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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - October 20, 2011



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I just spent an hour reading all these posts and gripes, RATHER THAN PLAYING THE GAME, because the gripes are MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE.

    Now for feedback:

    1. Crafting sucks. remove the dilithium cost and stop trying to fix something until its broken. (Slaps nose with newspaper. NO. )
    2. Reinstate all transwarps on both versions of Excelsior. We paid for it, give it back, stop trying to fix something till its broken. ( Slaps nose again with newspaper. i said NO! )
    3. If your going to make consoles for special powers, i want to be able to trade them back and forth across all my ships! I want my galaxy X to have transwarps, saucer separation, and ablative armor! If im paying for these things, let me sacrifice my console slots and use them!
    4. The new animation for doors and such is ridiculous, there was nothing wrong with the old way, change it back.
    5. I want to be able to have more than 20 active doff missions, increase this to at least 30 or 35.
    6. TOR is right around the corner, people, I am a lifetime subscriber for sto, and i just bought the ultimate edition of TOR. See where my money is going? You better get the tractor beam installed before Tuesday or you're not going to be able to get it back...
    7. If items are so expensive to craft now, will i have to give up my first born for a starbase? Or will a car loan and a lien on my house just about cover it?

    By the Gods, i hope you Devs are reading all this, cuz we are one mad bunch of people. You hear that sound? that's the footfalls of your fan base as we walk away to pick up our lightsabers...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    rbrancher wrote: »
    3. If your going to make consoles for special powers, i want to be able to trade them back and forth across all my ships! I want my galaxy X to have transwarps, saucer separation, and ablative armor!
    Your Cloaking Transwarping Galaxy X is no match for my Saucer-Sep MVAM Ablative Armored Defiant with Vulcan Support Drone, AntiMatter Spread, and Tachyon Detection Grid! Yeah! Get some!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Converting special abilities to consoles already screws with balance enough, allowing people using ships with crappy abilities (varanus, galaxy-r, dkyr, etc...) to drop the ability in exchange for a much more powerful console. Adding extra console slots to Defiant, Galaxy-R, etc WITHOUT turning their special abilities into consoles is just insane. Pure unbalance.

    This just brings me one step closer to a canceled sub. And just to exploit the system, I would continue to play F2P, wasting system resources, without ever spending a single dime in the C-Store or trading my dilithium with someone who did.

    L2Balance, noobs.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    What has been done to crafting is just henious.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Time for my post to join the chorus of angry customers. The whole POINT of CRAFTING is so that you do not have to PAY for the item...you CRAFT it. Charging us to make our own items is the stupidest thing I've seen so far.

    I won't lie, I'm a LT subscriber. One that you could milk for every penny if you stop TRIBBLE things up with this dang dilithium. If you want to charge us for stuff, then be honest about it. We're dorks, not idiots.

    Either way, until you report that you've corrected this ill conceived and wholly moronic marriage between crafting and dilithium, you have made an enemy of me.
    You need to fix this Dilithium problem...because that's exactly what it is, a problem NOT an economy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I like the little chnages...I was resently doing a mission on a planet to scan alien artifact and ti was raining and foggy...before it was sometime hard to see the item and I would scan and sometime miss things, but now they have markers on top...same thing with missions of accessing computers...I use to have a hard time finding the right computer but now it easier.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    [*]T5 Excelsior Retrofit
    • Now comes with an Advanced Transwarp Drive Coil console mod.
    • Console grants Transwarp (but no longer to Sirius, Regulus, or Pi Canis), but also grants a passive bonus to Weapon, Shield, Engine, and Aux Performance Stat.
    • No console slots added.

    "Thank you" for this information .
    Now please tell me why should I purchase another +1 ship from the C-Store , when the ship above (which I purchased in good faith) for certain ability's is getting nerfed .

    No , I'm sorry , "nerfed" is usually meant for powers becoming useless .
    You -- as in Cryptic -- are taking away powers that I paid for .

    If you are doing this , how can we (as customers) know that any of the other "new" +1 ships will still be worth a damn in 6-12 months ?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I am conferting this in to a joke I heard a long time ago

    The player base "Says the Dilithium for crafting is a bad Idea it stinks to high heaven and is a piel of s--t."

    The moderators "Says the player base said Dilithium for crafting is a not so good Idea it smells bad and is exscrument"

    The Developers "Says the mods say The Players say Dilithium for crafting has a heavy oder and is Muner"

    The Managment "Says eveyone thinks the Dilithium for crafting is Fertalize"

    Perfict World "Say it sounds like the Dilithium for crafting is a good Fertalize so it will be good and promote Grouth"

    This Is how S--t Happens
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Crafting systems are to my mind one of the most important economy parts of any MMO and most have real issues in creating a good system.

    The current change to the STO crafting system is a bad move, as crafting should always be based also on tradeable crafting resources. In the end, a crafting system is about player interaction.

    My suggestion to the crafting system woudl be:
    • Change the Refined Dilithium requirement to Dilithium Ore
    • Reduce the Dilithium requirement further (50% of what is currently is especially if you ignore point 1)
    • Make Dilithium Ore tradeable
    • Allow Dilithium Ore to be stored in Fleetbanks

    This would solve the issue people have with teh ore conversion rate per day and allow for a more flexible economy.

    Another idea would be to add a crafting daily mission that gives out some dilitium for crafting three items to counter the cost of crafting by rewarding the actual crafting time spend.

    Crafting like it is not on Tribble is not the right move. Please consider some of the suggested changes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Today was a day of disappointments for me. I get home happy with the notion that despite being a MG1 I should finally raise enough dilithium to get a BG1 ship. I eat straighten things up and sign in just in time to see a notice that the game will be shut down for maintenance in ten minutes, (Boo).

    No biggie. Maybe there will be patch notes. Lo and there they were. In the patch notes I find that I can no longer grind Azlesa for DL, (boo). It's been that way for a few days now so I was a little prepared for that. Oh and look you can now craft even Mk items, (Yea!), but it will cost DL, (Boo). Okay but I have not gotten in game yet so I do not know how much DL. Given all the complaining the community has done about DL though it should not be too bad, right?

    I finally get in game, (Yea!). I grab my ship determined to score as much DL as I can. Stop you should check you DOFFS, (Yea!). Oh look I still need -1marauding before I can rank up, (BOOO! I mean really huge BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!). Given that we have to achive a certain rank in Diplomacy to get all the coolness for testing, and that Marauding is the KDF equivalent to diplomacy this is a double boo.

    I do Pi Cannis sortie Alpha solo and get the optional task. I do Investigate mission reports. I do We Need Breathing Room. I still need about 1000 DL to get that BG1 ship and now I am MG2 (Booo). I won't say how I got it, (because whoever is in charge of the DL economy will nerf it till you get no DL for it. I mean that is how you keep a Kling down, Right?), but I manage to get enough DL to get my ship, (Yea!). Off to the shipyards I go. I get ther and look up the BG ships and lo and behold I suddenly have a ship token, (Boo for wasted effort)! And look I have 2000CP all of a sudden. OMG they must want me to test one of these new ships they shoved onto Tribble before testing on Redshirt, (YEA)! Oh and look they have no LG ships on Tribble for me to buy with those 2000CPs, (truly monstrous BOO!).

    But hey I have some DL now maybe I can craft up some weapons for my ship? 15K DL on top of data mats? (ladies and gentlemen we have gone beyond boo and achieved bronx cheer). Dude we can no longer grind explores for DL and can only get 1440DL once a day for explores and you start even Mk crafting with that high a DL supplement?

    Five yeas to nine boos, (yes the bronx cheer counts as a boo I should have counted it as two really but I was nice)? Yeah I call that a disappointing day. If this was a roller coaster it'd have too many chain lifts without enough drops and whoa bellies.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    wulfman wrote: »
    [*]Make Dilithium Ore tradeable
    [*]Allow Dilithium Ore to be stored in Fleetbanks
    Neither of these can happen, because they would open exactly the avenues for gold farmers that Cryptic has, by design, attempted to seal off with the DL<->CP trading mechanic. If there is ever any mechanism for direct player to player DL transfer, then the entire system goes down the drain as far as doing the one thing it was designed to do.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The good news for PW/Cryptic is that people care enough to get mad. Looking at Tribble as it is, I expect that soon a lot of people will find their passion, and contentment elsewhere.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heezdedjim wrote:
    Neither of these can happen, because they would open exactly the avenues for gold farmers that Cryptic has, by design, attempted to seal off with the DL<->CP trading mechanic. If there is ever any mechanism for direct player to player DL transfer, then the entire system goes down the drain as far as doing the one thing it was designed to do.

    True, but storing and trading ore or even refined Dilithium would be necessary to make crafting viable again. They can adjust the Dilithium cost up and down as much as they like, using a non-tradable resource here is plain and easy BS. It gets even worse when this resource is tied directly to RL money.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    decker999 wrote: »
    True, but storing and trading ore or even refined Dilithium would be necessary to make crafting viable again.
    If crafting requires DL, it is dead, because DL can never become tradeable. The only viable option at this point is remove DL, or replace the DL cost with EC cost in crafting. If they choose to stick with DL, crafting is simply gone from the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heezdedjim wrote:
    If crafting requires DL, it is dead, because DL can never become tradeable. The only viable option at this point is remove DL, or replace the DL cost with EC cost in crafting. If they choose to stick with DL, crafting is simply gone from the game.

    You might see this and all the other players might see this, but obviously Cryptic doesn't. Well, maybe they see but don't care and it's the plan to get a soloplayer grindfest where people aren't able to cooperate with each other even if they want to.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    <Reads Release notes...>
    The T3 Excel gets a TW Console, a Console Slot, and a modest Efficiency Skill buff. You're taking it out of the EC Game Store and putting it in the C-Store making it a P2W Tier+1 ship. So, I guess that's on par. I'm actually ok with that.

    But then Wha-?!? :eek: Why are you nerfing the T5 Excelsior?!? :mad:
    The T5 Excel gets a TW Console, but NO added Console Slot.
    This doesn't appear to be an oversight, rather a conscious intention. Why? Nearly every other C-Store ship got an extra slot, including the T3, why didn't the T5 Excel? This means at the very least I have to lose a bank and/or inventory cell to keep my TW powers, but wait... :mad:

    The T5 Excel loses three TW destinations.
    I just don't even know what to say about this. Please explain it to me. The mass-TW was the whole reason I bought the ship. Sacreligious as it may be, I've never liked the look of the Excelsior! Near as I can figure it's some sort of scam to get me to buy the T3 and, what, lose another slot and/or inventory cell? God if you're going to do that, do it right, and at least throw in an extra Console slot to encourage me to carry both Consoles. :mad:

    So what does that leave me:
    A C-Store ship for which I paid a full-priced $15 of Real World Money that either:
    A) Has no special abilities at all, meaning I got a skin for $15.
    B) To get 2/3 of my TW back I have to give up an existing console to slot the T5 TW Console, and get a negligible boost to ship's power as a consolation.
    C) To get all my TW back, I have to buy another ship, give up another console to slot the T3 TW Console with an even smaller power boost.
    Where's the upside?

    You know, I just can't believe this... I was trying to have hope. I was trying to assume things would get better. But Sweet Jumpin' Jebus on a Pogo Stick!!! - This up/down BS is for the birds... I so want to be happy about the DOff system, about Klingon Acadamy, about the Tour game and STF changes. Heck, prior to this completely unreasonable, unnecessary, and uncool nerf to the Excel, I was even getting on board with the P2W T+1 Ships.

    You see, I've got money to spend. I'm far from rich, but I've got disposable income to pay my share into your coffers. Check my account, you'll see I already have. I was actually getting seduced my your wiley charms and wares. I liked the idea of modualized powers that could be slotted or not. I was planning to buy a couple of those neat new ships Captain Logan has been working on.
    If these Excel changes reach Holodeck, I will NEVER BUY from Cryptic again,
    You will prove that when you buy from Cryptic they sell you X, then later change it to X-z.

    That means no more C-Store purchases here in STO (or in CO), or any other game you ever release. No more multi-hardcopies of new games, no more friend referrals, no more LTS/subs. You don't want to lose a customer like me, I'm just what you want. I've got an addictive personality, I'm a collector (even of digital "things"), and there's that disposable income I mentioned. This isn't a threat. It's a calm promise.
    Do the Right Thing. Fix it:
    Put back all nine TW powers to the T5 Excel.
    Either put the TWs back to being just click powers, or give us an extra Console slot.
    You can take or leave the Performance Skill buff. It's nice to have, but I don't care about it.


    P.S. I was gonna comment on the Dilithium Crafting Fail, but F-it... For now, suffice it to say I'm against it.

    P.P.S. For more changes, and my thoughts on them, click here.

    couldnt have said it better.. exactly my thought
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I think the Transwarp Console should be a Device. No skill bonuses or anything, just a device. A device you can equip on any ship.

    I get why they are removing the Tier 3 Excelsion locations from the Tier 5 - so the Tier 3 console doesn't lose worth later. But the way they do it is bad. It would be better if they gave the Tier 3 locations another perk - say, a faster recharge or somethnig like that for its 3 locations. The bonus isn't that useful anyway with the new transwarp credit sink for transwarping to mission locations.

    The new interact UI is overdone. The gear thingy really doesn't fit.

    Crafting costing Dilithium is a very bad idea. It negates the entire appeal of crafting - a way to earn gear around the regular economy. And not only that - it makes crafting an expensive and time-consuming benefit. Now it's basically just a small rebate on the regular item price. Why bother with all the effort? Basically, learning to craft offers no benefit at all. You may have to grind less Dilithium, but you also can't grind as much either, as you're also grinding anomalies (particularly rare ones that fit what you want to craft!).

    Heck, it's easier to get a decent item via the DOFF system now then with Crafting!

    If you want to make crafting more of a time-sink, here's what you can do:
    1. Introduce crafting times. White Gear 1 minute, Uncommon Gear 15 minutes, Rare Gear 6 hours, Very Rare Gear 1 day.
    2. Introduce a limit of crafting processes going. A character can craft one item on his ship and two items on Memory Alpha.
    3. People can buy additional "craft slots" for Dilithium. These slots come on special consumable item. The consumable item is tradeable for EC, and once consumed, it grants the character an additional crafting slot.
    4. Introduce "Exceptional Schematics" that you can buy for Dilithium or requires Dilithium to be crafted. These schematics work like regular schematics, but they reduce the crafting times by one step, and also all anomaly data and trace cost by one.
    This way, you have crafting more of a time sink, but still leave room for fleet crafters. People can pool resources to buy one fleet member additional crafting slots, or to buy exception schematics to speed up and cheapen crafting for others.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Ok I've been waiting to vent on this you set a cap of 8k Dilithium a day but as a cmdr or even a captin the most you can earn with out doing stf's is 1920 D as a comander and maybe and aditional 480 as captin how do you expect us to aford to craft buy gear or other cool stuff... Ill tell you this If thing keep going the way they are now you will see the same thing happen to STO. that Happned to SWG when they released there New game experince they went from 2 million players to 200k player over the course of 4 weeks and gradualy got it back up to 500k player base the game never recovred. you have folks spending huge sums of money for ship and everything else well ill tell you what People arent going to buy a new ship everytime the hit a new rank because it cost to damn much paying 2000k for a ship is down right silly paying 800 is tough enough for most of us ... but you folk keep up with the way things are going and you see about 80% of your player base go bye bye and you never get them back look at what happend to SWG ... So tread lightly and listen to your players .... you want Dilithium in the game them make it so we can earn it other then stfs or dailys and i dont mean that pittances we get off Doff's Mission .. just think it over you got alot of very upset folks here and they will leave if you keep going down this road...

    Other then that I like the new ships the flight deck carriers are a good ship they could use some Improvments .. the tacyon drones are usless they die to fast and take to long before you can launch a second wave . and the upgrade from the t3 to the t4 ship is not hat great what we get 1 for and 1 aft weapon slot a crapy drone and one cmdr engineer slot .. all in all Id skip buying this ship and stay in the T3..

    Now for the T5 it needs a second hanger to make it compareable to the other carriers After all you gave a second hanger bay to the Fek'lha battle carrier .. the Marauder boarding party is nice but with evert tom TRIBBLE and janeway having a tatical team on board they are usless can you think of some better fixes for this ....

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The excelsior console doesn't matter. You can't use it unless you are in sector space anyway so take it off and replace it with something else during a mission. That ship certainly doesn't need a new console spot since it never lost one to begin with. There are so many other far more important issues than that console (which is actually a small buff).

    Oh, and having looked a bit more closely at crafting... it's awful.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I get why they are removing the Tier 3 Excelsion locations from the Tier 5 - so the Tier 3 console doesn't lose worth later
    Even if this is plausible, it's still incredibly stupid to eat two console slots for what used to take none, and require T5 owners to buy a ship they don't want, in order to get something they already own. The correct answer is to just roll this entire change back and leave the TW powers as innate features of the ships, which do not require any slot at all.

    The power bonus is useless, so the console adds NOTHING to those that are now saddled with it. And TW is not a combat ability, so there is no logical reason that it has to be console-ified for the sake of balance. This is also the only power that is duplicated in less and more powerful forms on two ships in the same line (with the same skin even). And neither ship was ever console gimped by this power to begin with. So there was no legitimate gripe that the ship was gimped in return for a mediocre combat ability that people might not always want to use, which was the basic reason all the other special power ships got console-ified in the first place.

    The real problem here is that there was no problem to solve, but they had to create one by "fixing" this, because someone just got carried away with this notion of everything being a console. The bottom line is it was just a dumb move, and it's a ripoff for existing owners, that does nothing to improve either the T3 or the T5 ship for ANYONE in ANY situation, ever. Putting it back the way it was restores the full value of both ships, loses nothing in terms of features or value to the consoleified version, and doesn't TRIBBLE people who already own either or both ships.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    The power bonus is useless, so the console adds NOTHING to those that are now saddled with it.
    A regular Engineering Console at endgame brings you +7 to your energy, the performance bonuses about +4. They could simply raise the bonus a little. If it reaches +6, it would start being worth it, as you also get the improvement of your engineering skills out of it. (THough the Efficiency Console seems more attractive, as it would boost the Emergency Powers.)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    IMHO the interact cog wheels make the game look broken just stick the the shimmering effect and the moving mouths on the npc now that's just disturbing it really freaks me out it doesn't seem natural
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heezdedjim wrote:
    The real problem here is that there was no problem to solve, but they had to create one by "fixing" this, because someone just got carried away with this notion of everything being a console. The bottom line is it was just a dumb move, and it's a ripoff for existing owners, that does nothing to improve either the T3 or the T5 ship for ANYONE in ANY situation, ever. Putting it back the way it was restores the full value of both ships, loses nothing in terms of features or value to the consoleified version, and doesn't TRIBBLE people who already own either or both ships.

    I think some of you are being very silly about this. The more consoles and equipment, the better!

    I'd rather crafting had greater use of rare to find materials though, instead of dilithium.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    A regular Engineering Console at endgame brings you +7 to your energy, the performance bonuses about +4. They could simply raise the bonus a little. If it reaches +6, it would start being worth it, as you also get the improvement of your engineering skills out of it. (THough the Efficiency Console seems more attractive, as it would boost the Emergency Powers.)

    I actually tried this last night and it does grant (or it did for me at least) 7 points of power. I'll paste the post below with the numbers.
    Militis wrote:
    I've just had a look on Tribble to see exactly what this console does for power levels. I tried both the T3 and the T5 consoles on the same ship (T5 Excelsior, 9 in all Efficiency skills except Weapons, 9 in Shields and Engine performance, 5 in Aux and Weapons performance with one efficient BOff and no space traits on the Captain). the ship was equipped with a full Borg set and a single Mk XI uncommon Injector Assembly.
    Power levels were set to 100/25/50/25 and read as follows before consoles;


    The T3 Console added a couple of points of power in total and raised them to;


    The T5 console was then added. This gave the following power levels;


    An increase of 7 points in total, plus the transwarps plus the increases to Engineering skills. If I could use this console on my Galaxy R I'd be more than happy to ditch the Halon console for which I gain a huge 850HP over 15 seconds and one point of resistance for the duration.
    If it's just about losing the console slot then I can't agree there either. Every ship is going to be losing a console slot to use the special ability, although the Excelsior will be losing a console and ships like the Galaxy R will gain a slot to accommodate the console the Excelsior was always the outlier, even the Defiant R was short a console to house the cloak. I really can't see why these consoles are considered weak.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Well, great news, i had no crashes yet.
    Would be very nice, if that could stay a while
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ellbristow wrote: »
    Crafting should be:

    Learn Crafting Skills
    Choose what to make
    Make or buy schematic
    Get components (samples and items)

    no other game I know of makes you spend any type of currency to craft items

    Add to that the fact that the Dilithium pricing is ludicrous (such that many will likely never be able to afford to craft a full set of items)

    Crafting = Dead (I certainly don't do it any more... and now my fleet crafters refuse to do it too!)

    Pretty much every game makes this, but its harder to notice.

    Dilithium = time we have heard that countless times.
    In other games its just disguised better. In the run of the mil MMO rpg you need some sort of rare ingredient to craft this item. It has a certain drop chance on a certain mob in a certain place and you need to invest a certain ammount of time to get it.

    The only difference is in the item system you have a chance of insta drop or you can't have a drop for ages, with the dil system everyone knows the exact time they need to spent.

    Its the same system, just different means how they do it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hornet331 wrote: »
    Pretty much every game makes this, but its harder to notice.

    Dilithium = time we have heard that countless times.
    In other games its just disguised better. In the run of the mil MMO rpg you need some sort of rare ingredient to craft this item. It has a certain drop chance on a certain mob in a certain place and you need to invest a certain ammount of time to get it.

    The only difference is in the item system you have a chance of insta drop or you can't have a drop for ages, with the dil system everyone knows the exact time they need to spent.

    Its the same system, just different means how they do it.

    See that's exactly what I thought those rare data sample we almost never get were for in the first place. Now we have time*2, (Rare trace sample like duderons and antithorons plus dilithium), for rare and very rare crafted even Mk items. So time was already factored into the original crafting system and hidden so well it slipped your notice.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    So I understand why you nuked crafting but it seems like you guys over there at cryptic could have come up with a much better idea. I mean seriously did anyone put some thought into how this is going to affect fleets and the crafters themselves. I can understand wanting to control what players make, but how about adding in more rare samples to to the cost, or heck, even make it a daily thing that is linked to your crafting level, or even your statis as a silver or gold player...ie you can craft maybe 3 to 4 purple items a day at max level or as a gold player you can craft a certin amount but silver players can only craft 1 a day or something. Maybe even limit the crafting of the purple items to a certin data sample you can collect once a day. Making this cost dilithum is a bad idea and basically just screws over the crafters since you can't trade dil all the burden is on the crafter. Crafting is a key part of any MMO and for so long STO really screwed over anyone who wanted to craft or make decent items in crafting. Finially crafting got good with season 2 way back in the day, seems to me Crafting should be expanded not nurffed to ++++ like it looks like your trying to do now. I just hope all of the crafters out there and every fleet that uses crafting will rise up and let the Dev's and staff at cryptic know what a crappy idea this is!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Since my last post I've been giving crafting some thought.... and here's what i think should have been done:

    All crafting should require:

    1) Common samples to create the starting item (or THE item if you want to craft a common item)
    for example:
    10 reds create a schematic
    Schematic plus 10 energy reds creates MkI ground shield (higher level samples create higher Mk items)
    Schematic plus 20 energy reds creates MkI Ship Shield

    2) Rare samples to add characteristics, for example:
    Anyon adds [DMG]
    Antithoron adds [CAP]
    so you can choose what characteristics your crafted item receives

    If you HAVE to add dilithium into the mix, BAN samples from the exchange and make them purchaseable for Dilithium from the vendor in Memory Alpha (meaning people have to continue going to MA after they find a way to let us craft on our ships/starbases)

    edit: also this means that there is no need for a dilithium reward on the exploration missions
    edit: edit: Thinking about it, schematics could be purchaseable for Dilithium too, problem 1/2 solved

    This way Dilithium is NOT compulsory, but continues to be the pay to win element they want it to be (C-Point exchange)

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Elnoble wrote: »
    couldnt have said it better.. exactly my thought
    Thanks. :o
    Heezdedjim wrote: »
    Even if this is plausible, it's still incredibly stupid to eat two console slots for what used to take none, and require T5 owners to buy a ship they don't want, in order to get something they already own. The correct answer is to just roll this entire change back and leave the TW powers as innate features of the ships, which do not require any slot at all...

    ...The real problem here is that there was no problem to solve, but they had to create one by "fixing" this, because someone just got carried away with this notion of everything being a console. The bottom line is it was just a dumb move, and it's a ripoff for existing owners, that does nothing to improve either the T3 or the T5 ship for ANYONE in ANY situation, ever. Putting it back the way it was restores the full value of both ships, loses nothing in terms of features or value to the consoleified version, and doesn't TRIBBLE people who already own either or both ships.
    Thanks Heezdedjim. You've hit the nail on the head.
    Cryptic, if these T5 Excelsior changes reach Holodeck, I will NEVER BUY from you again.
    You will prove that when you buy from Cryptic they sell you X, then later change it to X-z.
    Do the Right Thing and Fix it:
    Put back all nine TW powers to the T5 Excel.
    Either put the TWs back to being just click powers, or give us an extra Console slot.
    You can take or leave the Performance Skill buff. It's nice to have, but I don't care about it.
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