Program: ...
SVN Revision: 87348
Time: Wed Mar 21 07:03:05 PM
Process ID: 5548
File: c:\src\libs\utilitieslib\utils\error.c
Line: 740
Expression: 0
Error Message: Premature Errorf: Someone (c:\src\libs\utilitieslib\utils\cmdparse.c: 2076) tried to generate Errorf "Unrecognized command: SetSharedMachineIndex 0
Unknown command "SetSharedMachineIndex"." before the file system is ready, mostly like in an AUTO_RUN
I was just playing a few hours ago, i lost connection, tried to log back in and instant crash. So many people with same problem. the problem has got to be at thier end.
I played on Tribble about 10 hours ago and was able to log-in several times after that. I doubt this is the issue. Still, the crash happens on the patching screen, just after entering the password.
Yeah I was logged in just fine and then logged out and came back 20 minutes later and am getting an error message after login.."This application has encountered an error. Please contact someone on the software team to investigate. Thank you."
Ok, guys.
The problem lies within Criptic's log in system. (yes, i know i spelled it wrong). To get back into the game:
log in with any F2P account, log out (don't exit), log in with Criptic account.
worked for me, saw it on the forms. This will have to do until the matter is resolved.
Oh man oh man, I have a rough as hell day at work, so I come to STO to unwind and this STUFF crashes!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH has anyone been able to do anything to log in normally, since I see an hour ago people were able to log in...
OKAY so that "show all games thing works" sorry to be angry
Assertion failed
Program: ...
SVN Revision: 87348
Time: Wed Mar 21 07:03:05 PM
Process ID: 5548
File: c:\src\libs\utilitieslib\utils\error.c
Line: 740
Expression: 0
Error Message: Premature Errorf: Someone (c:\src\libs\utilitieslib\utils\cmdparse.c: 2076) tried to generate Errorf "Unrecognized command: SetSharedMachineIndex 0
Unknown command "SetSharedMachineIndex"." before the file system is ready, mostly like in an AUTO_RUN
0 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x004A6F8D (0,18cdac,0,2800)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
1 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0051B1E4 (0,5b19e0,0,18f620)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
2 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0051A731 (0,5b19e0,0,5cd418)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
3 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0047B239 (0,9964a4,0,18fd94)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
4 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0047BA85 (0,800,0,5cbde0)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
5 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0047BB01 (0,5cc300,0,5cbde0)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
6 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0047BA18 (0,0,0,5cbde0)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
7 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x004780ED (0,9,0,880410)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
8 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0053BCA7 (0,400000,0,0)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
9 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0055B500 (0,18ff94,0,76c9339a)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
10 SYSTEM_ERROR 487 at 0x0055B24D (0,7efde000,0,18ffd4)
Line: --- (0)
Module: CrypticError.exe
11 BaseThreadInitThunk (7efde000,0,75231d0e,0)
Line: --- (0)
Module: kernel32.dll
12 RtlInitializeExceptionChain (55b240,0,7efde000,0)
Line: --- (0)
Module: ntdll.dll
13 RtlInitializeExceptionChain (55b240,0,7efde000,0)
Line: --- (0)
Module: ntdll.dll
Heap is NOT corrupted
No windows SYSTEM error code found.
Worked for me as well.
Another thumbs up for a fix from me
This worked for me as well, shame i didnt think of trying this an hour ago
this worked for me too, thanks!
The launcher crashes every time i try to login.
I dont know (or say) that the cause for this is the last Tribble patch, but those launcher crashes started after that for me.
EDIT: This ...
... works for me as well. Thx for sharing this workaround.
Ladies and gentlemen, there in lies the fix.
The problem is most certainly with the launcher.
Show all games worked here as well! Thank you very much for sharing that info!
dosent look like it as im stil crashign maby you just got lucky there.
my question now is WHAT IS THIS PATCH and why was it released in the middle of the day?
I'm having the "exact" same problems.
This worked for me. Thanks!
The problem lies within Criptic's log in system. (yes, i know i spelled it wrong). To get back into the game:
log in with any F2P account, log out (don't exit), log in with Criptic account.
worked for me, saw it on the forms. This will have to do until the matter is resolved.
OKAY so that "show all games thing works" sorry to be angry
This works.
thanks it worked for me