Amazingly enough the SAME thing happened with WAR (aka WarHammer Online - another EA subsidiary MMO) at about the same time in its early days. I'm still subbed to SWToR myself; but this is business as usual for EA, and is one reason I'm leary as far as how well they'll continue to fund/support th game if it doesn't meet their sub retention critera goals.
I admit, even though we all know this is a mistake as a company is not that stupid to stop people cancelling, it doesn't go down well and is extremely poor on the PR front.
People will use this as another stick to beat TOR with.
Define "more complex crew system" please. I find the crew here very simplistic and zero personality.
Probably he is referring tot he fact that you actually recruit your companions, fully train and customize them, unlike TOR where everyone has the same companions, their customization is very, very limited and so on.
Just because your companions are given several lines of dialogue in TOR, doesn't make up for the fact that there is little much you can do with them.
I realize bugs happen, and if I'm not mistaken something like this even happened here once. But the fact that tomorrow is the end of the free 30 days AND the forum mods are closing threads with a work around just makes the timing too coincidental.
Probably he is referring tot he fact that you actually recruit your companions, fully train and customize them, unlike TOR where everyone has the same companions, their customization is very, very limited and so on.
Just because your companions are given several lines of dialogue in TOR, doesn't make up for the fact that there is little much you can do with them.
Basically subjective and opinion.
They can only support 4 space and 4 ground abilities. Customization unless they are all aliens isn't unlimited either. It's not that "complex" in here either.
I realize bugs happen, and if I'm not mistaken something like this even happened here once. But the fact that tomorrow is the end of the free 30 days AND the forum mods are closing threads with a work around just makes the timing too coincidental.
They actually have gone so far to close all boards to "sanitize" them..
Cause when this was going up you saw how the thread count of many threads just dwindled...
This is either the third or fourth time they've done this (IE disabled posting on their forums) after some issue they don't want to publicize has been brought up on their forums by memebers of the playing playerbase.
Again, can you imagine what wopuld happen here and on other sites if Cryptic pulled this type of thing on the STO or CO forums?
Interesting to see EA/BioWare performing no better (and in some cases MUCH worse on teh support and PR front) then most MMO developers. Again, as a veteran of teh majority of post EQ MMO launches, it's always intereting to see the vatious phases:
1) During beta and run up to launch - disgruntled players from other 'failing' MMOs (and WoW) sing the company's praises - laund all teh positive press releases - and are sure THIS TIME, these guys will 'do it right...'
2) Launch day comes - the usual server issues are encountered and the first stories of the in game support system surface; and some disssapointments are reported, but the faithful hold fast that, in a couple of weeks everything will be great and the game will go on to greatness.
3) Box sales start to decline (and that's happening with SWToR now); and after a few weeks when more of the issues are discovered, and discussed; and some peope find the game is just not their cup of tea (for whatever reason) te faithful forum warriors go on the crusade of: "Issue <X> is nothing - we just have jealous trolls. As for those who don't lime the game? They probably wouldn't know a good game to begin with if they don't see it here."; etc. et al. rampage.
4) Acceptence (still hasn't happened with SWToR yet); in that the majority of the playerbase finally realize this new MMO will have the same type of issues, problems and comments of every other MMO; and the MMO developer is pretty much like teh rest of them.
In the end, the overall gameplay, (not fancy marketing or development/developer hype) and it's ability to attract and retain players will make or break the new MMO overall.
I cancelled my sub to TOR early, I said I'd returned once they fulfilled the MMO part of the game, when I was playing it was a very much single player experience, except you could see all the other people playing THE SAME character as you, having NPCs talk to you was great, but the return of the contextual conversation wheel really frustrated me.
Glad I'm not stuck in the hole many are faced with them hiding the un-subscribe button.
I cancelled my sub to TOR early, I said I'd returned once they fulfilled the MMO part of the game, when I was playing it was a very much single player experience, except you could see all the other people playing THE SAME character as you, having NPCs talk to you was great, but the return of the contextual conversation wheel really frustrated me.
Glad I'm not stuck in the hole many are faced with them hiding the un-subscribe button.
Except for STFs, this game is very solo game as well. So do you hold that against STO or just blinded by fanboi glasses?
Except for STFs, this game is very solo game as well. So do you hold that against STO or just blinded by fanboi glasses?
She doesn't play STO much either so I would say no. And unlike TOR STO doesn't make you rerun some class instances twice because of group makeup or hold your group silent hostages while you run your class conversations.
An MMO designed by a company that specializes in 1 player games that plays like a 1 player game with a lot of other people in your world playing their own 1 player game should not be surprising to anyone.
She doesn't play STO much either so I would say no. And unlike TOR STO doesn't make you rerun some class instances twice because of group makeup or hold your group silent hostages while you run your class conversations.
Now I can't argue the running twice if you are teaming with a same class person for class quests is annoying and should work like the group class quests where everyone gets complete credit. That's one of my top issues with the game.
Now the "hostage" statement isn't as big a deal to me because normally I'm running with another class person. So seeing their story play out isn't a pain as much as it is when running with same class.
I cancelled my sub to TOR early, I said I'd returned once they fulfilled the MMO part of the game, when I was playing it was a very much single player experience, except you could see all the other people playing THE SAME character as you, having NPCs talk to you was great, but the return of the contextual conversation wheel really frustrated me.
Glad I'm not stuck in the hole many are faced with them hiding the un-subscribe button.
Some would say that buying a Lifetime sub to STO back in the day, meant they were stuck in a hole and couldn't unsubscribe;)
Look, in the end, TOR isn't for everyone. I love TOR, it's fullfield a lot of my expectations and I will subscribe again tomorrow no problem at all. I still see tons more for me to do on TOR and it's giving me fun for my buck.
STO when it first came out, I left after week 3. I have come back every so often when a new season comes out, but I still leave a couple of weeks later.
Now that it's f2p, I have 0 issues with STO. I can play (when I download), I can come to the forums to chat, debate, argue, read and that's what I enjoy.
A few people on here are very precious about STO and love to beat TOR because it's seen as the enemy of Trek. I love my Star Wars, I love my Trek, I love my Farscape, I love my Firefly, Stargate, etc etc and they all have a place for me and I want all of them to suceed in games, books, film etc.
But to me, STO is a poor MMo with only 3 things keeping me here, 1. The forums, 2, My defiant, 3, it's f2p. And me thinking it's a poor MMo is not subjective, as the million or so who bought the game and the 100s or 1000s that left after the first month (60k subs possibly) also agreed, leaving behind the lifetimers and the fanatics (I have 12 alts etc)... The not enough money for cups, a content drought, mediocre reviews, the blatent cash grab with the C-store and on on on on also reinforce the fact that this is a C+ MMo.
So yes, TOR isn't without faults, yes, plenty could have been done to mitigate some of the damage it's caused. However, tons are still enjoying the game.
The forums on TOR, as many here like to say, shows how people are not happy with TOR and that it's all doom, yet these are the same people I have read on these forums for the last 2 years, defending Cryptic and saying that these forums are the minority and shouldn't be used as any gage of the game.
An MMO designed by a company that specializes in 1 player games that plays like a 1 player game with a lot of other people in your world playing their own 1 player game should not be surprising to anyone.
An MMo designed by Cryptic, that specializes in good character option, but shallow game play, little content and lots to re-do over and over again for all their MMos, including a cash shop + Subs (starting out)should not be surprising to anyone;)
As it's been said many times before in this long thread... If you like STO, play STO. If you like SWTOR, play SWTOR. If you like them both, play them both. How much better one is compared to the other is subjective to the individual. We don't need to make it even slightly personal.
Wait TOR isn't an MMO? /sarcasm yes was majorly disappointed to see it is really an O.M.G. not an MMO. Not really the OMG experience I was hoping for.
*facepalm* okay, so maybe it is an MMO, it's certainly more deserving of the title than League of Legends... I enjoy the star wars universe loads, I enjoy the Star Trek unvierse loads, I do not really hold either MMO in much esteem though.
I would say SWTOR came through MUCH better though. I would probably re-sub to TOR if the cost came down and the people to play with went up.
Thats cool. I just hope they give space a real makeover soon.
That's true. I kinda like it right now, but I can see it getting stale after a few months of play. It would be more interesting if they took it off the rails and allowed us to go where we wanted, except for in the escort missions obviously
That's true. I kinda like it right now, but I can see it getting stale after a few months of play. It would be more interesting if they took it off the rails and allowed us to go where we wanted, except for in the escort missions obviously
I like it alot, but it just feels like something is missing without a real space game. That being the case, I've decided not to renew my sub beyond the free month and wait on the space expansion. I know the game will be around for a long time and is only going to get better. I just hope its fairly soonish
Also AVal on yT Air Warriors - 3D Animation
Depictions varey do to dedgigation o in game Video rom Era and indvidual rigs
at the time I was using the 3dFX Voodoo3 2000 AGP 16M slot on a
PII Celron 300A over clocked to 450
I like it alot, but it just feels like something is missing without a real space game. That being the case, I've decided not to renew my sub beyond the free month and wait on the space expansion. I know the game will be around for a long time and is only going to get better. I just hope its fairly soonish
I reckon we'll probably see a space expansion within the first 6 months to a year, just a guess though
EDIT: There's a new video up on about future content, including an expanded Legacy System and UI customisation amongst other things
Very interesting video (showjng a lot of features such as Guild Bank and UI customization that IMO they should have LAUNCHED with); but the ONE comment I found interesting and a bit foreboding from the SWToR Dev - the new Level 50 FP that they released with patch 1.1 took over a year for them to do - and that's the SWToR content team - means they better have a lot of those in the pipe or as far as new content goes - it could be a while between mission/FP content updates in SWToR too.
Very interesting video (showjng a lot of features such as Guild Bank and UI customization that IMO they should have LAUNCHED with); but the ONE comment I found interesting and a bit foreboding from the SWToR Dev - the new Level 50 FP that they released with patch 1.1 took over a year for them to do - and that's the SWToR content team - means they better have a lot of those in the pipe or as far as new content goes - it could be a while between mission/FP content updates in SWToR too.
We'll see.
The Dev in the video did mention that the "Rise of the Rakghouls" update is an epic one and that it comes in 2 parts, the last part coming later in the year
I admit, even though we all know this is a mistake as a company is not that stupid to stop people cancelling, it doesn't go down well and is extremely poor on the PR front.
People will use this as another stick to beat TOR with.
My reasons:
More complex crew system
Actual ship piloting
More warzone maps
Better Graphics
Two factions
Eight Classes
Actual Storyline for Crew
More complex crafting
Longer, more numerous PvE missions
More Raids/Instances
Better Sound
Define "more complex crew system" please. I find the crew here very simplistic and zero personality.
Probably he is referring tot he fact that you actually recruit your companions, fully train and customize them, unlike TOR where everyone has the same companions, their customization is very, very limited and so on.
Just because your companions are given several lines of dialogue in TOR, doesn't make up for the fact that there is little much you can do with them.
I realize bugs happen, and if I'm not mistaken something like this even happened here once. But the fact that tomorrow is the end of the free 30 days AND the forum mods are closing threads with a work around just makes the timing too coincidental.
Basically subjective and opinion.
They can only support 4 space and 4 ground abilities. Customization unless they are all aliens isn't unlimited either. It's not that "complex" in here either.
They actually have gone so far to close all boards to "sanitize" them..
Cause when this was going up you saw how the thread count of many threads just dwindled...
This is either the third or fourth time they've done this (IE disabled posting on their forums) after some issue they don't want to publicize has been brought up on their forums by memebers of the playing playerbase.
Again, can you imagine what wopuld happen here and on other sites if Cryptic pulled this type of thing on the STO or CO forums?
Interesting to see EA/BioWare performing no better (and in some cases MUCH worse on teh support and PR front) then most MMO developers. Again, as a veteran of teh majority of post EQ MMO launches, it's always intereting to see the vatious phases:
1) During beta and run up to launch - disgruntled players from other 'failing' MMOs (and WoW) sing the company's praises - laund all teh positive press releases - and are sure THIS TIME, these guys will 'do it right...'
2) Launch day comes - the usual server issues are encountered and the first stories of the in game support system surface; and some disssapointments are reported, but the faithful hold fast that, in a couple of weeks everything will be great and the game will go on to greatness.
3) Box sales start to decline (and that's happening with SWToR now); and after a few weeks when more of the issues are discovered, and discussed; and some peope find the game is just not their cup of tea (for whatever reason) te faithful forum warriors go on the crusade of: "Issue <X> is nothing - we just have jealous trolls. As for those who don't lime the game? They probably wouldn't know a good game to begin with if they don't see it here."; etc. et al. rampage.
4) Acceptence (still hasn't happened with SWToR yet); in that the majority of the playerbase finally realize this new MMO will have the same type of issues, problems and comments of every other MMO; and the MMO developer is pretty much like teh rest of them.
In the end, the overall gameplay, (not fancy marketing or development/developer hype) and it's ability to attract and retain players will make or break the new MMO overall.
Glad I'm not stuck in the hole many are faced with them hiding the un-subscribe button.
Except for STFs, this game is very solo game as well. So do you hold that against STO or just blinded by fanboi glasses?
She doesn't play STO much either so I would say no.
Now I can't argue the running twice if you are teaming with a same class person for class quests is annoying and should work like the group class quests where everyone gets complete credit. That's one of my top issues with the game.
Now the "hostage" statement isn't as big a deal to me because normally I'm running with another class person. So seeing their story play out isn't a pain as much as it is when running with same class.
Some would say that buying a Lifetime sub to STO back in the day, meant they were stuck in a hole and couldn't unsubscribe;)
Look, in the end, TOR isn't for everyone. I love TOR, it's fullfield a lot of my expectations and I will subscribe again tomorrow no problem at all. I still see tons more for me to do on TOR and it's giving me fun for my buck.
STO when it first came out, I left after week 3. I have come back every so often when a new season comes out, but I still leave a couple of weeks later.
Now that it's f2p, I have 0 issues with STO. I can play (when I download), I can come to the forums to chat, debate, argue, read and that's what I enjoy.
A few people on here are very precious about STO and love to beat TOR because it's seen as the enemy of Trek. I love my Star Wars, I love my Trek, I love my Farscape, I love my Firefly, Stargate, etc etc and they all have a place for me and I want all of them to suceed in games, books, film etc.
But to me, STO is a poor MMo with only 3 things keeping me here, 1. The forums, 2, My defiant, 3, it's f2p. And me thinking it's a poor MMo is not subjective, as the million or so who bought the game and the 100s or 1000s that left after the first month (60k subs possibly) also agreed, leaving behind the lifetimers and the fanatics (I have 12 alts etc)... The not enough money for cups, a content drought, mediocre reviews, the blatent cash grab with the C-store and on on on on also reinforce the fact that this is a C+ MMo.
So yes, TOR isn't without faults, yes, plenty could have been done to mitigate some of the damage it's caused. However, tons are still enjoying the game.
The forums on TOR, as many here like to say, shows how people are not happy with TOR and that it's all doom, yet these are the same people I have read on these forums for the last 2 years, defending Cryptic and saying that these forums are the minority and shouldn't be used as any gage of the game.
Gotta love that hypocrisy:)
An MMo designed by Cryptic, that specializes in good character option, but shallow game play, little content and lots to re-do over and over again for all their MMos, including a cash shop + Subs (starting out)should not be surprising to anyone;)
I would say SWTOR came through MUCH better though. I would probably re-sub to TOR if the cost came down and the people to play with went up.
Also found a bit of news on the UK PC Gamer website concerning unsubbing (not that I'm going to for a long while yet)
EDIT: There's a new video up on about future content, including an expanded Legacy System and UI customisation amongst other things
It's also interesting to see how they treat players providing the 'cancel subscription' link to others for whom it dissapeared: (link)
(It's honestly tough to feel at all sorry for EA/BioWare in this situation)
Thats cool. I just hope they give space a real makeover soon.
That's true. I kinda like it right now, but I can see it getting stale after a few months of play. It would be more interesting if they took it off the rails and allowed us to go where we wanted, except for in the escort missions obviously
I like it alot, but it just feels like something is missing without a real space game. That being the case, I've decided not to renew my sub beyond the free month and wait on the space expansion. I know the game will be around for a long time and is only going to get better. I just hope its fairly soonish
We could do with a more flexible small craft flight model here
For Example this Product which was produced in the 90's
by a realitivly small DEV House
Also AVal on yT Air Warriors - 3D Animation
Depictions varey do to dedgigation o in game Video rom Era and indvidual rigs
at the time I was using the 3dFX Voodoo3 2000 AGP 16M slot on a
PII Celron 300A over clocked to 450
I reckon we'll probably see a space expansion within the first 6 months to a year, just a guess though
That video has some of the things they need to address. I'm hoping I'm not maxed out on Legacy before it actually does something.
Very interesting video (showjng a lot of features such as Guild Bank and UI customization that IMO they should have LAUNCHED with); but the ONE comment I found interesting and a bit foreboding from the SWToR Dev - the new Level 50 FP that they released with patch 1.1 took over a year for them to do - and that's the SWToR content team - means they better have a lot of those in the pipe or as far as new content goes - it could be a while between mission/FP content updates in SWToR too.
We'll see.
The Dev in the video did mention that the "Rise of the Rakghouls" update is an epic one and that it comes in 2 parts, the last part coming later in the year