Okay if i have a Thundrchild bought i loong time ago for 800C points i now cost 1000 zen. Then when my fleet ulocks the fleet heavy escort i will have acces to Thuderchild variant of it for 20k fleet credits an ONE fleet module?
i am totally confused. for the sake of argument say i have an advanced escort, oddy or armitage. i want it to be a fleet ship, so the fleet base has to be to a certain point and then i have to buy these modules? if so, how do you know how many you need?
really confused
The Oddy and Armitage are already as powerful as a fleet ship and can't be upgraded. For the advanced MVAM escort you would need one module.
Okay if i have a Thundrchild bought i loong time ago for 800C points i now cost 1000 zen. Then when my fleet ulocks the fleet heavy escort i will have acces to Thuderchild variant of it for 20k fleet credits an ONE fleet module?
4 modules. The deal with 1 is only if you upgrade a T5 ship you bought, the Thunderchild is T3.
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
The Oddy and Armitage are already as powerful as a fleet ship and can't be upgraded. For the advanced MVAM escort you would need one module.
4 modules. The deal with 1 is only if you upgrade a T5 ship you bought, the Thunderchild is T3.
Hmm..seriously those Cryptic .."people" siad the the fleet ships will be marginal cheepre how the hell are 2k Zen for 4 of those bloody module marginal cheeper.
Okay if i have a Thundrchild bought i loong time ago for 800C points i now cost 1000 zen. Then when my fleet ulocks the fleet heavy escort i will have acces to Thuderchild variant of it for 20k fleet credits an ONE fleet module?
there is no T3 Heavy escort bumped up
Just a fleet version of the Heavy escort carrier
also anyone looking for fleet modules on the exchange, search under data samples for them
The Oddy and Armitage are already as powerful as a fleet ship and can't be upgraded. For the advanced MVAM escort you would need one module.
4 modules. The deal with 1 is only if you upgrade a T5 ship you bought, the Thunderchild is T3.
there is a Fleet version of the Armitage {heavy escort carrier} (you only get the Armitage costume if you own the C-store version, other wise it looks like an Akira)
You need one if you want a fleet refit of a T5 ship you have already bought in the C-Store, like the T5 Galaxy, Defiant, Prometheus or Intrepid. Otherwise you need four of them.
If you are looking to purchase a Fleet Ship that has a T5 C-Store version and you already own the T5 C-Store version, you only need to purchase 1 Fleet Ship Module (FSM) instead of 4. If you've purchased a non-T5 ship from the C-Store that has a Fleet Ship version, you will still need to purchase 4 FSMs.
Brandon =/\=
Ah, that's good to know. So if I've already payed Cryptic $25 to use the ship across all my characters, I will now only need to pony up an additional $5 (per character) to continue to use that ship in season six. How exceedingly fair and equitable, I can't understand why anyone would have a problem with this.
Well, I finally joined a fleet. After getting my feet wet, I take back everything I said. Since the resources can be exchanged for a decent amount of fleet points, I find this to be the best solution for progression. Cryptic did a great job.
I am trying to find the post and/or interview where a DEV mentioned that upon leaving the Fleet you will also lose your Fleet Ship. Can someone show me the link? I searched for it, but couldn't find it. Thanks!
Lifetime - Joined 2008 - U.S.S. Kilimanjaro - Inner Circle
Ah, that's good to know. So if I've already payed Cryptic $25 to use the ship across all my characters, I will now only need to pony up an additional $5 (per character) to continue to use that ship in season six. How exceedingly fair and equitable, I can't understand why anyone would have a problem with this.
The problem is i fors instance paid 520 crowns for my T3 thudnerchild now the Fleet heavy escort Has the thudnerchild costume too but since Thuderchild is T3 i will have to pay aditional 580 so i could purchase the fleet version since i nedd 4 of those bloody modules and the cost 500 zen each THAT is the problemm that and the fact theat in one iterview the Kryplic people said that the fleet vraints will be much cheaper thah the sotre veseel please tell me how 2k zen is MUCH cheaper than 2,5k ZEN..well unles you buy it with dolars and thoe those bloody euros
Weird... I heard a DEV (I think it was CaptainGeko) who said that "When you leave your Fleet, you will also lose your Fleet Ship". I don't know who said it, but it was definitely a DEV who said it.
Lifetime - Joined 2008 - U.S.S. Kilimanjaro - Inner Circle
If I buy a retrofit for 200k, does that reduce the number of fleet modules needed for the fleet version?
Because, really, if that's the case, it's not all that bad.
That is a good question. I would like to know this too, but if I was to take a guess leviathan. I would be willing to bet that the answer is no. you would have to still buy 4 of the modules.
also does anyone know if someone releases a ship if I have to buy more modules to get it back again or just grind fleet credits?
If I buy a retrofit for 200k, does that reduce the number of fleet modules needed for the fleet version?
Because, really, if that's the case, it's not all that bad.
I haven't seen any mention of that, so I would have to say no. The only reduction I've seen mentioned is only needing one module if you own the T5 Z-Store version of an fleet ship you want to get.
If I buy a retrofit for 200k, does that reduce the number of fleet modules needed for the fleet version?
Because, really, if that's the case, it's not all that bad.
No; the amount of FSMs needed is only reduced on a Fleet Ship if you have purchased the T5 version of it through the C-Store with ZEN (or CP in the past). VA Tokens do not count towards this.
Also, Captains, it's still the "C-Store" It just takes "ZEN".
Welcome to the world of F2P:
Rule 1: Someone has to pay
Rule 2: Someone has to pay
the issue is not about someone has to pay, its what people are paying for. people were sold ships on the basis that the ship you are buying is the premium version of that ship but now your told its not it fleet ships! bad enough your are now forced to join a fleet in order to get access to it! its just under handed! There are players who don't want to be in a fleet and the reason why fleets are now the centre of STO is because solo grinding isn't going to keep players around but grinding with friends will! now you have to spend more time more money for the top product you paid for the first time around or pay top price for the ship that was free.
I want this game this game to succeed! I want to continue paying money into this game but my money isn't being spent on what I want and the ships I bought have just been devalued for the sake of grinding and cash grabbing so its hard to justify paying more money for this game.
We should be used to it by now, they didn't bother to tell us any of this on the podcasts either.
Not entirely true. Al Riviera was on Priority One a couple weeks ago saying fleet ships would cost less than regular c-store ships as the tradeoff for all the grinding, the single character unlock and the lack of new models and special consoles.
The fact that was false is actually a not insignificant part of the issue everyone is taking with Cryptic. Not only are we getting screwed over by the company, we have been lied to.
No; the amount of FSMs needed is only reduced on a Fleet Ship if you have purchased the T5 version of it through the C-Store with ZEN (or CP in the past). VA Tokens do not count towards this.
Also, Captains, it's still the "C-Store" It just takes "ZEN".
Brandon =/\=
Can you specifically answer "Why"? Why does it take 2000 Zen to buy a Fleet-- Ship? Twenty Dollars for a Per Character ship is crazy. I tend to be a ship collector, but only use a handful for serious "I need to be at peak performance" matters. AND I do that on a few characters. At 2000 Zen per, I wouldn't even be able to do that.
How many people have 2, 3, or more alts? When they buy a ship, How many people use that ship on an alt? Are the Economics of selling a per char ship cheaper than an Account ship that bad?
No; the amount of FSMs needed is only reduced on a Fleet Ship if you have purchased the T5 version of it through the C-Store with ZEN (or CP in the past). VA Tokens do not count towards this.
Also, Captains, it's still the "C-Store" It just takes "ZEN".
Brandon =/\=
what about the tier 2 and 3 fleet retrofits, there is no ship we could have bought before that would lower the cost on those. the nova, saber, olympic, cheyenne, ktinga, somraw. these ships are actually inferior to the stock tier 5 and VA ships save for console 10, yet the cost $20, per ship, per person? how the hell can you guys justify that cost? thats outrageous!
why arent the basic retrofit version of these ships in the c store for the equivalent of ~1400 c points? at least then we could have them across all characters, and then get a discount if we want the better fleet version too. the fairly basic c store ships like the excelsior cost 1600 c points, these tier 2 and 3 retrofits are inferior in stats compared to an excelsior level ship, so the equivalent Z of 1400C sounds reasonable. the tier 4 refits with the console were 1200C, so its fits right in the middle of that.
at just 200k fleet tokens or whatever, those basic retrofits are definitely a lose leader. but they are a long paid for ship with just some stat changes, they didn't require any real new work. i'd rather have those ships available in the c store, everyone that doesn't want to fleet grind can get them then, for all characters. plus the discount on the better fleet version. and its another income source for cryptic, these ships would print money, so why not?
i know if the basic ktinga refit was in the c store for equivalent Z of 1400C, id buy it now. don't care that it doesn't have a new skin or consoles, just want that lovely 11 turn rate :cool: or the somra with 16 turn and an ENG ens.
No; the amount of FSMs needed is only reduced on a Fleet Ship if you have purchased the T5 version of it through the C-Store with ZEN (or CP in the past). VA Tokens do not count towards this.
Also, Captains, it's still the "C-Store" It just takes "ZEN".
Brandon =/\=
How's about you make it nice and easy and just give us a chart? X Ship has no possible way to reduce it's cost while Y ship DOES have a way to reduce it's cost.
Because the way you're saying it: I can buy a Heavy Escort Carrier and then get the upgraded one for 1 FSM but if someone wants to buy the T5 Nova (even if they bought the Rhode Island Refit) they're still paying 4 FSM...
You're basically price locking ships which in the end will make X ships more popular than Y. It just so happens that X ships are the ones already widely seen in the game. This means you're entire plan will seriously hinder any chance of encountering variety in sector space/teams.
If you could maybe have someone create a chart or explain this better because right now it sounds like people are screwed if they have a VA ship or a below T5 C-Store ship. So if I bought a Bellerophon and EARNED an Intrepid I still have to PAY 4 FSM for the Fleet Retrofit on top of all the time and effort I gave to my Fleet in order to unlock these vessels?!
How's about you make it nice and easy and just give us a chart? X Ship has no possible way to reduce it's cost while Y ship DOES have a way to reduce it's cost.
Because the way you're saying it: I can buy a Heavy Escort Carrier and then get the upgraded one for 1 FSM but if someone wants to buy the T5 Nova (even if they bought the Rhode Island Refit) they're still paying 4 FSM...
You're basically price locking ships which in the end will make X ships more popular than Y. It just so happens that X ships are the ones already widely seen in the game. This means you're entire plan will seriously hinder any chance of encountering variety in sector space/teams.
If you could maybe have someone create a chart or explain this better because right now it sounds like people are screwed if they have a VA ship or a below T5 C-Store ship. So if I bought a Bellerophon and EARNED an Intrepid I still have to PAY 4 FSM for the Fleet Retrofit on top of all the time and effort I gave to my Fleet in order to unlock these vessels?!
I think you understood it 100% correct.
any T5 ships in the C-store you buy will only cost one upgrade mod to get a fleet ship. ( plus the grind ) Those are any ships that cost 20 to 25 dollars before the fleet system.
anything lower then 20 dollars in the C-store, or anything that is free in the game will cost 20 dollars in mods plus the grind to get the fleet ships. this is also vice admiral ships that you earned by being a vet, or by getting to vice admiral back in the day.
Edit: changed prices to make it more accurate after I looked more into it in the Cstore. Also there is no retrofit version of the T5 ships, so if you want to get a T5 science vessel with just a little bit less hit points for 200,000 fleet credits then your out of luck. hand over 20 dollars.
No; the amount of FSMs needed is only reduced on a Fleet Ship if you have purchased the T5 version of it through the C-Store with ZEN (or CP in the past). VA Tokens do not count towards this.
Also, Captains, it's still the "C-Store" It just takes "ZEN".
Brandon =/\=
Er. I wasn't talking about vet tokens.
I was talking about the "new to Tier 5" ships.
For example, the Aquarius.
Is there any reason why I would want to buy the 200k fleet credit version BEFORE getting the one that's 20k and 4 modules? Say I have 220k and 4 modules already.
Would it save me anything off of the fleet Aquarius?
The thought occurred to me that it might since C-Store ships provide a savings.
If NOT, then I have to say I'd kinda support the idea of adding a T5 Nova, Gladius, Aquarius, etc. to the C-Store because at least then I'd get a console and a hull texture and some added benefit for alts for 2500 ZEN + 500 for one fleet module instead of dropping 2000 ZEN on one ship.
The C-Store + 1 Fleet Module option is a much better deal IMHO than 4 Fleet Modules, even if it is $10 USD more.
I was trying to figure out what the point of the T5 retrofits in the Fleet store were (also the Aquarius and the Odyssey) and I thought maybe the point was that spending 200k FC on them reduced the number of Fleet Modules for the ship that was the next step up, acting similar to how owning a C-Store ship gives you a discount.
I'd like to consider suggesting that, anyway. Let people sink some in-game currency to reduce the cost of Fleet ships by at least 1 FSM. (They'd still have to buy 3 but the game needs currency sinks, for EC, for dil;ithium, and even for fleet credits if there's no real reason to buy the 200k FC retrofits.)
Not bothering with the fleet ships at all now, will still make them available to the rest of our fleet, but I wont be buying any of them.
Instead I will concentrate on MK12 weapons for my ship and toon...
No; the amount of FSMs needed is only reduced on a Fleet Ship if you have purchased the T5 version of it through the C-Store with ZEN (or CP in the past). VA Tokens do not count towards this.
Also, Captains, it's still the "C-Store" It just takes "ZEN".
Brandon =/\=
In other words...
Complete, and utter bull****!!!
My VA token... Useless
Buying a non-Fleet ship for 200k... Useless
I'm not gonna shell out 20 bucks to buy a C-Store ship that I already have (via VA token), and then an additional 20 bucks to buy the Fleet Ship Modules. I just won't. This is horse****, bull**** and any other kind of **** you want to add to the pile.
So much for Al's (CaptainGeko) statement that the Fleet Modules would be "inexpensive". I know you'll just say "Well you can buy the modules off the Exchange...". NO I CAN'T. First off, you broke the ****ing Exchange in Season 6, so it's not even possible to search for items (searched for Fleet Ship Module, found nothing), and people in chat are selling them for 10 million+ EC. Guess what the EC cap is for Silver players? That's right... 10 MILLION!!!
This is the thanks I get, for sticking around for ~600 days, paying them 15 bucks a month, all along getting promises that the F2P changes would make things "cheaper", when history has proven that it went the exact OPPOSITE direction. Thanks a whole lot, Cryptic.
Not entirely true. Al Riviera was on Priority One a couple weeks ago saying fleet ships would cost less than regular c-store ships as the tradeoff for all the grinding, the single character unlock and the lack of new models and special consoles.
The fact that was false is actually a not insignificant part of the issue everyone is taking with Cryptic. Not only are we getting screwed over by the company, we have been lied to.
THIS right here. Al may not have "promised" anything in said podcast, but he certainly heavily hinted at it. I KNOW, I listened to the full 1.5 hour long podcast where they discussed at lengths, about the new ships in Season 6. And who gets screwed over for all of this? The long-term players who have hung in here, since the start...
I'm not gonna shell out 20 bucks to buy a C-Store ship that I already have (via VA token), and then an additional 20 bucks to buy the Fleet Ship Modules. I just won't.
You're exactly right. You won't. You'll only shell out $5 for the Modules if you pay for the $20 ship first. Which you'd know if you'd been paying attention.
But since you weren't, I'll repeat it:
the amount of FSMs needed is only reduced on a Fleet Ship if you have purchased the T5 version of it through the C-Store with ZEN (or CP in the past).
Meaning, again, that if you shell out $20 for the ship, the Fleet upgrade will only cost an extra $5.
I repeat, in bold, for everyone still not getting it: If you shell out $20 for the ship, the Fleet upgrade will only cost an extra $5.
You're exactly right. You won't. You'll only shell out $5 for the Modules if you pay for the $20 ship first. Which you'd know if you'd been paying attention.
But since you weren't, I'll repeat it:
Meaning, again, that if you shell out $20 for the ship, the Fleet upgrade will only cost an extra $5.
I repeat, in bold, for everyone still not getting it: If you shell out $20 for the ship, the Fleet upgrade will only cost an extra $5.
Then let me make myself PERFECTLY CLEAR, FOR YOU!!!
I want the "Fleet Science Vessel Retrofit". In plain English, that's the NOVA CLASS at Tier 5.
Do you see any Tier 5 Science Vessel (Refit, Retrofit whatever ****ing naming scheme they use), in the C-Store? I certainly don't. Which means, I have to buy BOTH the 200k Fleet Credit one PLUS, 4 modules (for 20 bucks) if I want the Nova at T5.
If I want the Intrepid Class Fleet Retrofit (I already have the Intrepid Retrofit via VA token), then I need to shell out... 40 bucks. 20 to buy the Retrofit AGAIN, via the C-Store, and 20 for the modules.
The Oddy and Armitage are already as powerful as a fleet ship and can't be upgraded. For the advanced MVAM escort you would need one module.
4 modules. The deal with 1 is only if you upgrade a T5 ship you bought, the Thunderchild is T3.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Hmm..seriously those Cryptic .."people" siad the the fleet ships will be marginal cheepre how the hell are 2k Zen for 4 of those bloody module marginal cheeper.
there is no T3 Heavy escort bumped up
Just a fleet version of the Heavy escort carrier
also anyone looking for fleet modules on the exchange, search under data samples for them
there is a Fleet version of the Armitage {heavy escort carrier} (you only get the Armitage costume if you own the C-store version, other wise it looks like an Akira)
no, you need 4 of them ...
Season Six: or Why Didn't I Take The BLUE Pill?!
Ah, that's good to know. So if I've already payed Cryptic $25 to use the ship across all my characters, I will now only need to pony up an additional $5 (per character) to continue to use that ship in season six. How exceedingly fair and equitable, I can't understand why anyone would have a problem with this.
I am trying to find the post and/or interview where a DEV mentioned that upon leaving the Fleet you will also lose your Fleet Ship. Can someone show me the link? I searched for it, but couldn't find it. Thanks!
The problem is i fors instance paid 520 crowns for my T3 thudnerchild now the Fleet heavy escort Has the thudnerchild costume too but since Thuderchild is T3 i will have to pay aditional 580 so i could purchase the fleet version since i nedd 4 of those bloody modules and the cost 500 zen each THAT is the problemm that and the fact theat in one iterview the Kryplic people said that the fleet vraints will be much cheaper thah the sotre veseel please tell me how 2k zen is MUCH cheaper than 2,5k ZEN..well unles you buy it with dolars and thoe those bloody euros
Because, really, if that's the case, it's not all that bad.
That is a good question. I would like to know this too, but if I was to take a guess leviathan. I would be willing to bet that the answer is no. you would have to still buy 4 of the modules.
also does anyone know if someone releases a ship if I have to buy more modules to get it back again or just grind fleet credits?
I haven't seen any mention of that, so I would have to say no. The only reduction I've seen mentioned is only needing one module if you own the T5 Z-Store version of an fleet ship you want to get.
No; the amount of FSMs needed is only reduced on a Fleet Ship if you have purchased the T5 version of it through the C-Store with ZEN (or CP in the past). VA Tokens do not count towards this.
Also, Captains, it's still the "C-Store"
Brandon =/\=
the issue is not about someone has to pay, its what people are paying for. people were sold ships on the basis that the ship you are buying is the premium version of that ship but now your told its not it fleet ships! bad enough your are now forced to join a fleet in order to get access to it! its just under handed! There are players who don't want to be in a fleet and the reason why fleets are now the centre of STO is because solo grinding isn't going to keep players around but grinding with friends will! now you have to spend more time more money for the top product you paid for the first time around or pay top price for the ship that was free.
I want this game this game to succeed! I want to continue paying money into this game but my money isn't being spent on what I want and the ships I bought have just been devalued for the sake of grinding and cash grabbing so its hard to justify paying more money for this game.
Not entirely true. Al Riviera was on Priority One a couple weeks ago saying fleet ships would cost less than regular c-store ships as the tradeoff for all the grinding, the single character unlock and the lack of new models and special consoles.
The fact that was false is actually a not insignificant part of the issue everyone is taking with Cryptic. Not only are we getting screwed over by the company, we have been lied to.
How many people have 2, 3, or more alts? When they buy a ship, How many people use that ship on an alt? Are the Economics of selling a per char ship cheaper than an Account ship that bad?
Because they know people will pay. They will make money off this.
Not from me, however.
what about the tier 2 and 3 fleet retrofits, there is no ship we could have bought before that would lower the cost on those. the nova, saber, olympic, cheyenne, ktinga, somraw. these ships are actually inferior to the stock tier 5 and VA ships save for console 10, yet the cost $20, per ship, per person? how the hell can you guys justify that cost? thats outrageous!
why arent the basic retrofit version of these ships in the c store for the equivalent of ~1400 c points? at least then we could have them across all characters, and then get a discount if we want the better fleet version too. the fairly basic c store ships like the excelsior cost 1600 c points, these tier 2 and 3 retrofits are inferior in stats compared to an excelsior level ship, so the equivalent Z of 1400C sounds reasonable. the tier 4 refits with the console were 1200C, so its fits right in the middle of that.
at just 200k fleet tokens or whatever, those basic retrofits are definitely a lose leader. but they are a long paid for ship with just some stat changes, they didn't require any real new work. i'd rather have those ships available in the c store, everyone that doesn't want to fleet grind can get them then, for all characters. plus the discount on the better fleet version. and its another income source for cryptic, these ships would print money, so why not?
i know if the basic ktinga refit was in the c store for equivalent Z of 1400C, id buy it now. don't care that it doesn't have a new skin or consoles, just want that lovely 11 turn rate :cool: or the somra with 16 turn and an ENG ens.
Are you ever going to bother answering the real questions being asked?
Am I the only one who reads that valediction as "TRIBBLE you. We don't actually care about you or what you have to say"?
How's about you make it nice and easy and just give us a chart? X Ship has no possible way to reduce it's cost while Y ship DOES have a way to reduce it's cost.
Because the way you're saying it: I can buy a Heavy Escort Carrier and then get the upgraded one for 1 FSM but if someone wants to buy the T5 Nova (even if they bought the Rhode Island Refit) they're still paying 4 FSM...
You're basically price locking ships which in the end will make X ships more popular than Y. It just so happens that X ships are the ones already widely seen in the game. This means you're entire plan will seriously hinder any chance of encountering variety in sector space/teams.
If you could maybe have someone create a chart or explain this better because right now it sounds like people are screwed if they have a VA ship or a below T5 C-Store ship. So if I bought a Bellerophon and EARNED an Intrepid I still have to PAY 4 FSM for the Fleet Retrofit on top of all the time and effort I gave to my Fleet in order to unlock these vessels?!
I think you understood it 100% correct.
any T5 ships in the C-store you buy will only cost one upgrade mod to get a fleet ship. ( plus the grind ) Those are any ships that cost 20 to 25 dollars before the fleet system.
anything lower then 20 dollars in the C-store, or anything that is free in the game will cost 20 dollars in mods plus the grind to get the fleet ships. this is also vice admiral ships that you earned by being a vet, or by getting to vice admiral back in the day.
Edit: changed prices to make it more accurate after I looked more into it in the Cstore. Also there is no retrofit version of the T5 ships, so if you want to get a T5 science vessel with just a little bit less hit points for 200,000 fleet credits then your out of luck. hand over 20 dollars.
Er. I wasn't talking about vet tokens.
I was talking about the "new to Tier 5" ships.
For example, the Aquarius.
Is there any reason why I would want to buy the 200k fleet credit version BEFORE getting the one that's 20k and 4 modules? Say I have 220k and 4 modules already.
Would it save me anything off of the fleet Aquarius?
The thought occurred to me that it might since C-Store ships provide a savings.
If NOT, then I have to say I'd kinda support the idea of adding a T5 Nova, Gladius, Aquarius, etc. to the C-Store because at least then I'd get a console and a hull texture and some added benefit for alts for 2500 ZEN + 500 for one fleet module instead of dropping 2000 ZEN on one ship.
The C-Store + 1 Fleet Module option is a much better deal IMHO than 4 Fleet Modules, even if it is $10 USD more.
I was trying to figure out what the point of the T5 retrofits in the Fleet store were (also the Aquarius and the Odyssey) and I thought maybe the point was that spending 200k FC on them reduced the number of Fleet Modules for the ship that was the next step up, acting similar to how owning a C-Store ship gives you a discount.
I'd like to consider suggesting that, anyway. Let people sink some in-game currency to reduce the cost of Fleet ships by at least 1 FSM. (They'd still have to buy 3 but the game needs currency sinks, for EC, for dil;ithium, and even for fleet credits if there's no real reason to buy the 200k FC retrofits.)
Instead I will concentrate on MK12 weapons for my ship and toon...
In other words...
Complete, and utter bull****!!!
My VA token... Useless
Buying a non-Fleet ship for 200k... Useless
I'm not gonna shell out 20 bucks to buy a C-Store ship that I already have (via VA token), and then an additional 20 bucks to buy the Fleet Ship Modules. I just won't. This is horse****, bull**** and any other kind of **** you want to add to the pile.
So much for Al's (CaptainGeko) statement that the Fleet Modules would be "inexpensive". I know you'll just say "Well you can buy the modules off the Exchange...". NO I CAN'T. First off, you broke the ****ing Exchange in Season 6, so it's not even possible to search for items (searched for Fleet Ship Module, found nothing), and people in chat are selling them for 10 million+ EC. Guess what the EC cap is for Silver players? That's right... 10 MILLION!!!
This is the thanks I get, for sticking around for ~600 days, paying them 15 bucks a month, all along getting promises that the F2P changes would make things "cheaper", when history has proven that it went the exact OPPOSITE direction. Thanks a whole lot, Cryptic.
THIS right here. Al may not have "promised" anything in said podcast, but he certainly heavily hinted at it. I KNOW, I listened to the full 1.5 hour long podcast where they discussed at lengths, about the new ships in Season 6. And who gets screwed over for all of this? The long-term players who have hung in here, since the start...
You're exactly right. You won't. You'll only shell out $5 for the Modules if you pay for the $20 ship first. Which you'd know if you'd been paying attention.
But since you weren't, I'll repeat it:
Meaning, again, that if you shell out $20 for the ship, the Fleet upgrade will only cost an extra $5.
I repeat, in bold, for everyone still not getting it:
If you shell out $20 for the ship, the Fleet upgrade will only cost an extra $5.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Then let me make myself PERFECTLY CLEAR, FOR YOU!!!
I want the "Fleet Science Vessel Retrofit". In plain English, that's the NOVA CLASS at Tier 5.
Do you see any Tier 5 Science Vessel (Refit, Retrofit whatever ****ing naming scheme they use), in the C-Store? I certainly don't. Which means, I have to buy BOTH the 200k Fleet Credit one PLUS, 4 modules (for 20 bucks) if I want the Nova at T5.
If I want the Intrepid Class Fleet Retrofit (I already have the Intrepid Retrofit via VA token), then I need to shell out... 40 bucks. 20 to buy the Retrofit AGAIN, via the C-Store, and 20 for the modules.