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Cruisers are Seemingly Now a Joke.



  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited October 2012
    What a lot of people get vonfused about
    Are differnt characters I'n cruisers

    A Tactical player I'n a cruiser can deal about
    100% more damage than a Engineer I'n the
    Same cruiser

    I have all three characters

    My Tac flys a cruiser
    My Engineer flys a escort
    My science flys a science

    All three are fun

    The engineer I'n a cruiser was a poor experience
    Dps is the lowest I'n the game unless you
    Want to because target and heal boat it is
    A very frustrating team Eng/cruiser

    I recommend to any frustrated engineer to get
    A tactical escort and make a Tac character
    For your cruiser
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    I recommend to any frustrated engineer to get
    A tactical escort and make a Tac character
    For your cruiser

    Now I feel like fish-slapping you too. All the numbers I put up in my wall of text were with an Engi in a cruiser. And the numbers for the escort were a tac in a raptor. So I am sorry to say, if you're frustrated in a cruiser, re-look at what you do in combat, and change things up. Engis in cruisers can be offensively viable. You just gotta know what works and what doesn't. And I am sorry to say that Kirking it out and ignoring advice is under the "what doesn't" category.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    *fish slaps on the face*

    Did that clarify it for you? XP

    Woo ooo ooo. Peeerfect!
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Woo ooo ooo. Peeerfect!

    Anytime ;)

    But in all seriousness, did anything in my post need clarification?
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • syfyguy64syfyguy64 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    My heavy is probably the most useful in PvE. I just put one beam, 1 dual beam, and a photon, and in rear I have a turret, phaser beam, and photon. It's useful against borg in Ker'rat, along with those pesky klingons.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    What a lot of people get vonfused about
    Are differnt characters I'n cruisers

    A Tactical player I'n a cruiser can deal about
    100% more damage than a Engineer I'n the
    Same cruiser

    Which makes tacts too OP for words even, if you think about it. Yes, I know, they can heal a little less. So? They step into their escort, and do up 300% more burst-damage than you as engineer. With that kind of firepower, who needs anything else?

    There is, in and by itself, nothing wrong with the 3 different professions each favoring certain gameplay aspects -- that could still be called balance. The problem, however, is that the game itself (missions/Elite STFs) highly favors DPS over anything else.

    And so the tact guy is always favored over anything else. The 'problem' with cruisers is that Cryptic has made their game to be run in escorts. Other than that, nothing wrong with cruisers even.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited October 2012
    # 493
    Today, 04:36 PM

    Originally Posted by jellico1
    I recommend to any frustrated engineer to get
    A tactical escort and make a Tac character
    For your cruiser
    Now I feel like fish-slapping you too. All the numbers I put up in my wall of text were with an Engi in a cruiser. And the numbers for the escort were a tac in a raptor. So I am sorry to say, if you're frustrated in a cruiser, re-look at what you do in combat, and change things up. Engis in cruisers can be offensively viable. You just gotta know what works and what doesn't. And I am sorry to say that Kirking it out and ignoring advice is under the "what doesn't" category.
    Gone in 60 seconds? @#!$% please, you're gone in far less time than that.

    Your numbers are pretty and meaningless

    The only numbers that matter are the damage numbers
    On your target , even better numbers than those
    Are shooting probes at kitometer elite

    Base damage numbers do not reflect alpha pattern beta
    Go down fighting tactical team 2 and about 3 to 5 more
    Stacked to together I'n a keybind delivering I'n
    Buffs and debuffs close to 200% damage increase

    Sure it only lasts 10 seconds but that's all the time you need
    To destroy most targets including other players

    Only the Tac can get these powerful buffs I'n his
    Escort......... As you already know

    Add cannons on top Of this buffed damage and the
    % of damage increase gets even larger

    The larger the base number the larger the % increase
    It's the same priniciple as a turning console not
    Showing any benefit I'n a cruiser bit giving a good
    Turn boost I'n a escort

    Most cruisers have few tactical consoles 2 or 3
    And few boff tactical ranks

    On top of all that the engineer only has 1 buff to
    Damage and it's on a 5 minute cool down

    I play these characters got good builds and above
    Avg equipment , avg is STF mk12 to me

    The engineer I'n a cruiser is the WORST character
    I'n this Dps geared game

    To say otherwise incorrect as your numbers are
    Incorrect because they show only a limited amount
    Of varabilies that are used to make Dps I'n this
    Working commander and LT commander skills
    Like Aceton beam 3 not working Well

    Compare it to attack pattern omega
    Works fantastic

    You numbers look pretty
    They reflect nothing I'n game however
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    Your numbers are pretty and meaningless

    The only numbers that matter are the damage numbers
    On your target , even better numbers than those
    Are shooting probes at kitometer elite

    Base damage numbers do not reflect alpha pattern beta
    Go down fighting tactical team 2 and about 3 to 5 more
    Stacked to together I'n a keybind delivering I'n
    Buffs and debuffs close to 200% damage increase

    Sure it only lasts 10 seconds but that's all the time you need
    To destroy most targets including other players

    Only the Tac can get these powerful buffs I'n his
    Escort......... As you already know

    Add cannons on top Of this buffed damage and the
    % of damage increase gets even larger

    The larger the base number the larger the % increase
    It's the same priniciple as a turning console not
    Showing any benefit I'n a cruiser bit giving a good
    Turn boost I'n a escort

    Most cruisers have few tactical consoles 2 or 3
    And few boff tactical ranks

    On top of all that the engineer only has 1 buff to
    Damage and it's on a 5 minute cool down

    I play these characters got good builds and above
    Avg equipment , avg is STF mk12 to me

    The engineer I'n a cruiser is the WORST character
    I'n this Dps geared game

    To say otherwise incorrect as your numbers are
    Incorrect because they show only a limited amount
    Of varabilies that are used to make Dps I'n this
    Working commander and LT commander skills
    Like Aceton beam 3 not working Well

    Compare it to attack pattern omega
    Works fantastic

    You numbers look pretty
    They reflect nothing I'n game however

    So I just made these numbers up? These are tested numbers. As in I did an STF and got these numbers, and not just on the lemmings... er probes. I also took numbers from Donatra, Tactical Cubes, the Assimilated Carrier, and... heaven forbid... OTHER PLAYERS.

    Contrary to common belief, I don't just type TRIBBLE out to read my own thoughts. I put up things that I have either tested or researched. ESPECIALLY IN MY OWN THREAD. You think I don't take everything into account? You think I am just going to undermine my own thread for fun? I am not sure whether to be insulted or amused.

    Please. Think before typing. That way you won't look so foolish to others.

    There is an old saying I believe fits you. It is best to be silent and thought a fool, rather than open your mouth and leave no doubt of that fact. You sir, just opened your mouth.

    Yes, I based my numbers on the OPTIMAL situations, but I also took less than ideal situations and added in those factors as well. I still say, cruisers are weaker (as they should be), but not completely impotent (as you seem intent on saying).

    However since I see a completely biased and insulting remark following this, I am simply going to say that those numbers are real. They were taken from a test I did last night, with both escort and cruiser. So if you don't like it, blow it out your rear, cuz nobody else cares to hear it.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • roboydoroboydo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    CRUISER: Tank/Healer/Support Damage. Survive all but the heaviest of assaults and can still deal OK damage.

    Deals OK damage... lol, how very articulate.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited October 2012
    A science character can tank better than a engineer

    Tanking is all a engineer can do besides heal his
    Dps is very poor

    I based my remarks on hundreds of stfs

    To imply nothing is wrong with engineer/cruiser
    Is a false statement

    This is a Dps game , I would like to see engineer given
    More Dps so the character is fun to play with his ship
    The only fool around here is the one calling others names
    Because your argument is so weak and false I guess
    You need name calling to distract from your lame stance
    That engineer/cruiser is Fine

    Which it isn't ..... :)
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    A science character can tank better than a engineer

    Tanking is all a engineer can do besides heal his
    Dps is very poor

    I based my remarks on hundreds of stfs

    To imply nothing is wrong with engineer/cruiser
    Is a false statement

    This is a Dps game , I would like to see engineer given
    More Dps so the character is fun to play with his ship
    The only fool around here is the one calling others names
    Because your argument is so weak and false I guess
    You need name calling to distract from your lame stance
    That engineer/cruiser is Fine

    Which it isn't ..... :)

    "tanking is all an engi can do...besides healing" did you reread this before posting?

    engi has 1 grp resibuff, 1 heal that adds resi, and a "ohh ****" heal, that adds resi...that makes him the weaker tank compared to science?...which has 2 resibuffs...care to explain a little further than just stating that BS?

    if you find it funny to play a dps role in this game do so...don't play an engi in a cruiser, that is not the dps class combo in this game.
    You don't go around in other games and complain about how little dmg the warrior with 1h and shield does with his block abilities, do you? Why do it in STO?

    His DPS isn't actually that poor, still lower than escorts and sci with offensive sci powers, but if build correctly, a cruiser grp can actually do the optionals in all elite stfs.
    Probably not 5 engis in 5 cruisers, but with a few tacs in cruisers it is more than doable.
    But again...if you play an engi in a cruiser, you are basically a warrior/paladin with a shield specced for tanking, and you do not expect them to do much dps generally...don't expect that this is any different in STO.
    Go pro or go home
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    "tanking is all an engi can do...besides healing" did you reread this before posting?

    engi has 1 grp resibuff, 1 heal that adds resi, and a "ohh ****" heal, that adds resi...that makes him the weaker tank compared to science?...which has 2 resibuffs...care to explain a little further than just stating that BS?

    if you find it funny to play a dps role in this game do so...don't play an engi in a cruiser, that is not the dps class combo in this game.
    You don't go around in other games and complain about how little dmg the warrior with 1h and shield does with his block abilities, do you? Why do it in STO?

    His DPS isn't actually that poor, still lower than escorts and sci with offensive sci powers, but if build correctly, a cruiser grp can actually do the optionals in all elite stfs.
    Probably not 5 engis in 5 cruisers, but with a few tacs in cruisers it is more than doable.
    But again...if you play an engi in a cruiser, you are basically a warrior/paladin with a shield specced for tanking, and you do not expect them to do much dps generally...don't expect that this is any different in STO.
    I think his point was that even tough a science character can tank better than a Engineer, a science character has still other options to do damage, while a engineer hasn't.
    I must say that playing an engineer is much less versatile than playing a science off.

    While in other games there is a need for a "healer" class, STO has two of them. A player with a science toon can decide to be more active in (space) combat, while a engineer just hasn't the option to do anything else than heal.

    When it comes to ships (cruisers) this especially bothers me, since "cruisers" in "real" star trek wheren't even nearly as passive and boring. I know this is just a MMO, but since this is still a Star Trek game i expect ships to be at least to be a bit like they are supposed to be. Other games could picture Star trek ships way better, why is this even a problem in STO?

    In STO they (cruisers) should be much more alike escorts, just with a focus on survivability. But in STO it's just too extreme, some cruisers are nothing more than healing platforms, that's just not right!
    I would agree with you if STO wheren't a Star Trek game, but in Star Trek things work different.

    I hope my english is understandable, since most of the time i am unable to find the right words in my native language already.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    "tanking is all an engi can do...besides healing" did you reread this before posting?

    engi has 1 grp resibuff, 1 heal that adds resi, and a "ohh ****" heal, that adds resi...that makes him the weaker tank compared to science?...which has 2 resibuffs...care to explain a little further than just stating that BS?

    When I read his statement that "A science character can tank better than a engineer," I think he took a (rather narrow) look at ship shield modifiers, saw that sci ships have higher shield modifiers, and thus concluded sci players can tank better.

    Yet we have Miracle Worker III, restoring a whopping +12,285 hit points and +4,095 shield regeneration, and repairs disabled subsystems. We furher have abilities like Engineering Team, Rotate Shield Frequency, and a powerful Engineering Fleet to keep ourselves and our allies alive.

    His view that sci folks can tank better than engineers is rather unique (and probably should stay that way).
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    first of all, forget what cruiser are/were in the films and shows...thats really something that needs to thrown overboard.

    the classes itself are pretty much defined as tank, dd and support...people may argue about that further, but it is pretty much like that.

    the real choice comes with your ship, but you will always keep the focus of your class.
    I can put my tac in a cruiser and play him as a healer or tank...but never as good in that position as an engi...but i will do more dmg than the engi/cruiser combo.

    So if you ask for more dmg in your cruiser, fly it with a tac. If you want more dmg with your engi toon, get him/her an escort. Thats how you balance it around in this game.
    I'm sorry that some people can't fly their favourite ships because of that system, but thats how it is and it will not change, atleast not in the foreseeable future.

    But i'm repeating myself, trying to explain not even my point of view, but basic game features that should be clear from day one.
    Go pro or go home
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Anytime ;)

    But in all seriousness, did anything in my post need clarification?

    Nope. It was as clear as any other posting in here trying to explain the class roles as they are in game.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    first of all, forget what cruiser are/were in the films and shows...thats really something that needs to thrown overboard.
    um, no?!? :mad:

    baudl wrote: »
    the classes itself are pretty much defined as tank, dd and support...people may argue about that further, but it is pretty much like that.

    the real choice comes with your ship, but you will always keep the focus of your class.
    I can put my tac in a cruiser and play him as a healer or tank...but never as good in that position as an engi...but i will do more dmg than the engi/cruiser combo.

    So if you ask for more dmg in your cruiser, fly it with a tac. If you want more dmg with your engi toon, get him/her an escort. Thats how you balance it around in this game.
    I'm sorry that some people can't fly their favourite ships because of that system, but thats how it is and it will not change, atleast not in the foreseeable future.

    But i'm repeating myself, trying to explain not even my point of view, but basic game features that should be clear from day one.
    In theory, you can use your career to push your playstyle, that's where you are right. Everyone knows that, but the point is that Cruisers in STO don't offer enough satisfying options to make them do damage. That's where the games balance is flawed.

    I hope my english is understandable, since most of the time i am unable to find the right words in my native language already.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yreodred wrote: »
    um, no?!? :mad:

    In theory, you can use your career to push your playstyle, that's where you are right. Everyone knows that, but the point is that Cruisers in STO don't offer enough satisfying options to make them do damage. That's where the games balance is flawed.

    The game is not flawed when you don't understand the role of the cruiser.

    That the STF optionals design is geared toward spike damage is another matter.

    But Cruisers are doing what they are intended for.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    But Cruisers are doing what they are intended for.
    In STO cruisers are intended to Heal escorts or science ships, period.

    First, most of the time escorts and science ships don't need any healing, because they have enough survivability to get along very well.
    (which i like since i never saw Star Trek ships being "healed" by other ships, to such a extend as in STO.)

    Second, unlike science ships which have acess to a much greater variety of powers, (starfleet) cruisers are stuck in the role of being flying hospitals.
    If anything they should be more on par with escorts, just being slower but more survivable.

    BTW: Why don't you just read some of the previous pages instead of coming up with the same stuff that has already been discussed a hunded times already?

    I hope my english is understandable, since most of the time i am unable to find the right words in my native language already.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The possibility exists that this thread just did what all cruiser threads did. Talked itself into a hole, walked around in that hole for a while, finally got itself out, and then proceeded to dig another one exactly like it. Rinse and repeat.
    jellico1 wrote: »
    A science character can tank better than a engineer Dead wrong. Seriously dead wrong.

    Tanking is all a engineer can do besides heal his
    Dps is very poor Ever tried all power to weapons + EPtWX + tactical consoles?

    I based my remarks on hundreds of stfs

    To imply nothing is wrong with engineer/cruiser
    Is a false statement Read below reply

    This is a Dps game , I would like to see engineer given
    More Dps so the character is fun to play with his ship
    Class Except for one tiny little detail. He's not a tac, so DPS is not his game...
    The only fool around here is the one calling others names
    Because your argument is so weak and false I guess Only because I stopped agreeing with you.
    You need name calling to distract from your lame stance
    That engineer/cruiser is Fine

    Which it isn't ..... :)

    For starters, I am not implying that there is nothing wrong with the engi/cruiser combo. I am straight out saying it. Let me try it italicized, bolded, and underlined. There is nothing wrong with the engineer cruiser combination. Now before you blow your top, think. Carefully. What do engineers do? They keep the ship and fleets running (which in this game, equates to healing and buff removal). What do cruisers do? They take hits, and give it back, and are slow and cumbersome.

    Cruisers are working as intended in this game. If you read the information regarding cruiser classes on the wiki and on posts by experienced PvPrs and PvErs, you will see, that cruisers are doing their jobs. And yes, they are. We (and I mean we, since I fly a fkin cruiser) heal like bosses, and can still do decent damage. Nothing close to the DD ability of the escort, but NEWS FLASH, it's NOT OUR JOB. But we aren't as toothless as I was first led to believe. Just took some tweaking of my build, and all of a sudden, my damage output almost tripled. Overnight. Seriously, it was over the course of 3 fights.

    Now before you blow a gasket, call me a noob/inexperienced/has no idea wtf he is talking about, listen to this. Cruisers are working as their role in game intended. WHAT IS BROKEN IS THE GAME. If you actually bothered to read beforehand jellico, you would see that it is the endgame content that is obsessed with speed and damage output.

    So let me reiterate some points here:

    1) THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH CRUISERS OR ENGINEERS AT THIS POINT IN TIME (other than a slight damage weakness, but not nearly to the extent I used to believe, albeit could probably still use some tweaking/buffing). THEY ARE WORKING AS INTENDED (which is healers and damage support).

    2) THERE IS NO CURRENT REQUIREMENT FOR ENGINEER/CRUISER COMBINATIONS AT THIS POINT IN TIME. We were rendered unnecessary by the switch to f2p and this sudden obsession with maximum possible damage output in order to beat the timer on ESTFs and other endgame content (excluding PvP, one of the few arenas that Engi/Cruiser combos still seem to be useful).

    Now if you can somehow get those points into your skull and comprehend and understand them, then we can finally move on to point 3. However if you still feel like arguing, re-read points 1 and 2 very carefully until you get sick of it and are too frustrated, or until you come to the realization that what I say is not only logical, but true.

    3) Until the game is changed (not the ships mind you), and the insane stupidity with maximized DPS being a requirement for the end-game content to be efficient and successful, there is no real way that the engi/cruiser combo can be brought back competitively without breaking the game in favor of said combo.

    In other words, can't give it more bite without making them infringe on tacs job, and you don't want them to become even more support role based (which would then infringe on the sci's job), which kind of leaves them stuck where they are.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • archer586969archer586969 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I agree with just about everything posted here, My Galaxy class sucks and its getting ridiculous.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the [URL="http://sto-
    forum.perfectworld.com/announcement.php?&a=51"]Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules
    and Policies [/URL]. ~Bluegeek
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Its not like ideas have not been given that could help the Cruiser feel more fun in STO.

    New weapons, New Tac BOff abilities for beams, a turnrate/enertia buff, etc.
    Yet none have been embraced by those thinking thier Cruiser is suppossed to be a big slow escort or the Engineer should be as competant at Damage Dealing as the Tactical class is ingame.

    If those ideas are not good enough, the Engineer/Cruiser fanbase is screwed becuase that leaves them fixing thier game so direct applied High DPS is not the only thing that completes Optionals or overcomes the Endgame enemies.

    Becuase frankly, changing the Engineer to be a secondary Tac class is not an option.
    Becuase frankly, changing the Cruiser (again) to make a Tactical BOff heavy set-up is not an option unless we also see Tactical Heavy BOffed Science Vessels becuase honestly, the 1000 day Vet reward vessel is a Engineer heavy escort set-up perfect for what the Engineer/Cruiser crowd wants out of a ship.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I agree with just about everything posted here, My Galaxy class sucks and its getting ridiculous.

    thats because it is exactly that one ship that is at the end of one side of the spectrum...too much actually to be viable for solo play imho. That ship has the tankiest/supportive setup in game. It is not supposed to be a viable dmg dealer.

    That doesn't make cruisers in general a "joke". If you want to deal more dmg and still fly a cruiser, then the galaxy-r is the worste choice you can make, but thats a design intention.
    The better choices for dealing dmg in a cruiser are definately the d'kora, galor, Regent, excelsior retrofit, tac or sci oddy with tac as ltdcmdr...and ofcourse you will need a tac captain in it.

    and as usual it can't be explained more precise than roach did...but to be honest this conversation has made about 50 turns in a circle already. Some still can't embrace the bigger picture behind it, and i pitty them.

    and yes...cruisers in the game are nothing like the ships in the films and shows. you can do that in single player games (SFC1-3, Bridge commander,etc...) but not in a game that has a little more diversity or complexity regarding ship classes. Cruisers are allways "THE SHIP" in the shows...that is just not doable in a MMO that wants to be a little complex in that regard.
    Go pro or go home
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    Becuase frankly, changing the Cruiser (again) to make a Tactical BOff heavy set-up is not an option unless we also see Tactical Heavy BOffed Science Vessels becuase honestly, the 1000 day Vet reward vessel is a Engineer heavy escort set-up perfect for what the Engineer/Cruiser crowd wants out of a ship.

    It just costs a 150? -.-
    Hopefully the Vesta will be a C-Store equivalent for it :-)
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yreodred wrote: »
    In STO cruisers are intended to Heal escorts or science ships, period.

    First, most of the time escorts and science ships don't need any healing, because they have enough survivability to get along very well.
    (which i like since i never saw Star Trek ships being "healed" by other ships, to such a extend as in STO.)

    Second, unlike science ships which have acess to a much greater variety of powers, (starfleet) cruisers are stuck in the role of being flying hospitals.
    If anything they should be more on par with escorts, just being slower but more survivable.

    BTW: Why don't you just read some of the previous pages instead of coming up with the same stuff that has already been discussed a hunded times already?

    I read the other pages.
    Cruisers are still working like intendend! They are Thanks, Healers and sustained DPS.
    If you don't like it, role an escort.

    And the fact that StarTrek ships are healed by other ships... well they aren't healed, you just transfer energy so that the intern reparations mechanism (replicators!!!) can work faster. We never saw it in the series but it is a clever usage of trek lore.

    And please, stop using your lacking knowledge of canon for the justification of your worthless ideas.

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It just costs a 150? -.-
    Hopefully the Vesta will be a C-Store equivalent for it :-)

    Or free for he who waits.......though not really, as like in sex, your paying somehow.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • esquire1980esquire1980 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Its not like ideas have not been given that could help the Cruiser feel more fun in STO.

    New weapons, New Tac BOff abilities for beams, a turnrate/enertia buff, etc.
    Yet none have been embraced by those thinking thier Cruiser is suppossed to be a big slow escort or the Engineer should be as competant at Damage Dealing as the Tactical class is ingame.

    If those ideas are not good enough, the Engineer/Cruiser fanbase is screwed becuase that leaves them fixing thier game so direct applied High DPS is not the only thing that completes Optionals or overcomes the Endgame enemies.

    Becuase frankly, changing the Engineer to be a secondary Tac class is not an option.
    Becuase frankly, changing the Cruiser (again) to make a Tactical BOff heavy set-up is not an option unless we also see Tactical Heavy BOffed Science Vessels becuase honestly, the 1000 day Vet reward vessel is a Engineer heavy escort set-up perfect for what the Engineer/Cruiser crowd wants out of a ship.

    I seen the 1000 day vet reward as exactly that as well. I'm already experimenting with a Chim/beam boat. Haven't quite got it down as yet, as well as the excel, but it "has possibilties".
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I seen the 1000 day vet reward as exactly that as well. I'm already experimenting with a Chim/beam boat. Haven't quite got it down as yet, as well as the excel, but it "has possibilties".

    Aux to battery designs seem to be working well on it.

    Don'tdrunkI'mshoot really has found a good build with this vessel.

    I was thinking of trying a similiar thing with my tac;

    TT1 B02 ApO1 CRF3
    ET1 ATB1 EPTS3
    EPTA1 ATB1
    ST1 HE1


    TT1 APD1 HY3 CRF3
    EPTS1 ATB1
    TSS1 HE1
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • captainluke85captainluke85 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The best way to sum up a Cruiser is a knight in shining armor with a paper sword made by a pre-schooler. No threat. Cruisers right now need help and not the expected role to perform in both pvp and pve.

    I've been hardcore modding games for over 17 years and I can tell you I could balance this game myself VERY easy by re-designing each and every single solitary mechanic to everything from the bottom up to where it's balanced but most importantly there is " heart " to it as well. This " heart " is what is lost in today's games. Re-hashed, re-used same TRIBBLE, sell it for a quick buck. ANYTHING to make that dollar. These people at Cryptic have no clue at all about balance.

    What happened to this game? I mean really take a moment to stop and think about it. WHAT happened to this game? It just seems gaming companies have lost so much spirit trying to design something " RIGHT " that it's lost art and the new way is to just milk people out of money now.

    I'm hoping by 2020 gaming companies will be better like in the 1990's where games were GOOD, then they are now because since 2004 or some a bit after most games have been absolute TRIBBLE due to the same problems.

    Currently we are in a gaming recession where most games are TRIBBLE and nothing but a VERY few shine. STO certainly is not one of them.

    You can sugar coat TRIBBLE all you want but it's still simply " TRIBBLE "
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yreodred wrote: »
    This is the second time i am happy to completely agree with you.

    I like your new FFE (?) BOFF ability, one question though, why not make it a Engineering BOFF power?
    Since Cruisers have a high emphasis on Engineering BOFF slots, i think it would be suitable to make this a enginering power. On the other hand most cruisers tac slots are too low anyway, and it would be good for Engineering Captains so their skills would benefit this power instead of Tac skills.

    I hope my english is understandable, since most of the time i am unable to find the right words in my native language already.

    Since the idea of Fire for Effect is a Tactical ability, why can't it stay there? As a BOff ability from ensign to LTC it is still availible to Cruisers sooner than CRF is to escorts.

    Another good idea was an ability (whose name and creator suddenly escapes me) that was basically a short Accuracy buff ability one could use to increase Acc.
    This could be a Science or Engineering ability.

    I wouldn't mind there being some more Science and Engineering BOff abilities being created to give both classes a slight DPS boost, though I am not sure what is needed.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • flekhflekh Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is the current "Cruisers suck"-whine thread, right?
    I'm getting a bit lost, too many of them ...

    Anyway, 'had a very interesting experience in ISE, and I thought I'd share:

    A Cruiser, piloted by an Engineer, and a Fed at that ... out-dps'ed everyone.
    My Fed-Tac's TRIBBLE'scort (Mk Xi purple weapons, blue consoles, not even a Borg console yet) clocked in at 5.7k dps overall. Another Escort at 6k.
    ... and this Engineer-piloted Cruiser ... at 7k. Peak dps at 20k.
    Yes, it was a P2W-ship, a Galor.
    Yes, APB was used.
    But this shows what's possible.

    Do you guys still want a cruiser/eng buff?

    P.S.: yes, I do have the log. Nice 8:26min ISE run :P
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