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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *I.C.S. Taragi'saen, Bridge. The Taragi'saen is in Pegasus along with 50 other Motherships and over 100 supports cruisers to try and talk down the Bi'frost'a or, failing that, destroy her before she can hit the Republic Colonies. Solara is standing on the Bridge, as Supreme Commander of the Iconian Imperial Navy. Solar a knows they're on the clock until the Bi'frost'a breaches the debris field where she was found and activates her Gateway Drive, and due to the terms of the Iconian-Galactic Treaty signed between them, the Klingons, the Romulans and the Republic in order to enlist aid against the Synthesisers, Solara cannot use the fleet's own Gateway drives to get their first.*

    OOC: Technically, the Federation were vassals of the Empire when the Treaty was signed, so the Iconians can Gateway jump in their space freely (hence why they were able to do it in the GCW. That and the fact that the Federation didn't technically exist anymore).

    *Solara stares out the panoramic windows as the fleet decelerates from hyper-warp.*

    Solara: Report!

    Helm: We have to decelerate to impulse for the time being, Commander. There's a Subspace distortion in our path. I'm navigating around it.

    Solara: How long will we be at sub-light?

    Helm: 2 hours, approximately. I will endeavour to decrease that interval.

    *Solara lets out an exasperated sigh as she paces across the long Bridge area, looking down at the screens of the technicians and officers on the sub-level below her.*

    Solara *thinking*: Taragi, why aren't you here instead? You were always more patient and better diplomatically skilled than me. I'm a soldier - a warrior - how am I to stop the Bi'frost'a peacefully?

    XO: Supreme Commander?

    Solara: Hm?

    XO: You seemed lost.

    Solara: Only in memories, Sub-Commander.

    *Bi'frost'a, Detention Centre. Luke and Tara are both in a cell, with Mortana in a separate one.*

    Mortana: I should not have bought you two here. Forgive me.

    Luke: Mortana, it was my idea. This is my fault, not yours. Besides, how should you have known that the crew was just in stasis?

    Mortana: The signs were there... I was just too blind to see them - too eager to exercise proper caution - too captivated by the subject of my life's work!

    Tara: We all make mistakes, Mortana.

    Mortana: But mine will bury us.

    Luke: Oh no! I'm not giving up that easily!

    Tara, your sister had to do a project on James T Kirk for her Academy history project, right?

    Tara: Yeah, so?

    Luke: Did she ever mention the corbomite manoeuvre?

    Tara: I think...

    You're crazy. That's your plan?

    *One of the guards walks over.*

    Luke: Something I think the Iconian Commander would like to hear about.

    Guard *impatient*: What are you two talking about?

    Luke: Oh, nothing.

    Guard *impatient*: Tell me...

    Tara: And betray military secrets? Oh...

    Guard *impatient*: Military secrets? What is this corbomite manoeuvre? Now!

    *He aims his rifle at Tara.*

    Or the girl dies...

    Luke: Okay! Okay! Don't hurt her. I'll tell you...

    *The guard lowers his rifle.*

    But only your commander.

    Guard: Very well.

    *The guard turns away. Luke and Tara smirk at each other.*

    Detention to Commander Silarna.

    Commander *Over Comm*: Yes?

    Guard: The prisoners were discussing some military strategy which I believe may concern you. They have agreed to share the information, but only with you.

    Commander: On my way.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Solais Crisis, Solais V. Sam and Hawk are speaking with General Colri.*

    Colri: What you are saying is... difficult to accept.

    Sam: I saw it with my own eyes, General.

    Colri: Do you have any evidence to back up this claim?

    Hawk: We thought you'd ask.

    *Hawk passes him a data rod. Colri puts it into a console and watches security footage of Kola and his followers attacking the Chambers of Leadership.*

    There's something else.

    *Hawk brings up footage of Daro shooting Kola.*

    Colra: What can I do?

    *Solais VI, Orbit. R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    Matt: Time?

    David: 2314 hours, Commander.

    Matt: Showtime.

    Helm: Course laid in.

    Matt: Red Alert. Shields up, charge phasers.

    Hit it.

    *The Republic then warps directly into Low Solais Orbit, finding that the Solari ships are firing on each other. The Republic then starts beaming troops into the capital city as Colri's men move in.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper is sitting in his ready room with Sinclaire who looks older now

    Sinclaire: so I hear you ended your civil war.

    Harper: yes we did and now are firm allies with the republic and fighting the elbisi.

    Sinclaire: yes I've spent much time in studying them. A very hard race to fight.

    Harper: yes but we all have a strong will to survive and fight.

    Sinclaire: but will it be enough.

    Harper: yes I believe it will.

    Sinclaire: I hope your right.

    Solace soon appears on harpers desk

    Solace: sir we are arriving in reach orbit.

    Harper: so will you stay. We could use your help.

    Sinclaire : I will stay for awhile.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt *Over Comm*: Well, we learnt one thing about our enemy today...

    They can survive a matter-antimatter explosion.

    David *Over Comm*: Congratulations, Admiral! Whatever damage you did to it has pissed it off! It's coming right at you!

    We'll try and lead them off!

    Matt *Over Comm*: No! Wait! Get alongside us! Bridge, take us towards the ion storm! Aft torpedo room, load up two more torpedoes with MAMs!

    Let's see how bad this thing's temper is.

    Thompson *Over Comm*: I hope you know what you're doing, Admiral...

    *The Republic fires off a few ZPB blasts as it thunders past the Destroyer to line up with the Enterprise. The two ships then go to full impulse, leading the Destroyer towards the ion storm as it furiously tries to nail the Enterprise.

    R.S.S. Enterprise, Bridge.*

    Thompson: Keep up the evasive manoeuvres, helm. We're almost there.

    Helm: Aye, sir!

    Mike: Sir, the ion storm's in visual range!

    Thompson: Let's see it.

    *The raging dark cloud with blue electrical discharges comes on the viewscreen.*

    All power to shields. Deploy the armour.

    Ops: Shields, aye.

    *R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    David: Tactical... Load up one SA-19 into the aft tubes. If the ion storm doesn't kill it... I'll be damned if I let it kill Enterprise.

    Tactical: Aye, Captain.

    You realise this'll be the second--?

    David: Just do it.

    Tactical: Subspace weapon ready.

    *The three ships enter the ion storm, the Republic and Enterprise getting their shields battered by the ion discharges. The Destroyer also gets battered.*

    *The storm manages to get closer to the facility *

    Bright: We can't hail them right now but if they are doing we I think they are doing its going to be a pretty big explosion...

    *The Destroyer unleashes a blast that singes and melts the Republic's starboard side and damaging the launcher... but its shielding soon takes over as it is preparing for the inevitable. *

    Bright: How close is it to the facility?

    Kat'ar: Too close if they use their subspace weaponry and if they use their typical rounds there is a chance that the Ion Storm could get and extra charge...

    Bright: Damn.. Better tell the ground forces to hunker down away from the affected areas.

    *Facility as Terry's group is clearing out the adjacent room while Holtz and Rissa are working on the cure...*

    Rissa: How are you going to modify this cure...?

    Holtz: Simple we removed the human variant the last time and races not affected by it now, we are adding it back in and restructuring the cure to accept it..

    Rissa: You do know that normally takes weeks.

    Holtz: Please don't waste time child get me the next genetic material... We only have on shot at this.

    *Outside the Room Terry spins around a husk and snaps its neck with a hard twist as he fires his rifle at another mob.*

    Terry: Folks the Ion Storm is getting closer.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *I.C.S. Taragi'saen, Bridge. The Taragi'saen is in Pegasus along with 50 other Motherships and over 100 supports cruisers to try and talk down the Bi'frost'a or, failing that, destroy her before she can hit the Republic Colonies. Solara is standing on the Bridge, as Supreme Commander of the Iconian Imperial Navy. Solar a knows they're on the clock until the Bi'frost'a breaches the debris field where she was found and activates her Gateway Drive, and due to the terms of the Iconian-Galactic Treaty signed between them, the Klingons, the Romulans and the Republic in order to enlist aid against the Synthesisers, Solara cannot use the fleet's own Gateway drives to get their first.*

    OOC: Technically, the Federation were vassals of the Empire when the Treaty was signed, so the Iconians can Gateway jump in their space freely (hence why they were able to do it in the GCW. That and the fact that the Federation didn't technically exist anymore).

    *Solara stares out the panoramic windows as the fleet decelerates from hyper-warp.*

    Solara: Report!

    Helm: We have to decelerate to impulse for the time being, Commander. There's a Subspace distortion in our path. I'm navigating around it.

    Solara: How long will we be at sub-light?

    Helm: 2 hours, approximately. I will endeavour to decrease that interval.

    *Solara lets out an exasperated sigh as she paces across the long Bridge area, looking down at the screens of the technicians and officers on the sub-level below her.*

    Solara *thinking*: Taragi, why aren't you here instead? You were always more patient and better diplomatically skilled than me. I'm a soldier - a warrior - how am I to stop the Bi'frost'a peacefully?

    XO: Supreme Commander?

    Solara: Hm?

    XO: You seemed lost.

    Solara: Only in memories, Sub-Commander.

    *Bi'frost'a, Detention Centre. Luke and Tara are both in a cell, with Mortana in a separate one.*

    Mortana: I should not have bought you two here. Forgive me.

    Luke: Mortana, it was my idea. This is my fault, not yours. Besides, how should you have known that the crew was just in stasis?

    Mortana: The signs were there... I was just too blind to see them - too eager to exercise proper caution - too captivated by the subject of my life's work!

    Tara: We all make mistakes, Mortana.

    Mortana: But mine will bury us.

    Luke: Oh no! I'm not giving up that easily!

    Tara, your sister had to do a project on James T Kirk for her Academy history project, right?

    Tara: Yeah, so?

    Luke: Did she ever mention the corbomite manoeuvre?

    Tara: I think...

    You're crazy. That's your plan?

    *One of the guards walks over.*

    Luke: Something I think the Iconian Commander would like to hear about.

    Guard *impatient*: What are you two talking about?

    Luke: Oh, nothing.

    Guard *impatient*: Tell me...

    Tara: And betray military secrets? Oh...

    Guard *impatient*: Military secrets? What is this corbomite manoeuvre? Now!

    *He aims his rifle at Tara.*

    Or the girl dies...

    Luke: Okay! Okay! Don't hurt her. I'll tell you...

    *The guard lowers his rifle.*

    But only your commander.

    Guard: Very well.

    *The guard turns away. Luke and Tara smirk at each other.*

    Detention to Commander Silarna.

    Commander *Over Comm*: Yes?

    Guard: The prisoners were discussing some military strategy which I believe may concern you. They have agreed to share the information, but only with you.

    Commander: On my way.

    *OOC: I am aware of that so do continue.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *The storm manages to get closer to the facility *

    Bright: We can't hail them right now but if they are doing we I think they are doing its going to be a pretty big explosion...

    *The Destroyer unleashes a blast that singes and melts the Republic's starboard side and damaging the launcher... but its shielding soon takes over as it is preparing for the inevitable. *

    Bright: How close is it to the facility?

    Kat'ar: Too close if they use their subspace weaponry and if they use their typical rounds there is a chance that the Ion Storm could get and extra charge...

    Bright: Damn.. Better tell the ground forces to hunker down away from the affected areas.

    *Facility as Terry's group is clearing out the adjacent room while Holtz and Rissa are working on the cure...*

    Rissa: How are you going to modify this cure...?

    Holtz: Simple we removed the human variant the last time and races not affected by it now, we are adding it back in and restructuring the cure to accept it..

    Rissa: You do know that normally takes weeks.

    Holtz: Please don't waste time child get me the next genetic material... We only have on shot at this.

    *Outside the Room Terry spins around a husk and snaps its neck with a hard twist as he fires his rifle at another mob.*

    Terry: Folks the Ion Storm is getting closer.

    David: Move the SA-31 to a different tube!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise, Bridge.*

    Mike: Republic's been hit!

    *Thompson looks out grimly as the Republic rolls hard from the blow.*

    Thompson: Bring us about. Divert power to the navigational deflector. I want to slam an anti-neutrino pulse into that ship.

    Mike: Sir?

    Oh... Understood!

    *The Republic turns about and uses her nav lights to signal Enterprise. Enterprise comes about, dodging shots from the destroyer before Republic fires her subspace warhead. As soon as it detonates, Enterprise slams it down with the deflector pulse, essentially arresting the rift at a safe level before finally closing it as the destroyer is sliced in half.

    However, the shockwave does rock the station and the two ships, the Enterprise having to lock a tractor beam on the Republic to bring her stricken sister ship under control. Enterprise then extends her shields around the Republic to protect her from the storm.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: I am aware of that so do continue.*

    *I.C.S. Taragi'saen. The fleet is back at warp and approaching New Dalos. They decelerate to find the Republic fleet in defence formation as the Bi'frost'a gates in at the edge of the system, now just minutes from the colony.

    Bi'frost'a, Bridge.*

    Commander: What is this 'corbomite manoeuvre'?

    Luke: Corbomite is a rare element only found in the cores of neutron stars. The Iconians give it to us for the construction of corbomite reflectors.

    Commander: Corbomite Reflectors?

    Mortana: A very, very dangerous device, commander! It not only negates all incoming forms of energy, but it sends three-quarters of it back in the direction it was fired from! A fleet armed with this technology would be unstoppable!

    Commander: And a fleet of Iconian ships have dropped out of warp ahead of us...

    Mortana: You cannot win.

    Commander: Hail the fleet!

    *I.C.S. Taragi'saen, Bridge.*

    Tech: Commander, the Bi'frost'a is hailing us!

    Solara: On screen.

    *A holographic screen appears with the bridge of the Bi'frost'a visible.*

    Commander: This is Commander Silarna of the Iconian Gateway Deployment Vessel Bi'frost'a! On behalf of myself and my crew, we surrender. You wil not be forced to use your 'corbomite reflectors'.

    Solara: This is Supreme Commander Solara of the Iconian Fleet, please stand by.

    Screen off.

    *The screen deactivates.*


    XO: I believe it's a metal, Supreme Commander. Largely uninteresting. Perhaps it's a ploy by the captives?

    Solara: Restore communications.

    *The Screen reappears.*

    Bi'frost'a, we accept your surrender on the following conditions.

    1. You will release your prisoners and their vessel.
    2. You will follow us back to Iconian Space under a flag of truce.
    3. You will not engage your Gateway Drive at any point during the return flight.

    You have 20 seconds to respond.

    Silarna: I do not require one. We accept your terms.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Wax leans in on his ship*

    Wax: How much longer til that destroyers friends show up

    S'tinga: Not long now.. The storm is moving away now the station has taken heavy damage...

    Wax: Can they launch?

    S'tinga: Not as many as before...

    *Before the ships can celebrate a Dreadnaught arrives to pick up the fight...*

    Wax: I thought you said it wouldn't get here?

    *It lands on the station... causing more damage and dropping more enemy forces..*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    As harpers battle group arrives in orbit.

    Harper: I have a meeting with fleet comm in a few hours let's go eat before we have to go.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *U.S.S. Black Phantom, bridge*

    Voporak: It is time to move again.

    Mirra: Where to?

    Voporak: To where we originally were going - that Holtz guy.

    Vranlek: I still have the coordinates, but may I remind you that last time we ended up very badly with the Omega core going crazy.

    Voporak: I think we've fixed that problem. Prepare to engage the spatial jump, maintain cloak.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Holtz wakes as Rissa is biotically tossing husks away from the two of them, their group had been attacked and hit hard by the Ion Storm. *

    Holtz: *is attacked by a Husk but he counters by having a burst of energy come from his omni tool's receiver causing the thing to burn.*

    Did not think that would work.. We have formulated a cure now we have to get to the launchers.

    Rissa: *Panting* Yeah.. But one problem the Ion Storm and whatever blast shook the facility and knocked out several launchers.

    Holtz: Then we will need to fix them.

    Rissa: I can take care of that but the station itself is *a rumble goes through as an Elibisi goes through the Hallway across from them * It is unstable.. It will explode after we launch it...

    *Terry and company come back through *

    Terry: Everyone okay?

    Rissa: Me and the Doctor are fine.. But this facility can't take much more of this.

    Fox: I agree with that assessment *tapping on his suits's controls *

    The station's reactor is damaged and won't take much to overload it.

    Terry: Means whoever sticks around and launches it is going to be making a big dance

    Holtz: That is fine.. I will do it.

    Rissa: Doctor..

    Terry: Doc.. You don't...

    Holtz: I do. This mess is because of me and is one of my sins that I must address it.

    Terry: No you don't..

    Holtz: My boy.. you are the hope this galaxy has to finish this. To help heal the old festering wounds. But this one is one you cannot. Trust me. I did want to retire in peace.. perhaps to Risa and collect fish.

    Rissa: Probably test the fish too..

    Holtz: *smirks* Yes that I would do.

    *As he goes off to the working turbo lift to the main control room. He turns*

    It had to be me no one else would have gotten it right.

    Terry: I am sorry.

    *As the door closes Holtz shuts his eyes and sighs a deep breath... and thinks about Patrick... and his granddaughter.*

    Terry: Well lets get to fixing the launchers..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper and Sinclaire both walk into a beta 5 building where Strauss, Anders and forge are already seated.

    Harper: so shall we begin.

    Strauss : yes we should.

    Forge: the situation grows worse by the day on the defense line we need a major victory and soon

    Harper: we are aware of a strike going on now

    Strauss: yes but we lost contact with the group when that ion storm hit. I fear the prowler following them was either destroyed or is disabled.

    Harper: we have to stay hopeful that something good is going to happen.

    Forge: agreed if we lose hope we are doming ourselves to defeat.

    Strauss: very well. And what of the Pegasus galaxy.

    Harper : I suggest the 19th fleet be sent to escort a colony fleet there.

    Anders : we already have prowlers there that are scouting out the areas.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal, Sickbay. Kenar has just finished examining Luke, Tara and Mortana and Luke and Tara are sitting on top of a bio-bed together.*

    Tara: Talk about an eventful week, huh?

    Luke: I could certainly do with a few days R&R.

    Tara: I just want to sleep for a couple of days.

    *Meanwhile, Drake's talking with Kenway.*

    Drake: ...So the Iconian fleet's going to escort the Bi'frost'a back to their own galaxy.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper and Sinclaire leave heading outside to an awaiting warthog. That drives them to harpers home out side of the capital city. They arrive and soon head inside.

    Harper: have a seat I'll grab us something to drink.

    Sinclaire: so what's your plan

    As they both sit down Harper hands Sinclaire a glass.

    Harper: I'm taking the 2nd fleet to the defense line tomorrow. To see first hand how things are going. From there hopefully meet with allies command and discuss our next move.

    Sinclaire: I will go with.

    Harper: no offense but are you sure you shouldn't rest. I haven't seen you like this ever before.

    Sinclaire: it's almost time. My time is almost up and it will be time for someone new to arrive.

    Harper: what do you mean.

    Sinclaire: certain of my people learned a way to cheat death. I will die but will only really change. Who I am changes but it still feels like dying. All I am changes and a new person appears and goes off living the life I was living.

    Harper: amazing.

    Sinclaire: the process has already started I'm just holding it back as long as I can.

    Harper: who do you want me to get.

    Sinclaire: I don't have any one left that's the downside. Everyone else I know will die and I'll still be here. A longer life isn't always a better in the end you just get tired tired of struggle

    They both then sit in silence.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Terry is welding wires back together with a low powered beam from his phaser trying to fix one of the launchers... *

    Terry: Alright... this one here.. and that here.

    *He places the part he removed from the spare parts cabinet and moves away as it activates...*

    Terry: I got one finished here moving on..

    Fox *over the comm* : I managed two so far.. There is some resistance for the others and some heavy enemies..

    Rissa*over the comm*: My end is clear I managed to fix one the other is not repairable. It is completely blown.

    S'Darg: Better hurry these things are getting nasty..

    Holtz: I still need two more to cover the affected areas..

    Terry: Those are close to me, I got it covered.

    Fox can you make your way out of there?

    Fox: I can try.

    Terry: S'darg get over to him and try and locate Daguza...

    S'darg: On it. Come on little ones *Phaser fire and husk moaning as the comm ends.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper gets up after a moment tapping a few control on the wall. Suddenly blast shields cover the windows and doors as the room turns into almost a war room.

    Harper: what I'm going to show you is top secret. None of our allies even know this project is going on.

    Sinclaire: alright

    Harper types in a few controls as a ship design comes up.

    Harper: this is the venator class star cruiser. It's technology is taken from preserver and precursor technology as well as all the info our prowlers have been able to get. She is the most advanced ship in the unsc fleet. Last week in a war games test it disabled two battle groups by itself it's shields didn't fail at all. We estimate it could take on a small group of Milky Way vessels by itself as well. It's weapons are state of the art with a power that is a precursor artifact engine.

    Sinclaire: a war machine.

    Harper: exactly

    Sinclaire: how many have you made.

    Harper: just one so far. Once her tests are done we will se about making more.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: Bring all the ships into formation and bring it down. Get a hold of any one on that facility..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Ooc: ok and just so I know was parsons battle fleet here as well or not. Doesn't matter to me just so I know if he should be there or not.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: ok and just so I know was parsons battle fleet here as well or not. Doesn't matter to me just so I know if he should be there or not.

    *OOC: Sure man gives some balance*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Sure man gives some balance*

    K just wanted to see since I wasn't sure.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal, Sickbay. Kenar has just finished examining Luke, Tara and Mortana and Luke and Tara are sitting on top of a bio-bed together.*

    Tara: Talk about an eventful week, huh?

    Luke: I could certainly do with a few days R&R.

    Tara: I just want to sleep for a couple of days.

    *Meanwhile, Drake's talking with Kenway.*

    Drake: ...So the Iconian fleet's going to escort the Bi'frost'a back to their own galaxy.

    OOC: No response to this?
    Bright: Bring all the ships into formation and bring it down. Get a hold of any one on that facility..

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. The Enterprise tows the Republic out of the ion storm and into the hands of two waiting Republic tug ships, which then lock on and tow the Republic into warp. The Enterprise then begins heading back to the fleet.

    With the fleet, the Yamato and Dreadnought open fire on the Eblisi Dreadnought, trying to get it to take off whil fighters from the Hornet and other Republic ships make attack runs, a flight of Omaha-Class ships engaging the orbs.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Solais Crisis, Solais V. A band of Solari troops loyal to General Colri storm into the First Chamber of Leadership, quickly subduing General Kora's men. Kora, however, can not be taken alive. Loyalist troops are forced to shoot him as he fires his phaser rifle at everything that moves.

    Meanwhile, in the streets of Riva City. There's heavy fighting as Loyalist and Insurrectionist troops clash, the loyalists being aided by freed PDF as well as security personnel from the Republic.

    In a small corner of the city's poorer district, Insurrectionist troops are surrounding two heavily dug in figures; Hawk and Sam.*

    Hawk: Daro really doesn't want us reaching her!

    Sam: Really? What was your first clue?!

    *Sam fires her phaser, taking out three Solari with a quick volley of shots at 200m before ducking back behind the aircar she was using as cover. Hawk, meanwhile, is busy firing off wave after wave of arrows towards their enemies, before taking out a photon arrow and firing it behind the Solari cover. He then activates the arrow's motion detonator.*

    Hawk: Okay, fun's over! That photon arrow is set to explode if you try to run from it! Surrender, and I'll turn it off!

    *He fires another one into Sam's group.*

    Your choice!

    *Within moments, the phaser fire stops. After about a minute, Hawk hears the sound of phaser rifles falling to the floor. He then deactivates the arrows and steps out of cover, keeping an arrow ready to fire. Sam does the same with her phaser. They see the Solari troops slowly leave their positions.*

    Sam: You may want to lead with that next time.

    Hawk: Honestly? The motion sensors don't work - never did.

    *Sam smirks at him as he orders the Solari to disperse. He then turns to Sam, getting his bow and arrows ready.*

    Now, let's go pay a visit to Daro Jenn.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    OOC: Allen, relating to the U.S.S. Enterprise, I just ran a check to see how long we have to drag this out before hitting the J, but turns out that the J was a 26th Century ship, according to Memory Alpha), so the Enterprise you have should be the Enterprise-J.

    Just throwing it out there.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper: this is the unsc biggest secret weapon Sinclaire. A super ship if you will.

    Sinclaire: I must say it is very impressive.

    Harper: and for now it must remain a secret.

    Harper taps a few controls as the house returns to normal
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Allen, relating to the U.S.S. Enterprise, I just ran a check to see how long we have to drag this out before hitting the J, but turns out that the J was a 26th Century ship, according to Memory Alpha), so the Enterprise you have should be the Enterprise-J.

    Just throwing it out there.

    *OOC: Hmm interesting.. meaning I would have to do a bit of tweaking to its intended size. Plus with all the timeline alterations I would not be surprised if it is that. So hey why not. I do recall it being a Universe class ship so there is something I can tweak since I did not say if they managed to tweak the ship into being scaled down in size. Should do a celebratory kind of thing. But it will be a bit perhaps after the Cure arc and tying it up before we head into the Republic Civil War and other interesting developments. I was hoping for some side story developments perhaps a battleground world and get a look in on Earth's resistance.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: No response to this?

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. The Enterprise tows the Republic out of the ion storm and into the hands of two waiting Republic tug ships, which then lock on and tow the Republic into warp. The Enterprise then begins heading back to the fleet.

    With the fleet, the Yamato and Dreadnought open fire on the Eblisi Dreadnought, trying to get it to take off whil fighters from the Hornet and other Republic ships make attack runs, a flight of Omaha-Class ships engaging the orbs.*

    *Kenway looks on as he scowls at the lack of payment...*

    Kenway: There goes my payment... TRIBBLE. Good thing we got the others out without violence.

    *Battleground facility. *

    *The Dreadnaught unleashes the orbs in more waves as it fires more blasts at the vessels one singes and warps the Yamato's hull. Another warps the Ra Cailum's hull causing damage. *

    *The fires on the ship make Bright a bit livid*

    Bright: Get those fires out ! Return fire and continue evasive maneuvers..

    Bring up Admiral Forrester on the comms.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Hmm interesting.. meaning I would have to do a bit of tweaking to its intended size. Plus with all the timeline alterations I would not be surprised if it is that. So hey why not. I do recall it being a Universe class ship so there is something I can tweak since I did not say if they managed to tweak the ship into being scaled down in size. Should do a celebratory kind of thing. But it will be a bit perhaps after the Cure arc and tying it up before we head into the Republic Civil War and other interesting developments. I was hoping for some side story developments perhaps a battleground world and get a look in on Earth's resistance.*

    OOC: Well, there's actually some debate about the J's class. It doesn't officially have one. It was based on the Congo-Class, which was a design submitted for Voyager, but wasn't accepted. I personally like Universe-Class, but, for the sake of thread continuity, maybe we should go with another of the proposed classes, like Condor-Class?

    The J is a Multi-generation ship, with entire universities inside. According to memory alpha, it's around 2 miles long.

    Since it is a Generation/Exploration ship, the size is actually justified. It also uses a coaxial warp drive, which allows it to fold space and cover vast distances instantaneously.

    Could be something to bring in.

    This also means we've got the Sphere Builders coming up. Can I take this arc, please? The Xindi are one of my more favoured races.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Kenway looks on as he scowls at the lack of payment...*

    Kenway: There goes my payment... TRIBBLE. Good thing we got the others out without violence.

    *Battleground facility. *

    *The Dreadnaught unleashes the orbs in more waves as it fires more blasts at the vessels one singes and warps the Yamato's hull. Another warps the Ra Cailum's hull causing damage. *

    *The fires on the ship make Bright a bit livid*

    Bright: Get those fires out ! Return fire and continue evasive maneuvers..

    Bring up Admiral Forrester on the comms.

    Matt *Over Comm*: We're on our way back to the battle now, Bright! Have any idea how we're gonna kill that thing?!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Well, there's actually some debate about the J's class. It doesn't officially have one. It was based on the Congo-Class, which was a design submitted for Voyager, but wasn't accepted. I personally like Universe-Class, but, for the sake of thread continuity, maybe we should go with another of the proposed classes, like Condor-Class?

    The J is a Multi-generation ship, with entire universities inside. According to memory alpha, it's around 2 miles long.

    Since it is a Generation/Exploration ship, the size is actually justified. It also uses a coaxial warp drive, which allows it to fold space and cover vast distances instantaneously.

    Could be something to bring in.

    This also means we've got the Sphere Builders coming up. Can I take this arc, please? The Xindi are one of my more favoured races.

    *OOC: Hmm.. Not too sure I want to do Milky way stuff for a very long while.. Want to bring focus into Exploration and such... If we do bring something in we might have to do a traditional war prevention story. I would have to see images of the Condor class so I can get a idea. *
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt *Over Comm*: We're on our way back to the battle now, Bright! Have any idea how we're gonna kill that thing?!

    Bright: One moment.

    Tactical how is the station?

    Tactical: Destruction of the Station would be perhaps enough to give us time to at least peel out or kill it but we will need someone shove heavy fire power down its maw...

    Bright: For now keep it away from the station Matt. After the launch we will need time to pull whoever is left off and draw it in ...

    It is going to be precise in timing not a second off.
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