The only way to play trooper properly is to jam your blaster down your own throat. The characters aren't consistent within themselves. The quest options you are given to choose don't always match what your character does once you select it. If by 'meaningful choices with consequences" the game designers meant to say "capricious" game design then right on brother! If somehow every trooper in the game running about with Cat Man Doo as his sidekick as each and every one of you are the sole survivor of Havok Squad.......OH WAIT! That is fundamentally held back. Because giving a kid money to flee the planet because he's afraid his parents will be mad at him is somehow a "light side" choice, and reuniting him with his family is somehow a "dark side" choice". Because giving kids scads of cash and leaving them in a sewer system to fend for themselves is also a light side choice.
Right. Its a crappy eighties arcade style space game shooter with some sort of useless MMORPG tacked on.
Tropper class is a great story so I call butkiss on what you say above
That said, If your original post had said that "you" find the republic side boring, I would not have an issue, but for you tell people not to play the republic side and that "all" the stories are boring with no reason not to play, made it sound like what you were saying was a fact. You even try to back this up by "claiming" you have played 10 hours on each and know the story going to be boring.
Plenty of people are playing the rep side and are loving the stories.
Sorry, I don't want this to come out as an attack, but I am surprised that you have tried to put people off playing a whole faction.
It's an internet forum. We should all realize that anything here is more-or-less opinion. I mean, whether a story is good or not is entirely subjective
It's an internet forum. We should all realize that anything here is more-or-less opinion. I mean, whether a story is good or not is entirely subjective
True, but re-read your post. Your trying to put people off playing a whole faction based on your "opinion".
Ok listen up cryptic your gonna have a run for your money with SWTOR now up and running.
Before STO fans start whining I'm a lifer here and I gotta say the last few months have been depressing to say the least..
SWTOR is releasing 1.1 patch on the 17th of this month with TWO new content missions..
To put things into perspective - STO released the first content also relatively soon after release. The STFs and a new PvP map were added relatively quickly after launch.
The problem is that this PvP map and the STFs are basically the only additions to the respective aspects. (Oh, wait, there is the Terradome STF, which IIRC is mostly broken and Gozer mentioned it may be turned into a regular storyline mission). Let's hope TOR will do better than that.
- storyline provides a compelling reason to do a quest.
- storyline does not provide a compelling reason to repeat a quest. (branching dialogs are interesting in this respect, you can't branch "that" many times)
The "end-game" is basically the dictionary definition of repetition. If the reason for someone to play a game is just storyline then it's difficult to see how the end-game is ever going to work.
Maybe MMOs are wrong if they focus so much on endgame, and should put out more story? Of course, you can't produce story as fast as people consume it, but maybe that's not a big problem, as long as they come back monthly?
[STO space combat is fun without a plot, the same cannot be said of any form of SWTOR combat that I've played]
I may agree for PvP, but in single player, it gets a little tedious. I flew through tons of Exploration space missions, but in the end, they are much to identical. Fleet Actions may be somewhat better, since there are tons of enemy ships. But still...
The only way to experience SWTOR properly is to role Smuggler or Imperial.
Most republic storylines are awful--and provide little to know incentive to questing.
I'm in a republic guild. My main is republic and 50 smuggler but my next highest is a Sith that's in the 30's. I kind of start forgetting to care about the jedis. Trouble with the Knight story is it gets better by the end of Act 1 because your companion Kira is involved heavily. I was caring more for Kira than my own character who felt like more of the sidekick in the story. Or maybe Kira is just bad*** like Kato in the Green Hornet (Bruce Lee version and later but not those horrid serials I regretted renting from Netflix). Sidekick that becomes the show. lol
The only way to play trooper properly is to jam your blaster down your own throat. The characters aren't consistent within themselves. The quest options you are given to choose don't always match what your character does once you select it. If by 'meaningful choices with consequences" the game designers meant to say "capricious" game design then right on brother! If somehow every trooper in the game running about with Cat Man Doo as his sidekick as each and every one of you are the sole survivor of Havok Squad.......OH WAIT! That is fundamentally held back. Because giving a kid money to flee the planet because he's afraid his parents will be mad at him is somehow a "light side" choice, and reuniting him with his family is somehow a "dark side" choice". Because giving kids scads of cash and leaving them in a sewer system to fend for themselves is also a light side choice.
Right. Its a crappy eighties arcade style space game shooter with some sort of useless MMORPG tacked on.
My Trooper seems consistant 99% of the time.
The only inconsistant thing in the Trooper story is that you sleep with Lt. Jaxo once and then you never see her agian even though she talks about staying in touch haha.
Maybe MMOs are wrong if they focus so much on endgame, and should put out more story? Of course, you can't produce story as fast as people consume it, but maybe that's not a big problem, as long as they come back monthly?
To put out storyline for SWTOR?
- have a storyline arc created, and the specific components written.
- get sciptwriter(s) to create the script.
- get that translated, voice-acted and motion captured.
- then do the bits that every other MMO has to do for new content.
It seems to be the most expensive content to produce... and yet this content is likely to be less 'filling' than the content of other MMOs .
I expect to see less content for SWTOR than other MMOs - which is 'awkward'.
I may agree for PvP, but in single player, it gets a little tedious. I flew through tons of Exploration space missions, but in the end, they are much to identical. Fleet Actions may be somewhat better, since there are tons of enemy ships. But still...
I have to agree - although not due to the combat exactly, more the extreme predictability of the missions.
My biggest complaint with the Republic storylines (mostly the Jedi ones) are that it suffers from Bioware's save/brutally murder the baby kitten syndrome (S/BMtKS for short). Even the Jedi have options that are primarily bend-over-backwards-nice or arrogant douche.
As someone who favors story in roleplaying games, this broke immersion for me. Obi Wan was very pragmatic in the original series: he expressed doubts and was humble without being groveling--in SWTOR, I felt the Jedi storylines lacked this nuance.
My biggest complaint with the Republic storylines (mostly the Jedi ones) are that it suffers from Bioware's save/brutally murder the baby kitten syndrome (S/BMtKS for short). Even the Jedi have options that are primarily bend-over-backwards-nice or arrogant douche.
As someone who favors story in roleplaying games, this broke immersion for me. Obi Wan was very pragmatic in the original series: he expressed doubts and was humble without being groveling--in SWTOR, I felt the Jedi storylines lacked this nuance.
On the other hand, I thought the dialog options I chose for the Knight sounded just like what Obi-Wan would say.
The only inconsistant thing in the Trooper story is that you sleep with Lt. Jaxo once and then you never see her agian even though she talks about staying in touch haha.
On the other hand, I thought the dialog options I chose for the Knight sounded just like what Obi-Wan would say.
I got more of a Qui-Gon Jinn vibe--and by that I mean lack of character development. Whereas Obi Wan (the older) had an air of mystery and wisdom and the younger had brashness and humor, there was very little of that for me.
Admittedly, the storylines may pick up after the first ten or so hours but (this is a big one) most players won't have the patience for it.
I got more of a Qui-Gon Jinn vibe--and by that I mean lack of character development. Whereas Obi Wan (the older) had an air of mystery and wisdom and the younger had brashness and humor, there was very little of that for me.
Admittedly, the storylines may pick up after the first ten or so hours but (this is a big one) most players won't have the patience for it.
Whoa. That description of Obi-Wan actually fits Kira (Jedi Knight companion who is a padawan until the end of Act 1). And Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan's master too as you are to Kira. So many parallels. lol
Whoa. That description of Obi-Wan actually fits Kira (Jedi Knight companion who is a padawan until the end of Act 1). And Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan's master too as you are to Kira. So many parallels. lol
Qui-Gon is also the worst use of Liam Neeson in film ever.
To put things into perspective - STO released the first content also relatively soon after release. The STFs and a new PvP map were added relatively quickly after launch.
The problem is that this PvP map and the STFs are basically the only additions to the respective aspects. (Oh, wait, there is the Terradome STF, which IIRC is mostly broken and Gozer mentioned it may be turned into a regular storyline mission). Let's hope TOR will do better than that.
Maybe MMOs are wrong if they focus so much on endgame, and should put out more story? Of course, you can't produce story as fast as people consume it, but maybe that's not a big problem, as long as they come back monthly?
I may agree for PvP, but in single player, it gets a little tedious. I flew through tons of Exploration space missions, but in the end, they are much to identical. Fleet Actions may be somewhat better, since there are tons of enemy ships. But still...
Yea I know STO cranked out content when it first launched, what I meant as an entirety is that STO "NEEDS" to pull the perverbial finger out its backside and start with new FE's "NOT 2 A YEAR" and end game and much much more to now be more competitive against SWTOR.
Hell in the two years I've played STO I've never rolled a klink due to the sheer off putting by how lame it was to level up and GRIND like im on a uphil excersise bike going nowhere what so ever, F2P has come around and I still have no desire to make one, not even log into my fed, How sad is that cryptic have made me avoid this game for the time being.
It's a major dissapointment to see their No.1 show defect to SWTOR... I sighed at chris's announcement to hiatus stoked, then i thought hang on let me check the other vid's and too my supprise their was a swtor revieew by him, yes he openly mocked it and said he wasnt interested, But to his amazement he actually enjoyed playing it, so to me thats a big sign saying he's lost interest in STO.. Can't say I blame him and the thousands of others now playing it... I'm lucky I enjoy both sides of the coin 80's kid here lol
If something doesn't turn around very soon, this mmo will cease very quickly, which I would hate it to do.
To put out storyline for SWTOR?
- have a storyline arc created, and the specific components written.
- get sciptwriter(s) to create the script.
- get that translated, voice-acted and motion captured.
- then do the bits that every other MMO has to do for new content.
It seems to be the most expensive content to produce... and yet this content is likely to be less 'filling' than the content of other MMOs .
I expect to see less content for SWTOR than other MMOs - which is 'awkward'.
If the subscription numbers are sufficiently high, the expenses can be paid and they can produce as much or even more content than smaller MMOs.
It's not like they can't put out more Raids and stuff as well. If that worked for WoW, maybe it can work for TOR. If it can't work for TOR because players want only story, and story can't be produced fast enough no matter the budget - then a project like TOR will always be damned - And maybe every new MMO that has a large, story-focused following. Be it Startrek, Star Wars, Stargate, Farscape, Andromeda, Babylon 5...
If the subscription numbers are sufficiently high, the expenses can be paid and they can produce as much or even more content than smaller MMOs.
It's very difficult to see the future of SWTOR:
- primarily it's a sharded game, any serious fall in subscriptions can (and usually does) create a self-sustaining collapse ("my server's empty" - merge servers - "game is failing, they're merging servers already!"). [imho sharding is a failed experiment in 2012 unless you create the perfect MMO]
- SWTOR does work as a single-player game, and there are 8 stories - some people will be happy just playing all 8, which could take up to a year, and is less dependent on your server population - which makes the above less important.
- the devs are being responsive to player requests. The downside is that some player requests shouldn't be listened to.
Anyway, I doubt that BW will produce huge quantities of good storyline content - and I don't think that's the answer - but it'll be fascinating to see what happens .
It's not like they can't put out more Raids and stuff as well. If that worked for WoW, maybe it can work for TOR. If it can't work for TOR because players want only story, and story can't be produced fast enough no matter the budget - then a project like TOR will always be damned - And maybe every new MMO that has a large, story-focused following. Be it Startrek, Star Wars, Stargate, Farscape, Andromeda, Babylon 5...
There's nothing wrong with having a strong story, but I think it does need to be coupled with a strong game.
- LOTRO is an example of 'storyline' and 'gameplay' being mostly balanced.
With TOR I just don't think the core game is all that great - but it's been ignored as the storyline is so great.
- the devs are being responsive to player requests. The downside is that some player requests shouldn't be listened to.
Is space combat fixed yet? Or is it still a joke tunnel shooter?
That was one of the longest running threads on the TOR forums before launch, and certainly the most heated. Mainly arguments between people who believe that Star Wars should be a mix of space and ground, and those who believed that Star Wars has nothing to do with space.
Until that issue is addressed, I refuse to believe that the devs are being responsive to anything the players say.
"Space Combat - We will continue to add missions to the space game. We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way... for now the details will have to remain under wraps."
That might mean anything from 'STO-style ship combat' through 'co-op tunnel shooter' to 'ship combat is actually tied into the game somehow'. All would be significant - but not necessarily very good.
That was one of the longest running threads on the TOR forums before launch, and certainly the most heated. Mainly arguments between people who believe that Star Wars should be a mix of space and ground, and those who believed that Star Wars has nothing to do with space.
Until that issue is addressed, I refuse to believe that the devs are being responsive to anything the players say.
I suspect dev time is focused elsewhere... although personally I'd love to see SWTOR ship combat.
"Space Combat - We will continue to add missions to the space game. We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way... for now the details will have to remain under wraps."
That might mean anything from 'STO-style ship combat' through 'co-op tunnel shooter' to 'ship combat is actually tied into the game somehow'. All would be significant - but not necessarily very good.
Anyway, in practice, it's the tunnel shooter.
I suspect dev time is focused elsewhere... although personally I'd love to see SWTOR ship combat.
Thanks Splutter. Pretty much as I feared then. Hopefully their 'secret project' with regards to space combat is a step in the right direction, but I'm not willing to put money on it. A company who decided single player tunnel shooter as the sole representation of space combat in a sci fi MMO with the budget that TOR had was a good idea doesn't really inspire confidence.
10 Char
Right. Its a crappy eighties arcade style space game shooter with some sort of useless MMORPG tacked on.
Okay, I will give you that one...:p
It's an internet forum. We should all realize that anything here is more-or-less opinion. I mean, whether a story is good or not is entirely subjective
True, but re-read your post. Your trying to put people off playing a whole faction based on your "opinion".
Touch of arrogance in your original post methinks
the thing is though, you only have to wait 5 mins before hitting refresh and the threads on page two already
there's that many people on the forums in comparison to this game.
The problem is that this PvP map and the STFs are basically the only additions to the respective aspects. (Oh, wait, there is the Terradome STF, which IIRC is mostly broken and Gozer mentioned it may be turned into a regular storyline mission). Let's hope TOR will do better than that.
Maybe MMOs are wrong if they focus so much on endgame, and should put out more story? Of course, you can't produce story as fast as people consume it, but maybe that's not a big problem, as long as they come back monthly?
I may agree for PvP, but in single player, it gets a little tedious. I flew through tons of Exploration space missions, but in the end, they are much to identical. Fleet Actions may be somewhat better, since there are tons of enemy ships. But still...
I'm in a republic guild. My main is republic and 50 smuggler but my next highest is a Sith that's in the 30's. I kind of start forgetting to care about the jedis. Trouble with the Knight story is it gets better by the end of Act 1 because your companion Kira is involved heavily. I was caring more for Kira than my own character who felt like more of the sidekick in the story. Or maybe Kira is just bad*** like Kato in the Green Hornet (Bruce Lee version and later but not those horrid serials I regretted renting from Netflix). Sidekick that becomes the show. lol
My Trooper seems consistant 99% of the time.
The only inconsistant thing in the Trooper story is that you sleep with Lt. Jaxo once and then you never see her agian even though she talks about staying in touch haha.
To put out storyline for SWTOR?
- have a storyline arc created, and the specific components written.
- get sciptwriter(s) to create the script.
- get that translated, voice-acted and motion captured.
- then do the bits that every other MMO has to do for new content.
It seems to be the most expensive content to produce... and yet this content is likely to be less 'filling' than the content of other MMOs
I expect to see less content for SWTOR than other MMOs - which is 'awkward'.
I have to agree - although not due to the combat exactly, more the extreme predictability of the missions.
As someone who favors story in roleplaying games, this broke immersion for me. Obi Wan was very pragmatic in the original series: he expressed doubts and was humble without being groveling--in SWTOR, I felt the Jedi storylines lacked this nuance.
On the other hand, I thought the dialog options I chose for the Knight sounded just like what Obi-Wan would say.
They come back to the Smuggler. He got game.
Admittedly, the storylines may pick up after the first ten or so hours but (this is a big one) most players won't have the patience for it.
Whoa. That description of Obi-Wan actually fits Kira (Jedi Knight companion who is a padawan until the end of Act 1). And Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan's master too as you are to Kira. So many parallels. lol
Qui-Gon is also the worst use of Liam Neeson in film ever.
Yea I know STO cranked out content when it first launched, what I meant as an entirety is that STO "NEEDS" to pull the perverbial finger out its backside and start with new FE's "NOT 2 A YEAR" and end game and much much more to now be more competitive against SWTOR.
Hell in the two years I've played STO I've never rolled a klink due to the sheer off putting by how lame it was to level up and GRIND like im on a uphil excersise bike going nowhere what so ever, F2P has come around and I still have no desire to make one, not even log into my fed, How sad is that cryptic have made me avoid this game for the time being.
It's a major dissapointment to see their No.1 show defect to SWTOR... I sighed at chris's announcement to hiatus stoked, then i thought hang on let me check the other vid's and too my supprise their was a swtor revieew by him, yes he openly mocked it and said he wasnt interested, But to his amazement he actually enjoyed playing it, so to me thats a big sign saying he's lost interest in STO.. Can't say I blame him and the thousands of others now playing it... I'm lucky I enjoy both sides of the coin 80's kid here lol
If something doesn't turn around very soon, this mmo will cease very quickly, which I would hate it to do.
It's not like they can't put out more Raids and stuff as well. If that worked for WoW, maybe it can work for TOR. If it can't work for TOR because players want only story, and story can't be produced fast enough no matter the budget - then a project like TOR will always be damned - And maybe every new MMO that has a large, story-focused following. Be it Startrek, Star Wars, Stargate, Farscape, Andromeda, Babylon 5...
It's very difficult to see the future of SWTOR:
- primarily it's a sharded game, any serious fall in subscriptions can (and usually does) create a self-sustaining collapse ("my server's empty" - merge servers - "game is failing, they're merging servers already!"). [imho sharding is a failed experiment in 2012 unless you create the perfect MMO]
- SWTOR does work as a single-player game, and there are 8 stories - some people will be happy just playing all 8, which could take up to a year, and is less dependent on your server population - which makes the above less important.
- the devs are being responsive to player requests. The downside is that some player requests shouldn't be listened to.
Anyway, I doubt that BW will produce huge quantities of good storyline content - and I don't think that's the answer - but it'll be fascinating to see what happens
There's nothing wrong with having a strong story, but I think it does need to be coupled with a strong game.
- LOTRO is an example of 'storyline' and 'gameplay' being mostly balanced.
With TOR I just don't think the core game is all that great - but it's been ignored as the storyline is so great.
I guess that means DOOM.
It's still happening at some point in the next few days according to the info on their forums
Is space combat fixed yet? Or is it still a joke tunnel shooter?
That was one of the longest running threads on the TOR forums before launch, and certainly the most heated. Mainly arguments between people who believe that Star Wars should be a mix of space and ground, and those who believed that Star Wars has nothing to do with space.
Until that issue is addressed, I refuse to believe that the devs are being responsive to anything the players say.
I guess the good news from that is that Bioware doesn't want to release new things that are know...
"Space Combat - We will continue to add missions to the space game. We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way... for now the details will have to remain under wraps."
That might mean anything from 'STO-style ship combat' through 'co-op tunnel shooter' to 'ship combat is actually tied into the game somehow'. All would be significant - but not necessarily very good.
Anyway, in practice, it's the tunnel shooter.
I suspect dev time is focused elsewhere... although personally I'd love to see SWTOR ship combat.
What's still happening, the update, or doom?
the update brings the doom
Thanks Splutter. Pretty much as I feared then. Hopefully their 'secret project' with regards to space combat is a step in the right direction, but I'm not willing to put money on it. A company who decided single player tunnel shooter as the sole representation of space combat in a sci fi MMO with the budget that TOR had was a good idea doesn't really inspire confidence.