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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Hmm.. Not too sure I want to do Milky way stuff for a very long while.. Want to bring focus into Exploration and such... If we do bring something in we might have to do a traditional war prevention story. I would have to see images of the Condor class so I can get a idea. *

    OOC: Well, we can wait quite a while before worrying about the Sphere Builders. I just wanted to call dibs on it for when we do do it. As for images of the J: here you go.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Ooc: well have to go to work will post after I get off.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Kenway looks on as he scowls at the lack of payment...*

    Kenway: There goes my payment... TRIBBLE. Good thing we got the others out without violence.

    *Battleground facility. *

    *The Dreadnaught unleashes the orbs in more waves as it fires more blasts at the vessels one singes and warps the Yamato's hull. Another warps the Ra Cailum's hull causing damage. *

    *The fires on the ship make Bright a bit livid*

    Bright: Get those fires out ! Return fire and continue evasive maneuvers..

    Bring up Admiral Forrester on the comms.

    Drake: Kenway, I made a deal with you - and you kept your end of it. We found the Bi'frost'a and for that, PegGov is transferring 2.1 billion credits into your account.

    On the condition that you engage in no piracy for 2 years. If you do, a program buried in the credit transfer will wipe your entire account clean.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: One moment.

    Tactical how is the station?

    Tactical: Destruction of the Station would be perhaps enough to give us time to at least peel out or kill it but we will need someone shove heavy fire power down its maw...

    Bright: For now keep it away from the station Matt. After the launch we will need time to pull whoever is left off and draw it in ...

    It is going to be precise in timing not a second off.

    Matt: Understood. Looks like the Yamato and Dreadnought did some of the work for us.

    I'm noting a profound lack of berating for using epsilon warheads, Bright.

    *OOC: Ah... TRIBBLE. I just realised that because they used they SA-19, we can't warp, slipstream, transwarp or fold-jump for at least an hour.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Drake: Kenway, I made a deal with you - and you kept your end of it. We found the Bi'frost'a and for that, PegGov is transferring 2.1 billion credits into your account.

    On the condition that you engage in no piracy for 2 years. If you do, a program buried in the credit transfer will wipe your entire account clean.

    Kenway: Hmm. Interesting. Good enough haul..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Understood. Looks like the Yamato and Dreadnought did some of the work for us.

    I'm noting a profound lack of berating for using epsilon warheads, Bright.

    *OOC: Ah... TRIBBLE. I just realised that because they used they SA-19, we can't warp, slipstream, transwarp or fold-jump for at least an hour.

    *OOC: Yeah Not to mention the station got battered. But yes Bright is going to bring that up *

    Bright: You actually used one? Damn it. Now we can't warp out when the station goes up.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Well, we can wait quite a while before worrying about the Sphere Builders. I just wanted to call dibs on it for when we do do it. As for images of the J: here you go.

    *OOC: Alright, I think with a couple tweaks that vessel would be awesome especially with the mode of travel that is technically a supped up fold space device. Then all kinds of things I did have Universe classes employed as Exploration vessels and test beds for new travel methods. So I can say they were bigger than the one being rolled out. So I can work it. Too bad I suck at starship design on drawing pads. So yeah you got dibs on Xindi and Sphere Builders.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *OOC: Yeah Not to mention the station got battered. But yes Bright is going to bring that up *

    Bright: You actually used one? Damn it. Now we can't warp out when the station goes up.

    Matt: What kind of explosion are we talking about?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Kenway: Hmm. Interesting. Good enough haul..

    Drake: See you around, Kenway.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: What kind of explosion are we talking about?

    Bright: It would be a neutron explosion, don't ask why Stane is nuts and right now we are all going to be rightly screwed.. So looks like we will do our duty and pay our price.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Back on the station S'darg and Fox are ripping apart as many as they can trying to get to the next two launchers.. Daguza and company are down to around 10 people firing...*

    Daguza: Well.. I am going to make a way to the launchers...

    Fili: Do it we don't have long..

    *Daguza then takes a photon launcher and aims it at the nearest Banshee and fires at it.. The shot hits and eliminates the next bunch the Banshee screams and teleports to him *

    Daguza: Captain make this count.

    *He salutes and is soon impaled by the Banshee and drained of his nutrients... The way is clear as men sprint past as some stay behind hopelessly trying to clear them out. *

    *Terry feels it and grinds his teeth as he continues fighting to secure a path out.. *

    Terry: Damn it.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Drake: See you around, Kenway.

    *Kenway makes his way to the transporter room he stops by Dani's room...*

    Kenway: Are still moping lass?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: It would be a neutron explosion, don't ask why Stane is nuts and right now we are all going to be rightly screwed.. So looks like we will do our duty and pay our price.

    Matt: What if we confined the energy until we can warp out?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Kenway makes his way to the transporter room he stops by Dani's room...*

    Kenway: Are still moping lass?

    Dani: How'd you get in here?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper and Sinclaire walk outside. They enter a large garden area.

    Harper: so what are you going to do now.

    Sinclaire: I will wait till the changing is over. Then return to the defense line.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: What if we confined the energy until we can warp out?

    Bright: That will depend on if we can kill this thing soon and contain it in the blast without taking us with it.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Dani: How'd you get in here?

    Kenway: I am on my way out. I have things to do and money to pay out, running two ships and a crew is not cheap.. Plus your door is open by the way.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    *Solais Crisis, R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    Matt: Give me a status report, Ensign.

    David: Colri's men have secured the capital. Agent Hawk and Commander Allington are tracking Daro now.

    *Riva City. Hawk is slowly searching a building near the city outskirts with his bow drawn. He taps his earpiece.*

    Hawk: How's it going, Sam?

    Sam *Over Comm*: You remember the Kobayashi Maru test?

    Hawk: Yeah?

    *Sam's walking around the other side of the building, pistol drawn.*

    Sam: That was easier than this - and that's saying something.

    *Back with Hawk. Hawk laughs.*

    Hawk: Let me know if you get anything. Don't try to solo it, Sam. She's ex-Assault Ops. Those guys can turn nearly anything into a deadly weapon.

    Sam *Over Comm*: I know, Mike.

    Hawk: Good. I'll call you ba--

    *Hawk sees Daro turn the corner, quickly reacting to his unexpected presence by firing her phaser rifle at him. Hawk quickly rolls behind the wall, releasing his arrow. Daro quickly turns back behind the wall, the arrow missing her by inches.*

    I've got her!

    Sam *Over Comm*: I'm coming.

    Hawk: Copy!

    *He taps his earpiece.*

    Daro Jenn, on the authority of the Office of State Security and the Republic Department of Justice, I am placing you under arrest for treason, inciting rebellion, two counts of murder, and firing on an O.S.S. agent! You going to come quietly?!

    *He hears a phaser blast strike the wall.*

    Is that a 'no'?!

    *And again.*

    That's a 'no'.

    *He rolls out of cover firing an arrow at Daro, just brushes her arm, shallowly cutting it open before a stun blast hits him. He starts to stir as Daro throws a forcefield emitter across the floor to block Hawk off. She aims the rifle at him.*

    Daro: Assuming you can even lift that bow with a nadion pulse surging through your nervous system, can I suggest you don't try to hit that forcefield emitter?

    *Hawk groans as he tries to get up.*

    Did you really think coming after me solo was a good idea?

    Sam: He didn't come alone.

    *Sam is standing behind her, phaser pointed at the back of her neck.*

    Daro Jenn, I'm placing you under arrest for treason, inciting rebellion...

    Hawk already went over this, didn't he?

    Daro: Yeah.

    Sam: Fair enough.

    Daro: I'm not gonna surrender, you know.

    Sam: Hence why I have a phaser pointed at your neck. Move a muscle and you'll be taking a nap for a few hours.

    Daro: How quickly can you count to three?

    Sam: What?


    Daro: Took you two seconds to react to that.

    *Daro elbows Sam in the face, knocking her phaser off target and dazing her slightly. Sam quickly locks her arms around Daro's rifle as Daro presses it against her temple, pushing Sam backwards and up against a console. Sam strains as she tries to push the rifle away. She manages it and rolls out of the way, the two getting into a stand-off with their phasers pointed at each other. The rifle has left a circular bruise and small curved cut on Sam's temple. It doesn't take long for Daro to realise that Sam put the rifle into a 30 second cool-down cycle, but she doesn't worry. When Sam fires, her phaser pistol lets out a light hum.

    Daro turned on the safety.

    Before Sam can tap the safety control, Daro kicks the phaser out of her hand before trying to slam the stock of the rifle into Sam's face, Sam barely managing to duck beneath it, elbowing Daro in the gut before grabbing the rifle and twisting it in Daro's hands, forcing her to drop it.

    Daro quickly gets Sam in a neck lock, squeezing in as Sam strains to get free. She stands on the rifle, using the lack of grip to slide it away, and knock them both to the floor. Sam quickly rolls out as Daro's grip loosens, getting to her feet. She quickly lifts her arms to guard her face as a punch swings in from Daro. Sam quickly deflects it before sending a palm strike into Daro's collar bone, knocking her back and choking her slightly. She then sends a kick towards Daro's head, Daro blocking it before trying to pull Sam into an ankle lock, which Sam avoids by sharply pulling her leg free, causing her to wince in pain as she pulls a muscle, before sending it back into Daro's face, cutting Daro's cheek open. She then dives for her phaser, releasing the safety and stunning Daro. Sam drops the phaser, panting heavily.

    2 days later, R.S.S. Republic. On the request of the Republic Government and Solais V, the U.S.S. Odyssey and U.S.S. Asimov have arrived to give medical and reconstruction aid, as have the R.S.S. Odysseus and R.S.S. Liberty, Titan-Class Starships.

    In the Republic hallways, Sam's walking along when Matt strolls up beside her.*

    Matt: Commander. Sorry, that's 'Captain' now, isn't it?

    Sam: Y'know, they even offered to promote me direct to Rear Admiral.

    Matt: You didn't take it?

    Sam: I'm happy here.

    You know, 3 days ago I was getting screwed over by the government and wanted to resign. Today, I'm being called the 'hero of Solais V'. Funny how things work out, isn't it?

    Matt: I'm glad your sticking around. I'd hate to have to break in a new CO.

    Sam: Speaking of which, I guess congratulations are in order for you too, 'Commander'.

    Matt: I owe it all to the Battle of Witch Head.

    Sam: My tutelage may have helped too.

    Matt: You mean your track record of being reckless, careless, hot-headed and certifiably insane?


    *Sam shakes her head.*

    Sam: See you on the Bridge, Matt.

    Matt: Oh, Captain, the senior officers are playing poker in my quarters later tonight. Captain Allen's going to be there.

    Sam: That's nice.

    Matt: You're welcome to join us, Captain.

    *Sam turns around, smirking.*

    Sam: Ask me.

    *Matt sighs.*

    Matt: Would you like to join us, Captain?

    Sam: Sure.

    *The two start walking again.*

    I think I should warn you, I won 4 annual poker tournaments back at the academy.

    Matt: I know, I lost to you once.

    See you there, Captain.

    Sam: Commander.

    *Matt starts to walk away.*


    *Matt turns back.*

    Call me Sam.

    *Matt nods before continuing on.*

    OOC: Allen, I don't know if you want to do the poker game or not. If not, I'll end the Solais arc now.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Kenway: I am on my way out. I have things to do and money to pay out, running two ships and a crew is not cheap.. Plus your door is open by the way.

    Dani: Thanks...

    *She analyses him, suspicious.*

    What did you want?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: That will depend on if we can kill this thing soon and contain it in the blast without taking us with it.

    Matt: Any ideas?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harpers comm beeps

    Harper : Harper here

    Officer: sir the venator is ready to leave orbit.

    Harper: very we'll call my warthog in and I'll head for my pelican.

    Officer: aye sir.

    Harper closes his comm as they stand near a small creak. Harper closes his eyes enjoying the quite for a moment.

    Harper: feel free to remain here as long as you need. The plants here are calming

    Sinclaire: thank you.

    Harper heads off towards the house again. As Sinclaire stands there looking at his hands as the start to glow a whitish color.

    Sinclaire: and it starts. Everything you are vanishes like a breath on a mirror. Everything changes. And that's ok. We all are always changing.

    His body starts glowing

    Sinclaire looks up and sees sentinel and jetran standing before him.

    Sinclaire smiles to himself : what's important is that we don't forget who we've been. What's important is that we remember.

    Sinclaire grimaces in pain as he falls to his knees.

    Sinclaire: I will not forget any of you. Or what I've done. I will always.... Remember and will never ever forget one line of this.

    In a flash the man everyone knew as Sinclaire is no more and a new man stands there. He gets up and looks around. Flexing his arms and legs. He is considerably younger then Sinclaire was. He is early 20s well muscled with short brown hair. His eyes are a light orange.

    Ooc: yes I pulled some things from DW. I will have a new name for him soon to.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Harper soon arrives at the hangar and walks over to his pelican where his two Sierra troopers are waiting for him. They board as the drop ship takes off and heads for high orbit where the venator is waiting.

    Harper: time to reveal our newest ship. She is. Beauty.

    He looks out the view port to see it. It's in orbit flanked by two peacemaker class cruisers and two covenant assault carriers.

    Venator specs

    Length1.75 miles

    Width .85 miles

    Crew: 15000
    ODST: 800
    Sierra : 50

    Engines: type 9 precursor slip space drive/ sunlight engines.

    Shields: precursor adaptive high regenerative high capacity shields

    12 super PAC canons
    30 repulsor beam arrays
    10 torpedo tubes ( multi purpose)
    Shiva tactical missile bay
    Nova launcher
    45 precursor type 5 beam arrays
    1 ionic sub space launcher

    30 broadsword fighters
    10 long sword bombers
    20 pelican class drop ship / gun ship

    Hull: 2 feet trinamium plating grade a
    Nano hull repair nanites.

    The venator is the the first in its line of a super carrier design. It is on par with any other type of ship in its class from my of the other major powers it can hold its own in most engagements and is made for combat and only combat.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Solais Crisis, R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    Matt: Give me a status report, Ensign.

    David: Colri's men have secured the capital. Agent Hawk and Commander Allington are tracking Daro now.

    *Riva City. Hawk is slowly searching a building near the city outskirts with his bow drawn. He taps his earpiece.*

    Hawk: How's it going, Sam?

    Sam *Over Comm*: You remember the Kobayashi Maru test?

    Hawk: Yeah?

    *Sam's walking around the other side of the building, pistol drawn.*

    Sam: That was easier than this - and that's saying something.

    *Back with Hawk. Hawk laughs.*

    Hawk: Let me know if you get anything. Don't try to solo it, Sam. She's ex-Assault Ops. Those guys can turn nearly anything into a deadly weapon.

    Sam *Over Comm*: I know, Mike.

    Hawk: Good. I'll call you ba--

    *Hawk sees Daro turn the corner, quickly reacting to his unexpected presence by firing her phaser rifle at him. Hawk quickly rolls behind the wall, releasing his arrow. Daro quickly turns back behind the wall, the arrow missing her by inches.*

    I've got her!

    Sam *Over Comm*: I'm coming.

    Hawk: Copy!

    *He taps his earpiece.*

    Daro Jenn, on the authority of the Office of State Security and the Republic Department of Justice, I am placing you under arrest for treason, inciting rebellion, two counts of murder, and firing on an O.S.S. agent! You going to come quietly?!

    *He hears a phaser blast strike the wall.*

    Is that a 'no'?!

    *And again.*

    That's a 'no'.

    *He rolls out of cover firing an arrow at Daro, just brushes her arm, shallowly cutting it open before a stun blast hits him. He starts to stir as Daro throws a forcefield emitter across the floor to block Hawk off. She aims the rifle at him.*

    Daro: Assuming you can even lift that bow with a nadion pulse surging through your nervous system, can I suggest you don't try to hit that forcefield emitter?

    *Hawk groans as he tries to get up.*

    Did you really think coming after me solo was a good idea?

    Sam: He didn't come alone.

    *Sam is standing behind her, phaser pointed at the back of her neck.*

    Daro Jenn, I'm placing you under arrest for treason, inciting rebellion...

    Hawk already went over this, didn't he?

    Daro: Yeah.

    Sam: Fair enough.

    Daro: I'm not gonna surrender, you know.

    Sam: Hence why I have a phaser pointed at your neck. Move a muscle and you'll be taking a nap for a few hours.

    Daro: How quickly can you count to three?

    Sam: What?


    Daro: Took you two seconds to react to that.

    *Daro elbows Sam in the face, knocking her phaser off target and dazing her slightly. Sam quickly locks her arms around Daro's rifle as Daro presses it against her temple, pushing Sam backwards and up against a console. Sam strains as she tries to push the rifle away. She manages it and rolls out of the way, the two getting into a stand-off with their phasers pointed at each other. The rifle has left a circular bruise and small curved cut on Sam's temple. It doesn't take long for Daro to realise that Sam put the rifle into a 30 second cool-down cycle, but she doesn't worry. When Sam fires, her phaser pistol lets out a light hum.

    Daro turned on the safety.

    Before Sam can tap the safety control, Daro kicks the phaser out of her hand before trying to slam the stock of the rifle into Sam's face, Sam barely managing to duck beneath it, elbowing Daro in the gut before grabbing the rifle and twisting it in Daro's hands, forcing her to drop it.

    Daro quickly gets Sam in a neck lock, squeezing in as Sam strains to get free. She stands on the rifle, using the lack of grip to slide it away, and knock them both to the floor. Sam quickly rolls out as Daro's grip loosens, getting to her feet. She quickly lifts her arms to guard her face as a punch swings in from Daro. Sam quickly deflects it before sending a palm strike into Daro's collar bone, knocking her back and choking her slightly. She then sends a kick towards Daro's head, Daro blocking it before trying to pull Sam into an ankle lock, which Sam avoids by sharply pulling her leg free, causing her to wince in pain as she pulls a muscle, before sending it back into Daro's face, cutting Daro's cheek open. She then dives for her phaser, releasing the safety and stunning Daro. Sam drops the phaser, panting heavily.

    2 days later, R.S.S. Republic. On the request of the Republic Government and Solais V, the U.S.S. Odyssey and U.S.S. Asimov have arrived to give medical and reconstruction aid, as have the R.S.S. Odysseus and R.S.S. Liberty, Titan-Class Starships.

    In the Republic hallways, Sam's walking along when Matt strolls up beside her.*

    Matt: Commander. Sorry, that's 'Captain' now, isn't it?

    Sam: Y'know, they even offered to promote me direct to Rear Admiral.

    Matt: You didn't take it?

    Sam: I'm happy here.

    You know, 3 days ago I was getting screwed over by the government and wanted to resign. Today, I'm being called the 'hero of Solais V'. Funny how things work out, isn't it?

    Matt: I'm glad your sticking around. I'd hate to have to break in a new CO.

    Sam: Speaking of which, I guess congratulations are in order for you too, 'Commander'.

    Matt: I owe it all to the Battle of Witch Head.

    Sam: My tutelage may have helped too.

    Matt: You mean your track record of being reckless, careless, hot-headed and certifiably insane?


    *Sam shakes her head.*

    Sam: See you on the Bridge, Matt.

    Matt: Oh, Captain, the senior officers are playing poker in my quarters later tonight. Captain Allen's going to be there.

    Sam: That's nice.

    Matt: You're welcome to join us, Captain.

    *Sam turns around, smirking.*

    Sam: Ask me.

    *Matt sighs.*

    Matt: Would you like to join us, Captain?

    Sam: Sure.

    *The two start walking again.*

    I think I should warn you, I won 4 annual poker tournaments back at the academy.

    Matt: I know, I lost to you once.

    See you there, Captain.

    Sam: Commander.

    *Matt starts to walk away.*


    *Matt turns back.*

    Call me Sam.

    *Matt nods before continuing on.*

    OOC: Allen, I don't know if you want to do the poker game or not. If not, I'll end the Solais arc now.

    *OOC: Actually saving that for later for a nice bittersweet kind of thing. Probably after the overall arc is over.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Dani: Thanks...

    *She analyses him, suspicious.*

    What did you want?

    Kenway: Your still moping around aren't you. *He looks to the terminal which has one small flashing light*

    Don't worry about him that much, if he is smart he will have gotten out. Your too pretty to leave behind like that... Anyway kiddo.

    Go to him your sister will be just fine she is tougher than she looks.

    *Before he leaves the room. *

    Looks like you have a message I can give you a lift to the nearest port to get a transport or I can take you there. You will need to hide yourself well because I am guessing your father would not like it much if he found out.

    I am in no rush.

    *He leaves the room on his way to the transporter room.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Any ideas?

    Bright: The station would do the trick as for getting us out of here... Trapping it in there would require us to make a gravitational field around the station...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Kenway: Your still moping around aren't you. *He looks to the terminal which has one small flashing light*

    Don't worry about him that much, if he is smart he will have gotten out. Your too pretty to leave behind like that... Anyway kiddo.

    Go to him your sister will be just fine she is tougher than she looks.

    *Before he leaves the room. *

    Looks like you have a message I can give you a lift to the nearest port to get a transport or I can take you there. You will need to hide yourself well because I am guessing your father would not like it much if he found out.

    I am in no rush.

    *He leaves the room on his way to the transporter room.*

    OOC: Not that it's not sweet and all, but I'm actually going to need her in Pegasus for a little longer. I'm planning to give Tara a major showdown with Samana and Dani's going to be playing an important part in it.

    EDIT: Oh, and she wasn't moping. She was just happy he was okay.

    Tara is the one who mopes :)
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bright: The station would do the trick as for getting us out of here... Trapping it in there would require us to make a gravitational field around the station...

    Matt: If the entire fleet fires graviton pulses towards the reactor, it should contain the blast in the gravity well.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    He stands there in the garden for a moment

    Wade: I think it's time for a new name and look.

    He walks into Harpers home and walks into the armory.

    Wade: new name new look

    He walks over to the wall taking 2 PAC pistols and a belt he then notices two katana like swords taking those and slinging them over his back. Also takes a few grenades.

    He then walks over where pieces of armor are stored. Taking certain pieces and covering major areas as he also grabs a speciliazed helmet. He then stands there a moment going over everything he has.

    Wade: well now I think we are all set for whatever I want to go do.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Not that it's not sweet and all, but I'm actually going to need her in Pegasus for a little longer. I'm planning to give Tara a major showdown with Samana and Dani's going to be playing an important part in it.

    EDIT: Oh, and she wasn't moping. She was just happy he was okay.

    Tara is the one who mopes :)

    *OOC: What I had in mind was that she might get interested in making her way back. But hey I am cool with it being left open right now. As Kenway has a bone to pick with the Orion syndicate.. *
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: If the entire fleet fires graviton pulses towards the reactor, it should contain the blast in the gravity well.

    Bright: Lt. Allison can we reach the teams down there?

    Allison: I can pick up some comms that they are almost finished over there and some need extraction already. Captain Allen's team is nearly finished with repairs and has a way out secured.

    *Terry gets on the comm..*

    Terry: The reactor is going to blow when we launch the cure, if we are going to destroy the Dreadnaught we need to wait for us to launch the cure.

    Bright: So we have a small window to make a gravitational field.

    Terry: Not too big of one but given Holtz's proclivities he is probably already on it.

    Bright: Have to hope so is he coming?

    Terry: No.. He is opting to see that it goes smoothly.

    Bright: Damn it.
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