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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: I'll have the Hornet send some bombers to harass the Destroyer and draw her off.

    Bright: Do so Admiral.. We don't have much time.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Parsons: we will dispatch a squadron of bombers as well as long swords.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Pegasus Galaxy, Bi'frost'a. Mortana, Tara and Luke enter the main computer core room, walking over to a console. Mortana taps the control panel, bringing it to life.*

    Mortana: In order to bring main power back online, you two will need to go to the panels on the other side of the room and start issuing commands to--

    *Suddenly, the lights come on.*

    Tara: That was easy.

    Mortana: That was not me.

    Something is wrong.

    *Outside, the Bi'frost'a turns around, its systems now fully restored, before firing an anti-matter beam at the Tora Zhiyal and Kenway's ship. The beam barely misses as the two ships dodge, both proceeding to warp immediately.

    Zhiyal, Bridge.*

    Drake: I thought that thing wouldn't attack us?!

    Jack: Something must have gone wrong!

    The kids...

    Drake: We've got to go back!

    Jack: Drake, we can't do anything! That ship could swat us as if we were a fly and not realise it'd done it!

    *Drake sits there, in contemplative thought, closing his eyes.*

    Drake: Contact the R.S.S. Hood. We need to stop that thing before it reaches a colony.

    Kenway, you still there?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: Do so Admiral.. We don't have much time.

    Matt: They're on their way.

    *The Hornet launches 2 of her Lightning squadrons and 3 of her Mjolnir squadrons into the shoal zone.

    1 hour later, the fighters weave in and out around asteroids and the debris. They soon spot the Eblisi destroyer, the Mjolnirs quickly firing off their payloads. The destroyer screams around and fires a beam at the squadrons as they thunder past and force it to pursue.*

    Pilot *Over Comm*: This is Valkyrie Lead to Fleet Command, the hound is after the steak. Repeat, the hound is after the steak.

    Matt *Over Comm*: Copy that, Valkyrie. All Goliaths, begin assault.

    *The Goliaths loaded with Marines head into the Shoal Zone to begin the attack on the facility.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper: report

    Officer: sir we have unidentified ship on long range sensors. It matchs the description received from green before we lost contact.

    Harper: same area to. Red alert bring all weapons online and prep all fighters for launch.

    Officer: all fighters are scrambling now.

    Comm officer: sir long range comm is offline. Not sure what it is but I can't contact anyone.

    Harper: all hands prep for combat.

    The bridge lights dim as red hue fills the bridge.

    Harper: hold back mountain squadron gold leader you are clear to engage when they enter range. Blue squadron prepare to follow up after them. Prep shiva warheads and full power to repulsor beam arrays.

    Officer: aye sir.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Pegasus Galaxy, Bi'frost'a. Mortana, Tara and Luke enter the main computer core room, walking over to a console. Mortana taps the control panel, bringing it to life.*

    Mortana: In order to bring main power back online, you two will need to go to the panels on the other side of the room and start issuing commands to--

    *Suddenly, the lights come on.*

    Tara: That was easy.

    Mortana: That was not me.

    Something is wrong.

    *Outside, the Bi'frost'a turns around, its systems now fully restored, before firing an anti-matter beam at the Tora Zhiyal and Kenway's ship. The beam barely misses as the two ships dodge, both proceeding to warp immediately.

    Zhiyal, Bridge.*

    Drake: I thought that thing wouldn't attack us?!

    Jack: Something must have gone wrong!

    The kids...

    Drake: We've got to go back!

    Jack: Drake, we can't do anything! That ship could swat us as if we were a fly and not realise it'd done it!

    *Drake sits there, in contemplative thought, closing his eyes.*

    Drake: Contact the R.S.S. Hood. We need to stop that thing before it reaches a colony.

    Kenway, you still there?

    Kenway: Aye still here. Seeing as it opened fire on us any ideas...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: They're on their way.

    *The Hornet launches 2 of her Lightning squadrons and 3 of her Mjolnir squadrons into the shoal zone.

    1 hour later, the fighters weave in and out around asteroids and the debris. They soon spot the Eblisi destroyer, the Mjolnirs quickly firing off their payloads. The destroyer screams around and fires a beam at the squadrons as they thunder past and force it to pursue.*

    Pilot *Over Comm*: This is Valkyrie Lead to Fleet Command, the hound is after the steak. Repeat, the hound is after the steak.

    Matt *Over Comm*: Copy that, Valkyrie. All Goliaths, begin assault.

    *The Goliaths loaded with Marines head into the Shoal Zone to begin the attack on the facility.*

    *Orbs are soon dispersed to follow the squadrons, which soon contend with the MS launched from the Federation vessels Jegans and a new one with a large ring on its back using a different kind of thrust. *

    *Inside the cockpit an older Jack leans into the controls*

    Jack: Jack to Ra Cailum launch the shuttle and attack forces.

    *Ra Cailum operator back on the bridge keeping tabs on the MS pilots relays the message*

    Bright: Will do. Launch the shuttle and the attack teams. Have our larger ships go through and engage the Destroyer. Lets give them more time.

    I need vessels to focus fire on its maw when it opens.. That will hurt it enough.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *The shuttles carrying the assault teams in their combat armor with a wing of mechs and fighters. Terry looks over to Holtz who is tinkering away on his omni tool...*

    Terry: Holtz... How long do you need to formulate this cure?

    Holtz: From what I saw of the layouts is that I will need to prepare in several spots and go to the main room and set the targets... I do hope there isn't any sabotage.

    Terry: Why is that?

    Holtz: Because it will take longer to compensate. Firefly left me with a rewritten AI companion to counter the problems.

    Terry: Alright..

    I am going have Rissa go with you as a bit of help..

    Rissa: Wait a minute

    Terry: Trust me I don't need things to go wrong here.. It will be best served if you go with Holtz.

    Rissa: Ugh.. Fine.

    *Terry relaxes and keys up on his combat suit's comms... He chooses to send a message to Dani *

    Terry: Hey Dani, Look I am just fine and out of captivity.. Right now I.. I do want to see you back here with me.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Kenway: Aye still here. Seeing as it opened fire on us any ideas...

    Drake: Nothing either of us has will dent it. As it is, we'll be lucky if the entire Pegasus Fleet can do anything to it. We need reinforcements.

    *Bi'frost'a. 2 Iconian soldiers (wearing uniforms notably more decorated than those of this era) escort Mortana and the kids (dragging Luke and Tara) onto the Bridge.*

    Soldier 1: Commander, here are the intruders.

    *The female Iconian Commander walks over, looking at Tara and Luke with distrust before turning to Mortana with suspicion.*

    Commander: You are aligned with these non-Iconians?

    Mortana: Yes.

    Commander: They are your servants?

    Mortana: They are my friends.

    *The Commander looks back at the kids.*

    Commander: They are not members of an imperial race.

    What race are they?

    Soldier 2: Scans indicate they originate from the 3rd planet of the Keo System.

    Mortana: They're kind call themselves 'humans'.

    Soldier 2: The girl's genetic markers are different. Her anatomy suggests anatomical compatibility with the Trill symbionts.

    Tara: I'm one-sixth Trill.

    Commander: The computer informed us that 500,000 Keo III orbital cycles had passed since we entered stasis.

    *She turns back to Mortana.*

    Take them to the detention centre until we return to Iconia.

    Soldier 1: Yes, Commander.

    Mortana: Wait! A lot has changed.

    Commander: Explain yourself.

    Mortana: The Empire lost the war with the Shedai.

    Commander: Impossible.

    Mortana: I assure you, it is the truth. Our people barely survived to start a new empire in Galaxy M-23.

    Commander: Then you will have returned and restored the Empire.

    Mortana: I'm afraid not.

    Commander: Excuse me?

    *The commander nods to the guards as they start dragging Luke and Tara away.*

    Mortana: No! Wait--!

    Commander: The only reason you do not share their fate is because you are Iconian, but my patience wears thin!

    Mortana: We did attempt to return, but circumstances have changed. The new powers of that galaxy were better prepared to combat us after we subjugated one of their superpowers--

    Commander: You allowed them to stand between you and your homeworld?!

    Mortana: Understand, for many of us, Iconia has not been our home for aeons. Besides, we have a Tal'kone with one of those superpowers.

    Commander: Take him.

    *A guard walks over and drags Mortana off the bridge.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *The shuttles carrying the assault teams in their combat armor with a wing of mechs and fighters. Terry looks over to Holtz who is tinkering away on his omni tool...*

    Terry: Holtz... How long do you need to formulate this cure?

    Holtz: From what I saw of the layouts is that I will need to prepare in several spots and go to the main room and set the targets... I do hope there isn't any sabotage.

    Terry: Why is that?

    Holtz: Because it will take longer to compensate. Firefly left me with a rewritten AI companion to counter the problems.

    Terry: Alright..

    I am going have Rissa go with you as a bit of help..

    Rissa: Wait a minute

    Terry: Trust me I don't need things to go wrong here.. It will be best served if you go with Holtz.

    Rissa: Ugh.. Fine.

    *Terry relaxes and keys up on his combat suit's comms... He chooses to send a message to Dani *

    Terry: Hey Dani, Look I am just fine and out of captivity.. Right now I.. I do want to see you back here with me.

    *The Republic marine Goliaths arrive first as the marines establish a beach-head for when the Starfleet and Klingon forces arrive.

    Meanwhile, the Enterprise dodges a blast from the Eblisi destroyer as the Yamato fires her ZPLs into its maw.*
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Voporak: What... the... hell... happened...

    *Voporak pulls himself off the floor of the Black Phantom's bridge and into his chair, disoriented*

    When... where...

    *He sees his bridge officers are still unconscious, and a silvery-purple Omega alert flashing on his chair console. After dismissing the alert, Voporak attempts to contact Engineering*

    Can anyone down there hear me?

    Hello... Jirod... anyone?

    *He accesses his console, somewhat clumsily due to lingering disorientation, to find out what has occurred*

    The Omega core... it didn't like going through a spatial jump. It threw us way out of whack, and it seems like now I'm somewhere...

    *Voporak turns his attention to the subspace on the viewscreen*

    ...in nowhere. Again.

    *He stumbles to the helm*

    I must get out of here... back into the normal timeframe.

    *Voporak hits the 'auto-escape' button on the helm control, and the Red October begins shaking. After a moment, the viewscreen lights up with a blinding flash of light, and the ship returns to space somewhere*

    And now to escape... I hope Atrat did his calculations correctly. Computer, activate the hyperwarp drive, set a course to some other galaxy, either Pegasus or Andromeda, you pick. Engage on my mark.

    *Four ports on the Red October's hull open as four more warp nacelles, salvaged from the Scimitar warbird, emerge and lock into place*

    Computer: Please re-specify destination.

    Voporak (muttering to himself so the computer does not hear): Eenie meenie miney moe, tractor a timeship by the nacelle, if it surrenders let it go, eenie meenie miney moe...

    *he shrugs*


    Computer: Destination confirmed.

    Voporak: Ludicrous speed! Go!

    *All power except for minimal life support and emergency bridge lights is diverted to the warp engines. Every ounce of available energy flows into warp system, the nacelles glow extremely bright purple, and the ship goes to maximum warp. The auxiliary nacelles work in conjunction with the primary ones to overlap a second warp bubble onto the primary, increasing speed exponentially*

    Computer: Warning. Structural integrity field failing. Destruction of Red October in 17 seconds.

    Voporak: Time to destination?

    Computer: 15 seconds.

    Voporak: Well, Atrat can yell at me all day long for using this thing prematurely if we survive.

    Computer: Destruction of Red October in 10 seconds.

    Voporak: Computer, when the Red October drops out of hyperwarp, I want you to do something...

    *He quickly enters a command sequence into the helm console, set to activate as soon as main power returns. The incomprehensibly massive sheering force on the Red October tears chunks out of its hull, the pieces' very atoms being torn apart after detaching from the ship. 20 seconds after engaging, one of the warp nacelles rips itself apart. The force of exiting hyperwarp literally shreds the Red October to metal fragments, which allows the Black Phantom to escape from within and raise its cloak.*

    Voporak: Engineering, please respond.

    Jirod: You just used the hyperwarp drive, didn't you?

    Voporak: How'd I do?

    Jirod: Not too bad, if you consider testing a highly experimental propulsion method, obliterating a dreadnought, and leaving a subspace sonic boom three million lightyears long reasonable.

    Voporak: And I managed to fake our own death in the process, that could be useful later on.

    Jirod: But why did you do it?

    Voporak: Because I needed to escape, in more ways than one. I'll fill you in later. Bridge out.

    *The bridge crew, now fully conscious, checks over the ship's status. Voporak enters his ready room.*
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    voporak wrote: »
    Voporak: What... the... hell... happened...

    *Voporak pulls himself off the floor of the Black Phantom's bridge and into his chair, disoriented*

    When... where...

    *He sees his bridge officers are still unconscious, and a silvery-purple Omega alert flashing on his chair console. After dismissing the alert, Voporak attempts to contact Engineering*

    Can anyone down there hear me?

    Hello... Jirod... anyone?

    *He accesses his console, somewhat clumsily due to lingering disorientation, to find out what has occurred*

    The Omega core... it didn't like going through a spatial jump. It threw us way out of whack, and it seems like now I'm somewhere...

    *Voporak turns his attention to the subspace on the viewscreen*

    ...in nowhere. Again.

    *He stumbles to the helm*

    I must get out of here... back into the normal timeframe.

    *Voporak hits the 'auto-escape' button on the helm control, and the Red October begins shaking. After a moment, the viewscreen lights up with a blinding flash of light, and the ship returns to space somewhere*

    And now to escape... I hope Atrat did his calculations correctly. Computer, activate the hyperwarp drive, set a course to some other galaxy, either Pegasus or Andromeda, you pick. Engage on my mark.

    *Four ports on the Red October's hull open as four more warp nacelles, salvaged from the Scimitar warbird, emerge and lock into place*

    Computer: Please re-specify destination.

    Voporak (muttering to himself so the computer does not hear): Eenie meenie miney moe, tractor a timeship by the nacelle, if it surrenders let it go, eenie meenie miney moe...

    *he shrugs*


    Computer: Destination confirmed.

    Voporak: Ludicrous speed! Go!

    *All power except for minimal life support and emergency bridge lights is diverted to the warp engines. Every ounce of available energy flows into warp system, the nacelles glow extremely bright purple, and the ship goes to maximum warp. The auxiliary nacelles work in conjunction with the primary ones to overlap a second warp bubble onto the primary, increasing speed exponentially*

    Computer: Warning. Structural integrity field failing. Destruction of Red October in 17 seconds.

    Voporak: Time to destination?

    Computer: 15 seconds.

    Voporak: Well, Atrat can yell at me all day long for using this thing prematurely if we survive.

    Computer: Destruction of Red October in 10 seconds.

    Voporak: Computer, when the Red October drops out of hyperwarp, I want you to do something...

    *He quickly enters a command sequence into the helm console, set to activate as soon as main power returns. The incomprehensibly massive sheering force on the Red October tears chunks out of its hull, the pieces' very atoms being torn apart after detaching from the ship. 20 seconds after engaging, one of the warp nacelles rips itself apart. The force of exiting hyperwarp literally shreds the Red October to metal fragments, which allows the Black Phantom to escape from within and raise its cloak.*

    Voporak: Engineering, please respond.

    Jirod: You just used the hyperwarp drive, didn't you?

    Voporak: How'd I do?

    Jirod: Not too bad, if you consider testing a highly experimental propulsion method, obliterating a dreadnought, and leaving a subspace sonic boom three million lightyears long reasonable.

    Voporak: And I managed to fake our own death in the process, that could be useful later on.

    Jirod: But why did you do it?

    Voporak: Because I needed to escape, in more ways than one. I'll fill you in later. Bridge out.

    *The bridge crew, now fully conscious, checks over the ship's status. Voporak enters his ready room.*

    Being: Interesting I wonder how long it will take for the time police to find you again. Which could be interesting. *He does notice something peering in...*

    Interesting.. He is now at his full potential..
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Being: Interesting I wonder how long it will take for the time police to find you again. Which could be interesting. *He does notice something peering in...*

    Interesting.. He is now at his full potential..

    OOC: Is the being on the bridge right now, or just watching from somewhere else?
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper: all hands weapons free I repeat all ships weapons free fire at will

    Officer: roger sir relaying now all ships open fire repeat all ships open fire.

    Harper: gold leader take your squad and keep that ship busy. I want to confirm where it's from before we destroy it.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    voporak wrote: »
    OOC: Is the being on the bridge right now, or just watching from somewhere else?

    *OOC: Don't worry I am busy with something else right now so his annoyance factor is not going to kick in yet. He is more of that cat from Alice from Wonderland if that gives any indication.*
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Don't worry I am busy with something else right now so his annoyance factor is not going to kick in yet. He is more of that cat from Alice from Wonderland if that gives any indication.*

    *OOC: I was just wondering, because if he is then Voporak will probably punch him or wring his neck or something, whether or not he actually does harm.*
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    voporak wrote: »
    *OOC: I was just wondering, because if he is then Voporak will probably punch him or wring his neck or something, whether or not he actually does harm.*

    *OOC: True but I don't think it would get rid of him. No matter how much he tries. *
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: True but I don't think it would get rid of him. No matter how much he tries. *

    *OOC: It would make Voporak feel good if nothing else.*
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Drake: Nothing either of us has will dent it. As it is, we'll be lucky if the entire Pegasus Fleet can do anything to it. We need reinforcements.

    *Bi'frost'a. 2 Iconian soldiers (wearing uniforms notably more decorated than those of this era) escort Mortana and the kids (dragging Luke and Tara) onto the Bridge.*

    Soldier 1: Commander, here are the intruders.

    *The female Iconian Commander walks over, looking at Tara and Luke with distrust before turning to Mortana with suspicion.*

    Commander: You are aligned with these non-Iconians?

    Mortana: Yes.

    Commander: They are your servants?

    Mortana: They are my friends.

    *The Commander looks back at the kids.*

    Commander: They are not members of an imperial race.

    What race are they?

    Soldier 2: Scans indicate they originate from the 3rd planet of the Keo System.

    Mortana: They're kind call themselves 'humans'.

    Soldier 2: The girl's genetic markers are different. Her anatomy suggests anatomical compatibility with the Trill symbionts.

    Tara: I'm one-sixth Trill.

    Commander: The computer informed us that 500,000 Keo III orbital cycles had passed since we entered stasis.

    *She turns back to Mortana.*

    Take them to the detention centre until we return to Iconia.

    Soldier 1: Yes, Commander.

    Mortana: Wait! A lot has changed.

    Commander: Explain yourself.

    Mortana: The Empire lost the war with the Shedai.

    Commander: Impossible.

    Mortana: I assure you, it is the truth. Our people barely survived to start a new empire in Galaxy M-23.

    Commander: Then you will have returned and restored the Empire.

    Mortana: I'm afraid not.

    Commander: Excuse me?

    *The commander nods to the guards as they start dragging Luke and Tara away.*

    Mortana: No! Wait--!

    Commander: The only reason you do not share their fate is because you are Iconian, but my patience wears thin!

    Mortana: We did attempt to return, but circumstances have changed. The new powers of that galaxy were better prepared to combat us after we subjugated one of their superpowers--

    Commander: You allowed them to stand between you and your homeworld?!

    Mortana: Understand, for many of us, Iconia has not been our home for aeons. Besides, we have a Tal'kone with one of those superpowers.

    Commander: Take him.

    *A guard walks over and drags Mortana off the bridge.*
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Republic marine Goliaths arrive first as the marines establish a beach-head for when the Starfleet and Klingon forces arrive.

    Meanwhile, the Enterprise dodges a blast from the Eblisi destroyer as the Yamato fires her ZPLs into its maw.*

    OOC: No response to these?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    voporak wrote: »
    *OOC: It would make Voporak feel good if nothing else.*

    *OOC: Fair point.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Republic marine Goliaths arrive first as the marines establish a beach-head for when the Starfleet and Klingon forces arrive.

    Meanwhile, the Enterprise dodges a blast from the Eblisi destroyer as the Yamato fires her ZPLs into its maw.*

    *OOC: Still trying to wake up and have stuff to sign for my next semester. *

    *The Destroyer does not squirm all that much but is missing a part of one its legs. It fires again knocking some Republic ships out of it and some Federation ones that did not evade its attack pattern.*

    Bright: Keep evading lets see what we can do..

    Tactical: I do have one idea and its a little crazy.

    Bright: What are you thinking?

    Tactical: There is an ion storm on its way with some sort of detonation in it we could cause heavy damage to it.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Pegasus Galaxy, New Dalos. The S.S. Tora Zhiyal and Kenway's ship arrive in orbit and rendezvous with the Titan-Class R.S.S. Hood. 24 other Republic warships are on their way to try and block the Bi'frost'a off.

    Drake waits in the Transporter Room when the transporter operator looks up.*

    Transporter Chief: The Hood's cleared you to beam over, Captain.

    Drake: Great. Energise.

    *R.S.S. Hood, Transporter Room 2. Drake materialises on the pad to be greeted by a woman in her mid-30s, similar age as him, with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail. Her four silver rank bars on her shoulders indicate her rank as a captain. She smiles as he steps off the pad.*

    Captain Cassiopeia (Cass/Cassie) Lochley: Daniel.

    Drake: Good to see you again, Captain.

    Lochley: Is that it?

    *Drake smiles before walking up and sharing a friendly hug with her. When they pull away, Lochley leads him out into the corridor.*

    It's been too long.

    Drake: I just wish circumstances were better.

    Lochley: I've already organised a staff meeting in the Observation Lounge.

    *20 minutes later. Drake is addressing the Hood's senior staff in the Observation Lounge.*

    Drake: From Mortana's notes, it's obvious that a frontal assault on the Bi'frost'a will result in a massacre for anything short of an Iconian fleet. Even Shedai forces tended to avoid ships like this except in overwhelming numbers.

    XO: Republic ships have been preparing for this for 25 years, Captain.

    Lochley: 25 Republic ships could maybe fight off 1 or 2 Iconian Motherships of today, but this craft is over 250km in diameter! I've already asked for the Iconians to send ships here to help. They've already entered Pegasus.

    Drake: I have three crew members on that ship, Cass.

    Lochley: There are 20,000 people on that planet, Dan. If we can save your crew members, we will, but I can't sacrifice 20,000 lives for 3.

    Drake: I know. Thank you.

    *Lochley gives him a compassionate look before nodding.*

    Lochley: If there's nothing else, you're all dismissed.

    *The senior staff all leave in unison, except Lochley who looks at Drake as he stares out one of the windows.*

    You okay?

    Drake: Just... the enormity of what we're dealing with here, ya know?

    Lochley: It's no Orion pirate cruiser, that's for sure.

    Drake: I'm responsible for those kids, Cass. Now I may have to help kill them. How am I supposed to deal with that?

    Lochley: Don't.

    *Drake turns to look at her.*

    You don't have to be here, Drake. This is a military operation now. You can leave - let us carry the burden.

    Drake: I can't abandon them. Mortana's a good friend, Luke's almost a nephew to me and I promised Tara I'd protect her - her sister's on board, for Christ's sake!

    *He looks back out the window.*

    No, I can't abandon them.

    *Lochley walks over and rests her hand on his shoulder.*

    Lochley: Why do you always put yourself in these positions?

    Look, it's been a long day and you clearly need a friend to help you forget about responsibilities - at least for a few hours. How about dinner?

    Drake: Your place or mine?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Pegasus Galaxy, New Dalos. The S.S. Tora Zhiyal and Kenway's ship arrive in orbit and rendezvous with the Titan-Class R.S.S. Hood. 24 other Republic warships are on their way to try and block the Bi'frost'a off.

    Drake waits in the Transporter Room when the transporter operator looks up.*

    Transporter Chief: The Hood's cleared you to beam over, Captain.

    Drake: Great. Energise.

    *R.S.S. Hood, Transporter Room 2. Drake materialises on the pad to be greeted by a woman in her mid-30s, similar age as him, with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail. Her four silver rank bars on her shoulders indicate her rank as a captain. She smiles as he steps off the pad.*

    Captain Cassiopeia (Cass/Cassie) Lochley: Daniel.

    Drake: Good to see you again, Captain.

    Lochley: Is that it?

    *Drake smiles before walking up and sharing a friendly hug with her. When they pull away, Lochley leads him out into the corridor.*

    It's been too long.

    Drake: I just wish circumstances were better.

    Lochley: I've already organised a staff meeting in the Observation Lounge.

    *20 minutes later. Drake is addressing the Hood's senior staff in the Observation Lounge.*

    Drake: From Mortana's notes, it's obvious that a frontal assault on the Bi'frost'a will result in a massacre for anything short of an Iconian fleet. Even Shedai forces tended to avoid ships like this except in overwhelming numbers.

    XO: Republic ships have been preparing for this for 25 years, Captain.

    Lochley: 25 Republic ships could maybe fight off 1 or 2 Iconian Motherships of today, but this craft is over 250km in diameter! I've already asked for the Iconians to send ships here to help. They've already entered Pegasus.

    Drake: I have three crew members on that ship, Cass.

    Lochley: There are 20,000 people on that planet, Dan. If we can save your crew members, we will, but I can't sacrifice 20,000 lives for 3.

    Drake: I know. Thank you.

    *Lochley gives him a compassionate look before nodding.*

    Lochley: If there's nothing else, you're all dismissed.

    *The senior staff all leave in unison, except Lochley who looks at Drake as he stares out one of the windows.*

    You okay?

    Drake: Just... the enormity of what we're dealing with here, ya know?

    Lochley: It's no Orion pirate cruiser, that's for sure.

    Drake: I'm responsible for those kids, Cass. Now I may have to help kill them. How am I supposed to deal with that?

    Lochley: Don't.

    *Drake turns to look at her.*

    You don't have to be here, Drake. This is a military operation now. You can leave - let us carry the burden.

    Drake: I can't abandon them. Mortana's a good friend, Luke's almost a nephew to me and I promised Tara I'd protect her - her sister's on board, for Christ's sake!

    *He looks back out the window.*

    No, I can't abandon them.

    *Lochley walks over and rests her hand on his shoulder.*

    Lochley: Why do you always put yourself in these positions?

    Look, it's been a long day and you clearly need a friend to help you forget about responsibilities - at least for a few hours. How about dinner?

    Drake: Your place or mine?

    *OOC: Nothing on the message earlier to Dani?*

    *Terry and company land on the LZ...*

    Terry: Alright que up and lets head up... Lets get this party over with.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Nothing on the message earlier to Dani?*

    *Terry and company land on the LZ...*

    Terry: Alright que up and lets head up... Lets get this party over with.

    OOC: Dani was off the Subspace comms net when the message was sent, and the message has to reach Pegasus first anyway.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal, Dani's Quarters. Dani listens to the message from Terry, smiling knowing he's okay.

    R.S.S. Hood, Captain Lochley's Quarters. Drake and Lochley are eating dinner.*

    Drake: I'm just saying, the next time you want to have a literary debate, pick a book that isn't about problems humanity outgrew 500 years ago.

    Lochley: Even you have to agree on the importance of Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird' in fighting discrimination on Earth!

    Drake: During the time, yes, it was a vital and enlightening work, but humanity has since surpassed that level of enlightenment. Atticus Finch is hardly an enlightened character by today's standards.

    Lochley: Okay then, who was your childhood role model?

    Drake: I didn't really have a fictional role model as a kid. I still have one today, I guess.

    Lochley: Who?

    Drake: Captain Mac Thompson.

    Lochley: Really?

    Drake: you have to admit, his work during the Nimbus incident was impressive. He nearly got himself killed to stop the war between the Klingons and Romulans starting again.

    Lochley: Yeah, it's impressive.

    Drake: I sometimes wonder if I'd have the courage to take that risk. You know?

    Lochley: Honestly, I don't really think about risks. Well, except for when I was married.

    Drake: Hold on! You were married?

    Lochley: Uh-huh.

    Drake: You're telling me a guy actually managed to get you to lower your defences enough to get you to commit and then let you get away?!

    *Lochley nods.*

    Whoever this guy is, he must be the biggest loser in the galaxies!

    Lochley: Oh, major loser.

    Drake: *As he takes a drink*. Loser have a name?

    Lochley: Mac Thompson.

    *Drake spits his drink out as Lochley bursts into laughter.*

    Drake: Had to wait until I took a drink, didn't you?

    Lochley *laughing*: It seemed only fair!

    *Drake starts laughing also.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Nothing on the message earlier to Dani?*

    *Terry and company land on the LZ...*

    Terry: Alright que up and lets head up... Lets get this party over with.

    Republic Marine Sergeant: Yes, sir!

    *The Republic Marines move up with the Klingons to clear the way for the Starfleet troops.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Republic Marine Sergeant: Yes, sir!

    *The Republic Marines move up with the Klingons to clear the way for the Starfleet troops.*

    Terry: Alright Holtz. Where to first?

    Holtz: I need the areas near the medical bay cleared out.

    Terry: Fine. Form up. Holtz go with the Republic forces for now I will clear out the enemy forces.

    *The group splits as they begin to clear out the hallways and rooms... The place is dank, quiet aside from the combat, the air still... Not a place you wanted to stick around in. *
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Outside. The Enterprise and Republic swing around and fire their ZPCs on the Destroyer, earning it's attention before banking hard away from its blast, allowing the Yamato and Dreadnought to focus all their firepower (ZPLs, ZPCs, Phased-Quantums, ZPBs) on the creature's maw.

    The Enterprise then fires an MAM into the maw as it closes, triggering a matter-antimatter detonation inside the creature.*

    Matt *Over Comm*: Enterprise to Ra Cailum, how much damage did that do?!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper: report!

    Officer: major damage to the FTL drive and main power but enemy ship has been self destructed.

    Harper: good. We have comms back right.

    Officer: aye sir

    Harper: send a message to Strauss and call for a tow ship.

    Officer: aye sir. Message sent.

    A flash appears

    Sinclaire: hello again.

    Harper: well hello again what can I do for you.

    Sinclaire: I have bad news that you should know

    Harper: what?

    Sinclaire: I felt something a days ago that made me nervous and I was right. Do you have any ships in Pegasus.

    Harper: no not yet

    Sinclaire: good because a large and dangerous iconian vessel has been reactive. And it is an incredibly dangerous vessel.

    Harper: comm relay the info to fleetcomm and send a copy to republic command

    Officer: aye sir.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Outside. The Enterprise and Republic swing around and fire their ZPCs on the Destroyer, earning it's attention before banking hard away from its blast, allowing the Yamato and Dreadnought to focus all their firepower (ZPLs, ZPCs, Phased-Quantums, ZPBs) on the creature's maw.

    The Enterprise then fires an MAM into the maw as it closes, triggering a matter-antimatter detonation inside the creature.*

    Matt *Over Comm*: Enterprise to Ra Cailum, how much damage did that do?!

    Bright: Its still alive. From what we can scan on the thing its hull is not compromised and is still powered.

    *A rumble shakes the ship *

    Helm what are you doing, evasive maneuvers!!
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: Its still alive. From what we can scan on the thing its hull is not compromised and is still powered.

    *A rumble shakes the ship *

    Helm what are you doing, evasive maneuvers!!

    Matt *Over Comm*: Well, we learnt one thing about our enemy today...

    They can survive a matter-antimatter explosion.

    David *Over Comm*: Congratulations, Admiral! Whatever damage you did to it has pissed it off! It's coming right at you!

    We'll try and lead them off!

    Matt *Over Comm*: No! Wait! Get alongside us! Bridge, take us towards the ion storm! Aft torpedo room, load up two more torpedoes with MAMs!

    Let's see how bad this thing's temper is.

    Thompson *Over Comm*: I hope you know what you're doing, Admiral...

    *The Republic fires off a few ZPB blasts as it thunders past the Destroyer to line up with the Enterprise. The two ships then go to full impulse, leading the Destroyer towards the ion storm as it furiously tries to nail the Enterprise.

    R.S.S. Enterprise, Bridge.*

    Thompson: Keep up the evasive manoeuvres, helm. We're almost there.

    Helm: Aye, sir!

    Mike: Sir, the ion storm's in visual range!

    Thompson: Let's see it.

    *The raging dark cloud with blue electrical discharges comes on the viewscreen.*

    All power to shields. Deploy the armour.

    Ops: Shields, aye.

    *R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    David: Tactical... Load up one SA-19 into the aft tubes. If the ion storm doesn't kill it... I'll be damned if I let it kill Enterprise.

    Tactical: Aye, Captain.

    You realise this'll be the second--?

    David: Just do it.

    Tactical: Subspace weapon ready.

    *The three ships enter the ion storm, the Republic and Enterprise getting their shields battered by the ion discharges. The Destroyer also gets battered.*
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