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So...PW changed what they wanted?



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Cosmic_One wrote: »
    But what you're asking for is a "maybe" advancement. If the Devs stopped doing everything else for 6 months and focused on making 30 new 1-50 KDF Mission then "maybe" more KDF would come and spend money. Whereas they know if they spend the next 6 months working on end-game for both Factions then that will benefit everyone playing.

    30ish Devs can't do both; and there's no benefit to ignoring 80% of your players for 6 months just to please 20%. I mean, how much fun was the 9 months when Cryptic ignored us to do the FTP conversion? Would anyone want to go through that again? Plus now that the game's FTP Cryptic doesn't have the luxury of ignoring Silver players for long periods of time like they did the Subscribers.

    You're not asking for anything unreasonable, but what you're asking for a 30-Dev team can't produce.

    We already know that.
    I was talking to what we KDF fans want is a complete level of gameplay instead of the "Equality" that many feds keep saying we are ridiculus for wanting and using as defens eon why its ridiculus, when thats not what we wanedt or expected.
    The ability of the Devs to deliver it has already been established over the last two years and was not a factor in the explination I gave.

    I have not said the Devs need to stop all fed content, or endgame agnostic content or anything to make just KDF stuff, nor implied that I expected it.
    It would be nice though if they could crank out more missions as time goes by in STO's development and slip those in to slowly fill in the gaps and eventually give us that gameplay.

    I frankly never even much noticed a lack of things to do during FTP conversion as I play KDF and already had an existing lack that I was used to at that time. As I sadi before the fedside didn't notice any lack of content until it affected their gameplay. We KDF players have always had less.

    And while endgame content is important and It would be awesome to have something to do besides kill feds, how many Silvers do you think coming to STO for the first time are going care about grinding a KDF toon if thier is so darned little to draw them to it and keep them. Its the catch-22 dilema that is at the core of our concerns for the KDF.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    superchum wrote: »
    Some of these developers develop a game that USED to be owned by Cryptic.

    Fancy that!
    Cool, I get to talk about a subject that I have a lot of experience on (Paragon Studios), since we'll have an aside:
    I saw how well Going Rogue did for them, that they had to switch to a F2P model directly thereafter. Whatever they're working on now, it wasn't enough to keep me playing, subscribed or for free.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    superchum wrote: »
    People don't want starter content. BEFORE they cut the faction in half, the KDF starter content was fine. It's end-game content was fine. The GAP was in levels 11 to 41.

    And still they refuse to do much of anything to fix that.

    You lost me there.

    The intro missions and 1-10 play were fine. I'll concede that.

    However, even patching gaps between 11-41 really doesn't do much when I'm still contending there's a huge issue with level 50+ play.

    There's no war--which would be a huge boon to Klingon play, rather than a PvE experience (which has always undersold according to CBS)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    There are people who are doing nothing but hurting their case for 'more KDF'.

    Attack the EP's character over and over again, spin his words to fuel more nerdrage... yeah, that'll make him 'see the light'. He's sure going to be sympathetic to the cause then, won't he?

    Frustration and disappointment I can understand. Flaming and Trolling the Devs constantly? It disgusts me.

    Am I happy that there's no level 1 progression for KDF? No. I really want STO to explore the KDF races and tell their stories. That will make me want to roll more KDF characters.

    But those who think that Cryptic can staff up 500% in a year's time on a F2P budget after being mismanaged by Atari and magically start excreting every new feature and every new mission you want like it can simply be dropped into the game bug free...

    Well, wait for Neverwinter. You obviously require a fantasy world to play in.

    The current situation is a necessary evil. It's a darn sight better than what we had a year and a half ago. It may very well take another year and a half before they're even close to 'finishing the KDF'. It is what it is and wishful thinking isn't going to change that. Dwelling on past disappointments isn't going to help. If it bothers you, go Silver and don't pay them until they have the content you want to play.

    Season 6 may very well bring enough Foundry enhancements to help fuel KDF UGC. If what the Devs are saying comes to pass, it will also plant a seed for PvP enhancements. They're finally starting to refocus on the endgame and fleet advancement stuff people have been asking for. Let Cryptic finish shoring up the foundations before you insist on building the Ivory Towers. F2P isn't even six-months old yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You lost me there.
    I have to agree. I don't think anyone EVER believed STO's end-game content was fine. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Roach wrote: »
    It would be nice though if they could crank out more missions as time goes by in STO's development and slip those in to slowly fill in the gaps and eventually give us that gameplay.
    I'm hoping that today's Mission is the first of many to follow.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    The comments in question were before he left, so him leaving has nothing to do with this. That said, in one of his previous posts in this thread he said he personally(not someone else) talked with more than one person at PW and that different people wanted different things. Understood. So my question is why were we only told what one person wanted, and told that same thing over and over and over and over again as it that was the only option?
    Well, I think he already gave you a response on this - clearly priorities changed. However, we could talk in circles all day on this point, since that's were this conversation has devolved into.

    I apologize. I'm sorry if the answer given to you doesn't meet the expectations you had set forth, and clearly there's no further way that can be conveyed that will help you understand the scenario, and probably no further answer that will satisfy your query. I believe that there is no further way to continue this conversation.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Obsidius wrote: »
    Well, I think he already gave you a response on this - clearly priorities changed

    Maybe, but thats not what he said. Once again, I am responding to what he actually *said*, not what he didnt say. He *said* different people at PW wanted different things, so my question is why were we told only ONE thing until now?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Cosmic_One wrote: »
    I'm hoping that today's Mission is the first of many to follow.

    As am I, as am I.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Maybe, but thats not what he said. Once again, I am responding to what he actually *said*, not what he didnt say.
    Did I say "Good Day Sir!"? I meant to.

    Good day sir!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Obsidius wrote: »
    Oh my.. I meant Stephen D’Angelo. My mistake. But that doesn't really invalidate my point, does it?

    It did if you actually meant Geko, considering all the things Geko has been involved in.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Roach wrote: »
    We already know that.

    I was talking to what we KDF fans want is a complete level of gameplay instead of the "Equality" that many feds keep saying we are ridiculous for wanting and using it as defense on why its ridiculous, when that's not what we wanted nor expected.

    The ability of the Devs to deliver it has already been established over the last two years and was not a factor in the explanation I gave.

    I have not said the Devs need to stop all fed content, or endgame agnostic content or anything to make just KDF stuff, nor implied that I expected it.

    It would be nice though if they could crank out more missions as time goes by in STO's development and slip those in to slowly fill in the gaps and eventually give us that gameplay.
    Cosmic_One wrote: »
    I'm hoping that today's Mission is the first of many to follow.

    I agree with the above.

    Right now, a robust endgame should be focus. One that any faction can enjoy.

    Klingon mid-game PvE should be added "on occasion" to develop their story and lower the starter level.

    (players will breeze through 11-40 due to the myriad of events, doff bonuses, etc. -- the traditional mission model for progression is incredibly inefficient on the developer end.)

    You can burn through any added missions in under a hour or so (even Season 2's KDF missions were like this).

    At the end of the day, people get burned out repeating that content--hence a dynamic, emergent, player-centric endgame is vital to keeping players on board.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Obsidius wrote: »
    Did I say "Good Day Sir!"? I meant to.

    Good day sir!

    Dont worry, you are free to stop or continue posting any time you like. However you telling me "good day" doesnt mean I am not going to reply to the last thing you posted. Sorry you are so confused.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i have been using the internet for 20 years now.
    Before it was BBS's.
    I am french canadian and I have understood many different peoples way of writing english. Let it be broken english, l337 speek, dyslexic english, or just plain dumb. I can understand all of them.
    Turns out, of all my experience, understanding what Dstahl says and what he means is probably the hardest thing in the entire history of the internet to figure out.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You lost me there.

    The intro missions and 1-10 play were fine. I'll concede that.

    From 41 to 50 the KDF had the exact same content the Federation had once level cap was raised. So if it was fine for the federation, it was fine for the KDF since they shared everything.
    However, even patching gaps between 11-41 really doesn't do much when I'm still contending there's a huge issue with level 50+ play.

    It does way more than anyone, especially Cryptic, gives it credit for.


    1- Completes the faction.
    2- Let's people play KDF from the very start.
    3- Creates a choice for the players that fosters the PvP and "war" aspect of having two factions.
    4- Boosts the population of the KDF, even just a tinsy bit.

    By filling in the gaps and completing the faction they actually COULD go on about their mission to make a robust endgame and PvP experience.

    Instead, they half-TRIBBLE$ed it and are now trying to move forward with an incomplete faction in place.

    It hasn't worked well in two whole years. All they needed to do was find the time and resources to make a paltry two dozen missions ... not even brand new missions, just rewrite and KLINGON-ize missions they already had in Romulan and Cardassian space.

    Instead, they did nothing.

    And now they're trying to sell people on the bogus hope that they're going to make end-game the focus?

    There's no war--which would be a huge boon to Klingon play, rather than a PvE experience (which has always undersold according to CBS)

    The KDF population suffered at launch, when ALL they could do was gain xp in PvP. When there was a war. And the entire faction hinged on that war.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Dont worry, you are free to stop or continue posting any time you like. However you telling me "good day" doesnt mean I am not going to reply to the last thing you posted. Sorry you are so confused.

    Well in all fairness, it's probably what dstahl also meant to say also. Perhaps it was implied.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Right now, a robust endgame should be focus. One that any faction can enjoy.

    Two years into its life and an MMO doesn't already have a robust end-game.

    See the problem with DStahl's spin there? You're not going to get robust end-game, just like the KDF isn't going to get development and be a complete faction, just like the Romulan faction will not be coming.

    But hey, starbases!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    superchum wrote: »
    The KDF population suffered at launch, when ALL they could do was gain xp in PvP. When there was a war. And the entire faction hinged on that war.

    Correlation is not causation.

    There was a small Klingon population even before launch. The dog wasn't going to wag its proverbial tail when it was born a chimpanzee.

    Developing territory control (as part of PvP and PvE progression and exploration), even breaking it into digestible tiers would make Klingons more enticing than a PvE progression (which is mostly single-use per character).

    Developing game systems that are player-driven, player-oriented and augment larger goals (i.e. exploration and territory control) are much more reliable for game longevity than adding too little, too late.
    superchum wrote: »
    Two years into its life and an MMO doesn't already have a robust end-game.

    See the problem with DStahl's spin there? You're not going to get robust end-game, just like the KDF isn't going to get development and be a complete faction, just like the Romulan faction will not be coming.

    But hey, starbases!
    Territory control through PvP and PvE methods is a lot more attractive to me than a couple missions I can burn through each month for my Klingon.

    Cryptic could throw all its resources at the battle and lose the war. Long-term goals like territory control and exploration through starbases are much more attractive for the long-term prospects of the game.

    It's not that KDF PvE isn't nice--it's that there are "more nice" options that could be focused on.

    Call it spin but there's more benefit to all game factions from focusing on those endgame systems (and even presenting diluted versions to mid-range tiers) than there is to Klingon PvE completion.

    In an ideal world, both would be developed to their maximum potential. We don't live in an ideal world, however.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Dan can't specifically discuss the past... someone will call him a liar, or twist what he says. Also, he is a very public figure at Cryptic and there are probably some things he simply can't talk about in plain terms.

    I'd love to know all the juicy gossip about what happened behind the scenes during the content drought, Atari bailing out, PW stepping in, and the switch to F2P. But Dan can't be the one to dish it out in public.

    Dan can't specifically discuss the future... someone will rip into him if it doesn't come to pass in the next 6 months. He also can't promise any future features to "Fan X" because "Fan Y" will then raise the roof about why Cryptic isn't working on what THEY want.

    You wonder why he wants to limit the conversation to the present???
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Right after the PW sale we were told that PW wanted the KDF to be a full fledged faction and that a big KDF PvE update was in the works. However in the most recent interview with Dan he says that PW would have preferred the KDF remain "monster play" and that they mainly focus on end game PvP content. So which is it?

    New EP, everything else goes out the window. Remember? :P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I agre with Superchum. Cryptics trend is to promise much and deliver little.
    They have shown this on mutiple occasions. If they really would want to improve the game dramatically they would use the revenue from the grab bags to increase their team size and put out more decent content.

    I'm not seeing any of this so I have to set forth that all earned money goes out for to the Shareholder PW.

    The KDF population at launch was much greater what is left over now.
    Many large fleets have left the game in disgust for Cryptic never to return.

    I have been through 4 different KDF fleets which all suffered the same fate: the players left after there was litte content to do on the journey from 1- 51. The reworked KDF isn't much better.

    Territorial control won't change the basic problems the game has : 1 faction with full level progression and a half faction with spinned up leveling and not much faction specific content. Such a thing will oonce again only appeal to a small fraction of players and will not necessarily lead to new KDF players.

    Cryptic has failed dramatically to make an appealing KDF faction and this mistake will follow them up to the death of STO sometime in the future.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Right after the PW sale we were told that PW wanted the KDF to be a full fledged faction and that a big KDF PvE update was in the works. However in the most recent interview with Dan he says that PW would have preferred the KDF remain "monster play" and that they mainly focus on end game PvP content. So which is it?
    To be fair, you're erecting a strawman argument.

    Developing endgame isn't relegating KDF to monsterplay.

    If territory control, starbases, and exploration are developed properly (and in an integrated fashion), that's what many Klingon players have wanted this whole damn time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    superchum wrote: »
    It did if you actually meant Geko, considering all the things Geko has been involved in.
    No, I wasn't referring to Geko.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Correlation is not causation.

    The problems with the KDF led to the day 45 patch. It's not like I'm making this stuff up. It happened. You were there. I was there.
    Developing territory control

    Is going to go as splendidly as their development of exploration and diplomacy.

    Pin your hopes to that and enjoy!

    I've come to accept that this game is in maintenance mode. It's a shade more involved than Vanguard, but doesn't say much.

    The development is at a trickle. It's half-done. And really all the decisions being made right now by management hinge on farming, grinding and hamster wheel tactics.

    Their biggest development success in the past year was the DOFF system. Which is also half done (department heads not complete, and apparently the idea of turning your First Officer into an alt is in the vapor with new hair tech and exploration revamp).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Sprint01 wrote:
    New EP, everything else goes out the window. Remember? :P

    That was already the statement of the new shareholder.

    We were told specifically that PW as in for TWO full factions and a soon to come KDF Update. That never came and now there is DSTahl post, inveiling that what was told to us in November was just another lie to the KDF playerbase.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Roach wrote: »
    I frankly never even much noticed a lack of things to do during FTP conversion as I play KDF and already had an existing lack that I was used to at that time. As I sadi before the fedside didn't notice any lack of content until it affected their gameplay. We KDF players have always had less.
    You've done a lot of edits and additions here. :)

    Feds had plenty of places where there was lack of content, prior to the FTP XP boom. By the time you go into Pi C and Alpha C you'd do a Mission, then need to go and grind the Cluster twice and do a DSE, just to get enough XP to meet the level requirement to get the next Mission. You had to grind your way through Alpha Centuria, Psi V, Iota P, Beta U, and then unlock Gamma O only to find that you had to grind B'trans just to get to VA because there weren't enough Missions between RA and VA in GO or Pel.

    So while the Feds never "suffered" as much as the KDF did it wasn't all wine and roses on their side. :)
    And while endgame content is important and It would be awesome to have something to do besides kill feds, how many Silvers do you think coming to STO for the first time are going care about grinding a KDF toon if thier is so darned little to draw them to it and keep them. Its the catch-22 dilema that is at the core of our concerns for the KDF.
    More people have left this game over the last 2 years because the only things they had to do was grind the same few STFS, Dailies, and PvP at end-game then ever left because of lack of KDF content. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    superchum wrote: »
    Is going to go as splendidly as their development of exploration and diplomacy.

    Pin your hopes to that and enjoy!
    Conversely, it could go as well as the Duty Officer System, especially since Heretic developed that and is working on starbases as component of exploration. ;)
    Cosmic_One wrote: »
    More people have left this game over the last 2 years because the only things they had to do was grind the same few STFS, Dailies, and PvP at end-game then ever left because of lack of KDF content. :)
    Someone else gets it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Conversely, it could go as well as the Duty officer system, especially since Heretic developed that and is working on starbases as component of exploration.

    As noted, DOFF system is also incomplete compared to what was promised.

    Oh and while we're here talking about the development team's focus on end-game, and how great it's going to be ...

    Crafting. Crafting revamp. Crafting at end-game.

    Thoughts? You can probably guess mine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    superchum wrote: »
    As noted, DOFF system is also incomplete compared to what was promised.

    Oh and while we're here talking about the development team's focus on end-game, and how great it's going to be ...

    Crafting. Crafting revamp. Crafting at end-game.

    Thoughts? You can probably guess mine.
    Duty Officer is great and more recent in the timeline than any of your examples. The devs acknowledged that the Department Heads would be a later feature. They were forthright on this issue.

    In fact, the Duty Officer System is more complex than the original, lengthy posts Heretic made. They've iterated on it quickly, adding complexity patch-by-by-patch.

    That's why my bedroom cynicism isn't as strong as some. The team that exist currently at Cryptic is the one working on the game, not the one from the first year after launch.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    superchum wrote: »
    As noted, DOFF system is also incomplete compared to what was promised.
    I don't think Heretic's been shy about sating that himself, but it was better to get the system out and add to it later than sit on it for several more months.

    Anyhow, what MMO system is *ever* completed?

    As for "promises"... see my signature.
This discussion has been closed.