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Lowbies in Fleet Events

gr8gatzgr8gatz Member Posts: 8 Arc User
I got end content chars. flying in missions with end content bosses and mobs... but I have new players that are supposedly scaled up dying like crazy and dont have the skills, equipment to be effective. Yet the game matches them with me.

Before the trolls spaz and tell me to fly pre-mades, I do. But they arent always going to be available.

Cryptic, why do I have to go through failed mission over and over again with players not even skilled or equipped to be there?

I can understand that the low levels should have access to it as a long term supply option for fleets plus it gives them the time to build up and be part of a team but can you not adjust match maker to not allow fraking Lt.'s and Lt. Comm.'s in a match with VA's?

Screws the drops for VA's and is a waste of time for all involved if you cant complete mission.

Post edited by gr8gatz on


  • cursixcursix Member Posts: 0
    edited July 2012
    The idea of just leveling up players to be lvl 50 just doesn't pan out in the game. A good portion of success in these events is having abilities to counter the NPCs, especially giving the NPCs can easily launch 3 Bio-Nerual Warheads and other things at the same time.

    Perhaps it is time to look at how 'matching level' works; perhaps allow it to temporarily enable (or disable) certain tier abilities. It just doesn't cut it for a tier 1 ship, even with 30k hull, try and do a mission designed for VA. They just lack too many BO/Captain abilities.
  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited July 2012
    Up ranking a Miranda doesn't make it a T5 equivalent, I don't mind T4 ships, because by now the player has gotten a handle about what they want to do in game, and they have the weapons, slots and skills (points) to be effective. But dragging in newbies to a VA event is not good for anyone.

    Can't we break it up into Ship Tier or three groups?

    1 - 15
    16 - 30
    31 - 50

    I don't see how lowbies are having fun getting annihilated or just parking next to the starbase and hoping the VA's do the work. And for the record I've been in groups where the VA's just park and collect the 2 or 3 marks instead of helping.

    And it's not the lowbies fault that they queue for the event which tells them it caters for them, they can queue for Mirror Universe and get a good match.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
  • warbird001warbird001 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This topic is so elitist. So everyone who has a T3 or lower ship has never played the game or has any idea of how skills work in general? Please... Tier 5 ships are not the only ships that can do Fleet Events because lower level characters need to contribute to Fleets as well. As hard as this may be for any VA elitist to understand, the Fleet Starbase system was not just constructed for you but entire fleets as well.

    If you want to penalise players because you do not get the objective EVERY single time then I seriously suggest you grow up, or just go by an escort.

    This is "Allow Me (the Elitist) to kick people from STF's if we don't get the optionals" all over again.

    And before you ask, I have 4 VA Characters myself, I do not complain about such a "problem". I think people have to understand that this is a casual game and does not penalise the player in the same way other MMO's do. I am sorry but if you do not have the patience to have one bad match up out of 20 or 30 then somebody needs therapy.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Simple answer

    Exclude anyone over the rank of captain from Fleet starbase actions of ALL kinds
    and award 1 (yes 1 ) fleet mark per stf where the optional is failed

    marks are the way the lower ranks in a fleet (ie the majority of players) can contribute
    Live long and Prosper
  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    just have a 2-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40 and 41-50 section so everyone can still participate but a bunch of lvl 2-9's cant TRIBBLE over the rest of the team at the same time, its been done with other PvE fleet actions so why not do it here.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    anyone over captain does not belong

    if you put a level cap it should be a maximum not a minimum
    Live long and Prosper
  • fogerty1fogerty1 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I am in total agreement with gr8gatz, simply because as a higher QUALIFIED LEVEL player, I have the passives from accolades to properly complete the missions and spending MY CONSUMABLES is worth it.

    Having to blow thousands of EC on PUG missions with players who (NO JOKE) come into the missions with 820 accolade points??? Take one hit and boom. So the rest of us have to work harder and spend more to compensate??? Why is this fair? It's not.

    They should put a MINIMUM ACCOLADE POINT into it. Meaning these idiots went and learned HOW to play the game, did the missions to earn the PASSIVES that will allow them to take a few good hits and still contribute to the team, not lay there the WHOLE MATCH yelling, "HELP!", "HELP!".

    So the system needs to be overhauled based on accolade level, not VA level.
    Too Bad, So Sad
    PS: Sollvax, no need to add your worthless wooden nickel comments.

  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Simple answer

    Exclude anyone over the rank of captain from Fleet starbase actions of ALL kinds
    and award 1 (yes 1 ) fleet mark per stf where the optional is failed

    marks are the way the lower ranks in a fleet (ie the majority of players) can contribute

    Unless you take very relaxed approach to levelling and never touch the storyline missions, the game levels you too quickly for that to be viable. Most people who play regularly (especially if they only work on character at a time) will hit level 41 in no time, and would then be depending on Fleet Event times to grind Nukara.

    I only used my only lowbie character (a level 29 tac) in two Fleet Actions and I was doing more than 4 VAs on each occassion. I guess they must've been rubbish. But yeah, damage scaling's is not a perfect method of level matching, either up or down.
  • fogerty1fogerty1 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Correct SKHC, by doing the storyline missions, they earn the qualifying PASSIVES.

    So again, it should ALL be based on the ACCOLADE points. Kill ones and damage ones especially. Those 2%'s all add up. Has nothing to do with crappy pre-mades, if you smart you'll be able to build a better type of equipment setup that works for you ground or space.

    But reading the mission details, Having the Passives and the knowledge of how the game works, is the key.

    When I saw someone with 820 Acc points in Incursion, I just left. No way i'm wasting my time to hear them cry for help. Let alone expect them to rush to the end leader. The missions are doomed from the minute it rezzes.
    Too Bad, So Sad
    PS: Sollvax, no need to add your worthless wooden nickel comments.

  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I just ran Incursion (klingon version) with my latest level 20 Nausicaan

    meanwhile two GENERALS one of whom had brought in boffs nearly ruined it entirely

    we got 8 sabs total (and I got 4 of those)
    every time we tried to take one down one of those guys let it get away
    Live long and Prosper
  • fogerty1fogerty1 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    And last night I ran it, with 4 noobs and wound up having to kill 3 of the 4 saboteurs (part 2) by myself using my boffs and comsumables because the other ones were all stuck in the entranceway fighting with Orions yelling help help. Your point?
    Too Bad, So Sad
    PS: Sollvax, no need to add your worthless wooden nickel comments.

  • gr8gatzgr8gatz Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Warbird: this topic is not about excluding lowbies from the Fleet events, they can fly with their fleets or que up for their level or close to their levels. Its fair for them so they can have fun so they arent overwhelmed and its fair for high lvls so they dont have to overcompensate for low level chars... and yes its bad enough to compensate for people that are just terrible at the game as it is.

    Im not complaining about getting the optionals.

    Sollvax: You may have run a incursion match with your lowbie but you have the experience and the higher chars to know what to do and what to expect and as I said there are a lot of people who are terrible at STF's and these fleet events whether on purpose or lacking for any other reason.

    I dont expect fleet events to be purely end game content. I expect a better form of level matching/compensating.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fogerty1 wrote: »
    And last night I ran it, with 4 noobs and wound up having to kill 3 of the 4 saboteurs (part 2) by myself using my boffs and comsumables because the other ones were all stuck in the entranceway fighting with Orions yelling help help. Your point?

    your boffs were the problem
    had you not had them they others would have won easily
    Live long and Prosper
  • fogerty1fogerty1 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    your boffs were the problem
    had you not had them they others would have won easily

    And how do you come to that conclusion?

    My combat drone does more damage than 2 of them combined. I killed about 15 of the Sabs in Part 1, they killed 3, I killed 3 of the Sabs in part 2, they killed 1, I killed everyone around the leader in part 3 but naturally the leader got away. They killed about 5 AT THE ENTRANCE.

    So go ahead and explain. (Breaks out popcorn awaiting the know-it-all wisdom)
    Too Bad, So Sad
    PS: Sollvax, no need to add your worthless wooden nickel comments.

  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    yeah the level matching is awefull...

    as it has been proposed: grps should be divided into tiers, coresponding to their level.

    i think the proposed 2-15, 16-30 and 31-50 is the way to go.
    actually i think 2-15 should be excluded, because too many options of events to choose from make the game for beginners kind of complicated. For anybody playing an alt toon it shouldn't be a problem to level from 1-16 in under one day.
    Go pro or go home
  • fogerty1fogerty1 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    yeah the level matching is awefull...

    as it has been proposed: grps should be divided into tiers, coresponding to their level.

    i think the proposed 2-15, 16-30 and 31-50 is the way to go.
    actually i think 2-15 should be excluded, because too many options of events to choose from make the game for beginners kind of complicated. For anybody playing an alt toon it shouldn't be a problem to level from 1-16 in under one day.

    I disagree, even with those proposed levels without the accolade PASSIVES, they would still be One Hit Wonders. I only use one toon, dont have time or see the need to have a bunch, but if that is what someone wants, then by all means, grind out the acc points for it.

    But in the end it comes down to the accolade passives. Kill and Damage and showing experience of how the game works.
    Too Bad, So Sad
    PS: Sollvax, no need to add your worthless wooden nickel comments.

  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The problem is that only HP and shield HP are matched. Ability count, DPS, and other factors remain completely the same, which is the only reason why a lvl 1 character cannot contribute as much as a lvl 50 character belonging to the same player in the new fleet events.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fogerty1 wrote: »
    And how do you come to that conclusion?

    My combat drone does more damage than 2 of them combined. I killed about 15 of the Sabs in Part 1, they killed 3, I killed 3 of the Sabs in part 2, they killed 1, I killed everyone around the leader in part 3 but naturally the leader got away. They killed about 5 AT THE ENTRANCE.

    So go ahead and explain. (Breaks out popcorn awaiting the know-it-all wisdom)

    you used an exploit

    ANY failure is your fault
    Live long and Prosper
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    a problem with the accolade is, that a VA toon with weapons from exchange and a c-store ship, but with under 1000 accolade points would be excluded despite the being more capeable than any other VA with 5k + accolade points.

    my 5 VA/LG toons, all less than 3k accolade points...with your idea they would be excluded from fleet events.
    i have no intention to grind some lowlvl stuff just to be able to participate in fleet events.
    the passives are nice, agreed, but they are in no way obligatory to be successfull.
    after killing 1000 borg you don't even realize a difference.

    but maybe 31-50 is too much, 41-50 is more appropriate, since the ship at 41 is T5.

    you used an exploit

    ANY failure is your fault

    wtf is that comment supposed to mean! Do you even know what an exploit is, or what the word means?

    but then again it's sollvax
    Go pro or go home
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Taking BRIDGE officers into Incursion is an exploit (ie cheating)

    and yes me
    which means its accurate from one point of view

    but ANYONE who brings boffs into a fleet action intended for characters only
    is cheating

    any failure is their fault
    Live long and Prosper
  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited July 2012
    The current level-matching system works passably from a high-level-to-lower-level match, but is abysmal the other way around. Lowbie characters don't have the abilities to contribute effectively when bumped to a high level. Damage and hit point matching alone doesn't cut it.

    The current system is the lazy way to do it. It's mostly how the PvE enemies scale - damage and hit points - so the code was already available. Players can't get temporary abilities for level-matching up because A) that takes a lot more work on Cryptic's part than just a damage/hull multiplier, and B) with the sad state of the hotbars newly-uplifted players would have to sit around for 5-10 minutes rearranging their new (and temporary) abilities.

    The problem is that the events (Borg DSE, Fleet events, etc) don't scale to the players. They're the same whether the instance is full or not. Players just get bumped up automatically if they're too low level (damage and hull only) and the mission treats them as a level 40+ character even though they only have a fraction of the abilities and effectiveness.

    The only thing that can be done is either change how level-matching works so that it temporarily grants and denies class abilities as appropriate for the matched level or create dedicated sub-missions in the events that lowbies are forced to participate in (so for the starbase defense maybe T1 lowbies have the mission to intercept boarding party shuttles and high yield munitions and a level-matched BoP, T2 lowbies have to engage enemy fighters attacking the shipyard, etc).

    All it takes to make level-matching work well is some additional thought and effort on Cryptic's part. No one wants to be the Mirandas in the big DS9 battles that get smoked in the opening salvos, but that's what the current level-matching system does to lowbies. We've already got class-specific missions. Give us tier-specific missions in events.
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • fogerty1fogerty1 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    you used an exploit

    ANY failure is your fault

    Passes out and hits floor. Holy Christ Almighty, where the hell do you come up with this stuff??

    YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT i used, yet you claim to know the answer.

    Sollvax, your lack of IQ and wisdom is beyond astounding.

    It's alright Sollvax, we know you would jump off a bridge if you were wrong in your undying quest to live in these forums professing to know everything about all things that would make Einstein seem stupid. But sadly, again as always, YOUR WRONG.

    Too Bad, So Sad.
    Too Bad, So Sad
    PS: Sollvax, no need to add your worthless wooden nickel comments.

  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    zordar01 wrote: »
    The current level-matching system works passably from a high-level-to-lower-level match, but is abysmal the other way around. Lowbie characters don't have the abilities to contribute effectively when bumped to a high level. Damage and hit point matching alone doesn't cut it.

    The current system is the lazy way to do it. It's mostly how the PvE enemies scale - damage and hit points - so the code was already available. Players can't get temporary abilities for level-matching up because A) that takes a lot more work on Cryptic's part than just a damage/hull multiplier, and B) with the sad state of the hotbars newly-uplifted players would have to sit around for 5-10 minutes rearranging their new (and temporary) abilities.

    The problem is that the events (Borg DSE, Fleet events, etc) don't scale to the players. They're the same whether the instance is full or not. Players just get bumped up automatically if they're too low level (damage and hull only) and the mission treats them as a level 40+ character even though they only have a fraction of the abilities and effectiveness.

    The only thing that can be done is either change how level-matching works so that it temporarily grants and denies class abilities as appropriate for the matched level or create dedicated sub-missions in the events that lowbies are forced to participate in (so for the starbase defense maybe T1 lowbies have the mission to intercept boarding party shuttles and high yield munitions and a level-matched BoP, T2 lowbies have to engage enemy fighters attacking the shipyard, etc).

    All it takes to make level-matching work well is some additional thought and effort on Cryptic's part. No one wants to be the Mirandas in the big DS9 battles that get smoked in the opening salvos, but that's what the current level-matching system does to lowbies. We've already got class-specific missions. Give us tier-specific missions in events.

    Your logic is flawed. Players never get damage changes. To prove this, you need: 1 low-level (preferably 1-10) character. 1 high-level (preferably 50) character. 1 team with high-level character matching low-level character. Your low-level ally will need a minute or two (rough estimate, probably flawed) to destroy a Klingon Bird of Prey, you'll be able to do it in about 10 seconds. Your low-level ally may die to a Klingon Dahar Master, you'll take him down without losing your shields (paraphrasing) merely through dealing superior DPS.

    Damage is dictated by player equipment and skill tree, NOT rank. (though rank DOES come with bigger ships, further increasing the increase in damage)

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • fogerty1fogerty1 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Taking BRIDGE officers into Incursion is an exploit (ie cheating)

    and yes me
    which means its accurate from one point of view

    but ANYONE who brings boffs into a fleet action intended for characters only
    is cheating

    any failure is their fault

    Ok awaiting more wisdom, What bridge officer???? The missions are comprised of 5 TOONS, not Landing party.

    If you are referring to DUTY OFFICERS??? Oops you might be wrong again.

    The only one that would make an application is a MEDIC. So is that the big bad exploit you are referring to? Incursion is a GROUND mission, in case your supposed superior intellect forgot that detail.
    Too Bad, So Sad
    PS: Sollvax, no need to add your worthless wooden nickel comments.

  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited July 2012
    Wait, wait...so a T1 level-bumped to RALH doesn't get a damage boost? I know that damage is inherently based on weapon tier/quality and consoles/buffs, but I was under the impression that when bumped up (or down) due to a fleet event or mentoring that damage output was adjusted. Is that not the case? If not then this system is more broken than I thought.
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fogerty1 wrote: »
    Passes out and hits floor. Holy Christ Almighty, where the hell do you come up with this stuff??

    YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT i used, yet you claim to know the answer.

    Sollvax, your lack of IQ and wisdom is beyond astounding.

    It's alright Sollvax, we know you would jump off a bridge if you were wrong in your undying quest to live in these forums professing to know everything about all things that would make Einstein seem stupid. But sadly, again as always, YOUR WRONG.

    Too Bad, So Sad.

    you specifically mentioned your BOFFS
    thus you were in there with boffs (an exploit)

    case closed
    Live long and Prosper
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fogerty1 wrote: »
    Ok awaiting more wisdom, What bridge officer???? The missions are comprised of 5 TOONS, not Landing party.

    If you are referring to DUTY OFFICERS??? Oops you might be wrong again.

    The only one that would make an application is a MEDIC. So is that the big bad exploit you are referring to? Incursion is a GROUND mission, in case your supposed superior intellect forgot that detail.

    you can play this two ways

    1 admit using boffs (not doffs) is an exploit and CHEATING

    2 admit you did not understand the statement

    those are your options
    fogerty1 wrote: »
    And last night I ran it, with 4 noobs and wound up having to kill 3 of the 4 saboteurs (part 2) by myself using my boffs and comsumables because the other ones were all stuck in the entranceway fighting with Orions yelling help help. Your point?

    please note the EXACT words you used
    Live long and Prosper
  • jim940jim940 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    warbird001 wrote: »
    This is "Allow Me (the Elitist) to kick people from STF's if we don't get the optionals" all over again.

    Too true.
    skhc wrote: »
    I only used my only lowbie character (a level 29 tac) in two Fleet Actions and I was doing more than 4 VAs on each occassion. I guess they must've been rubbish. But yeah, damage scaling's is not a perfect method of level matching, either up or down.

    Too many people think higher level = better player. But on most games getting a high level is meaningless.

  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited July 2012
    warbird001 wrote: »
    This topic is so elitist. So everyone who has a T3 or lower ship has never played the game or has any idea of how skills work in general? Please... Tier 5 ships are not the only ships that can do Fleet Events because lower level characters need to contribute to Fleets as well. As hard as this may be for any VA elitist to understand, the Fleet Starbase system was not just constructed for you but entire fleets as well.

    If you want to penalise players because you do not get the objective EVERY single time then I seriously suggest you grow up, or just go by an escort.

    This is "Allow Me (the Elitist) to kick people from STF's if we don't get the optionals" all over again.

    And before you ask, I have 4 VA Characters myself, I do not complain about such a "problem". I think people have to understand that this is a casual game and does not penalise the player in the same way other MMO's do. I am sorry but if you do not have the patience to have one bad match up out of 20 or 30 then somebody needs therapy.

    I want to clarify something here I'm not saying they should be excluded, I'm saying they should be in their own tier. Yes I've been in matches where 3 VA's sat there doing nothing and the Lt in his Miranda tried to help but had neither the abilities or the fire power to take on the L52 Enemies. 2 Beams and a Torp don't cut it.

    BOFF abilities and Skill point allocation can help a lot. I also said know what they want to do, which is a big difference to knowing how to play.

    I certainly don't want to penalise players, but look at the Mirror Universe event, It's tier based, not 5 random people. I'm advocating the same split so that the lower players get a good game where they aren't nerfed against the NPCs. Think about it the NPC ships are built as T5 with the fire power and abilities to be a good match for T5 Players.

    But look at it from a development point of view, they didn't have to balance the encounter 5 times, they had to balance it once.

    On the ground I believe this matters far less, because you can only use one gun at a time on the ground no matter what level you are. Also you can get a three/four power kit pretty low level. So the Scaling works better there.

    People who seemed to have misread this as ban the lowbies thread that is not what the majority are saying, it's that they should be grouped together with people of a similar level, like how the Mirror Universe event works. I made the mistake of taking my T3 ship thinking I would be matched with other T3's I felt utterly useless in there being upscaled to L50.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It doesn't take too terribly long to level up your character to a tier v ship. Go enjoy the storyline missions, do some patrols and some exploration. Fleets shouldn't be making demands of new players anyhow.

    I have several alts I choose not to use in fleet events because they are too low level and will be a burden on the team. My tac alt is level 50 now, so i use her, and she scores more dps than most teammates even without the full set of accolade passives my main has.

    I looked at the combat logs from the fleet alerts I was in and my sci/odyssey was almost 4 to 1 and my tac/patrol escort was about 5 to 1 the dps these low levels were able to generate. It's a real penalty to be grouped with them and I note what level they are at beginning of the match so i don't waste any precious heals on the wrong allies. If you are level 7, I will let you die.

    I love the idea of flying in a diverse group but the difference between 17 and 9 points every go adds up. This isn't being elitist, it's trying not to lose half my production. If you can't solo the lowest level ship in the event in a timely manner, it's not appropriate content for your level.

    If cryptic can't figure out how to sync things properly, perhaps they can extend the timer according to the composition of the team? Add 30 seconds per tier under cap per player or something?
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