On January 21, 2013 around 11:00 am EST (4:00pm GMT) I'll be moving the site to a new server. It'll be down while I backup and transfer the site. It should be backup the same day.
I know you're all going to miss the skill planner for a few hours but I promise it will be back online.
The new Jem'Hadar ships were added to the site but there was a problem. If you created and saved a build using one of these ships you may need to recreate and resave it. I've fixed the problem now so please check your build.
I just clicked on a few of them and they all loaded fine. Try it again, maybe it was a temporary glitch with the host. If it still doesn't work, let me know if any messages pop up or anything else that you see.
I'm curious if it is possible to have a ship and player layout added. I would love to see all my ships stats with gear etc to see how it works out.
Someone else requested something similar. It would be a lot of work to add that, but it is possible. If I do add something like that, the equipment wouldn't be the actual equipment in game, instead it would be a simple representation of it.
For example, instead of listing Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons [Dmg][CritH] Mk XII (totally just made that up) I would have 3 drop down menus. One for damage type (phaser, disruptor, etc.), one for weapon type (cannon, beam, etc.) and one for Mk. Maybe even one for rarity. So for each weapon slot you could just all of them to show which weapons you have. The same would go for shields, engines, etc.
The only items I might actually add are specialty items or items that belong to a set such as Maco, Jem'Hadar, etc.
The reason I would have to do it this way is because there are just too many items in the game for me to list.
I've found medaled builds for tac captains in cruisers that I'd like to try; however, many have engineering BOFFs that have EPTS3.
I know I can't train BOFFs in that skill since I'm a tac captain, and I can't seem to find *any* BOFFs on the exchange that posses that skill.
Are there any engineering captains that could re-train one of my BOFFs? I'd be willing to pay EC or Dil. (Or does anyone know where I could get an engineering BOFF with EPTS3? Is there a mission I could run?)
Hey everyone! I have some exciting news to share. I've recently begun work on version 5 of the skill planner. This isn't just a simple update of ships, abilities, skills, etc. nor is this a fix for a bunch of bugs. I am completely redoing the skill planner from scratch.
You're probably thinking "WHAT?!?!" so I'll say it again. I am completely redoing the skill planner from scratch :P. Alright so now you're wondering why and I'll explain.
1) A few people have requested some features which would make this skill planner better. As a matter of fact it'll be more than just a skill planner, you'll get to save and share many aspects of your build such as ship equipment and space abilities, character equipment and ground abilities, and the most important part: you're skill tree.
Wait a second, that sounds like what we have now. Wrong! Okay maybe it does, but there is more to it. For example, after choosing your ship you can set up each item for your ship. Click on one of the Fore Weapons slots and choose the damage type, weapon type, mk, and rarity. Do this for each item of your ship. I know, that's cool :cool:
2) Another reason I'm doing it from scratch is because there were some things I wanted to do to this planner to make it better (both in front of and behind the scenes). I'm hoping that with all the changes I'm making, this skill planner will work faster and be more reliable.
3) With this major change I'm hopeful that I can easily add more features to it without it being too much work or breaking something else. One reason is that I'm introducing tabs for different information (Ship tab, Character tab, Skill Tree tab). So in the future if I want to add, for example, Duty Officers, I can just add another tab.
I know, you're very excited right now so it's time to let you down a bit. I don't know how much longer this will take to complete. I'm working as hard and often as I can but I want everything to be perfect. I was hoping to have this released on February 22nd which is the STO Academy's 3 year anniversary, but that doesn't seem likely. Sorry but you'll just have to wait.
One more piece of good news, I should be able to convert all of your current builds into the new format so nothing is lost. Version 5 is still in the early stages so I can't be 100% certain of how I'll end up doing things (my mind is always changing lol) but it really looks like you won't have to create your builds from scratch, just add new things to it.
So why am I torturing you with this exciting news? I want to make sure you all know that this skill planner is as important to me today as the day I created it. I want you to know that I haven't given up on it nor am I leaving it in the dirt. I have always updated it and will continue to do so.
I'd like to thank all of you who have supported this planner and suggested ways of improving it. I may have done the background work, but thanks to your ideas and loyalty this skill planner has become more than I ever expected. So I hope to see all of you using the new planner when I release it.
Unfortunately right now I'm not taking any suggestions for version 5. I have a lot of ideas and work ahead of me for it and I'd rather not add more to that. After version 5 is working and released you can return to suggesting new features.
Hey everyone. I've been working on version 5 pretty much the entire month and I'm nearing completion. There are just a few small things I need to finish and some tests I need to run,but so far it is look great.
I expect to release version 5 before March 1st assuming everything goes according to plan. I am really excited about it. Hopefully too many bugs won't pop up after release
Now for the good news. It seems that I'll be able to convert all the currently saved builds into the new system. At the very least, your skill tree will be saved.
Stay tuned for the update, I'll make an announcement here and on the skill planner itself before the update so that everyone has time to prepare.
Friday March 1st around 11am Eastern (4pm / 16:00 GMT) the Skill Planner will be coming down for a major update. This involves uploading the new files as well as converting all the links into a new format so they are compatible with the new version. As soon as all of that is done I'll bring the planner back online.
i would just like to say tnks so very much on the currently game saving .( cant say life saving :P )
work oh the skill builds ...the only real issue i have is just that searching builds wont work sometimes even when it finds the builds
i would just like to say tnks so very much on the currently game saving .( cant say life saving :P )
work oh the skill builds ...the only real issue i have is just that searching builds wont work sometimes even when it finds the builds
but really tnks for all the great work on that
I'll look into updating/fixing the build search as soon sometime after version 5's release. Thanks for letting me know about it.
Version 5 is officially out! If you notice any bugs, incorrect information, or something missing, please let me know.
Known Issues:
There may be issues with the share page so I'll be working on that today.
There is an issue with sets. Abilities that come from 2 or 3 part sets are displayed as soon as you pick 1 item from that set. I'm still trying to determine the best way to handle this.
Also, all universal consoles are always listed. In game some of them can only be used on certain ships. I'm still trying to determine the best way to handle this as well.
I don't see any KDF vessels when I select the KDF faction
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
I don't know what to tell you. I just tried it and I see the list of KDF vessels. Is the drop down menu empty?
Is that for a specific build or all the time? I just checked it and the KDF skill tree is switching between Engineer, Tactical, and Science.
I'll look into it and see if I can find the problem.
I am running a similar setup to twam (64-Bit Win-7 OS), maybe that's it
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
I am running a similar setup to twam (64-Bit Win-7 OS), maybe that's it
It had nothing to do with the the system you're running, its just due to differences between browsers. I've done some tests on chrome, firefox, and internet explorer and have just managed to upload a fix. The description window should now be scrolling perfectly.
Regardless of which career or faction I select, I see Engineer ground skills in the skill tree and Engineer captain abilities on the Character tab.
Clicking on the kit slot (with any career selected) simply dims the screen, without displaying any kit selection UI.
The player ship abilities box does not populate for any career or rank.
Changing faction to KDF results in an empty ship selection menu.
The Fed ship selection menu sometimes cuts off at Captain/Tactical Escort Refit.
Windows 8 + IE10 (desktop)
I'll look into it as soon as possible. Unfortunately I haven't been able to test it on IE10 yet and don't have access to a Windows 8 machine. I'll see what I can do. Thank you for letting me know.
Hey everyone, just a quick update for all Internet Explorer users. I made some changes just now that should resolve the issues you were having. If you are still having problems please give me details on the problem and what version of Internet Explorer you are using.
For those who don't know, Internet Explorer is very picky unlike Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and other browsers. That's why issues tend to pop up for Internet Explorer users. Hopefully the changes I just made gets it working for you.
here's one major bug i've noticed; loading a build made with an earlier version that i converted to the new format works just fine, but when i try to load one made with version 5, i get stuck with a perpetual loading bar...something in those files is not playing nice with your loading code
i have windows 7 with firefox 19.0 if that helps anything
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
Thanks a lot
I know you're all going to miss the skill planner for a few hours but I promise it will be back online.
If anyone notices any problems once the site is up please let me know on here or through the contact page of the site. Thanks.
Someone else requested something similar. It would be a lot of work to add that, but it is possible. If I do add something like that, the equipment wouldn't be the actual equipment in game, instead it would be a simple representation of it.
For example, instead of listing Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons [Dmg][CritH] Mk XII (totally just made that up) I would have 3 drop down menus. One for damage type (phaser, disruptor, etc.), one for weapon type (cannon, beam, etc.) and one for Mk. Maybe even one for rarity. So for each weapon slot you could just all of them to show which weapons you have. The same would go for shields, engines, etc.
The only items I might actually add are specialty items or items that belong to a set such as Maco, Jem'Hadar, etc.
The reason I would have to do it this way is because there are just too many items in the game for me to list.
I know I can't train BOFFs in that skill since I'm a tac captain, and I can't seem to find *any* BOFFs on the exchange that posses that skill.
Are there any engineering captains that could re-train one of my BOFFs? I'd be willing to pay EC or Dil.
You're probably thinking "WHAT?!?!" so I'll say it again. I am completely redoing the skill planner from scratch :P. Alright so now you're wondering why and I'll explain.
1) A few people have requested some features which would make this skill planner better. As a matter of fact it'll be more than just a skill planner, you'll get to save and share many aspects of your build such as ship equipment and space abilities, character equipment and ground abilities, and the most important part: you're skill tree.
Wait a second, that sounds like what we have now. Wrong! Okay maybe it does, but there is more to it. For example, after choosing your ship you can set up each item for your ship. Click on one of the Fore Weapons slots and choose the damage type, weapon type, mk, and rarity. Do this for each item of your ship. I know, that's cool :cool:
2) Another reason I'm doing it from scratch is because there were some things I wanted to do to this planner to make it better (both in front of and behind the scenes). I'm hoping that with all the changes I'm making, this skill planner will work faster and be more reliable.
3) With this major change I'm hopeful that I can easily add more features to it without it being too much work or breaking something else. One reason is that I'm introducing tabs for different information (Ship tab, Character tab, Skill Tree tab). So in the future if I want to add, for example, Duty Officers, I can just add another tab.
I know, you're very excited right now so it's time to let you down a bit. I don't know how much longer this will take to complete. I'm working as hard and often as I can but I want everything to be perfect. I was hoping to have this released on February 22nd which is the STO Academy's 3 year anniversary, but that doesn't seem likely. Sorry but you'll just have to wait.
One more piece of good news, I should be able to convert all of your current builds into the new format so nothing is lost. Version 5 is still in the early stages so I can't be 100% certain of how I'll end up doing things (my mind is always changing lol) but it really looks like you won't have to create your builds from scratch, just add new things to it.
So why am I torturing you with this exciting news? I want to make sure you all know that this skill planner is as important to me today as the day I created it. I want you to know that I haven't given up on it nor am I leaving it in the dirt. I have always updated it and will continue to do so.
I'd like to thank all of you who have supported this planner and suggested ways of improving it. I may have done the background work, but thanks to your ideas and loyalty this skill planner has become more than I ever expected. So I hope to see all of you using the new planner when I release it.
Unfortunately right now I'm not taking any suggestions for version 5. I have a lot of ideas and work ahead of me for it and I'd rather not add more to that. After version 5 is working and released you can return to suggesting new features.
One last piece of torture for you :P enjoy this screenshot of the UI for version 5! http://www.stoacademy.com/share/sp5.jpg
I expect to release version 5 before March 1st assuming everything goes according to plan. I am really excited about it. Hopefully too many bugs won't pop up after release
Now for the good news. It seems that I'll be able to convert all the currently saved builds into the new system. At the very least, your skill tree will be saved.
Stay tuned for the update, I'll make an announcement here and on the skill planner itself before the update so that everyone has time to prepare.
Friday March 1st around 11am Eastern (4pm / 16:00 GMT) the Skill Planner will be coming down for a major update. This involves uploading the new files as well as converting all the links into a new format so they are compatible with the new version. As soon as all of that is done I'll bring the planner back online.
Thanks for your patience and enjoy!
Thanks for the service you provide, I just donated a little to help keep the server going.
Thank you!
work oh the skill builds ...the only real issue i have is just that searching builds wont work sometimes even when it finds the builds
but really tnks for all the great work on that
I'll look into updating/fixing the build search as soon sometime after version 5's release. Thanks for letting me know about it.
You're both very welcome. Glad you like it.
Known Issues:
There may be issues with the share page so I'll be working on that today.
There is an issue with sets. Abilities that come from 2 or 3 part sets are displayed as soon as you pick 1 item from that set. I'm still trying to determine the best way to handle this.
Also, all universal consoles are always listed. In game some of them can only be used on certain ships. I'm still trying to determine the best way to handle this as well.
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
I'm using the most recent version of firefox, on a 64-bits Win7 machine.
Nice job, btw. Lots of good stuff to play with.
I don't know what to tell you. I just tried it and I see the list of KDF vessels. Is the drop down menu empty?
Is that for a specific build or all the time? I just checked it and the KDF skill tree is switching between Engineer, Tactical, and Science.
I'll look into it and see if I can find the problem.
I am running a similar setup to twam (64-Bit Win-7 OS), maybe that's it
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
It had nothing to do with the the system you're running, its just due to differences between browsers. I've done some tests on chrome, firefox, and internet explorer and have just managed to upload a fix. The description window should now be scrolling perfectly.
Clicking on the kit slot (with any career selected) simply dims the screen, without displaying any kit selection UI.
The player ship abilities box does not populate for any career or rank.
Changing faction to KDF results in an empty ship selection menu.
The Fed ship selection menu sometimes cuts off at Captain/Tactical Escort Refit.
Windows 8 + IE10 (desktop)
I'll look into it as soon as possible. Unfortunately I haven't been able to test it on IE10 yet and don't have access to a Windows 8 machine. I'll see what I can do. Thank you for letting me know.
For those who don't know, Internet Explorer is very picky unlike Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and other browsers. That's why issues tend to pop up for Internet Explorer users. Hopefully the changes I just made gets it working for you.
i have windows 7 with firefox 19.0 if that helps anything
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"