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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Clatch: Sir. Between them and roaming Elibisi we are losing fleets the more we throw at them.

    Its like they are using the Elibisi more against us than themselves. Perfect guerrilla warfare with genocide in mind. They have eliminated every populated world between them and the CIS lines... Billions dead and Planets ruined.

    General you need to form up and start instructing patrols to destroy Romulan ships on sight.

    OOC: Hanshan was only ordered to destroy UNSC ships and bases, not civilian targets, so not 'every populated world'.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *R.S.S. Enterprise, CIC. Matt watches as the entire Republic Fleet on the Romulan line reports in. Some Battle Groups have gotten bogged down fighting Romulan defences, forcing them to dig in inside the target system until reinforcements arrive, but the Republic has managed to penetrate deep into the Star Empire.*

    Matt: Now we just need to hold it.

    Are the construction ships building the supply posts?

    Lieutenant: Aye, sir.

    Matt: Good. Call DeltaComm. I want the 9th Fleet rerouted here as soon as possible to reinforce. We can't hold this line if we spread to thinly and we can't keep the Romulans out of our space if we consolidate into strategic points.

    Maybe... square formation...

    Lieutenant: Sir?

    Matt: In 18th Century Earth, musket regiments would organise themselves into square formations to defend against cavalry. The idea was that the cavalry wouldn't be able to flank them and that two regiments situated near each other, both in squares, could provide supporting fire to each other and create a kill zone between them.

    Lieutenant: All well and good, but those battlefields only had 2 dimensions. How do you set that up to work in space?

    Matt: We can't.

    But, we can make it harder for the Romulans to avoid a kill zone until the 9th Fleet arrives.

    Lieutenant: Aye, sir.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Hanshan was only ordered to destroy UNSC ships and bases, not civilian targets, so not 'every populated world'.

    *OOC: I know Not like they know the difference right now with their networks scrambled. *
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Harper sits on the ships bridge watching the holo map change.

    Harper: I want patrols set up here and here along this zone and mine these areas.

    Officer: aye sir relaying orders now.

    Terrace appears on the screen

    Terrace: so how is the set up going.

    Harper: actually quite well.

    Terrace: glad to hear it.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Danny and Blake come across a man handing out orders and pads. *

    Rat: Alright I will process this and you will get this in a few days.

    Patron: Thank you.

    Danny: Rat...

    *Rat looks at him and goes pale*

    Rat: Oh TRIBBLE....

    Danny... I thought you were

    Danny: Dead not yet.

    Rat: Look I can't ...

    Danny: I am not looking for work, I am looking for my son.

    Rat: Your kid?

    Danny: Yes. You gave him a contract who set it up...

    Rat: Look... these guys are not the usual suspects... These guys are nasty.. Even CSEC doesn't mess with them.

    Danny: They won't know Rat.

    Rat: *Panicky* Lllokk Danny you were good to use but I can't help...

    Danny: Rat he is the only thing left that is dear to me.

    Rat: fff fine... His mark was this guy named Clotho...

    Danny: Thank you rat.

    Rat: Yeah.. Tell me that after I get the hell out of dodge.

    *OOC: Nothing? *
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Daguza and company transport to the surface of the planet*

    Daguza: *Using his hand motions signals his men to head forward*

    D'o: Sir Romulan Tal Shiar up ahead.

    Daguza: Activate the stealth suits and move up ahead and stay put and wait for them to leave.

    *They halt and go into prone positions matching the ground... blending into the back ground and the ground. The Romulans approach..*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Daguza and company transport to the surface of the planet*

    Daguza: *Using his hand motions signals his men to head forward*

    D'o: Sir Romulan Tal Shiar up ahead.

    Daguza: Activate the stealth suits and move up ahead and stay put and wait for them to leave.

    *They halt and go into prone positions matching the ground... blending into the back ground and the ground. The Romulans approach..*

    *One of Vornak's men is watching from the shadows.

    Meanwhile, Joral's throne room.*

    Joral *furious*: What do you mean Starfleet's here?!

    Commander: In the capital, at Naval Headquarters!

    Joral *furious*: Well, don't just stand there! Lock down the entire complex and deploy shock troops!

    Order all intelligence operatives in the capital to hunt down any rebel operatives or sympathisers! Starfleet couldn't have gotten so deep into our territory without assistance!

    Commander: Yes, Emperor!

    *Outside, whole regiments of Imperial Shock troops take up positions around Naval Headquarters - over 10,000 men.*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *One of Vornak's men is watching from the shadows.

    Meanwhile, Joral's throne room.*

    Joral *furious*: What do you mean Starfleet's here?!

    Commander: In the capital, at Naval Headquarters!

    Joral *furious*: Well, don't just stand there! Lock down the entire complex and deploy shock troops!

    Order all intelligence operatives in the capital to hunt down any rebel operatives or sympathisers! Starfleet couldn't have gotten so deep into our territory without assistance!

    Commander: Yes, Emperor!

    *Outside, whole regiments of Imperial Shock troops take up positions around Naval Headquarters - over 10,000 men.*

    *As the troops leave and continue on their patrol...*

    D'o: Troop presence has increased heavily... it appears that Joral is getting nervous about the transport.

    Daguza: Keep moving.. We need to find a way into the sewers to stay out of their sights.

    Fukuda: Sir... Sewer entrance right ahead. All thirty of us could get in there.

    Daguza: Proceed. Keep on your toes. *As they proceed as men are dropping down, as Daguza and D'o drop down they here shouts and a sealed entrance*

    D'o: *Planting explosives * Go sir. *Disrupter fire opens up on the surface as the men left up there are taken down...*

    Daguza: Damn it seal that entrance.

    D'o: Will do sir.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Danny and Blake come across a man handing out orders and pads. *

    Rat: Alright I will process this and you will get this in a few days.

    Patron: Thank you.

    Danny: Rat...

    *Rat looks at him and goes pale*

    Rat: Oh TRIBBLE....

    Danny... I thought you were

    Danny: Dead not yet.

    Rat: Look I can't ...

    Danny: I am not looking for work, I am looking for my son.

    Rat: Your kid?

    Danny: Yes. You gave him a contract who set it up...

    Rat: Look... these guys are not the usual suspects... These guys are nasty.. Even CSEC doesn't mess with them.

    Danny: They won't know Rat.

    Rat: *Panicky* Lllokk Danny you were good to use but I can't help...

    Danny: Rat he is the only thing left that is dear to me.

    Rat: fff fine... His mark was this guy named Clotho...

    Danny: Thank you rat.

    Rat: Yeah.. Tell me that after I get the hell out of dodge.

    Blake: Now we see Mayce.

    *5 minutes later, they're in Sergeant Mayce's Office.*

    Mayce: Matthew! It's good to see you!

    Blake: Hello again, John.

    Mayce: Please, sit down.

    *Blake sits down carefully, groaning in relief as the pain in his legs and back end.*

    So, Mr Blake, what can I do ya for?

    Blake: My friend here needs help finding his son - strictly on the QT.

    Mayce: I'll see what I can do.

    Do you have an idea as to where he is?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Blake: Now we see Mayce.

    *5 minutes later, they're in Sergeant Mayce's Office.*

    Mayce: Matthew! It's good to see you!

    Blake: Hello again, John.

    Mayce: Please, sit down.

    *Blake sits down carefully, groaning in relief as the pain in his legs and back end.*

    So, Mr Blake, what can I do ya for?

    Blake: My friend here needs help finding his son - strictly on the QT.

    Mayce: I'll see what I can do.

    Do you have an idea as to where he is?

    Danny: Well no that is why I am here...
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *As the troops leave and continue on their patrol...*

    D'o: Troop presence has increased heavily... it appears that Joral is getting nervous about the transport.

    Daguza: Keep moving.. We need to find a way into the sewers to stay out of their sights.

    Fukuda: Sir... Sewer entrance right ahead. All thirty of us could get in there.

    Daguza: Proceed. Keep on your toes. *As they proceed as men are dropping down, as Daguza and D'o drop down they here shouts and a sealed entrance*

    D'o: *Planting explosives * Go sir. *Disrupter fire opens up on the surface as the men left up there are taken down...*

    Daguza: Damn it seal that entrance.

    D'o: Will do sir.

    *The Underground Cell. One of Vornak's people runs up to him.*

    Underground: Vornak!

    Vornak: Riha, what is it?

    Riha: The Tal Shiar. They're rounding up anyone suspected of working with the resistance!

    Vornak: It's starting!

    *Vornak grabs his disruptor.*

    Come on! Tomarek, Kiro!

    *On the surface, a family are being pulled out of their home and into the middle of the street by the Tal Shiar.*

    Tal Shiar Commander: The Emperor wants it made clear that treason shall not be tolerated!

    *He turns from the crowd to his lieutenant.*

    Children first.

    *The troops aim at the two children, disengaging the safeties on their rifles.*

    Vornak: Don't lay a finger on them!

    *Suddenly, a barrage of disruptor fire guns down the Tal Shiar group. Vornak's group step out of the shadows and Riha moves to comfort the family. Vornak steps before the crowd.*

    Romulans, hear me. For 20 years, Joral has maintained peace and order, but at the barrel of a disruptor! I ask you - I ask Romulans everywhere - resist! Resist today! Resist tomorrow! Resist everyday until the Emperor has been made to answer for his crimes!
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Danny: Well no that is why I am here...

    Mayce: Do you have any idea as to what he's doing that may indicate where he is?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Underground Cell. One of Vornak's people runs up to him.*

    Underground: Vornak!

    Vornak: Riha, what is it?

    Riha: The Tal Shiar. They're rounding up anyone suspected of working with the resistance!

    Vornak: It's starting!

    *Vornak grabs his disruptor.*

    Come on! Tomarek, Kiro!

    *On the surface, a family are being pulled out of their home and into the middle of the street by the Tal Shiar.*

    Tal Shiar Commander: The Emperor wants it made clear that treason shall not be tolerated!

    *He turns from the crowd to his lieutenant.*

    Children first.

    *The troops aim at the two children, disengaging the safeties on their rifles.*

    Vornak: Don't lay a finger on them!

    *Suddenly, a barrage of disruptor fire guns down the Tal Shiar group. Vornak's group step out of the shadows and Riha moves to comfort the family. Vornak steps before the crowd.*

    Romulans, hear me. For 20 years, Joral has maintained peace and order, but at the barrel of a disruptor! I ask you - I ask Romulans everywhere - resist! Resist today! Resist tomorrow! Resist everyday until the Emperor has been made to answer for his crimes!

    Terry: So... It begins this way.. as I thought it might... That is one thread taken care of. But he needs to be assured. *to himself*

    *Terry emerges behind him.. *

    Terry: Rise, this Emperor's way is not the way for you to live. It is the old way... An old way that has not given what you desire. Nor will it ever. Stand up for yourselves. You have death at your doorway, the Federation is not your enemy, neither is anyone else. We will listen to you. We will listen to your grievances and to your needs. But revenge is not the way neither is war.

    I have seen this. I have experienced this.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mayce: Do you have any idea as to what he's doing that may indicate where he is?

    Danny: I am afraid that he is after the man named Clotho that some from what I hear Nasty folks want dead.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Danny: I am afraid that he is after the man named Clotho that some from what I hear Nasty folks want dead.

    Mayce: Clotho is a mobster. He owns half of Bariel Ward!

    Blake: We think the boy's accepted a hit on him.

    Mayce: Damn...

    Why is it never simple with you, huh?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mayce: Clotho is a mobster. He owns half of Bariel Ward!

    Blake: We think the boy's accepted a hit on him.

    Mayce: Damn...

    Why is it never simple with you, huh?

    Danny: It never is
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Danny: It never is

    Mayce: If he's after Clotho, I'd look for him in Bariel Ward.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: So... It begins this way.. as I thought it might... That is one thread taken care of. But he needs to be assured. *to himself*

    *Terry emerges behind him.. *

    Terry: Rise, this Emperor's way is not the way for you to live. It is the old way... An old way that has not given what you desire. Nor will it ever. Stand up for yourselves. You have death at your doorway, the Federation is not your enemy, neither is anyone else. We will listen to you. We will listen to your grievances and to your needs. But revenge is not the way neither is war.

    I have seen this. I have experienced this.

    Vornak: I believe I just said that.

    Riha: Yes, Vornak, but not quite as specifically.

    Vornak: Come on! We'll march on the Imperial Palace and force Joral to face the consequences of what he's done!

    For Romulus!

    *Joral's throne room, 5 minutes later.*

    Joral: What do you mean the public are converging on the palace?! Is it a revolt?!

    Admiral: No, my Emperor. It is a revolution.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: I believe I just said that.

    Riha: Yes, Vornak, but not quite as specifically.

    Vornak: Come on! We'll march on the Imperial Palace and force Joral to face the consequences of what he's done!

    For Romulus!

    *Joral's throne room, 5 minutes later.*

    Joral: What do you mean the public are converging on the palace?! Is it a revolt?!

    Admiral: No, my Emperor. It is a revolution.

    *Terry follows and replies*

    Terry: You did. Just gave it a bit of endorsement. You best send some men to help those Federation Special Forces get over there.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mayce: If he's after Clotho, I'd look for him in Bariel Ward.

    Danny: I do hope its not too late, *he looks to the officer*

    I do want to keep this off the books.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Strauss: terrace I want you to move in on romulan space now. They have a rebellion at the Capitol and now is our chance.

    Terrace: I'll mobilize the fleet and move within the next hour.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Terry follows and replies*

    Terry: You did. Just gave it a bit of endorsement. You best send some men to help those Federation Special Forces get over there.

    Vornak: Riha...

    *Riha walks over to him.*

    Take Tomarek back and get 12 men. Tell them to Find the Starfleet Officers and help them reach the palace.

    Riha: What do I do then?

    Vornak: Stay and make sure the children are kept safe.

    Riha: You need me here.

    Vornak: Don't argue. Go, please.

    *Riha kisses him.*

    Riha: Be safe.

    Vornak: You have my word.

    *Riha runs off back to the sewers with Tomarek.

    Vornak taps his comm unit.*

    Lihaar, gather 50 people to wait for Riha. Send the rest up to the surface. We're taking the palace.

    Voice *Over Comm*: Understood.

    *The crowd starts marching towards the Imperial Palace.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Danny: I do hope its not too late, *he looks to the officer*

    I do want to keep this off the books.

    Mayce: I already said I would. Matt wouldn't be helping you unless he was sure the kid was worth it.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: Riha...

    *Riha walks over to him.*

    Take Tomarek back and get 12 men. Tell them to Find the Starfleet Officers and help them reach the palace.

    Riha: What do I do then?

    Vornak: Stay and make sure the children are kept safe.

    Riha: You need me here.

    Vornak: Don't argue. Go, please.

    *Riha kisses him.*

    Riha: Be safe.

    Vornak: You have my word.

    *Riha runs off back to the sewers with Tomarek.

    Vornak taps his comm unit.*

    Lihaar, gather 50 people to wait for Riha. Send the rest up to the surface. We're taking the palace.

    Voice *Over Comm*: Understood.

    *The crowd starts marching towards the Imperial Palace.*

    *Terry smirks*

    Terry: Well I am going to have feign surprise. It answers my question.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mayce: I already said I would. Matt wouldn't be helping you unless he was sure the kid was worth it.

    Danny: Alright.

    *He looks to Blake...*

    I need you to stay put... I can't have you TRIBBLE yourself up more.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Danny: Alright.

    *He looks to Blake...*

    I need you to stay put... I can't have you TRIBBLE yourself up more.

    Blake: Alright. Be careful, Danny.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Terry smirks*

    Terry: Well I am going to have feign surprise. It answers my question.

    Vornak: Revolution first, relationships later.

    I doubt even Joral will order his men to fire on civilians.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: Revolution first, relationships later.

    I doubt even Joral will order his men to fire on civilians.

    Terry: Never doubt a panicked man. Even a man as principled as Joral.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terrace: all ships stand by for target jump. We will jump right outside weapons range and request they surrender before we move in. We may be able to finish this with out killing everyone.

    Officer: aye sir prepping for slip space jump.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Blake: Alright. Be careful, Danny.

    *Danny tenses as he injects himself with a hypo to steady himself as he walks away... to a cab.*

    Danny: Woden spirit of the wild hunt, steady my hands and my eyes. If all else fails... guide me to the place I belong.
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