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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Bright comes on the comm *

    Bright: I see that your still hugging down and watching.. Look we have a problem.. The Klingons and the Republic battle lines are cracking down in a bad way.

    Also it appears that the plague has mutated to compensate for the other species, which means the cure is only going to do so much.. Which means Holtz is going to need time to adjust it.

    We also scored a major win against Stane and took something from him a fortress that we suspect was used to launch this virus off..

    I am trying to coordinate with the Republic to stabilize the lines and set up a conference with the Dominion for the ships we need. We are also setting up an operation to deploy a new cure through the affected areas while drawing heat away from the Republic lines.

    *Deep Space 9. A Starfleet Officer is meeting with a Vorta as a large Dominion Armada is sat outside the station.*

    Vorta: Odo has informed us of your interest to acquire the use of our vessels, Captain, but you must appreciate that loaning Jem'Hadar soldiers is not an action the Founders take lightly.

    *OOC: Allen, do you want to take the Starfleet Captain?*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Deep Space 9. A Starfleet Officer is meeting with a Vorta as a large Dominion Armada is sat outside the station.*

    Vorta: Odo has informed us of your interest to acquire the use of our vessels, Captain, but you must appreciate that loaning Jem'Hadar soldiers is not an action the Founders take lightly.

    *OOC: Allen, do you want to take the Starfleet Captain?*

    *OOC: I might as well considering we do need to end this part of the thing and move on to the others.*

    Fed. Captain: I am aware of that sir. What would make this acceptable to the honorable Founders.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: I might as well considering we do need to end this part of the thing and move on to the others.*

    Fed. Captain: I am aware of that sir. What would make this acceptable to the honorable Founders.

    *The Vorta walks around the ward room confidently.*

    Vorta: In the interests of continued relations with the Republic of United Star Systems and the United Federation of Planets, aswell as furthering the cause of the defeat of our mutual foe, the Founders are prepared to offer you no less than 200,000 Jem'Hadar Warships and 5 Billion Jem'Hadar soldiers.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Vorta walks around the ward room confidently.*

    Vorta: In the interests of continued relations with the Republic of United Star Systems and the United Federation of Planets, aswell as furthering the cause of the defeat of our mutual foe, the Founders are prepared to offer you no less than 200,000 Jem'Hadar Warships and 5 Billion Jem'Hadar soldiers.

    Captain: Thank you sir. Just know if the Dominion has a need for us do call in that favor. We will provide it.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Captain: Thank you sir. Just know if the Dominion has a need for us do call in that favor. We will provide it.

    Vorta: We will remember that, captain.

    *Outside, the Dominion armada starts heading for the front lines.*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vorta: We will remember that, captain.

    *Outside, the Dominion armada starts heading for the front lines.*

    Captain: Admiral Bright... Things are a go.. Its time to begin the operation...

    *Citadel *

    *Danny is silently going through the crowds calmly watching the mark make his rounds with a body guard shaking down businesses.. as he reaches the end of the point and Danny moves closer. His son... comes out and fires a shot which wounds the body guard..

    He takes him into a apartment Danny is not far behind... at gun point Clotho is on his knees and his son in something all to similar to him behind him with his phaser pointed at close range. *

    Danny: Don't do it son... He is not worth it.

    *OOC: If someone wants to jump on go ahead.*

    *Bright is on the comm with Matt...*

    Bright: Well Admiral.. It appears we managed to rope the Dominion into this.. But the cost is something I worry about.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Bright comes on the comm *

    Bright: I see that your still hugging down and watching.. Look we have a problem.. The Klingons and the Republic battle lines are cracking down in a bad way.

    Also it appears that the plague has mutated to compensate for the other species, which means the cure is only going to do so much.. Which means Holtz is going to need time to adjust it.

    We also scored a major win against Stane and took something from him a fortress that we suspect was used to launch this virus off..

    I am trying to coordinate with the Republic to stabilize the lines and set up a conference with the Dominion for the ships we need. We are also setting up an operation to deploy a new cure through the affected areas while drawing heat away from the Republic lines.

    Terrace: we heard about the defense line. I can give you the 11th fleet when it arrives since we won't need them for the romulans.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Captain: Admiral Bright... Things are a go.. Its time to begin the operation...

    *Citadel *

    *Danny is silently going through the crowds calmly watching the mark make his rounds with a body guard shaking down businesses.. as he reaches the end of the point and Danny moves closer. His son... comes out and fires a shot which wounds the body guard..

    He takes him into a apartment Danny is not far behind... at gun point Clotho is on his knees and his son in something all to similar to him behind him with his phaser pointed at close range. *

    Danny: Don't do it son... He is not worth it.

    *OOC: If someone wants to jump on go ahead.*

    *Bright is on the comm with Matt...*

    Bright: Well Admiral.. It appears we managed to rope the Dominion into this.. But the cost is something I worry about.

    Matt: What do you mean?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    logang19 wrote: »
    Terrace: we heard about the defense line. I can give you the 11th fleet when it arrives since we won't need them for the romulans.

    Bright: Good to see better judgement prevailed. We will need them in zone delta. The operation will dictate their use. But the way this is going we can only do so much.. Plus with Stane losing that facility he is bound to get angry..

    *Stane is pacing around not worried at all as work goes on in the background on some other planet on his feed. Then as it is apparent that he is on the station in a sort of shoal zone. *

    Stane: They have the facility don't they?

    Kai: They do. It was largely worth the risk and haven't discovered it yet. The virus itself is now largely mutated now into several different strains.

    Stane: Good... I suppose it could not be helped. Northman will need to be dealt with sooner or later he is becoming a liability.

    Kai: No easy task one I think Gyunei is not fit for.

    Stane: I will find a way. No need to worry. Just focus on the project at hand and ready the troops for their summit.

    *New Romulus the Federation special forces team waits for a Republic vessel... to land. Terry is parting ways with Vornak.*

    Terry: My friend they will need your help and you are perhaps better fit for leadership.

    Daguza: Sir the shuttle is coming..

    Terry: Right.. I will see you again soon enough.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: What do you mean?

    Bright: I guess I am getting too old for this.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: Good to see better judgement prevailed. We will need them in zone delta. The operation will dictate their use. But the way this is going we can only do so much.. Plus with Stane losing that facility he is bound to get angry..

    *Stane is pacing around not worried at all as work goes on in the background on some other planet on his feed. Then as it is apparent that he is on the station in a sort of shoal zone. *

    Stane: They have the facility don't they?

    Kai: They do. It was largely worth the risk and haven't discovered it yet. The virus itself is now largely mutated now into several different strains.

    Stane: Good... I suppose it could not be helped. Northman will need to be dealt with sooner or later he is becoming a liability.

    Kai: No easy task one I think Gyunei is not fit for.

    Stane: I will find a way. No need to worry. Just focus on the project at hand and ready the troops for their summit.

    *New Romulus the Federation special forces team waits for a Republic vessel... to land. Terry is parting ways with Vornak.*

    Terry: My friend they will need your help and you are perhaps better fit for leadership.

    Daguza: Sir the shuttle is coming..

    Terry: Right.. I will see you again soon enough.

    *OOC: It's just Romulus. New Romulus was destroyed in the holocaust.

    I always meant to go into greater detail about project Phoenix. Basically, the Federation's finest minds came up with a way to recreate Romulus' sun, use red matter to rebuild Romulus and Remus, then terraform them so they were habitable again.*

    Vornak: I hope so, Captain. As for my future, I think that is something the people will have to decide.

    Jolan Tru.

    *Vornak walks away as Terry's combadge chirps.*

    Voice *Over Comm*: This is R.S.S. Enterprise shuttle O'Neill to Captain Allen, we are now landing at zone 4.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: I guess I am getting too old for this.

    Matt: Look, the Dominion is on our side, and is almost doubling the amount of ground forces we had. Where's the problem?
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Terrace: I'll relay orders to them now they can be there in a matter of hours. I'll head for the line myself once I'm finished here and the In Amber Clad can leave orbit.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: It's just Romulus. New Romulus was destroyed in the holocaust.

    I always meant to go into greater detail about project Phoenix. Basically, the Federation's finest minds came up with a way to recreate Romulus' sun, use red matter to rebuild Romulus and Remus, then terraform them so they were habitable again.*

    Vornak: I hope so, Captain. As for my future, I think that is something the people will have to decide.

    Jolan Tru.

    *Vornak walks away as Terry's combadge chirps.*

    Voice *Over Comm*: This is R.S.S. Enterprise shuttle O'Neill to Captain Allen, we are now landing at zone 4.

    Terry: I am on my way along with the team that was sent and some fatalities.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    OOC: I have a question; since we've established that humans have an immunity to the disease (which is what the cure was based on) if it's mutated to avoid the cure, then that means that humans are also now vulnerable to it. If this isn't the case, then the cure should still work, because the immunity factor is still holding.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Look, the Dominion is on our side, and is almost doubling the amount of ground forces we had. Where's the problem?

    Bright: I know, it is why I made the call. Its just can't help but to have that feeling that its not that simple.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: I have a question; since we've established that humans have an immunity to the disease (which is what the cure was based on) if it's mutated to avoid the cure, then that means that humans are also now vulnerable to it. If this isn't the case, then the cure should still work, because the immunity factor is still holding.

    *OOC: It now affects humans and the others...*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: I know, it is why I made the call. Its just can't help but to have that feeling that its not that simple.

    Matt: Well, as my old friend Director Mason likes to say; until such time as the universe ends, let's operate on the assumption that it intends to spin on.

    So, Admiral, we need to discuss this operation you have planned. Your place, or mine?
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: It now affects humans and the others...*

    OOC: Okay, just checking.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Well, as my old friend Director Mason likes to say; until such time as the universe ends, let's operate on the assumption that it intends to spin on.

    So, Admiral, we need to discuss this operation you have planned. Your place, or mine?

    Bright: Fair enough.. Lets have it when Terry gets back. On the one hand I will tell you what is on mind.

    Since this Plague has now crossed the barrier between species it is now a danger to all of us especially now that the Elibisi are breathing down our necks we need as many friends as we can get.

    The new fortress we have was used to send some kind of biological warhead system used to send the plague off. We are going to use it to spread a new cure. While the Elibisi are kept at bay. It turns out we do have something that can hurt them... Captain Jalit's reports backed up with reports from the UNSC say that the Dark Matter based weapons did enough to phase them.

    I do wonder if you are open to finally try them out?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Nothing on the Danny bit*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: Fair enough.. Lets have it when Terry gets back. On the one hand I will tell you what is on mind.

    Since this Plague has now crossed the barrier between species it is now a danger to all of us especially now that the Elibisi are breathing down our necks we need as many friends as we can get.

    The new fortress we have was used to send some kind of biological warhead system used to send the plague off. We are going to use it to spread a new cure. While the Elibisi are kept at bay. It turns out we do have something that can hurt them... Captain Jalit's reports backed up with reports from the UNSC say that the Dark Matter based weapons did enough to phase them.

    I do wonder if you are open to finally try them out?

    Matt: I have my reservations about dark matter, as do half the scientific community. It's dangerously unstable - to the point that it's barely useful as a weapon. If something goes wrong, you could lose the entire ship.

    On the other hand, the only other weapons we have that can do anything are almost impossible to fit, could wipe out half an AU, or are Subspace weapons we can only use once without causing permanent environmental damage... I suppose we don't really have a choice, do we?

    Republic vessels are vastly different from Federation vessels though, so it'll take a while to adapt it. In the meantime, our engineers think they've found a way to improve the cohesion of Zero-point blasts. It's far from proven, but it could get our ships up to par while we wait for the dark matter.

    The Iconians are also sending a fleet in to aid us.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Nothing on the Danny bit*

    OOC: Drake's not in a position to interfere, and none of my other characters know what's happening, so it doesn't make sense for me to interfere.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: I have my reservations about dark matter, as do half the scientific community. It's dangerously unstable - to the point that it's barely useful as a weapon. If something goes wrong, you could lose the entire ship.

    On the other hand, the only other weapons we have that can do anything are almost impossible to fit, could wipe out half an AU, or are Subspace weapons we can only use once without causing permanent environmental damage... I suppose we don't really have a choice, do we?

    Republic vessels are vastly different from Federation vessels though, so it'll take a while to adapt it. In the meantime, our engineers think they've found a way to improve the cohesion of Zero-point blasts. It's far from proven, but it could get our ships up to par while we wait for the dark matter.

    The Iconians are also sending a fleet in to aid us.

    Bright: Trust me we needed to shrink the ships and overhaul the entire design of our ships to account for it.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Drake's not in a position to interfere, and none of my other characters know what's happening, so it doesn't make sense for me to interfere.

    *OOC: Not what I meant.. I meant to jump in as his kid.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Not what I meant.. I meant to jump in as his kid.*

    OOC: Oh...

    Honestly, I don't think I could do a good job.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Oh...

    Honestly, I don't think I could do a good job.

    *OOC: I know Daddy issues for me are difficult to get in a mind for. But that is the driving force here for that kid..*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: Trust me we needed to shrink the ships and overhaul the entire design of our ships to account for it.

    Matt: But the power systems just aren't compatible, Bright. It would take months, if not years, to get the technology to a state where Republic ships could be retrofitted with it.

    Terry's shuttle is about to come on board. I'll meet you both in the Enterprise's CIC.

    *5 minutes later, CIC. Matt, Bright and Terry are all gathered around the holo-map.*

    Alright, Admiral. What do you have planned?
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: But the power systems just aren't compatible, Bright. It would take months, if not years, to get the technology to a state where Republic ships could be retrofitted with it.

    Terry's shuttle is about to come on board. I'll meet you both in the Enterprise's CIC.

    *5 minutes later, CIC. Matt, Bright and Terry are all gathered around the holo-map.*

    Alright, Admiral. What do you have planned?

    Bright: Since this plan hinges on the distraction fleets to keep the Elibisi busy while a team with Holtz gets the cure ready and deploy it.. The area is known for its ion storms and it is a shoal zone.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: Since this plan hinges on the distraction fleets to keep the Elibisi busy while a team with Holtz gets the cure ready and deploy it.. The area is known for its ion storms and it is a shoal zone.

    Matt: It's going to be tricky negotiating the debris fields undetected. A shuttle insertion with fighter escort would be my suggestion while our larger forces engage the Eblisi as a distraction.
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