just tried it. It seems to be very broken - most of the time the character display is missing most of the parts.
And its missing all presets in basic mode.
Aside from that it looks just like the old one.
Oh well.
Does "work in progress" mean you do not want error reports on it?
I disagree, on holodeck memory alpha I always end up picking the wrong consoles for mail/r&d/bank because there are 2 sets of the same looking ones that are not the real ones. Having the interact icons means less trying to figure out which item to go to to activate it. also helps sometimes on ground missions (find the correct computer console in a room full of computer consoles!)
Anyway, I liked the first version of the interact symbology, where the line was angled. The straight vertical line "pops" a bit too much and does make it look out of place a bit. Yes I understand that part of the intention was to bring the icon down closer to the console, but see if you can put the angle back into the line.
We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.
Missions are now skippable, however you must skip them in order.
All patrols were updated.
They now scale to the players level.
Mission rewards have been increased.
There are now minimum level requirements for them.
All Fed-side mission rewards now offer scaled rewards of their type.
Any reward item that was previously offered at a specific Mk will now offer the same items at a Mk appropriate to the player's level
Except for unique one-off items such as Paratrinic Shields or Efficient Impulse Engines.
Excelent mission changes, although I still think having then give a small dilithium ore amount for the first initial playthrough would be a good thing (if you want to give a smaller, or no dilithium reward when doing a replay to prevent Dilithium Ore farming, that might work; but at least now, we're not stuck having to do them all for every character or alt we make to unlock later content; and the items we get for doing them will be more usable as they now match a player's level.
This is a realy cool update ... these caught my attention
The skill point cap has been raised by 50 points to account for the new skill structure.
Existing level 51 players will have these points automatically added to their characters. I want to kiss you right now!
Opened up DS9 to the Klingon faction. - About time!
Winters has been replaced by Sulu. :eek: Where is Winters?
That's right, Sulu is back in the game.
Malcolm Sissel now explains where to go for ship selection and costumes.
New signs added to help locate things. really? Nooooooo!
Crafting Event:
Memory Alpha and QonoS crafting stores give a 20% reduction in their cost of unreplicateable materials while the event is running.
Foundry Event:
Players will get additional rewards for playing Foundry missions during this event.
All patrols were updated.
They now scale to the players level.
Updated the trace particle Accolade to show which particles have been collected and which are still needed to complete the Accolade. - This would be cool if I did not already have this accolaide
Tricobalt Devices and High Yield Plasma Torpedoes will now affect foes and yourself - not your allies. - Silly change, should damage everyone ... except when in social areas
Contacts and vendors in social zones now have unique icons to make it easier to tell who sells what.
These icons appear on the map and minimap too. Nice
A minimum level requirement has been added to the episode list. - Very good idea. Can we have a "Preceded by" and "Followed by" please?? Perhaps after completing the mission, you are asked if you want to start the next one if your are at the right level?
The episode list will now scroll to the first active or next available episode.- Yay!
I'm not touching the DOFF system or Borg events until they are live on Holodeck. Wait for the bugs to be ironed out and open it up for Christmas with Snow~*
Nah, I disagree. I know the patrol missions don't have much in the way of storyline, but what is there is pretty heavily geared to defending Federation territory from attackers (generally KDF). And that's notwithstanding patrol missions like resolving that trade dispute with the miners, escorting damaged freighters, and the like.
They'd need a pretty substantial rewrite to be logical, and in my opinion if they're going to do that, they should just build some KDF missions from the ground up, like the Pi Canis missions. It'd take longer to develop, but I would personally find the missions more satisfying.
Your right: 2 missions out of a couple dozen dont actually make sense(the trade dispute and the damaged freighters). However, the storyline of every other mission is simply defending space, which is easily flipped to attacking it. Again, you are right about those 2 specific missions. However trying to imply that they represent the majority to try to make your point is pretty misleading at best. And none of that has anything to do with the fact that the Rom/Card sector missions already work for KDF, since they also fight those 2 factions in their own star clusters.
I disagree, on holodeck memory alpha I always end up picking the wrong consoles for mail/r&d/bank because there are 2 sets of the same looking ones that are not the real ones. Having the interact icons means less trying to figure out which item to go to to activate it. also helps sometimes on ground missions (find the correct computer console in a room full of computer consoles!)
Anyway, I liked the first version of the interact symbology, where the line was angled. The straight vertical line "pops" a bit too much and does make it look out of place a bit. Yes I understand that part of the intention was to bring the icon down closer to the console, but see if you can put the angle back into the line.
Hmm, so you don't want an option to turn off an extra graphic that most people in most situations don't need? How is having an option to turn it off a bad thing? You could still leave it on.
the idea of having signs is good, the holographic feel of them is good, the cartoon artistry of some of them may have been intended but ruins the look of ESD...
some of the vendors have a big square on their heads... some graphical glitch may be present
the interact icon is distracting, i would prefer something less intrusive as an option?
Like the patrol mission changes a lot, and the doff UI changes too well done
Your right: 2 missions out of a couple dozen dont actually make sense(the trade dispute and the damaged freighters). However, the storyline of every other mission is simply defending space, which is easily flipped to attacking it. Again, you are right about those 2 specific missions. However trying to imply that they represent the majority to try to make your point is pretty misleading at best. And none of that has anything to do with the fact that the Rom/Card sector missions already work for KDF, since they also fight those 2 factions in their own star clusters.
Fair enough, I suppose I'm saying while it could be done, I'd prefer they spend time on some new patrols. I suspect there'd be some minor riots around here if the hardcore KDF players even suspect they're getting warmed-over Starfleet missions. :rolleyes:
For THE love of god, can we PLEASE get rid of this stupid interact icon??? It is annoying, looks stupid and when you walk into an area where there is many interactable items, THE STUPIDITY FACTOR MULTIPLIES BY 100!!!!!
At least give us the option to turn it off because graphically it is ruining the game!!!!!!
Maybe it's my video settings, maybe it's just me, but when I first saw those I said to myself "FINALLY I CAN FIND THE FREAKING OBJECTIVES!!!" I love the new "Icon" on stuff. The old "glow" was VERY hard to see sometimes if you didn't know what or where to look. Especially in the super bright alien map that is used for seemingly every single Explore Ground Mission. I'm all for the option to turn them off, but PLEASE don't take them away!
Here we are again with a big set of changes, some good, some not so...
I do like the new log-in screens, though why Atari's name is still there is anybody's guess...
As for the UI update on the Doffs, that's definately an improvement IMO...
Not so sure about the "cartoony" feel of all the signs & interact icons though. It doesn't feel much "trek" like to me... especially that silly "gear-box"...
On the crafting, well I have this to say... I do NOT like it... Talk about over do the "unreplicatable" crafting blocks... To get a Mark XI (eleven) Tricobolt Torpedo we need 42 uncommon, 3 common, & 12 rare of these things, at a total cost of 16,230 Refined Dillithium... I do understand the reasons for adding Dillithium into crafting, (although I don't agree), & yes it solves the "nerf" to Alt / Fleet crafting, but IMO this is not the way to go..
I'm also disappointed that we still can't craft the Har'peng on the Kdf side... Are these going to be added as a reward when the (promised) new Kdf content is released ?? (I'm not holding my breath, as I enjoy life too much)...
Another thing that troubles me is the added one hour "cool-down" timer on the STF's.. thats a backwards step, IMO, given that with the obvious exclusion of "dailies" all other missions can be repeated after thirty minutes.. :eek:
Having had my moan (for the time being) I will add that on the whole, STO is improving & I fully support & applaud the efforts that you guys (Cryptic) are putting in, to make this the game that we all want it to be..
One final observation... I have noticed a discrepancy in the description of Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons & Turrets. Apart from a grammatical error :- a (to) is missing, the info (right-click) on the MkX (ten) Anti-Borg weapons states "Antiproton space weapons have a chance (to) penetrate shields", whereas all other Antiproton space weapons (right-click info) (beam & cannons) state, "Antiproton space weapons have a chance (to) increase your critical severity"... oops...lol....
Oh & btw... If I log out when inside the Kdf Academy, I reappear on the roof when I log back-in... :rolleyes:
Edit.. Now I've had a "play" with the new Doff UI, please make a mention somewhere that we can "double-click" to select / deselect a Doff...
[QUOTE=The Duty Officer UI has been updated based on feedback.◦Tabs are now more clearly labeled
◦The flow for searching, accepting, and turning in missions has been improved.
i disagree that the method for accepting DOFF missions and assigning DOFFs to the missions have been improved.
Before this change i could double click the mission to accept it and start assigning DOFFs, now I can't. Before I could double click on a DOFF to assign them to a mission. Now I can't. These changes make it take longer to work with the DOFF system, I don't consider that an improvement, quiet the opposite actualy.
On a different note, I don't like the icons over the consoles/ interactive items either, and would definitely turn them off given the option.
Changes in the Duty Officer UI look appealing overall, but I feel it lost some of its intuitiveness in the process. What I miss the most is the ability to select something via double-clicking - be it assignment or a duty officer I want moved to/from an assignment.
I'm glad to see Sulu back. Removing him was a mistake, and I'm glad to see this attended to. Sulu just had too much history in STO to be treated the way he was.
Earth Space Dock is undergoing some changes which obviously are a work in progress. Te idea of holographic display looks very promising... but I can only judge that once the placeholders are updated. Also, a lot of ambient sounds are out of whack around there.
Yay for being able to skip missions. The level barrier feels a tad high, though: shouldn't the last Klingon War mission be targeted for level 17 rather than 20? Also, I don't approve how the Romulan content (and others after that) need absolutely follow behind the previous front. A player should have access to the Romulan front (and others) whenever he qualifies for it in level regardless of his progress in the Klingon (or "Previous") storyarcs.
I encourage letting players decide where and when they want to level, especially considering that episodic content is being adjusted to match player level (as well as earned mission loot).
I do like the new backdrop for the Ship customization UI. Now, if only the ship we modified was actually represented in 3d... that'd be awesome (though this makes me wonder how you'd handle the same functionality for K7, Sierra-39 and DS9).
how does the stf lockout effect the mirror missions? are we now just limited to 1 playthrough per event? other than that, the 1 hour time limit seems good imo. it will make people double-think about leaving since they cant just jump into another of the same stf. i dunno if this will actually matter, but, im sure this is the thinking behind it. but yeah, id like to continue doing the mirror events at least 4 times before time runs out. OH and add an additional reward for doing the optional. with a good group you can just maul all the ships in there, and its actually faster to not do the worthless optional.
love the rest of the changes, though i havent seen em yet.
oh and is that a joke or is sulu really missing from ESD? im sure its a joke, but could use some clarification, since the internet doesnt understand sarcasm. also, LOLZ
The new DOff UI *looks* nice, but has some serious functionality flaws:
Can't double-click to accept a mission.
Can't just go down the list assigning DOffs to mission slots, am forced to select each slot and drag someone to it.
Some missions are not listed as unselectable even though I lack the requirements to actually do it.
Here we are again with a big set of changes, some good, some not so...
On the crafting, well I have this to say... I do NOT like it... Talk about over do the "unreplicatable" crafting blocks... To get a Mark XI (eleven) Tricobolt Torpedo we need 42 uncommon, 3 common, & 12 rare of these things, at a total cost of 16,230 Refined Dillithium... I do understand the reasons for adding Dillithium into crafting, (although I don't agree), & yes it solves the "nerf" to Alt / Fleet crafting, but IMO this is not the way to go..
Additionally, when you go to buy these crafting blocks, you have to do so one-at-a-time. Do you know how tediously long it takes to click 'buy' and 'confirm' 67 times for ONE item? Let alone four or more? We should be able to buy these in items in bulk.
Also, did anyone's skills change after the new patch? It removed 10,000+ skill points from my captain and won't let me slot them. I haven't logged back in or tried a retraining token yet to see if that fixes it. Just curious...
It would be interesting if the STF weekend for a particular STF would shorten this cooldown, to maybe 30 minutes.
It would be even more interesting if someone presented a rational reason why there is a cooldown in the first place.
I mean - why does Cryptic care where we grind? I like Cure, I don't like KA. So why can't I just do Cure when I want to instead of having to wait an hour?
Someone replied to this in another thread by saying it was Cryptics way of slowing down STF component harvesting. How? If I do three different STFs in an hour, I get the same Dilithium/ECD rewards I would get by running the same STF three times in an hour.
"All Fed-side mission rewards now offer scaled rewards of their type.
◦Any reward item that was previously offered at a specific Mk will now offer the same items at a Mk appropriate to the player's level"
And its missing all presets in basic mode.
Aside from that it looks just like the old one.
Oh well.
Does "work in progress" mean you do not want error reports on it?
And yet, the login screen still references Atari.
"Marketed and distributed by Atari, Inc., New York, NY. Atari and the Atari logo are trademarks owned by Atari Interactive, Inc."
At some point, someone REALLY ought to consider editing this out.
Any time now.
I disagree, on holodeck memory alpha I always end up picking the wrong consoles for mail/r&d/bank because there are 2 sets of the same looking ones that are not the real ones. Having the interact icons means less trying to figure out which item to go to to activate it. also helps sometimes on ground missions (find the correct computer console in a room full of computer consoles!)
Anyway, I liked the first version of the interact symbology, where the line was angled. The straight vertical line "pops" a bit too much and does make it look out of place a bit. Yes I understand that part of the intention was to bring the icon down closer to the console, but see if you can put the angle back into the line.
Excelent mission changes, although I still think having then give a small dilithium ore amount for the first initial playthrough would be a good thing (if you want to give a smaller, or no dilithium reward when doing a replay to prevent Dilithium Ore farming, that might work; but at least now, we're not stuck having to do them all for every character or alt we make to unlock later content; and the items we get for doing them will be more usable as they now match a player's level.
Question is this because of the skill revamp is it still the same passive power that is being delivered or is this a nerf?...
+5 Starship Shield Efficiency
+5 Starship Engine Efficiency
+5 Starship Energy Weapon Efficiency
+5 Starship Auxiliary Systems Efficiency = +5 Starship Warp Core Efficiency ?
I'm not touching the DOFF system or Borg events until they are live on Holodeck. Wait for the bugs to be ironed out and open it up for Christmas
Your right: 2 missions out of a couple dozen dont actually make sense(the trade dispute and the damaged freighters). However, the storyline of every other mission is simply defending space, which is easily flipped to attacking it. Again, you are right about those 2 specific missions. However trying to imply that they represent the majority to try to make your point is pretty misleading at best. And none of that has anything to do with the fact that the Rom/Card sector missions already work for KDF, since they also fight those 2 factions in their own star clusters.
Hmm, so you don't want an option to turn off an extra graphic that most people in most situations don't need? How is having an option to turn it off a bad thing? You could still leave it on.
some of the vendors have a big square on their heads... some graphical glitch may be present
the interact icon is distracting, i would prefer something less intrusive as an option?
Like the patrol mission changes a lot, and the doff UI changes too well done
Yeah...how about work on getting it into the hands of the Feds first before you start adjusting them.
Fair enough, I suppose I'm saying while it could be done, I'd prefer they spend time on some new patrols. I suspect there'd be some minor riots around here if the hardcore KDF players even suspect they're getting warmed-over Starfleet missions. :rolleyes:
Well, on Tribble there's only one Efficiency skill for all 4 powers. That's why they had to change the trait as well.
Where's Sulu???
Or so the transferred guys can claim the Korotinga that we bought on the tribble server...?
Maybe it's my video settings, maybe it's just me, but when I first saw those I said to myself "FINALLY I CAN FIND THE FREAKING OBJECTIVES!!!" I love the new "Icon" on stuff. The old "glow" was VERY hard to see sometimes if you didn't know what or where to look. Especially in the super bright alien map that is used for seemingly every single Explore Ground Mission. I'm all for the option to turn them off, but PLEASE don't take them away!
I do like the new log-in screens, though why Atari's name is still there is anybody's guess...
As for the UI update on the Doffs, that's definately an improvement IMO...
Not so sure about the "cartoony" feel of all the signs & interact icons though. It doesn't feel much "trek" like to me... especially that silly "gear-box"...
On the crafting, well I have this to say... I do NOT like it... Talk about over do the "unreplicatable" crafting blocks... To get a Mark XI (eleven) Tricobolt Torpedo we need 42 uncommon, 3 common, & 12 rare of these things, at a total cost of 16,230 Refined Dillithium... I do understand the reasons for adding Dillithium into crafting, (although I don't agree), & yes it solves the "nerf" to Alt / Fleet crafting, but IMO this is not the way to go..
I'm also disappointed that we still can't craft the Har'peng on the Kdf side... Are these going to be added as a reward when the (promised)
Another thing that troubles me is the added one hour "cool-down" timer on the STF's.. thats a backwards step, IMO, given that with the obvious exclusion of "dailies" all other missions can be repeated after thirty minutes.. :eek:
Having had my moan (for the time being) I will add that on the whole, STO is improving & I fully support & applaud the efforts that you guys (Cryptic) are putting in, to make this the game that we all want it to be..
One final observation... I have noticed a discrepancy in the description of Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons & Turrets. Apart from a grammatical error :- a (to) is missing, the info (right-click) on the MkX (ten) Anti-Borg weapons states "Antiproton space weapons have a chance (to) penetrate shields", whereas all other Antiproton space weapons (right-click info) (beam & cannons) state, "Antiproton space weapons have a chance (to) increase your critical severity"... oops...lol....
Oh & btw... If I log out when inside the Kdf Academy, I reappear on the roof when I log back-in... :rolleyes:
Edit.. Now I've had a "play" with the new Doff UI, please make a mention somewhere that we can "double-click" to select / deselect a Doff...
◦The flow for searching, accepting, and turning in missions has been improved.
i disagree that the method for accepting DOFF missions and assigning DOFFs to the missions have been improved.
Before this change i could double click the mission to accept it and start assigning DOFFs, now I can't. Before I could double click on a DOFF to assign them to a mission. Now I can't. These changes make it take longer to work with the DOFF system, I don't consider that an improvement, quiet the opposite actualy.
On a different note, I don't like the icons over the consoles/ interactive items either, and would definitely turn them off given the option.
I'm glad to see Sulu back. Removing him was a mistake, and I'm glad to see this attended to. Sulu just had too much history in STO to be treated the way he was.
Earth Space Dock is undergoing some changes which obviously are a work in progress. Te idea of holographic display looks very promising... but I can only judge that once the placeholders are updated. Also, a lot of ambient sounds are out of whack around there.
Yay for being able to skip missions. The level barrier feels a tad high, though: shouldn't the last Klingon War mission be targeted for level 17 rather than 20? Also, I don't approve how the Romulan content (and others after that) need absolutely follow behind the previous front. A player should have access to the Romulan front (and others) whenever he qualifies for it in level regardless of his progress in the Klingon (or "Previous") storyarcs.
I encourage letting players decide where and when they want to level, especially considering that episodic content is being adjusted to match player level (as well as earned mission loot).
I do like the new backdrop for the Ship customization UI. Now, if only the ship we modified was actually represented in 3d... that'd be awesome (though this makes me wonder how you'd handle the same functionality for K7, Sierra-39 and DS9).
love the rest of the changes, though i havent seen em yet.
oh and is that a joke or is sulu really missing from ESD? im sure its a joke, but could use some clarification, since the internet doesnt understand sarcasm. also, LOLZ
Can't double-click to accept a mission.
Can't just go down the list assigning DOffs to mission slots, am forced to select each slot and drag someone to it.
Some missions are not listed as unselectable even though I lack the requirements to actually do it.
It would be interesting if the STF weekend for a particular STF would shorten this cooldown, to maybe 30 minutes.
Additionally, when you go to buy these crafting blocks, you have to do so one-at-a-time. Do you know how tediously long it takes to click 'buy' and 'confirm' 67 times for ONE item? Let alone four or more? We should be able to buy these in items in bulk.
Also, did anyone's skills change after the new patch? It removed 10,000+ skill points from my captain and won't let me slot them. I haven't logged back in or tried a retraining token yet to see if that fixes it. Just curious...
It would be even more interesting if someone presented a rational reason why there is a cooldown in the first place.
I mean - why does Cryptic care where we grind? I like Cure, I don't like KA. So why can't I just do Cure when I want to instead of having to wait an hour?
Someone replied to this in another thread by saying it was Cryptics way of slowing down STF component harvesting. How? If I do three different STFs in an hour, I get the same Dilithium/ECD rewards I would get by running the same STF three times in an hour.
◦Any reward item that was previously offered at a specific Mk will now offer the same items at a Mk appropriate to the player's level"