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Season 7 Dev Blog #8



  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think it may be as simple as him not including dilithium, a currency that is very easy to come by from multiple other sources, in the metrics for his claims of earning the gear with 60% fewer missions.

    In terms of every required currency except dilithium, this claim holds up. It's only the dil that falls short. But you can get that in so many places, that you simply don't have to play the STFs anymore right as soon as you get the marks you need. Effectively, his statement holds true. You only need to play a mere %40 the total you used to have to to get that gear. The deficit can be made up in a ton of other ways. Continuing STF runs is merely an option at that point.

    I'm pretty sure this isn't a case of starting to lie, just a case of a slight lack of clarity and a playerbase on a hair trigger just because we've been kinda burnt in the past.
  • denizenvidenizenvi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yeah, if the reduction stated doesn't include the dilithium cost, that's not a big deal to me. Most players play a variety of missions, many of which provide dilithium.

    So sure, if one is grinding STF's only, it might take a while to get the items, but the benefit is that you don't have to do that if you're playing normally and collecting dilithium from other missions you enjoy.

    I imagine Dan's point was that you don't have to grind hundreds of STF's to have a good chance at getting mk XII gear. So a clarification would be helpful, but it isn't necessary to preserve the integrity of his statements.
    Take a look at my Foundry missions!

    , Re-emergence, and . . .

  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    denizenvi wrote: »
    Yeah, if the reduction stated doesn't include the dilithium cost, that's not a big deal to me. Most players play a variety of missions, many of which provide dilithium.

    So sure, if one is grinding STF's only, it might take a while to get the items, but the benefit is that you don't have to do that if you're playing normally and collecting dilithium from other missions you enjoy.

    I imagine Dan's point was that you don't have to grind hundreds of STF's to have a good chance at getting mk XII gear. So a clarification would be helpful, but it isn't necessary to preserve the integrity of his statements.

    From the comments they definitely want to see more people do the Starbase Fleet Actions and new Romulan Sector Actions that will all reward more dilithium. Also, once you're T5 you can do stuff that turns Omega Marks into dilithium as well - and I think most hard core players that don't decide to just quit will be at that point in two to 3 months after S7 launch.

    If anything, it shows they're not just looking at the short term - they're figuring in another 6 months many will be T5 in both Omega Rep and Romulan Rep - and will use still use that content to grind Dill for other Reputations and Fleet holdings and gear as i's added to the stores down the line.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    boglejam73 wrote: »
    If by bound you mean unsellable on the exchange but still usable for starbase projects, I'd be perfectly happy with that.

    I just don't want to see fleets with less than 20 people (mine has less than 10) not able to progress on starbases because we can no longer grind up our useless doffs into useful ones.

    And even that is a TRIBBLE-shoot. 500 Dilithium plus 5 white doffs for a possibly useful random green doff is crazy talk. Maybe if the final doff wasn't random, so I would at least know it'd be useful....
    I have to agree with the one suggestion about adding a branch selector for the compactor. It would be a useful feature.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have to agree with the one suggestion about adding a branch selector for the compactor. It would be a useful feature.

    Yeah. If I have to pay 500 dilithium for a random outcome, I just won't pay.

    A dilithium sink is only a sink if people are willing to use it.

    And I dont mean branch selection, I mean specialization selection. If I need 60 uncommon doctors and I am spending 500 dilithium to upgrind, I don't want to get a biochemist. I want a freakin green doctor. With laserbeams on its head.

    Sorry, its late.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    boglejam73 wrote: »
    . I want a freakin green doctor. With laserbeams on its head.

    Sorry, its late.

    HAHAHA, YES!!!!! Agree....I hate random Doff's and I too want laser beams on doff's head... Borg's don't count those are lights haha

    But yes...would be nice if I did not have to guess what Doff I was getting.

    ME...I need a replacement Doctor...he put on a redshirt..and well you know

    Star Fleet: got it..sending you a geologist..

    ME: No NO I need a Doctor MEDICAL DOCTOR!!

    Starfleet: Oh warp theorist sending

    Me: ARGHH...fine whatever....send me 20 sure one will be a Doctor.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    boglejam73 wrote: »
    Yeah. If I have to pay 500 dilithium for a random outcome, I just won't pay.

    A dilithium sink is only a sink if people are willing to use it.

    And I dont mean branch selection, I mean specialization selection. If I need 60 uncommon doctors and I am spending 500 dilithium to upgrind, I don't want to get a biochemist. I want a freakin green doctor. With laserbeams on its head.

    Sorry, its late.
    It'd be a lot easier for them to code a module that only has branch, but they could do it as branch then specialty. that'd still have manageable window sizes.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It'd be a lot easier for them to code a module that only has branch, but they could do it as branch then specialty. that'd still have manageable window sizes.

    I won't pay 500 dilithium for a green that is maybe the one I need out of the 4-8 specializations within the branch.

    It'd be more cost effective to horde my dilithium, use it to wreck the zen/dilithium exchange market, and then buy C-store DOFF packs with cheaply converted zen. Out of spite.

    All because Dan wouldn't sell me a green doctor. :D
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    For both Boglejam and Overlord:

    Bogle I have stood by you on other doff issues and you have stood by me - so I will stand by you again - the increase in grinding costs is excessive - at least for common to greens - this is something that could be modified. Perhaps a 5x or 10x increase to 100 dilth for the commons to greens. This is something i could get behind.

    Blues and purples I am fine with the increase - that won't change.

    Bogle - did you miss my response a few pages back?
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    djnooob wrote: »
    Yes I do lose out. Right now if want to go buy some stf gear. guess what. I can. I don't have to grind a damn thing to do it. And its not like I can buy all the stf gear there is and just store it because of the tiny inventory. (that's even after upgrading it)

    And you say new stuff? What new stuff? The pathetic pasives? Honestly it almost like they put that in there just so they could use it as an excuse to lock away the access to stf gear. Or are you referring to the seperate borg set? yeah well I've got the borg set I want but they are breaking that set up and forcing people to use that garbage borg shield or switch either maco/omega set where the passives really aren't that great.

    and yeah, the fact that we have to do the grind on each character. yeah that pretty much blows big chunks.

    In the end the system, for the most part, is fine for new players or those who do not have access to stf gear already. But for those who do and who have done the grinding already it pretty much sucks.

    The other main issue is that realistically it doesn't matter how much you play. It will still take you months to just to unlock the ability to get the items even if you have the resources already to fill the projects. Then there is the dill cost, which again is very high, (will take you a minimum of a month and a half of all your dil to get a complete stf set up [weapons + gear], adding strain to already scarce resource. When you add in the other new dil sinks it's just worse.

    The whole dil situation is a mess. The devs keep saying "we're adding more ways for you to get dil." The issue is that they are talking about ore, not refined dil which is what you need to fill projects etc. I, as well as many others, have got plenty of ore. There are so many ways to fix this issue.

    - increase the refinement cap but put a zen purchase cap so people can't zen farm.
    - allow projects to be filled with ore but at a higher price.
    - If you subscribe then you should either have no refinement cap or it should be MUCH higher than it is now.

    In a nutshell

    - If you have unlocked or acquired the gear already you shouldn't have to unlock the ability to get the gear AGAIN
    - If you subscribe, you should have some benefit over those who do not pay anything
    - There should not be a cap on how quickly you can unlock the store. Meaning if you play more and acquire the resources quicker than others then you shouldn't have to wait. That also means that if you pay for the resources you shouldn't have to wait. In short, take away the time for project completion. If you fill it, it should finish right away. (again it could be a subscriber benefit)
    - sort out the dil issue.

    You are forgetting that the gear you now have to grind up to is going to be different. They are revamping all the older borg modifiers and the equipment is getting new skins. They are also adding an KHG/MACO cross over so now all players have access to all sets regardless of faction. And not only is there the new borg set (which you did mention) but the borg set now has levels. So these are things you could not buy before. As it is why do you need everything in the STF store? Most of that stuff is less than useful and you shouldn't need a set of every weapon in every weapon type.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There is absolutely no rationale or logic behind the dilithium costs in the doff system that meets with any current explanation by Cryptic.

    Well if you look up that "free web app" that they have in the making , that is supposed to be tied to the doffing system somehow down the road ... -- well you've got to show some profit with it don't you ?

    Besides , you thought that the Monetize Everything policy would just skip over the Doff system ?
    Which game have you been play'n ? :o
    (no offense)
    darkenzedd wrote: »
    Dan, this is what I do not get.
    The thing is, with these changes to the Dilthium rewards, you are effectively stating that you are going to cut the worth of our time in game by half!!

    (congrats 4 figuring this out)

    Now go back in time for a minute (ok , more than a minute :)) -- to a time when Al Rivera explained in one vid interview or another about the fact that they want you to play the game ... because the more you play , the more time you will have to look around and perhaps see something you might like to buy .

    I'm guessing that they looked at the "avarage" player who logs in , grinds his 8000K and logs out (or relogs w/a diff toon) , and said :

    "no , no , no , no , no ... that's way too fast .
    Now we can't raise out refinement cap to keep them in the game more ... , what else can we do ? "

    And there you have your reason , as to why they slashed the rewards , to make you play more for less .
  • captamoscaptamos Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I was sceptical about the changes to STFs until reading this post and Dev Blog 7 and agree with many of the changes you are making, however PLEASE dont take my assimilated universal console away! or at least make the Retro borg shilds worth half a TRIBBLE! Retro borg eng, def, and console plus MAKO MK XII shields make my life worth living! alot of people use this set up for its obdvious tanking abilities, and holestly balance is only necissary for PvP so couldnt you just nerf the console inside of PvP matches? that is the only thing that gets to me but other than that I think that you guys are doing an awesome job making the STFs more player friendly and accesable.
  • doublea2012doublea2012 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yea most of this is probly going to suck if they change the amount of dil per stf drop, its hard enough as it is to get dilithium do not change it, dont be greedy bastages like the bastages of galaxy online 2 dont want to see another failed game because of your greed
  • djnooobdjnooob Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just thinking about the whole reward system for the fleet events

    The rewards should not be based on individual performance. It should be based on TEAM performance.

    So for example, in blockade if you save 90% freighters then everyone gets a purple mod. Something along those lines.

    The idea should be to promote team play and not about rewarding an individual.
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Btw... Fleet Action scoring is set up differently in every Fleet Action and is not entirely based on DPS, but rather objective scoring.

    I've asked the team to come up with a scoring chart so that you can see what different objectives mean from a score perspective (for example in some fleet actions interactions are worth a lot of points and that has nothing to do with DPS). A lot of the Fleet Actions do value "Kills" in scoring, but we are reviewing that as well.

    In addition, we have decided to nix the X2 Dilithium bonus for Gold and instead provide a x2 Purple gear and keep the Dilithium consistent across all players.

    Thanks for your reply mr stahl, i very appreciate that.
    Now we want to know the exact list of fleet actions involved in these changes, just to be sure :D
    And, what about the dil reward for stf? Do you have spoken with dev team about this too?
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Btw... Fleet Action scoring is set up differently in every Fleet Action and is not entirely based on DPS, but rather objective scoring.

    I've asked the team to come up with a scoring chart so that you can see what different objectives mean from a score perspective (for example in some fleet actions interactions are worth a lot of points and that has nothing to do with DPS). A lot of the Fleet Actions do value "Kills" in scoring, but we are reviewing that as well.

    In addition, we have decided to nix the X2 Dilithium bonus for Gold and instead provide a x2 Purple gear and keep the Dilithium consistent across all players.

    imho, no matter how the system is set up, competition inside missions that require teamwork is just not a good thing to have.
    The good gear will always go to the guys that already are maxed out and know the missions in and out, instead to the players who are not so good equipped and might have a use for the dropped items, instead of just vendoring them.

    i would like it more if it was a personal performance review for every single player on his own,
    if you were helpful in the mission (good avarage dps/healing/no or few respawns/time) stayed on objective) you get a good score/reward and if you completely sucked (were idle, died too many times) you get a worse score/reward.

    But everybody would get his fair share.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »

    You really are missing the larger picture of this arn't you - there is another option to assignment progression that requires only a few doffs - the 500xp dilth assignments.

    Get the picture now?

    looking at it from this perspective I am almost certain the grinder fee change will stay as is. And it won't be me "profiteering" from it.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    You really are missing the larger picture of this arn't you - there is another option to assignment progression that requires only a few doffs - the 500xp dilth assignments.

    Get the picture now?

    looking at it from this perspective I am almost certain the grinder fee change will stay as is. And it won't be me "profiteering" from it.

    As you already said this has nothing to do wit the grinder directly but with the fleet doffs.

    I already provided a much better system to use than this.
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just for the heck of it, a brief comment on the plan to break up the Borg set.

    This is a fundamental misread of what is happening in game. It's not that the Borg set or its combination with others is overpowered, it's that all of the final set bonuses are underpowered, including the Borg 4 piece bonus. The MACO bonus has less firepower than a torpedo, a minimal push effect, and a 3 minute cooldown. Why bother with it? The Borg 4 piece is a standard tractor beam, but with a 4 minute cooldown. Who cares about having that? I haven't tried the Omega or KHG ones yet, but neither looks particularly impressive (the Omega is little more than another long CD tractor beam, and the area stealth bonus from the KHG is definitely not very useful in PvE). That's why no one uses a full set in space: the bonus just isn't worth having, so you're better off picking something with stats you like or else trying to get 2 different 2 piece bonuses.

    The 2 piece bonuses (and 3 piece for Borg) actually are worth having. KHG gives a 25% boost to torpedo damage plus extra auxiliary power, the MACO gives better power recharge (boosting energy DPS), the Omega gives a large boost to shield stripping, and the Borg has heals. All of these are far more valuable than any of the 3 piece bonuses.

    Give people a full set bonus that they want, and they'll use the full set. That's what's happening in ground combat, while we certainly could use 2 pieces of one set and 2 of another, no one does because they want the team boost and the Integral Remodulator that come from using all 3. Just doing what you're doing now will not change the paradigm you want to change, you'll simply have large numbers of people running 2 pieces of Borg and a more powerful Shield, or 2 pieces of another set to get its bonus plus another item that boosts a stat they value.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just for the heck of it, a brief comment on the plan to break up the Borg set.

    This is a fundamental misread of what is happening in game. It's not that the Borg set or its combination with others is overpowered, it's that all of the final set bonuses are underpowered, including the Borg 4 piece bonus. The MACO bonus has less firepower than a torpedo, a minimal push effect, and a 3 minute cooldown. Why bother with it? The Borg 4 piece is a standard tractor beam, but with a 4 minute cooldown. Who cares about having that? I haven't tried the Omega or KHG ones yet, but neither looks particularly impressive (the Omega is little more than another long CD tractor beam, and the area stealth bonus from the KHG is definitely not very useful in PvE). That's why no one uses a full set in space: the bonus just isn't worth having, so you're better off picking something with stats you like or else trying to get 2 different 2 piece bonuses.

    The 2 piece bonuses (and 3 piece for Borg) actually are worth having. KHG gives a 25% boost to torpedo damage plus extra auxiliary power, the MACO gives better power recharge (boosting energy DPS), the Omega gives a large boost to shield stripping, and the Borg has heals. All of these are far more valuable than any of the 3 piece bonuses.

    Give people a full set bonus that they want, and they'll use the full set. That's what's happening in ground combat, while we certainly could use 2 pieces of one set and 2 of another, no one does because they want the team boost and the Integral Remodulator that come from using all 3. Just doing what you're doing now will not change the paradigm you want to change, you'll simply have large numbers of people running 2 pieces of Borg and a more powerful Shield, or 2 pieces of another set to get its bonus plus another item that boosts a stat they value.

    You know, on this I'm of the opinion that mixing sets should have their own benefits.

    Especially with something like Borg technology it should be able to synergize with anything. So a Borg ship would partially assimilate another set and create a new bonus, slightly different from what the natural bonus is for either set. Let it start with the Assimilated Console and work from that. So mixing sets would create a different strength but not necessarily stronger set of abilities than just any pure set. For instance if you mix with the Reman set, which is Romulan technology then you should have the Borg set upgrade the plasma weaponry of the Reman tech in addition to plasma torpedoes you get the plasma cutting beam.

    I was looking forward to mixing Borg tech with other stuff. That did not need fixing.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    As you already said this has nothing to do wit the grinder directly but with the fleet doffs.

    I already provided a much better system to use than this.

    The grinder, the grinder, the grinder - why are you so obsessed with the grinder? It is certainly not for doffs for your doffing purposes - because you don't need the grinder for that

    I have over 1500 Purples and 1500 blues - less than 1% - one percent - came from the grinder.

    So what is this obsession with the grinder?

    I told you Cryptic has given you another option to starbase assignment progression that they may want more people to use - the 500xp dilth assignments

    By making the costs higher on the grinder - it does ZERO to hurt true doffers - as my example of my roster above states - only hurts starbase projects that are the 1000xp and cost no dilth.

    Why don't you stick to and focas on the real issue - do you think Mr Stahl is Stupid?? Don't you think he knows what he is doing and what issue that you are trying to side-step?
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mewi wrote: »

    Because it is manipulation, and he is lying to us. There is no other rational explanation for these dilithium changes.

    Actually, there is. That they really ARE that disconnected from their playerbase. They want to push everyone into fleet actions? Most of those are incredibly long and boring grinds.. assuming they're working!

    All I ask is this, would they play this themselves?
  • pingaheadpingahead Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's time to end the Klingon/Federation War. How Realistic is it to believe that I can fight side by side with a KDF ship fighting the Borg; and once we leave Borg Territory that same KDF Capt fires on my ship because we are "at war"?

    This whole thing is starting to feel like a bad comic book.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    The grinder, the grinder, the grinder - why are you so obsessed with the grinder? It is certainly not for doffs for your doffing purposes - because you don't need the grinder for that

    I have over 1500 Purples and 1500 blues - less than 1% - one percent - came from the grinder.

    So what is this obsession with the grinder?

    I told you Cryptic has given you another option to starbase assignment progression that they may want more people to use - the 500xp dilth assignments

    By making the costs higher on the grinder - it does ZERO to hurt true doffers - as my example of my roster above states - only hurts starbase projects that are the 1000xp and cost no dilth.

    Why don't you stick to and focas on the real issue - do you think Mr Stahl is Stupid?? Don't you think he knows what he is doing and what issue that you are trying to side-step?

    It's very simple most of us casual players don't get the time to doff for 6 or 7 hours per day. I get about 45 minutes to spend on setting my doffs on assignments, every so often I will be around when a refugee or exchange mission turns up, even then I have little chance of converting a doff to a purple.

    Simply put most of us have jobs and lives, so for me the grinder performs a very simple function it allows me to set assignments that award me whit doffs that I can then grind for little cost up and up to eventually produce purple doffs, I can buy packs the exchange to help with this.

    I believe this is how most new players and casual players do things. Most of us are not like you we don't have time to play the system. It's simple as that. You are an outlier no normal person solo's to tier 3 no normal person can grind doffs as you claim to have done.

    You are atypical, therefore you hold a skewed and nonconstructive viewpoint about the situation and why most normal players are complaining about it.

    Dan already admitted that Dilithium's principle function is to help F2P players gain access to C-Store items. I believe he knows that if there is a problem with fleet vendors that the doff grinder and manipulation of it by creating a huge dilithium sink is not the logical answer to the problem and is about as inefficient as it gets.

    I would say about 70% of my purples came from the grinder the rest from colonial chains.

    I don't actually know what issue it is I am trying to side-step so inform me what it is I am supposed to be side-stepping?

    I already offered up a better way to manage the doff system by providing a special set of doff marks for each discipline that could be award for doing all the current assignments and then used to purchase doffs. Cryptic could set the bar as low or high as they felt comfertable with and it would also allow for people chose doffs from a specific specialism. It's easy, doesn't punish casual F2P players and creates a gate to control the flow of doffs on the market.

    Also your posts have gotten more emotional and trolly as this debate has gone on.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's very simple most of us casual players don't get the time to doff for 6 or 7 hours per day. I get about 45 minutes to spend on setting my doffs on assignments, every so often I will be around when a refugee or exchange mission turns up, even then I have little chance of converting a doff to a purple.

    Simply put most of us have jobs and lives, so for me the grinder performs a very simple function it allows me to set assignments that award me whit doffs that I can then grind for little cost up and up to eventually produce purple doffs, I can buy packs the exchange to help with this.

    I believe this is how most new players and casual players do things. Most of us are not like you we don't have time to play the system. It's simple as that. You are an outlier no normal person solo's to tier 3 no normal person can grind doffs as you claim to have done.

    You are atypical, therefore you hold a skewed and nonconstructive viewpoint about the situation and why most normal players are complaining about it.

    Dan already admitted that Dilithium's principle function is to help F2P players gain access to C-Store items. I believe he knows that if there is a problem with fleet vendors that the doff grinder and manipulation of it by creating a huge dilithium sink is not the logical answer to the problem and is about as inefficient as it gets.

    I would say about 70% of my purples came from the grinder the rest from colonial chains.

    I don't actually know what issue it is I am trying to side-step so inform me what it is I am supposed to be side-stepping?

    I already offered up a better way to manage the doff system by providing a special set of doff marks for each discipline that could be award for doing all the current assignments and then used to purchase doffs. Cryptic could set the bar as low or high as they felt comfertable with and it would also allow for people chose doffs from a specific specialism. It's easy, doesn't punish casual F2P players and creates a gate to control the flow of doffs on the market.

    Also your posts have gotten more emotional and trolly as this debate has gone on.

    This will be my last post here as it is a post in the proper thread which you are also trying to control - it looks like you are infact the one who is a profiteer and seems to be very worried.

    levi3 wrote: »
    I am sorry but i just don't believe you. If you spend half the time in game using the multiple multiple ways that are availble - other than the grinder - to get purples, you would be well on you way to having more than you could handle.

    If you are in fact - or anyone - wants purples - they can use the doff system to do it and not the grinder - as I stated I have aquired almost 1500 purples through the doff system - the grinder is being used by people to PROFITEER - by supplying the market with toons cheap to produce blues and purples - (something i do not do) and that is where my video was directed.

    I am very suspect of your motives here and on the other threads. you should be out doffing.

    Don't even try to go down the casual player route - Mr Stahl has made it clear - if you don't have the time he provides you another option to advance - the C-store. End of debate.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    This will be my last post here as it is a post in the proper thread which you are also trying to control - it looks like you are infact the one who is a profiteer and seems to be very worried.

    It is interesting that you would want to portray me as such, I assume everyone else in this thread and the colossal doff thread 99% of whom share my opinion must also be equally guilty of profiteering from the system.

    Though you know that is borderline paranoid delusional and considering the prices on the doff market at the moment I doubt very many people are making the grandiose profit you seem to claim they are, not to mention it would take quite a fair amount of EC, dilithium and time, something most of us are short on to grind such a prodigious number of purples.

    I am indeed worried and quite angry because it was the only way I could get purples for my crew in an easy manner that didn't involve a huge grind or having to be on at the right time to catch the right assignments in the right sector.

    It is odd that you've gone from trying to have a serious debate into accusations and name calling, for someone with 1500 purples would you not potentially stand to gain from a ludicrous increase in their cost on the exchange?
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's very simple most of us casual players don't get the time to doff for 6 or 7 hours per day. I get about 45 minutes to spend on setting my doffs on assignments, every so often I will be around when a refugee or exchange mission turns up, even then I have little chance of converting a doff to a purple.

    Simply put most of us have jobs and lives, so for me the grinder performs a very simple function it allows me to set assignments that award me whit doffs that I can then grind for little cost up and up to eventually produce purple doffs, I can buy packs the exchange to help with this.

    I believe this is how most new players and casual players do things. Most of us are not like you we don't have time to play the system. It's simple as that. You are an outlier no normal person solo's to tier 3 no normal person can grind doffs as you claim to have done.

    You are atypical, therefore you hold a skewed and nonconstructive viewpoint about the situation and why most normal players are complaining about it.

    Dan already admitted that Dilithium's principle function is to help F2P players gain access to C-Store items. I believe he knows that if there is a problem with fleet vendors that the doff grinder and manipulation of it by creating a huge dilithium sink is not the logical answer to the problem and is about as inefficient as it gets.

    I would say about 70% of my purples came from the grinder the rest from colonial chains.

    I don't actually know what issue it is I am trying to side-step so inform me what it is I am supposed to be side-stepping?

    I already offered up a better way to manage the doff system by providing a special set of doff marks for each discipline that could be award for doing all the current assignments and then used to purchase doffs. Cryptic could set the bar as low or high as they felt comfertable with and it would also allow for people chose doffs from a specific specialism. It's easy, doesn't punish casual F2P players and creates a gate to control the flow of doffs on the market.

    Also your posts have gotten more emotional and trolly as this debate has gone on.

    If you are trying to "bait" me it worked only slightly. I will stand with Mr Stahl - he provides many options for players to advance. End of Debate.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    The grinder, the grinder, the grinder - why are you so obsessed with the grinder? It is certainly not for doffs for your doffing purposes - because you don't need the grinder for that

    I have over 1500 Purples and 1500 blues - less than 1% - one percent - came from the grinder.

    So what is this obsession with the grinder?

    I told you Cryptic has given you another option to starbase assignment progression that they may want more people to use - the 500xp dilth assignments

    By making the costs higher on the grinder - it does ZERO to hurt true doffers - as my example of my roster above states - only hurts starbase projects that are the 1000xp and cost no dilth.

    Why don't you stick to and focas on the real issue - do you think Mr Stahl is Stupid?? Don't you think he knows what he is doing and what issue that you are trying to side-step?

    You have 3000 doffs? So you have about 8 alts with the 400 doff limit? Yeah, you're a FINE example of the average player!!!!! :rolleyes:
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You have 3000 doffs? So you have about 8 alts with the 400 doff limit? Yeah, you're a FINE example of the average player!!!!! :rolleyes:

  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Actually, there is. That they really ARE that disconnected from their playerbase. They want to push everyone into fleet actions? Most of those are incredibly long and boring grinds.. assuming they're working!

    All I ask is this, would they play this themselves?

    Oh really? Then why did they add dilithium to doffs? Dilithium to all borg weapons? Dilithium to almost everything they are adding? Trust me, that is just a lame political style lie, if you believe Stahl's excuse, you'll eventually come to the realization of his goals as we a good portion of us already have.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
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