development).
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Im sorry dstahl but the new system stinks and its not wanted.

    Uh... I actually think this is a good idea.

    In the long run, this is gonna work better than the old system, considering I've been trying to get the MACO set for ages and haven't had ANY luck, I'm willing to use this system to get to it.

    Have you heard of something called "patience"?
  • dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Are you saying that no matter how much i play no matter how much i grind it will always take 2 months game time to get a full MK XII set ?

    It has been stated several times now that the Omega Fleet Reputation system will take approximately 60-90 days to complete. Once completed you can continually run projects to obtain Set gear. In addition, the stores that sell non-set gear will be permanently opened up and you can then buy gear to your heart's content.

    You only have to level the rep system once and it does take 60-90 days playing 3 sessions of one-hour per week to gather all the inputs necessary to complete it.

    During that time, you'll also be earning new rewards such as Captain's power that previously did not exist but were added as new rewards.

    In addition, any STF currencies you do not spend prior to Season 7 launch will be put in a crate that will be unlocked and accessible as a lump sum (Omega Marks, BNPs, and Dilithium). once you max out the Omega Fleet (when all the gear projects and stores unlock) so that you'll be able to have a leg up on buying the gear (versus waiting to get the random drops previously).

    Or you'll be able to take those items and run projects to convert it to Dilithium.

    The 60-90 days needed to max out the system is still statistically less time that would be needed to gain a specific piece of prototype tech for a MK XII.

    So instead of running STFs and leaving everything to chance, you will now have a progression showing you how long and how much it takes to get any specific piece of gear you want.
  • josephkerrjosephkerr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Still havn't seen an answer as to WHY we need Dilithium at all to work a so-called "reputation" system then use it again for some we could previously get by playing.

    Not that the answer is likley to satisfy but trying to explain it would amuse me.
  • entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I read Dan's comments on why the conversions are being held out, so here's my response to it:

    1) You don't want people effectively skipping the Reputation system. Excuse me, but if we've run enough STFs and received enough Techs, EDCs, and Salvages to convert into a full run at it, then why not? We still have the Romulan side of the Reputation System. That'll take some time. IF you put it on the same timeframe as the Omega reputation, that'll take 2 months.

    2) You want them to be able to buy their stuff once they get there as a number of people would have enough converted stuff to get it all once they hit Tier V. Is this game not ours to play? Why are we forced to play by your linear rules? Part of what makes a game fun is figuring out how we can save time and still get to the good stuff! You have to give your players some wiggle room to get there on their terms.

    3) You don't want them using up the converted resources before they get to the Tier V. How about some disclaimers and warnings instead of holding our converted stuff back? Like, before we open the crate: "NOTE: The items in here are enough to claim at least 1 set of Mk XII Omega Force ground or space gear. If you use items incorrectly, you may have to earn more of those items once you get to Tier V." Or something like that. If you can convert EDCs, Salvage, and Techs without needing a chart, surely you can include warnings on the boxes of those who have enough to get Mk XII set(s).

    My point is...we've already put the work in. It should be our choice of what content we play of the choices you put out. Witholding rewards until we play your way is forcing us to play.

    When the game feels like work, guess what'll happen to your game population. It'll shrink in favor of something else that's fun.
  • dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hrisvalar wrote: »
    Stahl, here's one I think you should have no trouble answering, since I'm not going to ask for exact numbers. Those would be fairly meaningless without knowing all the exact costs also. It's a yes or no question, and I expect the answer will be "No."

    Will whatever quantity of Omega Marks and/or Borg Neural Processors and/or dilithium you get out of one Prototype Borg Salvage being converted, be sufficient to, once we earn our Omega Force Lockbox' master key at Tier 5, pay for a single mk XII weapon?

    In the dev blog screenshots we can already see (or in my case, could, the PWE site won't let Chrome display any image more than once) that the dilithium cost of standard issue borg gear will be greater than what we'd get for them now, if we exchanged them. So unless it does, indeed, as you said, preserve our buying power, which I very much doubt, I'd tell people gamble with your EDC and Rare Salvage if you want - I probably will - but it's time to pimp out the shuttles. :rolleyes:

    Until the final numbers are implemented, I don't have this specific data point. We do plan on implementing this on Tribble soon so that you can log in and see the exact conversion your character received.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So, I've been patiently waiting for more and more information on the new stf system. And I can't seem to figure out what they are fixing with the new system. The old saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it, should apply here. The only two things that I can come up with are to remove random drops from stfs, and to make people pay dilithium for the stf gear which we pretty much get for free.

    On the point of random elite stf gear drops, I have 7 toons all of which have full sets for both space and ground and they did not take me that long to get, I can post actual numbers once I log in later to do some dailies. But to those of you who are unlucky enough to get full sets, are there enough of you to create such a big change in the system? How much people need to complain about this? 10%? 30%? 50%? And once you get your full set, will you still be complaining afterwards?

    As for the dilithium part, the devs have decided they want less dilithium in the game, and this is how they want to do it. They remove a good chunk of dilithium you recieve from doing a stf, while at the same time making you use dilthium to get the equipment.

    Cryptic seems to be fixing a problem that is not really there, with all this negativity against this new system. Maybe they should hold off implementing it for season 7. What I propose is to have both systems in place. Leave the old random system in place and use the new system for the romulan stfs. A lot of effort has been used to force this new system down our throat; effort which could have been better spent on fixing other things which could've used this attention (pvp, balancing, end game content, bug fixing, new development).

    somewhere in ur post i think you hit the nail.

    but dstahl has refused to answer the question about how long it will take.

    i asked since he said 2 months.

    my question was "no matter how much i play no matter how much i grind will it always be 2 months to get mk XII"

    but his lack of answer makes the fear inside me grow even bigger that this might be the most horrible thing they ever done.
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • diafpwediafpwe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    josephkerr wrote: »
    Still havn't seen an answer as to WHY we need Dilithium at all to work a so-called "reputation" system then use it again for some we could previously get by playing.

    Not that the answer is likley to satisfy but trying to explain it would amuse me.

    It's very easy. Cryptic's Chinese masters are adding in a layer of asian grind monetization to the western market, hoping the Star Trek IP is enough to keep us spoiled westerners interested.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    It has been stated several times now that the Omega Fleet Reputation system will take approximately 60-90 days to complete. Once completed you can continually run projects to obtain Set gear. In addition, the stores that sell non-set gear will be permanently opened up and you can then buy gear to your heart's content.

    You only have to level the rep system once and it does take 60-90 days playing 3 sessions of one-hour per week to gather all the inputs necessary to complete it.

    During that time, you'll also be earning new rewards such as Captain's power that previously did not exist but were added as new rewards.

    In addition, any STF currencies you do not spend prior to Season 7 launch will be put in a crate that will be unlocked and accessible as a lump sum (Omega Marks, BNPs, and Dilithium). once you max out the Omega Fleet (when all the gear projects and stores unlock) so that you'll be able to have a leg up on buying the gear (versus waiting to get the random drops previously).

    Or you'll be able to take those items and run projects to convert it to Dilithium.

    The 60-90 days needed to max out the system is still statistically less time that would be needed to gain a specific piece of prototype tech for a MK XII.

    So instead of running STFs and leaving everything to chance, you will now have a progression showing you how long and how much it takes to get any specific piece of gear you want.

    thank you for answering my question but ur saying that 60 - 90 days is what it takes.

    why so long ?

    what is wrong with 10 days or even 15 days ?

    why the very big big big leap of 60 - 90 days ?

    thats what i cannot understand.

    if i take a day and grind for 19 hours straight in this game. i want it to be rewarding.

    but now you are saying that no matter what i do im always on the schedule of 60 - 90 days.

    i dont understand how it works or why ?
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    thank you for answering my question but ur saying that 60 - 90 days is what it takes.

    why so long ?

    what is wrong with 10 days or even 15 days ?

    why the very big big big leap of 60 - 90 days ?

    thats what i cannot understand.

    if i take a day and grind for 19 hours straight in this game. i want it to be rewarding.

    but now you are saying that no matter what i do im always on the schedule of 60 - 90 days.

    i dont understand how it works or why ?

    I think he means it'll take 60-90 days if you play casually for 1 hour only 3 times a week. I supposed if you play more than that rate, you'll get it faster.
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Until the final numbers are implemented, I don't have this specific data point. We do plan on implementing this on Tribble soon so that you can log in and see the exact conversion your character received.

    You guys are stealing the progress of veteran players, and then telling them they have to repurchase them at a higher cost.

    You guys are committing a con.

    Its as simple as that.

    Regardless about what your numbers say, they don't justify what this system is meant to do. You want more money from veteran players, so you came up with an elaborate con to get us to pay twice for the same product.

    I am someone who pays for zen. You want me to pay more for the products I already earned (bought).
    Any items converted this way will go into a storage device which cannot be retrieved until the character reaches Tier 5 in the Task Force Omega Reputation System.
    Other words, you have to spend more time and money to get what you originally earned.
  • dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    josephkerr wrote: »
    Still havn't seen an answer as to WHY we need Dilithium at all to work a so-called "reputation" system then use it again for some we could previously get by playing

    It is a distribution of effort and part of a game system. Effort = reward.

    Dilithium represents generic game time. This can be gained from a number of sources.
    Omega Marks represents effort fighting the Borg. This can only be gained from Borg content.
    Borg Neural Processors represents effort fighting Elite STFs. This is only gain from Elite STFs.

    The new system asks that in order to get the best gear in the game, you have to do a little of everything. Play the game, run some STFs, fight the Borg = here's your mark XII set.

    This leads to a more measurable and balanced outcome than randomly play one STF and get the fat loot because you got super lucky.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    thank you for answering my question but ur saying that 60 - 90 days is what it takes.

    why so long ?

    what is wrong with 10 days or even 15 days ?

    why the very big big big leap of 60 - 90 days ?

    thats what i cannot understand.

    if i take a day and grind for 19 hours straight in this game. i want it to be rewarding.

    but now you are saying that no matter what i do im always on the schedule of 60 - 90 days.

    i dont understand how it works or why ?

    Put it this way; would you rather get the content quickly and easily, and spend the next two months being bored, or get the content through work and dedication over the course of a couple of months and feel the satisfaction of EARNING the rewards?

    For me, it's the latter. :D
  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Mr. Stahl,why do you keep tiptoeing around the questions about the Dilithium being added to the reputation systems (a.k.a the Dilithium tax on STF gear)?
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »

    - Once we have the final conversion numbers established, we will be updating TRIBBLE with the conversion script so that any character can log in individually and see the amount of Omega Marks, Borg Neural Processors, and Dilithium they will be receiving. This way you'll see exactly what each character will get and you can decide to cash out for Dilithium or not before Season 7.

    What if we run more STFs, get more Tech, EDCs, and/or Salvage, but we can't transfer characters to Tribble?

    I'm finding that problem with 2 characters right now. While I don't have any EDCs, Salvages, or Tech on them, what about people who do but can't transfer characters to Tribble?

    (BTW, customer service has been less than helpful. They basically said "If you transferred one there before, you may not be able to do so after.")
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So after the whole last season of ignoring the injustice of those mythical tech drop rates and player complaints, now as the next season comes over the horizon, The tune changes :

    Come back, it was unfair, we admit ! We've fixed it ! Come back and grind yet some more !

    As one player, I can only speak for myself, but this endless grind, in rehashed missions, to get rehashed rewards, that only get watered down AFTER one has ground for them, is starting to loose that luster along with all my enthusiasm.

    I sure don't know what you guys are doing over there, but it becomes clear to me with each passing day, you aren't thinking up ways to make this game more exciting or dare I say it, FUN or entertaining. More of a grind...certainly.
    I wish you guys would do something radical and perhaps come up with more of a balance between the grind AND entertainment, but that might require some thought and maybe the slightest concern over whether a player is actually enjoying themselves.

    Think I'm blowing smoke? Take a gander at all those "My worst STF experience" threads that pop up all over the place. Rather than take them exactly at face value, I see it as an ever increasing sign that people are getting sick of the endless grind to get NOTHING special. And that other players ultimately suffer for it. I can't begin to list all of the abuse I've read in chat over these past few enchanted months over elitism, selfishness over optional rewards by those who greed everything.... I could go on, but what's the point?

    I'm thinking it might be time for a personal little break after two somewhat years.
    So, I should give it exactly how long, for you guys to get the KDF up to specs and release the Romulans as a playable faction?

    Which brings me to another suspicion, with all this focus on Romulans in season 7, and New Romulas and all, might we expect a Warbird in the next lock box? Just like Tholian vessels were in the last season with "content' dedicated to them?

    Now you've gotten all that feedback in your last poll, I'm sure some genius over there has figured out a way to exploit those who want to play a Romulan, whilest doing the least amount of actual work.
    I'm sure the luckiest among-st us with the most amount of dissposable income will enjoy whatever you come up with for season 7.

    The rest of us will just have to stay content grinding away for piles of tribbles, a few security guards, pots and plants and new stores to open up to spend even more real world money, for what's already in the game in one fashion or another.

  • amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Dilithium represents generic game time.

    You know I would believe this... if I couldnt acquire Dilithium by buying Zen.

  • josephkerrjosephkerr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    diafpwe wrote: »
    It's very easy. Cryptic's Chinese masters are adding in a layer of asian grind monetization to the western market, hoping the Star Trek IP is enough to keep us spoiled westerners interested.

    Ooh ooh! I knwo this one!


    I've said it previously in this thread and I'll say it again, cryptic burned me enough that I wouldn't spend money on the game for over a year, and they're gonna burn me again.
  • fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    This leads to a more measurable and balanced outcome than randomly play one STF and get the fat loot because you got super lucky.
    You could have made Mk XII sets available for some kind of "Elite EDCs" that only get awarded for elite STFs...
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    It is a distribution of effort and part of a game system. Effort = reward.

    Dilithium represents generic game time. This can be gained from a number of sources.
    Omega Marks represents effort fighting the Borg. This can only be gained from Borg content.
    Borg Neural Processors represents effort fighting Elite STFs. This is only gain from Elite STFs.

    The new system asks that in order to get the best gear in the game, you have to do a little of everything. Play the game, run some STFs, fight the Borg = here's your mark XII set.

    This leads to a more measurable and balanced outcome than randomly play one STF and get the fat loot because you got super lucky.

    Effort = reward but you just said that no matter what i do 60 -90 days it takes no matter how much effort i place inside the game.

    i dont understand ?

    now you saying that i cannot do elite stfs only and get my gear.

    now i need to do many other missions why ?

    i only like the elite stfs why do the other things when i want the mk XII ?
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • sirsrisirsri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    (Omega Marks, BNPs, and Dilithium).

    I strongly suggest this be the last instance of you using the acronym BNP publicly. That is definitely not an association STO wants in any way shape or form.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sirsri wrote: »
    I strongly suggest this be the last instance of you using the acronym BNP publicly. That is definitely not an association STO wants in any way shape or form.

    Huh? Explain. I don't get the joke.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ok Dan, here's an easy one for you:

    Why was the generic loot back removed from STFs as well? Or at least the chance to get NON-STF Items at the end?!?!?

    It was nice to occasionally get a good Purple MK XI turret, or of completing the optional, having a chance at something else interesting. Why remove it, it has a minimal effect on the economy, or is it simply keeping people from grinding Dil?

    Why was it removed? What's the thinking behind it?
This discussion has been closed.