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  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    OoC: Who all is on the away team?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: Who all is on the away team?

    OOC: From the Ziyal? Up to you. I was thinking Serah, her parents, Karen, Susan, and Daya.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Janeway is walking down a street with Harrison as they pass a few stands and businesses.

    Janeway: well it seems quite enough for how things are going at least.

    Harrison: yes but a keen I can see the issues. Notice how most the businesses and stands are only half filled? It’s clear there is a supply shortage.

    Janeway: well it isn’t surprising given the situation.

    Harrison: if you will excuse me admiral I have some research to do. I’ll meet you for the next meeting with president Lang when we start talking about trade and such.

    Harrison nods as he disappears into the night.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Serah waves over at Torin, hoping he notices her*

    Lily: Well... I guess I'm going to be drinking an awful lot to stay cool. *she sighs as she looks around off into the distance*

    *Susan seems a bit nervous to be here*

    OoC: I think HK would probably want to come along too, just in case Karen gets kidnapped again
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Serah waves over at Torin, hoping he notices her*

    Lily: Well... I guess I'm going to be drinking an awful lot to stay cool. *she sighs as she looks around off into the distance*

    *Susan seems a bit nervous to be here*

    OoC: I think HK would probably want to come along too, just in case Karen gets kidnapped again

    *Torin notices them and walks over with the Naran cadet. Daya takes Susan's hand to comfort her.*

    Torin: Hey, sis!

    *Meanwhile, the Captain and his staff follow the Alderman to the Governor's Office.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Serah: So torin, what are you guys up to here?

    Lily: HK how are you handling the sun?

    HK: Statement: Please avoid physical contact with my frame during intense heat. My coolant does not protect you from burns.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Serah: So torin, what are you guys up to here?

    Lily: HK how are you handling the sun?

    HK: Statement: Please avoid physical contact with my frame during intense heat. My coolant does not protect you from burns.

    Torin: Just surveying the colony. Structural and living conditions, food availability, public health... That sort of thing.

    Uh, this... *he gestures to the Naran cadet with him* is Merra.

    *Karen is watching from a discreet distance, making sure everything goes okay.

    Daya is still with Susan, as Samana joins Serah and Torin.*

    Daya: You okay?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Derek walks into sickbay where the CMO walks away from Bridger who is sleeping silently.

    Derek: well doctor what do you got?

    CMO: I really don’t know. Without knowing what exactly it is they injected into him his vitals are stable for now but the sooner we get him to a full hospital the better.

    Derek: well what do you know.

    CMO: it’s some kind of augmentation that they where working on. But I don’t know what exactly the chemicals are. They are mixing with his shapeshifter abilities and matrix I can’t explain it.

    Derek: do what you can doctor we should be able to get him back to RNI in a few hours. Just make sure he is alive then.

    Derek leaves heading to his ready room. Once there.

    Derek: computer contact Osman emergency channel.

    A moment later

    Osman: well it seems things went well if your contacting me.

    Derek: yes and no. The ship performed great and we rescued your agent. But we need to get him to a medical center ASAP.

    Osman: how bad is he.

    Derek: we don’t really know. Our sickbay isn’t set up to deal with something like this.

    Osman: alright get him back as soon as possible please.

    Derek: I will don’t worry.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Excavation site

    Anders is working on her padd.

    Anders: these are temporal coordinates. But figure out what time is going to be another issues. Do you know anything about forerunner time travel?

    Guilty Tangent: I’m afraid not. Any thing that would have been related to time travel would have been kept most secret. Well beyond what I am qualified to access.

    Anders: so we are going to have to try to figure this part out all on our own. No problem how hard could it be ?

    Guilty Tangent: not to make your work more difficult but in these writings alone I detect more then just forerunner writing. I see preserver and one other that I do not currently recognize.

    Anders: figures. This has to be huge then. Well we better get to work.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: pretty quite
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: pretty quite

    OOC: Yeah, sorta stuck waiting on West right now.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Lang is all’s into her office as she is getting ready for a meeting with the Breen and tzenkethi ambassador’s.

    Lang: go ahead and send them in.

    The two come in

    Lang: welcome both of you. Sorry for the short delay we had some issues come up that had to be dealt with right away.

    Breen ambassador: it is fine. We both understand.

    Lang: so you both said you had something you wanted to speak to me about?

    Tzenkethi: yes. We have been talking and have decided to up our support with your government. We are willing to increase trade and military aide as well to help get you back to strength.

    Lang: your timing is wonderful. Both of you. Things have been stretched thin as it is so the more support we can get the better.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    It is a short while before they reach a major Republic colony and get Bridger to a full hospital. Derek is waiting just outside as the doctors are working. A few hours pass as the team comes out.

    Derek: well?

    Doctor: it’s to early to tell. We have him stable for now but are doing tests to see what they did exactly and if we can even reverse it. We will know more in a few hours to a few days.

    Derek: thank you.

    As they leave he walks in as Bridger is laying there clearly in discomfort and having to focus hard to keep his current appearance. He speaks though it is clear he is straining to do so.

    Bridger: so I hear your the one I have to thank for getting me out.

    Derek: there where others involved as well but overall you could say that. How are you?

    Bridger: I’ve seen better days captain. Let Osman know I’ll report in as soon as I’m able to.

    Derek: don’t worry. She is just happy to know your Alice and stable for now.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Serah: So torin, what are you guys up to here?

    Lily: HK how are you handling the sun?

    HK: Statement: Please avoid physical contact with my frame during intense heat. My coolant does not protect you from burns.

    Torin: Just surveying the colony. Structural and living conditions, food availability, public health... That sort of thing.

    Uh, this... *he gestures to the Naran cadet with him* is Merra.

    *Karen is watching from a discreet distance, making sure everything goes okay.

    Daya is still with Susan, as Samana joins Serah and Torin.*

    Daya: You okay?

    OoC: Sorry I broke a tooth and have been out of commission

    Serah: Nice to meet you Merra. Has Torin said much about me? *she offers a handshake*

    Daya: Not really.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Merra smiles and takes it.*

    Merra: Yeah, he's said a bit.

    Torin: Don't worry, sis. I only told her the good bits.

    Daya: Let's go look around. You can deal with Torin later if you want.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Sersh: I should hope so. So Merra I'm a bit curious what got you interested in my derpy brother.

    Susan: I'd like that. *she nods gently*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Sersh: I should hope so. So Merra I'm a bit curious what got you interested in my derpy brother.

    Susan: I'd like that. *she nods gently*

    *Torin suddenly looks very nervous.*

    Merra: We're both studying Engineering and Operations. I'm more on the technician side than anything else, but Torin's been helping me with the drive systems. Crew's so limited on the Fauchard that most of the engineering staff has to generalise.

    And he's cute. *Smirk.*

    Torin: "Cute"?

    *Daya takes Susan around the colony. The Narans have a naturally reddish skin-tone, with most of the population having red or blonde hair of various shades from an oxide red all the way through to platinum blonde. Fashions are varied but fall broadly into two categories: conservative clothing with robes and longer coats and dresses, ranging from plain to ornate; and minimalist with vests and crop-tops alongside skirts, shorts, and short-cut trousers. The distinction appears to be between colonists from the urban areas and those from the countryside, though the minimalist aesthetic is also prevalent among the clearly poorer urban class.

    Public health is clearly a social strong point, however. Even the poorer 'peasantry' and wealthier 'blue-blooded' are in relatively good physical shape.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Sersh: I should hope so. So Merra I'm a bit curious what got you interested in my derpy brother.

    Susan: I'd like that. *she nods gently*

    *Torin suddenly looks very nervous.*

    Merra: We're both studying Engineering and Operations. I'm more on the technician side than anything else, but Torin's been helping me with the drive systems. Crew's so limited on the Fauchard that most of the engineering staff has to generalise.

    And he's cute. *Smirk.*

    Torin: "Cute"?

    *Daya takes Susan around the colony. The Narans have a naturally reddish skin-tone, with most of the population having red or blonde hair of various shades from an oxide red all the way through to platinum blonde. Fashions are varied but fall broadly into two categories: conservative clothing with robes and longer coats and dresses, ranging from plain to ornate; and minimalist with vests and crop-tops alongside skirts, shorts, and short-cut trousers. The distinction appears to be between colonists from the urban areas and those from the countryside, though the minimalist aesthetic is also prevalent among the clearly poorer urban class.

    Public health is clearly a social strong point, however. Even the poorer 'peasantry' and wealthier 'blue-blooded' are in relatively good physical shape.*

    Serah: Oh? Well I don't know if I would go that far to call him cut. *she giggles* Its nice to see you both getting along so well.


    Susan: This place is kind of strange. *she looks around* but its cool to see a new planet I haven't been to before.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Castle base

    Halsey is watching from a window as the very young cadets are being trained in one of the work out yards of the base. She had been impressed. They had been here only a week and had adapted quickly to the new routine. She turned back to her terminal where she had a few screens up. One was working on the new augmentation procedure for the new Spartans one had a new design display for the new armor and gear they would get and the last one had her work for the new slip space drive.

    Halsey: alright let’s get back to work then.

    She takes a drink from her mug as she starts working on the new engine system first.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Sersh: I should hope so. So Merra I'm a bit curious what got you interested in my derpy brother.

    Susan: I'd like that. *she nods gently*

    *Torin suddenly looks very nervous.*

    Merra: We're both studying Engineering and Operations. I'm more on the technician side than anything else, but Torin's been helping me with the drive systems. Crew's so limited on the Fauchard that most of the engineering staff has to generalise.

    And he's cute. *Smirk.*

    Torin: "Cute"?

    *Daya takes Susan around the colony. The Narans have a naturally reddish skin-tone, with most of the population having red or blonde hair of various shades from an oxide red all the way through to platinum blonde. Fashions are varied but fall broadly into two categories: conservative clothing with robes and longer coats and dresses, ranging from plain to ornate; and minimalist with vests and crop-tops alongside skirts, shorts, and short-cut trousers. The distinction appears to be between colonists from the urban areas and those from the countryside, though the minimalist aesthetic is also prevalent among the clearly poorer urban class.

    Public health is clearly a social strong point, however. Even the poorer 'peasantry' and wealthier 'blue-blooded' are in relatively good physical shape.*

    Serah: Oh? Well I don't know if I would go that far to call him cut. *she giggles* Its nice to see you both getting along so well.


    Susan: This place is kind of strange. *she looks around* but its cool to see a new planet I haven't been to before.

    Daya: Yeah. Shame it's so hot and dry...

    *They see a crowd surrounding one of the street Junctions.

    Merra, Torin, and Serah. Merra smiles back at her.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Halsey gets up as she takes her mug walking around to clear her thoughts.

    Halsey: computer begin personal log.

    She waits to hear the beep as she starts talking.

    Halsey: well where do I start. I haven’t done one of these for awhile but I know it will clear my head and help me focus to lay everything out. We have started the newest batch of spartan recruits. Ages range from 12-15 as the younger teens prove most adaptable to augmentation and training. I have refined the process now to make it much safer for the subjects and reduces the risk of complications to about 5%. Most know what they are in for a few still don’t fully comprehend what is going on. I’ll have to have Holland or myself speak with them soon. I tried to distance myself from them but I just found I couldn’t. They are going to be my children. My legacy to the UNSC. That my slip space work and my work on forerunners and ancients of this galaxy.

    She takes a drink as she takes a seat in the window still.

    Halsey: I thought I could go through this without getting attached. I did it before. I’m not sure if it’s age or something else but I can’t be distant this time. The new slip space engine will be ready to test soon. That will increase our ships range and speed as well as slightly increase accuracy.

    She sees the recruits heading outside again.

    Halsey: end and save entry.

    She takes her jacket and refills her mug as she heads outside.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Sersh: I should hope so. So Merra I'm a bit curious what got you interested in my derpy brother.

    Susan: I'd like that. *she nods gently*

    *Torin suddenly looks very nervous.*

    Merra: We're both studying Engineering and Operations. I'm more on the technician side than anything else, but Torin's been helping me with the drive systems. Crew's so limited on the Fauchard that most of the engineering staff has to generalise.

    And he's cute. *Smirk.*

    Torin: "Cute"?

    *Daya takes Susan around the colony. The Narans have a naturally reddish skin-tone, with most of the population having red or blonde hair of various shades from an oxide red all the way through to platinum blonde. Fashions are varied but fall broadly into two categories: conservative clothing with robes and longer coats and dresses, ranging from plain to ornate; and minimalist with vests and crop-tops alongside skirts, shorts, and short-cut trousers. The distinction appears to be between colonists from the urban areas and those from the countryside, though the minimalist aesthetic is also prevalent among the clearly poorer urban class.

    Public health is clearly a social strong point, however. Even the poorer 'peasantry' and wealthier 'blue-blooded' are in relatively good physical shape.*

    Serah: Oh? Well I don't know if I would go that far to call him cut. *she giggles* Its nice to see you both getting along so well.


    Susan: This place is kind of strange. *she looks around* but its cool to see a new planet I haven't been to before.

    Daya: Yeah. Shame it's so hot and dry...

    *They see a crowd surrounding one of the street Junctions.

    Merra, Torin, and Serah. Merra smiles back at her.*

    Susan: What's going on over there? *She tries to get a closer look*


    Serah: So... Torin has Mom been telling you much about what's been going on while you've been away?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Sersh: I should hope so. So Merra I'm a bit curious what got you interested in my derpy brother.

    Susan: I'd like that. *she nods gently*

    *Torin suddenly looks very nervous.*

    Merra: We're both studying Engineering and Operations. I'm more on the technician side than anything else, but Torin's been helping me with the drive systems. Crew's so limited on the Fauchard that most of the engineering staff has to generalise.

    And he's cute. *Smirk.*

    Torin: "Cute"?

    *Daya takes Susan around the colony. The Narans have a naturally reddish skin-tone, with most of the population having red or blonde hair of various shades from an oxide red all the way through to platinum blonde. Fashions are varied but fall broadly into two categories: conservative clothing with robes and longer coats and dresses, ranging from plain to ornate; and minimalist with vests and crop-tops alongside skirts, shorts, and short-cut trousers. The distinction appears to be between colonists from the urban areas and those from the countryside, though the minimalist aesthetic is also prevalent among the clearly poorer urban class.

    Public health is clearly a social strong point, however. Even the poorer 'peasantry' and wealthier 'blue-blooded' are in relatively good physical shape.*

    Serah: Oh? Well I don't know if I would go that far to call him cut. *she giggles* Its nice to see you both getting along so well.


    Susan: This place is kind of strange. *she looks around* but its cool to see a new planet I haven't been to before.

    Daya: Yeah. Shame it's so hot and dry...

    *They see a crowd surrounding one of the street Junctions.

    Merra, Torin, and Serah. Merra smiles back at her.*

    Susan: What's going on over there? *She tries to get a closer look*


    Serah: So... Torin has Mom been telling you much about what's been going on while you've been away?

    Torin: A little bit. Not too much.

    *Susan and Daya. The source of the crowd is a pair of Narans wrestling in the centre of the junction. The behaviour of the crowd and the two fighters implies this is normal.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: sorry all I’ve been super sick all week so not been on much. May be a few more days as if tomorrow sees no improvement may have to go to the hospital.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: No worries man. Take care of yourself.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Sersh: I should hope so. So Merra I'm a bit curious what got you interested in my derpy brother.

    Susan: I'd like that. *she nods gently*

    *Torin suddenly looks very nervous.*

    Merra: We're both studying Engineering and Operations. I'm more on the technician side than anything else, but Torin's been helping me with the drive systems. Crew's so limited on the Fauchard that most of the engineering staff has to generalise.

    And he's cute. *Smirk.*

    Torin: "Cute"?

    *Daya takes Susan around the colony. The Narans have a naturally reddish skin-tone, with most of the population having red or blonde hair of various shades from an oxide red all the way through to platinum blonde. Fashions are varied but fall broadly into two categories: conservative clothing with robes and longer coats and dresses, ranging from plain to ornate; and minimalist with vests and crop-tops alongside skirts, shorts, and short-cut trousers. The distinction appears to be between colonists from the urban areas and those from the countryside, though the minimalist aesthetic is also prevalent among the clearly poorer urban class.

    Public health is clearly a social strong point, however. Even the poorer 'peasantry' and wealthier 'blue-blooded' are in relatively good physical shape.*

    Serah: Oh? Well I don't know if I would go that far to call him cut. *she giggles* Its nice to see you both getting along so well.


    Susan: This place is kind of strange. *she looks around* but its cool to see a new planet I haven't been to before.

    Daya: Yeah. Shame it's so hot and dry...

    *They see a crowd surrounding one of the street Junctions.

    Merra, Torin, and Serah. Merra smiles back at her.*

    Susan: What's going on over there? *She tries to get a closer look*


    Serah: So... Torin has Mom been telling you much about what's been going on while you've been away?

    Torin: A little bit. Not too much.

    *Susan and Daya. The source of the crowd is a pair of Narans wrestling in the centre of the junction. The behaviour of the crowd and the two fighters implies this is normal.*

    OoC: I hope you get better soon Logan.

    Susan: They like to fight too eh? *she wonders why they would wrestle so publicly, if its a real fight or just for fun*


    Serah: Well... things haven't been too well. *she sighs sadly* Some pretty bad stuff has happened.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Sersh: I should hope so. So Merra I'm a bit curious what got you interested in my derpy brother.

    Susan: I'd like that. *she nods gently*

    *Torin suddenly looks very nervous.*

    Merra: We're both studying Engineering and Operations. I'm more on the technician side than anything else, but Torin's been helping me with the drive systems. Crew's so limited on the Fauchard that most of the engineering staff has to generalise.

    And he's cute. *Smirk.*

    Torin: "Cute"?

    *Daya takes Susan around the colony. The Narans have a naturally reddish skin-tone, with most of the population having red or blonde hair of various shades from an oxide red all the way through to platinum blonde. Fashions are varied but fall broadly into two categories: conservative clothing with robes and longer coats and dresses, ranging from plain to ornate; and minimalist with vests and crop-tops alongside skirts, shorts, and short-cut trousers. The distinction appears to be between colonists from the urban areas and those from the countryside, though the minimalist aesthetic is also prevalent among the clearly poorer urban class.

    Public health is clearly a social strong point, however. Even the poorer 'peasantry' and wealthier 'blue-blooded' are in relatively good physical shape.*

    Serah: Oh? Well I don't know if I would go that far to call him cut. *she giggles* Its nice to see you both getting along so well.


    Susan: This place is kind of strange. *she looks around* but its cool to see a new planet I haven't been to before.

    Daya: Yeah. Shame it's so hot and dry...

    *They see a crowd surrounding one of the street Junctions.

    Merra, Torin, and Serah. Merra smiles back at her.*

    Susan: What's going on over there? *She tries to get a closer look*


    Serah: So... Torin has Mom been telling you much about what's been going on while you've been away?

    Torin: A little bit. Not too much.

    *Susan and Daya. The source of the crowd is a pair of Narans wrestling in the centre of the junction. The behaviour of the crowd and the two fighters implies this is normal.*

    OoC: I hope you get better soon Logan.

    Susan: They like to fight too eh? *she wonders why they would wrestle so publicly, if its a real fight or just for fun*


    Serah: Well... things haven't been too well. *she sighs sadly* Some pretty bad stuff has happened.

    Torin: I got the feeling she was keeping something from me... *He now seems worried.

    Susan and Daya. The fight seems to just be competitive. There are a few races in the Republic with a Liberal attitude towards public personal combat, though none with such a laid back methodology or seemingly so little regulation, and whether Susan would know of them is 50/50.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: I’m still alive lol anyway might as well post since I don’t feel up to doing much else.

    Halsey walks out into the training ground in the crisp cool weather. She walks over to where a group of officers are training the spartan recruits.

    Halsey: well how are they doing?

    Komish: not bad all things considered ma’am. The brightest and most talented group of kids I’ve ever seen.

    Halsey: I choose the best for this commander. I’m glad to see they meet your approval.

    Komish: yes ma’am. They are talented I’ll say that. By the time they are done they will be the best of the best.

    Halsey nods as she takes another drink from her mug. She stays a few moments before heading back to the main building. Once back inside she heads to one of the larger labs to take a look at the upgrades for slip space drive and how they are coming along. She also makes a note to contact anders and see if she has made any progress on the artifacts.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Serah: I'd rather not go into too many details yet. Its... a bit personal.


    Susan: Which one do you think is going to win? *she's not too familiar with all the species who do physical combat outside of the ones with very close ties to the republic or federation though she has heard of a handful through watching matches*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Derek is in a small room waiting for an update on Bridger. He gets up when he hears an alarm go off and sees a team of medical personnel rush into his room.

    Derek: what’s going on.

    Doctor: we don’t know he was stable and now his vitals or what we consider vitals for his species are erratic and all over. It’s like some form of shock.

    The team is quickly working trying to stabilize him.

    Doctor: I need a level 5 medical scan done stat. Get me a gravity field generator in here as well let’s try to help him not have to focus on holding any type of shape.

    Derek is watching as they rush past him back and forth one of the doctors gently nudging him outside the room.

    Doctor: captain it would be best if you wait out here. The moment something changes I’ll have one of the nurses let you know.

    Derek nods as he steps outside.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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