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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    After her contact leaves Osman puts the data rod into her padd again and begins reading through the file.

    Osman: well she has quite the record and rap sheet doesn’t she. Atlas can you use this information to find where in Pegasus she is hiding?

    Atlas: it will take a little time but I should ma’am. I’m not connected to the systems there like I am here and they aren’t quite as interconnected either but I can certainly start on it.

    Osman: see you it. The sooner we get started the better. It’s time we bring her in.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: It's quiet again. Might do something with Karlie in a bit. Or Dawn. Or both.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Susan is panting too but something is feeding her energy, she's almost angry enough to lose control, but she's fighting it.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited February 2020
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan is panting too but something is feeding her energy, she's almost angry enough to lose control, but she's fighting it.*

    *Daya quickly goes over to her, holding a hand out to the Girl.*

    Daya *worried*: One moment...

    *She holds Susan's shoulders and looks her in the eyes.*

    It's okay. She didn't hurt me. Calm down for me, okay?

    *The Girl is watching them curiously, but uses the impromptu time out to catch her breath.*

    OOC: Let me know if you want me to change this so Daya doesn't interfere like this.

    *R.S.S. Columbia. Johanna is told to report to Dani's Ready Room.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan is panting too but something is feeding her energy, she's almost angry enough to lose control, but she's fighting it.*

    *Daya quickly goes over to her, holding a hand out to the Girl.*

    Daya *worried*: One moment...

    *She holds Susan's shoulders and looks her in the eyes.*

    It's okay. She didn't hurt me. Calm down for me, okay?

    *The Girl is watching them curiously, but uses the impromptu time out to catch her breath.*

    OOC: Let me know if you want me to change this so Daya doesn't interfere like this.

    *R.S.S. Columbia. Johanna is told to report to Dani's Ready Room.*

    Susan: But... she beat you... and she is such a smug b***h...


    *Johanna is a bit confused as to what Dani wants with her but reports quickly, ringing the doorbell*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan is panting too but something is feeding her energy, she's almost angry enough to lose control, but she's fighting it.*

    *Daya quickly goes over to her, holding a hand out to the Girl.*

    Daya *worried*: One moment...

    *She holds Susan's shoulders and looks her in the eyes.*

    It's okay. She didn't hurt me. Calm down for me, okay?

    *The Girl is watching them curiously, but uses the impromptu time out to catch her breath.*

    OOC: Let me know if you want me to change this so Daya doesn't interfere like this.

    *R.S.S. Columbia. Johanna is told to report to Dani's Ready Room.*

    Susan: But... she beat you... and she is such a smug b***h...


    *Johanna is a bit confused as to what Dani wants with her but reports quickly, ringing the doorbell*

    Daya: I know, and I really want you to beat her, but it's not worth getting enraged over. I'm okay. You just need to defend my honour, not break her. *Smiles.*

    *R.S.S. Columbia.*

    Dani: Come in.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Susan: But if I don't go all out, then she might win... *she's starting to calm down,clooking down at her hands*


    Johanna: *She enters the room* Reporting for duty Captain.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: But if I don't go all out, then she might win... *she's starting to calm down,clooking down at her hands*


    Johanna: *She enters the room* Reporting for duty Captain.

    Daya: She won't. I believe in you. *Kisses her gently.*

    *R.S.S. Columbia.*

    Dani: Lieutenant Allen is going to be going back on leave on Pegasus Prime tomorrow morning. Given what happened last time, I've elected to send another officer with her: you.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Harper walks into a conference meeting where Carter and Strauss are already waiting. As well as a few ranking senators.

    Harper: I apologize for the delay everyone just had a few last minute issues to deal with. So let’s begin. Director Carter I think you had some updates from ONI that you wanted to bring up so let’s start there.

    Carter gets up as he nods.

    Carter: as you know the situation here is still dire from the end of the battle with the undine. Production of civilian and military resources are still very low and we are struggling to keep things from falling completely apart. Very few in the government know the true extent of how bad things are. The president is working with our allies to help ease this but it isn’t going to be enough to keep some places from seeing major shortages of supplies for the time being.

    Senator Kiln: what are you suggesting director or should I say what is going to happen that you have discovered.

    Carter: my agents in the field have discovered a uptick in the activity of Nightfall. We believe they are using this to try to increase their influence in colonies that are the most affected and have the least UNSC presence right now.

    Kiln: if that’s the case we could be looking at an increase in rebel and insurgent activity couldn’t we.

    Carter: yes. ONI teams suspect we could be looking at an all out conflict in a matter of months if we can’t find a way to stop it.

    Strauss: we don’t have the man power right now to deal with something of that kind of scale. Hell we can barely manage as is right now with how short we are on men and ships.

    Carter: all that has been taken into consideration and out analysis of the situation is being worked on now of what we can try to do to keep the situation from getting out of hand.

    Harper: until they act directly we don’t know where or who they are yet so we will have to remain as vigilant as possible. I remind everyone here that this is a classified briefing and all the data you receive on this is classified as well.

    They nod as they get up and leave. Harper walks over to carter.

    Harper: how long until the new Spartans are ready for deployment?

    Carter: Halsey has told me it will be a few more months before they are ready for the augmentation but once that is done they will be fully trained and ready.

    Harper: alright I guess that isn’t an option in play yet.

    Carter: we don’t have really any options in play at the moment admiral nor do we have many that will be available to be in play no matter how this goes down.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: Okay, time to give Karlie some character development, since I think she's a bit too perfect and generic as it is. Especially for a (albeit late) teen.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Takarian Alliance District.  Karlie is leaning against an alleyway wall, wrapping boxing tape around her hand, looking at it nervously.

    She'd had a classmate at school from the District; a real targ of a Bajoran called Larynn.  The two never got on - clashed right off the bat.  Larynn had a mean-streak that bordered on bullying, and usually targeted Karlie's friends, or really anyone who wasn't Karlie and couldn't kick her butt.  Karlie's always wanted to take her down a peg, but knew what would happen to her tournament fighting if she fought her at school.

    Now?  She's finished school, and things get a lot more interesting when that girl you really hate mocks you on the commnet and challenges you to a streetfight on her home turf - the one place on the planet where you can do it without spending a night in a cell afterwards.

    Karlie knows Larynn isn't going to be a pushover: Karlie may not have risen to her bait, but a couple other kids had.  Larynn knows how to fight - she grew up in the District afterall.  In a way, that just makes her more excited, and in other, more nervous.  She really wishes she brought someone for support, like Satin - anyone else might have told her Mom, or Mark, what she was doing.

    Just then, she notices Larynn walking towards her from the street, her hands also wrapped.  Karlie's nerves leave her as they lock eyes, Karlie stepping away from the wall and facing the auburn-haired Bajoran.*

    Larynn: You ready?

    Karlie: Born ready, targ.

    *Larynn takes off her jacket to reveal a crop top, leading Karlie over to a fenced-off part of the alley where they won't be disturbed.  Karlie takes her hoody off to reveal her MMA top before following Larynn over the fence.

    As Karlie lands on the other side, she feels Larynn's shoulder spear into the back of hers, grunting as she's pressed against the chain-link, which rings from the impact.  Larynn immediately wraps her arms around Karlie's abdomen in an attempt to throw her down, but Karlie grabs the fence and knocks her head back into Larynn, turning to face her in a guard, really peeved off.*

    Karlie *angry*: Cheap shot, b****!

    Larynn: You ain't fighting in an octogon anymore, Karlie!  You still got time to walk away!

    Karlie *angry*: Oh please!  I've been waiting for this since Class 9!

    *Karlie throws a quick combo of punches, Larynn blocking before throwing a kick to Karlie's knee, Karlie lifting her leg to take it on the shin instead.  She retaliates with a middle kick, digging into Larynn's side before pulling it back just as Larynn goes to grab it.  Larynn grunts and throws a heavy jab, Karlie blocking with her arm.  Larynn quickly pulls her into a clinch, and this is when things start really getting rough.  Karlie takes a knee to the abs, replying in kind as Larynn grabs her hair, pulling it slightly as they struggle in the clinch, Karlie grunting as she does the same in response, the two throwing each other around in the grapple in a seemingly stalemated attempt to gain control.*

    Karlie *angry*: B****!

    Larynn *angry*: Bring it!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman leaves the bar with the padd in hand and finds Asher waiting for her outside.

    Osman: I don’t recall requesting any back up here.

    Asher: no you didn’t. But Rotek wouldn’t tell you the hard truth if he came here he’d just agree to help.

    Osman: I don’t know what your talking about. Now let me by it’s raining and wet and I have things to do.

    Asher shakes his head as some of the rain shakes off of his fur as he remains where he was.

    Asher: you need someone to make you realize what you are doing and that is going to have to be me so your staying till I have said what you need to hear.

    She sighs as she looks at him

    Asher: what happened to Bridger wasn’t your fault. And you going in like a half drunk Klingon isn’t going to do him or anyone else any good. We will find her and bring in everyone involved but you going in on a personal vendetta and getting yourself killed isn’t going to do any one a bit of good. You think it’s your fault this happened. Well it’s not. We all knew the risks when we signed on for this. We all accepted we could die at any time and there will be a time when someone doesn’t get to come home. You need to realize it’s not your fault and need to be ready to make the hard call for others. Sure it’s easy when it’s you. But when it’s someone else that’s when the real game begins. You try to go through with this I’ll make sure the rest of command finds out and knows. This isn’t how we do things.

    Osman sighs

    Osman: fine. Fine we wait I’m guessing you have a plan already?

    Asher moves so the two can start to walk down the alley as he speaks

    Asher: as a matter of fact I .....

    He doesn’t get to finish as he is hit with a stun blast from Osman. She catches him laying him down gently. She waits a moment looking at the now grey and black colored fur that covers his face and the rest of his body but remembers when he first joined them years ago as a young and eager youth ready to do anything.

    Osman: I know your doing what you think is right. But I have to do this alone.

    She puts her hand on his face as she gets up

    Osman: take care of yourself.

    She slides a data rod into his jacket unseen by anyone as she taps her com badge.

    Osman: atlas beam me up to my shuttle.

    She transports away.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: Uh oh, not looking good for Osman. Even if she makes it back, Hargrove's gonna be livid.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: that was one of the things Asher was counting on to stop her. But as can be seen it didn’t work. Now Asher is going to be put in the hard position of going to tell him. Which I will get to shortly. Should be a fun little talk.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: If you want, just describe Asher going to tell Hargrove, and I'll kick the scene off with Hargrove's reaction lol
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: ok yeah that would work pretty good.

    Asher wakes up a short time later. Annoyed and wet but also disappointed. He makes his way to Hargrove and tells him what he knows.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: ok yeah that would work pretty good.

    Asher wakes up a short time later. Annoyed and wet but also disappointed. He makes his way to Hargrove and tells him what he knows.

    *Admiralty War Room. A lieutenant walks up to Hargrove's Aide-de-Camp.*

    Lieutenant: I have the latest intercepts for the Admiral.

    ADC: He's in a meeting right now.

    Lieutenant: Can you at least comm through and--

    Hargrove *muffled, furious*: SHE WHAT?!

    Lieutenant: Actually... Nevermind, I'll come back later.

    *The Aide nods with a little smile as he clears his throat and scurries off.


    Hargrove *furious*: Of all the stupid, idiotic, pig-headed things to do!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Asher: I know. I tried to reason with her even telling her I’d be telling you and she didn’t seem to take any of that to seriously it seems.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Asher: I know. I tried to reason with her even telling her I’d be telling you and she didn’t seem to take any of that to seriously it seems.

    *Hargrove thinks for a moment, before walking into the War Room.*

    Hargrove: Where's Admiral Osman's Shuttle?

    Ensign: Heading for the fold-space beacon.

    Hargrove: Is the Halberd still on-station?

    Ensign: Yes sir.

    Hargrove: Have them intercept. Hail her.

    Ensign: Frequency open.

    Hargrove: Osman, this is Hargrove. Cut your engines.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Asher follows him as he watches.


    Atlas: ma’am I take it you see...

    Osman: I do. Get ready to make the jump. Are you able to link into their systems.

    Atlas: yes ma’am but I’m not sure how long that will last. You need to act fast if they decide to make any move I’ll be able to disrupt their systems for only a moment.

    Osman: a moment is all I will need. Get ready.

    She opens a channel.

    Osman: well I see he didn’t waste time after he woke up.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Asher follows him as he watches.


    Atlas: ma’am I take it you see...

    Osman: I do. Get ready to make the jump. Are you able to link into their systems.

    Atlas: yes ma’am but I’m not sure how long that will last. You need to act fast if they decide to make any move I’ll be able to disrupt their systems for only a moment.

    Osman: a moment is all I will need. Get ready.

    She opens a channel.

    Osman: well I see he didn’t waste time after he woke up.

    Hargrove: Stand down, Osman. If you rush in half-cocked like this, it's not just you who could get killed! I need you working Intel on Free Delta and the Alliance!

    *The Republic Frigate R.S.S. Halberd closes on the shuttle, entering tractor range.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman: and I don’t take of this someone else is going to get hurt as well. The people I have there still are fully capable of dealing with intel on Free Delta. This is something I have to take care of. I don’t plan on letting them win. Either one this group or free delta.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Osman: and I don’t take of this someone else is going to get hurt as well. The people I have there still are fully capable of dealing with intel on Free Delta. This is something I have to take care of. I don’t plan on letting them win. Either one this group or free delta.

    Hargrove: Osman, if you do this, you're throwing away your career! Stand down, that's an order!

    *OOC: Atlas should make sure he disables the QEC comm net out of Dalos, because Hargrove will try to notify P-Sec and Osman will pass through the Deltos Gateway right on Starbase Pegasus' doorstep.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: gotcha. Will get that in there as well.

    Osman: I know what I’m doing admiral. I’m sorry.

    She turns as she closes the channel.

    Osman: alright get ready to disabled them and disable the comm net so we have the time we need to get past where we need to.

    Atlas: yes ma’am. Ready when you are just give the word.

    Osman let’s out a breath as she types in the commands.

    Osman: alright let’s do this.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: gotcha. Will get that in there as well.

    Osman: I know what I’m doing admiral. I’m sorry.

    She turns as she closes the channel.

    Osman: alright get ready to disabled them and disable the comm net so we have the time we need to get past where we need to.

    Atlas: yes ma’am. Ready when you are just give the word.

    Osman let’s out a breath as she types in the commands.

    Osman: alright let’s do this.

    Halberd Captain *Over Comm*: Halberd to Command, main power is offline! We're frozen out of the computer! She must have gotten our prefix codes!

    Hargrove: Send them the override codes!

    Ensign: The shuttle is initiating a fold-space rift! She's jumping!

    Hargrove: Alert PegComm to intercept that shuttle! Priority One!

    Ensign: Quantum Communications are down! I'll send it via subspace, but it'll take an hour to reach them!

    Hargrove: Damn it, Osman.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Once away

    Osman: good job. Now the fun begins. Set course for these coordinates and get me in contact with Kal and his mercs.

    Atlas: yes ma’am.


    Asher: I better get over to RNI hq and make sure things stay running.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Once away

    Osman: good job. Now the fun begins. Set course for these coordinates and get me in contact with Kal and his mercs.

    Atlas: yes ma’am.


    Asher: I better get over to RNI hq and make sure things stay running.

    Hargrove: Agreed.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Asher nods as he leaves and transports over to RNI. After arriving in the control room.

    Asher: alright everyone listen up. As I’m sure you know and have heard already Osman is now classified as a rogue agent. For the time being I will be commanding all RNI operations. Keep focused and remember to get your jobs done. We have people counting on us to get them what they need. So let’s get it done people.

    He then proceeds to walk into Osman office where he takes out the data rod as he puts it into the terminal. He waits a few minutes as it seems to be firing up some large files.

    Asher: what did you leave me.

    A moment later

    An A.I. hologram appears on the desk.

    Asher: well I guess it makes sense seeing as she took atlas with her.

    Gisa: reporting for duty sir ready to provide whatever details or operations needed.

    Asher: well where do I even begin.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: Well, I'm bored, so I'm gonna finish this up now. Thoughts appreciated.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime.  Karlie throws another knee into Larynn's gut, before slipping a leg behind Larynn's and sweeping it out from under her, taking her down.  Larynn's tough, but Karlie's a lot more skilled on the technical front.  As they land, Larynn keeps Karlie in a close guard, Karlie shuffling her legs into a mount position as she struggles to get out of Larynn's grasp.  Larynn rolls on top and starts punching, Karlie grunting as she blocks before locking her legs around Larynn's lower torso as tight as she can, Larynn faltering enough to let Karlie roll on top and throw a couple of fierce jabs into her face before she gets a guard up.  Karlie grabs Larynn's arms, pulls her to her feet and gets ready to throw her into a slam...

    When Larynn breaks out of her grapple and tackles her into a wall, Karlie's shoulder blades bouncing off from the impact as Larynn grabs her shoulder strap with arm barred across her collar, slamming her against the wall again.  The two lock eyes again, growling as they push against each other.  Karlie throws a jab into Larynn's ribs, weakening her enough for Karlie to reverse positions, pulling Larynn back and slamming her into the wall.  Larynn pushes back hard off the bounce, the two grappling fiercely as she forces Karlie back, the two throwing knees into each other before Karlie drops into a back roll and kicks her off over her head.

    The two get back up and circle, panting.  Karlie's already feeling the effects of the brawl, bruises covering her arms and abdomen, and she's sure she has some on her back too.  Still, she's made a good fightback from Larynn's cheapshot at the start, a little blood oozing from a cut on Larynn's cheek.*

    Karlie *angry, taunting*: Sorry, I can't tell: did I break your nose yet?

    Larynn *angry*: Really Karlie?  Base racial insults?  That's low for you.

    Karlie *angry, taunting*: I can insult your personality instead if you want?  Oh wait, that's right!  You don't have one!

    Larynn *angry*: Phekk you!

    Karlie *angry*: Sorry Larynn, but I'm not desperate.

    *Larynn grunts before throwing a lariat, Karlie ducking under it and hitting Larynn with another middle kick, Larynn staggering to the side as she regains her balance.  Karlie can't help but smirk.  She knows she's getting b****y, but to Hell with it: if anyone deserves to see this side of her, it's Larynn.  They lock up again, this time Larynn successfully getting a shot in on Karlie's face, knocking Karlie back.  Karlie knows from the stinging that Larynn's cut into her, but that only makes her more determined, guarding as Larynn throws a straight kick, blocking it successfully as she's pushed back before defending against a hail of punches.

    Okay, now she's in trouble.  Karlie can't remember just how wide the alley is, but if this were an octagon she'd be hearing her coach shouting about the cage mesh behind her.  She must be getting close to the wall.

    Sure enough, she soon feels the plasteel panelling of the wall press against her shoulders, Larynn breaking through her defences and hitting her with an uppercut before grabbing her shoulder straps and pulling her into a knee, then another, Karlie gasping as the air rushes out of her diaphragm before Larynn throws her over her shoulder to the ground.

    Larynn circles Karlie as she rolls onto her side, trying to focus herself as Larynn punches her palm a couple of times impatiently.*

    Larynn *angry*: C'mon targ, we're not done!  You hear me, Karlie, get up!

    *Larynn goes to kick Karlie's leg, not realising Karlie had regained just enough focus to play possum as she sweeps Larynn's leg out from under her and scrambles into a head scissor mount.  Karlie then rolls onto her back and grabs her ankle to pull the head scissors tight, going for the tap while she can.*

    Karlie *straining*: Tap out, b****!

    *Larynn grunts in pain and starts punching Karlie in the thigh, Karlie grunting as she fights to keep the scissors locked.

    After a moment which feels like several minutes, Larynn succumbs to the pain and lack of oxygen and taps out, Karlie immediately releasing her to the side.  As Larynn recovers on her back, Karlie shuffles against a wall, looking up as she catches her breath, aching all over.  She'd had tough fights in her tournaments - against opponent's who were objectively tougher than Larynn, and a few who were definitely better in technique than Karlie - but in an MMA match there are rules, like where you can and can't grab someone, when you're allowed to strike a downed opponent, and there's always a ref to end the match if someone gets TKO'd.  Then there's the fact that barely anyone goes all-out in an MMA match - if you have the advantage you can afford to wait for the bell, and if you're on the back foot the bell might be your best chance to get back in.  But fighting all out, with no breaks?  Sure, she doesn't always fight rounds with Satin, but then even when she and Satin get heated, they try to break up the action - even if it is just to trade taunts.  This was a completely different experience: sure, she hates Larynn, but she can't help but feel like the intensity of the brawl had more to do with it being a street fight than their mutual animosity.  She knows what it's like to get into a fight so deep she doesn't really notice anything other than her opponent: this 'rush' was on a whole other level.

    The strangest part for her: even with the aches, the pains, the scrapes, and the bruises, she enjoyed it.*

    OOC: Yep, she might have a little too much of her mother in her - and be developing a bit of a problem.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman is sitting in the shuttle as they arrive in orbit of a small planet. She grabs a jacket as she straps on her sidearm.

    Osman: transport down to planet.

    She beams down to a run down city as she makes her way to a small bar. There she finds Kal waiting for her.

    Kal: well you know you could have simply sent me the target and I would have dealt with it. Without making you risk your entire career.

    Osman: I’m not letting this one go to chance. I want your help but I lead this op. Is that clear.

    He raises his hands acting like he is defeated.

    Kal: you got it. I knew you sounded tight strung on the comm but wow you are really wound up tight because of this aren’t you.

    She simply give him a glaring look.

    RNI HQ

    Asher let’s put a sigh as he taps a command into the console and the comm calls up Derek.

    Derek: Asher what can I do for you. I wasn’t expecting you on this channel.

    Asher: I’ve got some bad news that I wanted to be the one to tell you. Osman has gone a wall. She went to Pegasus to go after the ones that Bridger was looking into. She went against direct orders from command and disabled a ship and comm for a time to get there.

    Derek: I.... I don’t know what to think.

    Asher: I know you two are close. If she comes to you I need you to detain her.

    Derek: I....

    Asher: captain. We need to stop her before she gets herself killed. If you need any reason to do it do it to keep her safe.

    Derek: alright. Yes your right of course.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: What do you think of the Karlie angle, Logan?
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